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*is still the best one*
*out of five*
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Played 1, liked everything except Dook's and Izalith.
Played 2, was okay with it up until huntsman's copse, then hated it.
Played 3, hated it from the start and it never redeemed itself.
Really wish From could have had the time and funding to make one good game in the series, but 1 is the best they've got.
there's no mimic, so not even close
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There are multiple ones, actually.
there's one in sens and one in anor Londo and one in anor Londo and one in anor londo and one in anor Londo and one in anor Londo and one in seaths archives and one in the dlc. correct me if I'm missing some
thats because it have the dlc factored in.
*is the only one I played and was so mid I didn’t bother with any of the others*
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>is still the b-ACK
There's another one in the dlc
hyuk hyuk hyuk hyuk
Why can't enemies backstab you in any of the newer games?
Artorias and Ludwig are the only From bosses that made me pogface hard, but I guess part of it was those were the only games I bothered to pay any attention to the lore in.
haha i meant a mimic tear of course! the spirit ashe!
Series peaked here. But also tricked FROM into thinking every boss needed to be an epic anime 2 phase fight for all future games.
they don't? i'm sure there was some bacstabbing enemies on das3
but i'm not a retard giving my back to the enemy so i dont remember much
try demon's souls
They make up for it by making enemies with annoying faggot grab attacks and hiding them in corners you can't see
What did you hate about 3?
Those hollow fuckers in the pot jails of the elden ring DLC were quite annoying.
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I think Dark Souls got finally surpassed by Elden Ring with the release of the DLC.
The exploration is just better and the levels of Dark Souls are not as good as the legacy dungeons.
Dark Souls remains my favourite game, but I wouldn't recommend anyone to play Dark Souls over Elden Ring first if they are new to the genre.
Of course the series peaked there Bloodborne only has one game.
NTA but 3 just feels like a dumping ground of unused ideas loosely strung together with DS1 callbacks. The world design in particular is pretty bad. Not "windmill lava elevator" levels of bad, but it pales in comparison to ds1 and BB.
Fights are also just rollslop, and all need a second phase for some god damn reason.
Lmao I'll never forget the time I was invaded by a gravelord fag who hit me with Tranquil Walk of Peace before gravelord dancing. Quite literally impossible to counter.
demons souls is also supremely top tier and very unrated in the souls "community" for lack of better term
they nailed so much on the first time around its uncanny
>but I wouldn't recommend anyone to play Dark Souls over Elden Ring first if they are new to the genre.
I would.
Elden ring has too much bloat in base game and DLC is only accessible after like 50-60 hours for someone new to the series.
Dark souls 1 front loads all it's good parts in the first half which is great if you want to make a good first impression.
Sure lost izalith isn't great but at least it comes way later and is short
It's fucking shit
gosh darn it you're right I also missed one in seaths
My bad typo, lemme fix that.
It's *the fucking shit
There was so much bullshit in DS1 pvp, I loved it.
TWOP + wrath of gods, lightning falchion spam, dark magic 1 shotting people up close.
>t. bullied by maneater
mommy still doesn't buy you a ps3 after more than 10 years uh..sorry kid
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DLC is only good because it's level design finally resembles Dark souls 1 again. The skyrim shit nearly ruined base game.
ERs DLC sucks ass compared to artorias of the abyss or the old hunters.
Just because zoomers can't into video games made before 2012 doesn't mean DS1 suddenly becomes bad.
it's the 2nd easiest souls game
it's shit
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yes but bloodborne is a better game
DS1 is notoriously undercooked. EVERYONE knows it falls off incredibly hard after Anor Londo.

DS3 is the best Souls game. Gael. Nameless King. Sulyvahn. Champion Gundyr. Midir. Oceiros. Twin Princes. Demon Princes. DANCER OF THE BOREAL VALLEY. ABYSS WATCHERS.
Banger after banger after banger. Some of the greatest bosses in Fromsoft history. UNDENIABLE. DS3 just absolutely fucking rocks.
>people these days losing their absolute shit over Baldachin's Blessing giving you like -5% health
>ds1 curse is a permanent -50% that stacks

newer game are more difficult but i like how ds1 was not afraid to truly punish you, its a game you could easily soft lock yourself in.
the challenge was a lot more spread out between the long stretches between the bonfires and the environment and stuff instead of having 99% of the difficulty in the boss encounters
>cutscene and regenerate
>cutscene and regenerate
>cutscene and regenerate
>duo boss
>cutscene 3 fucking times and full hp 3 fucking times
its the worst from game after ER
Having recently played Demons Souls, I was shocked. In a way Dark Souls 1 feels like a step backwards.
what on the fuck are you smoking
its openworld skyrim shit but with a second elevation and even less legacy dungeon than the base game
its still lightyears off ds1
*is demon's souls but made in 1999*
another unfinished mess by miyazaki
even on the remake they said fuck it and didn't bother to finish it
I say son what kinda bug-brained word-salad ya throwing around here? Huh? What's that? Use your WORDS, son! What's that? Cutscenes give ya seizures? You can't play a boss with a cutscene? What's this "regenerate" you're spouting? C'mon son, speak up, use ya words!

Oh also I forgot about FUCKING FRIEDE - a.k.a. Malenia but better.
Ornstein And Smough?
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I hate Dark Souls 3 because it convinced from and their retarded fans that every game needs to be a boss rush. It was never about that. Bosses are a little treat at the end of an area and serve thematic purpose more than anything to tie the setting together. Level design and the sense of exploration and discovery are what this series had going for it and DS3 is one of the weakest when it comes to that. The bosses are good but don't make up for everything else shit about the game
>unifinished mess
how its unfinished besides missing a single world?
at least doesn't feel like an alpha adding that zone
Nothing wrong with a boss rush if the bosses are great, take off your shit-tinted glasses.
There was also the egg infection that did something similar, was even harder to cure, and stacked with curse.
DS3 babies would shit their pants over that.
Instead of DLC's i wish from made an effort to fix base games.
Imagine a big update that completely revamped second half of ds1
the missing world was what I was referring to, yeah
it was never finished but people have been able to travel to what was created
he also seems embarrassed by the game in general
They could've done that woth DeS remake but instead gave it to hacks that don't understand the Soul of Demon's souls.
The only I remember about Demon Souls is the lack of souls to buy shit. Something that Fromsoft actually quadruple the amount for DS1 in a patch.
It was too easy if you've played DS first
I like the gimmick bosses more than le hard bosses from the later games.
ayo holy shit rengoku 2 on my board based
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O&S uses the second phase like a puzzle, where you can choose how it will go based on who you kill first. Its also the only boss is the entire game with a second form.
Most DS3 bosses have a second form, with ER getting even worse about it. Like giving a fucking hippo a second phase, a hippo.
That "zanibart forgive me" thing is just real now. To the point somebody made a joke comic years ago that almost perfectly predicted the ER DLC, they just mixed up godwyn with radahn
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I have several folders of jun suemi art.
Most based and underrated vidya artist to ever live.
they tried that with Dark Souls 2 and everyone hated it
No, DeS and Bloodborne are their peak.
installed this due to all the hype around elden ring. Got stuck at the bell gargoyle fight. Exploration is a lot more fun than boss fights
He said fix it, not make it worse.
>Got filtered by the first real boss
Post age, and level up more.
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God I fucking love going on a scavenger hunt for arbitrarily placed skibidi fragments so I don't one shot by everything in the dlc. I also love greatshields and genital mutilation.
I unironically wish souls combat still played like this. I am tired of all the rollslop anime kickflip shit.
Bring back real poise too, none of this half measure shit.
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Not completely over for you then.
Did you find the blacksmith to upgrade your weapon? There's an entire forest area beside him you could also go do instead.
Finally if you met solaire he can be summoned for the gargoyles fight.
Ringed city > old hunters > shadow of erdtree > artorias > ashes of ariandel

I didn’t include ds2 because that’s not a real game
>shit my pants when the first mimic just eats me
>go at him again
>he stands up and kicks me in the face with his clumsy dance motions
One of the most memorable encounters
Top-Tier swagger
super agreed
>Did you find the blacksmith to upgrade your weapon?
>Finally if you met solaire he can be summoned for the gargoyles fight.
yeah found these things

>There's an entire forest area beside him you could also go do instead.
haven't found this, there's a castle with a dude sitting outside it though
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If you play in human form, you'll have access to summons which can help you with bosses. It gives you half the souls but you can make up for it by getting yourself summoned to other people's world. The game is a lot more fun if you embrace the mechanics instead of acting high about beating a boss solo.
Play Demon's Souls first.
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>Going down to the cemetary and getting raped by bone town
>Getting go by the first mimic
>Cursing your existence as you sit on the bonfire bridge in upper blighttown
These are all necessary experiences to truly experience the game.
I couldn't get into it, haven't tried any other Souls like game and feel like I'm missing out after seeing people talk about it day and night. It just felt dull, there was no atmosphere whatsoever and the movement felt like everything was underwater,
ah yes
prepare to lose fps edition, humanity cloning edition
nigger hackers edition
i like dark souls 1 but to call it the best one is retarded
In the room with the blacksmith there is a hallway right behind him. There's a giant titanite demon in that room, past it is a whole new area with a ton of shit that connects to even more areas.
You can just run past him and dodge his ranged lightning or try to kill him.
Agreed, but people will seethe. They’ve never again matched the atmosphere of 3-1. I never played the remaster
I am glad I experienced it, and I am also glad it's over.
I didn't have a pic on hand so its the first thing that came up with google. I still play on PTDE unless I wanna do invasions, then I go to the demaster.
Say what you want about movement but the game is ALL atmosphere. You have no soul
The game is supposed to feel pretty somber, there aren't really any "woah" epic moments outside maybe seeing anor londo for the first time. Its about you being born in a shit world and trying to overcome the challenges it posses.
Granted this is literally every souls game, but DS1 in particular really nails the tone:
I think the subtitle of this edition has caused many onlooking copycats to misinterpret what people like about this game entirely, including developers at From Software themselves. Players never liked dying or cheap deaths, they liked the game not holding their hand and giving the impression that enemies played by the same mechanics that the player was subjected to. When you have bosses doing these elaborate, exuberant moves that last for well over what should be their entire stamina is when you have lost it.
There was no music or even ambient sound, nothing. The world seems fascinating but it felt empty walking around.
I'll probably go back and try it again
Oh one more thing, don't level resistance its a meme stat. If you already wasted points on it thats fine, just stop doing it. Every other stat is valid.
yeah if you ignore the entire last half of the game
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>thread about souls game being good or bad
>guaranteed replies
every day
every week
every month
it never ends
that sounds worth a try

can only summon NPCs in my game since they shut down multiplayer

I haven't I think, gotta say though I'm not sure when faith is going to be useful and dumping dex seems like its really limiting my weapon choices (picked cleric to start with)
Just like elden ring
I'm gonna need you to come in on Saturday.
If if you couldn't make my Monday even worse
>DS2tranny buzzwords literally nobody but seething 2lets spew
every time
>a twitter thread died for this
Looks like someone has a bad case if the Mondays! c:
this is you >>681403258
I love dark souls 3 and if anything convinced them it was 100 percent bloodborne, with dark souls 3 further contributing to the problem. Both games did a fair bit of damage certainly but that doesn't make the games themselves bad
shazamtrannies still mad SotE is kino
Coomer thread is down the hall and to the left for your braindead ass
>hello I am totally not DS2tranny samefagging, which is why I will not disagree with any of the mentally ill shitter takes DS2tranny made while replying to xim
All dark souls 2 did was hit ctrl+c on select enemies and the developers decided to hold down ctrl+v with a couple of bandaids in between. They didn't fix the shit soul memory system, they didn't make a red eye orb that could be properly earned, they slapped a bandaid over soul memory and they put a bandaid on the last boss
>final boss is easily parried
>bed of chaos is unfinished platforming slop
>anor londo and beyond is a general letdown
>pinwheel was tuned like a regular mob
>gravelord covenant literally unknown by playerbase because you can't go online without an autist bricking your save file
>big hat logan has bugged dialogue the remake didn't bother to fix
>dark bead can one shot bosses
actually this game fucking sucks
you all mistake 'good atmosphere' for 'good game'
Faith in DS1 is pretty good, but there are almost no weapons that use it and is more so a buff playstyle in DS1.
The faith merchant also doesn't show up until VERY late in the game, so leveling dex and str to try out weapons is a good plan and save the faith for later in the run.
You get a str requirement discount on any two handed weapons by the way. So if a weapon needs 15 str and you have 12 you can still use it, but only two handed.
Wtf are you even saying?
>dark bead can one shot bosses
I mean all souls games have this problem of seriously overpowered spells / weapons at some point
Yeah, it's really easy to claim bullshit on the "le boss rush le no level design" horsepiss.

While boss design was taken to the next level in BB/DS3 both games have really good levels and rewarding exploration with fun encounter design against normal/elite enemies, nevermind the absolutely stunning visual design of places like Yharnam, Lothric etc.
>y-you're probably a braindead coomer!
as if arguing about the same games over and over ad nauseam isn't braindead.

For example if someone has the dogshit opinion of liking Dark Souls 2 there's nothing I can say to convince them they have bad taste. And vice versa.
>DS2tranny: NANI how is my brainrotted tranny samefag so obviousuUUU?????
you should probably just play the game.
>I mean all souls games have this problem of seriously overpowered spells / weapons at some point
Shadow of the Erdtree says FUCK YOU and y'all left 'mixed' reviews for the DLC on Steam because cheese was hard to come by there.
>replay ds1 for the nth time
>no pyromancy cheese
>im backstabbing my way to bonfire
I can never play this game normally.
Bash Dominik Leys' fat faggot face against the curb until bonechips are lodged into the back of his skull.
>because cheese was hard to come by there.
>all the broken shit still worked
>I beat 90 percent of the bosses spamming jump l2 with dual great stars
I did.
That's why I can't fathom someone claiming DS1 is better than DS2, DS3, ER, etc.
>because cheese was hard to come by there.
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>"rollslop 3 is the best one"
>immediately starts listing off boss names
do you ever stop to think that maybe games should be evaluated on new player basis? your argument basically boils down to "this movie sucks cos i have seen it a million times and i can point out every single inconsistency and plothole"
Ds3 doesn't fall off but also never reaches the peaks of Ds1. It's a constant stream of meh areas from beginning to end.
I hope you two anons enjoy the game if you keep going, ds1 is one of those games I wish I could play for the first time again. DeS is also fantastic if you wanna try it later, but felt a lot more like a prototype in a lot of ways.
I enjoy the consistency of Dark Souls 3 It won't be as cool atmospherically as DeS nor will it have its soundtrack and the world doesn't hold a candle to DaS, the pvp meta isn't as exciting as DS2, the bosses not as good as BB, but in my opinion everything is done well enough. I could only call one area trashy (Smouldering lake) but its not half as painful compared to shit like lost izalith. There is no one boss that I can point to and say I totally despise such as Bed of Chaos, The One Reborn (plus many chalice dungeon bosses like undead giant) and shit like the ancient dragon nashandra and forest gank squad. While the pvp isn't amazing, I still have a fun time invading, especially as a purple phantom. There are still some mediocre bosses, but nothing super retarded either. Overall I just genuinely enjoy everything dark souls 3 has to offer, even if any one aspect doesn't stand out compared to other games
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>Prepare to Die Edition
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>duh bawses
oh my god kys you faggots ruined everything
I'd never recommend Elden Ring as their first FromSoft ARPG. All the bosses are too fucking crazy and it has too many mechanics. I'd recommend people start with Demon's Souls and Dark Souls.
>can only summon NPCs in my game since they shut down multiplayer
Gargoyles have NPC summons.
Also, why are you playing the Prepare to Shit edition? Sure it looks better, but it runs like absolute shit and has no multiplayer. It doesn't butcher the aesthetic either like Demake Souls (except for the bonfire (which to be fair, they probably did so because of consistency with the sequels).

Faith sucks except for co-op support. For a beginner, it's best to just level only one offensive stat (STR or DEX or INT).
Why do people shit on lost izalith so much? I thought the area was okay when I played a couple years ago.
Is it the bed of chaos fight? I agree it was kind of bad but not super painful, running back to the boss was mostly just a straight line through the titanite demon.
Well you're stupid cause Elden Ring sold like 50x more than those games and new players did just fine lol
Repeatedly hit Dominik Leys' faggot head from the back with a pickaxe.
>well you're stupid being Elden Ring sold more and 70% of those people dropped the game
Scholar didn't fix shit, it actively made it worse.
>it runs like absolute shit

How so?
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I'm sure more people would drop DS1 cause...you know, it's shit. You gotta understand new players aren't nostalgic fanboys like you are.
Shut the fuck up your zoomer nigger it's literally the worst souls game
Scholar is much better you braindead npcs
Kino. Looks so much better than spaz ER bosses. I like how zoomers have been mind broken into loving eyerape ADHD movements.
Kill yourself faggot, i hope you stub your toe
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It doesn't look better you're fucking dumb
I 100%d Scholar and it did not make it better.
Yes it did. It's way better
>not rolling 200 times
>no lighting and sparkles blowing up in the screen at all times
>not using OmEgA powerful cheat items to win

A trash game indeed
Damn, a boss that doesn't attack for 8 seconds straight and make an aoe explosion... How is my ADHD supposed to be sated by this...
Even if you get an RTX 4090 super, it won't run consistently in 60 fps. In Blighttown, it runs below 30fps. Also above 30fps some jumps are impossible because jump distance is halved. Roll distance is also halved. Sliding down ladders is bugged.
>Posts absolute ludokino to prove game is bad
See, here we go. It's good because the boss is barely a boss. Wow, amazing.
DS3 has superior levels to DS1 and this should not be a controversial opinion. DS1 levels aren’t even better than Demon’s Souls. The game’s level design really isn’t that impressive outside the first half
DS3 levels are garbage swamps.
I know bro..., he didn't even have a second phase with cool dialogue...
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And DeS was in many ways a step backward from KF4
Is there some sort of mod to add the PtD edition textures to the original?
Ds1 really shows the peak of asian intelligence
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>All the bosses are too fucking crazy
Anyone who finds these games challenging is a complete idiot and a fake gamer.
If he said "Forgive me Maliduniki..." in the end would it be ok?
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You gotta understand you're talking to DS1 fanboys. They're a little slow in the head, and the reflexes.
I’ll never replay DkS. It’s bottom of the barrel together with DS2
There's something very special about dark souls 1 visually amd aesthetically that every subsequent game failed to recapture. Every other game feels too "pretty" while DaS 1 felt grungier.
I know this overstated but Dark souls 1 is still the most like berserk. Just the right ratio of beautiful nature juxtaposed with filth and grimey dungeons
Also i really love these dudes.
Scarier than any boss in the game
Such an epic showdown of a pyromancy hero taking down a foul demon by evading its devastating attacks and swinging back while the raging demon recovers. Kino.
god gamer
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There's nothing "special" about it.
There's plenty special
Yes. Dark Souls visual overhaul is one of them (it also restores the bonfire). Then there is one exclusively for armors. There's also one for effects, but I'd say the effects are an improvement.
>no ambient sound
Yup yup, still puts every entry but DeS and BB to shame.
A thing I really hate and still do about DS3 is that for some reason every enemy you meet feels like it has to let out an invasion of the body snatchers high pitched screech.
It's not only the best in the series, it's also the only one that didn't need dlc at all. Sure, not having the last archstone is a pity but the game is fine even without it and actually feels like a complete game.
I'll also say this: true King Allant and Dragon god fights were fine and while I do get why many were disappointed in them, they have reason to be as they are.

It's beyond sad how much the design philosophy has changed for the worse.
It's fucking annoying and not fun.
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nu/v/ is shit at games and cries about every game that puts up even minor resistance. I blame gachatards.
Yeah but it takes two minutes.
That's literally a picture of the remake. From reddit.
I don’t get the hate either. It’s bad but it’s basically the same quality as most Elden Ring areas in the open world and everyone loves ER
the guy in this video is over leveled.
Couldn't say it better myself. I hate how twitter-y this is gonna sound but it has an unique aura. The grittyness of the setting, the silence in some areas, the echoes in dungeons and hallways, are all so well placed, no other in the series has that feel to it.
>It’s bad but it’s basically the same quality as most Elden Ring areas in the open world
Not even close, no.
because they played PTDE and didn't get to experience the dragon asses which aggro from miles away
>Bosses are either shit or recycled
>Lava section is poorly designed, with dragon asses just placed at random around a big empty lava pool
>Terrible boss run
>Somehow manages to sneak a poison swamp in, albeit an optional one
>Bed of Chaos is pretty easily the most hated boss in the game, if not the series.
The whole level was supposed to be a poison swamp, they just covered it with lava at the last second and replaced all the enemies with dragon butts
what's the issue with bed of chaos? other than the final jump to the core being kinda shit to pull off it's a well made encounter.
Not even ironically does anyone think Bed of Chaos is good.
I personally don't find Elden Ring hard. But for someone new to action games or new to games? I would definitely not recommend ER first.
Non traditional fight where you have to avoid massive and vaguely defined hitboxes or risk falling to your death, and sometimes you just fall anyway because of collision boxes pushing you.
Plus the run back sucks dick.
no seriously what's the issue? I see these videos pop up every now and then where they rank bosses and they all put bed of chaos last. or entire videos dedicated to "the most hated boss in the souls series". I don't get it. at worst it's kinda anti climatic but most hated? what's the reasoning for this near universal hatred? cos I never felt hatred towards bed of chaos.
Its a puzzle boss except shit
It's just janky and clearly unfinished. The run back doesn't help, like if you miss the jump you gotta do it all over again.
I like the idea of it. I like puzzle bosses and i like it thematically/lore wise, seeing izaliths daughters turned to weird demon foetus things and sitting at her sides is cool.
But no I'm not defending the execution lol.
Lost izalith had alot of cool ideas, creating an artificial flame that gives artificial life to new organisms but thise organisms end up being demons was a neat idea. i wish it got remade properly at one point. But considering how DeS remake went maybe it's best to just move on
to me it's about as annoying as rotted greatwood in dark souls 3. and people generally agree that that boss is just meh.
*by accident*
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3 is still the best and people are still seething about it
love to see it
not like it matters.
ER, BB, Sekiro are all better than all DS games
>People disagreeing with me means they're seething
The last and final cope of any shit taste haver
It's shit dude and its mechanics and bosses ruined everything.
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i like 3 and i dont get the hate it gets, but ds1 and demons are the best. sekiro, bb and er and just modern day slop
From have lost their way
nostaliga is a powerful poison
sure, a game that looks worse and plays MUCH worse is better than 3, er bb or sekiro
They peaked with KF4
It's such an unpleasant game.
Main thing i hate about DS3 is the fucking piss filter.
Dark Souls 3 more like Fallout 3
Idk why from likes to slap filters on all their games. ER has some hazy chromatic aberration thing smeared all over it.
it makes low IQ people seethe, as they get constantly reminded of PVP and how bad they are at it, so bad that even NPCs can fuck them up
literally the best bosses in the series without question
The other games still have a few memorable areas like Majula and Irythill but you are absolutely correct. Bosses suffer as well. Yes they were definitely easier but not going full animu on you helped tremendously.
Take Pinwheel, he is a meme but the first time you saw it you felt fear, you didn't know what he was going to put on you and you didn't want to run past the skelly wheels again.
Oh how the things changed.
artorias sucks
easy and the hitboxes are awful
That must be why people seethe at bosses in ER having roll catches and """input reading""".
i dont care for the bosses. A lot of them were unfun and annoying too.
Input reading is 100% demonstrably a thing. You can get bosses to do weird shit like staring you down indefinitely because sometimes they refuse to do anything until you hit the roll button
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>but the first time you saw it you felt fear
disingenuous fucking nigger
the arguments you low iq shit eaters present make me sick every time i read them
ye. it all boils down to them not being able to use their scum tactics and being forced to git gud. the exact same thing that has made faggots seethe for over a decade about the franchise.
>Input reading is 100% demonstrably a thing.

make a game that doesnt read your inputs

oh wait thats a movie, you stupid fucking negroid
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I did both, and yes scholar is worse and more annoying at nearly every chance it gets "Mr Zaki can we put an annoying gank here?.. ok I put annoying gank here" "mr zaki can we ruin the reveal of dragons still being around in aldia's keep and dragon aerie by slapping one in heides tower of flame?" and ofc "mr zaki can we make shirne of amana worse?" and so on and so on
Dark souls didn't have it and it was fine
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>see ds1fag thread
>he never makes an argument for why it's better
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now you are being retarded on purpose, multiple enemies will enter parry stances where they will insta parry you if you attack, which is direct input reading you butterly smooth brained moron
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carefully have to navigate the level to the next bonfire and if you're lucky you might find a shortcut. at the end of the level, you fight a lore appropriate boss that might take you a few tries if you arent very good.
your character can be tailored to how you want to play and all weapons are viable aside from a handful
start with samurai, rush dragon and sorseal, rush to liurnia for smithing stones. after an hour gathering crap you can finally play the game with your op build against the same bosses over and over again on a big barren island with no soul

ER isnt and rpg game its a zoomer slop action game
The level/world design. That's it. If DS3 and ER had it, they would be better in everyway. Ironically the closests thing we have gotten to it is ER's open world, if you where to reduce the scale.

Combat/bosses/weapons/presentations have only improved.
Scholar lets you avoid getting ganked in ways Vanilla doesn't.
Yeah, easily.
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>ER doesn't have input reading
come on now
>ie skill issue
kek every time
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in Demon's Souls has the only NG+ that does NOT fuck around
NG+ in the Dark Souls games felt like a walk in the park
>Maneater on NG+
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hiromoot really needs to bring back IP counters
these samefags defending their own opinions masking as other anons are embarrassing
erm the one pathway in lost bastille makes scholar kino!!! no. played both. scholar pee pee and poo poo. I will no longer argue any further
yeah, you're a braindead npc
So much better than what Elden ring has devolved into.
I'm not saying it doesn't exists. I'm saying there's nothing wrong with it. And people calling it input reading pretending to be smart proves how retarded they are. It's by design. They want to punish DS3 shitters who crutch on roll spamming and chug trading.
There is, to this day, not a single game with better interconnected 3D world design than lordran. Not even metroid prime games have the world interconnected so well.
Erm, where's his second phase???
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People who don't challenge themselves never learn to do new things, which is how we get threads like these.
Oh my god who gives a shit. It doesn't matter. Any Metroid game does it better because you're unlocking new areas and half the world isn't dark root garden.
but ER is a new series and unrelated to souls games. wouldn't that make them retarded if they made a new IP which punishes players of an unrelated previous series?
Ds2 sucks and scholar didn't fix it. It's almost good, but...
>base ds2 lion forest
>lions every six inches, giant slog to get through, huge curse basilisk for some reason
>two enemies in the whole area, complete it in 90 seconds
>shrine of Amana in base
>4000 wizards sniping you from across the universe
>~8 guys spread out
The whole game is like that. Too much to too little. Not to mention the retarded ice porcupines in the dlc area, probably the second most obnoxious enemy in the franchise, after the lightning unicorns
>but ER is a new series and unrelated to souls games
this is always the last resort argument from you trannies and it is a blatant lie. anyone with more than 2 functioning braincells is able to tell that all of From's games are set in the same multiverse. Elden Ring literally functions as a prequel to dark souls, demons souls and bloodborne and the only reason they deny it, is because Sony has BB and DS in a tight ball grip. This is irrefutable fact and will only be denied by trannies and people who are physically and emotionally unable to git gud.
>but ER is a new series
It's Demon's Souls 7.
It plays like shit. How is this even a debate? I played this on PC and it's unplayable. Worst camera and mouse angling I've seen to date. They should really learn how to port the game properly.
Roflmao even
Scholar is good. Much better than Vanilla. It's the best Dark Souls game. No contest.
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>rest of this bonfire
>"weapon at risk"
>didn't have the repair box

absolute PEAK souls
i installed 3 from my backlog after watching so much ER
it's fun, but tough
maybe i shouldve started with 1 to ease my way in
Scholars is trash. It adds retarded stqtues everywhere and makes the game way more linear. The only thing DS2 had going for it vs later titoes is how open ended it is early on. You could pick which lonear level you wanted to go to, like DeS. But Scholar completely fucks that up.

That alone makes it dog shit, regardless of other changes.
well true or not this isnt apparent to everyone since ER sold 25 million which means many people played ER without playing any of the previous games.
holy fuck that is insane hahahahahahah
Post term abortion with Orphan and murder hobo fight at the end of the world with Gael were peak Fromsoft
Such malignance can only be found in a dexfag
Scholar is less linear than vanilla. You get fragrent branches sooner and dont have to go in one direction for hours to get your first one. Or go for hours in one direction to enchant your weapons.
Yeah but buffs were also biffy as fuck too back then
>Posts one of the easiest bosses in the game
Definitely genuine
even in vanilla one was required to unfreeze the pyro lady, that path lead to the seath spider
Yes you did you faggot. If you wanted to unlock straid or rosabeth you needed fragrent branches. Which meant beelining through multiple areas in a row to unlock characters that are core to progressing or for using boss souls. Or if you wanted to enchant you had to go all the way to iron keep. In practice Scholar is more open by not forcing your hand down specific paths for very specific functionality or progression. You can just play the game and do what you want without thinking about this too much.
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PC and Xbox fans hate it so much
And it completely fucks early progression. Not worth it at all.
You should definitely started with DS1
Now you have played 2 ADHD zoomer smooth action games.
DS1 with all its clunk is going to be completely lost on you. Its basically walking around and exploring, new feel, new setting, bosses are more like sprinkled around rather than being its main attraction.
nobody is playing these games to explore
You have all the early progression you had in vanilla, and then some. Nothing you say makes any sense.
>fighting curse frogs in front of boss soul guy
>gas clips through the door and kills him
Who designs shit like that
what kind of comp do you have that lags with ds1? also a new player would fight him on the bridge which provides the difficulty in that fight
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>y-yeah bro if you fight him on duh bridge that's where the real fight is
both games you just stand there waiting for the boss to do something
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Best post in the thread.
The remake ruined the legacy of Demon's Souls and I can't wait for it to be eventually forgotten.
Replaying it at the moment and it really is the best. The only part of the game that sucks is Izalith. They could never recapture the atmosphere of this game in any of the other games for some reason. It's like a mix between the dark crystal, the neverending story and harry potter
Where's the attack delay? Where's the jumping? Where's the anime VFX? Where's the huge arena? Where's the ash summons? Where's the greatsword R2 spam? Where's the forgiveness? Where's the subway surfer video in the corner?
I... I need to lie down, open up tiktok homepage and eat scoopfuls of sugar to calm myself down
we are talking about new players and their first encounter with the enemy. its a claustrophobic fight vs a huge beast. pretty good design.
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>wow muh atmosphere
Again, not gameplay. Doesn't mean anything. Hipster gibberish dude. DS1 fanboys have been disparaging Elden Ring only because the bosses actually do things. That's literally all it is.
No you don't, you literally have new statues blocking you off from so many chest and even bosses and bonfires. There's no reason for it. It just makes the game feel extra linear and boring. In vanilla you only needed 1 or for rosa and later straid. It completely ruins all early levels regardless of what direction you go.
>4 hits a boss with cheese weapon
I am starting to think you never played the game, since these are streamer and youtuber clips
level design of erdtree is no where near intuitive as ds1
I don't know what your webm is trying to prove, but it just made me realise how even a D-tier boss like Moonlight Butterfly is infinitely more memorable and iconic than 99% of the generic sword wielding spammer bosses from Elden Ring
the boss is not memorable at all
Again, you get more fragrent branches. You lack critical thinking skills. You can go anywhere you could before, and then more areas, and also do things faster. Why there's "no reason for it" and yet this exact mechanic exists in Elden Ring and no one complains about it there I dont fucking know. It's an adventure game. It's part of adventure game dna to explore, find keys, use them to unlock things. That's fun. Nothing is ruined. You people are so dramatic.
It makes the game extra linear. It takes a good aspect from a game with few good aspects and ruins it.
I just explained to you how it doesn't make the game linear, and the game is more open than before and it's not registering in your brain.
demon ruins + izalith aren't that bad because they're over with pretty quickly. none of the post-anor londo areas are so bad that they ruin the experience and most of them are pretty short and/or easy. i actually think centipede demon is by far the worst boss in the game. at least BoC can be cheesed with the quit game trick and is a pure knowledge check. centipede lags the fuck out of the game and is in a very fucked up arena. fuck that boss
so if you like ds1 its nostalgia goggles but ds3 is literally fanboywank fest so artorias wannabes can basedface constantly
DS3 truly is the uninspired greatest hits compilation of the souls series
DS1 wishes it was DS3
It wishes it was bad?
I was gonna save this meme but then I saw that the bottom Pepe was uncircumcised. That’s disgusting to look at. Can someone make a circumcised edit?
All the areas of DS1 have really interesting verticality except for Lost Izalith. The crap enemies and terrible boss just add insult to injury. It genuinely feels unfinished. Demon Ruins isn't great either but Lost Izalith is the worst area in the game by far.

At least with Tomb of the Giants there are multiple ways to cast light.
these games stopped being roleplaying games the moment they gimped the covenants
Centipede truly is the worst. I first played Ds1 on the first jank as fuck pc port and it was already bad when Qualaag spewed lava everywhere, but it at least wasn't 2fps mode like with Centipede.
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I love Lordran so much
it's the best. maybe we can hope for a better, more finished version of the game in a few decades, but i think their decision to make a quick buck with the remaster killed the dream outright
Post more in this thread. Why is it in page 8 you fags. I hate v so much it’s unreal.
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>Shrine of Amana
>anons thought THIS was unreasonable
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There's plenty special
As someone who never really looks up guides I have a question. What is the actual intended way to deal with the Undead Burg Bridge? Obviously you can just go under it to progress to the parish, but then you miss the bonfire next to the sunlight altar. I usually just end up tanking one flame attack from the drake before sprinting to the end, but it feels a bit cheesy. Are you supposed to fight it? At level 10?
You can just run past it and open the gate, the switch is close on the left. Most people didnt and got gated, simple as that.
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>I usually just end up tanking one flame attack from the drake before sprinting to the end, but it feels a bit cheesy.
How the fuck is that cheesy you rotbrained maggot. How the fuck is CHEESE to tank an attack and run away from the enemy you cannot beat? Do you think the devs intended for you to go naked and emote at him while he burns you? Has the community of faggots that infests this company really fucked up with your head this much?
This is literally like this for every fucking series where the sequel follows a gameplay pattern close to the first game, you enormous retard. It doesn't make it any less fun, you don't need someone stomping on your balls for every waking moment of a game for it to be enjoyable
fuck you chilling is not the intended way of posting on 4chan
>prepare to lose fps
fixed so early on it's not even funny
>nigger hackers
skill issue and this barely happens
Someone redpill me on the remaster.
The gayest area in the entire franchise. By a lot, even.
>fighting a gank sqad in the forst
>both are havelpussies with pursuers
>greatmagicbarrier.jpg intensifies
>they both run like headless chickens trying to backstab me with magic weapons
>I dead angle WoG them into oblivion and backstab them until one is down
>host runs to the forst entrance to summon another phantom, decide to let him
>another phantom comes, a dragon, the moment he spawns I cast WEoG, insta killing him because of low HP.
>also hit-s the host and I chain backstab him with a chaos rapier +5
>well! what is it?
Dark Souls 1 had so much bullshit on it's PvP but it was perfect to counter 2 and 3v1 spam.
Bonfires don't look as cool anymore, but the framerate is now tolerable in Blighttown. It's a trade I'm willing to make personally
I'll survive a worse particle effect if performance is fixed.
dsfix + some multiplayer improvements at the cost of having to buy an old game for full price again, killing ptde servers and making multiplayer worse in other aspects (weapon level matchmaking in a game where u can dark bead anyway)
also it's ugly as shit, and even the parts that aren't ugly are different because they just HAD to make them different for no reason (item drops are blue nwo instead of white and other easthetical changes that weren't needed and look bad)
DSP fans are the weirdest fucking people on the internet
Like how can you stand someone who is just a nonstop whiner and ebeggar
I haven't experienced any performance issues with the remaster on PS4, hope that helps. I've been playing DS1 since 2012 and I never want to deal with the PS3 era framerate ever again. Even outside of Blighttown it was terrible most of the time
oh yeah it might be actually worthwhile if you're a console player even if you have the original. i'm not entirely sure
It's the only version that still has an active userbase.
looks like shit dude
In addition to what other said it uses servers instead of peer 2 peer. Which means one day those servers will be shut down, unlike PTDE which uses peer2peer matchmaking and will always be up.
Because its the only version you can buy, dummy.
If FromSoft had SOUL they would go back to their roots and try to create a game that has much freedom as DeS did in terms of level progression. Not this OPEN WORLD slop where 90% of the content actually has no meaning and can be skipped.
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>He thinks dark souls is about BOSSES instead of interesting and cool levels
Ask me how I know you're a zoomer who, at best, started playing souls games in 2015 but more than likely didn't start until 2018
DS2 gives you more freedom than DeS
Bad bait, at least pretend like you have an ounce of knowledge about DeS
Wow, you have nothing. I'm so surprised.

Sorry OP, elden rings came out years ago and ever since, all discussion of dork/demon souls is banned on /v/
Come back if you want to talk about Let me solo her meme man instead
Your brazen confidence while being so fucking wrong is making me incredibly mad. Gayle sucks. Nameless King is okay. Sulyvahn is fine. Gundyr is mid. Midir is a boring slog. Oceiros is literally nothing. Maybe if they didn't cut the baby squish it would be worth anything. Twin Princes is great, I'll give you that. Demon Princes is kino, best fight in the game. Dancer is also kino. Abyss watchers is pretty cool.

But that's it. The has nothing else. It is so godamm uninspired for the rest of it. So painfully mid.
Fire knights in the new dlc can.
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Amana had some difficult parts with the knight mob, but it was FAR from the most aids area in the series
doing pvp with a lightning spear was glorious
in my opinion DaS2 itself had far deadlier unfair areas
Radahn actually sucks holy shit. If it was just him the whole fight no Miquella he'd be easy as fuck and that's with some of Mohg's powers. You are basically fighting Miquella not Radahn. Radahn is a damn puppet.
I'm sorry a Jew stole your foreskin anon. I'll enjoy mine twice as much to make up for it.
Make that three times, for me
DS3 detractors have mind gamed themselves so hard into believing lies about the games level design.

Irithyll and the Ringed City are the peak of from's level design and If you disagree with me you need to play the game again. It's been 8 years you have to take off your "new thing bad" goggles.

The games only real flaw is being MGS4
Irithyll is not that good.
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In DS2 monsters can backstab you. I think humanoids in DS3 can too, rogues can 100%.
Excuse the shit webm quality.
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Kino. Some Black Narcissus vibe.
The only cool looking boss in ER was the Snake guy. Fuck you and zanzibart.
>Series peaked here.
Series peaked with Artorias of the abyss. Ludwig was already a metastasis. The only reason why people used to praise those bosses a lot is because they were stuck on them for the longest time.
Personally I didn't spend more than maybe a couple of hours on Ludwig. What made him memorable to me was how he managed to restore his sanity and dignity, which is the exact opposite to what usually happens.
>by Elden Ring with the release of the DLC.
I don't know about that. DLC feels very undercooked in certain areas. Abyss woods has cool concept but nothing besides two puzzles with Winter Lanterns and copy pasted madness rats from Limgrave, it's a gigantic area which you need to traverse by foot and it can get extremely tedious as path to Midra is not very obvious. Hitherlands and all Finger Ruins suffer from the same thing, they provide good lore titbits but are just barren wastelands in terms of content. You're encouraged to gather scadu fragments but it's extremely easy to fail NPC questlines because of that. The whole scadu fragment system is just not good, at some point in time they become just tedious to look for and are hidden in the most annoying places, it also affects co-op in extremely negative way as experience varies from one host to another and directly correlates with the amount of fragments they found. I've spent on average between 30 minutes to 1 hour on every major boss, while I don't find them extremely challenging encounters provided rather an underwhelming time, I felt like I was fighting against the same enemy as they followed generally the same pattern of actions in similar arenas and the only distinction between them was the model size and color of AOE vomit they emit, especially Radahn's phase 2. Fuck this guy.
Overall 7/10 experience, it's solid but needs to fix plenty of mistakes.
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Everyone knows this is From’s best game
There's quite a few backstabbing enemies in ER.
Even if they were "peak" (nigger zoomer ebonics), they're ugly as sin like everything in DS3, so it hardly matters.
1 is better than 2 & 3 in aggregate, but Elden Ring clears it on all counts except multiplayer features (unique covenant stuff, asynchronous interactions, ambient triggers).
elden ring is less than the sum of its parts. DS1 is probably the most aesthetically and ludonarratively cohesive game ever made. ER is a good game but in an amusement park kind of way.
DS1 is a half-finished bowl of jankslop.
ER is definitely the most aesthetically & ludonarratively cohesive game ever made. DS1 is good but in a museum curiosity kind of way.
Dks1 is the Melee of Souls
thank FUCK someone understands

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