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Who else replaying after finishing Elden Rang?
What build are you going for?
Triple magic
Max faith
that outfit... let me guess... let me solo her amirite? that shit was sooo epic dude i mean broooo shiiieeeeshh
I am but only to get the bitter taste of ER out of my system.
build recommendations please, prefer something fun and a bit challenging
We had the same mind track, except I booted it up and realized I put so many hundreds of hours into it that I've forgotten quite literally nothing and have played everything several times over. Might go with Demon's Souls or DaS2.
I'm honestly never going to replay this slow piece of shit ever again
SL1 if you've not done that already
Pure DEX
Silver knight spear and pyromancy
It makes me very sad that they never made another spear as cool as SKS in any other game.
Armor of the East, Iaito, 30 faith, no shield
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It's obviously this elf fucker.
but i hate being naked beef jerky
based recommendation so far
Haven't gotten very far in Elden Ring but I'm kinda tempted to start up Dark Souls 1 again. I really prefer that tighter level design to a very spread out open world, and I appreciate the lower difficulty of DS1. I am going to miss Elden Ring's lack of a durability system though.
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am back on the ds 3 front
had a playthrough on ds 1 before the ER dlc came out
duno what build im doing yet
have fun anon!
men should be forced to only wear this in real life
>but i hate being naked beef jerky
havels + fap gets you a fair amount of armour
SL1 is fun just to see how strong you actually end up being
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you DID take the pendant...right?
this reminds me of final fantasy 12 level 1 runs, fine i'll do it after a normal run to refresh my mechanics
It's so fucking boring bros, i cant go on.
Sl1 isn't even that crazy because how stupid damage is in the first game
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Any DS1 mods worth checking out?
I don't really feel like another vanilla run.
randomizer is kino
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trying out colossal weapons for the 1st time. holy fuck this is horrible. the swings take forever and the damage honestly isn't that impressive compared to small weapons. what's the secret?
Might be your stat spread but I was never big on the giant swords desu.
Pure STR fucks shit up though. Great Axe, Great Club, any of the Great Demon Weapons.
There's also Black Knight Greataxe that has one of my favorite movesets in the series but you gotta dip a little into dex for it.
colossal swords are OP, you can literally staggerlock every enemy with r1s
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faith + strength is always my favourite
flattening enemies is the most abusable shit
>what's the secret?
Poise, faggot. Put your heavy armor on.
you mean ultra greatswords, fucking secondary
stop being a pedantic faggot, it's the same shit.
it's just not the same without online play... still, i'm enjoying it more than ER
t. ptde owner and demaster boycotter
the dark souls connectivity mod still works for it, it got updated when that RCE exploit took the servers down for months, but I don't know how active it is
fucking lazy ass faggot From gets DS2 and 3 back up but won't put in a few hours of work to get PTDE back up which gave them a huge foothold of breaking into the steam/PC playerbase instead of being a niche series that wouldn't sell well on the 360/PS3
let's be real it's probably dead as all hell
umm technology is too old prease buy remaster
This. There is that ancient gif were the dude is chugging estus and kalmeete tail slams the dude and he just takes another sip. It's why poise got nerfed in everything after ds1
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I want to do whip only or finally try magic.
but anon, dark souls is all he has in life to feel original
i bet you he posts pictures of his copy of prepare to die edition and how noone can buy it anymore
Balder Side Sword dexcuck. The R2 poke hitbox is kinda shit sometimes but it's pretty fun.
Put some armor on you fucking moron. The easiest way to trivialize dark souls is to stack poise and face tank every hit.
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heading into blight town.
current spread. how much Endurance should I be aiming for? the swings cost a ton.
i got a black knight sword random so i'm eatin good
but jesus christ those R2s are so fucking slow and don't do nearly enough poise damage to compensate
build wise the scaling stops at 40 and 2 handing a weapon at 27 str with the 2 handed bonus gives you 27 * 1.5 meaning you can get close to max damage with minimal stat investment and become a tank by pouring points into vit, end, maybe faith

but the main reason to play strength builds is the weighty impact of the weapons
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>kalameet will never twerk on you
why even live bros
what is the meta pvp level again?
80 or 120 iirc
>build wise the scaling stops at 40
god, I forgot that's how low the softcap was. crazy times. thanks for the tip.
The BKH is the best black knight weapon, unfortunately. The rest of them are really fun but the R2s are the definition of fun moves and are almost unusable.
Poise actually fucking works in DS1 so you have an incentive to use heavier armor, and heavier armor also has a significantly more noticeable damage reduction effect instead of being fashion bullshit like DS3/ER. It's very viable to pump and dump STR/END as a build
120-125 for duel shit, some fags go to 135 because they're babies, 80 or above to invade any of the later game areas or forestfagging
40 for anor londo invading
80 for forest shit
99 for meme builds at endgame areas
120 for dueling at the town square. I have gotten good pvp in the forest at 120 though, the forest was pretty open for any level range desu
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Got back into DS1 after beating Elden Ring's dlc. I never beat DS1 before despite beating DS2, DS3, and Elden Ring lol. Right now I'm in the dlc area and just got to the abyss.
>level 35 heading into blighttown
nigga wtf have you been doing
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It's crazy how short DS1 now that I'm replaying it without dying. I played all the way up to O&S from a new game in a single play session yesterday. That shit took me like 3 weeks in 2011.
I'm not complaining, I like that it isn't a massive 100hr colossus like most RPG's these days
I killed Sif and the Butterfly cause I couldn't be fucked going back to darkroot later. Ate their souls too. That was a few level ups.
This is why I can't stand making a new elden ring character
>Have to find Fuckfag Cookbook #99 to make item
>Farm for mats on top of that
>merchants have no memorable names, just "wandering nigger" and occasionally "isolated nigger" which makes remembering their stock annoying
>waste time in arbitrary catacombs and caves for weapons/armor/spells
It's so much better when you can sequence break DS1, bum rush a weapon that can be accessed within 30 mins of starting the game, and kill an npc or loot a body for armor for your build
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This is pretty fun when you get the hang of it. It's funny going back to 300 damage being a big deal after Radahn tanking 1k hits like it's nothing.
Im playing the "use whatever the fuck the enemy drops" build. aka the BEST build
yeah I always found Quelaag to be one of the most rewarding bosses in the game to beat. I've never felt like I died cheaply to her and yet she's not super easy either.
alright ill do another run
what am i doing boys
NO faith or pure int, i will accept spellblade int thoughever
any decent rebalance mods also accepted
I'm done making new characters in ER, not grabbing all that shit again on top of all the skibidi fragments in the DLC now too.
Made a wretch specifically so I could just comfortably respec into any build and will just play NG+ from now on.
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>never left it
Try the zweihander too. The r2 flattens fucking everything outside of bosses it's really funny
You guys ever get much use out of the boss soul weapons?
In all of my DS1 runs I don't think I ever actually fucked around with them much.
I kinda wish I did. My Greatsword is at +9 already tho and I don't really feel like looking for Large Titanite Shards. Maybe if the game blesses me with enough.
The last boss is cool, have fun.
You beat Kalameet yet?
quelaags weapons are really good
lifehunt scythe, too
heard artorias shield is busted as well
golem axe and smough hammer are probably ok
The big stab is kino too so it's not like you made a wrong choice. Thrust damage counter damage is absurd in DS1
Quelaag's Fury Sword is arguably the best dex weapon in the game
the nigga dragon
I just started another run to get all achievements, gonna do it in ptde as well
good luck
its not too rough but worst one for me was knight's honor, the channeler trident just would not fucking drop
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>still have a restricted account after picking up a dropped item 4 years ago
Fucking worthless company lmao
heey i'm doing that as well. almost finished my first ng. farming the crow ears and eyes of death wasnt as annoying as i remembered. i guess i did only farm 10 of each instead of 30 for max covenant effect
is there a 100% reliable list? the wikis all have different info on which weapons are mandatory
Just make sure you don't accidentally knock the invader guy off the ledge before Nito's arena, happened to me and I had to replay the entire game for that one stupid achievement kek.
you have to replay the game 2 times + beat sif on 3rd if you want all achivements anyway
I don't understand why I like DS1, Sekiro and BB so much more than all the others.
You didn't buy the stupid version did you?
ds1 let you face take by stacking fat armor so u dont gotta know how to position
sekiro lets you play simon says to ignore positioning altogether
bloodborne lets you keep attacking to get your health back so you can ignore positioning and keep attack until the enemy is dead
i might, if it goes on like an 80% sale on steam (it never will)
those are the only three with good level design
DeS too I suppose
DeS still has the stench of Yui Tanimura's terrible level design on it a bit.
i kneel
a great and fun game with unique skill based mechanics
everyone loves Bloodborne
DaS1 really hit a sweet spot in terms of length imo. on your first playthrough you struggle for every inch of ground and just getting to the boss door can take hours, just making it to the next area feels like such a reward. playthrough 2? you just sppedrun that shit and there's no filler or grinding
it's insane how they made every single npc memorable in ds1
>ng+2 just for sif
good lord

what is the 30 faith for
I have no problems with SL1 runs but god damn Manus is a bitch in these runs.
Of course I did. And I would buy Bluepoint's DeS if it came to PC despite playing it in emu. Not because it's better, but because you get the community with the game. Online is just too much part of the souls game. Elden Ring though, you can play that offline. All you miss is fingers but hole messages.
Recently did a 99 RES run, which is basically a SL1 run so you use the same weapons and rings there, it was dumb but fun.
why is the aggro range so fucked in the remaster?
any class you want + no level up + no glitches
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I miss the restraint DaS had. They didn't flood the game with showy attacks and spells right off the bat, and the eye candy levels mean a hell of a lot more when 70% of the other levels are ruined villages, swamps, and castle keeps. Elden Ring ups the spectacle SO fucking much, and that's cool in a power-metal kind of way. But DeS and DaS knew how to pace themselves with the cool shit. ER and DaS3 had the same problem where you just go from breathtaking area to breathtaking area and every boss is a flippy-dippy roll-punish asshole.
uhm ackshually you still get the bonuses to defense when you level up res so it's not the same
>I miss the restraint DaS had. They didn't flood the game with showy attacks and spells right off the bat

This is happening to monster hunter as well sadly. Particle shitting spazzmons are spreading since the abortion that was GU.
I've never done a sword 'n board run in DS1 so I'm doing one soon.
I miss the down to earth feeling these games used to have. They were mostly silent with simple enemies. Now you walk 5 steps and you stumble upon yet another gregoric chant spammy garbage that seems like it was made by redditors.
the fucking music might as well be fart noises at this point
Sure, but I was speaking about the weapons and rings you use.
I could do a high VIT and END Drake Sword run too
heaviest armor and greatsword possible
chaos reinforced club my beloved...
I legit can't recall a single elden ring song because it's all so overdone and generic. Same deal with dark souls 3 OST. It's just generic church crap.
DaS has a cool boss every 3 bosses or so, while ER relies on the player doing random caves and catacombs to fill that out and even then, shit like the burial watchdogs are more advanced than gaping dragon, stray demon, etc.
Also SOTE ignited Iron Golem and spread him across the map for the worst enemy they've made yet.
>Also SOTE ignited Iron Golem and spread him across the map for the worst enemy they've made yet.
Man they really fucking did em wrong
>wow cool I can see like 3 fire golems across the map
>oh so I can stagger him
>finally got him nice

>next fire golem
>oh it's the exact same thing I just have to jump over his two attacks for 15 mins and swing away at his legs... uhhh...

>repeat 8 times except on 2 gimmick locations hwere you can throw fire pots into their basket if you can be fucked
fucking dogshit man
>I legit can't recall a single elden ring song because it's all so overdone and generic.
Yep, sad. Gone are the days of everyone fighting over their favorite themes. Because Demon of Song definitely won. That fucking throat singing.
DeS, DaS, and even DaS2 in some respects all felt like old fantasy books mixed with classic fables. All the spectacle felt earned by the time you reached it. And there was just enough weird shit to make it memorable. Nothing felt contrived or put in to please fans for be memed on. ER starts right out the gate with crazy bossfight, crazy optional bossfight, massive sprawling world that's beautiful and fun to explore and makes the game piss-easy if you grind shit out of order. Idk, I don't think ER is bad. It's a great game. But it's so far removed from the old Souls games that it doesn't scratch the same itch anymore.
Sword and shield, like always.
holy based
It's a mixture of graphical improvements and player expectations pushing shit further and further and further, even when the substance isn't there. Keep in mind, people thought Artorias was fucking rad in DaS because he did front-flip attacks. Now by ER there's screen-nukes that come in from orbit and a naked bitch with wings that does 15-second long combos. It's more character action than RPG now.
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I don't know if it was intentional or not, but a nice detail I noticed in DS1 is that when you arrive back at Firelink Shrine from Blighttown, it's almost completely empty. The firekeeper is dead, Petrus and the other faithfags have all left, and the bonfire is out. Then later, when you come back after defeating Ornstein and Smough, you revive the firekeeper, restore the bonfire, and it's the one time in the game (I think) where basically every character who can be at Firelink Shrine is there (except for Lautrec). It's fitting as each time marks a return from 'hell' and 'heaven' respectively.
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Hooooooooly... Miyazaki I KNEEL.
Good taste. You can tell apart people who actually have been playing these games in order from redditors parachuting on the latest fad by how they abbreviate Dark Souls. Anyone who says DkS instead of DaS is a reddit faggot with subhuman IQ.
I like the Silverblack Spear in 2, it's actually my favorite spear in the series
I played it as the dlc was coming out. It had been a decade since I did a non-challenge run for the game so I picked up the zwiehander and was level 90 or so at the end of the game. It felt so fucking good to dance around the bosses and do a ton of damage for once. It might not have been difficult but the power fantasy itch was definitely scratched.
why would you say DaS2 and not just DS2 though? There's only one Demon's Souls so DeS suffices
>knew there was a tear that improved guard counters
>killed every wicker man I came across until I got annoyed and googled which one it was
>it was actually tacked onto the parry one I killed first
My own fault for not reading properly but goddamn I wasted so much time killing those boring pieces of shit.
Habit lol.
thats a genuine guide reader issue. If you had just played the game you would've read the description and tried it out. Prime example of why reading guides makes you enjoy games less
DS1 had soul
I was playing the game blind though, the only reason I knew there was a guard counter tear is because I saw it in a comment here. I also read every item description but the fact the deflect tear bit was all that stood out to me while reading that one.
>heading into Sen's Fortress with a +13 Greatsword
I love this game. Dark Souls 1 was just built different in the best possible way.

I always liked how New Londo didn't have a single bonfire in it. It was a fantastic example of the gameplay mechanics giving way to the storytelling.
I want to make a mage for a change, but then I remember the magic resistance of the Sanctuary Guardian..
also serves as a nice hint to the player to seek out the bonfire at the Undead Parish, which leads them back to Sens Fortress in case they forgot how to get there
Just grab a Raw Estoc or something. You'll be fine.
Why is the fashion souls in Dark Souls 1-3 so ugly?
he should probably have enough mats for a regular estor. raw is ass
Won't Raw overtake a regular if he doesn't have any physical stats?
I can't replay it because Demon Ruins really sours the experience for me
Because you're not supposed to feel opulent, you are a barely living corpse fighting your way through shitsville
alternatively he could get a weapon with bleed and either use magic weapon or have it enchanted, that should cover for some of the enemies' mag resist
raw is ass but regular wouldnt be good either with shit stats, chaos or lightning are the best overall for low stat builds depending on what you fight
I beat Manus by standing still and chugging 20 flasks in a row
the problem is im pretty sure all the dlc bosses are strong against everything that isn't phys, so lightning and chaos wouldn't help much. unless im remembering wrong
it sucks ass yes, but it only takes like what, 20 minutes and then you're done
I did them on SL1 with a blacksmiths hammer and a reinforced club with chaos on it, I don't remember specifically struggling anywhere
I was a newfag to the series, I had no choice if I wanted online features
yeah they did that because up until that point the giant dad meta was being used by almost everyone, people were so salty about it at first.
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Best parts of DS1 is pre Lordvessel and DLC. There you can see clear dip in quality even though it's still good.
they neither did that to fuck with giant dads (that was a meme that came much later made by a puerto rican tranny) nor does the sanctuary guardian have fire resistance. Artorias also doesn't resist lightning and manus gets fucked by fire again.
>nor does the sanctuary guardian have fire resistance.
It doesn't? I was under the impression that all the DLC bosses had pretty high elemental resistances.
Just normal quality build w/ claymore and composite bow, nothing special.

To the guy I fist-fought in Darkwood Garden for 10 minutes last night, I salute you.
I think it's just kalameet because he's a black dragon or some shit, the rest of the are all in line with other endgame bosses, slightly higher because you're expected to level a bit more
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There are basically no challenging runs if you've played any of the other games in the series. Here's some i tried.
>halberd/scythe only run
They deal a shit ton of damage, i had to "nerf" myself by using one in each hand and using only the R2/L2 attacks only to find out that this is basically how these things are meant to be used, it consumes less stamina and deals more damage than two handing.
>bow only
The game wasn't made for ranged combat, you can kill almost everything before it even gets close. You also get the best bow at the start of the game, you just have to do a suicide run for it. 27 STR/40 DEX composite mogs 40 DEX black bow and 40 DEX/50 FTH moon bow with moon arrows btw.
The only problem is the lack of range.
About as challenging as the average STR run, aka not at all.

The only "hard" run i've not tried is SL1 no weapon upgrading, not because it sounds hard, but simply because i don't have the patience for it.
get all rare weapons cheevo
time consuming and at times boring, but you get to try out a bunch of exotic weapons, go to ng++ and amass big dick stats. Flattening things with artorias greatsword is fun
SL5, buy the demon spear from shiva and gank low level niggers with it.
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Got to Gwynevere since making the thread. Game's shorter than I remembered.
Which Lord should I tackle first?
You've got the exact same loadout going as my very first playthrough of the game, now I feel very nostalgic
I was a dexfag when I 1st played. I remember thinking the Steel Set looked stupid. Now it's the peak of fashion to me. (Very sturdy too.)
Bed of Chaos.
Just finished a strength playthrough a few weeks ago and now this thread makes me want to start a new character. Any idea what build I should go for next?
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strength playthrough
he's a minmaxfag, 30fth is probably for sunlight blade and moonlight blade. dex/fth builds are very powerful
Golem axe is my favorite weapon in the game, it's insanely fun
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Just played it for the first time. Dumped stats into a mix of str and faith, but couldn't really find weapons to use the faith with expect the basic bitch lighting toss (did piss for damage). Took me too long to find out there's no respec. Was feeling a fair bit frustrated by the end and just went with fatroll with a bonk stick (the dragon tooth, used mostly the zweihänder before that until I screwed up the strenghtening). I tried playing mostly blind so I missed out on a lot of stuff. Didn't realize pyromancy was completely universal for all builds until it was a bit late. Completely missed some areas too, and probably botched every single npc questline (I accidentally r2'd that sun guy in Anor Londo with a heavy sword, immedeatly aggroing him permanently, so just went fuck this and killed him. Never even realized he was considered a big deal.)

Maybe I'll give the game another chance in some years time, when the tsun in me allows it.

I'll say the gigadoomer lore and world are really cool. That dude in the beginning going "the fate of the undead thou shalt know" still rings in my head. The world is ugly and mean, and I felt really alone all game, and maybe that fed into some of my frustrations, but it also added a lot to the experience in hindsight.
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I just started a character recently with the intent to go faith [starting club lad]. I realized though that faith was next to no offensive spells. And they're all difficult to acquire. Is faith alone really a viable build here or will I just end up relying on some random weapon to do most of the work.
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Damn. My favourite. I usually save it for last, but I guess I'll treat myself.
God that was a lot of spelling mistakes. Forgive me, I really should be sleeping.
SL1 pyromancy
Pure faith is suicidal but faith centered paladin or faith + pyro break the game.
Build? BKS
demon ruins is very lackluster but only bed of chaos sucks ass
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>imagine not having all
Whatever you do, don't craft the moonlight horn. A unupgraded moonlight sword does about as much damage as a +5 horn.
Never going to replay that boring ass game.
Tempted to replay Lies of P though. Or maybe DS3, even.
understandable in a blind playthru, but faith has a couple strong weapon buffs even if the offensive spells are mid. the buffs alone make faith or int worthwhile even in a str or dex build imo.
theres also a pretty high-scaling faith+str weapon late-game but the moveset kinda ass
>I've never felt like I died cheaply to he
i remember her scream making me seethe as you would often not see her body do the animation when locked on and whacking at her back in 2011
ds3 took me 45 hours to beat for the first time lol
My best friend laurentius is always there.
I always liked the dragonslayer spear. It wasn't good, but it was fun to use.
I played Sekiro, first time since launch days. Backed up my save before owl, did the bad ending. Then followed steps to do Owl Father. Still great game but no clue where the combat could go. If the whole thing is deflecting, additional weapons serve no real purpose unless you want to do some stance shit like Tsushima where you can only parry specific stuff in a specific stance.
blame ER for selling so well
you can fix NPC aggro at the guy in the belltower by gargoyles
no worries I enjoyed your post
I like how the themes, setting and gameplay gelling so well together can still be apreciated by newcomers
I would if it dropped to 5 dollars.
>all the enemies and bosses move in slomo now that I’m used to ER
I got into souls with 3 and replayed it like 6 times. The beginning areas are cool but pretty gloomy, and I trudged through farron keep and then catacombs and smoldering lake all the way through because it made that exit into irythill so much more rewarding. That’s part of why I can defend ds3s linearity, it’s like some long arduous journey you’re undertaking
they don't have 50 year wind-up attacks either
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>Who else replaying after finishing Elden Rang?
I am. Crazy thing is, now that I'm replaying it, I'm starting to realize that I didn't actually have that much fun in Elden Ring. It was cool for sure, but yeah.
>master key
>restart at black knight until it drops the halberd
>cheese Havel
>kick Lautrec off the cliff
Yeah it’s gaming time
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ofc not
Ackshually, they're called very large swords.
>keep dying to retarded shit bacause I rollspam on reflex even when the boss is doing nothing
Remember 10 years ago when the meme was Solaires "praise the sun"?
These normie zoomers dont know shit about souls lore besides what their dumb ecelebs feed them in elden ring
I think my zoomie wake up moment was getting to the church district for the first time, and seeing this literal fucking mountain sized castle just... there. Like this is completely normal. No one told you about it or talked about it like the marvel that it very clearly is, it's just another castle. It's not fuckoff sized because it's hallowed and legendary or anything, it just is because From thinks they have to one-up themselves to wow the player.
don't all post 201X nvidia drivers break dsfix? there's no way i'm going back ...
Faith is intended to be supplemental to physical gear. But you can let FTH end up doing most of the work for you.
There's several items like rings and dusk crown that will give you extra casts, or extra offensive miracle damage etc. You also have access to stuff like magic barrier and spare heals, so you have a fuck ton of survivability.
That's why a paladin build is so powerful. Not sure how that other poster above you didn't find lightning spear powerful, that shit kicks the door down in most cases.
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I just encountered my first vagrant ever
bless this game

anon I think you're missing one
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ULTRA Greatsword. Also the Greatsword looks so much better in the older games. New on is an abomination that still doesn't look like the Dragonslayer.
How viable is a lightning spear build? I've only played with a pyro/str mix.
Good, but you have ammo problems. Sunlight Blade absolutely wrecks on fast weapon though.
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Just beat all of the DLC and the base game. Parried that motherfucker Gwyn like it was nothing.
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Sorry Chud, I am replaying Froms best game instead
what if they added a gravelord equivalent to the new game and made it an alternative to co-op? instead it would give you some other sort of stat boost but also make you open for invasions AND make you a target for other people who don't want black phantoms in their worlds, making you a higher priority target? the stat boost would help with keeping up with the invasions from multiple people at the same time, while also being useful in the actual game. like a more risky hollowing reversal
You literally can just run past everything in this shit game.
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What's the difference between these? The description doesn't say what the ultimate edition is.
The first time I played BB was after playing Elden Ring.
Elden Ring felt like shit after and still does.
ER feels like shit even to Dark Souls 2
there are only 3 weapons i need in my life
club, large club and great club
half a gig of patches porn
I disagree
ER has a lot of problems and From is stretching the gameplay mechanics beyond what they can really support but the basic controls and just doing shit with the character mostly feel pretty good, unlike DS2.
Not having auto turning for colossal weapon attacks killed DS2 for me.
Playing des. So fucking GOOD. Actually enjoying the levels.
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>The Ass of Calamity
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could've bought the remaster when it was discounted for PTDE owners but decided to pass on it
don't really see the point now and still just play PTDE anyway
>man-serpent GS
>no reinforced club
>buy it because thats where invasions are now
>spend 150 hours making characters and playing through the game again
>spend 2 hours invading
>drop game
What are you talking about
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Transforming weapons were such a fun gimmick.
People bitched about the lack of weapon variety in BB but I would gladly go back to every weapon having two completely unique movesets over having 800 variations of sword that all do pretty much the same thing.
I think people overrate the impact of transforming weapons.
Bloodborne doesn't have 2H movesets so tricked mode is basically just 2Hing your weapon without losing your gun
Being able to switch in the middle of a string is significant and adds quite a bit and they do look cool but the way people talk about them you'd think it was much bigger difference mechanically than it is.
BB having fewer unique movesets instead of weapon classes is a separate thing that doesn't really have anything to do with them transforming.
No. "It's let me fuck you. "
>what's your favorite flavor of r1 and rolling my dudes?
>no armor
>big helmet
Every bronze age character design in a nutshell
>Wasting 17000+ hours on a 60 hours game.
just started my second playthrough and can't help returning to my trusty halberd poking stick, its just too good
>soulless minmax drones rob themselves of this experience every playthrough because they can't wait until Anor Londo for Lautrec's cock ring
>Bloodborne doesn't have 2H movesets so tricked mode is basically just 2Hing your weapon without losing your gun
Are you retarded? There are several weapons that are literally 2 handed and they even give you a 3rd attack option where you would normally shoot your gun. I won't say every weapon in BB is that unique but most either offer good situational differences which the game is designed around or offer other unique effects.

It's very interestingly designed and I feel like utilizing movesets matter WAY more in bloodborne than literally any other souls game, even compared to ER with it's dozens of ashes of war.
>Basic attack
>Heavy attack
>Charged attack (this does actually change for some weapons and is obviously still an important part of the games design for getting backstabs)
>Forward+heavy attack
>Back step attacks
>Running attacks (some are very good and unique)
>Trick attacks
And then for most weapons you repeat. You are correct in that some weapons do repeat movesets. There are like 3 or 4 straight swords in the game and 3 or so "short blades" that share movesets
You couldn't teleport to Undead Parish bonfire in the original version of Dark Souls 1.
Yes, and I'm saying that's a different thing from them being transforming.
Each weapon has two movesets just like Souls games, the only thing transforming adds on its own is the trick attack, people act like it's some groundbreaking feature when it's mostly just a reskinned 2H mode that isn't(always) two handed.
BB having fewer but more unique weapons is a completely separate decision, ER could have been the same if they had wanted it to despite not having trick weapons just by putting more work into each weapon and reducing the number.
That's how everyone's first blind playthrough goes.
The difficulty of the game didn't come from the encounters but that everything is cryptic as shit and you're expected to just figure shit out on your own. Once you know how everything works and where to go you can comfortably blast through the whole thing. DS1 is just one big knowledge check.
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i have a hard time playing past souls games now after playing elden ring. everything feels slow.

have no issue replaying bloodborne or sekiro though. god i wish they just made a pc port of bb already or at the very least a ps5 port so I can turn that piece of shit on.

i cant wait for lies of p DLC
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Drake Sword, it's literally all you need.
>DS1 is just one big knowledge check.
How the fuck does Fromsoft expect us to know about iframes without looking up online or played Devil May Cry before?
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>swap my scimitar for shotel
>mail breaker for parrying
>great magic weapon with oolacile catalyst
>invade sens/anal rodeo/painted world
>ambush blues with chameleon
I like my walmart oroboro build
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I'll still always replay DeS and DS1 because I love the worlds and have fond memories of them, but I do kinda agree.
When ER first came out I had just finished Sekiro and the whiplash of going from that right back to dark souls rolling was so jarring. And then there's clones like Nioh and Lies of P that don't even feel fair comparing it to.
I have never played soulslop but then I learned than you can only coop on bosses and wasn't interested in it no more.
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I should go back and remake my old invader build
That's not true, you can play through whole levels in co-op.
The caveat is that they get sent home when you kill the area boss and you'll have to summon them again when you move on to the next area.
who asked?
Dark Souls 2 allow you to summon even after you beat the boss.
What is a good level for gravelording in remastered?
>playing the one game where Poise is an actual mechanic to build your class around and not just "I want to take 1.5 hits instead of 1.49 to not have my animations canceled no matter what weapon and armor I have on
>gets shocked when weapons built with that in mind don't seem as useful
You forgot the combos that have all but the very last move be the exact same so you have to assume it's going to catch you no matter what
Always at least 40 regardless of build unless you're happy with midrolling.
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>invade parish
>throw poop
>that's it, just poop
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Leeroy build
yeah, hard to go back to 60fps cap after P
replaying bloodborne after that dogshit DLC
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>It's why poise got nerfed in everything after ds1
Never should've happened. "Oh no, our RPG actually provides for a way for the player to feel as if their character is getting stronger and becoming an unstoppable tank? That's just not right, we have to DO something."
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Imagine DS3 ganks but with poise backstabs
I unironically love hyperarmor as a mechanic, it just needs to be less obfuscated in-game
I 100%ed it after realizing I hate elden ring almost as much as sekiro, things were simpler then.
works fine for me, granted i play on 30fps since 60 fucks up jumping.
I feel like I got my time's worth out of the game already, especially having started another playthrough since my first first playthrough save file was corrupted a year ago having made it all the way to Seath's Archive.
Biggie Smalls were pretty tough and toolk me 8 tries. Good fight, but not as hard as people memed it out to be once I figured out that you can bait Smogh to attack so you have a chance to smack Ornstein a few times. Good game. I enjoy.
I like Izalith more than Tomb of the Giants, New London Ruins, and Duke's Archives.
desu there's two trick attacks for each weapon
>killing Ornstein first
You didn't beat the boss.
I like the Lifehunt Scythe to larp as Friede
I love the demon ruins because I like to roleplay as a wayward chaos witch returning home putting my people out of their misery.
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Dark Souls was a major downgrade from Demon's Souls. If I had to play an older Souls game I would rather play the latter
Miyazaki should just fucking put the correct weapons and armor in his games, he has a massive boner for berserk anyway.
Yeah yeah "git gud" go fuck yourself and all that I used the Lightning Spear to fuck your mom.

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