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Thoughts on this Korean slop?
Interested I guess
go on...
Looks like a genuinely fun looter shooter. Also no blacks, gays, trannies, anti-America shit, etc.

So long as they don't rape us with microtransactions I think it'll be pretty good.
Gacha shit fooling the usual idiots with tits
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Better Koreanslop than DEIslop.
its not out yet faget
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I want to play Bunny's game.
>it leaves my memory forever
>TWO anti-cheat services (Nexon own and rootkit malware EAC)
>on pve game

Lol nope.
0.01 won have been deposited into your kakao wallet
It is though. Came out yesterday.
So the game is like Warframe with the difference is I can jack off to the characters, right?
Kill yourself shill.
what's stopping you from doing that in warframe
Yeah and comes with malware.
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Warframe/Destiny killer they said...
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hot sweaty sex with bunny
It WILL be raped by microtransactions it is korean game...
That is a great feature though
Business idea, an American studio hires a Korean team to do their character design
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missed me with that shit
Some nexon fag keeps coming in the warframe thread to shill this game kek. It's fucking nexon. They will find a way to fuck it up with micro transactions. Meanwhile warframe is completely free and you don't have to pay for anything.
Mediocre at best gameplay, shit monetization. You know, the usual.
Not being free is a great brown-repellent, like Destiny, all their Youtubers are white, while all Warframe youtubers are brown
Looks like stellar blade clone which is a nier automata clone
>chink engine
not interested
The game isn't out, ya dingus.
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do they show feet at all?
>Meanwhile warframe is completely free and you don't have to pay for anything.
As someone who has tried to get into Warframe multiple times, you pay with your time. Having to wait multiple days for crafting shit is insane and is basically just a stupid timegating mechanic for no reason.
>2 warframe slots, 8 weapon slots
Completely free huh, there's also the horrendous crafting time and the anti-fun modes DE keeps introducing that randomizes your loadouts.
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Downloading on my ps5 now. It looks and sounds pretty interesting but it's battlepass slop. Do we know how to progress it? Does it expire? Is it yet another daily chore simulator or can you earn exp for it just by playing normally?
>1400 people staring at a "Coming Soon" png
Do that many people want to farm hours?
I'm so fed up with video games man.
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mirin' also chillin', too bad i don't think shit is gonna run on my 1050ti..
Cute girls, shit game.
1050ti is listed as the minimum requirement on steam
You can get plat for slots ingame easily, the waiting does suck tho
By trading with real people without AH?
I can't enjoy korean coom. The faces give me too much of an uncanny valley vibe and it distracts me from enjoying the bodies. At least that girl's face is half covered by a helmet.
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Downloaded it and booted the game up but it says servers won't be up untill tomorrow. I'll give it a go then but if the battlepass requires you to do daily/weekly challenges with no way to earn exp outside of that like destiny 2 then I can see myself dropping it fast.
sex with bunny
not playing nexon dogshit though
Every time a looter shooter comes out 90IQ third world morons who have 8000 hours in warframe and spend 5 hours a day in warframe trading channels trying to scam plat from people come in to tell you how its "Completely Free" and how waiting 7 days to craft a gun is Fun.
Not sure if it's a hot take or not but I'd rather wait 7 days to craft a gun then spend 7 hours grinding for a gun with a shit roll in destiny.
buy an ad shill
>Looks like a genuinely fun looter shooter
kind of a casual opinion but ill power through it
>Also no blacks, gays, trannies, anti-America shit, etc.
ah, ok anon doesn't actually care about this game he just wants to complain about social issues
>free to play game
>Goyslop with ass and tits
Unlike you fags I can just go play an old game instead of getting drip fed subpar products, complaining about them, and continuing to buy them anyway
>another snowbunny BBC coded gookslop
every single time
at this point the people who promote these games aren't even playing them. its just half meme, half politics bait.
This. Games designed to waste your time are almost as bad as games designed to scam you out of your money. And the ultimate insult is when a game you paid for wastes your time
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It was especially unnerving when Hogwarts shills somehow managed to trick the entire anti sjw circle into shilling and buying a mediocre ubislop type game loaded to the brim with propaganda, more so than most ubislop.

Nexon did The Finals recently and the microtransactions in that game were really tame. I feel like there's a solid chance they may not be terrible for this game.

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