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Anyone play this? How do you like it compared to other MMOs?
Click the video to find out ;)
I don't like watching videos though.
I tried it. It's no worse than any of the other big name faggot mmos and it's decently populated on pc
>but muh p2w
It's no more pay to win than fucking warframe
I have a few hundred hours in it. The devs are cool and are willing to fix things and take criticism but they also don't back down on things either like rng weapon upgrading
>It's no worse than any of the other big name faggot mmos and it's decently populated on pc
Good enough to try for a dollar then
I played it on release with some 4chan guild.
It was fun for a month or two.
not worth a dollar. it's given free every once in a while
Mods, the question has been answered. Please lock this thread.
The gameplay is really fun, especially once you find a class you like. It's constantly getting updates and even if you don't spend a bunch of money on the game you get a bunch of free stuff regularly that they hand out.
I've been playing MMOs since Tibia in 1998 and right now I'm hooked on Black Desert as my main game for about a year now.
doesn't respect your time at all, punish the player trying to progress, insanely pay to win, u need anything else?
>It's no more pay to win than fucking warframe
What? Warframe doenst have anything as ridiculous as trying to max upgrade the weapons in BDO
It's a Korean MMO you should know what that means
God tier combat, dogshit p2w grinding system that ruins everything
It's a fine game, as long as you don't plan on penetrating into PvP, which is permanently enabled if you want to reach maximum level unless you willingly stall out on a seasonal server. It has a lesser version of EVE Online's problem where in order to not get two-shot by all players, you'll have to do years of catching up, or probably about 9 months if you're willing to whale. The gear difference is too great that outside of equalized PvP modes, playing the game isn't possible for new players. The empire management is fun, the combat is interesting, and the character customization sliders are insanely detailed, but if you're a new player, you missed the ship for end game participation due to being so behind everyone.
I used to play it super casually. Lifeskilling and sailing/fishing with a bit of combat mixed in.
Don't get sucked in to the level grind as this one is brutal and endless.
>pvp focused p2w game
lol lmao
At least Vindictus Maple or Lost Ark are PVE games so the egregious p2w doesn't matter as much
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It used to be a lot better as sandbox mmo than it is currently.

If you are one of those "every mmo has to be wow/ffxiv" and think that open world pvp is "toxic" then it still a top tier game for you, but if not then it has lost a lot of value for you.

Then again with casualization come some semi-good things, the game in general is more generous with it's shit and all items some say you would "need" such as pets, costumes and shit are now given away for free for just playing the game so there's that. Also I heard they plan to make enchanting more easy with pity system of some kind so for new player that's good I guess but it can cause problems for the high-end economy but I don't know enough anymore since I haven't been playing in while.

Also also there are now instanced content in form of at least one dungeon, likely more at this point.

Also there is a fast travel system now that completely invalidates the open world letting you teleport basically anywhere at will but "modern audiences" seem to actually like that shit so whatever.

TLDR: If you like themepark MMOs then it's fine, but if you want a sandbox MMO then you have to look elsewhere.
Theme park >>> sandbox
Every sandbox mmo is the same trash
>make halfassed barebones game with no content but extreme grind
>make players fight over grind spots
>put power in the ingame shop so people are forced to spend to keep up
and brown trash keeps falling for it and begging for more
I have a lot of money but very little skill. Can I buy my way to the top and crush and laugh at my opponents?
maybe not the top (they're good AND rich) but you can absolutely pwn some poors
Not in Black Desert, the skillcap for PvP classes like Ninja is so high you'll have no chance even if you do waste $10,000 for one piece of BIS gear.
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Forced PvP, enjoy getting constantly ganked by sad fucks who have spent thousands to upgrade their equipment (yes, you upgrade with real life money gambling)
>but you can absolutely pwn some poors
Fuck yeah
Played 49 hours in US release, probably 30 in the kr betas, it has really good visuals/art direction, an absurd character creator, but the story is total ass, the gameplay is just guildwars 2 with extra steps, and big surprise, it has basically nothing they promised.

Its like if eso was made by koreans and you used a bunch of mods to make your fake action attacks look less fake action.
If you want an "action" mmo for the "mm" part, play gw2, if you want an action game with party play, play vindictus.
I remember my friends used to speculate the market on albion online, they sure had fun with that one
all I have to say is AWOOGAH!
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I only come back for the free rewards. The day MMOs and games in general stop treating video games as a fucking 8 hour a day JOB that you must do in order to make any relevant progress on your acc is the day the gaming industry is saved. and its REALLY simple actually. all you have to do is stop time gating shit. Dailies? remove the concept, have all "dailies" be repeatable quests you can do until ur bored. Weeklies? same thing. The only thing that should ever be time gated are events.
but then you have to play 24/7 or you're losing efficiency
Who FUCKING cares
anyone who wants to keep up (with content or with other players)
Cute mary janes
No you dont, that will never happen. People will play as much as they want and progress as fast as they want. You are only gated by your OWN time, not the games time. that is the point. If you miss out on dalies or weeklies, you are fucked. But if those rewards are always available then you can progress at any time you want. Even if you only have 1 hour a day to play vs someone who does have 8 hours a day to play it wont matter because you wont feel like you are missing out on anything, the rewards will still be there when you come back.
Thats why I quit Lost Ark. BDO doesn't really feel like i'm falling behind or missing out if I don't do a daily or weekly.
wrong you are falling behind whenever you're logged out
you should at least be autofishing while u sleep
combat is pretty fun, but it's extremely grindy and p2w and the whales who've been playing for years 24/7 are eons ahead of you.
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The best example of this is palworlds btw. There are litterally 0 dailies or weeklies in the game, but you have a ton of room for progression. Someone may hit the lvl 55 cap in a week, but who gives a fuck? You are progressing at your own pace and enjoying the game at your own pace rather than letting the game dictate or rush you to play it because of fomo.

Shai is a cutie
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It's an endless hamster wheel of gook grinding shit, cannot believe how many anons are literally okay with shilling especially now since it has some gay ass keylogger malware
Jesus Christ /v/...
You miss out on a shit ton of silver and other resources that you can only get from dailies. BDO has admittedly gotten better over the years tho because of the frequent events and free shit they shove down your throat, so it doesnt matter as much. for example they gave you a free Js hammer worth 30bil that you have til nov to claim.
It's literally an open world pvp game dumbass.
just like real life
>Dont play this p2w shitgame, play this other p2w scam game instead!
games should be designed better than real life
No it's not. There are so many ways to dodge pvp and anyone who goes red on you lose so fucking much that nobody really bothers to pvp anymore outside of dedicated pvp channel.
I like the combat but it has too many problems to stick with the game
>content is anti-social
>rats nest of game systems
>pvp barely works
>quests barely work
>can't trade with friends
>bosses are trash
>life skills are manual e-labor not fun or interesting
>worst gear upgrade system ever
But the characters look sick, the pve musou combat is fun, the world looks cool and is more detailed than everything except ubisoft worlds, you can fish and sort of chat with people, there's equalized pvp, the devs throw shit at you because the game is dying in south korea but mooning in the west, and they're making small changes that fall in line with what westerners prefer. Like I want to log in to BDO and have a harvest moon type experience in the different locales but that's just not what they wanted to make. It's purely driven by making silver and mathing out how to make more silver while being so bored you need to watch or listen to something while "playing" the life skills. It just needs a redux they don't need to throw away everything just go back over it and remove the anti-fun shit.
Is any mmo worth playing or its all shit
Played it years ago. So my info is probably outdated, but

>the AOE mass grind feels pretty involved, but since the grinding is pretty insane the endless spell combos and chains feel pretty boring
>Its P2W with shit like buying an instant revive
>you pretty much have to buy a few things from the shop, like pets to pick up items for you, technically you can buy them off the auction house but since they're only sellable by people who bought them with real money (selling real money items on the AH is the way to convert real money into ingame currency) there is extreme competition for them, so you probabyl just have to cough up the dough
>upgrading items is RNG, there is a mercy system, but you end up using that mercy system as another mechanic, IE, deliberately failing to upgrade shit items to build up failure stacks, then spending those stacks on trying to upgrade an endgame item you do want to upgrade
>from +1 to +15 a failure just costs max durability, but +16 to +20 (called PRI, DUO, TRI, TET PEN i believe) failure will drop the quality to the previous level, so you actually go back
>you can grind a ton of money and buy a lot of highly upgraded armor from the AH if you want to avoid the RNG, but you still want to burn your items somehow
>the character model quality is high, but that means in cities your game will slow down, if you lower the quality then you underload your PC in outdoors areas
>over time they were slowly adding more P2W shit in, I assume over the years it's gotten worse
>grindspot competition sucks, makes grinding even more annoying
In the end it felt like koreanslop, endless grind to make a number go up so you could grind stronger enemies to make a number go up more. ALl the while the barriers became higher and higher to try and sell you shit from the RM shop
>Also there is a fast travel system now
Damn. It's not like I'm ever gonna play it again, but it's sad to know that my coarsier horse is now next to meaningless.
they gave out like 5 free top tier horses anyway
The only thing that should be timegated is min/max gear because it's proven to keep people around like in Genshin Impact where getting optimal gear rolls is this shitty little rng minigame for when you have nothing left to do. Otherwise I entirely agree. People will go back and play big sandbox type games just because they're fun. Few people will ever actually reach the point where they have nothing left to do; more often they just run into the devs best efforts at destroying their own vidya like grinding in a circle until your eyes bleed. In a way I can respect games that have autoplay more than this situation where pearl abyss gooks unironically expect you to sweat your ass off for weeks to earn +3 AP. Sorry, even vanilla minecraft has more going for it than that.
its like other mmos if you took out the content and made it entirely about grinding mobs literally forever
this shit is entirely gear based
except that participating in pvp will brick your character
nta there are combos but gl trying to enjoy them

something really wrong when skill is spamming iframes like a retard until one person gets caught
Go ahead and bring a $100 8.4 set into a full-loot PvP zone. You'd lose it within minutes to much "weaker" players. No refunds.
I like this one quite a lot. To be fair I got my first taste of theme park mmo's w/ lost ark too and it wwas fun but i like the freedom of this type better

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