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This latest "They are making women in games ugly" might be the dumbest "controversy" ever. You play videogames for the gameplay not for pretty women. If you want to goon just play hentai games.
I want to goon while playing a regular game, friend. Having hot babes is highly conducive to this.
This >>681407382 is wrong
If this take this to it's logical extreme, why aren't we just playing games with simple diffuse primitives with solid colors and single shapes? Graphics clearly matter
Not to mention a developer making ugly characters is actually a good thing because they HAVE to make their gameplay great to compensate for the lack of visual appeal.
No you don't get it they're putting plain looking women in the more grounded games to castrate the straight male population ITS JEWS
wtf I didn't hit submit on this post how did it send?
I actually only play games to do something more productive than looking at porn, and because I finished, and then hot vidya wifes will get me all horny again.

It's not the same when there's nothing lust-provoking in games.
it's the fact that you COULD, in an alternate timeline, be looking at gorgeous eye candy in your vidya, it wouldn't be an issue, you would simply have beautiful women to look at -- but that's not possible in this timeline because some fat SJW diversity hire thinks your desires are problematic, and you should be forced to look at garbage in a game you paid for because your worldview is wrong according to the person you are giving your money to. it's the cart leading the horse, it shouldn't be that way.
Graphics matter but having everyone look like a model doesn't
It's easier to just release a 5/10 game like stellar blade with a coombait character to sell the game for you
>ugly women as just regular NPCs or characters, or to portray someone who’s evil
Sure whatever
>ugly love interest that’s clearly a self insert of the nepo baby dev, or an attempt to shoehorn an ugly nigger in for no reason
>It's okay to have hot bitches in movies
>It's okay to have onlyfans
>It's okay to have women twerking in rap videos
>It's not okay for videogames to have hot female characters.
I'm trans btw, not sure if that matters
I don't have to necessarily want to see a beautiful woman.
I just really don't want to see a hideous one.
>hot bitches in movies
They’ve done away with those too though kek
Yeah its totally not due to man-hating feminists having a malign and undeserved influence on Western game development, goyim. Keep paying, piggies.
Devs that make a point of having a roster full of ugly ass characters should try that out sometime.
kill yourself reddit frog poster
Did they really? I didn't watch any movies since the Endgame.
Stay alive GOD frogposter
Every game is a hentai game if you're virile enough
I just farted haha :D
>It's okay to have hot bitches in movies
They dont
>It's okay to have onlyfans
Thats porn
>It's okay to have women twerking in rap videos
Again, pornograhic, you dont watch music vids for their indepth character arcd
>It's not okay for videogames to have hot female characters.
But it is. Stelar blade had it as as main focus, it came out, no boycot, on sony of all places. Steam is filled with porn, plenty of indies have hot women. Games are just focusing more on being serious, and its hard to be serious if all your man are serious dudes and women are there only for looks.
I enjoy both frog but realistically people saying women are too hot in vidya and objectified are retarded too if that's your argument
>inb4 I was merely pretending to be retarded chudcel
Kill yourself
How is graphical fidelity related to how attractive coomers think a video game character is?
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>game devs constantly make female characters ugly
>same game devs coincidently have zero issues making attractive male characters
I don't want to be reminded of demoralization tactics while I relax
Uh... *runs away*
Still waiting for them to make a game with good gameplay.
>concerted effort to make particularly unappealing characters, supposedly for the sake of realism cause apparently pretty girls don’t exist in real life
>organized response criticizing any dev who doesn’t toe the line and makes a game with sexy girls, which backfires every time and gives the game free press

Not every female character has to look like 2B, but obviously there’s room for such characters and a demand for them. I’m tired of game “journalists” acting like the sky is falling every time there’s a conventionally attractive woman in a videogame.
Stellar blade came out this year and it flopped. Gooners had their chance.
But I hate Korean girls so I didn't buy it
You don't get to tell me the reasons or the combination of reasons i play games for.
I get to call you a retard if you play games because you want to fuck the 1s and 0s
If you play vidya for the gameplay you might as well remove the gore sweetie :) It doesn't affect gameplay :)
Californians game devs and journos are absolutely terrified of expressing any kind of normal heterosexual behavior for fear of losing their jobs. This is the land of the free btw.
It didn’t flop, though.
>You play videogames for the gameplay
Good one.
How sad your life must be if you think that having even the slightest hint of beauty in this ugly world is the same as fap material. Do you tell people who want soulful gothic architecture instead of soulless brutalist commie blocks to go watch porn as well?
>make women ugly
>keep making men attractive
>just fucking let it happen, chud!!!
It's not dumb, creators in film, music and interactive media are intentionally making bad product for political and ideological reason. This is morally wrong.
This has always been the case. How is it immoral?
flopped so hard it's getting a sequel, riiiiiiiight...
Daily reminder: women are on average more good looking than men.
Source: google suggested questions.
Morality is a spook
I want to look at attractive women in my games
>Under review
>Getting a sequel
>Political reasons
Like which ones?
>hispanic seeking group consensus thread
I'll do you one better. I'll define it. It's called Soft-Power. Every nation uses media to influence culture.
Tetris is literally one the best games of all time and it's just pure gameplay
You're a retard, but at least you tried
if we dont play for the pretty women we shouldnt feature ugly women either. obviously they are just as, if not more distracting
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why make them ugly if it doesn't matter
No see that's logic, they expect you to not think and just accept things as they are given.
Yeah, nigger, now tell me what political ideology do they trying to promote by showing ugly bitches in videogames?
Very ugly and very attractive people are just distracting if you're going for a more realistic setting
Why don't you make your own games instead of complaining?
For humanity to ascend as a species we must become better, we must first rid ourselves of baser instincts such as lust and the desire to procreate. You tell me what ideology leans in that direction.
Lgbt specifically the T part
Political correctness
Demonizing straight men
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It's over for you, retards, thoughbeit. They want their money.
Same to you pal
You got a girlfriend, lil man?
Unfortunately, I fucking hate her tho.
It was always about money. With population decline we need to import thousands of people to make sure line keeps going up. Hence the push for accepting diversity. The ones pushing ugly people are going off script.
>If you don't like this bread, why won't you became a baker
>It was always about money.
I 100% agree, which makes me wonder why these companies intentionally sabotage product.
Im so sure lol
We must stop procreating and import tons of turd worlders to procreate for us
The psychological androgynous theory, which btw disappeared in the 1990.
If your brain isnt completely fried, then go read https://www.pop.org/the-androgyny-hoax/. You will see how 1) you ve never known about this theory 2) it is just gender fluid theory with a different name 3) between 1995 and 2015 nothing changed.
That said, the psychological androgynous theory does have nothing to do with ugly bitches: it presupposes that only the best of both worlds should make the superpeople, not the worse. And being ugly is bad.
Prince was the prime example of the psychological androgynous theory, but still, men are preferred to this day to be muscular, tall and with a huge jaw. Incels cry because of this and want women to want ugly subhumans.
Yet, only ugly bitches are in vidyas. There should be a reason, but, as I proved to you, your argument is false.
It's not my argument, I was using the socratic method to make anons ask the questions. Human ascension is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard next to flat earth theory.
Also, sick link. I love this.
Let's take tlou2 as an example, and euphoria as a back up plan (because i dont know of any other libtard game beside tlou2 that did good)
In tlou2 Men are the only normal people there. Literally name one normal bitch in there. And there are no ugly bitches in tlou2. There are crazy ones who get there because of being fucking crazy (abbie).
In tlou2 ellie gets raped, then becomes lesbian. Do you disagree that lesbians are created through trauma? And the kike is fucking mental.
And about the tranny: first off, maybe she is not. Second, crazy person(iirc, she kills her mother). Like, did i already say that all those "they are pushing for lgbt and femminist representation" always ends up in "trannies and women are evil and crazy cunts".
>Political correctness
Not getting to shot the torah? As a christian I am a bit partial, but still, the only people who noticed that were fucking nazis. Like, are there any other examples of pc?
>Straight men
I cant talk much about tlou2 (as i said, men are all normal there).
I disagree. If the notice population isn't creating value then something must be done.
Thanks mate.
I think you are overlooking the obvious factor: Drama. I love drama, and the inclusion of controversial subjects and perspectives creates it drama.
Do whatever the fuck you want. I'm not going to buy your game.
Pretty women were more than welcome in gaming for years. You are recently developing cancer.
I see frog I bump
>Leftoid thinks beauty is just for gooning
What athiest morality does to a mfer

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