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Are we finally done with the bot menace?
>It's impossible to make new bot accounts for a free game
reminder that the whole of the bot spam in tf2 is a deranged trans furry in his basement setting up bots perpetually angry at the game because of some gay discord drama
just play tf2c??
The major bot hosters were doing so because they were disgruntled with Valve's handling of TF2 in some manner. The hoster of the largest number of bots, "Klaxon," was specifically trying to make the game unplayable because TF2 was a last vestige of an era of the internet where people could manage themselves and set their own boundaries for their communities. Essentially, he was unhappy that a high profile mainstream platform still existed where the buck wasn't stopping with some easily targeted centralized entity for the conduct of its users. It made him seethe that people could say things that he didn't want them to, and not be subjected to widespread consequences for it. So he, along with others, decided to ruin the game for everyone else so that it would die and be shut down, and maybe even replaced with a platform that would police its users more closely and force them into a centralized ecosystem in the process.
On top of that, a lot of them are also just dogshit at video games and resent other people for being better and think that cheating should be considered a valid way to play and that they're not actually doing anything wrong, as if the only purpose of a multiplayer game is to be at the top of a list rather than the competition itself.
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from what i'm hearing new bot accounts now getting instabanned moments after creation
you know you can mute players, right? either way this is still better than lime scunts and $100 ring messages.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
No because bothosters are chronically online autists and they are simply too stubborn to just give up and like, do something more valuable with their time and money.
Valve will once again stop caring once the summer update is out, you all are fucking gullible children for thinking that Valve has changed in any way, shape or form.
Klaxon has literally said as much between whining about how he's tried to kill himself a million times and talking about how much he TOTALLY LOVES TF2 and just wants it to be better, you "folx."
Valve has been working on this since the original SaveTF2 movement if not earlier. They're not stupid, it's still making them a decent amount of money, and it wouldn't do them any good to just let it die like this when tens of thousands of real people are still playing it every day, 17 years on.
>muting an admin
pretty sure theyll ban you for that
They can't tell unless they're trying to talk to you in particular for some reason, and you don't respond. And if you're not breaking any rules, they're probably not going to be talking to you.
Well I was just expecting a few links to posts I could read myself or whatever but it's fine.
This happens in regular TF2 as well.
I was expecting the screencap summary (that I don't have saved) to be posted at some point. If this thread doesn't die, you'll see it eventually.
why do you guys gravitate towards games for trans and furries and similar shit so much?
i've played video games for 30+ years now and i don't think i've ever met any
just avoid anything obviously gay and the problem solves itself
The game allows yiu to have your own servers hosted. This allows degenerates to create their own spaces and populate. In most modern games yiu are given a random grab bag of players. So degenerates are usually kept in check.
>why do humans gravitate towards living in houses? don't those get termites?
TF2 has been around since 2007, and features a 100% male cast of characters. The only indication of anything even remotely progressive in the game at release was the presence of a pink bag with a flower on it sitting on a spawn room shelf prop. Since then, there have been maybe four cosmetics total that directly appeal to any weird demographics. It's a fantastic game that young, poorly adjusted men played ten years ago, and some of them turned out weirder than others, and never stopped playing the game in the meantime. It's exactly the same thing that happened with Fallout: New Vegas.
this is only in the NA server. Just play EU and you NEVER see this shit. In fact i even see slurs from time to time.
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>They can't tell
>Faggot alt client for TF2 that started out because of fags getting made fun of for being fake old fags on /v/ back in 2014 playing le heckin real no crit no unlock no hat REAL oldfag server
>Not having the means to be turbofaggots such as reporting when a player has muted someone to the fagmins
No they don't. Every single house I lived in was made with bricks. Maybe don't make a house that can be eaten by bugs.
im banned
you sound either paranoid or incredibly self-centered. in a server of 24 people nobody is going to notice you being all shy and bashful.
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There's still the e-celeb menace to deal with. And matchmaking.
Done? No. But if Valve keeps this up, bot hosters will have a tougher time fucking up casual.
>just play *objectively worse version of the game made exclusively for contrarians*??
No I just know my history I know the depravity fagmins get up to.
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>tf2 "classic"
>it's not actually an old version of tf2
>it's a bunch of weird custom content and unbalanced shit that contrarians play because "uhhh no hats so it's good"
>get banned for "inappropriate spray" of something that isn't even pornographic
>meanwhile every time I go on that server there's like 5+ porn sprays in the spawn
good job fagmins
It has better balance then regular tf2 and you are coping because you can't take your precious hats with you
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i fucking KNEW it was some salty tranny hosting the bots because tf2 players still say nigger faggot out loud in all chat. i had no evidence but it just felt correct on an instinctual level. who else would benefit from bots other than some petty bullshit?
your main complaint is the name? well maybe they could rename it so that the C stands for Competent. because valve's version is a damn mess!
Let's hope do, I want those notes.
I mean technically this is a surprise to nobody, considering that the original wave was a deranged attempt to get valve to hire them to police hatespeech, which is why they turned their forum filter into an API that can be integrated in games.
Normal people were playing TF2 first
>he hasn't had to fight off brickbugs
>selling solutions to problems you created
This should be illegal.
Cool it with the antisemitic remarks.
Kek, but that's funny though. I once saved a bind from some guy named Parrot or something that sounded just like that. "Oopsie whoopsies I'm sowwy I shot you mistew ^v^"

It's funny lol
Valve sold nothing, it's free to use.
Unless you're referring to the botters effectively charging to remove themselves from matchmaking.
In which case they didn't get paid either
It was the latter. Glad they got fucked for trying it.
the dynamite pack and jump pads are far more fun than any balance change TF2 has made in the past 10 years

The Scout's nail gun needs to be nerfed tho
i can smell the ameriburger off you
your bad analogy is actually an excellent analogy against your argument and proving my point
most games aren't gay
most houses don't have termites
you literally go out of your way to play gay games then you complain there's gay guys in your gay games
Scout nail gun is in constant state of being overnerfed or overbuffed
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>Finally force retarded newfags to use the syringe gun with slightly more damage
>They think it's OP and needs to be nerfed
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>trannies are people that try to cheat reality itself by attempting to be something they're not
>they cheat in vidya too

No fucking surprise.
But i only use the Scattergun. The Nail gun is just boring to use and to fight against. I want to 1v1 a scout with scatterguns but its all this pussy play of standing far with the nails
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I seriously fucking loathe Uncle Faggot. He had ZERO business making a conscience effort to ruin the game for casuals just because he's a tryhard control freak psychopath that wants to implement HIS PERSONAL VIEWS OF HOW A FUCKING SIMPLE ONLINE VIDEOGAME SHOULD BE PLAYED on a global level. Even tho he literally has his own fucking servers that cater to his specific needs.

I seriously fucking hate him and if he died tomorrow I would seriously smile.
>ah yes my game with a 100% male cast of characters isn't gay
extremely dumb argument
even then this wasn't my point. i'm not talking about woke or whatever ameriburger cultiwar shit you worry about
tf2 is philosophically gay shit, the design, the aesthetics, the "lore". there's a lot of philosophically gay games that have nothing to do with being woke and for some reason every generic ameriburg in this shithole seems to have played them. runescape, world of warcraft, tf2
if you have a modicum of taste you cannot tell me this is gay. it's as bad as liking sonic or watching anime
common retort:
>b-but you're just complaining about popular things
which is nigger-tier answer. tf2 is contemporary to fear 1, far cry 1, doom 3, quake 4, hl2, stalker, bioshock 1, crysis... even ut3, cod4, halo 3 if you want to specifically stick to pvp mp fps (which is inherently borderline gay as a genre). yes, normalfag-centric cod4 is firmly less gay than tf2 so muh popularity really is no excuse
it's this kind of bullshit like convincing yourself you like 5/10 girls because you're such a loserfaggot you feel you can't even fantasize about 10/10s
you purposefully adopt gay taste, or worse, you have no taste so you default to the most popular alternate choice as if that amounts to a personality. then you make surprised pikachu face when you find out actual homos and weirdos (= people with no personality who adopt meme sexualities as a proxy for being interesting) join these same spaces
If you're popping boners in the locker room that's your problem but trying this hard to paint the world as gay is just well, gay.
Normal people don't feel sexual tension just from being surrounded by their fellow individuals.
Holy shit kill yourself. Stop trying to project your literal headcanons as factual information. Do you fucking faggots EVER wonder why everyone hates you these days?

Also, just because you type the word "nigger" that by zero standard means that people here are going to eat up your words. Using "enemy lingo" is a literal leftist/commie tactic and has been for aeons. Fucking kill yourself you worthless piece of shit. Not even your father will miss you, let alone your mother.
All you have to do is mute them, the new pocket watch for spy is honestly so fucking fun and skill based compared to the DR, it's unreal
the correlation is that most people who code are nerds
nerds are more likely to trannymode
cheats are code
>The major bot hosters were doing so because they were disgruntled with Valve's handling of TF2 in some manner.
this is a lie btw
TF2 Classic doesnt have Banana Bay or the Caber so why the fuck would i play it
>game with soldiers is all male therefore theyre faggots
youre obsessed you deranged, porn-addicted freak loser. didnt even read the rest, dont care
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hi klaxon
I dunno why people don't like the fan o war I think it's very fun to use with the force a nature or the shortstop
I just did shortstop + fan o war 2 days ago and it helped make the shortstop feel less shitty

Its flexible with any secondary too
Yeah, hitting them once and running away while shooting them with it is honestly very funny, the same goes with the force a nature, dealing 134 damage with one meatshot straight up kills all light classes and makes everyone else truly fear the second one
>TOTALLY LOVES TF2 and just wants it to be better, you "folx."

I hope he succeeds on his next suicide attempt
It deals less damage than the Wrap Assassin’s melee, even after Minicrits, and can only mark 1 player for death at a time.
>Allow it to mark multiple players for death and not have such terrible damage
>Change it so it can blow away players like how airblast can blow away players
Then people would like it more
Rent free lol
reply to me when it gets posted pls
i need a sauce for that pic
People legitimately just forget it exists.
It's like how nobody used the diamondback until the ambassador got nerfed.
Autists, and maybe if we're being extremely generous people that are obligated to game the absolutely broken Civil Rights Act.
They'll probably keep the effort up until summer update brings in its cash
Once that's done, and cheaters defeat the current measures, it might go back to the usual
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I sincerely believe that "everyone should learn to code" was not only a scheme to get a mass influx of code monkeys that will work for cheap due to the insane amount of competition, but combined with H1B Visa shit, designed to weaken our tech sector.

The only people that should be in tech are people that have interest in it, not people trying to make money.
No, the learn to code was vindictive shit to people that actually work REAL JOBS that do REAL THINGS from clique webdev faggots that don't actually do anything important and could BARELY be described as doing any actual coding.

It's hilarious how all the fallout and bad PR forced Valve to actually do something.
It's hilarious how all the fallout and bad PR forced Valve to actually do something.
I mean the closest to that being right is that botting the steam reviews probably pissed them off enough to get them to fuck off.
>be me
>find everyone is hosting
>gets banned
>rage bait about being a troon and depressive
what now? im expecting my doxx..
I mean the closest to that being right is that botting the steam reviews probably pissed them off enough to get them to fuck off.
From what I gather they've been hardware banned. In other words their accounts are getting auto-banned because they're being detected to be run on the same computer that was running bots.

So it's a question of these people eventually getting new computers. Maybe needing a new IP too because they've probably been IP banned as well.
my nigger , 80% of the "coder" positions are taken up by conpletely retards that slack off and dont know how to code
if youve ever had a friend who is an actual competant IT he will tall how fucked the situation is and if you personally can code then you basically do the work for 5 other people
yes, we've been hwid banned, but to note, valve only bans premium accounts (greedy) cause i've been lasting with a f2p account for 3 days and nothing happened
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>some retard out there is spending loads of money just so they can grief a video game
Jesus fucking christ, where do these drooling faggots even get money from if they are perma online?
They don’t need new computers. There are plenty of ways to spoof hardware IDs.
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But did they also ban the silent aimbot fags as well?
i hope you die of constipation and save your parents the shame of your existence
it's always hard to detect aimbotting, especially since some good shots can come across as aimbots
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grandma's got load of money
Name three (3).
Form what I understand most of these bot hosters were poorfag script kiddies that dumpster diving for new computers and their main coder gave up and ran away.
>give a medium range automatic weapon to the single best 1v1 class in the game
Scunts are the type of people who think the fastest class in the game should have a projectile based stun.
When do we stop protesting? I genuinley want to open crates just to support this game for doing this, but I don't want to be too hasty.
Until the summer update ends without bots shitting it up.
Someone posted a screenshot of his Steam account tag, kek.
You're the kind of retard that think that being able to slow the walking speed of anyone provides literally any sort of benefit to the class with the fastest walking speed in the game.
He doesn't need an autowin projectile either.
Dodge you faggot toddler
Learn to flank.
>no u
it's just less bloated TF2 and most of the new weapons they've added are fun ideas (except the AA gun, giving Heavy a longer ranged burst damage option that also hard shuts-down air approaches is a fundamentally stupid as fuck idea and the "counter" is to get up close and trade with him)

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