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Why was the PS3 catastrophe so funny but the PS5 being worse is just sad?
because you were still young and happy back then
console wars were at their best back then

The industry was way different back then. You're a brain dead faggot.
Technological improvements of video games hadn't stagnated yet back then.
>but the PS5 being worse is just sad?
because the ps5 is beating xbox even with no games
we thought they would learn from their mistakes instead of quintupling down on them
Back then it looked like PS3 simply made a huge blunder from which Sony would eventally recover, and in a way it did. But now, with the current California-based SIE? Shit's fucked
Because they made the same mistake twice, so they learned nothing.
Because it was coming off the back of the ps2 era. PS5 was after eras of ps3 and ps4. I don't think I need to explain more deeply than that.
Because at the time there was still a belief the PS5 would be good despite the ridiculous price based on the PS2. We knew even back at PS5's launch that it'd be shit at a low price and never get hardly any games. And look at where we are; not one game.

When you never have any expectations to begin with there are no stakes, and with no stakes, nothing to really care about.
The ps3 cost them money meanwhile the ps5 is winning its generation by a landslide. It's not worse by any stretch of the imagination.
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PS5 is costing them BILLIONS.
They sent a a message and the message was clear
Because the puppetmasters werent in plain sight, playing monopoly with the world and its economy
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>ps5 is winning its generation by a landslide
The PS3 got better over its life and ended strong. The height of the PS5 was just releasing last gen games, and all indications point towards things only getting worse from here as Sony gets more and more desperate for live service money.
Back in 2006 you got punished for releasing a bad product. Now everyone releases a bad product and the consumer considers that they need to buy anyway.
different times
though xbox is now in the similar positioon
Back then bad decisions had consequences
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The PS3 was actually impressive for it's time and not just some gaming laptop in an ugly shell with so little to brag about that Playstation (the california based fags not Sony from Japan) had to resort to bragging about the PS5 having a PCIE SSD which was a normal thing for PCs for multiple years already. Also the PS3 has more games than the PS5. More exclusives too.
It's mostly that the Xbox died, leaving Sony the monopoly.
Back then people jumped into the Xbox 360 because it was a worth alternative if you wanted to play AAA games on a console.
The PS5 is so shit my young cousins of age 18 she 19 refuses to upgrade from 4 Kek.
And 19*
because nobody cares about consoles anymore yet sony keeps pretending like people do. xbox has completely demolished them in the market with the acquisitions of zenimax and abk and sony are on massive damage control to shareholders acting like consoles are more important than owning valuable live service IP.
the ps5 is a good device, its the entire western AAA industry that has completely collapsed, that's the difference
>xbox has completely demolished them
>literally lost the console war so hard they are considering porting halo fucking 1 to ps5/6

what are you smoking
Consoles have become irrelevant to people that care about games.
>>xbox has completely demolished them
sony literally went to court and jim ryan said under testimony that playstation wouldn't survive if xbox owned cod, which they now do. it's over as per playstations own executives.


>literally lost the console war so hard they are considering porting halo fucking 1 to ps5/6
nope. peter moore also considered porting halo 3 to playstation back in the days when xbox was the only relevant console in the market. a business consideration is par for the course. you clearly have never been in a boardroom before. it's called due diligence.

Because PS5 has no memes. We've been saying "ONE GAME I DONT KNOW WHY" for 3 generations now. PS3 was original and funny, also had more memes than just 1 game like its price tag.
PS3 "catastrophe" created Demon Souls, which created the entire Souls franchise and Elden Ring, Sony was willing to take risks back then, now they just want to make the same crap as everyone else
PS3 got scrutinised and laughed at for its failures.
PS5 got a standing ovation because we’ve entered a depressing new norm.
It was less depressing then sine the video game industry was in a good spot, so solitary & temporary fuck ups were easy to laugh at without thinking about how the business is collapsing.

Nowadays games suck, there aren't many of them
ps5 still made money somehow.
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>switch is dead outside japan, nobody buys games anymore
>nintendo dropped home consoles forever
>xbox with one foot in the grave, no one even knows it exists
>pc is a $3k meme that lives off the poorly optimized console crumbs
>ps5 sells at profit since day1 (60M units sold), has all the best games coming out every year, few exclusives and back compat
>best 2024 games so far are on PS5/PS5 exclusives
>/v/itendogaf: s-sony is dead right?
Barely. They're one bump in the road from being in the red since profits are so low.

Consoles are basically dead right? Who is going to buy the PS6? Who is going to buy the next Xbox? PC won.
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That pic is a rough read. Wow, a single SSD on its own bus. How can PC compete? I'm having Drake and Josh flashbacks.
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>best 2024 games so far are on PS5/PS5 exclusives
>PS5 exclusives
Mind to list them?
that still happen today, mein negro. The studio who made Forspoken and Suicide Squad closed after releasing hot garbage
>140 m switches sold
>120 ps4 sold
>ps5 on pace to atleast reach 90m sold lifetime
>switch 2 about to be announced

yeah man consoles are totally dead
are all of you retards living in fantasy land?
>120m to 90m
ok the switch and PC lmao
>this copypasta in every thread about how ps5 is trash
the absolute state of snoys
I never understood how the SSD is what's supposed to make the rift mechanic possible. Do people think you go through the rift and only then does the game load the entire level at once?
No games was a fun bit of hyperbole even for the PS4. With the PS5 it's actually real.
because people were brainwashed at Sony winning by default on the PS4 era. also, zoomers.
it's literally losing to the past gen tablet lol
>ps5 sells at profit since day1
Imagine lying this blatantly
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>the ps5 is winning its generation by a landslide
by the sounds of it microsoft will be merging xbox and windows into some hybrid pc/console machine which i guess makes sense since they own both ecosystems. fuck knows what sony will do.
yes, they unironically think that some "hyper mega ultra fast loading" shit is going on that is only possible with LE SNOY SUPERFAST SSD
it's entirely tech-illiterate normies eating up sony's marketing
console sales haven't grown in decades. the hardware market has actually declined over the last 15 years. that's why we're seeing price hikes to consoles, games and services like PS+. they can't make more money from new users so they charge the existing users higher prices to make up for the revenue gap.
desu they should have just made a series s style PS5 and printed money.
the piss5 is too expensive and on top of that the pozzed moviegames are boring.
They need to go back to basics with what put them on the map, not this wannabe hollywood shit
Because back then life looked less bleak and hopeless for everyone unlike today, and technology and culture weren't in stagnation controlled by banks.
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Can you give a link /data, the closest I’ve found was this, but it is 6 years out of date
Pretty sure Microsoft is staying in that lane. I don’t see Sony doing the same thing.
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PS5 is more successful
Whoever made this chart needs to be beat with a stick.
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Here is a more up to date one. It’s declining, both Sony and Microsoft. But it is a gradual decline.
I'm talking about the colors, it's unreadable.
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Sony is never doing that
this remix is old enough to post on /v/
The SeX isn't competing, that's why.

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