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Prime 1
Halo 1
Halo 2 has the best campaign. Halo 1 is good but it’s later levels are all just reversed levels of the first half. Halo 3 is great but the level cortana is terrible and the story isn’t really there anymore. Halo 2 however has a great story that makes the world of halo a lot more understandable for the covenants side of things and it has a cool plot that is about a religious group who are also a suicide cult.
For me, it’s Reach. Then 3, 1, 2.
1 > 3 > 2
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Halo 3 campaign is fun but I always find it the hardest to go back and replay, usually there's only two or three missions I end up playing. It really does feel like Halo 2's finale stretched out as a whole game and having most of it take place on earth makes a lot of the game blur in my mind.
Some levels drag but Reach has some pretty awesome stuff. Love the Star fox section/covie ship boarding level, it really sets it apart from other halo campaigns
Halo 3 has some absolutely amazing levels but some are really mediocre. The first level and the second are two of those. Then you have some absolutely amazing levels after that and finally the level the coven ant which is my favorite halo level. And then there is cortana which is my least favorite level and then the final level which is also amazing. It’s just not very consistent. I think halo 2 is the most consistent of the halo games because with halo 1 you have all the later levels being the levels you already did.
Halo 2 if you remove the Arbiter levels, otherwise ODST
they are all shit
i haven't played 5 or infinite but i guess those too
filtered by esoteric kino
Reach and CE
2 was good until Gravemind. I found that part to be a bit jarring.
The first one for me, felt like a proper adventure venturing into the unknown. Halo 2 and 3 are great but they're more of a space opera.
1 had the best campaign because it mixed in some mystery and even horror. Finding the flood was like finding Ravenholm in HL2.
I think the level design on high charity is great, it just sucks when you realize that you always need the carbine or beam rifle to kill brutes
Arbiter levels were pretty good though. I just didn’t like the first wo where your in the gas giant. But the ones where you are sent in to find the sacred icon and then the ones where you fight the civil war against the brutes were amazing.
Go back and play Halo 2 again and try to call it the best campaign. Yes it had the best writing (and the best music), but that's it. The level design was fucking awful wave defense with tight corridors between, lacking the open levels of the other games. Weapon sandbox is trash, where it feels worse than CE despite having twice as many weapons. New enemies like drones and brutes are a pain to fight, and the stupid tweaks to the flood were overkill. Legendary difficulty was fucked too if you want to count that.
CE > 2 > 3
2 > CE > 3
CE > 3 > 2
2 > CE > 3
>My favorite missions
CE - Two Betrayals
2 - Delta Halo/Regret
3 - The Ark
Halo 3 gets bonus points because it has destructible phantoms
3 has by far the best levels. I was very pleasently surprised going back to CE, and it is probably the most balanced experience with one of the best Covenants to fight ever but with frustrating mmoments with the flood. Halo 2 has by far the best story but level wise I found it good, but not as excellent as its brothers. I will also say that Infinite has the best Covenant ever to fight, the banished are by a long shot the most fun I've had shooting at aliens in a shooter game for quite a long time. Personally I stay with Halo 3 just because of The Covenant mission.
depends what you want
1 stands on its own
2 has a more dramatic story and better combat pacing
3 is the skyrim of the series (this is a bad thing), combat environments are simplified, combat is cinematic, everything is waypointed immediately, the story feels half-assed.
ODST - story is simple but it excels in changing the combat formula, being more about stealth and using the tools and environment provided to fight instead of greenman smash.
Reach - simple story, lightly focusing on the expendable spartan 3s. it builds off of ODST. more clearly providing weapons and gear for combat segments. combat segments are longer and more difficult and death will set you back much farther than the original trilogy, because of the lack of constant autosaving.
4 - story focuses on the Master Chief and Cortana's relationship. Reach started making weapons more precise, 4 goes one step farther and copies reach's style of long complex combat segments while adding more complex enemy movements.
5 - is a natural continuation of 4 & spartan ops. Combat is similar but now the player can control a squad and has more mobility options and better weapons.

story 2, 4, reach, 5 odst 3. (1 exists on its own)
gameplay 5, 4, reach, 2, odst, 3. (1 exists on its own)
multiplayer, 5, 2, 1, 3, reach, 4.

Infinite is to disjointed and its multiplayer feels like a more boring 3, so i ignore it.
Halo 3 is the best romp. Halo 1 and 2 both suffer from horrid level-asset reuse and shitty repetition.
I get that people don't like the repetitiveness but I really don't care about it, I mean as someone who's memorized the trilogy's missions everything feels "repetitive"
The gameplay on Legendary is the best, the atmosphere is either the best or second best after ODST, and the story is second best after 2. It's just too good
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2. Anyone that says 3. Is a cuck faggot who trooned out
Personally I think they’re all pretty equal top tier games. The trilogy I mean: I don’t even really consider the others.
1 is best overall, best gunplay, very specific late 90’s early 00’s mystery and adventure vibe. Best artstyle, but obviously the most primitive graphics. Has some of the most obvious flaws.
2 has the best story hands down. Most imaginative locations in the series. Gunplay gets a little watered down, but you also get great additions like vehicle boarding. Game can be quite ugly.
3 looks the best hands down. Guns watered down again, but turret weapons, new vehicles, and equipment, make up for it. Best setpieces in the series with the Scarab fights. “The Covenant” is probably the best level in the series. Story (and gameplay) is a little weak in the first half, but picks up once they get to the Ark. Ending is perfect.

I feel like the trilogy stack up extremely well against each other. They each have unique strengths and weaknesses, but I can’t pick one over the others.
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anon, replayability means that you can play it without feeling bored, not how many times the devs used the same room over and over again and copying the levels for you to play in reverse but with muh new encounters
>I get that people don't like the repetitiveness but I really don't care about it
t. works in some office doing the same excels everyday
halo 3 can be cleared by grenades alone. shits exploding and flying around. it's really great. no bullshit unfinished enemies and it's short and sweet. halo 2 has more unique music, level variety and sci Fi appeal, but it's unfinished and lacks it's own warthog run
Sir, that's Metroid, not Halo.
Notice how you had to cut the second half of the line out
what do you mean by "1 exists on its own"
2, is that even a question? 1 is good but repeating levels drags it down. 3 has horrible pacing issues and is criminally short/unfinished. Also they got rid of the good writers.
Halo 3 may be cleared with just the grenade throwable, but that doesn't take away from the dullness of the rest of the franchise, predecessors and successors alike.
We're talking about a franchise about cool armor guys who shoot bad evil aliens, running through small forests, deserts and occassionally the remnants of cities. The biomes are just as genetic as they are in Call of Duty. The gunplay is awful. The music is standard hollywood shit, you've heard the same tune hundreds of times before. Best campaign? Fuck you, they're all bad.
Halo didn't kill your boomer shooters, the market simply moved on from basement dwelling turbo fags playing their twitch shooters. UT and Quake will never be popular again. neva eva.
We got a master baiter over here >>681408310
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It must be nice to be miserable
i think the game is good but not fair to compare it since it was the starting point everything else was built from. And if you intend to play the others, you're going to play 1. the feel of that game is also unique to the others as the dilemma/mystery unravels as you play. 4 might be the only one that has a similar thing going on, where we try to activate something to help and get something else instead, and its own trick ending to anyone that didnt read a book.

one also has a weapon balance that disappears the moment the battle rifle is added. if you remember that scene in one of the matrix movies where the mechs are firing streams of bullets into everything. thats how 1 feels with the AR, and 2 at times with two SMGs. but with the focus on precision weapons after 1, its gameplay stands on its own as well.
The resurgence of fast movement in shooters is so noticeable it became a marketing point, even trash like Call of Duty tries to adapt to the landscape of ADD-riddled teenagers. Halo, with its pathetic sprint mechanic, is destined to die. Infinite was not some franchise-ruining piece of shit, it was a simple extension of it. It did what the original trilogy had already done, but the bus took off, years ago, with every potential player onboard.
Maybe 30 years later from now on when the brains will inevitably deteriorate will we see a game like Halo becoming popular again. I hope not, it's too dull.
That has to be the worst take on Halo 3 ive ever seen. Makes me wonder if you actually played Halo 3, let alone any Halo game.
2 comes in second
Halo 2 anniversary graphics are beautiful and faithul so thats not an issue
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>The biomes are just as generic as CoD
What CoD has the half destroyed alien spaceship being consumed by fungal flesh monsters, because if Ramirez defends alien burgertown at some point maybe I need to give that series another chance.
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Stroke marine is here, please say hello.

Anyone play any good workshop mods lately? I post this in every thread, but the MCC workshop is a goldmine for fun campaign stuff.
>Ramirez defends alien burgertown at some point
Shame Infinite Warfare didn't do well, or we'd have had this by now.
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i played them when they released and i replayed them late last year. my opinion on reach completely changed. previously my opinion on its multiplayer clouded my judgement on its campaign's gameplay. And i was surprised by how boring 3 actually was. 3 also has a lot of reused Halo 1 music in odd places to play off your nostalgia. Like playing some of the pillar of autumn combat music on the way to the life pod in 1 while clearing out brutes in the crows nest in 3. Overall 3 doesnt take the time or change the tone to focus on the events in its own story. its one thing into the next thing without thought or care, and forgotten about in the next mission.

you can ignore me and feel safe believing popular game is great.
Halo 2 has best story and music by far. Halo ce and 3 are great and 3 has the best multiplayer but 2s story and levels are so good.
>What CoD has the half destroyed spaceship being consumed by fungal flesh monsters?
Hated all the characters in ODST

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