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Just finished the first game and I loved it, the atmosphere of the school and cast dynamics were amazing.
The ending was kind of a nothingburger but the rest of the game was so strong that I don't really mind.
About to jump into the second one, what am I in for?
Is it like a direct continuation or a new story?
>what am I in for?
Tonal whiplash, but if you push through, it's a really good time. Be warned that the cases get more and more ridiculous as the series drags on. You COULD play Ultra Despair Girls before 2, but it really only answers a single question that you might have if you just play 2.
2 is a direct sequel, v3 is a different story with some references but is pretty much his own thing.
The cases were already insane in the first one so I'm looking forward to see how much more ridiculous they can get.
Haven't heard of ultra despair girls but I'll look into it.

Gotcha, that's interesting, I guess 2 will tie up the story of 1 then.
I'm okay with that.
2's great, enjoy.
Also, if you liked Danganronpa, you might also enjoy Paranormasight.
The first one had the best atmosphere, don't expect any of the other games to even come close to matching it.
top 1 game ruined by the fandom being 14yo trannies
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2 is kino.
Ultra Despair Girls is kino(though the gameplay sucks).
V3 is either kino or dogshit depending on who you ask.
Rain Code is okay.
UDG spoils some stuff in 2 it’s best saved for after.
>I'm looking forward to see how much more ridiculous they can get.
You're gonna love 2-5. It's my favorite case in the series just because of the absolute bullshit.
It's also worth noting that the gameplay inside the trials also gets better as the series goes on. Mass Panic Debates in 3 were fun.
Hey anon, you should leave this thread before someone spoils you. 2's great, you will love it if you liked the first game
2 has stronger trials but it really is downhill from 1.
V3 is...infamous to say the least.
Also ask these questions on reddit or something. Some spiteful anon will spoil you just to be a prick.
Anon is right about whiplash, but I find the very beginning of the game is the worst of it so just power through it and the first case.
like clockwork
Don't you ever get tired of shilling your blog?
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Sex with Kirigiri
Are you kidding? The cast dynamic is one of the worst aspects of it, and the trials are awful. It's one of, if not the worst VNs I've played.
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2 is grear, V3 is an actual brainlet filter (they hate it)
Now get out of this thread and enjoy the ride
Because nobody else has said it yet, there's actually two different Danganronpa 3's.
Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak is an anime that you can watch after DR2. It's split into two halves that aired simutaneously, and it's intended that you alternate between watching Future Arc episodes and Despair Arc episodes. Reception was... Let's say it was mixed.
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony is the third proper game, in the style of 1 and 2. They called it V3 instead of Danganronpa 4 so that people who haven't seen the DR3 anime don't get confused. Reception was also mixed, but personally I think it's great.

Now leave this thread before someone spoils something for you
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The only spoiler worth knowing is that Miu has a tight pussy.
Do yourself a favor and drop the series. It peaked at 1 and 1 wasn't really that good.
tl:dr on the 2
>first game was popular
>so the retard writer decided Junko needs to come back because she is a fan favorite
>Junko retconned from just a girl part of an evil organization, she is actually the main boss of the entire movement and everyone went insane because she killed a few people in the school
>retconned that her killing herself just days after she started her movement was actually all part of the plan
>next game takes place in virtual reality so it's all fake and there are no stakes
>the entire simulation was made by one single tranny from the first game
>Junko's big plan is to download her consciousness into the cast of the second game and eventually everyone in the world
Rule of thumb: never watch anything Japanese until the end, like if you watch a season of anime, watch the first few episodes and drop it. Never watch a continuation of anything Jap because they will immediately ruin it.
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I hope OP left the thread before reading the previous post
The atmosphere of 2 is a big change, mostly a lesser one too.
But the actual murder mystery cases become significantly better.
V3 is a whole other thing, I'm not fond of it, but you may like it.
Oh, someone should mention, the direct continuation of the plot of games 1 and 2 isn't the third mainline game, Danganronpa V3. Instead the plot of the first games is resolved in an anime called Danganronpa 3 (without a 'V')
It's notoriously not a very popular or beloved anime
The first game is significantly more grounded than later games, even the cast is *somewhat* more believable as young teenaged kids, and the claustrophobia of the setting really makes the atmosphere top notch in the first game
Checks out the translation is poor, I already knew the localization stuck because of certain minutia.
>Characters, even more wordy and intelligent ones use 'cuz' instead of 'cause' or 'because'
>Yen is turned into dollars for no reason, and the amount of dollars they used is too little for a key plot moment
I think I had other reasons, but I must have forgotten them.
It's been a bit since I played this book
>But the actual murder mystery cases become significantly better.
Oh yeah. A heckin hamster kills a robot by climbing into his body and pressing the self destruct button, inside a virtual fake strawberry house.
A virtual guy crafts a virtual bone blade so he can turn off lights and go under the floor boards just in case a fat man decides to climb under a table so he can stab him.
Or the one where everyone gets infected with a virtual mind altering virus which turns a girl into a pure evil killer and another girl just gets the ''I will get in a noose if you tell me'' virus.
Simply epic.
seethe cope dilate etc.
the cases are poppin
dilate this
*turns you into a robot*
*teleports you into a nonsensical house where a secret elevator makes you believe the house is different how it seems from inside*
*throws a hamster at you*
*makes you self destruct*
nothing personel, kid
i cried during gundham's execution
Unironically, that is exactly right.
The set ups and premises are far more in depth and captivating.
There is a lot more intrigue and shaking of the status quo within the plots.

The game one was the coolest
The guy who a few days ago saw Junko kill a few people and lost his mind and dedicated his entire life to worshipping Juko and bringing the end of the world, because she killed a classroom with some kids?
Based!!! I was 18 when I played the first game and it freaked me out! What a ride. Going from ace attorney to this was insane!
You can't call it uncreative
I can call it shit. The amount of terrible set up to even make this happen makes you cringe when you even think about what the writer had to do to make it happen. The writer had to turn a character into a robot, introduce smart hamsters and teleport all the characters to an entirely new location that makes no sense just so the pieces fit for one single kill.
Cases are the best when the killer comes up with some clever kill and do their best to cover their tracks, and then in the sequel the entire virtual universe just bends in place to serve kills them on a silver platter. Like the bald freak just having his own personal hitman with him or a virus that just makes one of them into a killer and another one of them into a victim, no actually agency from the killer.
Still haven't found something as creative or engaging as danganronpa 1
The hamsters were set up from the first chapter to be smart.
>bald freak having his own personal hitman
Sayaka and Makoto knew each other from before the game, two people going to the same school is not new.
>virus that just makes one of them into a killer and another one into a victim
About as realistic as Chihiro being able to fix a broken laptop and program a virtual personality in a few days which exists to turn two characters into victims.
I honestly really like how grimey Danganronpa 1's aesthetic is.
You can really feel the Distrust leftovers.
and you can actually think of and guess all of those answers and none of them are unreasonable within the context of the game, you made a really good point as to why it's as fun as it is
At least a mentally ill freak can admit that the tranny coding a fully sentient AI was complete bullshit and ruined the first game. Now let's address the fact that the second game rests entirely on the premise that the tranny made a fully realistic virtual world with fully sentient AI where you can just plug yourself and live in the matrix.
Sure. Chihiro worked on it as a collaborative project during the one year at Hope's Peak before everything went to shit. In game it even mentions that he wasn't the only one to work on it. The Future Foundation then modified it to their specific needs.
>v3 is a different story with some references but is pretty much his own thing.

its also a sequel because Junko is back
That's not Junko, that's just Tsumucute dressed up as Junko.
HRT status?
Was that part ever explained?
How was she able to do that?
>v3 is it's own thing
Pretty sure being an Ultimate is like having a superpower or magic, they ain't gotta explain shit.

Funhouse murder is absolute peak kino
No I mean the whole thing of her only being able to cosplay fictional characters and how she was able to cosplay Junko if they leaned into her being real at the end.
Did they ever definitively resolved that or is it still up in the air whether the whole thing was fictional or real.
Say what you want, you are probably right in most thing but the bad being so crazy they used parts of Junko was kino of the highest order. I'm still salty we didn't have at least a glimpse of the evil versions of the characters.
2 has the best case in mystery videogames ever.
Considering your post, I think you will enjoy it a lot, as you're already aware of the series' weaknesses (yes, 2 is the same).
The whole thing was fictional, she created those characters, Junko included.
She explains that the entire game is fiction and fuck the fans. She can just turn into Junko because it's a video game and Junko isn't real and fuck you, thanks for 59.99 plus tip retard and buy our merch.
That's actually what canonically happens.
It would be cool that these people worship Junko and would use anything they can get from her, except Junko as a character sucks and doesn't deserve this kind of treatment.
In the first game Junko was just a girl controlling Monokuma and killed her own sister for a cheap twist. Then in the second game everyone worships her like god and she made the entire world go crazy in a few days by taking over a school.
When someone takes her dead rotting hand and attaches to themselves that isn't so crazy it's badass, it's just retarded. Junko did nothing to deserve this.
2nd one is a bit of a continuation of the meta plot in the first game (le ultimate despair event or whatever). Third game is a subversion but I don't understand how some people got upset over that. The overall cases and gameplay were the same and that's all I can imagine playing for
>That's not Junko

you blind motherfucker
Was it a video game? I thought it was just a game show, but the killings were real.
Nah the killings weren't real.
It was all a fictional game.
We only know about Junko what the game tells us in an extremely controlled situation. The rest of the games took advantage of this fact.
Then why didn't the other contestants show up again at the end? When they showed how badly they wanted to be on the game show, they had killer tendencies and really wanted to murder people because they really loved the show.
Replay the intro again, slowly.
They did.
I am basing my opinion on Junko on what the game told me. The first game portrayed a world that was already destroyed and taken over, possibly many years ago. The participants of the game for all the know could have been kidnapped and frozen years ago to be unfrozen for the purpose of torturing them on tv to snuff out any hope any resistance in the world feels. The game showed giant robots destroying cities and erecting statues. It was a full AI or alien takeover of the earth. At no point did the game even imply that Junko is important in any way. She was trash to be discarded like her twin sister. Her life was meaningless and she killed herself after serving her purpose.

Then the sequel happens and we find out that Junko entered a school. She took over the advanced electronics in the school and made a classroom full of people kill eachother. This single event sent the entire world into a frenzy. Then days later she did it again and died. And now the entire world worships Junko and people are going crazy ripping her dead body apart trying to use it to become like Junko. There is no giant organization, no AI revolution, no invasion. Juko did it all alone and now everyone wants to be Juko.
This is what the games said
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>Ultra Despair Girls is kino(though the gameplay sucks)
UDG had a lot going for it and gameplay isn't even that bad for a low budget production.
I like that the outside world looks as weird as the killing game. I hated how in the other games' CGs and the anime depict the wider world as very generic and normal. It should all look like a fucked up drug trip.
>(You)'re the only one who figure out the murder case because everyone is off their ADHD meds and couldn't get a single fact straight
>Getting your dick sucked by 200 IQ big tiddies detective for having basic cognitive function.
Ngl, the waifu bait is hot, but I genuinely couldn't care less about the characters, let alone the story.
There's a mandatory mini game in every cases where you explain again what everyone just discussed 5 minutes ago.
14-year-olds are the primary audience for this game tho.
30+ year old pedophiles are the primary audience for most jap games. There isn't a 14 year old in the world who would ''play'' this shit, unless it's to impress some tranny groomer on discord
Ok that's based tho.
Developer of danganronpa says trans rights
You're a madman for making this thread when you should be playing DR2 asap to escape any spoilers.
What to expect from DR2: Higher highs and lower lows with a worse general narrative and atmosphere than DR1.
I want to have sex with Kirigiri.
Don't we all, brother.
Don't we all...
Sex with Toko.

UDG is kino btw.
Based hopeGOD you're in for more hopeKINO
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Try again

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