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can nintendo really solve the scalping problem?

No, not in the US at least. First-sale doctrine is well established.
>tell retailers one per customer or you're not getting any
>problem instantly disappears
the problem is nintendo or the retailers don't actually care so they're just going to say they're doing something without actually enforcing it
Retailers already have those policies with hot items. Scalpers just bring their entire extended family and friend group in to make "individual" purchases.
what drives people to write fanfiction about reality online
shit, I'm a dumb nigger and replied to the wrong post
If they stockpiled a ton and then when launched simply sent an invite to anyone with at least 50 hours played in the last 6 months to buy direct they could avoid pissing off fans that actually want one and would use it.
>Hey bro if I send a Switch 2 to your address is that cool?
*blocks number*
>Gets a free Switch 2
lmao noone ever scalped a switch because it's actually available
the scalping happened with ps5 and GPUs due to chip shortages that the switch doesn't use
>the problem is nintendo or the retailers don't actually care
I'm sure Nintendo cares. If the consoles are stocked by some scalper in some warehouse, it means fewer software sales.
There were switch scalpers, but not at the same level as the ps5/xbs
There still are gor some special editions
You can't stop people from selling something they own lol.
easy fix. just rent the consoles :)
Or just buy it and then resell it. No one can stop you.
The way I saw the thing about legal stuff worded in another article headline posted here makes me worry that they were more talking about something that might get the end user fucked in the crossfire too, not so much what states will work with them on as what states will try to stop them on, still maybe they were just talking about some european anti corporate autism no reasonable state elsewhere will try to make problems over.
>Buy "too much" of a product that is on sale
>Get sued
Your rights end where other peoples access to things begins
Is scalper the new meme word to replace grifter?
civil suits are not enough
arbitrage should be punishable by death
I don't understand why you're not allowed to preorder consoles.
Cheeky xtroon, nobody scalped series S/X.
>Need to eat food to live
>When I take food from others I get arrested
Fucking communists won
PS5's early troubles being partially (and some could argue mostly) due to scalping will probably make all manufacturers more wary of the issue. These companies make their money through sold games. Scalped consoles in some dude's garage are not generating game sales.
definitely isn't a thing.
is nintendo just weaponizing litigation now? it seems like being litigious is their whole corporate strategy now
Doesn't work anymore regarding online sales.

Scalpers have programs that lets them purchase multiples of a single product even if it's limited one per custom in an instant. If they want they can buy an entire warehouse in seconds. The only thing that holds them back is that most shit these days aren't worth scalping.
And that includes his right to chastity as well
>n-no they can't detect my bots it's just not worth it
Unless the planned legal action involves heavy lobbying, I don't see how they're planning to do it. Scalpers are the scum of the earth, but what they're doing isn't illegal.
>scalping problem
Nintendo fucking loves micromanaging artificial scarcity.

They use this with all of their hardware, but it's most egregious in their Zelda-themed consoles.
They'll release two or three of these Zelda variants that sell out immediately and command $1,000+ prices on eBay and then drop one that secretly is just going to be restocked for years.
Pokémon did this with their Bear Walker skateboards - Wave 1 and 2 were ultralimited in quantity, and then Wave 3 was identically announced but mass produced.
The Switch2 being hard to find on release is all part of the plan, and by the time little Timmy gets his hands on one the games library will be larger anyway - it is CRITICAL that all angsty discussion online is 'I can't get one they are too popular' instead of 'wow this has only two games' at start.
>still forcing the artificial scarcity meme
Civil law shouldn't exist at all, it was clearly a fucking mistake.
I would totally use that logic to punish scalpers with rape
>being litigious
Unless you're an AI-news, drama slurping turbofaggot you'd know that Nintendo is extremely lax on litigation and only pursues that option when someone is making $1 million USD+ on their operation (Gary Bowser and friends).
Like any company they send out C&Ds all the time but fan projects are free to ignore them because they aren't worth the legal cost to pursue.
AM2R didn't get C&D'd until the project was finished, despite the creator obviously and publically documenting every step.
Nintendo basically doesn't give a fuck and will only step in to meet their legal obligations to creators when they have to - despite what troon Discord ragebait would lead some to believe.
Just prioritize buying in person over buying online with a one per customer clause. You can't stop scalping but you can mitigate it by forcing scalpers to have to go from store to store.
PS5 is in a bad spot because millions of the systems sold are still just sitting around. Nintendo never cared about scalping of any of the toys or even the games because until recently it didn't effect them. and digital sales have only been going up, Sony is even starting to drop CD-Drives as a whole. I imagine within our life time it will be a felony to scalp items.
If they can get a large enough initial shipment and ensure the next ones happen fast and consistently, it should make scalping almost pointless.
They just need to produce enough units so they're readily available for anyone.
The only slight provlem is Japan. Because of weak yen Switch 2 will be much cheaper than everywhere else. That can be solved with a region lock
He knows your address.
>can nintendo really solve the scalping problem?
>the problem is nintendo or the retailers don't actually care
Nintendo makes money on selling software, so scalpers are big problem for them
Way bigger than for Sony and Microsoft
>tell retailers one per customer or you're not getting any
>problem instantly disappears
Doesn't work since 10s
it doesn't work because no one from the cashiers to the CEOs actually cares
they just say they're going to limit purchases to stop schizos from rambling about artificial scarcity
It would be nice seeing Nintendo use their ninjas for a good cause, for the first time in history.
They won't be able to, since it's not only not illegal, but it's illegal to persecute them, so it would be Nintendo the one asking for a class suit.
Nintendo owns a literal slave anon, with digital goods being the bulk of modern tech sales all it will take is a big company or two pushing for it and the first wave of scalpers will be in prison. is it moral? nope but greed doesn't exist because of morality.
Don't forget retards literally running a patreon being paid to hack their shit
>one per customer
that doesn't stop a scalper from getting a bunch of friends to buy one on his behalf
>US law or something sorry bye now. Man I cannot wait to sell these at 4 times the price to some dumb faggot chikd dying of cancer whos parents will buy it desperately.
>when you reply to yourself because everyone else ignored you
What the fuck do Indians have to do with anything, you stupid fuck?
Everyone against Nintendo is a jeet
Some things are just not legal to even pursue, anon, and considering scalpers are in the thousands, they will just be begging to get fucked in court and setting a precedent against themselves.
im buying one at launch and then throwing it in a drawer until it's hackable.
if it's not hackable within 3-6 months, ill just sell it for next to zero loss.
I have a gun.
Yeah America is too relaxed in this regard, you'd get arrested for scalper behavior in other countries.
if they hire me to bash a scalper's face in while pretending to pick up the merch, ya

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