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>gain honor by shooting unarmed crying old man
>lose honor by shooting human sacrifice site
>Le heckin updoot points system means something
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>lose honor
>nothing happens
>Lose honour for killing guard dog that attacks you, but not the human NPCs that sicced it on you
That crying man just so happens to be a disgusting slaver anon
You left out the second part, deflector, just like the jews in politics
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>mission makes no mention that the core aspects of women's suffrage was the temperance movement, and the desire to offset the black vote as blacks moved into urban areas
>allows you to switch all the HUD garbage off
>mission design is retarded and requires mission markers
Rockstar went full schizo with this one
Imagine wanting darkies or women voting in countries built by white men. I just can't.
Alt key shows the minimap for a few seconds.
>bunch of outlaws being union bootlickers
The Southern part was so annoying
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Not to spoil anything but arthur's final act is spent slaughtering yankees.
I enjoyed the last part but the South is just a drag
what? that is he poor now that slavery is illegal?
he can suck a fucking dick you worthless faggot
You should've never lost your chains.
>just like real life
Rockstar have outdone themselves again
minimap isn't enough
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>Find a rapid woman presumably being kept as a slave tied up in an outhouse
>Can clearly see her through the hole in the out house door and hear her pained hollering
>Unable to put her out of her misery by shooting her dead through said door hole
Guess they can't please everyone
they shouldn't design their missions like retards.

objective: HIDE IN THE WOODS
you hide in the woods
Scripted Movie Shitstar: no, that doesn't count, you should know where you are supposed to "hide in the woods"
competent game developers: put some cabin in the woods

objective: hide near the cabin in the woods

Wow, now your scripted movie would work without shit markers.

Of course competent developers wouldn't do this fully scripted shit anyway, they would create Breath of the Wild, where you actually build your own camps, and don't press X to camp, which is lame.
Yeah the missions were obviously left to be programmed by Rockstar India
I hate this meme that killing someone is helping them.
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>Let me help you understand anon
This was a valid post
But that did happen. Federals were lying jews back then just like they are today

I guess you have to have the mind of an NPC.
>Of course competent developers wouldn't do this fully scripted shit anyway
but noooo, you see we need this nice camera moving towards the hiding spot and doing this dynamically is tons of work, and we risk that our movie doesn't look like a movie anymore.

Shitstar going shitstar
I don't get it why their fucking movie games are so beloved. It's literally movies now. Back on PS2 you had freedom, not so anymore. Their games are trash. It's dog turds with tons of make up.
Because RDR2 has no competition except for RDR1. There is no other open world cowboy/1900s sim
I think I can virtualise your entire reasoning. It isn't freedom at all costs.
it's not a sim, it's a movie "game"
it would be great if it was a sim, but nothing that you do matters. Act like a psycho and your base camp doesn't give a shit. It's all window dressing, that's all.

Nice looking Hollywood sets, with nothing behind it.
Open world my ass.
Breath of the Wild is actual open world. RDR2 is not.
>Breath of the Wild is actual open world. RDR2 is not.
Breath of the wild is also a cartoon game where you play as a gay twink tranny in a rainbow fantasy world. The appeal is not even remotely similar
I started playing recently and could not believe how much this game is more interested in huffing its own farts than actually being a fun game. I don't care how much effort you put into researching and modeling 500 different plants or animals or whatever for "immersion" when the actual gameplay is just riding a horse for 5 minutes then spamming whatever action the dev wants you to do for their "cinematic story" for the entire mission.
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Lmao everyone point and laugh at the tendie
This was about saving health care costs, not about helping. Helping was just the public excuse and it was stopped after a while because German christfags wouldn't stand for it.
>defend myself from bandits
>gain DISHONOR for looting their corpses
I disagree.

Breath of the Wild means actual freedom.
Go to the bozoo right at the start and he tells you go figure everything out yourself, no quest marker garbage, no "go there", no "combine your first X and Y to create a fire", no, you are ON YOUR OWN.
You can climb literally all trees, mountains and whatever.

Meanwhile RDR2 is X to camp and snoys cheer, which is just ridiculous.
I mean the "game" wastes so much time on stupid animations, that you can't even skip, trying to be totally "realistic", but the "game" part is not realistic at all, it's all shit.

Try to climb a tree
>sorry, this is a Hollywood set
Try to climb mountain
>sorry, this is a Hollywood set
Rockstar should get gassed and fuck off, maybe make a fucking shit movie.

Meanwhile I will watch a cool western with properly written and acted characters. And you can watch it too and hold a Playstation controller and pretend that you are playing it.
This game was designed to turn you trans lol
it was stopped when the Allies took over, although not really, because the whole medical system is a scam. Old people are literally killed, even nowadays, and yes, to "save costs" of course, instead of well curing them.
I don't care revert back to >>681402910 >>681403428 if you want my honest reaction
>hurr gay twink
>t. proud member of the LGBT community
>running in an emulator and the emulator fucks up the game
So, what is there to do in New Austin? so far i've only killed mexican gangs. It's seems a waste to add another huge ass area on top of the already large map just for it to be, quite literally, empty. Was it only for the nostalgia?
that's (you) actually with your homosexual western written by faggots, where you don't actually play, but pretend to play.
>Was it only for the nostalgia?
The whole epilogue feels like an afterthought
meanwhile (you):
>I want to rob this back room casino
>I will sneak in from the back and
>game doesn't let me in FUUUCCCKKKK
No, you have to be a good scripted NPC and do what the "game" wants you to do, is "initiate a robbery" and then you may get a dialog option for the backroom.
No thinking allowed in your "game".
Just do what the shitty pajeet developer scripted you to do, and do nothing else, otherwise
always remember that Cockstar games are rated "mature", for the "mature" smooth brain
>Just do what the shitty pajeet developer scripted you to do, and do nothing else
I mostly free roam around the map and hunt, fish, play poker, shoot niggers in the face from time to time. I don't really play missions
>"free roam"
The moral of the story is stop shooting people
can you set up camps anywhere in your so called "free roam" like in real life, or is even that shit scripted and tacked down by Shitsaar India?
Do you enjoy watching the same soulless animation over and over again regarding the so called skinning?
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>i-its a glitch guys!!!
HAHAHAHAHA tendies are the most pathetic posters on this board
Why do you take it so personally that I'm not a miserable faggot like you
No, they just treat adults like morons.
PS2 GTAs were not like that. It started with the graphic whore shit.
>"free roam"
for modern audiences, I guess.
>can you set up camps anywhere in your so called "free roam"
Keep replying to yourself bud
>our shit emulators only cause tons of bugs in Pokemon, not in all the other games!!!
nice try
without any unofficial modifications?
I don't think so, cuck.
And I doubt it even works properly with the unofficial modification lol
>just wait for another patch
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question, but where do you find the hottest female NPCs in RDR2? like say i wanted to hogtie and kidnap myself a hottie, where can i get her?
>tendie loving troon is butthurt that his game is designed and marketed for children and troons
Play your tranny game and stop shitting up other threads you fat mongs
>noooo, it's not our emulators, nooooo
stop lying, cuck
your liar gig is up, see Pokemon.
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Didn't know emulators completely changed the artstyle to some gay cartoon shit, youre telling me it looks different on your mobile phon- err I mean the Shitch?
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>without any unofficial modifications?
Lmao yes retard. Way to out yourself as having never even played the game
>youre telling me it looks different on your mobile phon- err I mean the Shitch?
Oh, I see, another liar.
>craft a camp
lmao this is peak modern gayming.
have you ever tried it? No, you don't camp anywhere you want lololol
You need to take your meds
You just have to be outside of town.
Only a tendie would call a mod an "unofficial modification" kek what a bunch of fat corporate boot lickers
>dog is just doing what demented owner told it to do
>owner is fully cognizant of their actions
Yeah, that one makes sense.
you need to take your meds, that may make you stop pretending that things would exist that don't exist in pajeet developer reality lol

Known issues:
- Once the campfire is spawned, the game doesn't consider the area wilderness anymore, so normal camping will be blocked nearby, even after you remove the campfire, for some reason (resets when you reload the game).
- It might make the Spines of America mission bug out in chapter 2. If you're experiencing issues, try removing the mod while doing that mission.

>but it was real in my mind

- Once the campfire is spawned, the game doesn't consider the area wilderness anymore, so normal camping will be blocked nearby

pajeet quality programming
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>you need to take your meds, that may make you stop pretending that things would exist that don't exist
Rockstar never paid you did they sanjeet?

Some of the objects are interactable, some of them aren't, I don't think I can do anything about the ones that aren't.

Hollywood sets, literally.
All fake and gay for modern gaymers.
Nigger what are you supposed to do just let a dog maul you because it’s not his le heckin fault?
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Sadie is such an insufferable cunt and has almost zero redeemable qualities outside of helping Abigail and Jack flee. She's as unhinged and a maniac as fucking Micah, yet no one calls her out on her bullshit and if they do, she gives them an excuse and they're all like "oh ok, no biggie". Everything she did had the potential to get the gang killed.

I was so hoping she'd die from internal bleeding after getting stabbed (the only time she's punished for acting irrational) but nope, she survives the long ass trip back to beecher's hope and has a happy ending.
Wyt her butthole looks/smells/tastes like bros? Asking for a friend haha
>Expecting Cuckstar to have a female character be flawed and in the wrong
What is wrong with you
>through a massive fit because the camp cook asked her for some help prepping dinner
>got based air balloon autist killed because she couldn't sit and wait for 10 minutes
I really wish she had just never been included. Especially since Bill and Javier got mostly ignored in favor of new characters.

Kinda feel the same way about Charles but he's actually a bro so he's not as fun to rag on.
you can't hogtie camp followers tho
Charles is too forced and obviously a jeet self insert, he's just as bad
The missions are honestly the weakest part of modern rockstar games and they should look to abandon them. They're relic of decades old game design.

They take a game with such unparalleled levels of expression of creativity in how you approach situations, how you play, what you do, and they say "Now go here, do this, do that, exactly as we tell you, with zero choice involved, and watch the story progress" Its awful.

The game would have been better off if the random encounter mechanic was HEAVILY expanded upon and made the primary method of driving the story forward.
He's as bad from a narrative standpoint but from a character standpoint he's actually helpful and doesn't start trouble.
>the one guy Arthur can always count on
>shows up in the epilogue to help out Marston
>when everything's going to shit in Saint Denis he takes one for the team so the rest of the gang can get on the boat and GTFO
He's still a waste of a character slot but he's not thoroughly dislikeable like Sadie. His character should probably have been ported mostly onto Javier desu.
The most baffling example of the honor system in RDR2 is the prisoner who escaped and asks you to shoot his chains, if you shoot his chains you gain honor, if you hogtie him and turn him in at a sheriffs office you get honor, so was the prisoner a bad guy or not?
You actually get honor for not shooting the former slave-catcher too, which makes at least two instances of 'win-win' choices.

This makes me wonder if there are any lose-lose choices in the game. I honestly can't think of any.
>Help someone in need without judging them
>Execute them without reason
>Let Justice run its course

Makes sense to me, but do you lose honor if you just ignore him or tell him to fuck off?
It depends on which type. If they're the BH dogs, scent covering stuff and giving them a wide berth. If not, there's not much you can do but take them out or lose them. R* was too busy modeling lifelike accurate horse balls to put in a LTL method of dealing with dogs like baiting and knocking them out or something.
Reddit Dead Redemption 2
if you don't play low honor you're doing it wrong anyways. it doesnt matter though because this game completely missed the mark on what a real western is. Theres no butchery, brutality, racial hatred, or cut throat backstabbing. None of the characters are serious, they all sound like cartoons whether they are fighting or working together.
The worst camp characters are the women. I make a habit of antagonizing Karen
i saw these fucking gay webms the day TOTK came out dog. WOW I can't believe you can keep a single fodder enemy at bay with a high-level weapon! that is fucking crazy bro
Pisses me off that theres no prostitution for the player. Its in the game universe but you are not allowed to have it, so whenever a prostitute offers herself to me and the game gives me the options to reject or decline I stab the whore.
>reject or decline
Women in the development studio caused this
you either understand it or you don't
get locked up in an outhouse and raped for a year and we'll see if you would rather die or stay there
To be fair the player having sex with prostitutes after catching TB would be kinda really fucked up. Even if transmission through sexual contact is rare.

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