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Horde without Sylvanas
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Does that mean alliance is the white right wing faction?
>sylvanas was holding back a greater evil
classic wow storytelling
hordehomos...whats happening out there?
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>meanwhile in Stormwind
trannies cant have children so this is obviously a horde falsefag operation
>trans children
So it's an adult who was born in the wrong body and their real body is that of a child?
She loves what now?
Didn't all the tranny censoring happen in Shadowlands, when Sylvanas was literally the face of the story and she pretty much got away with all her crimes because "I was brainwashed"?
>it's "pride" month
Wasn't last month pride month? And the month before that? Is every month pride month now?
Nope, it is only consequences of already shit things going on for a while. Most notable shit is traitorous Saurfang.
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Horde died with Garrosh
Alliance died with Varian
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No I'm right, 9.1.5 was literally the patch where the trannies ran amok with censoring things pertaining to women, tranny humor, etc.
Again, the same expansion where Sylvanas was the face of the story.
I can't believe the game where nearly all races are intentionally ugly as fuck despite the world itself being beautiful, and even the elves have off-putting hyper animal ears, is full of fags
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America is such a gay shithole

Literally ground zero
Why are Jews always pedos?
Vol'jin did nothing wrong until his death. Sylvanas' Horde was relatively dope too. "Democracy" shit, that had began with that traitor Saurfang, was the worst shit ever happening to Horde.
No, alliance had dwarfs lgbtq+ parades before horde copied it with trolls
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>Vol'jin did nothing wrong until his death. Sylvanas' Horde was relatively dope too. "Democracy" shit, that had began with that traitor Saurfang, was the worst shit ever happening to Horde.
Garrosh was literally the first sjw in warcraft
>Couldn't take criticism
>massive daddy issues
>couldn't accept any responsability for his actions
>invited black orcs into horde and tried to replace native people with them, because they were cheaper and listened to him
Imagine still playing mmo tranny slop
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What this anon said
no it's just groomer newspeak attempting to kidnap your children into their death cult
Entire reason Sylvanas has been dunked into irredeemable evil through BfA is because she was a very good leader in Legion. And "redemtion arc" was an attempt to rewrite the character for "modern audience" and to get back some of the older audience (that left after Sylvanas had been "removed"). Sylvanas as Horde leader was too good for modern shit.
danuser, please...
>Very good leader in Legion
>Does some shady shit with helya in the second zone
>Dip for literally the entire rest of the expansion
Nigga wut?
One thing that will never not make me die of laughter is the horde bing lead by a council but the Alliance having a blue warchief.

Betauser and golden's last great fuck up aside, this is what they always should have been:
>Aliiance is more powerful but rigid and reactive because of the leadership council and bickering.
>Horde is leaner and more agile but hugely lacking in numbers
>faction is named horde and takes inspiration after golden horde, with core members being warlike savage nomads
>it doesn't function like a horde at all
what le fuck?
Grandma would never say this.
>lacking in numbers
At the start of wow the horde were
> The ten tauren that survived the centaur holocaust
>Vol'jins 14 troll cousins
>Thrall's 50 interment camp orcs
>Slyvanas' unreplaceable forsaken
>Rexxar's 4 ogres.

OOU the horde only outnumber the alliance near the 2/3rds part of TBC because of belfs and broken racials, which blizzard had a decade to fix but never did.
>all EPIC conflict was just two big villages trying to beat the shit out of each other
>mighty demons and gods had lost to mere shitty country bumpking from the nearest hill
>game is called warcraft
>there is no actual war

>game is fantasy genre
>it's just california with dragons and magic
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Garrosh would never have let this happen.
hate to burst your bubble but orcs were cooler than alliance since WC2
blaming it on racials and blood elves is cope
remember when the Horde would eat people and make a path of glory made from their shattered bones?
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>weird freak menagrie has no players in vanilla
>Ad fucking white elves and buff the racial
>magically population raises 3x in a patch
>It...its because of WCII (a game, despite my love for it, basically no one who played wow played)
Get him another dose
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Sadly this is why playable ogres will never be a thing. Most players dislike monster races and would rather play yet another new elf race with no lore.
or a new furry race
hell i'd settle for a centaur, not the new gay ones but the smelly mongolian raiders
The new gay ones are shit and make no sense.
But you know the og centaur are literally retarded deformed magic clones right?
so? i'm deformed too but i can't cast spells or use mortal strike on people i don't like
I can't believe people seriously thought Nagas, snake people with weird heads, no feet and no way to wear pants would ever become a playble race.
>muh vanilla was ebin alliance
LOTR faggots infested it, you couldn't say "Hey Legolas" without 10 different faggot elves responding
Horde had none of that shit
mechagnomes can't wear pants or gloves
dracthyr can't wear any armor except shoulderpads
worgen have weird heads so that's never stopped blizzard, and they give nagas armor and helmets anyway so whatever
also mechagnomes
>dracthyr can't wear any armor except shoulderpads

To this day I am still in disbelief that dracthyr ever got approved as a race. Without a doubt the worst playable race ever added. And the worst thing is we will never, ever get playable drakonids like picrel because the ship has already sailed for a dragon race and a dragon-themed expansion.
Dont forget all the elves named Drizzt
why are there so many trannies everywhere? It's actually insane. There are more trannies now than where there was legitimately widespread acceptance of femboys.
all the normal people either left or were chased away
the number of trannies is same, it's just that they stand out much more now
There are human rights in this setting?
>tfw in your language Drizzt sounds like the word for liquid diarrhea shitting process, so translators had to rename him into Dzirt
Yes and they extend to everyone, especially trans kid, chud.
>Literally ground zero
came from europe dumb niggermutt
Is that an actual NPC or a player talking?
pretty sure it's a private server and some fagdmin made an npc say it with a command line
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>private server
Its on Argent Dawn EU so its gotta be a player
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that's not even the worst part
SOUL vs soulless
its beyond cringe
removing the sacred samwise icon is sacrilige of the highest order
>Argent Dawn
The Balmung of WoW EU.
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>Running of the Trolls
>To celeberate pride
Top kek
RTS only chad here
How did Sylavanus even become horde leader to begin with? Why? She was just like some random dude Arthas went "wow ur pretty good now ur undead lol" in the RTS, she barely mattered at all
Half of tft undead campaign was from her pov, you never played warcraft 3, now fuck off
Thrall turns pseudo-hippie, Vol'Jin is dead, fucking cows aren't to be trusted and are weed-smoking hippies too, belves are Alliance traitors, other orcs will lead to Garrosh situation again, other trolls are too inexperienced.
And she did nothing of value
She was a random dude arthas sent off
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>"Sylvanas has become the first female warchief, and she was proud of it!"
I kid you not this is an actual quote from the novel written by this gremlin who also ranted on social media about problematic toxic masculinity.
Why do so many trannies, actual women, and leftists play MMOs?
WOW is the most normalfag game imaginable.
>Neither lost in single combat in their whole lives
>Never actually fought eachother

It's not fair...
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kill all lgbhiv+ faggots
Not really, they fought each other in books more than enough
Garrosh lost everytime and run away while leaving horde grunts to be slaughtered by alliance
Jesus christ he's fucking ugly. totally uncanny valley vibes
>10 years
no, it's the horde without garrosh
He literally tried to flood horde with blacks and replace native citizens
Why are we still here.. just to suffer?

still better than faggots
she smashed the arcane ceiling
>First female warchief
>Third person to ever be Warchief, since Thrall literally founded the Horde a few decades ago and was in charge for most of that time

They didn't put any thought into this at all, did they?
>Third person to ever be Warchief
You're forgetting Blackhand, Doomhammer, Ner'zhul and Vol'jin or Garrosh.
>Thrall just sits on his ass in vanilla wow
>TBC Thrall finds whiny faggot called Garrosh who is the son of Grommash the destroyer demons, chopper of woods
>Thrall somewhat succeeds in making Garrosh less of whiny faggot, said whiny faggot repays it by challenging Thrall for the leadership of the Horde in Orgrimmar Arena, nearly wins gets interrupted by Scourge attacking the city
>wotlk rolls in, Garrosh is no longer whiny just colossal faggot
>Pre-cata events
>Thrall fucks off to save the world, leaves Garrosh in charge
>other leaders don't trust him, Cairne and Garrosh decided on a duel, Cairne has the upper hand but Garrosh wins because his weapon was poisoned by rival tauren clan who wanted Cairne dead, Garrosh doesn't particularly care
>Cata, calls Sylvanas a bitch, tries to wage war against alliance for territory, somewhat successful
>Mists of Pandaria, Garrosh goes full schizo, every artifact, war machine dug up or developed to win the war to the point of corrupting his own people like his father did at the start, rebukes everyone but orcs, gets defeated, Voljin becomes the leader, peace between factions
>WoD, Garrosh escapes, finds daddy, dies, Voljin does nothing
>Legion rolls in, alliance scouts fuck up and fail to report obvious trap, alliance loses king, horde loses Voljin, Sylvanas becomes leader after Voljin endorses her
Never compare the OG gigachad horde to the cuck Thrall new horde ever again.
Also antifa Vol'Jin was so utterly and completely useless he is not even worth mentioning.
The Old Horde was still around in Vanilla.
Thrall had you go murder them.
your waifu is a stinking pile of dung danuser, just give up you are not convincing anyone
Why do trannies ruin everything? Can't they control themselves? No one would mind them if they just shut the fuck up
Thrall's horde. I did forget about Vol'jin being warchief for three seconds though yes, mb
It is pretty clear in Tides of War that they were setting up Baine to be warchief because he is a major character in the book and the first one to speak out against Garrosh meanwhile Vol'jin does pretty much nothing.

I think they changed it from Baine to Vol'jin at some point during early Pandaria, maybe 5.1 or 5.2, because the players liked Vol'jin more.
That hasn't been true since warcraft 2
Live and let live.
thanks for sharing, very cool
no really, where was I simping for that cunt
Yeah okay wanna tell me about Palpatine and Qui-gon's duels in the novelizations of star wars next
you're not as smart as you think you are
if they shut the fuck up, they will not be able to pressure people into letting them be around their kids.

you see, troons spread like a cancer. the way they make more troons is by molesting children. so really, the fact that you arent killing troons, means you are basically a pedophile allowing this to happen.
No way players would accept Baine as their warchief
Dude literally expelled from mulgore every single tauren who protected wall from alliance, blamed his father for building wall because it provoked alliance to siege it, and literally provided alliance with all plans and routes forces under his command would follow, so they could make ambushes and kill them easily
While first thing VolJin did after waking up from being stabbed bu garrosh agents? Told players to go find bells for Garrosh, because alliance winning war would be worse and his petty bengeance can wait
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whatever faggot be grateful I took my time to write the verbal diarrhea that is wow timeline
say something negative about vulpera race
They are too agressive and full of toxic masculinity, don't fit post sylvanas horde at all
quit in legion how the fuck should I know
it's furfag race
I used to play on the realm kek
They're disgusting little thieves and their models are very transparently based off of goblins, giving them comical pouch-bellies and stubby limbs that OOG art never reflects.
baine is saddled with being non-toxic by dumb woman writers which means despite looking like a warrior he behaves like a mopey woman
Sylvanas was ruined by Danuser. :(
Holy shit self-hating cow
That's just dastardly
due to their high sex drives they can become a nuisance to other races
>self hating feather single-handedly giving all of his enemies the blueprints to ruin his race
literally why the commiefornians who write this game love him so much. he's everything they love and more.
>baine is saddled with being non-toxic by dumb woman writers
Not really, said woman writer also wrote voljin as someone who would gladly kill alliance in revenge and was surprised of how much pussy baine is
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>mfw I was actually enjoying Dragonflight and then got to the Centaur part
Can I just skip these faggots?
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baine got a quest line where he learned from a strong female centaur not to be centaur racist anymore, probably the biggest cuck in all of wow
Reminder that chuddies are trannies in denial, which is why they're so obsessed with them.
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>fans assuming that he would be a "pretty cool guy" similar to his father
>everyone gets sent to the afterlife for a whole expansion
>Cairne not mentioned once while Baine literally sits in a corner
>Jaina never gets to be tormented by her father for betraying humanity because of her lust for thralls dick
>Varian and Saurfang only appear as memories in a random 'believe in yourself!' cutscene instead of being actually involved
>zero big name warcraft 1/2 villains (e.g. gul'dan, cho'gall, ner'zhul) show up despite being directly linked to the super epic j'lor master plan
>Broxigar completely memory holed despite being the most important orc in history
Everything about shadowlands was such a waste holy shit, at least garrosh had a dignified ending from this smoking crater of a franchise
Too cool for faggots.
>Jaina never gets to be tormented by her father
Mentioning him is taboo now.
>Varian and Saurfang only appear as memories
Varian is too cool for modern faggots, Saurfang is a fucking traitor.
Got illidaned when his skull was eaten, alt one got illidaned directly.
Too much appearance of an alternative one - fuck this shit with parallel universes.
Sits inside Arthas.
Literally who from secondary book.
The centaur zone was the first time I ever in all of wows history stopped reading quest text and then quit soon after, the flying was fun but the world is so compromised by so much Californian LGHDTV shit that you just can't ignore it and the suspension of disbelief was gone
I think the straw that really broke the camels back for me was sindragosa being retconned as a black woman despite every previous blue being depicted as a pale as fuck elf
>Jaina never gets to be tormented by her father for betraying humanity because of her lust for thralls dick
wasn't that her entire arc in BFA already
Feel the pain of Bordelands fans, who got their sequel turned into shitty drama and every next game into LGBTBBQ unplayable atrocity solely because of the writing.
i would rather jaina just disappear at this point, her and other cunts have been omnipresent for years
>arthas turned into a tiny floating sperm
>uther doesn't say a word to him
>jaina doesn't say a word to him
>sylvanus berates and tell him to fuck off in front of everyone
>they turn crown of domination into burger king crown
>new tranny death god wears it and judges all souls from now on
Saurfang was loyal to the horde and sylvanas was the traitor
I guess I could see Illidan having exploded alt gul'dans very soul in legion since he's about that but the whole shadow council were done dirty when there could have been some great afterlife shit with them
Broxigar fought sargeras through a portal and saved the world, if it wasn't for him azeroth would be another lifeless husk, he doesn't even get a mention in shadowlands
Her entire muh guilt arc in BFA with everyone giving her warm hugs and gay shit like that yeah
We coulda gone full ghost pirate and thousand year curse shit but instead nothing FUCK I hate how gay and toothless modern wow is
Demons are real.
>Saurfang was loyal to the horde
Ah, so that's why he, instead of gathering his own allies and pulling "Vol'jin vs Garrosh" just went and surrendered to the Alliance, returning wearing Alliance's fucking colors.
yeah bro sabotaging your own side in a war is true honor
it's all such a spiteful fuck you to everyone it just becomes a yawnfest. whoever pulls the strings and made this happen must have a sad life is all I really thought; not even mad, just indifference
>t. Seething undead players
I'm glad that the undercity was glassed.
Undercity got better fate, than Orgrimmar.
I'm guessing it has rainbow flags hanging off every wall at this point

This is how it should have ended.
>sindragosa being retconned as a black woman
>every previous blue being depicted as a pale as fuck elf
Unless she herself was depicted as a pale elf before that isn't a retcon. I'm more bitter about the random race changes Stormwind NPCs received instead of, y'know, renaming them so they could be "new" characters with the same IDs.
Now i can make jokes about dead troons officially?
>Saurfang was loyal to the horde
the worst part is they made saurfang the effeminate frowning crybaby that feminist writers do to every male, nazgrim has the exact same arc but keeps his balls

don't worry. all the fags are about to get free helicopter rides after Islam takes over. Inshallah.
No, wait, about dead troons with rotting bodies.
How long until first m-to-f Pudgette? You would not deny them this opportunity?
MMOs never woulda took off if it weren't for players like this. Just completely unapologetic in their enjoyment of the world they're inhabiting.
If you want to split hairs then sure, but end of the day there's enough of a pattern in the rest of dragonflight that you know she and the main nigger elf for the expedition were done on purpose for diversity points like how every ginger in movies/TV now gets race swapped to black
It's all so fucking tiresome and inconsistent and obviously put there by people who don't give a fuck about warcraft and all they see is their shitty California politics
>Historic female accomplishments!
>Also, portals to multidimensional hell, infinite demons, wars waging across multiple wars, and whatever the fuck else has been happening in the last few expansions
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Bad Black Cows clan (BBC clan, if you will) aren't to be trusted.
All the other cows are the ones dishonoring Cairne's name by being gay hippies instead.
At least get your racism right, anon.
Arthas: "What the hell are they?"
Anub'arak: "They are the horrors the old guard spoke of. I thought they were only legends."
King Arthas: "What?"
Anub'arak: "They are the modern WoW writing team..."
Arthas: "It cannot be..."
Anub'rak: "A Danuser one. Look to your favorite characters, death knight! Fight as you've never fought before!"
People say Samwise and Frodo have the best bromance, I say it's Kel'Thuzad and Arthas
See >>681391928 these are the people who hate modern wow
Think about it, do you really want to be in same group as faggots like that?
All and any groups of faggots, including those, who make modern WoW, like modern WoW or plays modern WoW, are groups of faggots. Spurring any interest toward modern WoW is a faggotry in itself.
Ayo why dey gotta make the trolls da joggers? Das raycist!
Jesus fuck this forced real-life political bull shit in games is starting to really tire me out
Its the opposite of "forced" its a community event.
Also its sad that conservatives have to make LGBT rights "political". They don't need to be, imho
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Please stop lying, anon. It makes you look stupid.
Sylvanas becoming a cartoon villain was especially frustrating because she had so much potential. She begrudgingly joined the Horde for the betterment of the Forsaken, but has never really cared about the Horde, and her becoming warchief was a great opportunity for some development.
Instead she gets to be the next batshit crazy Horde leader and even THAT doesn’t get a satisfying conclusion. Shadowlands was so fucking bad.
Absolutely correct take. LGBT rights don't need to be.
Where is the lie? Leave LGBT people alone and let them live their lives without flipping out and screeching every time you see a rainbow flag
You can't live without hanging rainbow flags everywhere and grooming minors?
lame bait
Right after LGBFaggots will leave rainbow alone and will stop associating after-rain illusion with their disgusting perversions.
>Grooming minors
Existing in public is not grooming minors.

>Disgusting perversions
This is how I know you are just a schizo
People were happy leaving you alone and then giving you the right to marry
but that wasn't enough was it?
>anon says two characters are homies
>other anon can't stop seeing fags in everything, can't conceive the idea of two guys having each others back since he's never had a friend in his life
lmoa, wow is a tepid fag parade but you deserve it
>Horde without thrall
>People were happy leaving you alone
Conservatives were not and are not happy about the right of LGBT to get married.
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Thrall cheated
And you had to start touching children because the big bad conservatives annoyed you?
>>anon says two characters are homies
No, anon said retarded shit in vein
>tolkien writing is garbage muh arthas and keltuzad are real bros
But, I already saw fags like you shitting on tolkien, so no need for your excuses
>>other anon can't stop seeing fags in everything
Thats just your insecurity
For normal people there nothing wrong or weird about calling others a fags when they behave like fags
>You can't use "fag" because it offends me
Wow haters in 2024
Equating LGBT with child abusers goes back to the 1950s, its the second oldest excuse to banning LGBT from basic rights right after "gay people make Jesus sad".

Of course, conservatives don't care about child marriage, which has been legal for longer than LGBT marriage. In fact, they are its most ardent defenders, and child marriages disproportionately happen in red states
Vol'jin could've be a good warchief, while Anduin was always a faggot
it's a fact, groomer. statistics prove time and time again that your death cult reproduces by molesting children; there is no fag gene
It's a IRL NPC with BPD and FAG
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At no point did anyone bring up Tolkien or shit on his work, you absolute spastic monkey.
yes homosexual and pedophile were synonymous and should be
>taking your words back after comparing warcraft to tolkien works and saying that warcraft did it better >>681391928
Tolkien is gay and eats boogers LMAO
Was Arthas evil the moment he considered culling stratholm? Or was he simply a desperate man trying to do what he thought was right?
He always was evil attention whore, he never really cared about his homeland or people
not even conservative or have any hardcore leanings. this gay tranny shit is just annoying.

actual conservatives or even religious conservatives pretty much ignore faggots unless it either affects kids, something they like, or if theyre forced to deal with it like protests.

For the most part theyre pretty conservative.
Arthas always had alot of issues. Its unlikely he would had mellowed out and became a true paladin. That being said stratholm #BROKEHIM not only cause of what he did but because the people he cared about just flat abandoned him. Both Uther and Jaina fucked up in handling it. But no Arthas was always kinda doomed to become something of a bastard of some level.
Conservatives think LGBT existing in the public sphere "affects kids". Ultimately they hate LGBT but they know that they are going to have a hard time re-instituting sodomy laws at the moment (though its definitely on the table, see Clarence Thomas).

LGBT people have a right to exist in public, and be treated no differently than heterosexuals.
gays and trnanies killing themselves was the best way for undead to grow their ranks, so sylvanas was actually funding the lgbt agenda the entire time.
he’s based on elric who is edgy conan that kills often but not a bad guy
What the fuck happened to blizzard?
Metzen came back
Basically it's the same building from two decades ago, but the people working in it are not the same.
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and that's a good thing!
>Trans children
1) Its a community event, as in, its organized by fans not by blizz
2) The same thing happened to blizzard as happened to the rest of society. Only the most deranged of schizo dumbass chuds hate gay people in 2024.
>Trans children and grandchildren
Implies these children are old enough to have kids of their own.

Anyway trying to force kids to be gender conforming and straight just means LGBT grow up with tons of baggage and trauma. It is a stupid plan and it doesn't work.
Then why is there a thing called pride month? Where is the straight month? Taking it up the ass shouldn't make you a privileged person.
Alot of religious groups and non religious individuals hate lgbt. Its there right. In public there is usually kids, kids see things they shouldnt (gay parades).

Even if one dude or a group want it on the table, so? Let them fail. Doesnt matter.
>its a community event, not blizzard
>they just ban anyone that disagrees, interfers or speaks out about it or have differing opinion and any events the community tries to protest it
>while also promoting it, advertising it, giving gay rainbow and tranny in game items and dyes and are heavily involved at every stage of the 'community event'

youre so fucking disingenuous and retarded it hurts. only solace is youll kill yourself eventually and burn in hell.
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>mfw Garrosh and Arthas were so based they deleted themselves from the Warcraft universe to escape this shit
>the you are a schizo if you do not believe in X in [current year] argument
who do you think you're fooling here, exactly? the ass parasites have gotten to your brain it seems
>Then why is there a thing called pride month?
?? What does this have to do with what I wrote? Pride month is there to assert and re-affirm that LGBT lives have worth, their relationships have dignity and their sexuality is not a source of shame.

>Alot of religious groups and non religious individuals hate lgbt.
Only the stupid, evil schizos hate LGBT.

> kids see things they shouldnt (gay parades).
The absolutely worst thing you'll see at a gay parade is about the same thing you'll see at a beach or in an underwear ad.
Go back.
I am just saying that the culture has shifted and left you behind. Its not "what happened to Blizzard", its "what happened to society".
We reached the revising the history of WoW to praise and worship Sylvanas now?
They fought each other in Wolfheart
Varian bodied him and he had to be saved by his Kor'kron
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Can somebody explain how blizzard pre 2010 didn't have ANY WOKE SHIT EVER and nu-blizzard past 2010 has WOKE SHIT EVERYWHERE?
The only reason Blizzard is still alive to this day are the turbo addicts who only play shitty Blizzard games because they don't know there are better games.
Her last good book was Arthas.
blame single mother degenerates who bring their kids to that garbage trying to make them gay for twitter cred
I am aware of the fact that pride comes before the fall, yes. your point being?
>Can somebody explain how blizzard pre 2010 didn't have ANY WOKE SHIT EVER
You never played pre 2010 blizzard games
Warcraft 3, Thrall was literally a black man
One of main wotlk plots was literally about patrarchy and blue dragons doing their job and protecting world being bad, and rebel freedom loving tranny's being good
Same thing that happened to the rest of society

I mean WoW still had strong women leaders and oppressed minority races. The only "woke shit" that got added in the current era is LGBT representation because, along with the rest of society, Blizzard stopped regarding LGBT existence as some great evil. LGBT marriage wasn't fully legalized til 2015.
>Pride month is there to assert and re-affirm that LGBT lives have worth, their relationships have dignity and their sexuality is not a source of shame.

But that is the issue, your relationships dont have dignity and you publicizing sexuality is a problem. Your entire relationship is built off lust and not love (to be fair a lot of peoples relationships are these days). If i were to ask you what do you love about your partner im willing to bet one of the first things that comes to your mind is something related to sex.

>Only the stupid, evil schizos hate LGBT.
I had little issue with you before you started to try to convert children into your sex cult. You and i both know you creeps will try to normalize pedos just like how you have tried to normalize trannies.

>The absolutely worst thing you'll see at a gay parade is about the same thing you'll see at a beach or in an underwear ad.


You are a lying child groomer and thankfully people are waking up.
Why are you banning people that disagree with you janny sister?
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holy shit
Without sounding like an incel virgin chud, explain what is wrong with this
It was decreed by the regime after failing every attempt to vote it in even in California.
If it's so evil why did God create it?
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>/v/ agrees with her because they think with their dicks and Sylvanas is oh so sexy evil elf step on me dommy mommy
Always was
>fag self-inserts his pseudo-OC into the game as Sylvanas white knight
>doesn't even get any romance
Imagine being such a cuck that write youself to not get any in your self-insert fantasy
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problem chud?
Garrosh died being based instead of being turned Pansexual
It's for the best
Problem is that most of the people who talk about "saving the children" usually get outed as some kid diddler.

If some kid sees some gay shit and they're not gay it means fuckall, unless you're under the impression you can be converted into a raging faggot
the fact that people who openly say this have a job says a lot about the company
you can take this screencap back to r*ddit, she is not gonna sex you, tourist.
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Strong rope
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No. You degenerates need stopped, faggots are literally all pedophiles, and they should be jailed (at minimum).
I'd care more if I wasn't making fun of white women perpetually too
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Go back to sharty, stop shitting up my garbage ass board
/qa/ won
tranime lost
she didnt even earn it

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