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>What George R.R. Martin had in mind: there's this mysterious organization called the fingers who are the ones pulling the strings from the shadows. There's 2 fingers who will help the player in his journey
>What Miyazaki understood: there's a giant hand called Two Fingers because it has two fingers
Is the golden order supposed to be Christianity?
That's actually cool that George could write high fantasy.
Kid named Finger.
No. Unless you think Carians are jews.
>What George R.R. Martin had in mind: NOT WRITING WINDS OF WINTER
He'll finish it eventually
>haha fingers of god ahah
>fingers of god nebula is the final boss
>fingers crawling everywhere because god mentioned
>dude hand gestures lmao
>hehe finger up ass to scrape poop dung eater
>fingers fingers hihihiihi did you rike it?

japs love running a visual gag into the ground and making a highway out of it.
No he won’t. The show revealed the shitty ending he has written years ago. He’s not gonna rewrite all the major plot points, especially now that he’s a millionaire.
based and fantasypilled
Isn't GRRM into weird cosmological and Lovecraftian shit though?
This. He thought he was being clever making the magic cripple the winner but the overwhelmingly negative reception to it in the TV show made him realize that he's nothing but a hack.
To be fair, the reveal of the Two Fingers actually being a giant hand was a good moment
Wasn't one of the main grievances that people had with the last couple of seasons that they weren't written by GRRM?
It’ll be done when it’s done
It wasn't written by him but he did tell Dumb & Dumber what he had planned for the ending. The execution was up to them tho.
It was more how it was done in the show than the ideas being inherently bad.
They pretty much are shabisgoy so yes.
Nah, there's literally no way to make the magic cripple win in a satisfying way. It's the dumbest, lamest conclusion ever. There's NOTHING you can write to make it not shit.
>oh yeah this useless faggot that had barely any relevance throughout 80% of the story becomes king after he gains omniscience
What a fucking retard story.
why do people hate the ending? Dany going insane and burning everyone up was kino, Jon having to kill her and getting sent to border patrol was kino (it's always what he wanted anyway) who else was going to be king at that point? the midget? no the midge was always better being behind the scenes.
Not a chance. Have you read his blogs? He's busy despressionposting instead of actually writing the damn thing.
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>Dany going insane and burning everyone up was kino
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Some of it is inspired by Norse mythology, but look at these things.
These are the envoys of god. These uncanny, white-blooded things blaring their horns monotonously. What I mean is there's no chance the Greater Will is any kind of warm or comforting entity.
I don't know I think they look kinda huggable
>The circular design at the top represents the Greater Will and its lightless abyss
>Dany going insane and burning everyone up was kino
The show kept portraying her as some kind of saint until the last seasons, so I'm guessing viewers felt cheated.
If you hugged them, you might think you heard whimpering from underneath the cloth wrapped around their heads, but you'd be mistaken.
The writers of the show had realized they had stepped in ideological shit when they had created a scenario where a White lady saves the niggers of the world (AGAIN), so they had to work specifically to undo it.
This is the sole reason why they did all of what they did in her character arc.
she was already starting to show cracks in the books, the show just rushed it
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>What Miyazaki understood: there's a giant hand called Two Fingers because it has two fingers
seems based to me
Taking dumb metaphors and making them literal is peak japanese writing and I love it
Two in the pink, none for the stink. Or considering this series maybe the other way around.
Nah, she already started turning to madness basically as soon as she started falling for Daario Naharis, even in the books. The whole point of her character arc is if she shared the same instability as her father or if she could prove to be a compassionate leader despite the tragedy she endured and choices she had to make. She started to become so self righteous that she started using force and brutality to enforce her idea of compassion which called into question if she was truly mad and blinded by her black and white ideals. We don't know how she was meant to turn out in the end but the show audience was only pissed because they were to retarded and blinded by YAAAASSSS QUEEN SLAY to understand the nuance of her situation and that the point was that leadership in this world required some moral gray areas. They didn't figure any of this out because they failed to see that subtly or nuance so by the time the show started rubbing their faces in it, they felt blindsided. That's not to say the show didn't go about it in a completely tightfisted way though.

She has nothing on how dirty the show did Jamie though.
>mysterious organization called the fingers who are the ones pulling the strings from the shadows
>a giant hand called Two Fingers because it has two fingers
Actually somewhat interesting
It was goofy af and I laughed
The fingers are just a radio. Two Fingers for the Greater Will and Three Fingers for Chaos star?
Hes a Hack and hes part of why modern fantasy is bland grey slop.
Ive read his books and theres so many points where you can tell he wrote himself into a corner.
Hes not writing it because hes got no idea how to turn the plot he developed into something worth reading.
i thought they were albinaurics too,
So basically like the creepy cherubim in 40k, homunculi created to mimic divinity
Why would he? He gave his ending notes to the directors and producers of the HBO series, fans hated the ending, and Martin doesn't feel like rewriting everything and even if he did rewrite the ending he knows that some vocal sect online will hate it. It's better to keep the mystique of 'I'm still working on it' as opposed to finishing it.
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>Gloam-Eyed Queen
>The Crucible
>Outer gods
>Those massive skulls the size of castles
>Those giant throne skeletons in the Eternal cities
>If Marika = Numen and Numen = Nox, why is Marika from some flowery little village with literally no architecture or culture or religion in common?
>What was Marika's seduction?
>How are Marika and Radagon the same person but two people and capable of reproducing?
>Where did Frenzied Flame come from?
>Where did the 3 Fingers come from?
How do my fellow lorefags cope with the fact that we will NEVER have answers to these or even understand what the fuck was going on?
There's no datamining to be done because From covered its tracks this time.
There will be no more DLC for Elden Ring
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>What George R.R. Martin had in mind: dumb gay ass stereotypical fantasy slop
>What Miyazaki understood: pure and unadulterated kino of the highest caliber
Metyr is the mother of fingers, I like to think the three fingers is just an edgy one of her children who decided to communicate with a different god since the GW abandoned them
It wasn't earned, it was all in execution that it failed.

This retard is wrong, could have easily worked if it was properly built up. The show gave up (literally, dave and dan just wanted to be done with it and didn't give a fuck anymore).
>he still thinks the Greater Will even exists
kino miyazaki doing things his own way as always(except ds3 but it was obvious he had no passion for ds3 so i can't blame him for making it uninspired goyslop)
we cope by understanding, just as we always have souls, that not every question has an answer. It's just like real life. Where did the particles that caused the big bang come from?
Lore fags are seething at this simple question.
This but unironically
iirc miyazaki went on record saying he was excited to show grrm how much they altered his characters to fit fromsofts own style
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Why couldn't I summon my wife Ranni in the fight against the Mother of Fingers so she could use the Fingerslayer Blade I gifted her to kill Fingers with?
Or they're the source of the albinauric's pale blood
>he expected fromsoft to have any sort of continuity in their game
>The Crucible
primordial lifeforms

>Those giant throne skeletons in the Eternal cities
the 1st gen albinaurics created by Nox out of metal are unable to walk (like Latenna and Albus).
2nd gen are the dumpy looking frogs who can walk. Dragonkin soldiers were made to copy dragons. They fight you on their knees so they're in between generations, I guess. The mimic tear is their most successful creation as it can mimic a potential god-killer.

>How are Marika and Radagon the same person but two people and capable of reproducing?
Marika was turned into a jar person by the Hornsent. She consumed Radagon and the 2 in 1 did the Spiral tower ritual to achieve godhood much like Miquella+Radahn. Look up asexual reproduction.

>Where did Frenzied Flame come from?
merchants who were genocided by Golden Order conjured it out of desperation
they turned marika into a jar
>the 1st gen albinaurics created by Nox out of metal
do you remember what equipment or item mentions that?
If you've read any Miyazaki interviews, the misinterpretation is part of the point.
>blue silver set
>nox flowing weapons
I recall something more explicit but i can't find it
huh I never picked up the blue silver armor, but yeah I can't remember any item that ever mentioned the giant skeletons
Yup. Miyazaki is a genius.
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its not hard to connect the dots though
>>What Miyazaki understood: there's a giant hand called Two Fingers because it has two fingers
Isn't this exactly his inspiration for Dark Souls? Not know what he's reading and fill in the blanks.
What's the source for that?
The thing that makes Elden Ring work is that miscommunication between the Japanese and the Western imagination. All the characters in Souls feel alien and strange because of this and that specific brand of strangeness gives souls its unique flavor. Like the whole world has gone just a little mad. In film this usually just manifests as poor acting and unclear direction, but in a game it serves to make the player feel just a little uncomfortable at all times, like everyone, even the passive NPCs have some ulterior motive.
the two fingers?
dodge roll and flask
who or what is nox
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>play the game hearing about these fingers
>expect its some sort of mysterious organization that secretly pull the strings from the shadows
>its actually just a pair of fingers

I bet the Two Fingers have spent a lot of time in your mom's pussy.
Marika was seduced by Metyr with the promise of power and revenge against the Hornsent. The betrayal was her highjacking the divinity gate ritual (possibly while acting as a priestess since the jarred people are called "saints") with the help of the fingers and achieving divinity.

Either the Shamans are Numen colonists who travelled to the shadow realm or Numen are Shamans that travelled to the lands between. It's not clear.
>mother of all the Albinaurics
>same model as the others only bigger
one of FROM's lazier moments like that entire area of the game
It was told countless times in the books that her entire line has brain damage equivalent of Habsburg jaw due to many generations of inbreeding. Her father was like that, her brother was like that, etc. Her going nuts was entirely expected.
Numen/Shaman war refugees that settled into Lands Between. they took a different path than Marika in trying to usurp god by creating gods. Marike became god herself. Greater Will nuked them. Marika made a deal by taking on the Elden Ring
>This retard is wrong, could have easily worked if it was properly built up. The show gave up (literally, dave and dan just wanted to be done with it and didn't give a fuck anymore).
It would have only worked as a setup for a sequel to dethrone the immortal god emperor because immortal god emperors are NEVER good.

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