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release the game you fucking Zhang. I'm done with ER DLC
looks like shit
>dogshit feedback on attacks
>animations lock you in place for 50 years
why are all chinese games like this
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>>dogshit feedback on attacks
It looks like biomutant in that regard every attack felt weightless in that pos
looks kinda bad , look like it's a Stellar Blade level
where's the monk
Buy an ad for this chinky shit
>It's always 3 Kingdoms or Journey to the West
Why are all chinkoid games like this?
whats more interesting is that despite all of them being either of those two we still dont have a single good 3kingdoms/jotw game
Those are the only ones you've heard of, not the only ones they've made
>Dodge & attack
>No area of effect, no multihits, no staggers
if you think that's bad wait until you see how many spider man games americans have made
Sounds like any souls game
>basic ass hack and slash
>attacks have no impact
>hud hidden on purpose so you dont see that you take 5% damage per hit and do 2% damage per hit
>bosses dont react to you attacking and instead just use their attack moves
>boss performs 3 moves then freezes for infinite time so you can damage it
>dodging is so broken you can just spam it and never get hit. whenever enemy makes a sound you just dodge, kek. first dodgeslop game that lets a casual play with a blindfold on.
>fast looking boss that gives you two eternities worth of room to attack
>every single move from the bosses is extremely slow and gives you 2 seconds to react. who the fuck is this made for, grandpas?
they set the expectations too high with those cgi cinematics before they started showing any real footage. fucking rip. the outcome is way too basic.
the game looked like dogshit from the very first trailer, i don't understand why it became so popular so quickly

also what's with the shitty soundeffects? grim realism for graphics and design yet wanting something more whimsical for sound? you can't have it both ways
Looks cool, can't wait to play it.
>muh souls muh difficulty
You are a virgin, your opinion is worthless
Based response desu famalam
Based and soulful
Way way better than japshit
Fromtrannies....why does this look better than elder shit???
Me rike it.
>Processor: Intel Core i7-9700 / AMD Ryzen 5 5500
>Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 / AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT / INTEL Arc A750
how true do you think this is? these seem low system requirements
Despite of what you were told, China is collapsing
Not hard to achieve considering Elden Ring is literally Dark Souls 3 with a shitty open world map
There are two, maybe three well designed areas in ER but everything else looks bland as fuck, both at tech and artistic levels
>ender ling
>runs 60 fps on any pc without upscaling, easily accessible even by turd world niggers

>monkey chinkslop
>linear bossrush arenaslurp
>no art direction just dojo marketplace assets thrown together
>dumbed down ender ling combat that lets you animation cancel any time
>runs 1440p 30 fps native on rtx 4080 super

those are with upscaling enabled which they mention in the system requirement sheet. so basically the 2060 is capable of dishing out 30 fps at 540p. technically they werent lying. any ue5slop with lumen, which this game obviously uses, will need a 4070 minimum for 1080p 75+ fps
they need to sell it to Zhangs so....
as always
>wait for demo
>buy on sale if good (or pirate it)
Dragon Ball sparking zero release this year
hello DEI sisters, when's the next discord meeting
Cause Mao destroyed or denounced everything else. That's all that survived
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Boring. The boss has no area of effect attacks, doesn't aggro depending on player position, is extrenely unreactive and doesn't do any area denial.
Impressive how these cheap Souls knockoff always fail to understand the intricacies of boss design.
Is that supposed to look good?
it looks ok, but it kinda hinges on how good the level design and exploration is for me when it comes to soulslikes
tranny can't handle the big boy games
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I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't see how this game is gonna suck ass.
If your standards are low enough that you were able to enjoy Code Vein or Lies of P, you might like this.
But it's going to be shit.
its a completely linear game
The sad part - this can get over 80 metascore.
Journos love soulslop for some reason
Trannies, ecelebs and normies are obsessed with Elden Shit btw
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spherehunter will be playing this chinkslop too. don't you worry about that.
Man why did they have this katana a dexcuck weapon. I want to use it so bad but I don't want to respec ;_;
>popular streamer plays new marketed game
With the last videos they confirmed it's a linear game where you just go from boss fight to boss fight and there's like 100 bosses or something. So you do a minor encounter with some mooks you wipe the floor with and then fight a boss.
I don't get it, first you called me a tranny because I don't like Elden Shit.
Then I told you that trannies love ER and they're saying it's the best game ever which indicates I'm not a tranny since I honestly think ER is the rollslop worse than DS2.
Then your response is another tranny streamer.

I just don't understand your thought process in this, but since you're obsessed with them I'll assume you have a mental disorder.
I'll just enjoy Sekiro, BB and DS1.
>Qin Shi Huang burns all of their literature in 200 BC
>Mao burns all of their literature in the 1960s
>Have literally zero pieces of literature left to base shit off so 90% of what you make is just rip-offs of other countries' work
Dragonwound is C/C, it's a quality weapon
oh well guess im out, doesn't sound like the game is for me
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It's the simple "everyone who disagrees with me is a tranny no matter what"
compared to always having niggers or butt ugly trannies?
It is funny he's calling everyone tranny and yet trannies are defending and shilling ER
ER has bodytype A/B in character creation, if that's not peak body dysmorphia pandering I don't know what it is.
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>katanas are historically a dex weapon class in every single souls game ever
>new katana comes out
>it's dex
>Creates a male body with female voice
heh nothing personal
Lol black dick gookong.
i'm new to monkey lore and the enemy designs appeal to me but i'm worried about getting bored of using the staff for the entire game. has there been any confirmation of another weapon type?
yeah this game looks like fucking shit
people call it a "soulslike" but i'd consider exploration to be a major part of dark souls. this shit is just a series of combat arenas.
Journey to the West is Indian folklore...
Why are you giving credit to the Chinese for stealing a story?
>Journey to the West
This isn't chinese though... Maybe reddit is a better place for you.
Because the chinese only know how to steal folklore from other cultures
It's a corridor game. The lack of open world detracts from the journey. 6/10 IGN
I want to fuck the big furry men
Just two more weeks
because those are the only 2 myths the CCP allows. They destroyed the rest in the purge.

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