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how do people enjoy turned based combat?
no, genuinely.
real time combat is OBJECTIVELY more fun.
I refuse to believe any pokemon or FF fight can be even nearly as fun as slashing everyone in DMC or GOW or something.
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>that UI
for every DMC or GOW there's a dozen Morrowinds, you don't get to cherrypick
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play turn based games that arent 4 niggas in a row
seriously that combat style is so fucking bad it's unreal. Makes like 7/8ths of all jrpgs unplayable because of how dogshit it is
fun is a buzzword
Morrowind isn't turn-based, the hell are you talking about?
Actually, ALL combat systems are turn based to a degree.
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zoomer fears this
Whenever people complain about turn-based combat I think of the webm of that bald dude who's too smart for books.
i want to command a party of characters with differing roles
i do not want to pause queue actions 500 times
hence, turn based
yes anon that's the point.
real time combat isn't inherently good, just as turn based isn't inherently bad.
>think about the upcoming turns and who needs to do what to both keep everyone alive or do a lot of damage
>mash face buttons and dodge
Yeah, I'm thinking turn BASED
By not having an ADHD?
It's more relaxing.
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>turn based
I like turn-based, there's something relaxing about it
Strategic and planning aren't limited in turn based game tho
have you ever played chess?
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Turn based combat is all about controlling a party of characters, rather than just controlling a single dude while your useless retarded AI mates drool in the background. It just so happens that menu-based controls are the most effective way of accomplishing this.
You don't even need to make the game pure turn based, games that use the ATB system like you posted can be a decent mix of having to make quick decisions within the constraints of menu-based interaction.
For what it's worth, I think FF7R's approach of blending action combat with full party control is a great solution to this as well.
Only high IQ (and mostly white) people enjoy turn-based
>how do other people enjoy something I dont like
This question shows - without a sliver of doubt - that you're retarded or autistic.
some systems only work with turn based, i do not mind you creating a real time system like final fantasy 12 did, but don't you fucking go and use a pen and paper system like DND and make it fucking real time
In RTS you control alot of units in real time, so your excuse doesn't make any sense
Yeah, 4 niggas in a row is objectively garbage. It at least play a game where you have to position your party.
I don't think your ADHD zoomer brain would be able to understand even if we explained it to you. Your brain chemistry is already fucked and can't be repaired.
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They just do. As I am not autistic, I am able to understand that different people have different likes than me.
>OP has never heard of the wide world of tabletop games and all the videogames that have descended from them
Nobody has to justify liking things you don't.
>I refuse to believe any pokemon or FF fight can be even nearly as fun as slashing everyone in DMC or GOW or something.
Then continue to do so. No skin off our backs.
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you control a lot of units, but not with any granularity.
move here and shoot there.

if they had more options it would have to be turn based. that's why turn based strategy games exist.
Op blown the fuck out
turnbased pvp can be intense, like chess for example.
You posted a real-time game. Just because you make commands in a menu doesn't make it not real time, as the game continues while you do so. What you want is a button masher because you get upset if you're not stimming constantly. Have you tried a fidget spinner or similar device? It genuinely might help.
Pokémon is objectively deeper and more complex than DMC and GOW
Some people are just plain dumb and have a slower reaction time, so they need more space, even in a video game. I think it's just better to respect everyone's disability
Strategy > reactions
Civ type game > any rts

Zoomers can never comprehend
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>trying to sneak in 4x games as being harder than rts
Can you point me to any RTS game where you control a lot of units, but each one has as much skills/actions/options as characters do in an RPG? I know some like Warcraft 3 and Spellcraft have protagonist characters with a few exclusive abilities not available to standard units but that's about it.
The closest thing to RPG gameplay with RTS controls I can think of is real time with pause.
>Turn based
Leaving that aside, the problem with RPGs is that they're heavily dependent on two key factors outside of narrative:
>Character building
Being able to build characters and having interesting, diverse options and a game designed around it is critical, the character building at its very basics is also important because you can only deal with basic bitch exp. cheques so many times before you're bored out of your mind, and this is also one of the most cargo cult parts of RPG design unfortunately.
If you can't get a player interested in the basic act of creating and developing characters then it's hard for them to care since RPGs are all about roleplaying, and creating and building up characters throughout a game is extremely important to the genre, if you can't do that right you're already compromising the rest of the game
>General mechanics
This will mostly be about fights, but a good RPG shouldn't be just about fights, and this ties into the character building big time.
Even the best combat system on paper will suffer if your character building is shit, the opposite is also true to some extent but people are more likely to forgive basic, if not bad combat if the game lets them live out their power fantasies, see why things like BG1/2 or IWD managed to leave a mark in the industry.
There's also the many other facets of game mechanics such as how your characters interact with the world, this is something most people really don't care about, but more hardcore fans do, if a game doesn't really give enough agency, let alone coherent agency it's usually seen as a poor RPG, on the other hand people now mistakenly think that any branching storyline makes anything an RPG, so there's some more food for thought.

RPGs can be amazing, but it's really hard to make them right and honestly most people don't like them and don't get the appeal.
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They both exercise different parts of your brain.
I think as a concept turn-based games tend to be easier since you don't have the ticking clock element, so they have to make the puzzles they put in front of you harder to compensate. This also generally lets the player soak in the visuals more than something like an RTS. I usually prefer turn-based, but realtime is also a lot of fun. Action games like DMC are totally different and almost incomparable to strategy games, so OP is making a strange complaint.
>you control a lot of units, but not with any granularity.
move here and shoot there
Yes only if you don't care about winning the game
most action rpgs are just as utterly braindead as the turn based games actionfags criticise
the fun in turn based is abstract and therefore requires higher intelligence.
I like turn based combat, for what I dont have the patience for is tactics rpg.
Just depends on whether you like overcoming a challenge with your brain or with your hands.

Real time action combat has objectively fewer actions available to the player, but demands players perform an action with more rigorous time constraints.

It's literally a cognitive / dexterity trade off.

To each their own.
Nah, I know a lot of retards who like turn-based games but they are far less retarded that the ones who don't
can i tell my dudes in command and conquer to go prone?
to throw a grenade?
to dig a trench?
to switch to incindiary ammo?
to affix bayonets?
to grab a comrade and bring him back to the hospital tent?

APM != granularity.
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>I refuse to believe any pokemon or FF fight can be even nearly as fun as slashing everyone in DMC or GOW or something.
Of course you think that, if those are your only points of reference.
Idk man, how so many people like Baldur's gate 3 is crazy
This is the intelligence of people you argue with on /v/
i can have fun without constantly moving my fingers
simple as
>I refuse to believe any JRPG fight can be even nearly as fun as [action game]
skill issue, retard-kun
>real time combat is OBJECTIVELY more fun.
It's not.
that plus actual skill is required for RTS and fighting games

turn based "chads" just like the equivalent of excel sheet work
same as people who like card games. there's a reason they are almost all either under or overweight spergs
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>this thread
there's games that require both. this is a false dichotomy
Do people who make these posts just not know that shitty action games exist?


Never mind OP is braindead
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I guess not
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The weirdest shit about these arguments is the amount of people who insist that action games are a perfect replacement for what RPGs are all about. Preferring one over the other is normal, of course, but actually thinking DMC is an evolution of something like Dragon Quest is just bizarre.
Yeah lmao, things like units throwing actual skills that's needed in situation, commanding vehicles to save the units and move them to the base or just giving them some cover, giving units different items since the units probably need them, positioning the units to trap opponents is a fucking thing. You aren't just moving units from point A to B very fast, in RTS games. Damn, even in DOTA, you need to do these things a lot
>commanding vehicles to save the units and move them to the base or just giving them some cover
>positioning the units to trap opponents

literally just move here and shoot there. you have failed to grasp what granularity is.

>dota for no reason?
it seems you have lost the plot entirely.
My main complaint about turn based is that it's boring when you are overleveled and you can just mash attack to win. Same complaint about repeated enemy groupings that you already know how the battle will play out. If the strategic element is gone turn based has nothing to fall back on. SRPGs are a lot better in this area because the playfield can change the battle dynamics.
How did this bait thread get so many replies
turn based players have room temperature IQ
Sure man whatever have fun with your shit thread
Idk anon, I just said that of course you can just command all of your units and right click to enemy base if you don't care about winning
>real time is just telling units to go here and shot
Ignore how the same thing happens in turn based games but with out he pressure of having to do it in real time
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turn based gives you time to get to know your team
you should try company of heros

>but you command squads instead of individuals
shut up
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good turn based combat is about building your party throughout the whole game and the challenges that brings. Preferably in a open ended sort of way to give the player various options on how to tackle any given situation. You can add action elements to the game but doing so always shifts the game to be more about execution rather than pure strategy and planning.
bad turn based combat is basic attack and heal spam but there's nothing wrong with being a casual who likes that.

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