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you didn't beat the game
I was sparing the poverty stricken fuck from my gauss rifle, he should be grateful.
>Joshua Graham was lit on fucking fire and tossed into a canyon for failing to take the dam
>for whatever fucking reason I'm expected to believe Lanius would just retreat knowing damn well what Caesar will do to him
I've never not sided with the Legion, never fought Lanius. Ulysses is the real final boss to me.
Yeah bro its such a challenge to pop chems and empty a minigun into his head
Caesar never lived past first meeting with courier, wdym?
>I've never not sided with the Legion, never fought Lanius.
You've also never had sex, incel.
>Load the save
>Die to a single magdump from Joshua's M1911
FNV isn't known for being hard.
I had sex with the prostitute who approached me at the Gomorrah but I never do her quest so she's stuck there forever.
>Implying Caesar is alive by this point in any NCR run
He got the old 'Howdy Ho', Joshua sends his regards' at some point, no exceptions.
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Legion is a complete mockery of Rome, i'll never sanction it and will do my damn hardest to eliminate it's entire existence every single chance i get on all playthrough and all characters.
>Verification not required.
This, FNV is basically an antifa power fantasy
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Why is it that /v/ claims to love rpg's but hates the fact that new vegas lets you actually use a skill to win the game instead of just shooty bang bang
Like you all love to bitch and complain about Fallout 3 and its ending but then New Vegas gives the player a different option to deal with the final boss and everyone loses their minds
1 op = /v
That's why /v sucks
>everyone loses their minds
Everyone is a keyword.
who is this mysterious half /v/ that you speak of
>macro key psycho
>click v, select head
>ding ding ding ding ding
game is just too easy
Im fucking buffled by your reply.
>muh logistics
it's time to admit that the courier was just bluffing and lanius is just a gullible retard. the legion managed to amass a giant army and there are no logistical problems shown whatsoever. in fact it's stated in the game that the legion territory is the only place where you can run caravans without guards, even in mojave the legion affiliated caravans are safer than most because the fiends don't attack them. if anything it would be the ncr who wouldn't be able to conquer the east because they can't even supply their mojave garrison properly
Speech is a shitty stat that makes every RPG with it worse by simply existing, since it's either useless and applies to 2 conversations the entire game or absolutely necessary due to how much content is locked behind it for relatively small investment. IMO speech should be complementary check to a main one, like high Science/Int letting you understand computers, but actually explaining them to someone else would require both, like how many people who are skilled in their field are shitty teachers since explaining is it's own skill. Either that, or make it so you need an item, information from another conversation or any other lead so you know what to say instead of letting you skip/alter content simply because you can talk. For Lanius an example would be requiring both good speech AND barter if you want the logistics route of the conversation, high speech AND Ulysses info if you want to convince him to retreat or high speech AND House/Lee advice on basic military tactics if you want to bluff him. I understand this make speech sound absolutely crucial but we're already at that point and at least this gives some gameplay stuff for speech builds and makes other SPECIAL prompts feel more important in conversation rather than coming up 10 times throughout the game
Other idea would be to remove speech entirely and just make all those dialogue choices as Terrifying Presence/Lady Killer/Sneering Imperialist/whatever other roleplay perk instead so they can shine more instead of TP being mostly "attack, but with cringy line first"
>Lee advice on basic military tactics
that's would fail the check immediately
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The first check should've been given the [Speech] indicator, and everything after that should've been full of landmines of failed checks without any indicator of them being correct or wrong, aside from being rational, sort of how you can go through the whole dialogue and blunder your speech at the end.
I enjoyed it though, nice voice actor and I thought the choice was cute.
I hate speech stats in RPGs that's going to have unavoidable combat. If you're going to let me talk through everything, then let me talk through everything. A higher speech stat shouldn't let you automatically dialog checks but enable more options for dialog that can end in deescalation without firearms.
Undertale does WRPG dialog checks better than actual WRPGs.
good call. one of the worst quests in a game full of bad quests.
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Live kino in the making
I couldn't use the speech option because I was wearing full Enclave, thankfully.
Is this that Drb0sch arg?

Probably the best I've seen in ages. Guy knows how to do horror, modern Devs wish they could build tension like this guy.
>the legion managed to amass a giant army and there are no logistical problems shown whatsoever.
The Legion DOES have logistic issue hence why your bluffing works in the first place.
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Yeah it's good. I would even consider it art.

Ceasar died from his brain cancer by then
I wanted to ask. The part where he comes out the wastes and see's the first 'last man' is definitely from that besinski painting with the columns in the distance with lone campsites in the distance right?
How exactly would Caesar go about punishing Lanius?
>for whatever fucking reason I'm expected to believe Lanius would just retreat knowing damn well what Caesar will do to him
Good luck killing Lanius when he's the second in command revered by The Legion.
i'm not sure
OP you don't understand they got rid of that shit in FO2, and gamers got angry they needed to bring back easy final bosses in fo3 nv and beyond
>DOES have logistic issue
name one
Watch it.
>watching argslop
>Man goes out of bounds
>Corrupts his game into the Van Buren timeline
it required pure autism to make this, it's ludo
oh my science what a fascinating bone chilling premise I nearly spilled my onions
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You beat the game
Anon, I will admit most ARG's are shit but this one is legitimately good provided you're okay with slow building tension and luminal space style exploration and long periods of watching someone interact with new vegas environments.
that filter is still funny
can't wait to watch this genre-redefining, trope-subverting, atmospheric, dark and eerie, emotionally draining, gut wrenching, aesthetically heavy craft by post-horror auteur with an arthouse edge, dread-inducing, suspenseful build up with strong character development and gradual feeling of escalation, bone-chilling slow burn with “say more with less” approach and soul-shaking, blood-curdling, skin-crawling and nerve-wracking exercise in persistently looming dread where tension and anxiety permeates every frame as movie reaches its nail-biting, jaw-clenching and paranoia-inducing final climax, free of any cheap gore, cartoonish CGI or infantile jumpscares arg
I genuinely don't understand what this is trying to say. It does have a pay off, it's not just dead space it could fall into the trap of nothing happening or trying too hard and personally feel it's managed to hit a great middle ground without showing too much even in the scary parts. You can't have any horror without some build up.
I always use unique option you get after completing all DLCs
Because /v/ doesn't actually want role-playing elements in their role-playing games.
They want movie games, but just from Japan. That's why turn-based JRPGs and Visual Novels are popular on this board, despite 99% of them not worth playing.
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Just remove [Skill 10/25] bullshit and game becomes a lot better
It's literally one variable in a mod you're probably already using
It won't help me because I know most of the skill checks by heart
would be fun to read and hear them talk in brainrot language
mayve make a skibidy mod with fanum tax thrown in somewhere
NCR has vertibirds, working trains, and trucks. Legion has women with overfilled backpacks and brahmin-drawn carts.
Frank Horrigan's easy if you actually do all of the shit the game allows you to do, like hacking the security turrets and convincing Sgt. Granite and his squad to skip town with you.
yet ncr is the one that struggles to supply their troops with even basic ammunition
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I shot him with an antimateriel rifle and placed a bunch of plasma mines on his path. I didn't even talked to him
>not one-shotting him to make his pretorians lose their shit and flee
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there should be a requirement that caesar is dead by the end of this meeting for this dialogue to take place.
It would actually make sense under those circumstances
Because the political bureaucrats in charge of NCR operations are busy shipping in sharecroppers and missionary units instead of actually trying to run a military campaign. Caesar understands that it's war and his underlings act accordingly. Kimball's running for re-election and Oliver's sitting on his hands because he doesn't want the Rangers to make him look bad again.
so the legion doesn't have logistical issues unlike the ncr, we've come full circle, don't know what you tried to say by that but I appreciate the effort
You're right
>Demolition Expert x3
>Get drugged out the ass
>Splash Damage
>Pull out Fat Man with Big Kid Ammo
>Basically annihilate his existence 10 times over
That was tough.

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