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>*does nothing*
Why is this allowed?
They didn't do nothing. They made a new banner which people like and they've conditioned people to treat sales like holidays. Other companies don't do shit so they lose.
They kept trannies away. And that's all anybody had to do to be successful.
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Epic does but they have no cute mascot. They have a cool corpo sophisticated artwork though.
>and they've conditioned people to treat sales like holidays
This. Summer sales are the PC gaming equivalent to Black Friday these days.
I wonder how many gamers nowadays recognize the joystick in the back as an, at one point in time, actual game controller and not just a general representation of gaming controllers, much like the diskette is used as save icon.
for shit you should just take
people who don't pirate are suckers, not gamers
>Epic does
epic doesn't
That anon was right. Epic had a big sale last month ala the Steam sale and nobody cared. They stopped doing the coupons and their free titles have only gotten worse and worse.
Good, fuck Epic
Doint nothing is the right move when your competition is beyond retarded.
>Based on Valve own data
Don’t you dare forget what they did to SteamSPY and their own TF2 users. The Valve database is a lie with bots.
It's because steam itself is part of the appeal which is why it works at all. There are some people who pirate a game and then later buy the game on steam. So there is something to it beyond just the game.
>Epic had a big sale last month
>and nobody cared
so epic doesn't, thanks for proving my point
I like the banner, it makes me happy to look at it. Plus all the games I refused to play full price for are on sale.
You mean to say because the developers refused to sell anywhere else, Valve became a monopoly. Honestly, it’s people like you that create problems for indie developers who can’t afford the $100 dollar fee.
Most people think joysticks were made for fighting games. I've seen someone call the diskette save icon in GTA:SA a DS cartridge.
what most people buy and play are multiplayer games which can't be pirated
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now if they could just have some good sales instead of this 10-20% off bullshit
What system used one like the pic, Atari?
My dad has a full flight-sim joystick, though I think he used it pretty much exclusively for Descent. Not really the same thing though.
consoles are so bad people are switching to steam
Honestly the fee should be like 500 dollars to remove most of the shovelware. But it might filter autistic 150 iq third worlders.
Why is that stupid anime girl on the front page of steam everyday? I hate anime it has no place on steam should not be allowed
If Steam is doing literally nothing then how bad must the competition be?
It's based on the Competition Pro joystick, which was an extremely popular third party joystick made for a lot of different systems. Atari was one of them.
>Don’t you dare forget what they did to SteamSPY
Hey Sergiy. Valve had to comply with GDPR. Sorry you got fired because EGS was such a failure.
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>Why is this allowed?

because while every other publisher was catering to consoles around 2007-2013 valve kept working on steam, eventually the publishers came running back to PC gaming releasing broken launchers that nobody liked so most people stuck with steam since it had more features and better stability. the current generation of consoles being so mediocre and expensive in the long run is helping push more people into PC vidya & steam as well

tl;dr steam catered towards a niche ages ago when everyone was chasing trends which has paid off in the long term + the competition keeps shooting themselves in the foot
NOT a monopoly btw :*
Since then everything about steam numbers only came from Steam. It’s the government telling you aliens aren’t real and soon later aliens appear.

Don’t just blindly believe corrupt companies.
I can't see any aliens, can you?
>prices NEVER go down
What did Jewben mean by this?
>nooo muh salecharts
you are one of the cancers of this place
>kept trannies away
>has lgbtq and trans tag
>celebrates pride
>by having the largest user base it means that platform has statistically the largest amount of troons
Lel what did he mean by this?
The problem is it's an Epic """SALE""". Epic lost their paying audience long ago. It's a store of poorfag Westerners, Brazilians, Indians, Chinese and anyone looking for free gibs.
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>*does nothing*
Why is this allowed?
>Epic lost their paying audience long ago
They never really had one outside of Fortnite and Rocket League. Third party sales have completely stagnated and even dropped last year.
I think I only ever used Origin to play BF3 and for some reason it used a web server launcher.
how could this happen? There were 5 angry brown ESL retards making anti Steam threads on this board for years?
Are you telling me all that work, all that effort, was for nothing?
Hopefully they were at least paid
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>Bot ban wave
>New users
Commodore systems were fully compatible with the Atari joystick port. VIC-20, C64 and the Amiga lineup all used those joysticks.
Because success isn't illegal by itself. Nobody's stopping the competition from building their own stores, it's just that all of those suck. EGS was built from the ground up to appeal to publishers and not users, while GOG users are often treated as second class customers by publishers.
>does nothing
>except have a chat
>a shopping cart
>no spyware
>no forced exclusivity
>no crying around
>JuSt BeLiVe iN vAlVe
That how stupid you sound.
>replies with soemthing that had nothing to do with what I said
seek an asylum, salesnig
>Steal stolen controller
>Discord took over chat
>Not a new thing
>Steam is Chrome powered, Chrome is spyware
>Players refuse to play the game if not on Steam. This is peer pressure for exclusivity.
I corrected your comment
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>cool corpo sophisiticated artwork
Tim I know that's you, get the fuck off of 4chan and get back to sucking Satya's jeetrod.
>Verification NOT required.
You can literally check the source code of Chromium.
>Players refuse to play the game if not on Steam
As it should be. All games should be on Steam anyway. Microsoft and Snoy is finally coming around. Nintroon should also release on Steam although I don't care about their games at all and nothing would be lost if they just stopped existing altogether
I've not partaken in any Steam Summer Sale since like 2019, lol.
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Timmy? Timmy Sweeney? Is that you?
Timmy, I can't and won't make this any simpler for you.
You failed at life. You failed. When one thinks of what man is capable of, pushing himself to the limits physically, mentally and emotionally to achieve heights of success never before mentioned, your name will not be whispered in the same, reverent fashion that others have.
Nobody will remember Tim Sweeney. You aren't even a header or a footer in the career of someone else. You are nobody. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
In short, you are an enormous failure.
Timmy, being that you're about 54 years old and your brain has probably hard-wired itself to accept such failures by now and write off such criticism by crying "monopoly", really suggests that you've passed beyond the proverbial breaking-point. There's no turning back. This is your career, this is what defines you and this is what you'll defend to the end.
The abhorrent failure that is the Epic Games Store, Tim Sweeney, that is your legacy.
Maybe I'm over-reaching, however. Who knows? People CAN change. Maybe you'll read this, Timmy, and think long and hard about what a wasteful life you've led. Maybe you'll think, "wow. It's incredible just how abysmal and pathetic I really AM!" Maybe you'll lift some weights in the morning. Maybe you'll take a self-help class.
Maybe in a couple of years, Timmy, you'll have learned from this failure. I doubt it, though.
I genuinely doubt it.
Now excuse me, I have to work on Artifact 2. My accountant estimates over six billion dollars in sales.
It's not just the cute mascot, Epic has a few things going poorly for it.
>Earned a shit ton of bad rep with the early data breaches
>Earns bad rep for bringing timed exclusivity to the PC marketplace
>Store is generally slower and less appealing to browse through
The last one is personal pref, but they've earned their bad rep and they can't buy that reputation back with 'muh free games'. They need to provide actual features the players can feel into the storefront.
>Players refuse to play the game if not on Steam. This is peer pressure for exclusivity.
How the fuck is this peer pressure for exclusivity? It's not pressuring them to not release the game on other marketplaces.
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I bought Dungeon Travelers 2 and 2-2 on that shitty server site because Valve hates fun.
Than put them on my steam account
Cloud saves alone are worth buying games on discount over pirating. Fucking God tier with the Deck.
GADben speech
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>That anon was right. Epic had a big sale last month ala the Steam sale and nobody cared.
I bought
They stopped doing the coupons and their free titles have only gotten worse and worse.
They still do cashback. The free games were never good.
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You gotta have hope
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Hello newcomer, welcome to PC gaming.
That's it. It's official. The trannies won. Video games are a officially a tranny activity. To play video games is to support the trans movement.

I am done with video games. I am touching grass. My computer is going into the dumpster. Goodbye /v/.
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See you tomorrow, Anon.
Don't forget about the massive shill armies that disappeared as quickly as the money vanished.
Valve has single-handedly dragged the game market and its platforms forward while everyone else is content releasing the same slop year after year.
>arned a shit ton of bad rep with the early data breaches
Like steam

The only thing you have as a point is the exclusives.
Epic laid off like 1000 people last year. I wonder how many of their shills were affected.
EGS is a worse user experience than piracy anon. Epic as a company has done nothing but blunder their way through their fortnite money.
Few to none. Maybe a marketing director or something, but I doubt it, most of the shilling itself is outsourced.
Lil bro never went on the steam community forums
Tranny platform. Go back to Origin or uplay, chud!
Anon it was 830 / 16% of their workforce are you retarded?
Are you? Do you believe Epic do the needful and hires hundreds of Indians?
I don't know why the fuck you're paki posting. This was US staff you brain damaged retard.
why does seeing yukiko always make me want to fap?
i don't even care for her as a character
>This was US staff
Who doesn't work in the shilling campaigns. Is "outsourcing" a difficult concept for you? Are you 12 and retarded?
not even the anon you are replying to but a quick search online will prove him right
straight from horses mouth
The problem I had with your post was that you said "Few to none" you brain damaged retard. Deny yourself.
>calling indians pakis
That's a worse insult than saying they're shit golems.
Maybe yo should read that before proving me right.

"Few to none shills", retardo.
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>Few to none. Maybe a marketing director or something.
No, you meant core staff you fucking retard. Did you forget what you posted already??
Lay off tik tok its rotted your brain.
Yes, few to no actual shills were fired and, as >>681408048 kindly decided to prove me right, their marketing subsidiary went independent (nobody actually lost their job there, except MAYBE a marketing director or something after the eventual reconstruction).

So yes, you're retarded and have the same understanding of business operations than a 12yo.
>2 sentences are too long
So you also have ADHD? It checks.
>*does something while having no competition*
>*fags on the internet claim you are winning while doing nothing even though it’s clear you’re in fact doing something*
No you just got baited into typing a load of shit lmao
>I was merely pretending
We both know you weren't.
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well there a privately owned company right?
they dont have to do some dumb shit to make the investors and shareholders a quick buck like all of their competition
They have competition but it's not Valve's fault they are retarded or unappealing.
This is facile argument, the source code is like 4 million lines long, not even google can really keep up with it.
Most of that source code is simply imports of libraries that Chromium uses. The actual unique Chromium code itself isn't anywhere near that big.
you have no proof of shills
i accept your concession
The difference is that Steam was able to recuperate bad reputation from those data breeches. Epic hasn't been able to do that properly. Instead, they throw out money to give people free games thinking that'll make people like them. It won't.
high testosterone levels
>Players refuse to play the game if not on Steam. This is peer pressure for exclusivity.
Why do people say this dumb shit. Look at the people downloading countless gatcha and f2p crap onto their pc. Most people don't care about 90% of games coming out, just trendy shit like ER. Ever heard of people just buying more games they add to their backlog only for them to never play them? I waited for the KH collection and FF7 to come to Steam because I'm playing through the games I brought over the years. I'm in no rush on playing ff7 rebirth and will wait until that shit comes to steam.
They literally did nothing.
Blame normalfags.
>it's a population growth stat
>*does nothing*
Why do they need to do anything? They've already won. If you have a goose that lays golden eggs, leave it alone and let it do its thing.

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