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>was broken physically and mentally 9 years ago by John Numbers
>finally apologized for all the stupid stuff he did
>de transitioned, is calling himself Cosmo again
>hand healed up and now he's back into speedrunning
I'm so glad he got the happy ending
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and the mafia is not happy one bit about it....
>be cosmo
>decide you're a tranny because 'le girls can't le speedrun' and people are doing better so you need a gimmick
>reguarly live stream and breakdown and call the suicide hotline, while live on stream
>bitch to actual suicide hotline workers who are dedicated to helping genuine suicidal people about how your life is unfair because you had to transition to keep speed running
>end up going your number blocked

society is healing
He'll switch back once he realizes he lost his entire hugbox support group.
he had no hugbox support group, his patreon flatlined
If he started hrt there is no winning anymore. He will always be a shell of what he could've been. Didn't lose as hard as he could've is the correct statement. If he started snipping then he's already hit game over.
he was such an obvious grooming victim that the other gays distanced themselves from him
I saw him stream the other day.

Everytime a fellow speedrunner entered the chat he asked “hey do you still have pull with GDQ? Think you can get me in”

It was kinda sad. He likes speedrunning but I feel in actuality he just likes attention
you'd have to be high to let the guy anywhere close to a camera
Now clint stevens can get on HRT instead
Its kinda too late for Cosmo to get back on the tracks honestly. Nobody truly cares about his lazy and super niche content, he always makes low energy and dull streams, and in order to make it these days, you gotta sign up to a e-celeb grooming social media company that works behind the scenes.
I hope that spark of energy he has these days, to help him get some of his """career""" as a streamer back
He burned the bridge, there is no way he can hop back unless he rides some retarded anti tranny movement, and even then the support will be short-term and surface level
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Holy kek please be true
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Noooo not Clint. His shit stopped popping on my feed. Should check what's up with him, he has always been funny.
Cant wait for him to re-troon out because un-trooning isnt getting him enough instant attention, and the like 3-4 sad broken fuckers who chase him around as a tranny idol will continue to suck his asshole telling him to 'come back'
Clint suffers from terminal laziness syndrome
He has the easiest job in the world and refuses to do it
Where did he say hes Cosmo again? I see it "implied" and he says hes doing a rebrand,but I cant help but feel like hes still "narcissa" but hes running out of neetbux
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Yeah, I feel its kinda too late to make a proper comeback. Millennials have forgotten him, and zoomers dont even know him to care.
Also speedrunning is fucking dead. Ludwig's event was "speedrun" themed, and not about actual speed running. The actual point of it was clout boosting. Perhaps if Cosmo drops speedrunning and focuses on fighting games, then he might have a chance to make it. I heard he plays Tekken or something these days, I dont know.
If(and thats a big if) Cosmo puts some work and makes energetic streams constantly, he might be able to gain some sort of audience and make some pocket change. But even that is pretty hard because these days almost everything is inorganic on the internet.
>GDQ letting in a detransitioner
You'd have better luck getting in a maga chud
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>linking AI slop
pic-rel is Cosmo RIGHT NOW and SHE is fabulous!
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>happy ending
he got blacked
he's back baby
so you want to fuck Freya and it's fine but he can't for some reason?
Oh wow, no upload in 3 months again you were right.
>not very glitchy
I wish I could get excited that you can beat a 20 hour game in 5 hours by "play really good" but id sooner watch any game beaten in 45 minutes or less. Im not wasting my entire waking day watching you play fucking forespoken
Lmfao @white people
He lost.
Speedrunning has the inherent problem that it fucking sucks to do at high levels. Anyone with a modicum of charisma is going to end up transitioning into being a normal streamer.
Good for him.
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We need to bring /srg/ back.
you are required to link the video of this happening btw
that documentary about him was fucking crap, not the speedrunners doc that was good
what doc?
>He likes speedrunning but I feel in actuality he just likes attention
So 99.9% of speedrunners?
thats not a very feminine voice
why didn't he call himself Wanda
The channel name was NarcissaSpeedruns he changed it to Cosmo
yeah but I need more than "My channel name is the name it was before I tanked my reputation, please check my patreon!"
>there is no agenda and even if it's happening it's a GOOD thing
look man i don't got his birth certificate and stuff PM him if you want that shit
Break The Game
He posted this video on his troon channel too though
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Does anyone remember Siglemic?
Where did you dig this up? Siglemic is the reason im a wr speedrun grinder...
How is John Numbers doing anyways?
Same thing as always, living free and slaying pussy
>obvious grooming victim
As if the rest of the trannies are legitimate. It is all retarded. How many trannies have you seen that are successful, attractive and have a healthy social life? If trannyism was a legit thing attractive people would be equally affected.
Man, I miss Cosmo. Even if he came back I don't know if it'd be the same, I'd imagine he'd have zero viewers left because he already alienated his old fans by going fully tranny.
Didn't he wear diapers.

The silly WW100% runs, I'd fall asleep halfway through it watching it from bed with a laptop on my nightstand and wake up to him doing the trading quest.
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Found it in some old folders. I think I used the pics for /v/.
literally, not figuratively, fucking WHO?
as OP said someoen from 10 years ago.
Suzie is sucking jap cock for daily breakfast at Capcom and xe seems to be doing well desu
This gives me hope that they will one day find a cure for all of them.
But he showed the world his anus.
It's bullshit.
Pre 2020 it was about 50/50 for lost cause autismos vs relative normies

The Great Lockdown Discord Grooms of 2020 moved that ratio to like 80/20
Wasting your entire life on video games, grim
Looking into it, still plays Smash as Wii Fit Trainer and has won a few tournaments. Streams a bit. He seems comfy.
Sometimes a man need to get dicked fast by other men. These mentally ill trannies will never get the frustration of being straight and want dick.

I hope this dude now lives a normal life playing videogames.
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>>de transitioned, is calling himself Cosmo again
Sorry if I missed a detail somewhere, but it sounds like he just wants to use his old channel because no one gives a damn about his new one. Is it just a move to milk more simp shekels?
I make 6 figures, live in the city and fuck way more than pre-transition while actually not wanting to die all the time, and so do most of the people i know, but idk i guess; also yeah OP is bullshitting, nothing in her vid says she's de-transing lol. good on her for that DQ11 speedrun, shit sounds hard
You could have opened your ass as a male too and have the same amount of sex, abomination.
He hasn't showed up in months. Think he'll leave it all behind and become a normalfag?
>OP is bullshitting
I'm surprised so few people called it out, but /v/ is the dumbest board after all.
something "smart" that Jame Sterling did when he transitioned was he didnt change his name, he just added a middle name, so now hes James stephanie sterling and he can keep all his marketing, designs, channel etc and can avoid this rebranding trouble
Clint is in the perfect position where he can come back to thousands of viewers every time, so whenever he starts running out of money he can just stream something for a week and make enough to live for half a year or more.
good for him desu
Yeah but how many times can he tell the same story over again? Surely he needs new material.
All I'm getting from Cosmo is they want to grind a world record without competition because he gets mindbroken as soon as he loses a WR.
I'd say it'd be funny if he spent a year grinding out some shit game nobody cares about to 5 viewers and then a week later someone else invents new tech that obsoletes his run, but at this point I don't think there's anyone left to care.
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That's the thing, it's going to happen. There will always be someone out there with more time than you to do stupid shit. That's exactly how Siglemic got mindbroken and BTFO out of SM64. He would even try to convince people to not do hard tricks or strats because it's "cringe". They built their lives around gatekeeping times that don't mean shit and breakdown when they lose.
never reply again, tranny faggot
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never forget
just leave it in obscurity
>0.00001% chance to get this
Not worth it, good for her, she's gorgeous

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