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Why is the second game so much more soulful than the first one?
Why is Miro such a lazy hack? Nigger promised patches with big changes and iirc all we got was sprint a while back
Bloodborne lantern
he said he lost a hard drive with all the data for like 2 years of progress
i imagine redoing all of it again from scratch is very demotivating
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Play actual good games instead of fake gameplay coin-flipping RNG trash.
Or what?
You'll cry and poop your pants?
based just played it again after buying on steam during the sale, can't wait for the update
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No. (You) will.
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the game is one huge knowledge check yes but it's not dependent on rng, if you know what you're doing it's irrelevant really
These sprites are just shin megami tensei 2 ripoffs.
First game is infinitely more soulful thoughever.
From what I heard it was 2 MONTHS of devtime
Disencouraging or not he just seemingly stopped development
Bottom right is literally me after starting a new playthrough, sorry Tanaka I need that +1 agility.
>not saving tanaka
>not letting needles saw off tanaka's head
double baka
I actually accidentally saved him last run, I was playing as Olivia going for ending A but forgot to kill him early so after I saved him and Marcoh from Pav he stayed near the train training with Marcoh so I decided to just go end the game because I didn't want to kill Marcoh too.
It's not, 1 is better in every single way.
Gameplay is objectively better. Most would agree that the music in 2 is much better as well
I just hope that miro cleans up the endings more than anything. Right now the sulfer cultists and logic seem so disconnected from each other like it’s two completely separate plots just existing next to each other rather than the interlocked story they are clearly meant to have
I still don't get why Logic was built under Prehevil. Couldn't they have built it in a place where the cult of Sulfur wasn't present? They go to the center of Sulfur worship to do that shit.
Is it possible to beat this game on a first playthrough if you just really pay attention?
Wasn't it because Prehevil had a deep connection with the Old Gods, since it was one of the last bastions of worship towards them? That's related to the Cult of Sulfur, since they too are attracted to that kind of influence.
i beat my first run as marco just by bumbling through it but i think the character is just op with double attack + heal ring
I mean the lore says you need the body of an Old God to ascend, but Logic is a different kind of god, unless it's using the body or power of some dying God(maybe Sulfur?) to become a true god, which would have crazy implications for this new god.
I think they were using the corpse of Vinuskha, whose death is a well kept secret by the Church. Thematically it makes sense to have the Machine God be born out of the corpse of the God of Nature.
Isn't vinushka just sleeping somewhere near the starting area?
Bump for interest.
I hadn't considered that, holy shit I had never read the unedited version of Vinushka's skin bible, it makes sense then, still crazy that they would use Vinushka for the machine god, basically means the so perfect machine god Kaiser envisioned can't become true if it inherits aspects of both Gro-Goroth and Sylvian in one way. Also makes you wonder what an unedited version of Alll-Mer's skin bible would read like, probably mentions the whole Sulfur God thing, as Enki probably figured it out.
No, Vinuskha's dead. Humanity killed him with the industrialization of the Cruel Age,
No, the "corpse" of Vinushka is the literal planet. The industrial revolution created to combat the struggle seeded by the Girl is what in the end turn mankind away from nature hence the "killing" of Vinushka, a repeat of the older humans turning away from the Old Gods like the first game.
Gameplay wise yes, its better bit the problem of 2 for me its the amount of references to other games (I hate Marina for this since its the memester of the cast and doesnt feel grounded like the others) and the light tone of the characters. Those who got connections to the supernatural should be playing by the rules of the Festival while the others should distrust the others in this nutjob situation(Karin kinda does)
>I hate Marina for this since its the memester of the cast and doesnt feel grounded like the others
In what way?
Marco is simply an archetypal gigachad.
Even the Old Gods flinch as he walks past.
Everytime Marina talks. Marina of all people should take this serious (given the whole Necromancer thing in Rome) but just fucks around and cracks modern day jokes. At least Abella acts all softie because she's pure at heart and an all-around good person Big sis type and tries to help the other characters.
Abella is such a best girl it's not even funny
Yup using the talk skill with Abella in the party is pretty cute.
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Do anons mind if I post my review on this game ITT?
it was two days, then two months now it's two years in a couple months it will be 20 years worth of dev time lost kek
why are "gigachad" posters always the opposite of what they wish to portray?
But it's not? Lmao it's the exact fucking opposite. F&H1 is soul created without expectations or a fanbase, F&H2 is a tryhard soulless husk that spawned a Twitter fanbase that self insert as Marina
>the only hope for a sequel to not be soulless is to intentionally piss off the fanbase of the first by dramatically changing how the game is played or by somehow subverting their expectations.
Or are sequels always devoid of any soul?
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First games tend to always be the director's unfiltered vision while sequels tend to compromise after reception or criticism directed to said first entry. See the change from Ass Creed 1 to Ass Creed 2, or Mass Effect 1 to Mass Effect 2, or Dishonored 1 to Dishonored 2, or Evil Within 1 to Evil Within 2, so on and so forth.
not surprising when it started as a shopped picture of some fag
Right, those are the obvious examples of bad sequels but I am straining to think of a good example of a sequel that isn't just a refinement of the first.
dark souls 2
devil may cry 2

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