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Death Game Hotel
Hotel Barcelona (w/ Suda51)
>Toyama Keiichiro
That game he teased on the GHM Direct in 2023
Hotel Barcelona (w/ SWERY)
>Yoko Taro
New game to be announced in 2024
>Kojima Hideo
Death Stranding 2
>Urobuchi Gen
Rusty Rabbit
Silent Hill F
Ciconia When They Cry PHASE 2
>Ueda Fumito
The game he's creating under Epic Games
>Hashino Katsura
Metaphor: ReFantazio
>George Kamitani
The game he said that won’t be finished for several years in an interview in 2023
>Uchikoshi Kotaro
The Hundred Line
Tribe Nine (Console Version)
>Nagoshi Toshihiro
The new game he teased after establishing his new studio
>Shikura Chiyomaru
Who is the best game developer here?
Yoko Taro
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>after the NMH3 shit show
Out of all of these guys, probably Satoshi Tajiri, the creator of Pokemon
If you hate NH3, you hate videogames.
Most of the faggots here are idea people, not even the ones writing the dialogue and plot. Literal cons of the industry
Suda51 is not working on Hotel Barcelona. At least add Shadows of Damned Remastered since it's Grasshopper Manufacture + Engine Software.

Also, when in the fuck is Grasshopper Direct Vol. 2 (ft. Shinji Mikami) airing? It was announced in May.
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>Mikami leaves to make a new studio
>Grasshopper Manufacture leaks his studio name
>The name is "KAMUY"
The points are converging
George Kamitani
That thought did cross my mind, but I don't want to get my hopes up
I really hate NMH
Hideos Kojimbo
Shinji Mikami. He's the only one there who makes videogames, not movies and visual novels.
Is it weird that I'm fond of this game?
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The future is anything without leftists, because with leftists, humanity has no future.
Nothing if worse than leftists, they are ruining every single aspect of society.
They are the most dishonest and evil creatures that have ever existed.
They are not humans like you and me, they are something beast like.
They do not have souls.
They exist to spread evil.
No act against evil is immoral.

The presidential debate and its dishonest implications proved this.
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>the top Japanese games need to have western backing and funding to not shit
>the rest look like some weeaboo from deviant art wanted to make an anime game except it required a team of 100 Japanese salary man instead of just one guy

>meanwhile China and Korea are completely self funding their own games and releasing actual AAA anime games with zero western influence
It's really over for Japan isn't it?
None of the chink and gook slops have soul like the Japanese games.
Are you a tranny?
All hacks
More like if you love NMH3 you love marvel slop and Rick and Morty since those are the direct influences
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>>Yoko Taro
>New game to be announced in 2024
Oh shit, why is this not widely reported?
Who the fuck is the faded guy on top left, the guy with his half face in the bottom left and the guy playing a gameboy in the middle bottom?
We don't spoonfeed here
Because there's nothing to report
Take your meds.
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And it's not even close
Can't wait til Kamiya rewrites DMC and dunks on all the years Itsuno wasted grifting on his creation
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>Can't wait til [headcanon]
I'm gonna meme reality
Then meme the loss of your overweight and the loss of your perma-virginity into reality instead. Actually, a new DMC from Kamiya is prolly easier to meme into reality than that.
Itsuno's DMC is way better than Kamiya's DMC
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Don't care. Didn't ask. You're gay & my taste mogs yours.
I've never seen a shittier taste than this. Quite impressive.
Post yours then sweety.
>That chart
Literal tranny LMFAO
Some of those don't even look like games
>Taboo: The Sixth Sense
Good God, just how pretentious are you faggot that a shitty shovelware fortune telling simulator is among your favorite "games"?
Mad cuz I get divine inspiration & your just normal and boring normal boring reality world.
>Brain training
Really stupid question
Nah you are
Nah your mom are
Why is it in your favorites is the question
I'm not your public servant, shove it up your a**
I wasn't trying to insult you
Shinji Mikami, without a doubt. He's the only one here who makes games that are more than "but the atmosphere though". He makes games with actual gameplay. Or made, at least, he's retired.
You're just trying to keep the thread alive. I'm not going to be all gushy for you.
>duuuuur wwhy is math important????
wait, it's roguelike? Really?
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ĺ’Śchads carrying the entire industry
File deleted.
Watch the trailer
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Love this nigga, he's a true artist
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>Washed out westaboo hack thread
I'll pass.
Biggest hack in the industry
At least 6 of them aren't westaboos and make pure Japanese games
Kamiya wants DMC to play more like nuGoW
That bald hack lost his touch long ago after Bayo2, when that one KH2 gameplay designer was still at PG
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For me, it's either him, Ueda or Toyama
Do DMC1tards really?
Embarrassing post.
>Kamiya wants DMC to play more like nuGoW
That's still an improvement over boring 5 minute touch of death combo games
Nier 3 when?
Worse, a low iq fujoshi.
He will never be a woman
two more weeks
DMC5 is the best DMC game though
DMC2 btfos it
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Already happened, you secondaryfags.
even Peak of Combat is better than GoW, lil jimmy.
Maybe on planet retard, population: You.
I don't have many standards but come the fuck on anon
Better than planet hivemind dumbass: population you & everyone else
That's Nier 2.467437436676x9, retard.
The last few episodes were direct continuation with some major returning characters from the DrakeNieR series. The ending was the direct sequel to Automata. Yoko told us 3 years ago that it's basically NieR 3 and it finally hit.
See >>681443105
What is Platinum even doing now? They used their reverse Midas touch on FFXVI and Project GG seems rudderless now that Kamoya is gone.
Now type that without crying
Dead in the water
The Devil May Cry, but I don't

*mic drops*
They made one (One) good action game in NieR Automa
Two if you like the DMC ripoff Bayo1 and the rest of their stuff is mid tier gameplay work
...when Definitive Edition is installed.
The past, the present and future has always been Japanese. The best game makers have always been the Japanese regardless of what ugly four eyed pale s o y freak will have you believe. Even now more so with how awful western triple-a developers have become with mediocre gameplay and intrusive DLC/microtractions practices. That being said have little interest in most of these games lol
You will never be Japanese
About to be absorbed by either SEGA, Capcom, and (most likely) Nintendo.
Something tells me a big scandal happened at Platinum Games, and lots of devs decided to leave the company.
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kamiya says he wants to make games for game's sake and doesn't care about profitability, capcom will never hire someone like that
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what the fuck was that ending
He should turn to the doujinsoft scene or just become like Sakurai whete they'll contract you and grant you a special team.
Fucking kino. I replayed this game 2 years ago just to experience the credits again.
lmao fucking Hacks idolized by weebs
Bayonetta was never good
Kamiya was a hack propped up by the actual talent at Capcom
Imagine making a thread about John Romero, Christian Whitehead, James Turner, and Phil Fish
Who asked?
>Christian Whitehead
It was THAT bad. Leave him alone.
Don't care. I'm here to make sure you know that who you love is a hack. Suck my dick.
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and choke on it?
Why would any of those companies buy Platinum?
>produced nothing but flops for SEGA to the point where they license away the only IP with any success
>Capcom already fired all of them once
>Nintendo barely buys anything and it's usually small studios. They already bought out PG's half of Astral Chain
I mean platinum games is already mostly dependent on nintendo to sustain them as a company. I will only see if happening if nintendo absolutely needs them for something they cant do with another company.
That sounds like a one way relationship, not a reason for Nintendo to buy them
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Platinum games had such a chance of being good but they copied Nintendo. We actually could have gotten decent jrpgs but instead we got boring puzzle walking simulators. Nintendo killed gaming before it even started.
Wait, I thought you were a woman. Forget it.
>>produced nothing but flops for SEGA to the point where they license away the only IP with any success
Retard alert. SEGA has Yakuza and Persona.
If Nintendo buys Platinum, they could
>finally put out a good Xeno game that isn't an offline MMO with Monolith Soft
>produce a good J-Action Metroid that washes all the scars those Team Ninja hacks caused with Other M
>help out with nuSmash gameplay where it's tolerably good and not a Brawl rehash
>produce even more newblood that want to make over the top j-action and other types of games
>a 3D Zelda that don't suck or lack dungeons, despite having that one other Capcom hack as Director
You got Midori'd
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Kojima. No other Jap has ever impacted leading figures from other mediums like him.
The biggest hack of them all
Japan will get westernized then turn into trash too just like the west.
What the fuck are you talking about? Platinum hasn't touched Yakuza or Persona
hes a hack, his only good game (Drakengard) wasnt even written by him
>Nintendo should buy Platinum to make several of their flagship franchises into something completely different with lower selling potential
>his only good game (Drakengard) wasnt even written by him
Drakengard wasn't written by him? You sure?
At least they'd be playable now and not just slop aimed at retards
i have to agree with the other anon i will never play gacha shit even if yoko taro was the director
The story is a sequel to the DrakeNieR games, and especially a direct sequel to Automata's ending.
Enjoy the American influence
For me? It's George Kamitani
hotel barcelona looked like complete shit
suda51 has never made a single good game. silver case, flower sun and rain, killer7 ALL shit
Cautiously excited about Silent Hill F. That recent remake shocked me with how horrible it looked.
>hotel barcelona looked like complete shit
this. very disappointing.

>suda51 has never made a single good game. silver case, flower sun and rain, killer7 ALL shit
disagree but hes done.
Metaphor: ReFantazio will save JRPGs
>he doesn't want Vanquish x Metroid Prime
Ok, enjoy Other Mediocre 2.
giving it a more fun ARPG element would easily make it an average 3-4 million seller like late FE and early Star Fox
Ask Dread what's good, also as long they keep Sakamoto on a leash again for all the more important stuff, because we know Shinya Takahashi won't accept another flop Metroid since he's his boss.
Hahaha just because the next Smash isn't going to be a big hit like Ultimate right?
Even with a crazy gameplay direction, it'll sell like gangbusters anyways. Casual babbies are not going to stop buying Smash because you can do the bayo combo with Mario now.
>new IP
There's a lot of brilliant minds at Nintendo, they'll figure something out like what happened with Splatoon and, debatingly, ARMS.
The last Zelda before BotW with the most combat depth was also the best selling Zelda game at the time.

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