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Pharaoh was dogshit and they might not make another historical TW again. Are we fucked?
Stop letting the Bulgrian office make the historical games.
Medieval 3 will surely happen, but it wi be a monkey paw wish as you'll soon see
How about a TW game that is actually new and not just a reskin of Rome 2?
Studios don't make good games anymore, if they make another one it's going to be even worse
I hope they all die
Just bought Rome 2 and all DLC, what are the top 5 most fun nations to play (any campaign)?
let it die.
Warhammer saved the franchise so going for 40k next is the only correct move.
>More people play Rome 2
No shit, it's not as if Rome 2 has consistently been one of the most popular modern TW games after Warhammer. And arguably 3Chinks, but 3Chinks doesn't count, because it's China.
Ofc Rome is king in this game, but I had alot of fun with Carthage in the Hannibal DLC, the Caesar campaign as Caesar, and the Rise of the Republic dlc as Syracuse because you get to have an ungodly 1v1 with an overpowered rome to your north later in the campaign.
Rome 2 sucks ass
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>how do you save another franchise from the same retards that made Hyenas
you don't. you are asking impossible questions.
Seriously though, for a start go Rome or Carthage. They are pretty easy to get into.
Rome 2 had a shit launch but its a good game rn. Attila is arguably even better
I hope they will do LOTR Total war next
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Pharaoh is good and will become great with the big update. CA just overhyped it. You'll probably reply by posting Steam charts.
Apparently, it's Star Wars.
God, help us all.
for me it's
>Grand Campaign
>Rise of the Republic
Rome or Samnites
>Caesar in Gaul
Minor Gallic or Germanic tribe, playing allied with Rome
yea that looks like a robert de beaumont to me
>Caesar in Gaul
>Not playing as Caesar
>Caesar in Gaul
>playing as Caesar
Back to stainless steel for me.
I like the history of inter-tribal warfare, and the different factions are there to be played
Thanks frens. Are wardogs as OP in this game as they are in Attila?
>stack of 19 war dogs
>release all the dogs
>kill 80% of the enemy army
>0 losses cause dogs count as ammo
there is no saving, all the talent already left CA. They cant make another shogun 2 even if they tried.
its just troy patch 1.1, retard. there is nothing unique or special about it, even the sea people invading is straight up ripped from attila and chaos in warhammer tw
We'll get a rushed Med 3 that's riddled with bugs right before CA goes bankrupt. Not sure if i even care at this point. CA hasn't made a good game in years now
Third age is a thing you know.
Honestly, I never did use them. Rome is OP even without that.
>haha, testudo goes brrrrrr
not in my experience, they get stuck way too easily and drop like flies. attila dogs were annoying as shit

No thanks.
by not going bald like legend
based SS enjoyer
If you deploy them on enemies that are already engaged then they'll cause a big stack of casualties but they aren't OP
Is Legend still salty about Rome 2?
>I have 3000 hours clocked in Rome 2 and 1000 in DEI. I hate this game.
I don't get this guy.
>King Solomon
Ok, schizobros, what's the excuse here
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Black Hebrew Israelite
I'm pretty sure that they will still try to save the IP with Medieval 3 or Shogun 3 before abandoning it for good. With that said, it will probably take a while, given both CA and Sega's questionable state right now.
The dude from spartacus was cool though. So he gets a pass.
Medieval 3 is the most logical choice. Although they will fuck it up somehow. It's going to be Rome 2 redux.
Focus on Warhammer and forget about history.
>Medieval 3 is the most logical choice.
Yeah, it is. The studio once said that they do not want to revisit the same era more than twice, but I am pretty sure that restraint has long since been rendered irrelevant by the development of the franchise.

And yeah, I have my doubts about it really saving the IP. The historical TW games have not been going well since Rome 2 (Attila being an exception, and even that game had a lot of issues) and I do question CA's competence, but I'm sure they won't give up without at least one big attempt at a comeback. Middle ages are probably the most widely popular settings (which pisses me off, frankly) and it is their best shot at making historical CA games relevant again.
Why don't they just make a WW1/WW2 Total War?
>Why don't they just make a WW1/WW2 Total War?
Have you actually ever played a total war game? Because if you had, you'd already know the answer.
I collectively have probably 10-20k hours in the various TW games so yes.
>you'd already know the answer.
Nope not really. There's even a WW1 mod for Napoleon and it's actually good, just abandoned.
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>How do we save Total war?
by leaving it to modders
Truth is even if they made a M3 it would never ever match the histfags expectations.
the next total war game will be ww1, screenshot this
a proper Medieval 2 remaster not like the Rome hackjob but with good UI, modern controls and QoL, AI fixes etc would be an instant success.
It's honestly such a retardedly easy and obvious choice to refresh the series with something new i'm amazed they haven't already done it.
We can't save it. It's over. They've made so much money doing fantasy shit where every few months they release a new faction and charge you 5 bucks for it that we'll never get good, historical kino from them ever again.
it's free and they've revealed all the factions the update is adding
quite embarrassing for you don't you think? to so brazenly talk shit about something you know literally nothing about
>it's free
they need to pay me to play this slop
Total War is dead, they have proven again and again that they are incapable of doing one without idiotic single entity units and heavily dumbed down combat mechanics. The last sound vanilla release was Shogun 2 and its expansion 10+ years ago.
Best we can hope for is that another dev steps up and fills that niche.
>Nope not really.
You have not realized how the game handles unit A.I. and base combat systems after 10-20k hours with the games? Sorry but I really doubt your claims here.
Neither WW1 nor 2 are not rank-and-file combat environments. The engine is FUNDAMENTALLY not suited to simulating them. It makes no sense to make a game focusing on them in this franchise.

>Truth is even if they made a M3 it would never ever match the histfags expectations.
Yeah, that is also a problem. I don't mind shitting on CA because god knows they fuck up often and hard, but it is also true that the fanbase - the historical fanbase in particular - is insufferable and shares their part of guilt over the shitshow.
>it's impossible because... because.... it just is, ok?!?
Whatever you say.
I hate Warhammer Total War for what it did to historical TW. Fuck the faggot intern who came up with the idea initially.
But Total Warhammer has all the historical playstyles too. You can still make a wall of pikemen
And if i remember correctly they made him numidian or something like that not a black celt
Are you 12?
Do you not understand how one engine may be designed for one type of gameplay, and not for a different one? Do you not understand the fundamental difference between something like TW and something like Wargame's - in scale of maps, in unit A.I. and controls, in how terrain and structures are handled, how damage is calculated?
I'm talking about before the game came out. Not the update they announced later when the game flopped.
Yes but, as I said, it killed historical Total War games. We will never experience another Medieval 2 or Shogun because some marketer found out trannies that like warhammer exist and have money
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Shogun 3 or no buy
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Ironic that you're calling me 12 when you are incapable of comprehending a WW1 total war game. Here's a screenshot from the mod which cannot possibly exist because the concept would be too hard lol
The mod plays like shit and would not fly commercially. And yes, I call you a child because your argument is literally "I do not understand design or engine limitations, but I insist something is possible because it sounds cool in my head".
That's pretty neat, how does the mod model trench warfare and the static artillery fight of the western front?
>it doesn't, because it's not possible in the engine
How is the gameplay? Do they just stand there like in line battles?
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>Star Wars: Total War
yeah not getting my hopes up for that one.
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>there's simply no way we could make a total war game on this concept.. it's just too difficult
You don't and let both CA and TW die in a gutter.
>not responding to the question
i have played this mod. its very rough and the theme clearly doesnt fit the total war formula
Where's the trench? And try not posting thumbnails next time you fucking retard
It's a proof of concept retard. If it were polished and actually developed then it could be made good.
Make Shogun III! I'm serious it's what I want I don't want Medieval III.
>the theme clearly doesnt fit the total war formula
refute this then
>it's just too difficult
It genuinely is. The fact that you do not understand the challenges involved does not change that fact. You are just a child talking about subject you do not understand.

The A.I. behaves exactly like every other TW A.I. Soldiers stand in the open and pelt each other with bullets, or run up to each other and stab each other at melee. There are no trenches, no terrain modifications and earthworks, no cover systems, artillery are just canons so no long-distance support, and the battles are tiny and completely off scale-wise.
I expect warhammer combat where a jedi walks into a line of bots or clones and just swings his lightsaber around which makes them go flying
Honestly anon, all shitposting aside, it sounds like you simply want to play a wargame
Starting a limited battle with 20 units on every attack does not work in WW1
Says who? Total War games are about war and history. Is WW1 not a historical war setting?
Star Wars is already retarded line combat and shit. Unless they ruin the visuals it could work with Total War. Wait a minute, they need to figure out space warfare don't they?
None. Rome 2 is barely playable with full overhaul mods.
Rome 2 is epic and you are brown and gay
>barely playable
Works on my machine
What is that WW2 game where you have a strategic map but then load into battles with real-time units? Steel Division? Graviteam Tactics?
Either way, I think that's what anon wants
Both Medieval 3 or Shogun 3 are dead on arrival. CA has no talented developers left and their current engine is the main reason all games have sucked for the last decade or so. It would require for them to build a completely new engine, and they do not any employees with those skills left.
>CA went to shit before they could make a 17th century TW
Oh well, it's not like the constant state of warfare and devastation would've been ideally suited for it or anything
>Total War games are about war and history
but they have pretty clear boundaries on mechanics. You can have Heroes or units of tens of people in formation, this has been proven to work. But try to make an airplane, a tank (that only takes damage from the right units) or a squad of infantry work. It can't. It will either look as goofy as that mod or just bug the fuck out.
Pike & Shot and Empire: TW is basically the same thing
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how are they gonna work the expectation of air support into Star Wars ground combat?
>inb4 "they won't"
>You can have Heroes
First of all, fags like you ruined Total War.
Steel Division. There's also Gates of Hell. Both are better than what the total war engine would produce.
Name one Star Wars battle where air support does anything
Warhammer has air units. Expect that
youre a fucking retard. I hate heroes in tw games, i said they can work MECHANICALLY which was proven by warhammer. Idiot nigger
akchually it was proven by 3 kangdomz
>Both Medieval 3 or Shogun 3 are dead on arrival.
Not really. The brand and the settings - especially medieval one - carries a lot of weight. As for CA not having any talented people left - that is not true. The people who made things like the Chorf DLC for TWH3 are clearly very talented.
The main issue - besides the aging engine - that CA struggles with, is administration and organization. The company is INSANELY bloated and their workload and talent management is abysmal. It's always worth remembering that CA - even after the massive layoffs - still has like 800+ employees divided into maybe 10 different teams which have extremely different levels of competency, and it seems like the most talented people are ironically delegated to the "support" jobs while the B teams are the ones handling the mainline releases. I have no idea why that is the way CA has decided to delegate their talent, but it's pretty obvious when you follow their work closely.
Meaning the most talented people are doing overhauls of the work that the less talented people have done in the past, or focus on expansions and DLC's - which doubles their workload for absolutely no fucking reason.
Makes more sense than 2 hp generals or whatever the fuck they had in historical
I don't care anyway you aren't going to change my mind, especially not by seething harder each post
its weird he used to like rome 2 before getting blacklisted
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Alright, it's time. How do I get into Total War? What's the best game for n00bs (is it really Shogun 2)? What's the best tutorial? I remember when my friends were obsessed with Three Kingdoms, playing it the way I played other 4X and grand strategy games.
Carthagian propaganda
Valkyria Chronicles: Total War
>things that will never ever happen
Whichever setting you like most between Shogun 2, Rome 2, Attila, and Warhammer. They're not autism simulators
Play what you're interested in, but yes Shogun 2 and in particular the Fall of the Samurai expansion are totally worth it if you're a weeb
He was punic, so basically a jew
Depends on what kind of game you want, do your own research honestly because retards here will probably tell you to play a game like medieval 1 which is has aged like sun dried dogshit.
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>Still no Thirty Years' Total War
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Here's William the Conqueror in MTWIII.
As a Total War autist that has been playing since Medieval 1 (one), I suggest starting out with Rome 2. It's pretty to look at, good unit and faction variety, easy to grasp. Then if you like it try out Shogun 2 and Medieval 2, they're older but the GOATs of the franchise imo
>spearmen (barbarian)
>spearmen (brown)
DEI mod for Rome II is an imporovement if you like greater historical accuracy. Plus its harder. Takes a long time to play through a major campaign though.
true, but i dont suggest starting out with it. It's tough as shit if you're not careful
>will be named Total War: Star Wars
>not Total Star Wars
already ruined
>play Rome 2
>naval battle
>my assault ship doesn't keep ramming enemy transport ships until they die, I have to keep ordering a charge
>plays naval battles in any total war except Empire
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Historical total war is dead and there is no saving it
There's something strange about this sphere of gaming where they want to avoid Eurocentrism as much as possible even doe that's where the majority of interest is & even doe that's how these franchises became household names. But no you need to play as brown nigger tribe #9272 & pay for dlc for brown nigger tribe #9500 -20,000. Not to mention how it becomes a rabbithole of making them viable despite how shite they were to the extent they need multiple patches or dlc focused on them when in reality they would lose to 300 Europeans. Watch how the next historical Total war is about nuh natives & incans.
My grandma said she doesn't care what they told me in Catechism, King Solomon was black
Bombing are just going to be wind/breath/bombardment spells but the animation has a ship fly by, and troop deployment will just be menace from below but a transport ship animation plays. No, you can't have AA batteries to prevent these since they aren't actual real ships flying by, what do you think this is, Company of Heroes?
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Not (((that))) kind, anon.
Divide Et Impera (divide and rule)
Hmm. Now I think about it....
1. Stop treating historical TWs like they're side projects. Everything, aside from Three Kingdoms, has been some smaller scale shit that people don't want in a Grand Strategy/Total War game. There is a reason the most popular mods often EXPAND the map, and don't shrink it.
2. Stop focusing on eras and periods people don't care about or are very limited in scope. Bronze age TW was always guaranteed to be boring as shit. Just make Medieval III and put a lot of money and time into it if you want to get historical TW back on track
3. Avoid mixing in fantasy elements like Troy and Three Kingdoms.
4. It is time to make a new engine. This is the hardest part and will take the longest and most money but you need a new engine. Warscape cannot handle modern TW. TWWH is stuck together with spit and bubblegum. You need a new engine.

Ultimately historical TW probably won't ever reach the highs of Total Warhammer just because fantasy is more popular than history, but Medieval III on a new engine would absolutely sell really well, provided it did not have a Rome II-esque launch. But unfortunately the team doesn't really wanna approach European history very much anymore. They've focused on China, Middle East/North Africa, and whatever you'd consider Troy (Asia Minor, I guess).
Uhhh I dunno, but thanks for the superchat appreciate it
After Attila they could go straight for Medieval 3 and it would be a moderate success at worst. Pretty much they could make a proper medieval DLC at this point for Attila and it would work as well.
graphics are shit
animations are shit
also is has arcade tier grand strategy but that's normal by now.
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You start playing grand strategy game like every smart person does
Graviteam Tactics has that, also Gates of Hell: Ostfront has a mod that adds a strategic layer to the game
>playing a Paradox game after EU3
>I'm a big boy now, I play paradox games
fucking lol
Thanks all! I'll probably start with Rome 2 since I know the most about the Roman Republic military-wise (unless there's a Classical Greece game that I can't find). But Shogun 2 is likely up next.
Eh, I'll just keep playing Broken Crescent. I have Pharaoh, and am kinda curious if they manage to make the next update good, but I doubt they'll maintain the game, considering they have dropped every game they've worked on after a few years.
loled but no, not only are there way more unit types than just spears, but spears aren't even good. sword infantry dominate melee, and overall skirmishers will net you more kills than anything else besides well timed cavalry charges
Rome 2 has a DLC campaign for Greece in 432 BC
Wow... a true enjoyer for TW. I salute you.

Many settings could work, not just Europe.
I was very hyped for 3K, but yeah, fantasy bullshit with awful DLC.
Cope and seethe
Unification era terra is ripe.
this is old news, they are fixing pharoah already and warhammer 3 got fixed
get your eyes checked, he is not black he literally looks egyptian
t been to egypt twice
Is star wars total war confirmed
I just wanna live long enought to see warhammer well go dry (or they can do warhammer total war sequel and redone all the previous conted the sims sequel style)
What next after fantasy
All corporation want is grow how can they grow past warhammer
>Is star wars total war confirmed
>I just wanna live long enought to see warhammer well go dry
TWH will be completed and abandoned probably by the the end of next year, maybe sooner. It's unlikely that they will commit to more than one or two major DLC's now, and no next TWH game is planned. They are already working on something new in the fantasy / sci-fi vein, but we do not know what it is going to be, Star Wars being one of the speculated possibilities.

>All corporation want is grow how can they grow past warhammer
Most likely IP's are Star Wars or Lord of the Rings. The former being more likely due to the IP being more alive, and also more distinct from the WHF settings. One of the problems with LotR IP is that it's basically a toned down version of the high fantasy settings that WHF does, which would make it pretty hard to convince non-LotR fans to play it instead of just playing TWH, which already has all the usual high fantasy gimmicks, but more over-the-top and crazy.
I wouldn't call Star Wars an "alive" IP. And I kinda can't imagine how this would work, given that more often than not, there are only 2 sides to the conflict: The Jedi/Republic and the Sith/Empire. Unless they will start pulling other random factions out of their asses like the Chiss Ascendancy or the Hutts.
Too bad Disney burned all the EU, because there was so much cool shit you could pull from.
>I wouldn't call Star Wars an "alive" IP.
It gets a lot of activity, even if most of it is crap. I've read a new mainline movie is in the works with some literal diversity token female director, because apparently, she was super in love with the Rey character (yeah, I'm not joking).
As shit as most of the work is, Disney is still pumping a lot of money into it.

>there are only 2 sides to the conflict
I'm not all that versed in Starwars lore to be honest, but I think they can come up with bunch of different cultures, and then have them only losely aligned along the Empire/Republic axis, kinda like chaos and order aligment factions work in TWH. I can see the trade federation, the wookies, those weird fucks who created the clones etc... working as individual factions. I'm more curious about how they would handle the interstellar space, honestly. The combat in Starwars is silly enough to actually work for a TW game, the world itself less so. We'll see, as I said, SW isn't in any way confirmed, it's just one of the most widely talked about possibilities. I'm personally not convinced it's actually happening, but I also don't have a better guess to offer.

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