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I like to keep track of how many days i've logged in
I don't know how to turn it off
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This doesn't exist. Deep down everyone wants to be social. This is cope.
Good for you
I don't like when bug me
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Theres your answer, OP. you are a boring and annoying faggot
I am 2, 5, and 7.
Why do you care? Do a few people on your friends list suddenly go invisible when tou come online or something?
>can't get game to fkn launch
>don't want to spam "[Anon] is now playing" messages to everyone
Because discord exists now. If you message people on steam you're an annoying little pest.
>add friends
>that you dont play with or talk to or even want to observe your existence
>open profile
>so random entities you want nothing to do with can post things you dont want attached to you
The specific breed of troons we call Steamtrannies are fascinating, I stopped using it in 2015 so I dont get to see it much
i play video games at work and my boss is on my friend's list
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>mfw I can still spy on you faggots
Why are you hiding though? Answer the DMs.
One guy on my friend list started constantly bugging me to play Xenoverse 2
Another kept sending me dick picks
Removed both of them, set self to invisible, only added people I actively play games with to my list ever since
I have it offline, not invisible, because I don't want to be disturbed while I play or in general.
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>Go online
>Friend DMs me
>Set myself to Invisible and close steam chat
Well damn, didn't know this had a name
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This but go offline.
I open and close the game alot when working on mods, and I know its annoying to get those popups constantly.
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I use steam to play, not to chat.
I don't have any Steam friends.
I don't have any friends period.
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im busy playing games with my bf and i dont want anyone to interrupt
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I don't want my Discord/Steam friends to know that I'm an unemployed 30-something loser. I lie to them all that I have my shit together like having a full-time job with my own place. I'm that ashamed.
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>come online to play comfy autism game after work
>one second later
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>wanting to do stuff alone is mental illness
>but wanting to castrate yourself is normal and healthy
I don't know I just go offline.
you should be way more ashamed for lying about it
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Because I have a very specific type of personallity and personal taste in things. Meaning you're probably not going to like me, which means that the probability of you not accepting my differences and mocking me for it getting me pissed the fuck off in turn are very high, with the end result being me trying to get your home address so I can kill you in real life and rot in jail for it.
So basically this is why I'm generally always in invisible mode.
Not really. it's just a white lie so they can get off my balls because i already know where the conversation is going to go. "what are you going to do with your life?" I already know. And society doesn't like NEET's so there's that. It's not like I'm lying to impress them.
So people won't get annoyed by me constantly restarting the game while testing out mods
because if you don't people will bother you while you're trying to unwind
Wrong. Extraverts can't understand introversion because they are inherently lower IQ.
you're not special
because you cunts aren't worth talking to or gaming with
I don't fucking want people to know I play video games.
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Literally my queen...
the dsm is a joke now
then why did you add them to your friends list, retard?
>+700 days and counting
It's just a personality type, man.
Why did you accepted my friend request then?
Because im installing mods and want to save you from 2 hours of constant popups while testing. Youre welcome.
to you.. >>681418181
This is a fair point, I only have 1 steam friend because I don't like talking to people aside from when I want to
I don't know why you would friend people if you didn't want to be bothered by them
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HAHA I'm just a cute girl that likes to do stuff alone HAHA look at me I'm so quirky and cute HAHA I'm such a little girl HAHA
having popups for friends playing a game is retarded. who cares?
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I haven't opened Steam in 2 weeks because some friend from high school that I haven't talked to in like 4 years randomly messaged me and now I'm too afraid to open Steam out of fear of being messaged again. Something is very wrong with me.
one guy does this yet he still sends me chats
why even go invis if you are still there, i know you are stilll online
Anyone else suck at making online friends? Sometimes I feel like I'm boring or the fears of people eventually disliking you for various reasons
You gotta realize no one cares about you until they do, so don't worry about it
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I've just turned off all notification blurbs. Because I have 'those' specific kind of autists in my friends list
>open steam, be online
>no one messages me
>boot up single player game since I figure I have the chance to do so
>suddenly, without warning, get multiple people messaging me to join a multiplayer game
Fuck off, I made my choice already
There is nothing wrong with 1,2,3,4 and 7.
Newsflash: people on the Internet you don't know in real life aren't your friends, they are just people you game with. Friends are people you know in real life
It's not a white lie, it's a regular lie. Thinking you know what people are gonna say is very foolish. I'm a 33yo neet, no one gives a shit. I quit my job and now all I do is play video games and exersice. When people ask and I say this, the most common reply is "damn that sounds nice, wish I could do that". Only one person ever asked what I wanted to do with life. My reply was "idk", which they accepted.

>I'm that ashamed.
>It's not like I'm lying to impress them.
I do I brainwash myself into not being embarrassed by my own voice? I've made a little video that required a voiceover, and I'm happy with everything about it except my stupid gay voice
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I got ghosted by 3 steam ''friends'' after playing with them for a like a week at best. After that, I kinda just accepted that I am a unsocial boring cringe loser, and I'm just permanently invisible invisible on steam. I will only play with people that I personally know for now on. And that's just the problem, I don't know anybody IRL that would play games with me.
>that clingy guy on steam who's always online and acts real awkward and cringe
What's his name?
Because lying is bad, it makes you a bad person.
Being unemployed may or may not be bad, either way it doesn't make you a bad person.
>It's not a white lie, it's a regular lie.
It's not. It's more like, don't worry about my personal life without sounding rude. If I wanted to truly lie I would be like, "yeah I'm a millionaire living off crypto". You may have never been bullied but I have numerous times for being a NEET and I do it to protect myself because I'm sad and depressed. and anyone rubbing salt in the wound hurts my feelings.

ultimately, it's more like protecting my well being. I hope you understand.
Appearing offline is a bid for power and lets just say, I do not want to lose.
>t. last offline 2 years ago
There's a reason this is catalogued as a mental illness.
spotted the extrovert
Everybody lies
That's fair, I understand.
The self-protective lie is the most common form of lies.
Midwit take
THANK YOU! Someone gets me. I mean the bullying of being a NEET not only has happened to me, but other NEEt's in my close circle of friends too. It's fucking unbearable and people telling you that you're worthless to soceity fucking hurts man.
yes we do, no one is perfect. But telling the truth is a lot easier than getting a stable job that doesn't make you wanna kill yourself
I live in a van decked out with enough battery and solar to play video games nearly all day off in the woods alone outside of cell signal. I haven't properly logged into steam in 6 months since I can't connect usually. I'm on the upgraded invisible mode.
Because I’m making and testing maps for left 4 dead 2 and tf2 and I’d rather not bother someone with constant pop ups or be bothered by people trying to watch my autistic ass meticulously place every single little detail into a map that only I and other select few autists would ever appreciate.

It’ll be out when it’s out
Found the failed normie.
True, its a natural instinct ingrained everyone. People will deny it to be quirky but in reality their body releases happy chemicals in response to being social.
Johnny boy
Are you people so passive you can't just remove someone if they are annoying you? Last guy to pull that shit on me got told to fuck off and blocked
Because I already said I was leaving to go to bed since I have reached my capacity for human interaction for the day
No I very much dislike talking to and dealing with people and would be much happier just being left alone
The real question is why do (You) care?
Super Tails. I had never seen that in Sonic 3. In 2 it was pretty weird to enable, as if it was a left out feature never implemented.
The world had changed so fast over the past generations. Things are very chaotic right now.
Society hasn't found a way to give everyone something useful to do. That doesn't mean we're useless, we just haven't found our spot.
Much love.
unfortunately you are right. maybe actual hermits that go live in a cave somewhere and never see anyone is the exception.
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/v/ - Video Games
Me having had enough of talking to you for the day does not necessarily mean I wish to cut off all contact
There's like one, maybe two people in my life who I would never get tired of being around.
So is lying
The people who get upset by this are usually:

-Queer, actually just huge faggots in the literal sense of the term
-Usually stalk those steam friend threads
-Usually mentally ill, drug addicted, possibly on troon hormones also
-Constantly message you to play games but because they’re mentally ill can’t take no for answer so they immediately meltdown or do the gay “guess you don’t wanna talk…..” passive aggressive shit
-Think having meltdowns, lying, being high maintenance, etc is a normal adult way of interacting

Anyone else doesn’t give a fuck what someone’s steam status is
This means so much to me. I crave love so much man. My mind just races because I truly love people I'm just terrified of what they will think of me.
i guess
thats why its bad
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Why’d you say it tho?
What do you mean?
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I'm in too deep now, after 700~ days I don't know how they'd react if I suddenly reappeared
I'd call myself a schizoid but I'm very empathetic. I don't care about other people but I don't like judging people since they all have their reasons. Maybe it's just a byproduct of submitting to causality
I only do it when I am playing a game I know someone will be like "can I join?" when I don't want to play with them. Would rather them just think I'm not on then tell them to fuck off.
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I used to try to be social a lot back in the day but people have gotten monumentally retarded as the years passed so I just shut a lot of people and a lot of things out.
>comparing Internet people to someone you know in real life
Zoom zoom
I don't know what all that is I just use steam to launch my games in Small Mode, I have never even made a profile since they got added.
You’d be surprised what kind of friends you can make online if you really tried. I’m sending one a birthday present later this month and he lives on the other side of the country

Finding friends like that is like trying to find a needle in a hay mountain though
I'm here to play games not for idle chat
You can't really become immune to hatred or resentment. If humanity can crucify jesus christ they can crucify anyone.
There are people today who hate Mr Beast for giving free drinking water to Africans, or giving people free houses. You can be the nicest guy on earth and someone somewhere will still find a way to dislike you for whatever reason.
I'm playing cunny games and I don't want the bros from work to know
I really needed this man. Thank you. You make a really good point.
Literally me
so don't worry about what people may think of you
>These are the people that call you an NPC
>if you do not want to speak to/fuck everyone and you do not show off your feelings at all times you are a retarded autistic schizoid mongoloid and you should grow up and take pills and maybe die while you are at it
Good shit, now i'm no longer useless for wasting 12 hours of my day on this website :-)
>0 friends
>private profile
yep it's gaming time
Okay, why are you on 4chan instead of some place where you have a username and post history?
So you stop fucking bothering me. No I dont want to talk, I just want to play videogames.
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>the same thread for the 50000000000th time
Because too many retards like to judge your post history instead of the actual forum post being posted.
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>friend either goes invisible the minute i go online or enters a server on a game we play / met on
I wish I wasnt so obnoxious somehow
It's not a coomer thread so it's fine
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>have an Xbox, zero friends outside of my brothers
>have a PC, a handful of friends I occasionally play with
>play on PC with friends
>play on Xbox when I just want to be alone
Life is literally so easy
you’re special
See these are the type I’m talking about

They literally are so self centered and mind broken they sit and see patterns in peoples online/offline status and think it’s because of them lmao
Holy fuck I really sense some darkness and hatred from this message. You know this anon has seen some fucking shit. Betrayal.
I have a lot of co-workers and personal friends added on steam. I also game quite a bit with my brother. I don't want them to see I'm playing games with him for what's sometimes most of the day.
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>pic related
What are you gonna do about it, you little bitch, huh ?
>go online
>friend spams me with 40 invites to a game i don't own
It's the easiest way to not be annoyed when I don't want to play games with people.
I'm 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7
>Can't even be alone without someone on /v/ nagging me to "be social"
This is why invisible mode exists. People need their alone time.
nooooooo OP needs to be social
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I feel this exact same way. I keep trying to convince myself that my friends appreciate me sticking around and not ghosting them like I’m sure a dozen other people have. But the problem is I’m the punching bag of the group. Nobody laughs at my jokes, nobody invites me to play anything, nobody joins VC if it’s just me there alone, sometimes people don’t even say hi back when I join VC. I’ve been in this group for about seven months so I’m hoping it’s just a newfag thing and that maybe later they’ll start to appreciate me a bit more. Until then I’ll keep being nice to them and hope they don’t one day just make a new discord without me and leave the old one for dead.
And, before you ask, no, I’m not that annoying or dramatic. If anything, I’m quiet and aloof, and even if I have a problem with somebody I’ll just suck it up and keep it to myself instead of freaking out on them like some BPDemon
this is accurate almost to a T in describing my behaviors and their underlying motivations. i still think anything after the dsm-ii is redundant bullshit, but this always surprises me when i see it.
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For whatever reason, in my experience humans like to look for any flaw that can find in you, any insecurity and naturally will exploit it even if they're "friends". I don't know why they do this but I guess it's in human nature to do so.
Invisible modes are just bipolar ghosting schizophrenia. It's feminized behavior. You want to know who's online but you don't want to show up online yourself. Why?
Real men just go offline, turn off chat, realize Steam is a piece of shit platform/cult that grew by abusing normalfag social needs with endless bloat that has nothing to do with games, back up/crack your library, uninstall it and go on to exclusively pirate or buy your games off DRM free platforms.
>Have them all except the no sex drive
hey, its been a long LONG time since i've had any friends. forgive my autism. although I am trying to improve myself somehow
Have you tried cultivating a personality? I'll take the BPDemon if he makes funny jokes or has a wealth of knowledge and can keep on yapping about random shit for hours while we play. Do you have anything to offer others?
Stellaris likes to say which empire you are playing, so I have to hide that I am conquering as The Futanari Holy Empire.
I dunno. Why not?
I did this by accident to a friend once. Quitted out of a game then checked discord and saw a friend that just barely booted up that game just as I was leaving it. Gonna have to invite him to play this weekend
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i've found my autism relief in the sims 2, i don't fackin care about steam garbage games anymore
>Friend is offline
>Invite him to play anyway, not even a single message to say hi
>He joins
I do it periodically to filter out online friends who are a little too interested in how I spend my time
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dont want people annoying me for playing a game I like
this^ anon. become verbose.
I know you’re there, Derek.
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>meet and chitchat with someone on a server
>had a fun time thought they were cool and thinking of friending them
>social autism kicks in and dont end up friending them for days
>finally get the nerves to send a friend request but its already been a week since we last saw each other and I don't want to make it seem like Ive been stalking there profile or whatever
this has happened 5 times already
Not even counting for all of the same threads with a very slightly different picture.
This. Made a good friend on this site years ago and still talk with him to this day.
>but wanting to castrate yourself is normal and healthy
What have they done now? Latest DSM I have is from 2013.
The people online most likely to become your true friends are these Chads that just join you and dont elaborate further
as a social autist i've got a question for ye, how annoying is it if most of you're interaction with a new friend are mostly just asking him questions n advice on games they're into? example is I made one thats into fightans so i've been asking him about what games to get into and tips n stuff but im worried im kind of pissing him off for doing this
Maybe. I don’t think it’s the same though. People banter with each other and poke light fun at each other’s insecurities, but they do none of that with me. Nobody ever engages me, whether it’s to ask how my day was or to bust my balls.
I appreciate your message all the same though.
I have no personality, that’s the problem I have. When people start talking to me, I just freeze up and can only communicate in basic English. I’m loyal, I ask you how your day went, and I’ll play anything you want no matter how shit it is (if you can put up with how bad I am), but that’s literally all I can offer to people
This is true, but introverts need social interaction way less than extroverts do. If only they understood that
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>Introverts: Leaves you alone, minds their own business, doesn't annoy anyone
>Extroverts: Constantly bugging people to "hang out", gets mad if someone isn't as social as them, monitors your activity constantly
Yeah I'm good.
As a social autist myself, I love talking about games I love with people, especially friends. I’m sure they don’t mind, just don’t overdo it to a point where you basically ask them to beat the game for you. Let them know you’re interested in the game and that you see them as some sort of mentor but also don’t overdo it
Kek daz fax
so at which point does your friend invite you to their circle of friends? I don't want to be left alone with just the ONE friend and be left out,I wanna be pals with them all
If your "one friend" doesn't invite you to his other friends he's really not your friend, imho.
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I don't want to play Lethal Company for the 1000th time, Roger. I want to play Little Witch Nobeta, I almost have 3000 hours in.
>just say no
Sometimes I want to play Little Witch Nobeta without having to stop midgame to tell you to fuck off.
Oh. It all makes sense now.
This. So called introvert schizo wouldn't bother with 4chan in the first play if they didn't seek social interaction.
There's much better website for a read-only experience.
>want to play Little Witch Nobeta, I almost have 3000 hours in.

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