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Yoshi p approved on this.
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Hes attached to a rotting head kek
It must be really awkward.
Both two headed guys refer to themselves as me and my brother or us. Yet when someone refers to them its always a single entity He
Meteion will save Dawntrail.
Poochie writer's pet characters have historically never done well, I don't understand how they thought this was a good premise for an entire expansion.
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Bring Disney World back.
Imagine having to look over and see a corpse attached to you every morning.
If you talk to Krile after one of the quests, she mentions that Y'shtola would have noticed if her aether was thinner than the others'. I doubt soul thickness is genetic, but would instead depend on where you were when the soul entered your body.
>I doubt soul thickness is genetic, but would instead depend on where you were when the soul entered your body.
That's the logical assumption to make, but apparently it's genetic somehow.
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>its another cultist meltdown spamming archive screencaps
>its another new buzzword pulled out every 3 hours to deflect all criticism
No amount of deflection is going to make people like your tranny cat poochie OC hijacking the entire expansion, and he needs to be crucified by the dick and made into a floor rug
Thats probably another reason he puts a veil over it.
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Reminds me of this
That must do a number on you mentally
>have conjoined twin with you since birth
>one day he just fucking dies and isn't a part of you anymore
>not like you can bury him or lop the head off or anything, he's a part of your body
>public figure, so now you have to sit there and rule with a decaying corpse head on your shoulder and hope no one figures it out
If you parse Wuk Lamat in the final trial, her DPS is absolutely nuts. Most NPCs have pretty low DPS compared to players (well, good players...). Exceptionally strong characters (2B comes to mind) can do about as well as us in certain circumstances. And then there's Wuk. She shows up for only the end of the fight, but she will easily outdamage your entire party. It's kinda stupid. She can solo the rest of the fight.
What would happen if the people figured it out?
I don't think he's decaying though since its the same body
Brain just shut off
I hate her about as much as i hate G'raha Tia (endwalker).
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Why didn't the Eorzean City states just give the Allied Tribes their local delicacies to solve their conflicts?
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She can't keep getting away with it.
>people of Mamook have ingrained culture of eugenics and racism
>"Why don't you just make some friends and grow some potatoes?"
>racism and eugenics immediately end
Kneel to your new Qween, nanny of light
Eorzea is white coded so their food isn't vibrant enough
Its weird, they made this big deal about one head doing the reasonable decisions and the other being more action oriented but then when you see the other two headed guy both his heads are idiots and the king is just as capable of long term planning and cunning without the head of reason (guess that could be explained due to his age and experience but still)
It was clear to me that Wuk Lamat would simply be a badly written character. Think back to patch 6.55 and that you first have the chance to talk to G'raha Tia and tell him that you don't want to interfere politically but then only one quest later you only have the choice between "YESS" and "YES IM YOUR RETAINER WUK LAMAT".
>G'raha asks you if you want to be Wuk Lamat's advocate
>pick 'No'
>G'raha stares at you for a moment
>G'raha backhands you to the ground
>G'raha asks you the question again
>pick 'Yes'
>Dawntrail MSQ begins
the like 5 lines yshtola has sounds like she just woke up
its kinda hot desu
Nice headcanon
That sounds hilarious please tell me you screencap it
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What if they had made WestWolves instead? Would it have been a good expansion?
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Why does the WoL give a fuck about any of this anyway?
We like exploring the world
Why didn't the ishgardians & dragons just exchange some food?
You can explore without getting involved in all this who cares crap.
I care tho
im getting the feeling that the lead writer for DT watched this Episode of the Simpsons are bit too much
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>trial is fighting a warframe skin
pregnant boss when
woke lemutt is orders of magnitude worse than g'raha tia, it's not even close
I can't believe Kate approved this misuse of their pronouns.
Oh no no no
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>Dungeons are fantastic
>Trials are great
>Role quests are great
>Numerous sidestories in blue and yellow quests that are fun or interesting
>MSQ is borderline-unfinished, either padded to shit and back with gimmick time wasting minigames or spontaneously skipping around with zero regard for pacing
>Only good moments in the MSQ are when the focus shifts away from Wuk Lamat
>Two different stories crammed into a single expansion
You weren't kidding with the Stormblood comparisons. It has to be intentional, right?
>the whole kidnap part of the MSQ

I think it's interesting to also compare it to the void patches. It feels just like that, except we got new zones.
Who cares, he only thinks it's fun because it's the honeymoon period and it's currently too strong
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You're too late, TURD Promise! My brother has depicted YOU as the Basedjak! And Brother has depicted US as the Chad!
>Turns out to be a completely pointless waste of time
>Pacing would have been better served by just having Bakool Ja Ja fight Wuk Lamat, with her losing the keystones to him, which adds more of a resolution when you fight him later and win
>Can't ever show the shoehorned mary sue protagonist losing or experiencing any measure of difficulty that isn't immediately resolved within the next scene, so instead we waste two hours in trailing missions to reach the same story beat
This was written by the same guy who did Stormblood, right? Lyse 2.0

I like Lyse though.
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my cute wife Tepekek
'remember that we once lived' turned into a 40 hour story
I'm thinking the fact that doomers are winning despite being retarded shitposters shows how bad the expansion is.
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>sphene giving her speech about saving her people and shit
>no one stops to say something like "ayo we have a lot of smart people on our world, we'll help find a different way" like they do with literally EVERY THING ELSE
Holy shit, this expansion is a fucking travesty from the sound of it.
It even have a fucking tournament arc raid series.
Interdimentional Rift vs Arcadion
>*vanishes from the story*
got a screenshot? i need it to shitpost with
It's the same as a lot of disappointing releases lately.
Most people lose interest and don't even finish, then the only thing left is to make fun of it to piss off the few diehard supporters.
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Japanese opinion btw....
DT is boring af
So, what do you think the office meetings were like when Yoshi Pig revealed his plan to release an FFXIV expansion that makes the game worse? Do you think any of his employees made a futile attempt to convince him that this was a bad idea?
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doom always wins
this is the nature of the universe
you cannot fight it
if anything diehard supporters elevate doomposting, because general disappointment sees the cock slurping and find it disgusting; thus turning a neutral but disappointed party into a new doom poster
But anon, Yoshi said it's SUPPOSED to be! It's a lazy summer vacation. There's no need for content ha ha!
>boring as fuck xpac
>this guy shows up, steps on a taco and acts like a clown
>instantly ten times better even if he's a poorly written Saturday morning cartoon villain.

Wasn't this the start of a NEW story? Why are we getting another two expansions crammed into one deal? I heard this over and over, people saying "wow they learned a lot from Stormblood at telling two expansion stories!" (While people seem to glance over Endwalker also being two expansion stories into one story somehow.)
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I’m having fun
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Never seen so many people talk about skipping cutscenes before, they really outdid themselves with 90-96.
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Doom deserves to win.
Still haven't gotten my full game code from GMG. I'm worried bros...
i feel kinda bad for erenville
motherfucker is despairing slowly in the background over his mom and no one gave a shit
>Stormblood got Ivalice/FF12 alliance raid
>Dawntrail will get Vanadiel alliance raid
>FF12 is pretty much offline FF11
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the timeline where we were on koana's team instead of kek leshrek is the one where dawntrail was the best expac
>Early access is over
>There still isn't a queue
Uh, hopesissies?
thats tomorrow, retard
i can't believe sphene didn't sneak a copy of gulool ja ja into her realm, probably would have lead to an all-out wuk shitshow.
There should've been no Wuk Lamat. We should've just had some random high tech niggers show up from across the ocean in 6.x and we're like wtf is this shit let's go to America and see why they're sending their drones and then we show up and the lizards are like who the fuck are you and we have to get on their good side to figure out what the hell is going on and THEN we can rape Sphene-chan

Wuk Lamat is pointless
ded xpac
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>Early access is over
>another two expansions crammed into one
Imagine if they made the 1st half of DT into the entire expansion when most players are already complaining about the slow pacing.
Did the new writer not know that you have literally brought everyone back for another chance before?
Too busy thinking about how cool Poochie was?
I was hoping we'd get more of him towards the end of the wild west zone, but nope, technologically superior enemy has arrived and the one taking the lead isn't the tech guy but back to fucking Wuk Naruto.
What a shitty expansion
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>game starts off with a high school bully scene where we get our tacos crushed
I give a shit. I really wanted to put a couple of babies in her but all hot women need to die or be already dead. Shit game/10.
Is the new motorcycle mount really only 7.5mil gil?
Zurool Ja Ex is fun, just need to in grain the shape of his sword slash aoe into my brain, that shit fucks up too much.
It's kinda fucked that we set up the expac with two characters from the previous story, and both of them are relegated to benchwarmer status for a completely new character that no one likes
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>alternate timeline
>we go to the new world with eistinien to chase some rumor of the city of gold
>other scions are the ones wrapped up in tural shit and we only find out as like a tertiary plot
>we accidentally interfere with it during our search for the city
>maybe even first to discover it and absolutely fuck up or something, being the ones to open it
>rest of the story proceeds from here minus wuk lamat in any of the new area stuff
He got baited with false promises of gold and brown catgirls
Of course she did. Why the fuck would the people accept her as a leader if she didn't do anything?
shouldn't she be depicted as basedjak?
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What was the point of this?
How did this pass QA?
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femhroths won btw
Her "people" are dead. They have constructs based on their memory. There's no helping that. Also I find it hilarious that they just go back to using regulators right after the end of msq.

Yes you can buy it as soon as you get to solution 9. There's a little scene where you go shopping.
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How can you hate this cutie patootie? She's such an adorable girl failure, it should be illegal to talk shit about Wuk Lamat...
Mr. Brappy, by all accounts one of the oldest and most storied of XIV content creators, gets instantly mogged by some fat Bong WoW streamer in less than a year. I bet he seethes
sex with pelupelu
first trial done. Amazing fight. Used trust for more kino experience.
Horfgar are a hideous race that should never have been allowed
The human hair on otherwise beastial bodies is so fucking lazy and they just look like complete shit
imagine cutting her fucking head off
>literally makes a sad cat face
Fuck off zoophile.
Not only are her people already dead, but in order to sustain them they can ONLY use soul aether. There is literally no otherway to sustain them unless somebody can shart out a way to create artificial souls
What really bugs me is that the scions are just okay with people just using souls as a backup if they ever die.
>we must respect their culture
are these people insane!?
>FF14: EW is half baked in every aspect
>FF16 is half baked in every aspect
>FF14: DT is half baked in every aspect

Him being the lead for both games was an unfathomably stupid decision.
Xeno.... Won? I don't think desolance is going to be happy about this one bros....
The first "half" of the story is more padded out than ARR was.
Put all the lore shit in sidequests. If you aren't Tolkien or Pratchett, you aren't good enough to structure the narrative around the worldbuilding.
I'll never understand how people have fooled themselves into thinking NPC party members are "kino" in a fucking MMO
you are in for a ride. enjoy them brother.
looks like shit t b h
Finding a cat cute doesn't mean I want to fuck it you degenerate
We must respect other cultures, you would understand that if you weren't such a meanie chud.
>Used npcs with preprogrammed mechanics for more kino experience
the fuck are you talking about?
>lizards using culture as a pretense to engage in mass eugenics
>this is bad
>white people using culture as a pretense to engage in mass eugenics
>this is fine
what did kate mean by this
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hope you're ready for 10 more years of ancients bro
Ugly femgar
>On the second quest after Otis died
How much more of this shit?
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>Absolute fur faggotry character design.
>Fur faggotry femhroths that literally nobody asked for.
>MSQ that appeals to the fur faggotry audience, voiced by a troon.

Square enix continues to go downhill, so glad I didn't pay the sheckles for this garbage.
>literally fucking everything to do with Sphene
god this sucks so much ass and is poorly written
I like Wuk lamat.
Speed readers be like
if more ancients means less wuk lamat then fucking sign me up
I asked for them
Well kind of make sense that we had something to go to different shards
I'd take an expansion where we do nothing but fight allagans and ascians than listen to another minute of CULTURE RESPECTING
It gets better in the 104 quests.
>Wasn't this the start of a NEW story?
This is the filler beach episode.
They've said as much dozens of times I feel like.

It's is very specifically not the start of the next major story arc. As of now it's assumed that will be the next expansion, but no one from the dev team has really said as much.

All we know is they're doing this filler expansion as a way to reset some things and to give them a few more years to plan out a rough outline for where the next arc of the story is going.
No man you don't understand they have random dialog at the end of the dungeon so its totally worth giving up an organic human experience and designing dungeons so dumb literal bots can do them.
fuck you!
>It gets better in 3 years
Owari da.
I wish i had the option to defect. I'd put that green cat on the throne. atleast the dude has a vision for the future and not just some idealistic nonsense.
>the Traveler
>creates things that enable traveling
Checks out, not sure what the problem is
I see the cope is getting started. I can't wait to see how 7.X and 8.0 is gonna be even worse and there's gonna be a constant cope of
>they're trying things out
>it's not the new saga
>you're just a speed reader
Nta but the Sphene arc was obviously just shoehorned in to make a dramatic ending to the story, it wasn't especially good even though it is explained why she's retarded
>designing dungeons so dumb literal bots can do them
you just made me realize why the 2 expert dungeons bosses have more chaotic mechanics than the rest of the expansion.
Wait the other thread died
Oh well

Overall I really liked the final 2 zones
Previous expacs you preach about how everything that lives should die, but in dawntrail the writers put that idea to test
Do you have the strength to erase these people that you know are just fascimiles but they retain memory and are aware of what they are? (Unlike Amaurot)
You know they're fake but Erenville's mom and Krile's parents were fake. Logically you have no value in even speaking with them. Thats why I think what they did with Wuk trying to talk to everyone before killing them is something the writers did really well. It wasnt cringe like in the earlier MSQ and it was very touching
Even G'raha's will shooked when he talked about if he had this kind of technology back in the first what would his decision be

Anyways those are the only parts thats truly well written
Other parts range from shit to decent

Let’s see so far
>Fray comes out and just gives WoL a withering glare during the 90-91 quests
>He comes to his senses and fucks off to explore Tural on his own
>Finds Estinien
>He gives WoL an understanding nod
>They go adventuring together
if you defend the msq you're the same type of person who eats shit and gets mad at others for not eating shit.
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>yfw you get to THAT scene with Bakool Ja Ja
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>15 minute wait for Interphos as DPS
>they find Y'Shtola doing nerdy shit in an ancient ruin
>she found clues pointing to a legendary City of Gold
This already sounds like a much better adventure than what we got.
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can they just hurry up and put this game into maintenance mode already so you faggots can finally fuck off
People hate her? Her patch stuff was great
now that would be comfy adventure
Anon I haven't even played the fucking expansion because I was swamped with work last week and have been hearing that it's a dogshit expansion on every social media front I visit since the expansion released.
I'm just telling you information you clearly missed that they made very apparent during all their big press junkets and tours they had in the leadup to the release.
It's a self contained side story to give them a break while they figure shit out. That's also why the entire thing was written by someone that hadn't done anything remotely on that scale yet.
The guy set up to be the dumb midboss ends up being the best of all 4 contestants. It's amazing how much they screwed up.
>Eliminator was used in the lamest possible way and was a total disappointment
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Where are the sexy Hroth women at? I don't want to be stuck with Wuk.
I still can't fucking believe we """find""" the City of God by having a NPC literally tell us where it is after 2s of investigation, and it's like a few miles away from town. Unbelievable. I'm pretty sure we had to put more work finding the fucking 6.1 dungeon.
>so what if I attempted to genocide your people feel bad for me
nah fuck you
>I want new characters
You get what you wish for lmao
>Koana sounds like puss in boots
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We lost Sphene... to this?
>sexualizing women
We don't do that here, chud.
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you know how you made so many posts like this over the past couple of years well guess what DT had more players during its launch than EW
How will the WoL ever recover after being cucked by a cat on two legs? lmao
we will revive her through her crown usb, and replace her furry memories with WoL cock, trust the plan.
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Need proof on this one
I want to plap her pussy
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>doomposters try not to be transphobic challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
Not if Kate has anything to say about that you wont.
You can do better than that flimsy strawman doomer-chan
10 to 4 so far
>There is literally no otherway to sustain them unless somebody can shart out a way to create artificial souls
damn, maybe we should have let Athena attain godhood...
Can we also call Meteion back and form a new adventuring party far far away from this piece of shit rock Etheirys.
>last week
It didn’t come out until Friday. Every opinion online is giga speed reading, skipping, or shitposting
i still cant believe that the gave her a Zenos entrance. feels like fucking defilement to zenos.
Suck my dick Brandon, you will never be a woman. KYS fucking faggot.
My STRONG wife Wuk Lamat!
It is morally right to be transphobic
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I guess the writers thought she was on par with him
she's stolen a fair amount of my semen
I apologize for nothing
The final enrage felt too short honestly. Wish there was an actual punishing heal or damage check but she dies basically right after the scripted dialogue ends. Hades's final push at launch was at least sort of scary.
>doomposters try to make their own Barry
oh im laffin, just go back to /pol/ at this point
the msq is PLAGUED by dumb shit, like how in the fuck did the hanu hanu forget that the boat shoots a laser that helps crops, or letting the holy grail up for grabs after killing the evil lizard
So FFXIV is now OFFICIALLY a tranny game, huh? How's the cat's Japanese voice, at least? No way am I listening to a male-ass-sounding "female" character for an extended period of time.
>femhroths get released
>represented in the story by the worst, most obnoxious character in the history of the game
>permanently ruined
>both her and estinien barely have any lines
>made it out of this as best characters by actively ignoring the plot
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You must take a back seat so people of marginalized backgrounds can take center stage BIGOT
She couldn't make souls either, she could only fuse people and make memory copies with auracite.
Its possible
>EW Launch: 95,150 on Steam
>DT Launch: 92,039 on Steam
Depending on the how many more/less players participated in Dawntrail's Early access on SE Launcher/Consoles it could be more
We don't know for sure yet though
Why is this NPC Bnuy so much cuter than every player Bnuy i've seen in this game
>doomposters literally making shit up about the story because they get their high on getting angry at scenarios in their head
dawntrail is pretty good if you skip the dialogue and cutscenes
I dont really care about erenville anyways so whatever, probably the most bland character in anything ever
>hating Rakrika
The temple scene was goated, first time it actual adventure. Too bad about the fakeout death they had to end it with.
Where is Zepla? Is she safe?
sounds great but the character is still annoying. I've never heard Wuk's English voice nor have I read English script of this game so I don't think the tranny EN va hold any sway over my opinion of the character.
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>Yoshi p approved on this.
No, SHE approved on this.
SteamDB bro
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I just wanted an expansion that was like the section of 4.1 where you team up with Alphinaud and Arenvald to find the Mad King's Treasure.
One cool scene does not make up for the rest fo the zone being a complete slog
I apologize for fapping to fantasies of you seducing me for information, jerking me off, and then imprisoning me after getting the desired info, Yotsuyu
They're all kind of shit, the French one is by far the best.
The JP one isn't aggressively bad like the English one but is rather flat at times, at least it doesn't sound like a dude flatly reading out loud for class though.
So like really what's the deal with Alexandria, was it just the reflection Fandaniel was in charge with who didn't tell Emet "oh yeah the lightning one is ready to go" as a giggle?
Pretty crazy it nearly beat the peak even without the Covid era ShB buff and with the ER dlc nerf

I was honestly hoping for like a 30% drop off to get rid of all the refugees
So does DT have any new mechanics or systems? From patch notes and all it looked like it was just the same slop
>Expert roulette tome treadmill
>Reskinned hunts
>A trial here and there
>Raids coming later
Anything actually new or should I wait a year for them to finish this shit?
>Endwalker was awful
>people love it
>Dawntrail is actually pretty good
>everyone hates it
I swear I am one of the last old school MMO players out there who enjoys this type of story telling
>inb4 "hurrr what? Bad story?"
No actually being nobody and helping other characters with their quests.

And I say this as someone who loved Shadowbringers.
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>95,150 (all time peak 3 years ago)
>doomposters only hate the expansion because the canon voice actress doesn't get their microdicks hard enough
>wuk visits you
>"Hey you. It has been a while since our adventure, eh? I thought we could see how everyone is doing."
>the entire patch is just re-treading all the zones, talk to the locals and get led to a dungeon to help one of the communities with a problem
Lol bro it has been the same since literally ARR. Do you think it's gonna change now?
Nothing about the gameplay ever changes. You'll farm tomes in linear dungeons and floating platforms in space forever.
>Ugh it's my fault... that I was born and others died
>No it isn't!
Incredible writing. I love Wat Lamakashaka
They are SOCIETIES, bigot.
Final Trial makes you play hole in the wall
I can just spout fake nonsense all day too.... such as
"I love wuk lamat!!!!!"
It was from a reflection that was rejoined, but they managed to save one city through the power of the artifact
Everyone is too used to being the main character now.
You character is the Juan Fantasia, right?
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>you really want a one on one fight with Zenos tacked onto the end of every expansion???!?!?!!?!!
Fuck this shit, I'm done.
same but orgasm denial until you sell out all your friends then she stomps on your dick
we got our zenos fight this expansion
but it was lvl 92
how much of a cuck do you need to be to buy a game and not want to be the main character?
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My big question is what reflection do you go to at the end of the expansion?
It’s on an entirely new platform now bro
>the doomie is samefagging again
is the game bad or something? Why is there over 100 different thread. I was planning on trying it, should I not?
Brandon is the name of the troon's Va.
(You)r journey was going thousands of years into the past and the edge of existence. This is WoL short retirement arc.
Heh, thirdies are burying their head in the sand.
Sure, but you can't claim SteamDB as a source when it clearly says something different.
I personally don't care about being the main character but if the main character is shit and your own character are also written as that character's orbiter fanclub then of course I wouldn't like it.
The fart reflection.
On the metalworking role questline, where you team up to bully a retarded white woman.
fuck that "its meant to be boring" bollocks, I paid money for this they should make it entertaining. I dont care what the story is about just make it fun
The main story for the latest expansion is mediocre at best, so a lot of shit posters are dogpileing it atm
run as far away from this fucking game as you can anon
how the fuck are there people that enjoy ''nurturing'' wuk lamat holy shit
But it doesn’t. It shows it as the biggest launch. If it was like 10-15% down you couldn’t say Xbox fills that gap but around 3%?
99* and it involved 7 other people.
Other expansions had some additions here and there, doesn't have to mean good additions mind you. From bad memory HW introduced scrips, airships and a bunch of new levequest mechanics. ShB had bicolor gemstones and the promise of Ishgard restoration was at least interesting and something to look foward to. I see DT it trying some similar nonsense to island expeditions which were fucking awful so I don't see any reason to look forward to it.

Job design is also worse than ever and has been for a long time.
there's brown catgirl in caster role quests. invest in caster stocks now.
imagine being an xbox fag, buying XIV since it is now available just to be greeted by DT
content good, story for the expac is dogshit
>I dont care what the story is about just make it fun
You chose the wrong game to play if you arent down for 100 hours of boring trite cutscenes with shitty characters doing who fucking cares what
The only thing I'm saying is that you can't make a definitive claim one way or the other with the data available. I'd say odd are things are likely fairly flat, if there has been an increase or decrease it's likely very small.
and you're mentally ill

I'm having fun. Maybe you just need to git gud at having fun.
Mr Happy seems like he doesn't even like the game anymore. Just chugs content to pump out garbage guides
it a extremely good mmo, so when we get a 7-8/10 expansion based on the storyline alone, people start to panic. I loved it, but we got a bunch of people not liking it. Also there is a lot of world of warcraft losers who are mad that they cant make a wow thread or anything because the game is practically dead and is only a corpse being upheld by viewbots on twitchs.
xbox fags can't even play the game after the update due to a memory leak
t. xbox fag
>there are people who dont do final trial in their af gear
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I haven't played since 6.0. How are the new jobs?
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Got nothing to hide.
It seems, in your anger, you killed her.
all me btw
uhhh hopesissies now what do we do with the narrative that everything this guy says is bad and wrong and hes evil for having thoughts???
picto fun, viper braindead
picto is fun.
viper is spamming your keys to do clunky rotation that does zero damage.
>Void is FFIV stuff
>Crystal Tower is FFIII
>Pelu Pelu is from FFX
>Exdeath and Kefka already happened on SB
>Warring Triads on HW
>FFVII Weapons on ShB
I guess something to do with FFVIII
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Same as the old jobs. 2 minute cycle of some random assortment of skills with a big burst at the start. No real thought or anything required and every fight accomodates rotations so no adjustment required either.
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HER game
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Bahahahahaha fucking cope
picto is fun
viper is weird and easy
>least obvious /pol/ raid
Why is it bad for straight people to do tranny and gay roles, but not okay for a male to take the role meant for a female?
I'm going to lead an imperial army to conquer Wukanda.
Didn't they already completely break the lore with how they handled the void during EW? What point is there in pretending there is any care put into being consistent?
Picto is shit since I need to use at least 3 no damage GCDs before next 2 minutes burst for max damage
I think we could have had a good mentorship role to an up and coming adventurer, or hell, if they did it differently, us serving as muscle to royalty could have been good, there's tons of decent stories like that. They just decided not to have a decent story this expansion.
it's not okay to be trans. simple as.
>unprompted /pol/whining
Meds, retard
Do you hate French or something?
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Love this little nigga, he's the King now.
nigga. Steam data shows that dt peaked at 91k and ew had 95k literally a 0.9% different. you telling me xbox didn't cover it?
>Lore Consultation
fucking KEK
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Jobs for this feel?
But VIII was Eden.
Lmao really? They took the most obnoxious part of early-game summoner and tripled down on it?
>play picto
>have fun
>play another job
>bored out of my mind
I just want jobs to be fun again...
i skipped the story, who is he? the blue dude's son? who's the mom?
I am so tired of doing dungeons. I have dungeon fatigue. Every dungeon is the fucking same.
is this like, your first time on /v/ and you took DT's launch as an excuse to explore outside your discord troon hugbox?
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Yep, that's a melty
healer role quests is fucking awful dude, humor is nice and all but chasing around a literal cartoon villain the entire time is lame as hell
Viper is just melee dancer pretty much.
>who's the mom?
Since the body is still operating normally it seems more like brain death. Your conjoined brother is in an eternal coma until you join him, grim stuff.
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The only argument I'm making is that nothing can be definitively claimed one way or another without more data. Even if we take the SteamDB numbers as absolujte gospel, the falloff is incredibly insignificant (so doomsissies can eat a bag of dicks), but until we have more numbers we can't objectively claim this is the biggest launch. That's all.
That's been the reason I quit in EW and why I'm reluctant to come back. I cannot bring myself to do the same fucking dungeon once per day for weeks on end.
>But there's also hunts!
Those are even worse.
give me a solo adventure with the WoL trying to find out more about azem or something shit, enough of these dogshit new characters the glue themselves to our asses
Yawntrail. Snoretrail. Boredtrail.
genuinely in shock at how bad the 90-96 msq was compared to how good the rest of it is
square needs to stop catering to storyfags and put in more combat content during the MSQ, it's unbelievable that the very fun gameplay is locked behind hours and hours and hours of talking.
Nah that's post-lobotomy MNK. You press shiny button with no thought required.
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>First half of DT felt like a contractual obligation
>Second half is the content the devs actually wanted to do
the magic macguffin just sitting on the ground as sphene casually walks past the entire scion crew+bozos pissed me off the most. We've only see what, a dozen powerful magical artifacts before?
>typos everywhere
He’s shaking
>Healer quests are awful
What else is new? Even in ShB where they were at least narratively fun you spent every encounter just spamming your one attack button.
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It seems you lack...motivation
They even KNOW that's the very dangerous artifact that he stole from the vault.
How does someone become a consultant on the lore when they just got there a couple years ago and have no real working credits before that?
Are the role quests good this time around? I only did the EW ones for melee DPS and tank and they were bad/annoying as shit.
Man, the ShB role quests were so fucking good and basically integral to the overall plot. What happened?
>enshittification of XIV is in full force
Man... I just wanted to have something fun to look forward to...

How did we go from this to whatever the fuck 7.0 is?
Sex Lamat
The lvl 79 dungeon's theme is fucking awesome.
>call doomposters out
>they shriek and retreat back to r/thedonald
Going to be honest, DT being a slog does not make ancientshit more appealing. Tired of chasing around those phantoms.
She's just that good.
Realistic answer is that Koji stopped giving a fuck and she became the successor being the most trained person from the leftovers.
is that the vtuber girl? are humans and lizardmen genetically compatible in this game?
for the record i actually skipped the whole thing and only see bits and pieces out of the cutscenes.
Fuck off. The most popular MMOs had you being a literal fucking nobody for years and they are considered the grandfathers of the genre
>Game still chugs if you open and close browsers whilst its open
When will they fix this.
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>alright time to go to the city of gold
>btw we're all staying behind go in with wuk lamat
>...fuckin loser lmfao
Hopefully that's where the story takes with the whole reflection jumping thing
at least ShB kept me entertained with Lamitt lusting after Arbert. I hope he clapped those lalafel cheeks before he died
>fuckable lizard
what? they couldn't even show us zoraal's wife because they couldn't fathom who would want a guy with so many hangups. he just shits out a kid off camera.
EW had this same problem
>Final days Thavnair
>All this fake-ass drama while our character stands around and the Scions goof up basic shit
Or who could forget
>Discover the fucking Hear of Sabik
>Learn it's incredibly corrupting and dangerous
>Dude at the end just pockets it and nobody bats an eye
Wuk wuukity wuk

Wuukity wuk wuk

Wuukity wuk, skupidity wuk skup

Wuukity wuk, wuukity wuk wuk
at this point ancients are infinitely better than wuk lamat
>They added a reason for healers/casters to sleep a mob.
God bless utility.
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He warped to the world of FFIX and fucked Garnet and Zidane's descendant, that's who Sphene is. He then proceeds to fuck Sphene and becomes king, and she gives birth to Gulool Junior who then kills his father after the lvl 99 trial so he can take over Alexandria once WoL and friends kill Sphene
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i enjoy viper
>Friend took week off to play Dawntrail EA.
>Played it for a few hours.
>Went back to just doing shit in wow instead.
I unironically believe the new writer is trying to erase at least part of what Ishikawa was involved with.
Too much of DT feels like a nod to Stormblood.
>the last dungeon and last boss ost
holy kino
Just beat the warframe. It was a good fight. That wall mechanic wiped my group.
In EW the Ranged and Tank rolequests where alright. DPS was mediore and Healer was abysmal.
It's a good thing we don't have a rigid binary choice between aggressive AIDS and ass cancer then or we'd be in real trouble. Stormblood MSQ failed and Lyse was made leader and we barely ever saw her again after SB patches were done, same will happen here.
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>the new writer
He's an old writer
>experienced a life changing event*
>*actually bankrupted his theater company with his awful writing
Is MNK in the cuckshed?
koana is so cool
probably my second favourite character of the expansion, after bakool ja ja
he looks like a fag
>finished the last dungeon
>first boss is reskinned light warden from Holminster Switch
>second boss is reskinned Scathach
>third boss is Calgnazzo and the Ant from the golbez armor dungeon
>forced single pulls
>several times
Why does every fantasy series have to start adding furshit? Why? Dragon's dogma, Final Fantasy. Can I just have one game without furshit in it?
>alt-tab while crafting
>macro instantly shits the bed
the most infuriating thing is that this issue has been 100% solved by plugins
She feels like she was designed to be in a committee-approved Disney movie featuring a generic "adorkable" character, like Wish.
man I wanna queue for that fight but there's...that bit, which ruins it.
experts are, no one cares about leveling dungeons
>random hrothgqr knows more about the people culture than the bird people themselves
>also doesn't bother to help them fix their crops until we show up
I swear to God if I'm gonna do those and they're still shit...
Yea I knew the MSQ was doomed. Pandaemonium was terrible, especially the ending. BLM questline is second only to paladin in the ranking for worst questline, arguably worse as at least Paladin manages to crawl its way back with the SB and ShB quests.

Bard in 3.0 onward is also really bad. Not offensively so like HW paladin, just mediocre all around.

All around not a great showing.
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>Charater named Mikoto
>not a miqo'te
Literally unplayable. Gonna downvote on steam.
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Because it caters to me
Kill yourself
Bros... Take me back to Endwalker, the job design was perfect and they fucking RUINED IT with Dawntrail
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How in the fuck is a white male getting away with doing a South American/Puerto Ricanish accent? Does being a tranny really give you that many diversity points? What a fucking awful grift. Woke Lamat for real.
Oh, okay, so is that what the battle autists are saying? It's not even the leveling dungeons, it's ONLY the expers and the trials that are good. And somehow that justifies a shitshow of an expansion.
Why she looks like that? Is this the power of the graphics update?
i can say they're more chaotic than any dungeons from ew but idk what your bar for not shit dungeon is. dungeons are never good in this game imo.
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Burn in hell
Job designed hasn’t been decent since stormblood
>Likely joined SE wanting to work on Dragon Quest
>Is instead shoved into the Final Fantasy mines
Many such cases!
That's normal, even in real life? A lot of natives tend to know less about their countries and cultural history than outsiders who seek to integrate because the outsider actually learns it whereas the native is never specifically taught it, they just copy the older generation without needing to ask why.

the U.S.A. is a good example of this
Here I am in the last zone, watching fucking Wuk Lamat be the one to actually turn off these terminals instead of me.
Unfortunately shading / lighting in game is kinda shit anyways.
After you nigger. Suck my dick and die of seethe
>the job design was perfect
Kill yourself Endbryo
This is Wuk's story, chud.
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What do you call this and where can I find more of it?
Miqo'te aren't Japanese in universe, you're American, Indian and some strange variety of North African.
actually hurts watching this now, the entire strength of ffxiv was the huge 10 year long build up to endwalker
in all honesty this game isnt going to be worth playing again until theyve done atleast 3-4 expansions of buildup that actually starts leading somewhere
the 6.X and 7.0 storylines both being pointless filler is such a bad sign for the future
Go play WoW chud.
With good gameplay comes lesser msq. So it is written.
I remember her looking cute before, right now she looks like an ayylmao that had a bad day at work.
>fucking around with the settings before Gulool Ja Ja's death scene
>default the settings
>forget to change cutscene voices to japanese
>cutscene starts, Gulool Ja Ja's voice actor is just talking in his normal voice with no emotion
>close the game and start the cutscene again with the correct audio
How can "people" deal with this shit? That was fucking terrible. The jap voice actor actually acts like his character is fucking dying, the Eng one is just speaking in his normal voice like he's voicing a stoic king having a normal conversation. Truly horrible.
When will you understand that most normal people barely tolerate trannies at best, and actively don't want to see/hear them? It's uncanny as fuck to hear a supposed female sound like a man. Who wants this? Ever?
wasn't he latinx in the first place?
or did the worshipers fucking lie to me
If you haven't figured it out yet the troon brigade is going to keep shifting goalposts until cornered. Then they are going to accuse you of being some boogieman so they can dismiss your valid complaints and continue to gaslight everyone else who won't stand their ground.
Loud minority always asks for it. And then about 3% of players go for that race. Honestly if they really wanted to be unique the Mamool Ja would have been playable instead.
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clearly they're out of good writers
they should just make yoko taro write the next one
good or bad it'll at least be somewhat interesting
Move over cracker, it's HER turn at the table
They had a good setup with the void that they had built up for multiple expansions. And holy FUCK did they ruin it so incredibly hard. I don't even know how they managed to fuck up one of the most integrated and interesting elements of their world so thoroughly.
>person in game complains about story
>normal looking video game character with normal armor
>player immediately defends expansion and Wuk
>look up portrait and search info of defender
>actual tranny with a feminine male viera covered in pink and makeup
Holy fucking shit its literally everytime. YoshiP is going to have to issue an apology if the defenders are the same cookie cutter trannies with ugly as sin faggot avatars even ingame
Sex Lamat
Falling for the weakest bait I've posted today... You should be ashamed
Translatinx. He identifies as whatever will get him paid.
>job identityfags have been losing since ShB
>encounter designfags have been losing since EW
>now storyfags are losing

Who's left?
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>flying above the mamook forest in yak tel
how does someone make trees look this SHIT in 2024? actually losing my mind over this.
SMN: I'm going to ignore that since Summons has built-in AoE so sleeping mobs is useless
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they're not filler
filler implies it will pass, and something else will begin
this IS the new model for stories now, one donut steel after another, until shut down
actually the english dub is really good I swear the trannoid is the only somewhat bad voice in the whole game
so basically stormblood 2.0. content is godtier, half of the msq is meh, while hte rest is good. okay got it. we are back stormblood bros.
ERPers and modders
Enjoy your graphics update!
I mean picto and viper are fun. The fights are solid. The second Ex is better than Hyd Ex.
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>somewhat bad
I love Ancients.
Zero was a lot better than /v/ says she is. Or at least Wuk Lamat is so bad I like Zero now.
what the fuck is that?

Even if you immediately wake the turtle up the sleep stops the massive aoe cast. I keep seeing every melee get deleted by it.
its feckin ix
you're in a futuristic version of ix's world
Save us Ishikawa-san
I thought most of it fell flat, trans cat being the only one that was actually really bad
As a storyfag. The story died in Endwalker with the void shit.
>somewhat bad
troons, mostly
Gulool Ja Ja's is fucking terrible if that scene is anything to go by.
The other one I remember being terrible is Erenville. He sounds like he can barely speak fluent English.
None of that is actually true. I won’t tolerate people praising a job that is brain dead and another job that is literally blm but less fun with zero utility. Kill yourself in the most brutal way possible if you think its raid buff and heal count as utility
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There's nothing left.
I was asking about in game reflections not what game inspired it
>It gets better past level 92+
>The first dungeon is so fucking good
>It gets better past level 94+
>The dungeons are kino as fuck, they're really good
>The 1st trial is Barbie level
>It gets good when you get to Wild West
>It gets good at level 97+
>The Vanguard is really good
>It gets good at level 98+
I am here
>The last trial is really good
>The expert dungeons are good
>The extremes are good
>The raid tier will be god-tier
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She looks okay for a lizard.
I too liked when they redid the same character moment leading to the same character development for the third patch in a row!
Furroid esl rat
You will die unloved
RPR bros. Did we survive in 7.0?
>>Crystal Tower is FFIII
But Crystal Tower is allagans+voidshit.
that sucks since ix is the only good FF
ERPtroons, AKA 97% of people who are perpetually subbed.
The only thing that matters is my headcanon.
Thank fuck PCT and VPR didn’t require doing job quests to get a skill. BASED!
Color me shocked that FFXIV players can’t handle not being the center of attention for an expansion

I thought it's about the 2 dolls on the Haunted House
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>Go to new place.
>Hey Alisaie let-
>Eren: Ok WoL you babysit Wuk while the rest of us go do stuff together.
When Alisaie is with you for 90% of the msq but you don't get to fucking do anything with her once and pic related is the single fucking thing you get..
Only literal children think farming equipment as a weapon is cool.
They are clearly hinting that whoever created the relic will be a huge player later.
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ha ha ha, he actually says it.
their quests are pretty good though. pictomancer especially
Why do japanese devs think you need writers for Dragon Quest when a dog could write it
I'm speed reading at this point. Just got to solution 9 and had this floating robot bitch condescend to me about lived experiences. Why is she american if erenville is her son? Why do these fucking characters have so many different accents? Who did the voice casting for this expansion jesus fuck
I want to bully Wuk Lamat.
Anon how the fuck is that OK? She looks far too close to those hideous Alphinaud and Alisae dolls
>every melee get deleted by it
unironically skill issue on their part
Sena Bryer. Do you think he's "latinx"? At best he's one of those 1/8th Hispanics that claims anything and everything other than what he actually is.
The crystal effects on the new attacks look like shit and don't fit the class fantasy at all
It's the huge turtle on the lv 99 dungeon. It has an out aoe so big even a 15y backstep won't get out of it.
I'm not a lizard enjoyer so they all look the same to me.
Sheesh, hopefully they retire the character when he dies.
Did you show him your motivation, foolish anon?
Does anyone have pics of the new in-game Yugiri >>681416949 this shit here makes me deeply concerned.
muh le accents! has been one of the things redditors have always loved about the voice acting, though.
I hate this little nigga. Fire Dawntrails writer since he makes Toei's writers blush at how blatantly he shoves a crying filler kid straight into the center of the plot.
>game spends 500 hours worshiping and sucking WoL cock
>all of a sudden he's cast to the wayside and pushes a furfag abomination onto me
>I'm supposed to be okay with this
You know every melee class has an OGCD stun right?
Headcanons are gay but I love to think the WoL let that happen to have more cool shit to fight later on down the road. Like "I should really stop him but what if..."
>ethnically puerto rican, but lives in kentucky and looks more white than most actual white people I know
Only passes as hispanic by a technicality.
Member when we turned into pure light jizz and fucked lahabrea? ARR is pure kinography compared to DT. I can’t wait for my second round of 700 hours of ff xiv to catch up again.
SAM here, literally yaten out then gyoten in, ez.
desu I've also died to it once because every greedy melee knows they should stun the annoying aoes. Turns out the turtle is immune to stun.
Based. Lamati a cutie
That's the definition of utility you schizo. Stop being mad just because BLM finally has some competition don't worry they will buff it before the tier comes out. That way you can role-play as the edgy autist you appear to be.
I would much prefer if the entire world was just british. They were already crossing the line with the jeet accents in EW.
Moot in a wig.
I think you’re talking about yourself, you should probably kill yourself but seethe more for me please. Its amusing to watch you idiots throw ironic insults like the absolute bottom of the barrel low iq subhumans that you are.
>job design was perfect
nah fuck you. give me back HW SCH and AST
Yeah the model for FFXIV from now on is just going to be self-contained stories without any real overarching plotlines. This allows the financially-troubled SE to avoid having to commit to any plans with this game, so if the subscriber count collapses for some unforeseen reason they can put the game on maintenance mode without taking the PR hit from leaving a planned saga unfinished.
why the fuck did the name the class viper??
It would had been an excelent thief with all the fucking slashes yo do
why the fuck have you given me this image....
But enough about normalfags
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>cutscene ends
>character doesn't move
>click to proceed
>cutscene starts
the absolute worst thing DT is doing is the fact these threads are going to be endless stormblood vs DT debates for fucking years
Even the music is ass. I have both box sets on vinyl since I love Soken's chameleon like ability to adapt his aesthetic sensibilities to a variety of themes and environments. Dawntrail's soundtrack is just ass. Nothing he scored here is worth relistening to, let alone collecting.

Every single aspect of this expac is a complete and utter disappointment. When you consider how much Squeenix has been fucking up lately and that XIV is one of their only consistently profitable properties you would figure they would put in extra effort for DT. Instead they pushed out this lazy, shitty, shit sandwich of a hack job. Now I got to have the troons in this thread insult me because I am not smiling with every bite I take.
Endwalker and Dawntrail job design is borderline the same garbage, with the exception of a few jobs SE decided to make even worse for no discernible reason.
Let me iterate once more -
Furroid esl rat.

Back to doing hunts for me. There's always the barrel of a shotgun for yourself if you need it! Must have taken long to type that one out, considering it's probably your second language and all.
>its just ancients again, but this time called endless
Because there's already a thief class, and calling it viper is more in line with it being brazillian monster hunter
fag detected please continue to felate edgy oc donut steal retards
The turtle is immune to stun. Only sleep stops the cast. Trust me I tried.
The Zoraal Ja theme is unironically one of Soken's best, though.
hows the music? Any kinos?
Rogue is a thing
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They're not ancients, the actual ancient shit is at the end
...were there seriously ZERO available Hispanic VAs with an authentic accent? I mean shit, they could have gotten Sofia Vergara to voice Wuk or something.
ARR and HW scholar is quite literally never coming back. It was only as strong as it was because retards at square enix tied Summoner and Scholar to the same class, so SCH couldn't be nerfed without fucking over SMN.
Your fate was sealed the moment they finally separated the two.
I like 95 dungeon theme and 5th zone's day theme. That's about all.
They also don't have to deal with people complaining they have no idea what is going on when they pay to skip the story to the latest expansion.
This is a thing in more and more MMOs now since they are so monetized.
Everything is pretty much dead and gone after the next patch cycle since you can't have people being told to go back to farm something after they paid you to skip ahead.
i know, its just the same shit repeated. same with the sun coming up on the horizon over the city scape... member emet??
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>Go through Ultima Thule
>You're restoring hope and beauty to dead worlds and its people
>Go through Living Memory
>You're destroying something beautiful and sapping all life and happiness from it
it's actually brilliant metaphor for development team when you think about it...
the first phase of the final trial is unironically one of soken's best, though
>Yeah the model for FFXIV from now on is just going to be self-contained stories without any real overarching plotlines
Unironically a better approach. The "Hydaelyn Saga" being contiguous for like a decade was full of inconsistencies that are hard to iron out without having a full writers team that are all on point at all times. Stories that are part of the world as a whole but don't have to have all these intimate connections with each other is just smart. FFXI did it, and XIV hasn't had an expansion story that beats CoP, or even ToAU.
>5% raid buff you use FOR YOUR OWN PERSONAL GAIN rather than others
>heal that comes out in your finisher and you have absolutely no control of when it comes out
Considering this “utility” is the most idiotic take I have seen metafags have because there is no gameplay involved in it. A buff and a heal is something you decide to use at the right time, assuming you want to call it gameplay. This game is already devoid of utility thanks to the lineup meta ruining any decision making with buffs, but going as far as calling something that is more of a self buff party utility or an aoe heal that will never have any control of when it comes out “utility” is some of the most asinine takes you brain dead idiots have ever had.
Support gameplay will never work in this game because of people like you being fucking morons.
they also used to actually apply snake and wasp venom on their blades
yeah.. how is the sun coming up there exactly?
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How does a baby of that size fit inside a Lalafell?
The first half of the final boss theme sounds cool, it's basically just edm kinda hard not to. The second phase sounds like soken is legitimately channeling the fact he's about to die. Dude is losing it. In another words it sounds messy, muddy, not good at all.
so FF11
Are you mad that that a furroid esl rat is more loved than you nigger? Tell everybody in your hunt about how much you pwned someone on 4chan like the zoomer you are.
but way poorly written
>The second phase sounds like soken is legitimately channeling the fact he's about to die.
wuk lmao
Just finished MSQ, wasn't really interested in anything other than the last zone which I found quite engaging until the ending got ruined by wuk lamatt doing a shitty recreation of E9, god I hate that fucking cat
Soken's work has been in decline since 6.X. The ShB patch cycle was chock full of remixes and unmemorable tunes, with the only standout being the WoL trial theme. Endwalker is also very uneven in quality, and most of the FFXVI OST is totally forgettable. Gone are the days of an expansion OST consisting almost entirely of bangers.
even stormblood was better than this
hell, you'd had duties during the msq like in the steppe that people liked so much it ended up being turned into a whole ass pvp map
You're babbling now. Must have seriously hit something if you're still typing to me :^)

>Get British Japanese for Stormblood.
>Get British Indians for Endwalker.
>Get whatever third rate Ameritrash "voice actors" they can find for Dawntrail.
I don't know what they meant by this.
FFXI had you constantly have to do previous storylines to where they tied into each other before you could progress other ones and the final big arc had you going back through all of them again at some point.
They tried to pull an Endsinger 2 but that P2 song was so fucking terrible, I could not believe it
Anti-hype moment
>Letting Solution Nine keep their soul repurposing system in the end
What the fuck WoL. We've completely dismantled and rebuilt so many societies because their pillars were all wrong and now we allow something like that.
neither is better than the other, the only thing worth mentioning for either is the content and thats how all discussion should be
Do you actually have to use tank LB3 in the final trial or is the countdown just a massive fakeout troll?
You don't
I didn't take the warnings in Living Memory seriously and now I'm mad. Why would they put in so much design effort just to do that? Worse than UTs post-ending music swap.
It's obviously post-patch MSQ content.
How do PCT opener?
WoL brain no work good after big expansion story with many talky dumdums.
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>neither is better than the other
kill yourself lalafag
>neither is better than the other
SB didn't have completely lobotomized jobs so it wins by default, this expansion is absolute dogshit put down the crack pipe
>pictomancer is just geomancer but with drawings
Best thing to come out of this expansion.
Thank fuck, I'll take a whole .x series of Azem shit over a single second extra of wuk lamatt
That's so fucking dumb, why do they put the countdown there then? It's been synonymous with using tank LBs in every other case it happens.
You're implying YoshiP was even involved in those meetings.
YoshiP's role in FF14 is as a marketing face. He makes real FF games now, FF14 was just a shitty side-project he used to gain ground, which is why he poached every single competent person in a creative role the moment he had an out.
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Amarot and Alexandria are the same thing, right down to actions and motivations of their fucking Leader's holy shit. You can't argue against this because they both want to do the same thing. It's even the same moral conflict, the memories of the dead vs the lives of the living. Fuck.
It would have been really cool in a single player game. But just doesn't work in something like this were you'll be going back there all the time for gathering/hunts/fates etc.
>or even ToAU
but ToAU is the best XI story. I'm gonna tell President Naja about this.
iirc when asked how interracial sex can happen with lalas Koji said that lalafell are stretchy so take that as you will
Bro has stomach cancer
All his recent arrangements since ShB has been disorted, chaotic,etc. It's a usual sign of people dealing with the thought of death. Musicians usually tend to get more erratic with their compositions.
I think you're correct here. The Hydaelyn saga required a ton of retcons and is full of strange plot holes you're not meant to think too hard about. The only problem is that FFXIV's most recent self-contained MSQ stories haven't been very good, but if you want an example of a self-contained MSQ that people liked, you only have to look at Heavensward 3.0. Sure, the Empire and the Ascians were there, but the role they play is so generic and small they could've been replaced with just about anything.
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ngl, so far its been an absolute slog
cats are ok
WOL hasn't done shit for the entirety of DT, if Wuk Lamatt doesn't do that then it's not getting done
So, given Aulus was already researching on the soul, how far was Garlemald from Alexandrian tech?
This is the IX expansion. I could tell because they kept throwing music from IX at me even when it wasn't warranted and they only bothered to actually rearrange 1 theme.
And sure they did also borrow themes from IX like making Queen Speen essentially Garnet turned Garland but so much of it was just pointless namedrops from npc's so I'm not really sure what the point was.
What are the DPS power rankings now?
Is MNK 4.0 good?
Wol isn’t allowed to be evil so no thief name
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>interested in how ninja plays after the changes
>cannot bring myself to support trannycat or the abortion that is the story that is DT
guess im skipping an expansion
Imagine equating google searches with genuine interest
Its middle of the pack but significantly more braindead.
Why did FFXIV rip off elites from Halo?
theyre cool
>Varis shows up to threaten you and provide mooks for you to kill in Azys Lla.
>Lahabrea provides some minimal assistance to Thordan, is rude to you, and then gets deleted from existence like a retard.
I feel like these guys were only in the story out of obligation.
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if its supposed to be a world without problems why are there hostile creatures walking around ready to murder anyone who passes by
probably ages away given the ancients couldn't do memory wipes correctly and Fandaniel absolutely would have jumped at the idea if the allagans had any of that sort of tech. separating memory and soul entirely without leading to long-term damage or corruption seems to require an insane level of specific tech to do it.
Halo ripped them from FFXI
Surprised they didnt make her fangirl over Wuk too
LB3 can't save you
my best bet is people are googling how to buy the game, enter codes, EA code shenanigans or just buy skips.
I still dont get why shit is so convoluted and everything is a dumbass system
Do you think Koana introduced vibrators to Tural
Imagine him asking Wuk to test it out and getting her feedback
I would have taken an Allagan time travel expansion over this...
It didn't have problems until you showed up cracker.
After hanging out with Lahabrea so much in Pandemonium, it's a bit funny to remember he met his end at the hand of a villain of the week from a largely self-contained expansion.
nin plays absically the same but now you have a resource to manage in between your 1 and 2 minute. and it's a pretty boring resource.
We don't know or really won't have a meta until the tier patch comes out
Picto has a dumb fucking burst at the start and end of their combo. Viper is up there with SAM and MNK. SMN apparently is doing worse damage than BRD.
That’s fucking bullshit though, because what the hell is a ‘person’ if not their memories.
Remember, in XIV’s reincarnation system the memory gets stripped before the soul is incarnated again. They tell you this outright when they mention they recreated the lifestream.
‘Soul aether’ is a retarded cop-out too that ignores the entire metaphysics of the setting. You could make artificial stomachs to convert food into aether; it’s the same thing. How else does any character remain alive, if it isn’t?
These writers are retarded.
He's a catboy so he would probably just use them himself
Such dumpster tier writing
I liked koana, shame he got side lined so hard for poochie
>Fandaniel absolutely would have jumped at the idea
I thought Ascians can go to any shards they want and Emet has also been to El Dorado. Surely literally any technology of any civilization is within their grasp?
You met the memories of the Garleans you killed in the Aethereal Sea and they were definitely just echoes.
The unsundered have likely been there considering Azem's symbol is on the hourglass thing for some reason
Post patch content will be better, right?
>approved on this

dumb esl
Koana was nice and I think his English voice was pretty decent. It's like they wrote an adult version of a ruler growing into the role and then also wrote a version for kids (Wuk) and then picked Wuk as the one to focus on.
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The hourglass came from the source with the lalas.
Do they even have any good writers left?
I doubt it can get worse

Don't quote me ont hat
Yeah but they have cool sci fi shit so I don't care
It could be 5 patches of watching paint dry and as long as Wuk Lamatt doesn't make an appearance I'll consider it better than 7.0
i mean stormblood did it, and we're playing stormblood 2 so
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holy fucking christ this makes me vomit
i can only pray that the JP audience makes a loud enough screeching to make squeenix change this shit
Halo CE came out a year before FFXI
the wuk lamat hate here is so forced
>>681416697 >>681416809 >>681416815 >>681416840
everyone on twitter likes her performance but go off i guess
>That’s fucking bullshit though, because what the hell is a ‘person’ if not their memories.
You aren't supposed to ask questions. You are supposed to nod your head along to whatever insane bullshit is peddled your way. You did it in Endwalker, you can and will do it with this expansion, too.
It came from the Alexandrian shard which is the ninth iirc
You should be grateful that you got any credit at all for Wuk Lamat's victory. Now kneel.
Finish the msq before you come back to this thread.
>FF9 expac
>No dark messenger
It'll be in .x right bros?
She's shit. I think she's like a 3/10
Sphene is worse
No it’s X in pilgrimage.
The next expansion's finale is going to be about an advanced and prosperous civilization that was forced to resort to genocidal methods to continue existing, you're going to see a recollection of their greatest city being destroyed in a catastrophe during the final dungeon, and you will finish the story with some sympathy for the villain's desperation to save their people.
I, for one, am looking forward to it!
>MCH is fun and explodes shit.
>WAR is fun and explodes shit.
I pray that DT turns into a fun content expansion like SB.
Of course twitroons embrace their own
The only positive is that people have begun hating the english voice acting.
As if any of the team that works on raids also works on MSQ.
>Bring burger "actors" back into the mix.
>The quality starts dropping.
you tell those nasty bigots, sister!
They just need to bring back britbongs
They don't. It's simply how the universe balances itself out to ensure things can't be too good like having both lots of good content and a good story.
The mental gymnastics of Endwalker defenders were very funny to behold. Shame you can't point them out without some mentally disturbed waifufag declaring you a lover of all things zodiark.
Kormir, Lyse, Trahearne, Lamat.
Why do MMOs keep making characters that get credit for everything you do when everyone hates them?
people who are normally ENG are swapping because the VAs they do like have almost no lines while lemutt is constantly speaking
>She wanted to preserve the timeline
>A single line from Meteion convinced her that the Ancients would Ra-La
>The ancients deserved to die anyway because they were a Khornate cult
>It's actually good to suffer and have a short lifespan
>It's not genocide if you split people into pieces and delete their memories
>It's actually great writing to introduce a new type of magic at the 11th hour and then say the Ancients needed to die because they couldn't use it
>It's good that she killed a ton of people for the sake of the WoL because I'm 16 years old and unironically live vicariously through my MMO character
>Actually this guy from the official forums and twitter is you so I'm going to spam twitter screenshots for the rest of the thread
>Why do you love World of Warcraft so much?
>If you don't like my favorite MMO girl you're a troon jealous of REAL women like this non-sapient chunk of polygons and textures that I've imprinted on
>If you don't agree with the message of Endwalker's MSQ you're from [insert country with a Human Development Index lower than 0.8 here]
>You've never played FFXIV
>You played too much FFXIV
The endless Venat schizo dance basically destroyed these threads.
Like clockwork. Burgers have no culture, no history, only hedonism and sexual degeneracy. Fuck the USA. Death to America.
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>supposed to be an emotional moment
>wuk lamat opens its mouth to provide a completely flat delivery complimented by voice crack after voice crack
Was the 30 year bubble skip really necessary?
Am I to believe blue lizard Vergil spent possibly longer than his entire life up to that point seething in a bubble and convincing the biggest milquetoast Queen to exist to give him the keys to the military?
switch to japanese already
The people screeching about her being a tranny are admitting they're EOP so their opinion means less than nothing, but I dislike her in the same way I dislike Naruto and those sorts of shonen protagonists. It's a very 15 year old idea of a great leader.
*rapes you*
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the trancers are back... no....

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