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He was right about literally everything, yet the game consistently frames it as “Kenny is losing it!!!!”
2nd game literally framed him as the only good guy. Nice bait, did your Discord boyfriend gave it to you?
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I choose to stay with him
Trying to give the player ANY reason to do anything but side with him considering he is the right choice in basically every instance all the way to the end.
Making him have a short temper makes all of the incels who lacked father figures afraid of him so they will rally to Jane out of their simp nature.
Reminder that there are still unironic Janefags
I chose to leave, that's the only ending where Kenny lives or at least his destiny is unknown. Hell Telltale can write a tearjerker.
Because he's an opinionated hick, and opinionated hicks are #1 meanie always bad men to city folk.
But yeah Kenny pretty much always is right, but he has 0 people skills. If he had the ability to calm down and mediate he'd have had far fewer problems.
>Reminder that there are still unironic Janefags
No way. Commies are ill.
its a shit game. Dayz is the real zombie apocalypse sim. Zombies aren't the problem just shut the door bro.

Real problem is high level gucci gear players sitting in spawn towns to kill the fresh spawns with no gear and eat them
I honestly really liked Jane, and not just because she’s a tomboy with big boobs. But her takeout with AJ was dumb af. She even attacked him with a knife mid fight, turning it from a brawl to life or death struggle.
its literally scripted hollywood shit. You can't analyze it like that. Other survival games with no narrative and just the players are what should be studied
Jane is just a proof that- you can't fix crazy.
Because the writers were so deranged that they tried to write him as a parody/villain type but accidentally made him likable and smart
>Appears out of nowhere
>instantly has beef with a respected and established character for no reason other than that he is the archetypical white man, while she is a strong independent woman
>Is shown to be irresponsibly impulsive, to the point of constantly putting everyone at risk
>thinks it's a good idea to try to goad Kenny into thinking she ditched the baby, just to try to prove that he is an aggressive shit, even though his reaction is 100% justified
>people STILL think she is in the right
If I was locked in a room with a zombie and a simp and I had only one bullet, i'd shoot the simp.
How do you accidentally make him right about everything, though? It’s not even an opinion; he’s literally right about every prediction lmfao
Kenny was like a woman lashing out because of her emotions. But instead of emotions, it was always anger with him.
He was just lucky he was always right. Get unlucky once and he will spergout for the wrong reason and you won't be able to reason with him.
He’s a cunt, but why would I care about that in a post-apocalyptic setting lol?
because the writers for season 2 wanted to make kenny an unlikeable douche but went about it in a way so retarded that you'd be equally retarded not to side with him

they expect you not to side with him because he's a short tempered hick who harms people, yet instead of making him go on a rampage harming innocent survivors and the like, he instead strangles the one bitch who, in an attempt to prove a point about him, gives him one of the most reasonable excuses to strangle and kill someone in fiction

>How do you accidentally make him right about everything, though?
by making the character you actually want to be right act in such a retarded manner.
>being emotionally unstable after losing your second wife is “woman behavior”
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I actually don't think they tried to make him a parody/villian. Your thought would better fit Soldier Boy in "The Boys". Kek. They wanted to kill Luke really bad tho, Luke was a humilation ritual, not Kenny.
I was happy when Telltale anounced revival of the studio, not for too long, this fucking space game was so shit i only played for 10 minutes i think- bald white villian, mulato mc and asian fatty pilot... That's what i get for supporting them for years. The Wolf Among Us 2 is in a sad, dark place it seems...
Just because he's always right doesn't mean he isn't a crazy bastard.
>If I was locked in a room with a zombie and a simp and I had only one bullet, i'd shoot the simp.
Simp is more stupid than a zombie and stupid people are dangerous. Yep, based.
Like >>681373117 said everyone else was completely retarded compared to him
Kenny is a bit short tempered and short sighted but Jane is just fucking terrible
Nope, they wouldn't gave him so many tearjerking moments if it would be truth. Season 2 was still good, season 3 was even good, season 4 was tame and a bit "woke", especially writing for it.
He's white and the MC is black.
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Kenny was the only one who wasn’t constantly asking the 10 year old girl what to do like she’s the leader.
mean-spirited and poor writing
They wanted him to be an asshole who could make tough decisions. They got it right in season 1 but completely blew it in season 2. Not only were none of the decisions hard (he was obviously right every time) but he wasn't even an asshole, just a good guy being pushed to his limits while surrounded by retards.
Badly written series, season 1 was the only good part
So brave and stunning.
Kenny deserved better than a car crash or unknown fate. Not even a mention of him in season 4 outside of small chat when you given a choice to pick HIM or LEE.
Kenny was the only one know her from season 1, where she was npc like him, so he didn't get affected by her protag aura
Yeah, but being a crazy bastard in TWD universe isn’t a big deal desu. I would expect anyone to be aggressive and jaded two years into the apocalypse.
>they wouldn't gave him so many tearjerking moments if it would be truth.
the only thing that makes sense is that there were two vastly different writers for kenny and jane, and it only makes sense because there seems to be some kind of feud between them that makes it into the game.
one hated kenny and tried to make him an irredeemable moron with anger issues(jane ending)
and the other actually made him into a long time friend that you knew from season 1(kenny ending)

if it's something else entirely then i must default back to my stance on the writers tried to make jane the correct one but fucked it so hard that they had course correct and make kenny the good choice out of necessity

hell i'd even argue that the jane writer got replaced while the ending was being written because he/she/it was so fucking incompetent
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The writers were trying to make it a hard call between Kenny and Luke the whole game it's why at the end of each episode they always highlighted a choice that was picking between Luke and Kenny, problem was they made Luke a shit head no one liked and Kenny while broken was understandable in behavior so the episode results back then was 90% of players was siding with Kenny and they were fuck for their precious near 50/50 choice making they were aiming for, so they delayed the last episode where they replaced Luke with Jane because she was warmly received when she appeared in episode 3 and just made her be a schizoid that was going against her behavior and character.

Those writers were fucking hacks even for game standards because they were to obsessed trying to manipulated choice outcomes when they couldn't even into human behavior.
I know. I don't think they blew it, Kenny went trough a lot in those 2 seasons. Second one had this more depressing tone overall. You watched the Boys? Soldier boy is a great example of what you are saying once again.
That just shows that you are a weak and unconfident bitch. What a fail-brag. You shoot the zombie and beat the simp to death with your gun. Of course, you know that you are a beta too weak to be able to hit someone with the force of your spaghetti arms. Very sad shibboleth...
Honestly if you think about it, Clem spent more time with Kenny than she did with Lee. And yet lee is the one always put on the pedestal
>Cabin survivors get all of Kenny's friends and his girlfriend killed by showing up and leading Carver to them
That's 100x worse than anything Kenny ever did. They could have warned them that they may have been followed by some dangerous people so they'd be prepared but instead they acted like everything was fine.
Lee saved Clem and was who got her out of her house and was always checking up on her. Time spent doesn't equal bond or connection, that's what a lot of incels/nice guys fuck up with girls and shit, they think just because they spend x number of hours with them they are just going to like them. That's not how people work.
No matter how many excuses you conjure up, he's still a ticking time bomb. He's a danger to everyone around him.
>they were to obsessed trying to manipulated choice outcomes when they couldn't even into human behavior.
and that perfectly explains why most people chose kenny over jane
I don't know what they were thinking. Kenny was so beloved literally no one would choose him over some literally who new character. They were retarded for even thinking that.
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I can give you one thing on this. I don't get why both of them die in the next season, something fishy may have gone in there for sure.
>made Luke a shit head no one liked
Ehh... I disagree. Kenny and Luke were the only sane ones in the whole group.
>Jane because she was warmly received when she appeared in episode 3 and just made her be a schizoid that was going against her behavior and character.
Yes... And we could have had Molly instead, what a shame.
>Those writers were fucking hacks even for game standards because they were to obsessed trying to manipulated choice outcomes when they couldn't even into human behavior.
Maybe but i still think that season 2 was good overall.
Why do you say that?
If he hasn’t gone off after living in the apocalypse for 2+ years and losing his wife, children, and gf, then I don’t see him just randomly going school shooter
They should have had a "choice" between Kenny and Lee dream, or had 2 dreams. I think i read back then something about Kenny supposedly bigger role in season 3... guess it was very early into development.
Yet she did have a strong bond with him
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>Time spent doesn't equal bond or connection
Eat shit, retard.
Blows my mind how the whole group was so relaxed despite both Clem AND Luke seeing Carver’s crew by the bridge. But then they just dip out and eat dinner like nothing happened lmfao
You had me until you brought up the dumbass Reddit bullshit
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>he's still a ticking time bomb
He healed in all of his endings, Jane killed herself in all of her endings and so should you. Touch grass.
the ending for season 2(if you choose kenny, of course) makes up for quite a lot of the bullshit
Father figures are calm and cool under pressure. Kenny was an utter spaz who freaked out constantly.
They likely were too detached with their work and just saw they as toys to be played with.

> I don't get why both of them die in the next season
Future writing, they originally had 4 seasons/games planned with Clem, any choices you made would have to carry for those games so meaningful shit couldn't stick because it would lead to serious forks in the writing that would need a lot of scripting, programing, voice work, etc.

> Kenny and Luke were the only sane ones in the whole group
By "shit head no one liked" I was going by the players considering how Luke treats you in episode 1 and how most of the fights go between him and Kenny all game, they had a Ninja Theory moment where they thought it made Luke look competent always pushing back on Kenny when it just came off as petty.
Because he was extremely emotionally unstable and prone to freak outs where he was at risk of becoming violent. Pretty much the worst type of person to have around during a zombie apocalypse.
If you had a good father figure then you would be desensitized to aggression and be able to look at it from a rational point of view without faulting the person if their anger is justified.
You simp janefags see aggression and cower in fear at something you don’t understand
>He was right about literally everything
To be honest Jane's plan to go back to Carver's place was outright the right choice, just attached to crazy chick.
Seeking some place that might not even exist, in harsh cold weather, with a fucking newborn baby was a suicide and that baby should be dead.
Taking over Carver's place not only gives you safe base, but also a nice greenhouse up there, and the lodge isn't far away. Plus Kenny taking what was once Carvers would be nice retribution for what Carver done to him
Some were warranted like when they were locked in the freezer with a fresh corpse and elnobody wanted to brain it because "he was muh dad"
>Pretty much the worst type of person to have around during a zombie apocalypse.
Yes you are tranny, 100% right on one thing in your life. Kenny was protecting his people and he would do anything to protect them and he proved it 10 folds. Sadly you will never know how it feels, cope, seethe leave to your trooncord, deranged snowflake.
>If you had a good father figure then you would be desensitized to aggression and be able to look at it from a rational point of view without faulting the person if their anger is justified.
Dangerously based take, truth melts commies back to hell.
>You simp janefags see aggression and cower in fear at something you don’t understand
Projection and lack of human psychie understanding. Yep.
It sounds like you had/have a shit dad who can't control his emotions. I'm sorry to hear that.
You sound like you had no Dad.
Ahhh yes. I am the deranged one lmao. I look forward to reading your manifesto after you blow up a school.
His freakouts were universally against aggressors threatening the group.
Interesting that you take what I said to mean the father figure is an aggressive person.
You don’t have to be an aggressive person to prepare your child to deal with aggression.
I’m sorry you’re a weak little simp who lacked a proper father figure to man you up
Nope. Just a good one. Real men don't freak out constantly and shout aggressively at everyone around them. It's unbecoming.
I can tell you’re a tranny lol
> To be honest Jane's plan to go back to Carver's place was outright the right choice, just attached to crazy chick.
Absolutely not. They’d probably torture Kenny to death and gang-rape both Jane + Clem after their bloody escape from Carver’s base.
You guys having an ESL moment? >>681373670 was noting she valued Lee above Kenny in spite of time spent. I was sharing why that happens, not that Kenny wasn't valued too.

Just sharing a lot of guys stupidly think just spending more time with a girl is going to get them that gf when all it gets them is badly friend zone
Kenny is an aggressive person and a bad dad. You shouldn't aspire to be like him anon. Lotta angry freaks on here today, even more so than usual..
Yeah, you do. Kenny didn't.
>I look forward to reading your manifesto after you blow up a school.
You tell me about it with such manners(lack of them).
You liked Tlou2 im pretty sure, don't reply, ok?
>It's unbecoming
You mean of a faggot pussy like you? Yeah I agree
Ok so you literally just didn’t comprehend what I said in the slightest.
Weak willed AND illiterate. Yikes
Good response anon.>>681374851
same for you>>681374859
and for you.

Virgins really are the worst kind of people...
>she valued Lee above Kenny
In your playthrough? So brave and stunning. In mine and everyone else Kenny and Lee were on the same level. Just like they would be in real life.
>Bringing out virginity out of nowhere
You might not be a woman but you sure act like one
My issue with all the writing was how absurd and all over the place it got in their situations. Kenny was a Spaz in the same way everyone else was in all the games, they were written like a High School teen drama cast and acted as such but were in these life or death situations that wouldn't warrant half the behavior they had.
>Just sharing a lot of guys stupidly think just spending more time with a girl is going to get them that gf when all it gets them is badly friend zone.
You are underage, leave 4chan.
Janefags everyone
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are you doing ok anon? You seem awful triggered and reacting in weird ways
Either this or he is just a troll, hell, which one is worse? One nolife retard tries to ruins thread to stroke his ego, every single time.
Im not triggered(nice meme word), just dissapointed if you ain't trolling. Wanna say something more to out yourself?
>You are underage
Bro you are in a thread where two anons are having a shit fight over two badly written characters in a badly written game, I would hope most of you are underage for caring that fucking much and not doing what some anons are trying to do which is just take apart this train wreak rather than fight over muh Kenny/Lee/Jane shit

also why even get triggered by it? You orbiting some girl irl?
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>take kenny's hat in wellington flashback in season 3
>hat is never mentioned or shown again
i'm still mad
I gave never played season 2 but on season 1 he was already insufferable seething at the smallest things. Everytime you say no to him he trowns a tantrum and the only way to get his bro speech is to be his bitch and siding with him every single time.
>playing season 3
Brought it on yourself. I was done after 2, there was no way they were salvaging that shit show . They were never good at their jobs, season one was just as much a mess, an entertaining mess but a fucking badly written mess but it was clear with Season 2 they couldn't into story telling and it was better to just save the time for other games.
>Bro you are in a thread where two anons are having a shit fight over two badly written characters in a badly written game
Says who?
>I would hope most of you are underage for caring that fucking much and not doing what some anons are trying to do which is just take apart this train wreak rather than fight over muh Kenny/Lee/Jane shit
Leave /v what are you even doing here?
>also why even get triggered by it? You orbiting some girl irl?
No one talks like you irl, just to let you know, just dissapointed that you came to derail the discussion.
Here is your (You), last one.

Good /thread
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>kenny was le unstable
Janefags are 100% just abuse victims right? No normal person sees all aggression as bad.
>he was already insufferable seething at the smallest things.
Yeah he had a character arc. Google it.
Everytime you say no to him he trowns a tantrum and the only way to get his bro speech is to be his bitch and siding with him every single time.
>just dissapointed that you came to derail the discussion.
That's all you have been doing this thread, it's all you will keep doing, seems you are cursed to be interference in others lives and little else.

>Here is your (You), last one

You can't actually control yourself that well anon.

See you soon.
No, you see, a man in a post apocalyptic situation where a flagrant retard is repeatedly putting everyone else at risk should be handled is a calm and respective manner.
I refuse to believe janefags are anything else but baiting, that character is irredeemable.
Yeah, I don’t get it. Why is Kenny being angry so triggering to some people? Nigga watched his kid get bit, his wife commit suicide, and his gf get eaten alive. And, everyone he goes sicko mode literally deserved it. Where is the debate, exactly? There’s no real ambiguity to be had.
>Kenny beating up Arvo and treating him like shit is painted as a bad thing
Bro literally ambushes you and then tries to kill you even you didn’t rob him, tries to escape by leading the group across an unstable ice lake which can get 1 maybe 2 people killed depending on your choices, and then has the gall to talk shit to Kenny when he’s pissed off about it.
Wish we could’ve tortured the little shit
> man in a post apocalyptic situation where a flagrant retard is repeatedly putting everyone else at risk
But that never happens in the game
>relentlessly beats up a russian kid in front of everyone else
Yeah... totally not crazy. The only reason people like Kenny is because he's a reminder of the past. He has no redeemable qualities in Season 2.
Yeah, I don’t get people’s reactions. I would’ve executed him after we got to the house.
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Lefties would hold you back and will harm you more than your attacker will btw. That's how delusional and evil they are, it is up to upbringing i guess. They will drown and will take you down with them. This shit is obvious as never before now, especially in politics.
That’s Kenny going easy on him. The right course of action would’ve been executing Arvo immediately after getting to the lodge; this is demonstrated as such when Arvo tries to steal your shit and shoots clementine the following morning.
And shoots Clem at the end who was as nice as possible to little devil. So brave and stunning.
>loyalty and protectiveness aren't redeeming qualities
>Shoots unarmed little girl
Na, those are icks to him and his xisters
But Arvo was an immigrant barely speaking the language, so all his crimes are justified or just misunderstandings!
It’s so fucking bizarre—especially with how both Bonnie and Mike betray you at the end. They’re willing to steal all your supplies and truck, dooming you and the FUCKING BABY of all things, and yet Kenny is le bad guy. Nigga, I wish I could’ve executed all three of them as clementine.
So it's okay for Kenny to act like an asshole, but when another person is an asshole it's suddenly a terrible thing? You guys have been justifying Kenny's horrendous actions because of the apocalypse. Arvo deserves the same amount of compassion towards his actions.
You can get Bonnie killed in the ice lake, and you USED to be able to shoot mikes bitch ass but they for some reason removed it for asking to go with them. Only logical reason I could see for them changing it is that it doesn’t make sense how Arvo alone gets away from Kenny and Jane if both Bonnie and Mike are dead
Yes. Worst evil is the one that thinks or disguises itself as good.
The writing is horrid and I'm not sure anons can take a step back and see that, they seem more lost in just wanting to fight over stupid shit.
Kenny being mean sometimes vs Arvo robbing you in the cold with a baby at gunpoint are not equivalent
I genuinely hope you’re trolling. I refuse to believe someone is this stupid
>no redeemable qualities
Siding with him is the only way clem doesn't end up alone with AJ.
>Kenny's horrendous actions
Which actions of Kenny are horrendous?
Being a disagreeable, angry person isn't at all comparable to doing heinous acts.
>You can get Bonnie killed in the ice lake
I think that's only in the console version
It's fucked up how much people still get lost in the narratives like Kenny vs Jane when it's clear the writers didn't give two shits if any of this actually went together or worked. I knew they were bad writers at the end of Season 1 ep2 and saw exactly what was going to happen but at least they were trying to make sense of their bad writing, come season 2 it was clear they were just trying to appeal to tumbler/reddit like shit making a fucking kid the protage you controlled as a means to keep fans and it fucking worked looking at how this thread is going.
No idea, I just remember if you don’t go to save luke and then don’t try to break the ice with your gun then Bonnie will drown since she otherwise uses the hole you made to climb out
I hate how you can make thousand little choices to make Sarah live, and that Retard dies anyway. I go to save her, slap her in the face, leave water so Luke can carry her retarded ass, tell Jane to risk her life to save her, and she has the gall to die on me anyway. Fucking retards, I tell you man.
Yeah, I remember trying to do it and not being able to get it to work. Turned out to only be in the PS3 version or something.
You mistake his abusiveness for kind qualities.
>Kenny being mean sometimes
>Being a disagreeable, angry person
Nice job downplaying what he did.
Do none of you remember Carver? The only reason he's in the game is to show what Kenny will become in the future. Kenny is fucked in the head and when he bashes Carver's head in with the crowbar, the torch is being passed on.
He is either woke, commie, stupid, troll or all above. Don't feed the rabid dog, as simple. They want attention, dont give it to them. Just discuss the topic.
>Implying I wouldn't beat the zombie with my superior strenght
Imagine being so weak to the point where you can't even beat a zombie with your bare hands. SAD!
It was meant to show Janes whole “some people you just can’t save” bit, but it falls pretty flat for me since the forced death ends up being because she’s physically trapped and it’s basically impossible to save her even for adults
Yeah, that was very lame. Same choices btw.
Do you people replay these games from time to time or is your memory that good? I played it on release, i vaguely remember some of the key moments and names, but here you are discussing it like you played it yesterday.
>Be Jane
>Start a fight with Kenny
>Demand that you stay out of it
>Has knife vs unarmed man
>start losing the fight
>start begging you for help

Not only does this dumb bitch expect me to dishonor the challenge. She shames herself by begging for assistance despite having the advantage. I let her die out of pure embarrassment.
I have a stupidly good memory for video games and their fine details.
Too bad it’s ONLY for vidya. Everything else I can’t remember shit
Watching let's players/streamers highlights for reactions in telltale games is one of my guilty pleasures
>be carver
>be rapist, murdering warlord who kills people for trimming plants wrong and beats fat black man to death because reasons and maims Florida redneck because you feel like it
>be Kenny
>bludgeons to death man who permanently maimed you
Yeah, these are definitely the same. Bravo
My memory for games is pretty good, but of my friend group I'm an exception so I dunno if it's the norm.
>You mistake his abusiveness for kind qualities.
That shit isn't black and white, someone can have good and bad qualities at the same time. Someone can have genuine loyalty and protectiveness that sometimes gets expressed in unhealthy ways.
It wouldn't be hard to drop a zombie on the ground, why they never do it in fiction? Just ram into it with literally anything.
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>end of Season 1 ep2
>Since the start of ep2 Kenny was trying to get the RVs and trucks working so they could get on the road
>find a seemingly abandon working running car with gas and supplies
>take the supplies
>but leave the working car
>episode 3 with Kenny bitching how hard it is to get a working vehicle

I get they needed the revenge hook but holy shit they couldn't have the thing wrapped around a tree or something with the supplies and just have the dude steal a working car or some shit elsewhere? There were seven writers and not one of them caught this?
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>jane literally lets her own sister die
How the fuck does ANYONE defend this bitch? If it was my brother I would pull him out or literally die trying. How can anyone see her as anything other than a heartless cunt?
I still remember every little thing about Skyrim.
With enough time I could probably remake it from memory.
I just got the definitive edition on sale for like 80% off.
Replayed each 2 times.
Replayed TWAU 3 times.
Batman games played once, shame there was no third one.
Tales from 2 times.
Guardians- never played it.
This bitch don't know the Bushido code baka
>Kenny was an utter spaz who freaked out constantly.
My memory is hauntingly good when it needs to recall this stuff, that said these kinds of games stick in my mind because of things like >>681376649 where I'm ruminating what the hell they were thinking with it.
I don't remember exactly but I believe the car had no gas. Still not great writing though.
And kills herself while fucking pregnant...
>the loser wanting a fight keeps bring up Jane/Kenny shit

Give it a rest, games are badly written, we don't look at them as characters, they are just toys the writers horribly used and it shows.
>I still remember every little thing about Skyrim.
>With enough time I could probably remake it from memory.
Todd? Hi Todd!!!
>gets btfo
>gets asshurt
>tries to change the subject
Kys janefag
I will never accept the fact that these zombies somehow overthrew humanity. Even with the whole zombie concept not existing and anybody coming back, there is literally 0 scenarios where these slow moving retards could amass a starting horde big enough to take down something like a military compound
No one genuinely likes Jane, they like Molly. They're Mollyfags.
>Why did the game try to frame his as the bad guy in season 2?
Because after the second episode the writing became very unfocused with different writers for each episode no doubt contributing to this. This was even before the game entered production when the lead writers of season 1 left Telltale. There's a good, old critique of TWD S2 by youtube user Flimsii, where he puts forth the notion that Luke and Kenny could have been representative of the more authoritarian and more freeing side of Carver, both equally wanting and trying to keep people safe in this crazy world of the dead. But the writers instead make Kenny seem crazy inorganically, they kill off Luke, and Jane becomes a major focus for no real reason.
I don't know how everyone keeps harping on about this. It was survival, you or somebody else, sibling or not. You make similar choices between Duck and Hershel's son Shawn, you make the choice between Carley and Doug, you make the choice between x and y over and over and over, Jane just did it between herself and her sibling. It's really not THAT shocking. In fact, Katjaa was worse; killing herself and leaving her husband to deal with their soon to be walker son.
>kills people for trimming plants wrong
Plants that produce food are critically important. If you are a cripple who can't even trim plants right, then you are just drain on the resources and you deserve whatever happens to you
>beats fat black man to death
He was just getting rid of a spiritual cuck.
>maims Florida redneck
Yeah that was a little stupid, he should've killed Kenny to show what happens when you try to scheme against him
Remember. I'm that wold everyone is infected. So anyone that dies turns into a zombie, bite or no.
They were fast at the star you fucking tourist. Apologize.
>I don't remember exactly but I believe the car had no gas
was never mentioned and the car is in the final Episode outside the hotel, the guy even tells you he drove it to find you all.

but even if it was out of gas both in episode 2 and 3 they talk about pushing around busted cars for parts. They could have just stuck the thing in neutral and pushed it to the hotel

it's just hideous writing that even a kid would catch and try to fix.
Janefags hate Molly cause they are jealous
I'm still mad how criminally underused Molly was...
He's going to BECOME Carver, retard. Do you think Carver just woke up one day and decided he was going to keep people as prisoners? No, he started out just like Kenny and slowly transformed into that warlord.
The only reason Kenny hasn't started his transformation is because he keeps finding someone to cling onto (his wife and Duck, Sarita, and Clem) and help cope with those violent feelings he holds inside him.
Also, notice a pattern with the people who he clings onto? They all end up dying. It's not a coincidence.
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You'd reply to anything to keep this thread going wouldn't (You)?
>Duck and Shawn
>Carley and Doug
That is very fucking different to letting your own sister get eaten alive by zombies. Quit being disingenuous.
Doesn’t matter. Majority of people aren’t surrounded by people at deaths door. The early cases would be easily dealt with by police or military, and the exact workings of the zombies would be found out and broadcasted in a week tops.
Better the devil you know
Guess their train of thought was- we already bringing back to many characters, yet Lilly in season 4 was fine(actually was fine).
>n-nobody cares!!!
Keep coping janefag.
Yet he doesn’t in any ending. So you are just spouting headcanon
shut the fuck up
>The early cases would be easily dealt with by police or military, and the exact workings of the zombies would be found out and broadcasted in a week tops.
See >>681375663
I really hate that the internet is becoming less English/white people populated.
Your heart's in the right place but you're ignoring key details. Carver kills Reggie because he couldn't get Clementine and Sarah to complete their duties. That's a fine idea in theory, but killing him has no real impact on the story; the group's impetus for wanting to leave Howe's is when Carver beats Kenny nearly to death and Reggie doesn't factor in. In fact, Carver has a moment alone with Sarah, the root cause of the Reggie death debacle, and nothing comes from that either. What you're doing is filling in the script for the writers, what actually is happening is that Kenny and Carver are not the same, and lots of ideas don't stick because they're not good.
As I said, it's really not THAT shocking. It's survival.
>That is very fucking different to letting your own sister get eaten alive by zombies
I agree, but in terms of actionable similarity, it's all there when you make choices in these games for who lives and who dies. Narrative context is of course important, but we don't know Jane's sister so I can't care that much. What I can care about is Katjaa and her despicable, abominable choice to kill herself because the player spends a lot of time with her and her family.
Real devil was janeposter we made along the way itt
>He's going to BECOME Carver, retard
He does not. Kenny opts to sacrifice himself Clementine and AJ's place in Wellington.

Not faster than a normal human and they didn't have stable turning speeds, some would be minutes after death, others would be hours. I'm with anon, it's silly fiction but people love it cause they get to escape to a weird world with these kinds of rules and settings.
Games over ten years old due, I really doubt most care beyond talking about how shit the games are. More so this time of day.
I was not trying to defend comparing Kenny to Carver, I was just defending Carver
Yes the biggest issue would be people still seeing them as human and thus would push back against killing them and all that.
But all it takes is capturing one to see that their brain is completely shut off and it wouldn’t be long before killing them id officially deemed legal.
The best part about these guys is that the most retarded people who try to side with the obvious thread will be killed or turned extremely quickly
What Katjaa did isn't even close. Jane is worse by far. Imagine if it was your sibling. You'd run away and let them get eaten alive simply because they asked you to?
No they wanted Molly, all they got was Jane. So Jane is their Replacement Molly, it doesn't matter how shitty the character is111.
Yeah, it's called escapism one of the point's of fiction besides reflection- form and function.
Well, how incompetent irl governments are, you never know.
Because he still has Clem to cling onto. When Clem would eventually get killed due to being around Kenny, he would go off the deep end.
It's the reason why everyone agrees that the ending where Kenny drops you off in the walled off city is the best ending. Everyone knows that Kenny is a disaster waiting to happen.
A lot of their games struggled with rewrites. The writers relied too much on the stats and community discussions. Instead of having a concrete story and vision they kept bending to what they felt everyone wanted. S2 was especially bad though.

>Seemingly making the story about Clem being ruthless pragmatic or softening up and being a kid again
>The 400 Days survivors meant practically nothing
>The episode preview screen of Clem covering herself in blood, with I believe the 400 Days crew around her

Then of course they completely fucked up the Luke vs Kenny dynamic. "Kenny becoming more unhinged and ruthless meant for better survival but at what cost?" is a perfect arc they could have easily gone down while Luke should have been more competent but more soft. Both would make mistakes, both would be right and wrong.
>he would go off the deep end without Clem
Headcanon, again
>everyone agrees him leaving you at Wellington is the best ending
>The best part about these guys is that the most retarded people who try to side with the obvious thread will be killed or turned extremely quickly
Yep. In twd show other countries actually handled the virus better btw. Didn't watched last few seasons but i know that there is for a fact new militant goverment and communa in UK i think.
>I really hate that the internet is becoming less English/white people populated.
Imagine complaining about ESLs, but not being able to understand a sentence when one if it's words has a typo.
Ah I see.
>What Katjaa did isn't even close.
I know, it's worse. She left her husband behind to deal with their soon to be walker son. I don't know if you ever got this really beautiful, beautiful piece of hidden dialogue when you find the suicide couple in episode 5, but Kenny even admonishes his dead wife for having done what she did.
>She left me...my son...people that cared about us...I forgive her, but it don't make it any less wrong. You don't just end it cause it's hard. You stick it out, and you help the folks you care about. So let's figure a way outta here and get that little girl.
>Imagine if it was your sibling. You'd run away and let them get eaten alive simply because they asked you to?
No, but I've lived a long life and I understand for Jane it was survival. I don't particularly care for her as a character, I just don't understand the pearl clutching for leaving her sister for dead when it was do or die, fight or flight, and she flew.
Jane was acceptable until the rewrite for the finale episode.

Personally I didn't like her or Molly as characters(writing mostly both were very shallow) but I get why some anons get attached to those types of characters. It's like Robert Crumb's vision of the ideal woman, where the personality has got all the grit of a man in and little of the feminine.
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> when one if it's words
Yeah, now it's time to leave the thread. Such a shame the internet in likely 10 years will be a wasteland for any sort of intelligent discussion.
He had no argument after being corrected twice so he resulted in moving the goalposts.
>Headcanon, again
When Sarita dies, there's an obvious shift in his personality. It only makes sense that the same would happen with Clem.
>pearl clutching
You are a soulless being
>The writers relied too much on the stats and community discussions.
Never knew it, so episodic structure existed because of it? Well, that explains why Wolf Among Us was changed so much then.
>both would be right and wrong.
Still worked this way. Worse than could probably but still did.
>someone is emotionally distraught right after losing someone they dearly love
>this means they will eventually go psycho
You’re genuinely ridiculous and probably underage. No more replies for you
>this means they will eventually go psycho
He isolates himself and Clem from the rest of the group. That is psycho behavior, especially in an apocalypse where staying together is key.
That doesn't make sense. When Clem leaves with Kenny she spends 2 years with him and his final act is to sacrifice himself for Clem. By your logic he should have turned into a rabid tyrannical rape obsessed violent dog. You're taking a time where Kenny was having a rough time emotionally and just assuming he is spiraling off the deep end.
>He isolates himself and Clem from the rest of the group.
Ill bite.
Thanks god he did, that's why both of them survived.
>staying together is key.
With the right group. See Twd show.
> He isolates himself and Clem from the rest of the group.
lol wtf are you talking about?
>basedjaks in the background
reality is breaking down.
After the studio closed a lot of workers shared the hell behind the scenes and they felt they needed to keep community in a 50/50 split for sales and engagement. The idea being that say too many episodes had 75/25 splits on big choices that players would lose interest and stop playing their games. If they were smart they would have just ditched the data shit being so up front and write the stories because love or hate it most people lean towards whatever they think is the "right/moral" choice and most don't have the bandwidth to think much on it anyway so you get constant 75/25 splits so aggressive rewrites occur to try and steer reaction. The end result is what you see for all of Season 2, a noisy mess that has no strong story structure.
To think about it, the only one he really isolates is himself and even then he cares about clem more than himself as much to be able to get back to senses. Nah man, i love Kenny character, maybe even more than Lee.
>Jane is worse by far. Imagine if it was your sibling. You'd run away and let them get eaten alive simply because they asked you to?
Jane and her sister were on a rooftop about to be eaten by walkers. The only way to survival was to leap across to another roof.
Jane didn't leave her sister behind. Her sister was refusing to jump and there was nothing Jane could do. Do you expect her to gain superhuman strength and toss her to another building? That's unrealistic.
Supposedly TWAU got big rewrites after people figured out the story and twist in the first episode.
>After the studio closed a lot of workers shared the hell behind the scenes and they felt they needed to keep community in a 50/50 split for sales and engagement.
Lol, deranged.
> If they were smart they would have just ditched the data shit being so up front and write the stories because love or hate it most people lean towards whatever they think is the "right/moral" choice and most don't have the bandwidth to think much on it anyway so you get constant 75/25 splits so aggressive rewrites occur to try and steer reaction.
Based, i agree.

Do you think Wolf season 2 will be shit when(if) it comes out? I liked the first one, damn.
Are you talking about redhead guy? Was that really it? So were they competend or incompetent enough then, in the end?
>Thanks god he did, that's why both of them survived.
Good job, captain hindsight. They got lucky and also have plot-armor. The best chances of survival are always going to be with a big group. Him isolating from the group is putting everyone around him in danger.
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correct, the red head that was everywhere in the back ground of the first episode was planned to be Silas the shepherd boy (By who cried wolf). When everyone found out, one of the leads on the game(Nick Herman iirc) allegedly got really upset and forced several rewrites.
Hmm I can either
>Join the group of 10 retards
>Stay as a duo
Well, you know what they say, safety in numbers and all that
>not dying by your sibling's side knowing there's no reason to go on if they die
Why are you allergic to kino?
Yeah, I mean, I just saw it as him needing alone time after watching his lover get eaten alive, then axed through the skull. I don’t disagree with you, though
You have to be nice to me or I won't help you. If I have a lot of competent friends who aren't noisy emotional retards I'm picking them over you. Sorry!!!
By that logic, Clem should've died with Lee and Kenny should've an hero like Katjaa did or gave himself to the walkers when Sarita died.
They could have still had him be a bad guy but just reveal someone put him up to it if they were that butthurt.
What's the fucking point? Maybe it's just because Wolf was the only one I played, but first I watched my friend play through the last 3/4 of it and then I did all the opposite stuff and virtually nothing changed. Why torture themselves over this stuff if the existence of choice consequences is practically pretend?
Having 10 retards as zombie fodder is better
>Him isolating from the group is putting everyone around him in danger.
This group was incompitently dangerous to Kenny, Luke, Doctor daughter and guy in a cap. Only Luke, the cap guy and the old bald guy were worth cooperating with in this whole group.
>captain hindsight
>They got lucky and also have plot-armor.
You figured out how fiction works, bravo.
>The best chances of survival are always going to be with a big group.
Illiterate as hell. Most media portray big groups as a "trap", even Lee can say it to Clem, even TWD show does it all the time. Big group does not = a group you can rely on or trust to. And that's what exactly happened with this "group", they weren't even a group, just a bunch of egoistic activists like you are. Cope, seethe, you got this one reply out of me.
Yeah, but there's still a higher chance of the retards dragging you down with them.
Not if they'll drag you down. See this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Z6Z2lKJbEk Luke died only because of her. Nice group.
>Nothing personal
>Shoots little girl
>Steal all they can
>Run away
Again, most don't have the bandwidth to think much on it anyway, at least not in the moment, look at some of the people in this thread and what they are fighting over, they shouldn't engage over this stuff because as you noted none of it matters in a meaningful way but they don't have the brain power to catch that and get sucked into pointless narratives of badly written stories. They thought that if they could keep the 50/50 split it would work like rival sports teams and everyone would stay to support their side even if all it was changing was what color a hat was and nothing else.
Sounds awful. I prefer being alive.
>needing alone time after watching his lover get eaten alive
Exactly what it was, and mind you it was a second lover.
This entire thread is proof that Kenny appeals to emotional retards.
Reminder that kennyfags literally play as his bitch
>Not if they'll drag you down
One retard != the entire group
Bonnie is an idiot, yes. But the rest of the group during that scene is telling Clem not to help Luke because they're not complete retards.
Read my posts, ok?
That was one of the ideas as well considering they had the headless horsemen(or in this case, headless horsewoman ie Vivian) planned but got scrapped with all the rewrites because Silas' plot was revenge driven on Bigby getting such a high status in spite of how much he fucked up everyone's life in the homelands. They couldn't meaningfully turn Vivian into the major baddie for how personal everything was so we got Crooked man and a very muddled Mafia plot.
It's called empathy.
Retards are everyone who is off topic on video games related board(You). Keep bumping.
S2 was just a mess all around. And Kenny should have never returned - His arc was done.

>claims to be a good dad who cares about his family
>runs away every time shit gets hot
>when his son gets bitten he has a mental breakdown
>completely goes apeshit when his wife kills herself
>wants Ben to die because he caused everything even though he is just a really dumb kid and didn't mean any harm
>in the ideal end he sacrifices himself for Ben - to put Ben out of his misery before the zombies can eat him alive

And what do they make him in S2?
A mess of a character.
>finally has found some peace and a new girlfriend after losing his old family
>when Clem joins him so do his old painful memories
>somehow Clem is the only person who can relate to him in a way - everyone else is grossed out or afraid of him
>despite looking like a complete maniac he always ends up being right about everything
>all the other people Clem surrounds herself with either die randomly or they are complete trashbags who don't follow any kind of logic
Oh yeah. Let's side with the guy who tried to rob us over the guy who had a few justified melties. I am sure this Arvo guy is actually a good guy.
Not to mention everything about Jane - the writers even took the piss at the Janefags in S3 despite all those weird events in S2 and decided to make her ACK herself due to pregnancy.

Everything post S1 is a complete and utter mess
Im kinda noticing now that almost all telltale games get watered down in the last episodes. Tales From was not tho.

Is guardians game any good?
You only see it that way because you have a close bond with him. If you were any of the other characters, you would rightfully see it as a detriment to the group.
When did they shoot Clem? Oh right, they shot her after watching Kenny clobber Arvo to a bloody pulp and realizing they''re dealing with a very dangerous person. They know that Kenny and Clem are a unit, so the best course of action is to just cut ties with both of them.
I think this thread is just a lot of anons posting for (You)s with peppered conversations about how much these writers should never have worked in this business
>Everything post S1 is a complete and utter mess
Don't turn it into politics please.
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You defend Arvo, don't speak to me evil freak.
imo season 1 was just as mess but like Mass Effect everyone was too wow'd by the setting/set pieces to catch how awful it was. For fucksakes you find a working car at the end of episode 2 fully of supplies including gas cans and you just walk all that stuff back to the motel rather than drive it back with said car?
Stealing the car too would have been rude, anon
Kenny's only right out of pure plot contrivance. Both the boat plan and Wellington plan were retarded
The entire thread has objectively proven the exact opposite.
Arvo is just looking out for himself. He does a lot of shitty things, but the apocalypse brings out the worst in people.
His entire group was killed by Kenny's group and you expect him to be all buddy-buddy with them afterwards? That's ridiculous.
Correct, Kenny should’ve executed him after they found the shack with the supplies.
I forgot that they find the supplies Arvo promised afterwards. So he beats up a kid for no reason at all.
Definitely not a psycho by the way.
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Karl, Rick, Shane, Kenny, Lee all were based and good people. Hell even Merl was a good guy. And all of them would hate you and your fucking group. Cope, seethe.
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Not >>681379941
Fucking lmao
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I don't think anything beats TWAU where everyone guessed the plot twist in the first episode and Telltale had to delay episode 2 for ten months while they rewrote the whole season to add shock value back into it.
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>My last defense...
>Fucking lmao
Why are you punching yourself, stop punching yourself.
Was it 10 months? Really?
>Was it 10 months? Really?
Yes, it was a culsterfuck and shows how incompetent the team/studio was. You don't trash your content because your player base figured out your twist, you lean into it and make a good story.
I still have hope(not) for season 2. Was thinking about reading the comics it is actually a sequel btw.
Clem a cute.
I lacked a father figure and i still sided with him. He has faults, problems even. But he's loyal and he cares. That's enough.
Funny enough this happen in Fables comics a few times and Bill Willingham didn't change anything because he had the mindset "A good story is still good even if it can't surprise you" so it read a lot better. I don't know what was happening in the 2010s ~ but creatives were obsessed with making big plot twists and/or subverting expectations and it was rather dull for it.

Series is a good read until about the 80s and then it loses too much focus and wobbles around
>"A good story is still good even if it can't surprise you"
Good one.
>Series is a good read until about the 80s and then it loses too much focus and wobbles around
I may read it, it is on a backlog for a while now.
been a while since /pol/ was anyhow useable (thanks to your ilk),
but last time actual school shooting it was a tranny who your discord kind unironically defended and claimed he was right, all to prep up an argument that republicans should be shot,

and I'm not even a fucking burger
>He's a danger to everyone around him.
As opposed to fucking who, my dude? Jaded zero empathy bitch who left her sister to die, pretended to ditch the baby and wanted to leave Kenny to die after he went searching for fuel?
>he's still a ticking time bomb.
Yeah, he is short tempered to begin with but noone is completely fine living through the zombie apocalypse and Kenny had lost his family twice. Give him a break.
>Arvo deserves the same amount of compassion towards his actions.
He can have it from his group.
i never played season 2, the intro to ep 1 alone pissed me off and i quit it
>omid gets killed in the most retarded way
>christa gets written off
>the game then makes you kill le heckin pupperino
it was trying so hard i remember saying "fuck you out loud". learning kenny somehow survived only added more to the anger
what do lefties have to do with the discourse? stats show overwhelming majority of kenny supporters and i doubt the playerbase is all conservatives
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Where the FUCK is The Wolf Among Us 2?
I miss /ttgg/, also wolf amogus 2 is never coming out and even if it does, it will no doubt be dogshit.
I'm still mad we never got to get revenge on Arvo, Bonnie and whatshisface. Especially Arvo
just dropping in to say that kennyfags are the most pathetic people on the site
makes sense so many people in this thread would side with him. kenny became a retarded schizo and that's "based" since it reminds you of yourselves, lol
How are you a retarded schizo for killing someone that hid a baby in a zombie apocalpyse just to prove a point? And I believe Jane made the fight lethal iirc. I haven't played past season 2 but thats the most "schizo" thing I remember kenny doing
Arvo got his group killed though, he was stealing meds from them in the first place and no matter what he shoots Clem and blames her for robbing him even if she doesn't. He was a crippled little shitweasel.
If you are dirty Ruskie, you side with Arvo
If you are true American patriot, you side with Kenny
If you are a woman (derogatory), you side with Jane
I don't side with any of them.
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I don't get it. What does Lee being from the city have to do with picking locks?
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I think it's fair to say he had Larrified to a degree, certainly

The Jews fear the Florida Man.
A Russian kid who set them up and nearly got them all killed. Are you retarded? Don't answer that, it's a rhetorical question.

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