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>the overall purpose of the outfit is to distract male attention
my swp can never get pass those
and it's fucking working
huh? sorry i was distracted, what did you say?
This but my tiny brown penis
Don't be like that Andy, she's really into you!
What type of man can?
I prefer Blue Mary
>fat thighs
I hate how Japan caters to America
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Mai has the f̶a̶t̶t̶e̶s̶t̶ flabbiest ass in video games.
Nothing sexier than a chick whos boobs are so big you can see it from the back.
Only in KoF XV. She's much less fat in KoF XIV
Correct, to kill their target
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She always had the big jiggly butt. XIV is the rare exception.
how do I stop relapsing? I'm 3 weeks pornfree
>flabby ass
Is this from mugen?
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So now that Mai is cumming to SF6.
What will these look like?
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Become gay like Andy.
go away sybb
Not coming here would be a start.
nice excuse, SLUT
i am SO fucking glad i look like this...
Common kunoichi tactics.
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Literally watch any game with Mai in it. She always had jiggle everywhere
That's weird because I've never seen another KoF female with a flabby ass. It's just her?
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wish she'd take her stupid socks off
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Yes, Mai is overweight. She has saggy tits and ass which are not toned. No one else has a jiggly butt like her.
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>Nippon Ichi!
How true is this statement?
sybb thread? sybb thread.
So what did SNK want to tell us with this?
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That Mai is fat and gets fatter every year She won't be able to fight anymore.
Learn to fap to things that aren't porn. Evolve. Develop a whole new set of problems.
Pretty much the same
Pretty much the same
Visible tone on Yuri and copious amount of booty flab on Mai

She really is overweight. Not even kidding.
Is it weird I think KoFXV Mai looks 10000x hotter than DoA Mai
Yeah, she must stink and have troubles wiping. Gross old hag.
Look at the flab folding between Mai's hips and thighs. That's some great attention to detail
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It's not weird considering the time difference between the two. Graphics improve with time usually.
I mean if you're talking about pure graphical fidelity DoA/VV Mai looks better. It's just the soulless art direction I find totally unappealing. KoFXV's art style is pretty generic but it's more pleasing to the eye than DoA's head swap doll design.
The saudi oil baron's son will demand that Mai is immaculately modeled and that they will implement the most complex soft body physics for her.
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>troubles wiping
That's what Andy is for.
Mai is going to be completely censored. Nu Capcom does no have the balls to put in fat ass floppy titties like that in their heckin whole big chungus fighting game.
This game has such a messy artstyle, and the ugliest version of many of its characters. The females having stick bodies and literal moeblob faces really contrasts with the males having evil-looking hannya mask faces and wooden looking muscles, I know it took them an absurd amount of effort and the moving bits are well rendered but character design itself is kind of awkward, AoF3 and Garou's look is much better realized and timeless, the older games too. Leona looks okay at least.
I'm pretty sure Cammy has a flabby ass in SF6
Why is Andy such a slow faggot? Jfc he should just skip the proposal and marry her. Then he can start mating press her 5 times a day
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Andy doesn't want kids. It's the fear of children keeping him.
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Mai is not fit like a fighter, she's a whore
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>Bragging about your dick size on tibetan throat singing forums
Micropenis spotted.
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That's her game plan, distract opponent with titties and attack them when they're too horny to fight back and it works
How well can you fight with a flabby ass?
It's working damn well cause I always lose to her
And similar characters like Cammy but that's expected...
How did SNK get away with this?
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Instant K.O. if you fall ass first on the opponents face.
You sure? A flabby ass like Mai's would feel like a pillow.
surface tension makes the impact feel like hitting concrete
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You can't breathe if a pillow is pressing in your face. That's a K.O pretty quick
>how can anyone die from jumping off a bridge? it's just water bro.
Water is very dense and hard, though. Fat is not.
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This could honestly be canon.
Luong was always best girl
She's preparing her body for Andy baby
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I always thought Chun had sligtly fatter tats. Just a little.
How do you do strike through?
I hate Mai's current stance.
I wish they would go back to the old one, where you could see her body, they changed it to this one to highlight her cleavage but you can't see her body.
korean girls have big juicy butts
sybb has replied to himself over 10x in this thread lmao
I really wish jannies could find a permanent way to deal with this swedish retard sybb.
be prepared to be called a tranny for this
Chronic shitposting autists will never be permanently banned because it’s their compulsive attention whoring (and the countless replies they get for it) that helps drive engagement. Clicks, refreshes, etc. Why would hiroshimoot allow a jester who’s drawing in a crowd to be banned?
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She does but Mai is far more extraverted and willing to show off
I like Mai not just because of her giant titties but because she is very nice, cheerful, and kind to everyone :)
sybb threads are bump threads

dilate tranny
go back >>>/lgbt/
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The saudi prince was the best thing to ever happen to SNK.
I would a female bimbo Terry
Mai wants the tapes of nude female terry. Since they were unconscious then stripped and put into the new clothes.
Kukri is the guy behind the mess
Terry got pranked
Why are you talking to yourself
Sybb haters are more schizo than sybb himself.
Mai's are not the biggest in the series.
I know nothing about this genre so pardon my ignorance. Why do all these fighting games have sexy ladies when fans complain about them constantly?
I wish my poops were like that. Idk what's up dude. I've been shitting water for months no matter what I eat.
It's mostly capcom fanbois who are fuked in the head and bitch about everything.
And to be honest it's not all their fault either because the New Street Fighter is a disaster.

fags are complaining + sex sells
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Yes but this is a Mai thread.
Go make a latinx thread if you want to post Angel.
So excited for Mai in SF6
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I mean we can get both
>slight overweight discussion
>no one has posted mai inflation yet
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Capcom is going to fuck up her design in every way because Street Fighter 6 is built on a horror game engine.
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Ah fuck it, Angel thread now I guess.
God I wish my ass was this phat
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Will she have a new design for COTW?
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Hard chance because SNK for some reason is really afraid of giving new costumes to characters unless it's Athena.
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I dunno, Tizoc got tweaked and Andy and Joe got fresh designs.>>681403229
gooning to this
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stupid frogposter, get brapped on.

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