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what in tarnation
writelet whose only fame comes from an eternally milked saga cannot come up with ideas
oh my
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>world revolves around a huge glowing tree
>you fight a baddie named Morgot at its foot
Now where have I heard that before....
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>has been writing books and scripts for over 50 years
What does it take to not be a writelet, bros?
nobody tell this guy about the naming conventions of historical royal families, he might just shit himself
Please be about Arya
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being able to end a story?

What was her diarrhea's tax policy?
This passage is kino however
is this real?
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oh yes
>all the names begin with G R or M
>G R M
>George R Martin
bravo miazaki
>Royal Family has naming conventions they generally abide too.

Wow, shocking.
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lmfao jesus christ
George RR Martin likes the idea of historically accurate naming conventions. If some guy did something amazing, something of great myth and legend, everyone is going to name their kid in honor of that person. It makes the characters confusing to outsiders, but you actually pick up on it pretty quick. That being said, it's still a retarded thing to do in a fictional story.
GRRM is a lazy fuck. There's no way he actually gave them any ideas outside of "uh...maybe there's a tree that collects souls or something?" as two of his other stories have that plot point. His involvement is a complete marketing meme. He even says it was a consulting gig.
That's not even the worst quote in that book, from that pov, much less the series.
>"....and she found his arousal arousing."
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GRRM is the kind of guy who decides to write a homosexual character and names him Gayman Targaryen.
So what was margotts tax policy for leyndell?
What's King Morgott's tax policy?
Didn’t they say he only gave them like 2 pages of notes
Not the biggest contribution
hot desu
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not bad for 2 pages of work
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I'm not convinced GURM was involved in the actual story and was only included as a marketing ploy and to give him further excuses to never finish the book.
honestly this is the only bad one. It's like the same name but in 2 different languages.
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Black Shirt Alex
Buff Alex
Hooded Alex
Fat Alex
Comet Alex
Television Alex
Alex of Pretense

Probably missed a few.
>Big Mac
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So beautiful...
So inspiring... *sniff*
This is really my experience with this guy. Never followed all that Game of Thrones crap.
no, worst thing arya does in the books is that one time in her twow sample chapter when she seduces a guy and briefly makes out with him (while still being 11 years old)
The Winds of Winter is expected to come out in 2026, 15 years after the previous book in the series. If this pattern holds, we can expect A Dream of Spring by 2040 at the earliest, at which point GRRM will be pushing 90.
She also gets her nipples pinched by a dwarf in that one
I think the house of the dragon adaption broke him. He made some seething post about adapters making their own changes always being shit and nowhere near as good as the author, and is mia from the new series on hbo.
This man convinced an entire generation that he wasn't a hack because he happened to show up at a time where gross and gritty equaling deep was the accepted belief.
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Holy fuck british(sirs)
the very same author that had

List of Valyrian first names in the books: (69 confirmed)

Aegon, Aegor, Aelor, Aelora, Aelyx, Aemon, Aemond, Aenar, Aenys, Aerea, Aerion, Aeryn, Aerys, Aethan, Aurion, Baela, Baelon, Baelor, Calla, Corlys, Daella, Daemion, Daemon, Daena, Daenaera, Daenerys, Daenora, Daenys, Daeron, Elaena, Gael, Gaemon, Haegon, Jacaerys, Janaera, Jahaera, Jahaerys, Laena, Laenor, Lucerys, Maegelle, Maegon, Maegor, Maekor, Maelor, Maelys, Monterys, Naerys, Rhalla, Rhae, Rhaegar, Rhaegel, Rhaella, Rhaelle, Rhaena, Rhaenyra, Rhaenys, Saera, Shaena, Shaera, Valarr, Vaegon, Vaella, Vaemond, Valaena, Valerion, Visenya, Viserra, Viserys
He doesnt even like video games
yes godefroy is godwyn's son, godfrey's grandson and the rightful heir to stormveil castle but his cousin godrick usurped the throne and put him in evergaol.
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you mean:


>no Baemond
>no Caemond
fucking hack, one lousy job and still screwed it bigly
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Telltale Game of thrones game had better story than 99% of modern AAA games and not just that even the telltale borderland,batman and wolf among us were excellent too
Why are people suddenly shitting on GRRM's writing for Elden Ring again? Thought we beat that dead horse when the game was released
cool headcanon
I like the names. I know esl's have a hard time telling them apart but they are memorable names. Obviously godefroy and rellana being exceptions.
This has got to be ridiculously confusing for Japs. These names are even more foreign to their culture. Miyazaki must think he is hilarious.
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how do you respond without sounding mad?
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Timeless, iconic prose
i think elden rings story is better than dark souls
remind the poster that they cut their penis off and they will never have it back again
Pretty sure they didn't name every single one of them after the initials of a famous author.
>nice rant lol, but I ain't reading all that
>only fame comes from an eternally milked saga
Wild Cards was pretty popular back before you were born, zoom zoom.
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the more she shat the more she SHATTERED
>ok me, how are we calling our son
>no, we're already called that, we have to think something else
>and no Marika either... stupid retard
>RADA..HN....... LMFAO
>I hate myself so much
fucking schizo demigods
Shazamfags lost
he's right
and yet elden ring is STILL the best game to release in the decade
both of you fromdrones come off extremely mad
you realize someone criticizing a video game isnt a personal attack
Nobody tell this guy about American states.
lol someone is upset about their lack of a dick
The expansion was really disappointing.
Apparently Miquella wasn't a tragic character that failed, but his keikaku all along was to fuck over his entire family so he could die like Richard Stair and force his brother to be his gay incest partner against his will witch his new ghost girl form. While leaving everything already unfinished unexplained.
You are the one that's mad. You wrote a whole stupid rant thar nobody will read.
What a shit looking award. Oh boy! Marbles and glitter cast in resin! Whoever designed this must be the coolest boy in 6th grade.
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wow bros i can't believe he also "helped" in dark souls 1. why won't nufrom tourists just admit it was a marketing tactic, there's literally nothing in elden ring that sounds like anything grrm has writen ever in his entire life, i've even seen retards claim jarsburg is grrmcoded
calm down bro, it's just a game lmao
IRS hivemind
>Miquella wasn't a tragic character that failed
>yeah id win
>yeah i won
>yeah im the strongest
>yeah im unbeatable
>yeah im not actually dead
I read these books and don't remember that at all.
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What is Queen Marika's tax policy?
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his never finishing the book, is he?
Keep reading.
I'd rather have the fun gameplay with a very loose "story" than the movie games with a solid story with very loose "gameplay"
I was really surprised that the GoT one was the least best of the lot. I still remember looking forward to it.
Those are literally his kids though. The name formation might just be more equivalent to son or dottir.
Telltale Borderlands was surprisingly fun
I loathe Borderlands
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I command thee, kneel.
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>thou imbibes the Erdtree's blessing
>thou accepts the Grace of Gold
>thine body is mine servant
>thine soul also
>Or divest thyself of it
>to wallow at the fringes
>a powerless upstart
apparently George wrote quite a bit of how things worked BEFORE all the elden ring shit that starts the game but fromsoft cant help themselves and they have to do the cryptic minimalist souls lore shit so all the writing that could have helped the game was used less as a story and more of a loose foundation for whoever writes froms shit stories
And Borderlands fans loathe 3, what a miserable game to be forced to listen to, and you are forced, while you're trying to enjoy the gameplay. Every character was ruined.
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>Mi-Muh-Miya*sputters as he loses oxygen* MAYAMOTO-sama, as I have told you NUMEROUS TIMES *desperately gulps for oxygen* I am an EXCEEDINGLY busy man these days *pours bucket of KFC over head* I have only so much TIME to write yet MORE lore for Eh Eyuuh, er Eyylen, UH, Ellen's Ring, or whatever you may so call it. *takes sip from Big Gulp of deep fryer grease* Oh hhrrmm hrumm, I suppose I can offer some MERE suggestions. *flatulates in consternation* Mick, urhm, Michelangelo, you know, the young, feminine little godling *licks lips* is actually aheh hurhm heh, homosexuuuaaal, *heart audibly pounds* and uh, Raphael, you know, the big strong fellow, his brother, he's enamored with him in an intimate way as well, you understand??? *feebly paws at crotch* Hmm yes, and, and, perhaps during the, erhhgm, encounter with the player character, he can, ahah, 'steal their heart', so to speak, aye? *sweat pours down red face* Ah well, these are all just my uh, my musings, as it were, on these matters, old chum, ahheheh. Do with them as you will! *fans himself with his captain's cap* I bet stodgy, dusty old Tolkien would NEVER contemplate such SORDID, uehm, G-GRUESOME and GLORIOUS taboos in his books, ahehhh...? *passes out from oxygen deprivation*
how? how could they get an award for the writting of that game? is the bar that low? or is it because its popular?
If they included all the original lore, it would prevent Fromsoft from retconning everything in the DLC. Of course they aren't going to do that.
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the dlc released like a week ago so its time to milk old memes again
i love those posts
sure, but I do believe GRRM wrote some shit, its From who butchered it and took GRRMs shit and just made souls again
>so heres Malenias tax policy
>yeah yeah thats great George so anyway were gonna take most of your characters and turn them into oni and yokai and shit
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and dark souls was just like demon's souls but they renamed everything, this is the second time they do this shit
you dont have to pay taxes if you have sex with her once you turn 8
I just read until the first quarter of the third book but I understand he painted himself into a corner because he killed the wrong character.
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for your using pleasure anons
Queens own cryptocurrency scam (rune arc)
more like
>john jr
>john sr
>and johnsly
>Entire game narrative is: "we are in a simulation, you can break it and enter the age of dark, or continue the age of fire"
Miquella changed when he gave up his pieces -- especially his love. His keikaku changed to reflect that.

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