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The only good boss in the DLC. Peak moveset, peak music, peak design, peak fun.
crazy how something like this is in the same dlc as rule 63 Sulyvahn and the gay incest homosex duo
I always kinda wondered if, despite everyone thinking it was just two dudes in a costume, it was actually a lion monster with four human legs and two human arms. Guess it's what was obvious all along.
She's not gender-swapped Sulyvahn, she's just the dancer of the boreal valley standing up straight.
What if the one on the front farted?
the lion dance is sacred he's not gonna dance during it
The one in the back will mount him and give him a semen enema.
I thought Midra was pretty fun. He's fairly slow, with only one real mixup attack.
There were actual retards that never picked up it was two guys in a suit somehow.
She uses a magic sword and a fire sword. Seems more like Sulyvahn to me.
Midra was sexy as fuck. I'm sad they made him male. Did you see the way he stands up, and how his clothes were drooping down his arms? Fucking hell that shit made me hard.
So does the dancer. the dancer and Rellana are both female, and they both use plate armor.
Hmmm, R63 Midra might be exceptionally powerful... Something to look into.
Figured this was pretty obvious.
Damn, you're right. Somehow I remembered Dancer using frost weapons.
I know.. this is why I'm sad, because it pulled the gay out of me when I'm trying to suppress it.

r34 xxx won't disappoint, I'm sure. It's only a matter of time.
>we fought two LARPing dudes instead of the actual divine beast
I want to kill gods not chumps like this and that centipede bitch.
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The fuck even is a divine beast? What kind of god do the hornsent/omens worship?
It's a shame these things are the shittiest fights that Miyazaki has ever made cause they look sick
>The fuck even is a divine beast?
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I cheesed the Dancing Lion in Rauh with a bow. The deathblight frogs have no business being in that fight.
>skibidi avatar
>putrescent knight
>the new crucible knight that doesn't count as a boss for some fucking reason
solid dlc boss-wise, there are some real stinkers but it's still a better package as a whole than the base game
There's another lion in Rauh?
The DLC has 2 divine dancing beasts. The one with the cutscene and has avatar element powers, and another one that's got deathblight burps and summons basilisks.
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What the fuck
i should explore more
The crucible. Divine beasts are simply mythical animals, Serosh (Godfrey's Lion) is one.
I summoned my mimic and we fucking shredded it to bits, it's pretty squishy.
Dancing Lion is a cancerous fight to begin with.
Why do people post stuff like this?
Like, I can only imagine this coming from a literal 6 year old that's just figuring out stuff like this exists.
Miquella feet.
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they remind me of those faceless brownish rapists some hentai artists use
Dung eater in the back.
peak casso
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>FOUR fucking divine lions

And fromdrones defend this shit
Good fucking lord Placidusax did a number on Bayle
>kill second divine beast
>jump from the cliff to the area below
>it's just that arena I was teleported years ago and there's no way to get out outside of teleporting

Stupid map design
... and I thought I 100% the whole fucking thing
Well, more stuff for the next playtrhough. I'm excited
Remove the trackers whenever you guys post Youtube link. You take off the ? and everything after it then post it.

Like that:

Fuck goytube.
I really loved how they handled it. It's a goofy concept, and seeing the dudes poking from beneath the cloth is amusing, but it's played 100% seriously, the actual design is intimidating, the beast is worshipped as an actual divine being, and the people running aorund beneath the cloth are actually the most elite, skilled horned warriors, well versed in combat and incantations.
My bad, got lazy
Learning this was just a couple dudes took away the magic
The dudes are possessed by the divine beast, he's using them as his avatar.
Too bad the guy in the back doesn't act independently and do kung fu kicks and maybe breathe (fart) elements.
Hate that second phase so much and I think I'll cheese it with ashes. I'm glad this motherfuckrmer was mauled by placidusex and made into a cripple. Fuck him.
Is the sword made to kill dragons you find in the dragon cave good for this boss? Dragon hunter great katana? I consider upgrading it and doing a respec because fuck that second phase.
>Is the sword made to kill dragons you find in the dragon cave good for this boss
yes, it specifically deals bonus damage to dragons
but you could just use dragon grease instead for the same effect
All he had to do was copy tower knight, what was his problem?
meanwhile yeah, everyone realized this months ago
Man fuck using consumables I'm anxious whenever I lose and waste them.
Also the dragon's hunter katana looks like it has a great Ashe skill for bayle. I doubt dragon grease will provide something as powerful as the dragonwound slash.

I have a tons of smithstones so I'll do it. 5 somber ancient stones and 6 ancient dragon smithing stones. Whichever are needed for this blade I'll use them.
Dragon hunter is basically tailor made for Bayle
i liked that you had to beat them in a different way when they have those metal shields on their legs, it's like a puzzle until you find out how to beat them.
they also die in three hits that way and they don't overstay their welcome.

the normal ones? fuck them
I'd rather fight the normal ones that having to lure those fat shits to a cliff and dodge projectiles while throwing bombs. The normal ones are piss easy to defeat. It's just taking a long time.
>run away and jump
>stunned 1/3
>repeat until you down it for a critical hit
>do everything once more until you can do another critical hit
nah man, this is just fucking boring, especially with that much HP these guys have
It's great for dragons in general, not only for the extra damage but also for hitting the head.
>perfume bottle
>rolling sparks
>hits them so many times they instantly stagger
>kill in 10 seconds
I killed bayle first try after upgrading it. And without any buffs, any of the special items made to fight against dragon. 372 + 427 attack power. Holy busted.

Igon didn't even die.
Gives zoomers a little more credit, their brains are developed beyond a 6 year olds, probably.
lmao skibidi fr fr no cap
Their intro is so damn eerie between their slow rising to their feet coupled with the grandma’s prayers for vengeance. One of the best cutscenes from has done and had a blast is the the fight itself.
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>What kind of god do the hornsent/omens worship?
the crucible that existed before the erdtree
I think I'll draw them as little girls
>Can summon a new pair of wings through shear anger.
ER Dragons really make all the Dark Souls dragons look like fucking chumps.
>implying anything existed before the bountiful and eternal Erdtree
Vicar Amelia transitioning into a giant tranny and Ludwig phase 2 are still the best.
I fucking kneel
Chinese street food be like:
The fact that the lion dance is a genuine kind of solider they use in warfare as shown in the cg trailer is based as fuck.
IGN made a whole ass article out of this model as if it was a big revelation it was two dudes in a costume.
It's clearly not obvious to a lot of uncultured people.
Based ones.
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elden tard will NEVER get cone heads in their game
The puzzle ones are awful because they don't stop fucking launching the fireball projectiles that do 2k fire damage per ball.
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Coolest lore in the game. Some Marukhati Selective tier shit about dancing to force the world to move like you move.
Really cool stuff. Hope you anons liked the sopa de scorpioni that grammy makes while telling us stories about dance-like-this.

10/10 dlc.
Dont underestimate the retardation of a FROM fan.
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I like all the bosses I've faced so far. They all at least look pretty cool.
I have decided to skip the centipede and silver surfer for now because they felt like total bs to fight. But maybe I'm just intimidated and they aren't as bad as they initially look.
The loin, knight, and sunflower have been my favorites so far.
>But maybe I'm just intimidated and they aren't as bad as they initially look.
This is the key, with the centipede at least. Stick close to her human upper half body and the centipede and scorpion tail become mostly useless.
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I'm droowing
imagine them sumo stomping with their tiny legs
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pretty great anon. You nailed the face the lion makes.
kek perfect
>start the fight
>they make this roar:
>when you beat them they panic and try to run away
>1 runs left and the other runs right
>they then turn around and run into each other
>both look ashamed and shuffle off stage left together
>"solly solly solly solly amburgah solly"
He's dripping with style. I wish I had a big frienzy head and could go to the parliament and burn every elected officials in minecraft.
I like how his cutscene says "I" but he sounds like he is saying "we."
>Beat Bayle without Igon dying
>He starts alternating between two handing and one handing his bow
>I start teabagging
>The last thing this ancient legendary dragon sees as he fades into darkness are the two retards that got him doing celebratory dances
>>He starts alternating between two handing and one handing his bow
So he's programmed to do that? He did it in my game too. Felt like a proper player being a goober like players do after a pvp win.
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>The only good boss in the DLC.
that one is boring as fuck, Messmer is the best boss.
because we are sure the retard in OP believes this is the same situation as the train on fallout
>Kendrick's diss tracks on Drake done in AI Igon voice
yeah it shits all over him
only needed about 5 tries
love his first phase but second is kinda spastic

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