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/v/ - Video Games

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This game absolutely rocks and I really wish more shooters had a WW1 setting. My only problem is the abundance of SMGs when they were only used very sparingly at the very tail end of the war.
I love Battlefield 1.
Unfortunately there are too many cheaters and I've had enough of the crap players. Don't want to play anymore.
Dice/Frostbite knew what they were doing with BF1, one of most fun multiplayers i’ve played.
hope Battlefield is able to come back in a better way
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It's so damn good
I'm almost tempted to get into the champagne already but then what would I look forward to in victory, tea?
if you want less arcade smg run and gun and want more brutal bolt action based trench warfare
Battlefield couldn't really work without smgs and assault rifles, people wouldn't play the objective and they would just camp and snipe people from the other side of the map, basically a trench warfare sim
I hated it. Liked V better.
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it's really weird seeing kids come here and praise a game that got universally shat on (not just for the woke stuff) by /v/ at release
just summerfag things
wir waren soldaten und scheisse
The setting is a fantasy version of WW1 anyway.
My head canon for BF1 has always been that it takes place in an alternate reality where WW1 went on for a few more years.
Shat on by who? BF3 metro babbies?
BF1 is the best battlefield since Battlefield II.
That's exactly what I want from this game
>squad points
>ttk not shit
>no fancy colors/e sport skins
>can actually look like a nazi
The coolest thing was seeing that Air ship come crashing down mid-game as you were fighting
Horses suck so much it made me not want to play on normal damage servers ever again.
I wonder what an ancient/medieval/early modern Battlefield game would look like, probably a silly shooter with an overabundance of repeating crossbows and multibarreled guns.
hate those trebuchet campers
>reskinned battlefront
>best battlefield game
I don’t have a problem with smgs because I just pretend the game actually takes place in the 1920’s in a fictional forever war which is why there’s so many niggers and tanks and the like
Also, the game is always balanced by iron sight bolt actions being the best albeit hardest to use
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Only game I've gotten a gold pass and it was worth it. Playing the dlc operations as they came out with full lobbies was a level of kino that has yet to be surpassed to this day. Especially the russian operations
The horses were op once you got the hang of it. Sword one hit kills, running over prone players, automatically resupply of nades. Especially if you got the tank buster kit while on horseback, you could heal and resupply yourself and had extra health
There were back to basics servers with no automatics and increased damage and that's exactly what happened. Deathmatch was fun on them though
Exactly, horses were op and I wanted to have fun but those fuckers ruined normal damage servers when it was either I raped the enemy team with the horse or my teams noob took it to larp my little pony in ww1 in the sidelines and enemy teams horse abuser raped my team, no balance in a match when only one team had horse rider that knew how to abuse that meta.

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