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Why is Capcom the best AAA game company in the modern era?
Regina a sex but the original Dino Crisis was mostly about searching for keycards.
only scalefags like this game
HUGE dino crisis fan excited to play it for first time
You just had a dino crisis game come out last year.
hey that's me
Literally me
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>Finally, the game will be playable!
start with dino crisis 3; it's the best one :)
Based, can't wait to finally play it too
What's even the genre of the game?
they're not and why the fuck would you dream for another shitty demake
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Are dinos cool again? Can we go back to better times?
>demake 2
>demake 2
>nu resident evil 7
>demake 4
>nu resident evil 8
>shit fighter hasn't been worth playing in more than 20 years
why are you shills so fucking easy to spot
Theres that game the isle that seems neat, i like the idle of the game but i wonder if its any good. it looks fun to watch
but that one doesn't exists
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>dude I'm so excited for resident evil with dinosaurs
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Dino Crisis 1 is bad execution but great concept. (too puzzle focused)
Dino Crisis 2 is great execution but bad concept. (too action focused)

They have the opportunity here to make RE2 Remake with Dinosaurs and it would be glorious. A proper dinosaur survival horror.
They post anniversaries of every game. I remember seeing that post last year too.
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Nu-Capcom has no soul, and I don't say this to fit in like the ebin jaded 4channer who hates everything.
Capcom has no fucking soul anymore.
Unironically the only games you can still somewhat trust are Monster Hunter gamrs, because it's so popular they won't mess witb their money printer.
For the rest though, they are 100% meddling with any talent and vision developers might have. Take Resident Evil and how casualized the "survival horror" aspects of RE7 and especially RE8 (where they chickened out to the point they reduxesd horror to few theme park sections not to give nips an heart attack).
Yes they don't make the blunders they used to do in their early 2010s, but they are equally bad.
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>tlou2 style mechanics with being able to go prone and crawl under cars or duck into water to hide from larger dinos
>being hurt leaves blood trails that the dinos can follow
>metroidvania style world that has you backtracking through various dinosaur controlled regions like a large forest being patrolled by rexes, a swamp with spinos, etc

my dream game
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>They post anniversaries of every game.
Okay, but how about new games and new IP?
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I just want one remake.
Exoprimal came out last year but no one cared, not even Capcom themselves.
>pozzed localizations
>best AAA company
Screenshot this and remember me when you play their upcoming AAA game.
Fuck off dude. Dino Crisis has 1.5 good games and hasn't been around for over 20 years. If anything deserves a reboot, it's this franchise.
Oh look, yet another raptor for MH.
Their not. You're just clawing at an oxygen machine while the corporate cuck plunges your throat
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It's probably just for the 25th anniversary.
>Regina's appearance, west (left) vs east (right)
Dino Crisis 2 was such a bad sequel, man. Why would you take a survival horror game and turn it into some strange arcade action game with combos and a weird time-travel plot?
>dude this game triggers me for some reason and so does anyone liking it this frog will show how much i'm triggered
It's a solid game but yeah it should've been spun off as its own thing. And DC3 is even more baffling.
I'm sure you'll enjoy this hidden gem I know I will someday
Regina will wear baggy pants and be a mixed race SJWina
Kunitsugami has soul. Dragons dogma 2 and DMC 5 were souless but I'm just going to assume itsuno is checked out and doesn't give a shit about making anything new or difficult in his old age. Sf6 is souless but I have a feeling that team has the talent to make something cool, they are just hamstrung by the niche genre and the inability to deviate from what sells.
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>retards are either incredibly new or have fallen for the same nothing burger for the third time in a row
DMC5 was soulfull as fuck, but Itsuno is clearly wanting to make a sequel to the reboot.
I cared. The beta was fun as hell teaming up with my buddies but unfortunately, my ISP is a pile of shit and has micro drops all the the fucking time and Exoprimal's netcode cannot handle that so I could only ever finish 1 out of every 5 matches without getting kicked. I'm not buying a game I can't feasibly play.
I am here praying they get a cute model for Regina's face. I really fucking hope they do a good job with her face.
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Probably not.
She'll probably have generic female outfit 2024 (i.e. jacket, tank top and jeans) with the OG outfit as DLC
So far the females of the new RE and remakes were pretty cute.

Claire being the cutest.
Exoprimal was too expensive for what it was. I had fun in the beta, but 60€ was too much.
I like both.
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>modern RE women aren't ho-
Is this a real thing?
>Claire being the cutest.
That would be Ada in RE2. She looks more mature in RE4.
That sucks. I'm still playing but Capcom seems to be dropping support with no S5 announced yet (S4 ends in 10 days)

If you want to give it a shot it goes on sale for 20~ and as of S4 feels feature full, which should've been at launch.
Damn, that toe is broken.
Just fucking re-release RE Outbreak 1 and 2.
New consoles fixes the shitty loading times and network connection problems.
>modern day redhead
enjoy your niggress
Oh nice they're going to ruin another franchise
no original dino crisis is what people claim old RE was, this is the game that force you to run and conserve ammo and strategize and think and do interesting puzzles
This is repulsive
I legitimately think left is far superior.
And then it flops because the voting was rigged and didn't reflect the actual demand.
t. homosexual
West is better
The eyes are better and I like the higher contrast with the hair but the nose and lips are fucked up
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every velociraptor in the next 9 rooms are attracted by her boot stank
feels fake why does she look more asian in the
left pic and why do I not remember that ugly face
This. I always found it funny how people consider RE to be true horror when the most common enemy inDC is 100 times for frightening than most enemies in RE.
I just like that it doesn't look like generic anime garbage and has that nostalgic PS1 era edge. I can't stress enough how much I hate generic anime aesthetic and I will never understand why it's so popular.
dude wake up, Aliens are Raptors
jurassic parc is Alien 3
Right has a better face but left has more fitting lighting
You were molested by a jew if you associate blood and gore with sex appeal
Kill yourself with feathertranny shit
Legitimately mind broken
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Are these games.. easier than Resident Evil?
Its best asset is its atmosphere just like the rest of classic RE
That person should do it, it's an excellent game if you can get past the lack of enemy variety and that one retarded rotating tileset puzzle
And if that person can't play the first game the second game is the easiest thing to pick up and play ever
>tlou2 style mechanics
lol blyat'
If i had said MGSV mechanics would that improve your opinion?
No, it's harder because the velicoraptor can take a lot of bullet and they can follow you inside the room. DC2 was piss easy tho but really fun.
Depends which one.
RE3 was pretty easy and arcady comparing to RE2 and esp 1. With Dino Crisis the jump in arcadiness was even bigger, the first was RE1 type survival horror, in 2 you were bulk buying machine gun ammo from auto-shop to then go to a location with respawning dinos and farm them to buy a rocket launcher that one-shots any dinosaur and that wasn't any sort of special mode or anything, just the main game.
There was also a sequence where you get into a tank and rape T-rex with it.
I hope they bring back the terrible camera
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I was a brainlet when I was young and couldn't get past this puzzle in Dino Crisis.
Man imagine one that played like resi4
Probably better you got filtered here because some of the late game puzzles are baffling
I played DC2 before DC1 so the series will forever be a meat grindy arcade to me.
When I got DC1 I actually thought it was dull af and didn't even finish it.
It must be some deliberate trolling from some sadistic piece of shit in the social media team.
It is pretty dull outside of the first hour or so.
It's a game that is better in concept than execution.
No, it's just the anniversary of the first game.
Still, fuck them.
Didn't they tweet this last year too?
I didn't have a Psx, so I just watched my friend play it (he snuck that game out from his big bros room).
The first and only Dino Crisis I played was the weird scifi shooty tooty game on Xbox. Fun back then, but looking back it's probably a bit off what the series was meant to be. Still, I did consider myself a fan, and I AM exited to play it... Emulating the original of course. Just gotta finish Baten Kaidos first.
if this is the camera perspective I won't play it
I want fixed cameras too anon but it's not happening in 2024. Best you can hope for is an optional gameplay mode.
Fixed camera but with third/first person aiming like in the cancelled re4
99% of the people begging for a new Dino Crisis have never played a Dino Crisis game.
0.5% have never finish one.
0.25% only played DC1.
I just want something that it's not an over the shoulder slop, is that too much to ask for?
Dino crisis didn't even have a fixed camera you nostalgia junkie.
It wasn't controllable, but it rotated and followed your character around unlike RE where it was really fixed
I'd say I want an actually scary first person Dino Crisis but I'm pretty sure an indie dev is already making one.
Compound Fracture.
Fixed camera angles don't mean they can't move. RE CVX has plenty of angles that move and track the player but it's still grouped in with RE1-3. A more accurate definition would be "non-player controlled camera"
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I keep wishlisting dino games that look promising and never come out.
The only one I'm confident will come out is the Jurassic Park one and i don't have high hopes for it.
Those weren't even a thing back then. I played this as a kid and there were some legitimately scary moments, like the T-Rex scene in the office. Not sure how my current jaded self would react, but I'd still like to replay the game with modern grafix.
What's so good about such a camera besides it tickling your boomer memories?
>lost wild
Ohh, I think I need to follow you and add them to my list. I was actually playing the best dino game to date earlier.
What's the fucking point of a remake if it keeps the fixed camera meme?
That means the camera was fixed. No player input, all camera motions were predetermined and created by the developers.
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Allows the developers to frame each shot in a way that is conducive to atmosphere. Something that is pretty important in a horror game.

The fact that the Until Dawn Remake is going for an OTS camera angle makes me irate
Trespasser was a blast to play, truly ahead of it's time. People back in the 90's were tripping saying this was boring and clunky, you just gotta get used to the controls and away you go. Shame it released being basically unplayable on then current machines.
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Remember Darkstalkers?
>>tlou2 style mechanics
Go back
>being able to go prone and hide from your enemies is a bad thing

You got brain rot. You see the letters "TLOU2" and you instantly start freaking out.
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Dino Crisis 2 was my first ever Capcom game and was a staple of my childhood, fuck you
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>Both attractive
>Left is a little more curvy
What did Capcom mean by this?
only two things stopped me cold:
>the first keycard passcode puzzle
If you don't use a fan patch the game is limited to 20fps even on modern hardware. Luckily the patch does exist and I played it at over 200 fps.
>99% of people begging have never played a Dino Crisis game
>99.5% of people have finished one.
Pick one retard.
boy I sure do hear this exact same joke for literally every game that hasn't had a sequel in a long time
Why do fags like you doubt it so much when RE1 remake proved it could be done well?
shoulder TPS slop has got as stale as fixed cameras, you dumb gen a baby
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>>Nu-Claire being the cutest
me in irl life
Cuter than from revelations 2 that's for sure
>posting reptile feet pics
Oh fuck...
Both missed the mark.
So who suffers more, Dino Crisis fans, Breath of Fire fans or Darkstalkers fans?
Shoo scalefag, we're only interested in human females around here
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>I'm a fan of all those
>Breath of Fire fans or Darkstalkers
I don't even know what those 2 are.
better dead than ruined and raped like all other crapcum franchises
and dino crisis was already ruined
thats because you are underage
you guys know you can emulate the games right now, or play the ports if you got a PS3?
go do that, capcom ain't gonna give you anything of value
>darkstalkers fans
They won't even buy their own games, let alone play them
Are they remaking Dino Crisis?
what i was supposed to buy?
>and dino crisis was already ruined
I'm still not convinced DC3 wasn't an active act of sabatoge
Somebody high up at Capcom hated DC enough to kill it and make sure it could never come back again
Dino crisis 2 has one of the best intro ever, I like it as much as I like RE3 last stand
I always got the impression that DC3 was another game entirely that got Dinosaurs and the dino crisis name forced into it.
Kill yourself
Darkstalkers Resurrection and Capcom Fighting Collection. I even got the asia physical for resurrection and both PS4 and PC copies of the fighting collection. I did my part, anon.
Claire was never cute before RE2make.
>shitty generic multiplayer
Mm i wonder why
It had pretty rad cinematics all around, esp that one where Apache was bombing a horde of velociraptors.
eat my ass dino crisis 3 lover
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>doing well
>Then they release Dragons Dogma, and it still sits at mixed with noone playing it
I hate that the one thing I wanted from them in the time where they were doing well, is the thing that shit the bed.
>games i already own so crapcum can ruin sequels releaseing shit like sf4 or mvc3
not supporting that
Right, she was sexy.
Her OG outfit is such a joke compared to Leon, they clearly know who's the important character
But all in all, DD2 has some pretty good gameplay.
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There's a freeware version of Dino Crisis 1 that is really easy to find on the internet. It even has HD textures and doesn't require any emulation or virtual drive to play.

How the fuck can anybody even remotely interested in Dino Crisis miss this ?
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For me?
It's classic Jill
>not MML3
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And now she is sexy AND cute.
Imagine RE but all the enemies are hunters, and there are more puzzles, harder than your avegare RE puzzle too
So why did Dino Crisis die
>mfw i can't play dino crisis for the first time ever again
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If you're content with what you have, then you aren't suffering. This is mostly for people that complain about not having anything vampire related, but won't actually play/support the games.
>everything must sell billions or its a flop
the usual things
not content , but i'm more happy if it isn't ruined like the other franchises i used to like
i already have the games on ps1 , not really interested in buying them again to support..well whatever 3d abortion crapcum decides to make if they ever release anything new of darkstalker
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>>Nu-Claire is sexy AND cute.
Women can't catch a break uh.. poor Jill and Claire
all capcom fans suffer because they have 3 choices
>DEmake slop of a boomer 90s game
>sequel to an existing and well loved game series except it's dogshit
>brand new IP except it has as much quality as an asset flip mobage made by 1 indian in his bedroom
Feathered dinosaurs or bust
The only people who like DC are the ones who played it when they were 10 years old, it's going to be a hilarious sight to see them try to piece together why they don't enjoy the remake at all no matter how faithful it is.
Dino Crisis 3 dinos in space and no Regina.
Also probably what this anon says >>681409784
Dino Crisis was born out of the success of Jurassic Park. The general public had a fascination with dinosaurs from about 1994 to 2000. When the Jurassic Park franchise went into hiatus after JP3 underperformed, so did Dino Crisis.

I'm honestly more surprised that Jurassic World didn't spawn Dino Crisis 4 and a bunch of dinosaur games. Really the only major dino game in the last couple decades was Ark Survival Evolved.
>brand new IP except it has as much quality as an asset flip mobage made by 1 indian in his bedroom
are you talking about dragon dogma or re6? honest question because i identify with the others 2
all capcom suffer
suffer SUCCESS you mean
I thought it was a hackrom of resident evil
would you say there's an untapped market for something like this currently?
>brand new IP
>Are you talking about dragon dogma or re6?
Your average /v/tard IQ
Dino Crisis 3's failure had nothing to do with Jurassic Park, but the retarded move to a space setting and not-zombie dinosaurs. If the initial pitch was what we got, it probably would have done decently well, but then 9/11 happened.
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Haven't dinos always been popular since JP
Only difference is it is vastly easier to create film media about zombies who are just people with makeup
But for gayming that doesn't matter as much
The JW movies proved people still want to see dinos wreck shit, regardless of how loathsome the quality of some of them are
exoprimal retard
I'm just here cause I want a good dinosaur game
I think so. Jurassic World made like 2 billion dollars. Ark was/is also pretty huge.

If I was a betting man, I feel that a dinosaur Far Cry style game would probably be a lot more successful than a dinosaur horror game though.
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>Local zoomer doesn't know what he's talking about
Of course
did primal not have dino nuggies?
its the only far cry i never touched because i heard its map was just a reversed fc4
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Was it an inside job, or just some discord raid without access to japanese IPs
sorry for considering dragon dogma a new IP
and re6 could be something completely different just like 7 and 8 if it wasn't named the same as the rest of the franchise because they are completely different cocksucking faggot
Tell me where I'm wrong.
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Which is undermined by how easy it is and how bad everything around that is. They need to add difficulty options and some kind of randomization of spawns, the game is way too static for how much it expects you to walk through the same areas over and over fighting the same easy enemies well into the end of the game, and it gets way too easy long before you are done with the game.

The game isnt even bad, ikts just incredibly average, like Kingdoms of Amulr or Elex or something, I have absoloutely no desire to replay it and have no interest in DD going forward now especially since they used this game to bump up their average sale prices, this game cost more than normal and ran like shit, there is nothing to latch onto and get interested in or look forward to, I dont even care if there is a sequel or DLC at this point, DD2 is utterly mediocre and I no longer care about it. DD1 is one of my favourite games and it seems that it was just a fluke. It so frustrating. I lament what could happen with DC or something like Breath of Fire after DD2.
That's why I wrote 0.5%.
>demake jill
It's over
Primal does not have dinosaurs or else I would have actually played it. But on a more conceptual note, I think dinosaurs vs. spears is far less interesting than dinosaurs vs guns/modern equipment.
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For now it's painful shovelware with 10/10 dinosaur designs, animations and sounds
It was a "raid".
Most of the people who pay attention to this Capcom shit are beggars in the west.
Yes. I fucking love Dinosaurs.
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It's literally OG resident evil but with everything worse
it doesn't even try to be scary, it has fetch quests all over the place
it's MEH at least 2 tried going for some arcady stuff which was fun
I will not accept the veronica slander.
post unga bunga regina
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Just watched a video on youtube about that game, looks like RE but in worse...
The rubber pipes are really noticeable here
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What of the remaining 0.25%?
It's not even because it's Nu-Claire
Played DC2 and 3?
DC1 is the only real DC game so this is a good thing
A hero shooter is not a fucking survival horror with dinosaurs.
I wouldnt even want a remake of DC one, I want DC2. DC1 is literally just RE but dinosaurs, DC2 is like Aliens to Alien, its just more fun.
>Why won't Capcom revisit the series with 75% bad games
Dino crisis fucking sucks dick on the best of days, this is just more exoprimal retardation.
Every time they made a dc sequel they changed something really fucking stupid.
Dino Crisis 2 isn't a bad game. It's actually a great game.
It's just now a completely different genre.
It's the Alien vs Aliens problem.
Remember Mahvel?
Curious how the fanbase who suffered through MvCI and worked to keep MvC alive is rewarded while you clowns that just expected to be given a new game without doing anything got skipped over, and now you're whining about it.
this is me, i just made this post
do you know how many shit resident evils are there or are you full retard?
RE1-8 and their remakes are generally considered at least good (if not great), and the few that aren't like 6 and RE:3 are major financial successes.
Of Dino Crisis' four games total, three are numbered. Two titles charted, with DC2 selling HALF of what DC1 sold, and there is no real positivity for any title in particular, moreso the idea of Dino Crisis than anything.
I rented the game from the video store but I only had it for 2 days and there was no internet so I got stuck and could never beat it.
Darkstalkers got a game collection
Breath of Fire got 5 good games before descending into obscurity
Dino Crisis got 2 good games, and then a shitty one for Xbox

scientifically speaking, Dino Crisis fans had it the worst
>at least good
yes . demakes and nuresident are good if you are a blind fanboy
lets forget the 30 offsprints which are shit for the majority of the fanboys (which should have been the demakes and anything after 4 too)
You're wrong, fag
>being a dirty featherfag
>generally considered
Fucking retard.
>b-but the spin-offs!
Those are irrelevant. Every numbered RE is critically or commercially successful, typically both.
Votes were probably just "Jill Valentine" without specifying from which game and obviously they're gonna use nu Jill as the image. Voth is old news chud
>Those are irrelevant.
just like anything after 4 because they are completely different than the originals and the demakes
compound fracture seems good
I beat both games with my dad over 20 years ago.
>critically or commercially successful, typically both.
forgot coming into crapcum related threads means talking with shills have fun retard
it's going to be shitty over the shoulder third person slop
i could have been playing dino crisis 1 and 2 10 hours a day and i'd still be playing dino crisis 1 remake "for the first time" again
they will ruin it
but hey you'll be able to pick up files in the first game probably so yay
Nigger, that's a literal fact. The main RE games sell well and have a generally positive reception.
I am explaining why Dino Crisis will likely not get a remake or return in any way. The people begging for it haven't played it and just love the IDEA of Dino Crisis, and Capcom knows that.
Why Cammy so low dawgs?
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I cared, alot, actually
game was completely mishandled by their marketing team
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Feathered dinosaurs can look cool as fuck as long as soibois aren't in charge of designing them
Feathered t.rex has always been cringe and now it doesn't even have the shield of "accuracy" to hide behind
I always saw them as heavily insulated wires. That's the circuit breaker for the entire park. I'm no electrician though.
It got a netflix series. We might be getting a game soon.
That's fair enough, I'm just saying. Feathers can look sick.
why the fuck do you need to add tranny to that? the fuck is wrong with you
They made their noses ugly
Same thing happened to dragon's dogma
Im pretty sure thats exactly what happened, the original game was scrapped after 9/11 happened because they thought dinosaurs destroying a city wouldnt go over well so they just made another game and called it DC3
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The only ones that look cool with feathers are lil niggas like Microraptor that were basically birds anyway.
Wouldn't be an issue if DC2 had not ended on the worst cliffhanger possible, that literally called for a direct sequel instead of that bullshit.
Doesn't help that they later half assed the payoff in a spinoff on as well.
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Please Capcom PLEASE remake Dino Crisis with OTS camera gameplay of RE2 or RE4 remakes. Make Dino Crisis 1 like RE2R and Dino Crisis 2 like RE4R. Please Capcom. Fucking PLEASE I NEED THIS.
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>Its best asset is its atmosphere just like the rest of classic RE
Dino Crisis has the best save room music. Both games but I prefer 1, I let it play in the background almost daily when I am falling asleep.
kek those retards took the botted poll seriously
What gets me, is how the fuck hasn't MH even had DC costumes yet?
That is the easiest connection you could make and it cost them nothing
I wish all of you demake contrarians would use a trip so I could filter you all forever without filtering legitimate use of the word.
I respect DC2 for not being just another copy of RE, it did things its own way and it was fun to play it.
you're a fucking retard
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I'm calling it - they will blueball us for 5 more years.
The model is an average bitch who asked her pajeet simps to bot the poll, I'm bot kidding
she LOVES dino crisis and it helped her through getting bullied at school for being a gay man or something retarded!!!!!!!! It means SO much to her. Yes the remake will turn out to be dogshit, but she loves it and you fake gamers need to have sex have you never seen a vagina before?!?! *aidscough* *fuck christian xxx* *cries while masturbating*
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Is this ANOTHER demake slop? Oh I just can't WAIT to never play it in all my life like any other demake shit.
literally people were spamming reddit and 4chan with the voting. OFC it was raided.
so they really did get scared away from making RE5? Good. Then it will remain unmolested
>inb4 the sphere hunter claims to be the biggest Dino Stalker fan of all time
They are pretty much the best modern AAA studio at the moment. You might not like their games but it is pretty much true.
Who else is up there with consistent, popular releases?
Square is shitting the bed, Sony only produces for their consoles, Bandai is mostly anime shit.
There really aren't any current AAA studios that are doing so well.
Capcom fucked up RE3 and Exoprimal.
"july 1st is the release date of dino crisis 1999" no remake retards
Even with Exoprimal and RE3make, it wasnt as bad as the other companies with their triple A shit.
die zoomoid
they'll just use the modern resi games as mold, so it wont be special anymore.
RE5 is shit and you have shit taste
capcom couldn't make a good new game even if they tried kek
Stop it I can get only so much erect.

TLOU2 has actually great gameplay. It's the story, pacing, and characters that are shit.
Please don't toy with me... IS IT ACTUALLY HAPPENING?!
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>best AAA game company in the modern era
>because they're making objectively worse remakes than the originals but basedlennials go nuts over them
jesus FUCK this industry is dead as shit.
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Yes, here
REmake 2 and REmake 4 are some of the best games ever made and even if you don't like the horror genre you have to admit the mastery of their craft. Just stop posting this garbage for a second and be sincere please, stop shitting this place more with le ebin posts you don't even believe than it is already.
Would I like Dino Crisis if I didn't like Resident Evil
[spoiiler]No. it's just an anniversary post[/spoiler]
lay off the kool aid, drone.
modern capslop is pure garbage
It's over. Can't wait for black dinosaurs.
Probably not since it's the same type of gameplay with a few different quirks.
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>REmake 2 and REmake 4 are some of the best games ever made
>mastery of their craft
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I played the original Dino Crisis when it came out on my PSX. What is going to be your next epic troll post?
Regina is the perfect girl. Something about her face I have not seen anywhere else.
>resident evil with dinosaurs

Your post makes it seem like you don't don't think that's fucking awesome. Dead Space was resident evil in space and it kicks ass. We need more games that are just "Resident Evil with X". How about Resident Evil set at the height of the Roman empire? And the final boss is Zombie Mutant Caesar? I bet you'd think that's bad too because you're a FUCKING FAGGOT WITH SHIT FUCKING TASTE, FUCKING KIIIILLLLL _YOURSELF_
Yeah it was a super cool game for its time
Reminder that plesiosaurs did not have swan like necks
If they did, they'd break
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Dino Crisis 2 maybe if you can deal with tank controls, it is high octane action version of RE with dodges, counter attacks, huge meatgrinder weapon selection to mow down dinos.
Depnds on why you didnt like re. If it was a setting thing where you didnt like zombies and a city/mansion or whatever then maybe. Dino crisis is very much the same thing running around picking up key in a death "maze" fighting monsters with limited supplies. Its different enough to me but I doubt anyone who dislikes RE will like it. Unless they REALLY love dinos.
>How about Resident Evil set at the height of the Roman empire?
They were working on medieval RE game called Deep Down but they scrapped it for some reason. It had melee combat that worked like guns in Dead Space or RE4 (remake), you would aim with your spear and hit weak points.
Such a cool concept.
We are a legion
>Gigachad Dylan stays with his daughter under certain death
>Knows his only slim chance is time traveling Regina saving them
>Regina promises
>No sequel

Holy fucking tears and kino
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Sometimes I wonder how do games like Dino Crisis 3 even exist...and why...
>Nu-Capcom has no soul, and I don't say this to fit in like the ebin jaded 4channer who hates everything.

You are doing exactly that retard.RE never had hard puzzles.SH was the one with that and look what happened.
Maybe they’re working on it now for 2 years
She fucks dogs and makes scat videos
You just know
Exoprimal was better.
That's a weird breath of fire pic, but i guess dragons do have claws
Typical game dev time at Capcom for these types of games is within the realm of 3 years. It would've been revealed last month at any of the events.
It does not exist.
The Roman Empire sucks
give me like aztec monsters or something to fight instead
Whats more strange is how come DC3 completely crashed and was rejected by the fans, despite utterly changing the entire games formula, yet RE4 was welcomed and praised as some sort of unbelievable innovation???
Maybe because the former was Xbox exclusive...
RE4 is fundamentally a much better game than DC3. DC3's gameplay is not just new, it's dogshit (and almost everything else, there is really nothing to praise at all)
Also RE4 still has characters, some story, theme from previous games.
DC3 feels like a sacrifice tier exclusive project for Xbox with endless clown decisions. If it works - good, if it doesn't - okay, we tried.
It's going to be what >>681418819 said. The grifter tranny will cosplay Regina and make her his entire fucking personality for months.
Oh boy, can't wait to see how badly they'll butcher Regina
Jurassic Park isn't popular anymore
Dinosaurs weren't even cool when I was 5
Only reason for hipsters to care is static camera angle kino
Girls protags are stupid
Coomer trannies are stupid
>Please Crapcom gives us another demake
Unironically die.
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>The game CRAPCOM is unironically too afraid to touch.
God Hand bros stay safe from getting a demake.
DMC needs a remake to wipe out all the dumb secondaries from my series

DMC3 & 5 fags are cancerous basedboys

DMC4 is good though
someone didn't have any friends to co op with
>Why is Capcom the best AAA game company in the modern era?
What the hell are you talking about ?
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Large feathers raptors can look good
>bad thing is fun with le friends, therefore bad thing is le good
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Dino kek get dabbed again by crapcom
I will

Praying for a shoulder swap function though. Never understood their insistence on static cams - which is especially grating in RE5, where Chris stood left, and Sheva on the right side of the screen with no ability to change
They did a poll some time back that put Dino Crisis back on the board.

As such, they're making a new one or at the very least, a modern remake / remaster. I hope you guys buy this shit because then Capcom might actually realize they need to listen to players.
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I dont care about some meme boomer game
All I care about is will it have more REngine cuties to make rule34 animations out of?
Dino Crisis was just RE but way blander and with bullet sponge enemies.
>tranime downie
>troon "opinion" of a chronic masturbator
A match made in heaven!
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>I'm honestly more surprised that Jurassic World didn't spawn Dino Crisis 4 and a bunch of dinosaur games.
anime website
coomer website
frog website
youre free to fuck off to reddit now tourist
>DMC needs a remake to wipe out all the dumb secondaries
A remake would just make it like every other DMC game.
If it's remade by anyone other than Kamiya sure because no one else has a vision.
No one cares nigger, now shut the fuck up.
>Why is Capcom the best AAA game company in the modern era?
They are not. They ruined Resident Evil beyond repair.

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