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/v/ - Video Games

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>Chins have gone woke now! The Gamerbros continue to prove there is no limit to how creepy they can be, as they're running around "fixing" facial features on women they deem too masculine. From Lara Croft to Joanna Dark, the perception of square jaws and manly noses is exposing a very broken view of reality.

Your rebuttal?
>leon kennedy's masculine face put on lara croft
what the fuck were they thinking?
OP is a faggot
I start incoherently screaming racial slurs until they're banished back to the anti-universe where they belong.
I'm just quoting someone else. I want to know how /v/ would argue against this without sounding mad.
I don't play games with women in them so the trannies and coomer freaks can fight and kill each other if they care.
If the chin didn't matter, why change it in the first place? How is changing it back any different?
>make your main character ugly on purpose
name a single reason for doing this other than political motivation
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>Your rebuttal?
You only defend bad character design because you're in an insane political group that compels you to be contrarian about things that people can see with their very own eyes.
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OP you are a retard
OP is a faggot
I'll just play RE4 if I wanted to play as a handsome man.
nah maybe the fact that she went from a G cup to a C cup is why she is woke.
>libshits and clickbait strawmen
name a more iconic duo
Trannies want to normalize man chins because they think it will make them pass better
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>leftoids still don't know what they are fighting for ever since King Nigger made BLM
It's your turn to define "woke", sweetie. No asking the chuds for help.
>disingenuous fag arguing against a strawman
this isn't about chins, it's about intentionally removing any defining female features. a woman with a dominant chin can still look feminine. however these assholes remove/alter most of the other features as well so you end up with this weird fridgebody-having androgynous globohomo abomination.
My guy still sounds like a man, not even the weird sissy fag British voice when you take too much hormones
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but i won't pay for any game that isn't able to please my cock :)
>Making all women look like men is only about men's penises
Women don't like playing as butt ugly troons either. They want the power fantasy just like men do. Besides 90% of women just play mobile shit like candy crush.

women love both last of us games
you are a liar and most important you are a chud
>buys BG3 because it has bear sex
>won't buy any new RPGs (including Obsidian's) coming out because it doesn't have bear sex
Maybe direct that to your side, retard.
They can't be that woke if the people posting here have like three chins each
Those were mentally ill men dressed as women. Biological women are too busy being social pariahs to actually play games.
Definitely a faggot.
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>expecting me to buy videogames after saying that
hohohoho look at all my disposable income that keeps piling up because i don't spend it
I know to disgusting degenerate sodomites like you aesthetics are only to please one's cock but to mentally well adjusted people beauty has goodness in of itself and geometric harmony and aligment with natural duality brings one closer to God.
Leviticus 20 13
Women with butt chins and big chins are fucking disgusting.
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Women have zero legs to stand on, they have monsterfucker books in barnes and noble about them fucking baphomet
The woke are retards that believe all the world's problems are caused by straight, white, CIS people and if they never existed everything would be a peaceful utopia.

Even though history disproves that. But they don't know anything about history other than what they were taught in grade school
Yes, yes, anon. We all saw the Assmongler video he just did on it. Try to think of your own opinion next time. It makes the rest of us look bad.
I did a course on how to provide counselling to people having issues with their sex life. The whole course was about how white men and the patriarchy are ruining everyone's sex lives. What a waste of my time and money. The lady was an obese land whale who talked about how she's part of the kink community and specialises in dealing with troons and faggots nobody else will deal with.

The wokies genuinely blame EVERYTHING on white men even when they have nothing to do with what faggots and trannies do in their bedrooms.
The rightoids are retards that believe all the world's problems are caused by gay, black, trans people and if they never existed everything would be a peaceful utopia.
You're the retard because we think that the jews are behind the gays blacks and trannies, you are right though that we'd be in a peaceful utopia without them.
I have never seen a woman in real life with the sort of man face they give these video game characters. It's absolutely not normal for a woman to have "a square jaw and a manly nose." I think you'd have to use steroids to end up like that.
>implying the world wouldn't be a better place without mentally ill selfmutilating schizoids
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Chuds just want something to be triggered over so they can shitpost about their culture ware and how everything is woke.
They can't make women look like real women because then the trannies and SBI counsultants seethe. SBI and other companies like them blackmail game companies into trooning out and blacking their characters or else they write
>hit pieces
about them that don't do shit.
What they will never tell you is that the real reason they hate white men is because they're the main group voting against marxism and they're all marxists. Don't worry, hispanic/asian/muslim/indian men are soon to flip against it too so it wont be long until they're also kicked out of the club.
She did say that capitalism was the other thing ruining sex lives. I 100% believe she was a commie cunt.
They just attack the most accomplished/high group on every axis, don't worry, one straight white men are eradicated they'll for the lesbian asian women.
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ugly women are woke faggot

yeah,they never apologize for shitting on xmen 97 even through the show was amazing in the end
chudism is a disease
I found the show fucking trash. It was pushing the queer agenda. Dilate ywnbaw troon.
you're wrong
I love the seething calling out you subhumans causes
gb2 your somethingawful discord before you see something that triggers you, troon
then you should buy and play videogames, you don't want to be like the /pol/niggers, do you?
Gay and trans people choose to act degenerate and aren't a genetically connected group of people. The problem is the choices people make. This would include black people as blacks in America worship a culture of violence and lack of responsibility,

If gay, trans, and black people acted as good individuals they wouldn't be a problem.

That's the difference between us. You hate someone based on genetics and other attributes they are just born with, and we hate people based on their awful live choices that destroy everything around them

literally shaking in anger kek what a CHUD!
Cry more chudders
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What, like men don’t?
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Deuteronomy 23
can't wait when Trumps wins and the asshurt here.
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>female protagonist doesn't look like a loli with basketball tits
>I will no longer pirate your game, Rabbi
>when Trumps wins
OK now I know you are b8ing
niggers really are that ugly
Whatever, trannies. Stop trying to supplant women. You will never be women.
>Chudiggery doo chudiggery Dee
>Me and the sistas are finna X D
>Chudiggery ding chudiggery dong
>Me and tha sistas cut off our schlongs!!!!
>I called him a name so I win the argument
You are a child with no argument, typical leftist troon. Just here to fling shit around.
Here is your (you)
>gay, black, trans people
Aren't you forgetting someone?
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Why the fuck should I care about perception of reality in a fucking videogame? If you care so much about that, go outside.

Realismfags have done irreparable damage to the industry, and face scanning is as uninspiring and bland as the shit put out by AIfags
My problem isn't square jaws, it's redesigning characters that are perfectly fine to be 10x uglier.
Put your money where your mouth is and have your jaw modified to be square if you like them so much. Go on, I'm waiting.
Because uhhhhhh
Listen up chudiggaphobecel, me and the sistas are goin straight to hell!
We're ackin, that's right (that's right)
We're ackin, to~night (to night!)
One ack
Two ack
Three ack
Now the ackinator is at your door
Seven ack
Eight ack
Nine ack
Now the acks... have come for you
>The Gamerbros continue to prove there is no limit to how creepy they can be
Simple. Ad hominem.
Especially bad since they're arguing to convince you to buy, not that they are bad or wrong. If "gamerbros" bother them so much then boo hoo, but don't expect them to just give you money for nothing.
Make women look feminine again instead of making them look masculine, you faggots.
Yes it is.
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>Why should I care about reality in media?

Because we live in the real world, chud.
Fantasycels need to grow the fuck up, power down their moe weebslop, and snap back to reality with the rest of the world.
As much as Jim has edged toward pure insanity, he is right about the chin thing.
>Because we live in the real world, chud.
>Fantasycels need to grow the fuck up, power down their moe weebslop, and snap back to reality with the rest of the world.
ah yes, the reality where 2/3 gays are STD vectors, blacks fill half of the prisons and those other clowns deny the reality that's written in their DNA
more like jews trying to make women look like men as part of their religious crusade to turn all the non-jews in the world into their androgynous slaves.
>don't point out our hypocrisy, you chud!
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Tranimal is wrong about everything.
At this point it's almost like the devs think this is funny. Everyone can see this looks like a tranny version of RE4 leon. You expect anyone to believe the devs themselves dont see it?
Define woke
>alertness to racial prejudice and discrimination
It's your word leftie lovie we're just pointing out how everything woke is shit. Now define a woman.
Contemporary left-wing identity politics, normally used in the context of being forced into media.
You ask very easy questions
>Tranny denies they're trooning out all video game women
No fucking surprise there. Jim used to be a good watch now he's just another brainwashed tranny. This is what autism does to people, it makes them susceptible to the leftist propaganda. That's why they want to inject everyone with the autism juice.
It's an evolution of ugly women not wanting to compete with their own creations. But this time it's women (male) doing it better as men always do.
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You read BL and I know about the breadtube/chud discord that rigs topics as much as boxing.
I'm not fooled because Crystal Dynamics has always hated classic Lara.

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Comments from the video
>Your rebuttal?
Considering his community's ongoing love affair with warping itself with drugs and cosmetic surgery, Jim really shouldn't be one to talk about being creepy or maintaining a delusional perception of reality.
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Most of these people probably don't even give a shit about Tomb Raider.
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Gen Z is unstoppable
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we're doing this again?
Trannies are all on your side anon. Think about why that is.
what's my side? pointing out that joanna dark is just a scan of an attractive woman?
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cool /biz/ meem
>what's my side?
The side that's denying the massive drop in quality of the modern female character designs.
Then why shouldn't women look like women?
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Not my Joanna Dark.

Fuck off, won't buy your AAA slop.
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o rly
looks bogged
That's an exception, not the current western norm.
Post 3 more attractive female characters from different western games that came out during the last 4 years. I can name 20 Asian ones just off the top of my head.
>Only somewhat conventionally attractive female character in her game where all the male characters look like chris hemsworth.
Thanks for proving his point.
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Yes, when you make huge manly chins + remove tits + thinner lips + blocky eyes = Woke.

Never forget. Leftists are the most vile, repugnant, dishonest creatures on the planet.
Nothing that've ever crawled on earth is as evil as leftists.
The mind of the most disingenuous and false creatures ALWAYS fall to the left.
They are not humans, they do not have human rights.
No act against evil is immoral.
Not a single one.
>see an assortment of arrangements of particles in the shape of clothing
>this particular configuration pleases me more
>meanwhile someone on the other side of the world
I know, but why does it make me feel better to he this way? Do you think I chose this? Do you seriously think that if given the chance, I wouldn't be "normal", I am playing with the hand I was dealt.
So they CAN make it but choose not to?
Thank you for proving that it is intentional.
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Scans can always be distorted by abusing proportions and secondary female traits.
t. metahuman using scanner and dev

>inb4 its not edited or touched or a single vertex moved
Every scan is edited. Its just a question how much.
Tweaks can be made to be honoring the feminine traits of the real model or to make the in game thing look like a fag with a wig or worse.
As opposed to their view of reality where every single woman looks like a daughter of Bruce Willis.
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just admit you're attracted to DOLLS and terrified of real women
i'm the wrong person to ask because i've largely stopped paying attention to games altogether because most of them are awful. i couldn't name 3 western games coming out this year.

post characters you find attractive

this schizo again
western devs are a single person?
ok then do a direct comparison of nu-perfect dark and the face model
The problem is not the masculinity in women, it's the presentation.
This was specifically built to cause outrage, basically free marketing.
Being annoying on purpose ain't cool
The problem is not that you want to put a dress on, but rather the behavior and lifestly of people that chosse to put that dress on.
You people see decorum as chains of slavery, but all we see is faggots who lack selfcontrol and want to flaunt it, and if possible, make more like you, even if that means getting to people before they grow old, like any propagandist does.
If you are a decent human beign, nobody cares how much of a degenerate you are in the privacy of your home. And again, it's not about orientations. All sexual displays in public are shameful, and you faggots just plainly refuse to recognize how much it hurt the world that adult content has been normalized and invaded child spaces.
I'm waiting for loli porn to become woke
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>he still thinks he's going to get paid
Sorry, leftysisters. Your grift is over.
/v/ is mindbroken by false-flagging trannies at this point
>pretends to fight for the mentally ill
>calls others mentally ill but only if they don't like them
>in reality is actually mentally ill
Why are you and that guy behind you like this?
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When did people ever want realism in video games rather than idealism? People aren't going to play along if you have every tool in your power to make anything you want, and you use your unique set of skills to create Moniqua the overweight skin cancer patient from the DMV and have them lead your western action RPG.
what the fuck are you on about?
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whoa wtf why would they write this?
>nobody cares
>go outside
>hear slurs all the time
I act completely normal, or at least I try, you can't just say that no one cares, because maybe they don't care in a good way, but they definitely care enough to think of slurs and demeaning stuff.
I've seen a ton of them. Most likely because women for the most part are drawn to men with hyper-masculine face structure, so when women conceive with these guys their daughter ends up having a mega chin. The facial genetics women prefer have ironically turned many of their female offspring into ogres.
>Watching anything Jimantha makes beyond the subscriber loss specials
Begone you escaped asylum patient
Stop acting so gay and people will stop calling you gay.
Anyone who replied to this thread without saging it will be raped by a pack of niggers in 1 month.
I don't, I'm so good at boymode that even gaydars can't detect me, I think people just hate me.
>imagine crying on a Japanese Harem forum about the actractivness of women in vidya
Why are Chuds like this?
post voice clip.
you should be voice training every single fucking day or so help me god. i am so fucking tired of trannies sounding like fucking men doing a falsetto or just nasally gay voice. if you dont sound like a woman you will NEVER be one. Period.
Wat, I just told you I live like a man, all the time, I feel different but I never put it out for the world to see, I will always be a man.
NO. stop making excuses and start fucking voice training RIGHT NOW. I am SO TIRED of you self defeating faggots. You want to be a tranny? then atleast have the self respect and self discipline to go all the way. Stop being a pussy, grow some balls and actually go through with it. VOICE TRAIN RIGHT NOW.
I don’t care about this forced drama but what is it with you people and calling jaws chins? I see it everywhere. People referring to the jaw as the chin. You do know those are different things right? I feel like I’m going insane.
My voice is too deep for that
english is not their first language
Anon I, that's impressive, uhm, hehe, cute
I remember while studying for my bachelors in economics, there was this one mandatory managements class that was mostly studying business cases and academic papers. One of them was about diversity at the work place. Supposedly the study showed that more diverse teams performed better, especially when there was a more even split between female and male workers. The absolute joke was, when you actually took a look at the data, it was absolute garbage. Just correlations between different companies in different points of time. It looked cherry picked as hell. I have no idea how this shit got through peer review.
no dont give me fucking reddit emojis go voice train
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I will think about your voice all day, that makes me feel better.
Yeah cuz you be out here acting gay (definition: derogatory slur for being either bad, annoying, or both) so quit acting gay.
Nigga where do you think you are?
Modern peer review has been reduced to
>What's the first listed author's name
>How much did they pay us
You want to defend this shit?
Fine. You do you.
But at least own it up and admit your malicious intentions.
heh, i didnt know gaming was woke in the 90s
I used to hate my voice
But I learnt to like it, same as every part of my being, I grew to realize that I am fine the way I am.

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