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What did you think of the timekilling time event? Also any of the new IDs worth investing in?
reset autism is dead
Perhaps it will be back again for the next odd numbered railway...
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>Envy peccas have their own Sin resources
uh oh
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I find it charming that you get a big EGO resources payout whenever a Sinner dies
A lot has been revealed in it, it was also the biggest intervallo, quality has improved, but June didn't even do 400k on mobile apparently
>resetting a battle resets the whole section
Let’s fucking go, finally reset fuckers will die
Although some autists will probably spend 10x more time still doing this shit
Are rankings already up? We didn’t really have anything this month
I made it up
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>finally reset fuckers will die
I'll still be laughing at your shitty turn counts and will still discard your arguments if you don't have a good turn count.
>no event EGO gifts in compendium
Why the fuck you talk about it, if you are not mentioning it ever again?
What the hell are you talking about?
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>Sinner mirror match
That sounds really cool and really terrifying at the same time.
Did they just make most banners obsolete? 4 RR banners + the april fools banner leaves no room for anything else.
Just replace your shittiest banner with the RR4 one?
Wait... if WE get resources when our sinners die... and there's 3 waves of Identity/Envy Peccas and they ALSO have resources to use EGO...
Sorry you are powerless before my unga didn’t read strategy
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The writing was better than usual for events, but the main boss is shit, the grind is ass once again and I don't give a fuck about tremor.

>finally reset fuckers will die
>he's unaware
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Wtf do they have planned
Killing off ramlets that play on low graphics.
I hope UI rework and some combat log screen.
Should make it PC only and increase the amount of energy you can hold so I don't have to log in 3 times a day to make batteries.
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Dispatched reminder
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Rodyas massive clocks
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Karmic reminder
evens i run rupture, odds i run tremor, 0 and i run charge
I can't wait to face my harem of Ryōshū clones and impregnate every single one of them
My condolences. But you can run two gimmicks with backup sinners anyway.
Enjoy your fast sweep. I guess.
>Every section is wave based
>Low turn count autists will have to torture themselves with resetting for a perfect turn every wave
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my phone already gets hot playing this for a while, if this keeps up what will it be of me...
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This is just forcing everyone to run faust and fluid sac, again
I think story wise it was the second best event so far and the music was great too
Hell's Chicken > Timekilling Time > YMFTCTB > The Magic Hellbus > Miracle in District 20
I don't think the IDs were particularly great though, they're usable but they're always going to be low priority picks for tremor teams.
>I don't think the IDs were particularly great though, they're usable but they're always going to be low priority picks for tremor teams.
What the fuck
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I drew Gebura
don't draw again please
Regret Faust is always going to be first pick because she benefits the most from the extra slots to get more AoE attacks out
then I usually put Molar Outis because discard makes her super consistent and Rosespanner Rodya because getting more slots means building charge better and more consistent 4 coin S2s
Then Oufi Heath because he just has good numbers and decay tremor is good
Then the Yurodivye because they're better than what's left for other tremor picks
Have you read Hong Lu's skills
You have no idea how to play.
Yeah, and I know how if you drag out the fight 8 turns longer than it needs to be building up and converting 7 different colors of tremor then he makes it into turbo tremor to deal infinite damage, but I'd rather just run a team that ends the fight 8 turns earlier.
Giving up ≠ reset, bro how many years has it been and this fanbase can't still read, there's even a new button and everything lmao
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I don't think you know what you're talking about
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>using CommieShu
You're dumb as fuck, if you use a 00 as the final slot in Tremor RosespannerSaul is better thanks to the Sin resources the Tremor ids play so you can spam Persuanse until the end of days and Riot Ish deals lots of Tremor and Rupture.
But now thanks to TDon you can nuke bosses left and right and its pretty fucking stupid not to use heras the final Sinner in the Tremor team.
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Best tremor team right now imo is:
>Regret Faust
>Molar Outis
>LCCB Ish (if not MD)
YuroRyoshu as support with #1 being Faust if it's an aoe fight or Hong Lu if single target (I'm not sure if her passive works with Outis but iunno)
>Molar Outis
lol lmao.
You are just retarded and have no idea how to play this game. Post your banners so I can laugh at you.
It's easy to tell that none of you guys actually got below 130 turns for RR2 if you think like this.
It's all about having knowledge of how battles go, resource management and only after that can you think about getting a low turncount.
It's alright. I think it would've been cooler if you drew abnormalities instead though.
Also, if I search for this image in the archive, am I gonna find it on /vg/?
How is she bad?
>Discard so you never use skill 1s unless extremely unlucky or bad
>Tremor burst on skill 2
>3 tremor burst on skill 3
>Clashes/rolls well
>Does damage on tremor burst
>Decent egos

Not like there are other options of tremor, what are you gonna run, oufi hcliff (that clashes well but applies fuck all tremor)? base mersault? lmfao
I started playing yesterday and completed the first chapter
Is there a certain part of the story I should get to before doing events?
>no Oufi Heathcliff
It's over already.
And Molar Outis should only be on tremor teams because she provides lust at this point.
Her discard makes it fucking annoying to get for me, too, I keep getting S1's all the time.
At this point all she does is provide burst and lust, and bursting is something every tremor ID does well at this point.
The events are all part of the story progression so just play until you get to them
>the events
You mean the intervallos?
Just do them as they appear while you progress through the story, I'm pretty sure their unlocks are related to how far you are in the story anyway.
Like you will only be able to do the chicken event after you beat chapter 4 and so on.
Also add me on your friend list. G469874788
>I started playing yesterday
RIP anon. I don't get how new people can even play this without a new newbie managers event
Oufi fucks you over with skill 3 since it overrides reverb and he doesn't tremor bursts at all which is what you want. I guess you can replace Rodya or Outis with him but I feel you miss out on way too much losing them.
OufiCliff is too good to drop for Ish right now with Bound King and in general the id got pretty good clash power.
Idk really all of the Tremor 000 are too good to drop and the damage you can get out of them is too good to run the 00 ids outside RoseSaul and LccbIsh.
>overrides Reverb
How do you play your tremor exactly? Because I feel like we play it extremely differently.
The way I go at it is I stack tremor at first, I apply decay, then I use Don's Mortis a turn or two after, usually.
When Hong Lu hits 10 self tremor I use his S3 and follow up with all my bursts if he's first or second, and immediately after I use Everlasting.
Decay gets absorbed with Reverb into Amplitude Convergence so it's basically a +20% damage for one turn, and even then it's +20% or so damage from all sources until you convert it to Reverb.
Cavernous Wailings is good but I honestly prefer saving my resources for Everlasting and Effervescent Corrosion on Rodia
Hell's Chicken was before chapter 4
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I loev Laetitia
Do you use her defense to discard skill 1 if you have no skill 2 or 3??
I drew abnormalities before, Laetitia mostly. I don't use /vg/ and I doubt someone else reposted this image, since it has 15 views on twitter
Oh yeah, true. My bad.
>Laetitia mostly
prove it
New Don is fantastic. Doomposters were blown the fuck out.
Well if you ever draw abnos on the cooler side don't hesitate and show them because I'll probably save it immediately.
I mean the genuine extremely low turncount shit like the ~20 turn RR3 run.
As always.
I'll be honest though, even as a complete faithfag I did NOT expect her defense skill to never even stagger her naturally.
I was expecting 3 count, and when it reaches 1 Don gets staggered, but nope, they only get staggered if someone applies Bind on them.
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The most recent one, and it dates back to 2023
Is Nothing There cool enough?
ok that's much better, you can resume drawing
Eh. Those guys are gonna get retardedly low turns anyway.
The guys that got sub 30 turns on RR3 genuinely spent over a hundred hours on some of the fights resetting for perfect RNG, like 30 hours for 2 turns on Skin Prophet, 100 hours on 2 turns Gossipium and so on.
They'll get their stuff done if they want it done, people who are a bit less autistic might do another run or two and get as low as they can get still, but yeah not as many resets.
It is. I'll be saving this image now, thanks.
sent :)
Very cool Nothing There anon, keep it up and dont let fuckers get to you.
Oh you're that guy with the artstyle similar to Fear and Hunger. Yeah the Gebura lewd is not my taste. I think you're better at drawing abnos and related things over lewds, but that simply means you can improve the latter while maintaining the former. Always nice to see your art here though. Link?
Low white damage :
If you use pre-uptie 3 art in your support tab their art is cropped into a smaller rectangle than if you use uptie 3 art for a lot of IDs, and for a handful of others it's the opposite lol
I am experimenting with my style, so my art is all over the place
>time ripper SEETHING at people wasting their time
>PM games are well-known for having mechanics designed to make you waste the shit out of your time (at least you could download a mod to remove the tedium from Ruina)
>enable voice lines volume in settings
>T Corp Don does not stop YAPPING on the main menu
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>First fight in the Railway already has 3 waves and I see The Wild Hunt is in the second.
>Chain Battle and Resilient Determination, needing every sinner onboard to replace someone incase someone dies.
>Envy Peccatula fights has SIN Resources(also 3 waves).
>want to get the special Ruina manager card
>but also don't want to buy Ruina a second time even though I already own it and haven't played it
What do I do?
>Everything is 3 waves
R Heathcliffbros... LCCBIshmaelbros... It's over
You all should actually consider changing or atleast practice with an alternative for LCCB Ish because she's gonnna get fucked hard this Railway
It doesn't matter because it was a preorder only bonus.
The pre-order bonus is IN the box, bro.
I have a website where I can buy pre-order versions of the game.
It's only 30$ too without shipping costs.
Time for everyone to realize stacking tremor potency without Ish fucking suckssss.
RR4 will be burnchads time to shine
Are these the semen tax collectors
>At rest stations... your sp will be reset to 0.
Thank you director for making what will most likely be the most infuriating RR yet.
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Now I want to see the sinners drawn in chip IDs
It's the poise and charge and to a lesser extent tremor railway, sorry.
I hope the fights are going to be HARD as fuck.
They've had plenty of time to design Electric Sheep, Portrait of a Certain Day & King in Binds.
They better ALL clap ass and have cool mechanics.
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>At rest stations... your sp will be reset to 0.
>Backup sinners means that we can use noided Kimsault with 6 sinners.
>Anyone that has lvld up BL ids are now bricked.
It's TSinc all over again
>all fights are in long waves
>negative SP IDs start in negative SP if they get the slotted buff
Sunshower HeathcliffGOATS... we're back.
We told you guys R Heath was gonna fall off as enemies get tankier and fights become longer.
>they get all nerfed the first week so whale babies can clear
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as if hadn't happen before
>read some youtube comments when I see "how to beat Ricardo with base sinners" pop up in my feed
I'll see you on the 5th or 7th
To be fair up until then you can just winrate through most of the story. If you can't level up and then winrate.
Mr Dandruff is just your mandatory tutorial that sometimes bringing fewer IDs is good/how to intercept attacks.
I thought Ms. Spicebush is the winrate gatekeeper? Atleast that's what I heard. She even fucks you over harder if you level up because you won't get sanity from killing her flowers.
I was just doing that fight an hour ago with my tremor team and I think I managed to take out his 2000 HP when time freeze popped after I used all my bursts since I saw him do a blood explosion into immediate cutscene.
>need a wiki to figure out how this Tremor rework functions

fuck that
Yeah I heard that as well, surprisingly a lot of people struggle on Spicebush, even saw 3-4 noobs here needing advice to beat her over the past few weeks.
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poisebros.... we're back
>Tremor rework
And if you're talking about tremor colors and you needed a wiki to figure out Tremor - Chains you might be genuinely disabled.
me stack tremor
me use frog lu
me use everlasting faust
me use time don
I refuse to make an account, so I can't follow you. Will bookmark and remember you instead, check occasionally. Thanks
based professional limbussy player
I think you just need consistent AoE for that one which can be difficult for new players. I was blessed to have a Regret Faust and a borrowed Maid Ryoshu
Not really, all you need to do is read.
Shut the fuck up nerd.
I wish next year some animator gets into the absolute resonance pride plan and just streams an animation where Ishmael gets raped by every male sinner.
ok dante
>e celeb cancer
>west twitter trash
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>tfw a nulimbabcaca makes a video about Lobotomy corporation and then spreads misinformation
Why is Gregor's wife so damn fat
I thought Yi Sang was the architect
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Tried to make a Team focusing on the Static Tremors that we have(Chain and Decay respectively).
She belongs to Sinclair though
She belongs to napoleon though.
Ribs are good but something off with that face.
Overall C.
>Need Lust for Everlasting Time
>The only 2 Lust units for Tremor(Ryoshu and Outis) have really good bench passives
On Chain, try dropping Molar Sang in favor of Yuro Ryo, and swap Rose Rodya to T Rodya. On Decay, swap T Rodya to Rose Rodya, then drop Yuro Ryo for Molarclair. See how that goes
I'm sorry anon. You have to Molar Yi Sang or N Don
How is Molarclair Gameplay-wise? I remember anons shitting on him alot when he came out.
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Chesed is so lucky
Sinclair belongs to Enoch's cock while Lisa watches
For Tremor Chain, I think you can get Molar Sinclair in since his weakness is clashing and Chain helps him out.
For Decay, the team you got is fine as is, Yi Sang can maybe be replaced with LCCB Ishmael but it's okay as is.
He was a sleeper ID that applied tremor count extremely well, he still does that very well, but now there's Yurodivy Ryoshu who does the exact same thing he does with his S3, but she does it with her S2. Though she gets benched hard.
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I'm glad MD forced me to build various IDs/teams or I would sit on 20k Thread doing nothing.
I wonder how essential backups are, maybe the final boss of each Section is extremely deadly.
Sinclair's specialty was applying tremor count which is no longer needed since pearl rodya exists
You can still use him to clash better with his passive if you already got tremor count covered by Rodia.
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I will still reset.
Low count banners now will be KINO.
Tiph’s getting bred by Netzach’s BDC
>Want to make a Team based around Hong Lu and Reverb
>He's hungry as fuck so you gotta bench Commie Ryoshu and Molar Outis
>But then that means you're losing out on Molar Outis' barrage of Tremor Bursts for Reverb
>Time Moratrium is also pretty good for Reverb
>But you can only put in Timedya because TimeDon will change the status
>Putting in Timedya will make you lose out on the double Tremor Burst Rosedya has
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Weakest turnGOD blocking the fist of the strongest bareminimum scum.
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How does Pigritia work in RR? Still once a day?
Hi hiiiiiiii :3
I haven’t played limbus yet
Okay byyyyeeeeeeeeee
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Both job to soulchads
You can't use Pigrita on RR3.
We'll know in 3 days for RR4.
I'm adding you, bitch.
>You can't use Pigrita on RR3.
I didn't know that. If RR4 had no mentions about Dante's skills then it cannot be used there either.

Kinda lame, they could've made it that you can use it once at run.
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You know what would be great to have during a dead week?
The fucking abno codex that let us read the logs.
Why doesn't the director read snoot game? He should make a DD visual novel already. Instead of wasting everybody's time with Limbus.
>I'm adding you, bitch.
>No Durante tab in the gameplay pics they showed us
It's over.
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You know what would be great to have during a dead week?
Tiphereth porn
Lolita reference in Limbus when?
If that happened we'd get #fixlimbus
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Trust me.
I am Monzo.
We should come together and start spamming their fucking mailbox because this is getting ridiculous.
They straight up don't read any e-mails we send, whether it's bug reports or recommendations.
Koreans and Chinks threw tantrums over dumber shit, isn't it about time WE had our own uprising so they listen to our demands?
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When we get to the French District equivalent. Trust ze plan
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I want more Sinclair and Tiph art
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I won a competition.
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Yeah, I think I'm ready to visit PM HQ.
The competition in question? Most kind hearted and nice individual of this thread.
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I'm going to Hamhampangpang, you guys want anything?
The Lowell cosplayer banged all of the hamhampangpang waitresses while the Xiao cosplayed watched btw
Steal one of the cardboard cutouts for me.
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Uh-h-h-h... sandwich
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>Actually confirms that Refracted Abnos aren't the original abnos
So if any lorechads want to decipher a Railway abnormality, wait for them to come to MD first.
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very fast ishmael moving at extremely hihg speeds
idk how to ungrayscale the vfx lol
So wait... Dante and Co are fighting mirrorverse versions of abnormalities that represent something else in their respective mirror worlds?
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>>Actually confirms that Refracted Abnos aren't the original abnos
We've known that since Railway 1... I think on the My Form Empties abnormality logs.
It's possible they turned it off to avoid spoilers.
>Tiph is a shotacon
>Standing in the same place as a kid suddenly makes you a pedophile
PMbro... do instinct work on the old lady...
What vfx?
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We have so much in common...
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these ones
Both of you are attracted to men?
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This but with my dick
We're both clowns
You gotta get the .fbx and then export it into blender and change the mask to only include the texture since the fbx files for Limbus are for these.
The colors are chosen in game though so you gotta do that yourself I think?
Some softwares automatically remove the greyscale and I've used a few but I could never be bothered to add the vfx after removing the greyscale.
>We're both clowns
Oswaldbro... stop erping in ss13...
I don't know. There doesn't seem to be much differences to the Refracted and Normal versions to me.
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Not until SS14 will be half as good as SS13
There's a new railway coming already!?
God damnit, I'm still catching up with Elden Ring and XIV.
Look at the way she’s looking at him
>Watch a vid where some guy explains LC
>He makes Ayin out as a cretin
>He butchers the timeline
>Fails to explain why the head even attacked the outskirts
>When I confronted him he tells me entertainment > accuracy
Bros... I hate pmtubers more and more by the day
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Don't remind of ss13, like a good 40% of the servers are a mix of ERP/furry shit. This is what happens when you don't gatekeep your hobbies
>like a good 40% of the servers are a mix of ERP/furry shit.
Like those guys weren't there from the start.
LifewebCHADS rule ss13.
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i'm more ashen guy myself
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Maybe, but after Lifeweb every ss13 porn addict and their mother went all in on adding esex or having servers about esex. Back in the day this kind of stuff was purely in a realm of shitposts/jokes but now its a cold hard reality.
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I'd like to atleast include the vfx they use to cover up the transitions between frames. Will probably also need to figure out how many frames are between each hit so it gives the animation that bit of extract weight
Based for making ayinchuds seethe
What's not based is implying Enoch died first and then Carmen killed herself. With malkuth yesod and netzach following suit.
When it was obviously Malkuth who died first.
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Well, it's gonna be a lot of work on the vfx side so good luck if you do try. It's especially a pain in the ass when you have to transition to Blender.
I only bothered doing it once with Everything There inquisitors and My Form Empties then never again, the trial & error to find the part you need is just too annoying, so I just do them without vfx when I do them now.
It's a bit easier in Lobotomy Corporation at least.
I might do it with vfx one day for Heavenly Executor Rodia since it's a pretty cool one, though.
so instead of retrying stages you have to retry the whole section? Sounds even worse because autists will still ruin the game for themselves by now having to get perfect rng for multiple stages rather than one
Molar Sinclair for Tremor Decay because more Gloom and Envy, plus he can do decent damage with s1 once he hits max conditionals and provided you one-side it.
Molar Yi Sang stays on Decay because more defense level downs and he supplies needed sin resources. That's my reasoning
It's fine you won't regret putting off the MSQ for later.
Rare canto 2 art!
>more defense level downs
The bonus damage you get from defense level down isn't linear, it exponentially decreases when you reach a certain point so in my eyes Yi Sang's defense level down wasn't that crazily needed.
>We won't be getting stage summaries for Railway 4
Which faggot?
This guy.
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I fucking love tremor ngl lads
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I was worried for a sec
Damn, I concede. Then Molar Sang for Chain or Reverb+Everlasting
>don't have enough crates for ring sang
it's over
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owari da
It was "owari da" when PM announced Limbus was gonna be a gacha.
You confronted via PMs?
It was "owari da" when Sseth used LobCorp soundtrack for one of his HoMM videos
just borrow one? F409806987
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>mfw seeing my own 4chan post be capped and posted to twitter
He had a stream going on when I saw the vid so I hopped on it and asked him why did he butcher the timeline?
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Bruh Malkuth died long AFTER Carmen offed herself

What the fuck are you fucking talking about
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>Tremor/Poise/Burn/Sinking/Bleed all got good if not exceptional content that makes their statuses viable
>Rupturecels are forced to reenter fights until they get optimal talisman skills just so their status doesn't instantly disappear due to a lack of any rupture count postive IDs
>Charge hasn't had a ID in what feels like eons and any of the EGO they got are half-assed/inconsquential
sue them and get rich retard
My memory is failing me...
shartge is 100% getting something in the W corp intervallo
but fuck me rupture needs some new toys
Source the stream and timestamp, I'm interested
oh right, you can use supps on rr
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The guy and his twatter friend got influenced by the success of these posts to play through the games. He beat LC on-stream and is at the tail-end of LoR Star of the City right now.
He's actually pretty enjoyable to watch
someone needs to try this skill on ricardo
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Why is Enoch so gay
This is why you randomly add NIGGER or FAGGOT in your posts.
Xitter never steal posts with these words.
If I recall it starts peaking at around 30 or 40, so if you really wanna defense level down max you CAN still take him, but at most he's gonna do like 5 or 7 defense down, while Decay can do around 10 to 15 realistically (I think he does 25 defense down per burst at 99 tremor), and Regret Faust alone does 6 when you activate her passive +1 with her S2.
So technically, if your enemy has like 30 tremor on decay and you burst him twice + Regret Faust has her passive on his defense down isn't that amazing anymore.
At 30 defense down it's between +50% and +55% damage taken if the formula I had on my txt is still accurate.
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He's epitome of Sex
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>twitter takes screencaps of our posts and post them for retweets and likes
>/v/ takes screencaps of twitter posts to make threads to talk about
As above, so below.
Sure, who cares about op sec. Anyway I was having a meltie so please understand.
That’s how it went Enoch > Carmen > Malkuth > Yesod > Netzach > the rest > Hod last
i don't make money out of them though
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>cry about inaccurate lore in some meme vid
>is lorelet himself
Thanks for correcting me. I sincerely thought it was based on meltdown order. I'm probably gonna check the LC cutscenes again to refresh my memory of the events.
Buy an ad
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There will be a flashback in Don's canto and we'll see child Don.
This is one of those transexual games isn't it. I can tell by the bad western anime designs.
young adult Don*
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Irrelevant, we litteraly gto Ayin extracting Angela's ego out of his mind, who even cares to keep up with lore and time line when kjh is in full kevin levine mode
Literally everyone is straight in these games.
MC of the previous game even had a 10/10 wife, and MC of the first game had a girlfriend and a robot that wanted his dick.
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Trvke, speak your facts brother.
>It's especially a pain in the ass when you have to transition to Blender.
never used blender before but I'll figure it out
>the trial & error to find the part you need is just too annoying
really? The unique vfx seem to all be grouped into the same folder with the other sprites for the same id unless you mean the generic vfx that they just change the color of

Speaking of do enemies not follow the same sprite organization as ids? I was fucking around trying to stitch Kim's TCTB and I noticed it was almost all raw sprite sheets rather than each frame laid out in order like with the ids
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Kill it.
Timeline is this
Carmen askes Ayin to help her fix humanity
Benjamin tags along because of Ayin
bunch of other people also join
Make Outskirts Lab so Head don't fuck with them
Bunch of experiments happen
Some success some losses, not much at this stage yet but at some point they also find Lisa and Enoch
Then Christopher to Nothing There pipeline happens but eventually this still considered a fail
Enoch volunteers as a test subject
Experiment fails
The it in question? The last heterosexual in the city.
>MC of the previous game even had a 10/10 wife
A good saracenwife.
>Fails to explain why the head even attacked the outskirts
Why did they do that actually? I only remember the dialogue where it was pointed out as something weird. Angela did not exist back then.
They still do more experiments but some still kept failing
Carmen loses it
Ayin chooses to carry on
Giovanni gets recruited
Elijah goes behind Ayin's orders and offs herself
Gabriel goes nuts
Daniel makes a dumb suggestion that was promptly ignored
Enkaphalin experiments finally succeed enough to be viable for human testing and was used on Giovanni
Michelle turns traitor
Garion forces Daniel to release all the abnos
Kali get's Garion'd but scores a double KO
Ayin arrives to clean house when all the chaos ends
Gets Garion's brain meats scrambled and fucks her corpse cuz why not(she loved it anyway)
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>The unique vfx seems to all be grouped into the same folder
The way they use VFX files in game isn't by just simply copy pasting the images in game and removing the black and adding color.
They form a 3D trajectory (visualize a sword swing from top left to bottom right for example but), and the .fbx file represents that trajectory.
When you're in blender, you just have that trajectory, then you can apply the image to the mesh with the UV Editor and apply it "right", but again I don't remember well how you deal with the colors in Blender.
I miss Angelica...
Hod snitched everything to The Head, including plans of Angela. The Head looked into it and saw that there were a web of connections to this shit so they went to shut it down.
Man, it's actually bretty fukken outrageous how true this is
Nigger, Rolangela is litteraly mtf ftm couple
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I don't know why are you trying so hard.
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Replay Head Reception
I had issues with her, but that was before they did optimizing so my potato phone kept crashing on her fight
Cope harder
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Still haven't played it, just not interested enough to play limbus. Two more weeks and I can uninstall.
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But knows that Lisa's pussy belongs to their NBR father
iirc they removed important lines from the head reception when they changed the ending, so you have to watch it on youtube
Why wait just uninstall it now you yuricuck
If Angela was planned already that makes sense, thanks.
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It's not about lesbianism;
It's about domination and power.
>shota good
>fan shipping
I am not the one who shipping them, the fanbase is, and pm too by kneeling to them
Okay man, let's just leave it at that.
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How the FUCK Escape from futa prison is more popular than LoR
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Sex with Tiph.
Moses love...
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Did anyone save his lewd stuff before deletion?
>No huge stomach scar on Binah
Immersion fucking ruined
idc I’m sticking my face in Hods tits and lying on Malkuth’s fat lap
I do. But he said to not share or distribute his works.
>please do not share or distribute my work
Erm, did you not read?
He realized that he can never compete with Ayin so he gave up lewding her huh
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Still not as good as BoneTown.
Just kidding, that game was awful
No but i know a guy who saved it. May ask them to share if you want.
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T corp box soon.
Farmwatch soon.
Are you illiterate? He just said "don't share my work".
Why should I follow what some loser on twitter says?
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I don't care.
bro, your ishmael queqeeg?
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Yes please.
Why didn't Philip put sleeping pills into Yuna's ssanghwa-cha? Is he stupid or did he think he could rizz her up?
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Are characters there aware of (you)r presense? Can MC go a single scene without getting bitchslapped and sat-the-fuck down? Is there at least a single special thing or litteraly everyone and their fucking dog is timebending and multiverse crossing?
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>No but i know a guy who saved it. May ask them to share if you want.
Do it
Not married.
Not even had sex that i could witness.
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Read another book
>Sharing it for free
Are you DUMB!?
That “loser” is the one making them
Be nice
>Not even had sex that i could witness.
Fuck off Linton.
That's actually Dante. He masturbates to the mirrorverse versions of the sinners having sex.
Those sinners? Hong Lu and Sinclair.
...but exclusively if they have sex with Outis and Faust.
>having sex with girls
<Yikes! There goes my clocker...>
Dante would say that.
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>1/3 waves
>Dante out of nowhere
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Why'd he need mirror for this
Dante would say that, but only after ejaculating on a woman.
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I don't think I will be nice as you've mentioned
Instead I will treat them as trash lower than dirt

And you as well is a fucking nigger
Kindly kill yourself so you no longer waste my precious oxygen supply
That woman? Sinclair.
That anatomy on the girl behind is crazy.
Orochimaru lookin' ass
>Just realised that they can do resonance aswell
Fighting them when they have Abs. Resonance and they're at lvl 45 is going to be fucking hell.
...'s sister
Zwei Gregor Envy Pecca that spams Legerdemain every turn... I KNEEL
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Chill out, damn.
Just because you're not wrong doesn't mean you're right.
ZESTY hours coming up.
ngl Sinclair's sister might be pretty hot
no wonder they killed her off early

Otherwise they can't deny that Dante is 100% cis Male
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What does he have to do with anything PM related?
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Exactly. Claws, kill them all.
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Those rewards look really juicy for I am out of thread and training tickets.
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Almost missedan opportunity to harass limb*bs. Nice thread btw
Why didn't the director tweet about #savetf2 and #fixtf2?
Does he hate his roots?
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Thank nyou, Drake.
He predicted the Head raid but Gayinben didn't listen.
Zesty won.
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Wait, there was something ELSE?!
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more like barebones
I'm going to harass your cock Drake. Thank you.
He’s one of the bot hosters
>that nose
Why is bro turning into a Drifting Fox corrosion?
Fucking ignorant pig is what you are. Show some humility and respect, you dumb mouthbreathing nigger, who created and achieved nothing.
>replying to filtered shit
>enough ressources to get 2 ids to level 45 and only one of them to uptie 4
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>20 golden tickets
>200 thread
>20 red boxes
Zesty did NOTHING. No wezzy.... he SAVED tf2 in those 35 adderal fueled hours.
Full sauce?
>50 Level IV tickets
>1 Level IV boost ticket
This is waay better than RR3
>10 Level IV tickets lmao
>3 10 pulls and 1 guaranteed 000
>50 blue tickets
>1 45 level
>200 threads
Yeah pretty good.
Not like I need them but pretty good.
Now I'll have 2 Season 4 guaranteed extractions.
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t. Lower than dirt still mad jealous Binah will never love him since she only loves Ayin and nobody else
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>enemies can use ego
>enemies can overclock
>enemy nclaire hitting -45sp and corroding into using 9:2 on your team
Nigga, she's not even real. I lashed out on you because you seek authors creations you love so much, but show complete disrespect for the author himself, you dumb illiterate monkey
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Sinkingchads are probably gonna have the most fun this Railway. They're gonna force the enemies to corrode and kill themselves.
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I'll soon get enough shards to buy something from the dispenser. Is the new Don ID good enough to shard? I need a good tremor ID for her so she can better participate in my tremor/blunt team for MD.
>he is using sinking?
>*leans over and flicks the switch that makes corrosions only target your sinners*
If you have an established Tremor ID then yes, She's good. If you're able to net someone like YuroRyoshu to bench for her, even better.
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>he doesnt already have everything in the dispenser
I meant Team.
I just started playing a month ago but got fairly lucky with the new tremor IDs but everyone seems to be using Faust from walpurgis. Is there anyone else I can fill with until it comes back or am I fucked?
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its over
Anon.....1 farmwatch in the k corp mirror world is Cathy
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I don't grind as much as I did back then and I am a f2p that couldn't join the game on day 1.
She isn't in any way essential, she just has really fucking good toys to play with. Just scrounge up whatever you have and you have yourself a decent tremor team.
Save crates for her because the next walpurgis is next month.
>he isn't a high enough level to only have to log in twice a day
>and with a couple hours of buffer
You can add someone who have her and use support, just post your ID (I don't have her, but someone else might)
I think Malkuth is much cuter than Don
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The nature was against me but i won.
Grab your beeners:

>3rd Walpurgis Night - Into a Certain Library's Book 2nd May 2024
Nigger it has only been 2 months since the last one
>from arca of all places
Zamn, didn't expect that. Thanks.
Isn't it every 3 months? I only played for 1
It's like every 4 months.
>Walpurgis 2 started at 2024.1.11
>Walpurgis 3 started at 2024.5.2
Do the math(I can't)
Library of ruina if the ending involved 30 different characters, a failed arc, and an unsatisfying ending.
Well, it should have been.
next walpurgis will be fullstop office screencap this post
>fullslop office
Mmmm yes Hod kiss cuddle then sex
how will this even work
Look at the FUARKING size of those rodions
I think it's going to be LC one with fancy EGO gear and what not. Now what I really want is 8 o'clock circus.
always on passive that makes their attacks always go first regardless of speed
outis as tamaki
meur as the leader
sinclair as stephan
Who runs the circus with Oswald ded
Noah and Emma?
I mean how will they put the designs in
Aren't their faces literally prosthetic?
Ammo ID. they can attack for 1 skill cycle at most before being actual deadweight(can't clash either). Defense die to discard skills you don't want to waste ammo on.
You sound confused a bit confused. Fullstop is Urban Nightmare guns heavy guys.
for some reason I thought gaze office was called full stop
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Post some good art that shows some sad moments of the series in a beautiful way.
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Why is there such a massive PM homestuck overlap and at the same time its overwhelming those who were extremely traumatized by how downhill it went
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Th-they will e-endure.
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I still have no fucking idea why would he distort instead of Yan.
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I really like this dude's artbook
In terms of power level I'm pretty sure lcb is solidly in mid to late urban plague me thinks
The theory is that Boris is a Middle turncoat like The Stray Dogs are after Roland rampaged the South Middle(also main reason why Tanya distorted). He distorts because The Thumb's rules and culture are radically different to the Middle and he struggles and forces himself to fit into it, like being hydraulic pressed into a mold.
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Here's what I want:
Distortion IDs.

Limbus has Monolith tech. Have a separate gacha that rolls for Distorted versions of the Sinners and the backstory is that you're using the monoliths instead of the Mirror System.
so they're small and blurry, but you can mostly make out what the deployment order buffs are
>+2 id levels
>something +3 and +10 starting sp? this one is hard to read
>+2 offense level
>+2 defense level
>+2 max speed
>+5% hp
and then the backup units have stronger buffs if someone beefs it and they have to swap in
>Clash power +2, +15 sp
>damage taken -10%, +15 sp
>aggro +5, +20 sp
>damage dealt +10%, +20 sp
>final power +1 (maybe 2?), +30 sp
>+2 id levels, +30 sp
all in all, this rr definitely has the potential to be really hard if they're giving us all these extra buffs and whatnot
I think Liwei would go to Yi Sang since they're both knife fighters and Tamaki would probably go to Faust
Bros... where's the fanfiction where Female Philip gets sexually assaulted by Salvador and then transitions into a man.
Oswaldbro btw.
That would require non human looking ID, or IDs not looking like their Sinners.
It could be done, not even as Distortion but other forms like cyborgs (Gloria ID for example), Sinners have something you could identify them already regardless how they look like Ryoshu sword or Don shoes
We have a lot of humanoid distortions. I'd even accept a version of Heathcliff that looks like Tanya instead of his huge wolf form.
>But their faces
Oh, in which case get over it Director.
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You get reverb ensemble (undistorted) and you will clap.
The director WOULD do this, and people would clap and say it's kino.
I got a reply to an email I sent near launch so they were reading them then at least. but yeah where's my fucking codex, I haven't read a single abno log in limbus because I always forget to do it while I'm busy, you know, fighting the enemies.
who are you gonna rock for RR4? Im going all in on tremor and then maybe a burn run afterwards
Probably bleed, or burn. Maybe Poise.
base sinner LORD reporting in
Solo Sinclair
>b-b-b-b-but 0 SP
I said solo Sinclair
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Burn, as always.
Most EGOs that corrode either target anyone at random or have shit like "target the fastest", "target the slowest" "target whoever has the most health"....
You have to select all 12 sinners
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Anons, you have a better memory than me. Explain again why Erlking Heathcliff didn't just do whatever he was supposed to when he arrived at the rooftop first. Everyone was just depressed because Nelly made their efforts ibecome useless just for the Erlking himself to wait for Heathcliff to fight him.
Burn. More than three IDs this time around.
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I'll select Sinclair twelve times then.
Random meta shit, then 4 months later i'll change teams depending on sin affinities.
He was trying until our Heathcliff grabbed the bough, then he got distracted by Cathy's voice.
The entire fight was just him going
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Kinda counts
Much earlier draft things. We're gonna be way different.
Still super cool I hope we see boris again and then have Sinclair talk to him just so they can force a VA have a conversation with himself
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Faust hungy
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yeah he had a second private account
I’m surprised there’s none with librarian Tiph and Sinclair
Sinclair would absolutely have the hots for her (and would realise she slightly resembles demian)
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Tiph A getting cucked is best art.
Sorry it's second place to Demian getting cucked by Oswald.
Can you porn niggers fuck off with your spam and keep it in your pants until 500 replies, holy shit.
I jerk off 4 times a day and even I can not be obnoxious about my porn addiction.
NofapCHADS purify the demented coomers already.
>I jerk off 4 times a day
Jesus Christ. You need help.
FapGODS laugh at these coomers.
>Comparable raw DPS to rabbit heath, which works well with Decay
>Clashes minimum 16 and can climb to 24
>Bursts twice to three times as often as any other tremor ID
>Innate sloth damage on burst, buffing her already massive DPS with how often she bursts as well as working with Reverb to shit out damage
>In the off chance RNG fucks you over for skill 1, can just take the turn to buff her damage output with To Pathos or Ya Sunayata passive
Molar Outis is THE best tremor ID barring conversion memes (which are best as EGO effects anyways) and Regret Faust hitting multiple parts every attack.

As mentioned above, you can To Pathos or Ya Sunyata for a buff if it's only 2 S1 in a row and you can use an S2 or 3 next turn, but if it's 3 S1 in a row, using a single defense is worth it.
I didn't know these threads were the property of r/gooncaves
Did you confuse Gaze for Full Stop?
It will be waw tier ego.
Tiph Beta costumes would've looked better
I still have to beat canto III
I have over 100 hours
Where's the Rat IDs?
So good that there’s no art of that
When the eyes are blind you can only see with your heart KEKmian cuckold art.
Unfortunately we might never get a Hod ID.
No traitors allowed in this bus.
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The same also goes for don
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Has anyone tried to make Hokma and Binah in the beta artstyle?
Maybe, but I'm not stopping anytime soon.
It gets bad enough that I go 6 times in a day when I wake up and real porn novels right away.
God I fucking hate these minecraft ahh feet they got.
They look like horse legs.
yeah I guess I associated Alloc with traffic lights, hence full stop lol
Blame Gainax for making Panty and Stocking like that
Hi there gen zoomer alpha babycacadoodopeepee af f ^+
I'll likely get flack but I think both of the Tiphs look better in the old artstyle. Otherwise its a overall improvement for the rest of the cast.
The only designs that work here are Angela, Hod, Tiphereth (A and B), and lastly Gebura.
angela got them tomb raider 1 titties
This can be canon in some branches where the cognition filter is different.
Imagine the smell of raw poultry
Bruh I just ate
why are you making me hungry again
P&S style looks rad, damn
It's such a shame they had to drop it because they couldn't afford the game being all Live2D sprites during the VN segments
Stray dogs make so much more sense when you realize they're just former Middle with a fraction of their resources working for their old rival finger.
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W corp swimsuits in 2 weeks
I prefer unique LobCorp style instead
So who's gonna be the Kim of the Kuro, Ish or Heathcliff?
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I wonder what abno we'll get for the next intervallo.
We're gonna see Wayward Passenger there.
Iwei: Outis (tacticool version of her normal weapon) or Yi Sang
Tamaki: Faust or Don (forma low tone voice)
Stephan: Sinclair could only be Sinclair.
This thread?
Every poster?
I agree all 3 of them would support translip in his endeavour of being a real man.
Death Grips collab soon
Probably Sinking for those mirror matches.
unequip your egos for the peccatula section so they can't use that shit
Man nest girls are hot.
Oswald likes petite girls not boys tho?
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reminds me of power puff girls.
Anon... your reading comprehension...
danteh..... the railway....
Kind of crazy to think Ishmael or Heathcliff would need to be to Kurukumo the same way Kimsault was for the Blade Lineage or people will be universally disappointed.
They don’t seem to copy your team, all footage we’ve seen just shows N corp for the peccas we fight
Tiph isn’t petite anymore
She’s packing fat fucking thighs with no thigh gap
>Bongy pits girl
>Canto IV Mook girl
>Canto V Sailor girl
>Canto VI Maids
We need more cute NPCs
Wanna Get Beat Up? Hurtily?!
You did watch fast and furious... right?
Demian implies Enoch post gay awakening. Oswald likes clown girls like Tiph, not little boys like Sinclair.
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Still tiny tho. Roland is like 5'11 max and she's much shorter than him.
How do you know he’s not a bi chad Hurm?
Sorry I don't follow America's nigger worship faith.
It's pretty clear Demian holds his rose very dear to his heart. That's why CHADwald is there to intermingle his roots with Tiphereth's
She’s 159cm so she’s pretty average for a woman
Still taller than a lot of guests lol (poor Finn)
Come back after watching Fast and Furious 7 for more than five times
Lack of supporting evidence. At most we can push him as into NTR and that's only if you in turn try to push him getting two gay dudes together as evidence he's gay.
On the other hand, he meets Tiph once and immediately puts on the rizz.
Spicebush is clash tutorial
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>he doesn't like FAMILY: The movie and racing
Never look down on family. Only then, can you join the Middle
>Not Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
Your childhood must've sucked
Remember that he or someone he sent went to retrieve Michelle's corpse either from a morgue, or her grave, considering he discovered the suicide reading the fucking newspaper.
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>it's never goodbye
Shit still makes me feel.
Oh wow, nice
Didn't he rape Philip?
>You distort
>Now you have multiple personalities to talk with
The Musicians of Bremen all united their minds to become a single distortion, whileTime Ripper just created multiple personalities inside him to manage all ltheir time. Is there a deeper meaning somewhere that I missed?
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Bros... is Ayin canonically bald?
>dreaming current porn
meant for
The Christopher one is fucked up cause that occurred when the sephirot were a thing
>Time Ripper just created multiple personalities inside him to manage all ltheir tim
Holy speedreading T Corp citizen.
Even when he was an old man as Abel he still has a full head of hair so no

Besides bald men don't shave
they let their moustache and beard grow since its the only hair they have left
Tiph’s not my fave but she grew up to be a beautiful woman
>Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
You know I'm kind of surprised that I've never watched this, when I first got into anime and sketchy streaming services, I didn't exactly care what I watched.
But that's actually a Sweeper movie though
Kali already had Mimicry at that time so nah
He got a few people who agreed with him to become a part of his distortion
No but he did indulge in Philip's NTR and age-gap fetish.
>never seen Gainax kino
your life is just sad
no wonder you're still just an NPC
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>I didn't exactly care what I watched.
seasonal shit and romcom stuff probably
Speaking off, when the fuck are we fighting sweepers? It's bound to happen one day with how ENDURANCE both the sinners and sweepers are
>Time Ripper just created multiple personalities inside him
How do you speedread so hard you even speedread the boss' second phase?
Which does scrapped princess go under?
>Start Inquisitor fight
>Either SELF DESTRUCTIVE PURGE first turn or Envy Kromer Faust's passive procs every single turn, sending all of them to 45 SP.
I find it pretty funny as fuck because that was boldfacedly what they do to "balance" canto dungeons and they feel like landmines everytime.
Honestly the N Corp mirror match would be pretty fun and strategic going off low sanity though
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Stop discriminating against people with only 4-8 hours. It's not their fault everything is too fast.
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It's time.
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Gurren Lagann is the only one off the top of my head.
Just you try, I'll gentleman it all.
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the time ripper
Do NOT post it.
>reported me for cropped nsfw
lol you pansy
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This is taking too long to load, I'm closing this page.
Just focus down Sinclair turn 1.
Then Faust
Then they have fuck all.
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>me when I focus down NClair with my BL Team
What if Meursault's aggro forces your units to attack him?
Gebura was already a machine during the time.
This is why she had a low key existential crisis.
Aggro doesn't work in focused encounters, so that would require them to retool aggro as defensive order.
Then how come Ruina Kali already had Mimicry when she should've still been a fresh recruit at that point with Carmen being alive still?
Aggro could only work if it increased your attack weight like Queequeg does.
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>Aggro doesn't work in focused encounters
Uh... bro?
Why is she warning him about toilets? Doesn't she know skibidi toilets are AWESOME?
Philipbro btw.
Probably retconned Gebura’s story
If they remake LobCorp they’ll probably change hers a lot
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Favorite character?
For me, it's Titan SpeakerCHAD.
The stabber of TV Titankeks.
Gman toilet.
Aggro works during focused encounters in this mirror world?
What's the point? You could always clash whatever you wanted, aggro was invented to help tank IDs work in standard encounters.
What do you guys have?
>Tiph manages natural sciences while Hod manages literature
So Tiph knows about sex while Hod does not
These 2 events are not mutually exclusive. Ayin could've retained her Mimicry and given it to her when she was a robot. In fact, she even calls her Mmimicry 'partner' when she melts down.
>liking that pussy that can never do a fair 1v1 and only does ganks
Your favorite character is Vergilius.
Aggro only works on Focused and Abno encounters when auto targeting is disabled dumbass
Aggro is pointless on NORMAL encounters
>coward that runs away at first sign of danger
Checks out if you like Philip.
But Gman toilet always ESCAPES and fights another day. That's why he's a philipbros pick.
Alright...I have to to read everything again. I knew he didn't work alone and according to him he gave time to people that needed with the time killed by others, but I didn't realise he meant to give the time to his own ''colony.'' Maybe I just forgot the specific bit of information since there would be less probability of someone joining this mechanical monster's body in my mind.
G-man is gonna get his asshole GAPED by Magnet Astro on their revenge fight.
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Ayin had his seed of life.
What does Dante have?
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Literally everyone got mind whiped at the begin of the circle.
Did you forget that?
Plungerman is gonna be back right?
He’s not *ACTUALLY* dead… right?
... said A corp before winning again
That's an actual mushroom
There's no way they draw his clock like that
He's as alive as Camera Titan is right now.
standard encounters clashes just clash your fasters sinner with slowest enemy and so forth
his clock.
>can't even crop the porn
The point is how come they extracted Proto Mimicry before the robotization if they had yet to create NT to begin with?
Bros... I thought philipbros weren't autistic zoomers...
Gentlemen... 3 days.
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Ayin is just too based

Garion was the first to be turned into a box
It was only after that event that all the rest were boxed with Hokma being the last since B left when the facility was still being extracted from Ayin's mind
Hell the facility upgrade/expansion is that very process you had to complete to finish the seed of light on top of the Sephira Core Suppressions
But they could always do that? That's what I got from Kali's ruina page.
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Detective love...
>Distortion SPICtective spammer is still at it
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Is it time?
How about you G the shartyfags aswell, Warden?
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Gentlemen... it's our time to depart.
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Kisame... we're leaving.
>Garion was the first to be turned into a box
And the part with Christopher happened in LC during the circles.
Christopher is the 12th sephira btw
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It's bump limit, I can't do anything...
I’m gonna draw Hod’s wonderful tits again
Cristiano Camporojo???
Just make another thread after this one archives
Stop just... KNEELING!!!! You useless trash!!!
Defend the threads!
My favourite character is simp cameraman
My favorite Limbus Character is…
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She won.

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