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You wake up in Morrowind. It's fully realised and realistic to its lore. What do you do? You can go anywhere Tamriel, Morrwind is just the starting point.
morrowind doesnt have sexy flame atronachs so i go to oblivion or skyrim instead
Get the fuck out of morrowind that's for sure. You're gonna get killed by a cliff racer or stay there long enough for the place to explode.
Study magic and metaphysics the best i can. Try to hang around Divath Fyr (gotta learn how he made those daughter wives) and play around with wacky spells
get to Skyrim ASAP start a meadery and pay nord women to fart on my cock and rub their feet on my face.
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track down the famous writer and make her straight
TES is the least isekai friendly universe I can think up. An outsider /v/idya player is just gonna instantly zero-sum the moment they make the connection, what with the meta knowledge and all.
If they don't, they're gonna get eaten by the million varieties of monsters out there. Turned into an enchantment on someone's boots. Made a pile of meat in some vampire's cave, a necromancer's thrall, throat cut by the bandits that somehow outnumber civilized people...
Morrowind is probably the WORST place to be outside of the Black Marsh. You got the constant ash, the especially terrible diseases, slavery, the upcoming meteor strike, and so on.
I'd get the fuck out and see if Elsweyr's green belts inbetween the desert and the jungle are nice.
dunmer feet
Not canon.
Join the Mage's Guild and learn about magic, then befriend an Argonian and have gay sex
Isn't Vvardenfell becoming basically a lava island canon?
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>wonder why I'm a khajiit
>wonder why I'm female
>give up wondering as the skooma I just drank kicks in and become a whore
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I get arrested for feeling up the first young Dunmer woman I find. I suspect they have ashen black nipples, because they sure as fuck did in the realistic bodies mods I used to use as a teenager, but I'd like to know for sure.
Also, being in prison would make me a prime candidate for becoming an Elder Scrolls MC. In fact, I'm making it my headcanon right now that all my male characters were in prison for groping the tits of some busty Dunmer at a bar or something.
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Pray for a merciful death because tamriel is a hellscape made by a twisted schizogod who encourages strife and suffering - not to mention the innumerable fates even worse than death with all the fucked up magic and daedra meddling
The smartest play is gtfo of morrowind. I'm not a dunmer and won't be racisted against. I go to high rock and learn magic from people who look like me and if I suck at magic I go down to Anvil to live a comfy life in a kino region before I die in the next thalmor invasion.
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That's not how it works you pseud
You can't just think "reality is a dream!!" And disappear anymore than you can in real life.
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sniff the ass of the first female khajiit i see.
Knowing and thinking are different in this context. It's the knowing that erases.
In real life, I don't have empirical proof that I do not belong in this reality.
The alien fabrics I wear, micro-plastics in the blood, a race that's not Breton, Imperial, Redguard, or any admixture of.

There's no part of you that would belong. Hell, that might be enough for the Dreamer to go 'what the fuck is this immersion breaking bullshit' at and stir.
You really don't get it
>TES is the least isekai friendly universe I can think up
warhammer is probably worse
Sell my service to Dunmer slavers like the Nord merc I am.
I will spend my coin on Shein and Dunmer whores.

>Have you seen any Elves??? HAHAHAHA!
You like to dance close to the fire, eh? What services though? You've never swung weapon in your life, you'd be just another skilless sellsword. I'd do the same but you can't imagine much wealth out of it. Enough to buy a whore every now and then before bandits kill you
I accept my fate, I will live life to its fullest in foreign lands.
I might be unskilled, but my honor is true!
I’ve seen that lizard character vore and digest that cat character
I will marry my special friend in Pelagia and we will consummate our love
I head immediately to Gnisis, stock up on netch leather and bloat, and turn myself into a big-brained god. Along the way I sell off a few extra potions to cover expenses for fortifying my health, magicka, and stamina, paying for training, and make myself into an all-powerful wizard before the month is over. Then I find a nice mushroom to live in or something, and hope no one ever comes to bother me. Probably leave at some point and move to Cyrodiil if I can though. If this is post Red Year though, I'm fucked anyway so it doesn't matter what I do.
Nah i have a strong sense of self and narcissism, id instantly achieve CHIM and create waifus to fuck
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Nah, Tamriel is friendly, just try to be around city centers. The bandit numbers thing is also just a gameplay thing. I will agree it's like Witcher where if you just wander around you're gonna get eaten.
>TES is the least isekai friendly universe
Everything in TES can be defeated by running backwards. I guess this would be bad for the anon who haven't had any form of physical exercise in their life, but running backwards and scaling up verticle spaces means you can chip away at the in-world demigods and take their stuff.
Get me a Telvani wife with big hips.
An outsider wouldn't suffer a castastophic loss of self from self-discovery of the concept of CHIM. Even less so if they had knowledge of TES going in. You act like the games have a crises of consciousness when you add in Sepheroth with anime titties which frankly is just silly.

TES is probably the most friendly to the concept of isekai since it's happened numerous times in the games. People appearing from nothing, coming from other realms or times, shit is common in elder scrolls.
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I steal the Heart and achieve godhood
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You got to remember that in a realised Tamriel the cities would be like actual city sizes and there would be more civilisation. In the games it feels like the world is 90% bandits because it's a game and you need shit to fight

When you hear this question, don't think of it like you've gone into the game world, more like the real world has been altered to be Elder Scrolls themed. So somewhere like The Imperial Capital would be more like Medieval London or Ancient Rome. So you could live your whole life in city walls if you had work. It's no longer a game with game mechanics, and everyone has human level cognition like you. They're no more NPC than you are
ill speedrun skooma addiction and then death not in that order
I saw a mudcrab the other day. Goodbye!
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Well, considering I still remember im in a video game and have already achieved chim to some degree im going to become the sickest wizard of all time and install porn mods with my wizard brain
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nargothrond looked pretty dope, huh?
It's fully realised bro>>681425503
Anon you and I both know you lack the wisdom and strength of will to avoid being zero summed.
>Doesnt want to be a daedra
No commitment with this fucking guy
He doesn't even stay Latios fat
Stay dead
Good headcanon im using this too from now on
>They're no more NPC than you are
So its not like real life?
Yes. Author basically scorched earth-ed Morrowind so future bethesda wont fuck it up.
>Not creating genderbend clones of yourself to fuck and take care of all your needs
Its on you anon
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I would instantly fuck dumner women while high on skooma
Steal The Sword of White Woe from the guard tower in Balmora, buy myself an Argonian sex slave and move somewhere more stable like uuuhhh I dunno gotta look into that one.
mods are gangstalking me
Look up Divayth Fyr and start training my wizard powers
I've already been isekai'd so I'm the chosen one by default.

Suck the biggest orc dick you can, n'wah Im installing porn mods with my wizard brain
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Book it to Vivec and then swim off to become drinking buddies with the talking mudcrab as my in with the greater mudcrab civilization (the real economic rulers of Tamriel)
Playing the Elden Ring DLC only marginally scratched my itch for exploring an exotic fantasy setting. My heart aches for Morrowind every day.
For me it's metagaming, getting a comfy wizard mushroom or Redoran mansion and using alteration magic on my cock
Where you gonna get the mods from if you're in the world, retard?
In a lore hermit. I've done too much reading into CHIM and the Psijic endeavor to not fucking Zero-Sum myself. Maybe if I avoid it by framing it as an illusion, I'd live as a sellsword. I'd probably rape a lot of female bandits.
From the nexus , idiot.
>t. chimlet
>using alteration magic on my cock
W-what are you going to alter it into?
join the mages guild to get more powerful safely, then join warriors/mercenaries to get even more powerful and earn fat stacks of gold
If you get sent in the game might as well just open console. Like hell anons would achieve anything in real life Morrowind.
go to the local Mage's guild. Steal some bitch's Grand Soul Gem and use it to make a money printer amulet of soultrapping
If you're on Vvardenfell all you have to do is find the lost Ebony mine close to Balmora and loot it, then sell it to the Khajiit in the Balmore Mage's Guild after doing her quests so you have 100 disposition with her
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Assuming the game mechanics worked the same, you wouldn't even need the console. You could easily abuse alchemy to give yourself godlike strength, speed, and near invulnerability. Then you could just fly across the map collecting all the statically placed OP enchanted loot and use your fat alchemy stacks to pay for master level trainers. That's not even accounting for the borderline exploit speedrunning strats.
give all the dark elf sloots my big nord cock

With chim, you can go anywhere...
This except my cock is small
idk maybe a more luxurious cock
Fuck this shit, achieve CHIM and kick the godhead's ass. Lucid dreaming time, bitch.
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Basically pic related
same but argonian and male submissive
>AI slop content
You're brown
When I get into the game with my going into games machine I activate chim and fuck this guy's ass
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Get into alchemy. Vendors have unlimited stock of relevant materials and will buy what you produce for more than you paid for the materials. Fortify Intelligence potions let you make stronger potions and this stacks exponentially.
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Stupid goddess.
>What do you do?

Steal Dunmer girls from Dunmer men.
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Why did she do it?
I live a quiet, immortal life as a humble farmer, herbalist, apothecary, alchemist, warrior-poet mage, and scholar with my equally immortal dunmer wife.
I getting on the next ship to Solstheim to get eaten by werewolves.
find dunmer wife
>daedric cock
Honestly sounds like something dunmer girls would worship.
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Find Azura and cum all over her feet!
MY based daedric princess calling out s'wits wherever they are.
Why did she curse all the of Dunmer to look like her (shit) when it was the Tribunal who killed her husbando and they would be the only ones who could stop it from happening to them?
>being stuck in hypnogogue dream nightmare of love for evil
You might as well kill yourself.
Sotha Stil was a fucking geek and made her expand being ash skinned to all the Chimmer
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I'd rather wake up in this version.
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Sotha CHAD dabbing on retarded daedra, as usual.
Ash ghoul-chan...
This does raise a good philosophical, ontological question: if (You) were isekai'd into the TES world would you zero-sum or achieve CHIM instantly? We, as beings originating outside of the dream of the Godhead, are not a part of it.
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~Luhn-silvar, hortator,
Azura'm gah'amer,
Panthi-seht, sharmat-dra,
gahjuli Nerevar.

Luhn-silvar, hortator,
Azura'm gah'amer,
Panthi-seht, sharmat-dra,
ouabihn biridar.

Osuhn almese sut ohm
yalif sul devahr,
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What's her problem?
As soon as they revealed they were going to include quest markers I was immediately turned off of Skywind.
Assuming it's a real-scale world, not the video game interpretations and functions, I think I'd be worse off than the rando prisoner fresh off the prison boat. I have no know-how on working magicka and would only have a vague recollection of where landmarks and cities would be based on game depictions. Might just scavenge anything not bolted down to sell to a pawnshop then use that gold to book passage at a silt strider dock to go volunteer into the Legion. Mostly to get some initial combat training, a paying job, food and water, and a place to safely sleep, preferably at a fort near Ebonheart far away from the Ashlands.
Overall goal being to survive Vvardenfell's Blight and the incoming Oblivion Crisis.
I dunno, work as a clerk in a clothing store or something? I'd be lucky to not end up in a kwama mine.
>all these absolute faggots saying "hurr durr i would be le GOD XDDDD rawr :3"
Sure thing buddy.
What's with Azura posting?
Aedra forever on her period.
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Only memorable part
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Be hassled by Cliff Racers
Who can say?
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Bro, your amulet of admonition?
What kind of monkey drink is that with a fucking prawn on the side of it?
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Why is Azura so based?
It's prawn juice. You put it in drinks, cocktails and such.
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Because she's a fucking loser and her only "friends" think she's stupid.
She's just like me...
You fucking liar, it's apparently made with sugarcane. There's no prawns in it at all.
The real prawns were the friends we made on the way
>ebony mail
god damn it
Sounds like you've been prawnked, boy!
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Redditpombo is the worst thing that's ever happened to the TES fanbase
Fuck off back to Discord and actually kill yourselves
I'll travel to Vivec city and work some menial job probably. Maybe Ill join the legion if I cant make it. I dont think there is any active conflicts going on at this time. Since I am not evolved from the aedra I probably cant learn magic sadly.

I'll probably check out if any of the daedric gods have any interest in someone from a different world. Maybe they could use me for something for a reward.

Gerting to the imperial city might be the best bet for a complete outsider, but might be a dangerous journey. Perhaps one could save up the money to be mage guild teleported to Cyrodiil. Should be possible.
>worst thing that's ever happened to the TES fanbase
>not c0da
You'd all be literal n'wahs!
go make a deal with dibella to turn me into a mindless whore

I'll then worry about the consequences of my actions and study magic
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Realistically speaking, what would you do in this situation?
More memorable than Dagoth?
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Now that's just rude.
Let me guess: Shyguy9?
Posts like this are why I still come here.
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So that's who the Godhead is.
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I got this stylish hat
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Propaganda operates on facts.
I like those facts!
If you were inserted from outside the dream, why would you zero-sum? You'd just be lucid dreaming.
The post number is SOOO small.
You won't zero-sum, no.
You'll be "studied" by Mora, or simply won't be allowed by Anu.
By being isekai'd in, I am part of the godhead's dream now and have retained myself. Therefore, yes, I have achieved chim
Do my best to study restorative magic and then settle down with whichever elf, khajit, orc or argonian responds well to me first.
going to need to be more specific RE: starting location, but I'd try to make it to a temple and beg for alms or whatever.
Zero sum and Chim are just Kirkbride's head canon is not actually real canon in the games
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>ESL in 3 words
He's a brown monkey creature, please excuse his poor English.
Why exactly does Azura act like a hip alt gal? Godhead forgot his meds?
what is no nut suns dusk?
Don't play ESO because they directly explain chim to the player numerous times , as bluntly and unimmersively as possible. Fitting for an MMO desu
ESO isn't canon.
what year?
no nut november
start a saltrice farm with a nice little shack and plow my lithe 14 yo dunmer wife during the night on top of a guarskin rug.
ohhh of course

She's right though it's one thing giving up porn for a month, but not ejaculating silly
Start fishing.
Narcissism is basically being devoid of real ego though
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Another lovely day in Morrowind, where all races get along.
Anyone that understands the lore wouldn't zero sum.
The process likely wouldn't even apply to you. It applies to people within the universe because they are not real, a figment of the dream of the Godhead. But if you are isekai'd in, you know and are real, you're just in a universe you're not supposed to be in. Either CHIM and Amaranth wouldn't apply to you, or you would instantly achieve it due to being the other other being in the universe that is existent and disconnected from the Godhead.

If I didn't instant CHIM, I would likely be at extreme risk of influence by Sheogorath due to my already troublesome intrusive thoughts.
So I would either try to tie myself to Shor and then pick a fight and die to escape his influence, or just wait it out and see how things go. No Sheo, then I'm just buying Mer pussy in an Imperial brothel down in Cyrodiil.
The red guard are literally from outside reality and time.
Why is her spear so large though
immediately kill myself and reroll for a better game to wake up in
>female fargoth
looks familiar....
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gonna play through Morrowind and Oblivion for the first time, any mods/fixes that are absolutely crucial or any before hand knowledge I absolutely need going in?
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You’d have to drink dozens, possibly hundreds of potions in one sitting. Game mechanics obscure this, but most people would get sick attempting this. At most I think you could get through a dozen or so before you start feeling nauseous.
In Morrowind, remember to you need a high weapon skill and full Fatigue to hit anything.
Fatigue affects everything in that game
>be breton
>good at magic but im not that smart
fuck i guess ill be a necromancer and take a one way trip to skyrim cuz fuck morrowind its probably hot and humid there.
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Bosmer are the nigger of Tamriel
Yes they are think about it
Basically any annoying or bad characters in the games are Bosmer
ayy lmao
From a different kalpa though, no ? So still from that (super ?)"universe" just a previous or parallel iteration. Weren't they also "mer-likes" in a their original reality
>blacks aren't human
>Semitic religion worshippers want to destroy the world
How did Todd get away with this
lmao, thats great
why do I find this pic so ungodly sensual over like other things
All men and mer share common ancestor, no?
Filthy Khajit! GTFO my lands
I've been told builds early are very important. Also that enchanting and alchemy are just as broken as skyrim, but a little less functional
>Khajit believe Azura made them by hand and they are her favorite creations
>Azura does infinitely more the help the Dunmer and allows them to enslave the Khajit and does nothing to stop it

>help the Dunmer
With help like that...
Alchemy and enchanting are literally children's toys in Skyrim. Morrowind alchemy and enchanting is where gods are created.
Hell yeah.
The moment you isekai'd into TES, you'd be immediately spat out. Your very conscience of being is beyond the scope of the universe. It's one of the few IPs where it isn't actually isekai friendly.
Hey she helped stop Fagoth Ur which was a threat to all of Tamriel. Red Mountain is the result of Vivec's hubris in not simply teleporting the meteor away (another reason to kill him).
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>even stronger than infinite in one stat
Elaborate right now, that sounds insane
Expanding on this; are there any actual single already installed modpacks with the game?
I dont wanna go through 5 hours of downloading and installing, trial and error of fucking 120 mods
People have said it better themselves, but wouldn't a person who was isekai'd to TES be literally immune to zero sum? Zero summming is basically going 'Oh shit, I'm just a dream figment', while achieving CHIM is realizing you're in a dream but still estabilishing yourself as an separate being, keeping your sense of self.

Since we were created on an different reality outside of the dream, we would already know we are a true being and not a figment. Thus, we'd achieve instant CHIM.
I don't know if there's any already installed modpacks, but if you're using OpenMW there's some recommeded mod lists
Or you’d be forcibly booted out of reality in the same way the Dwemer noped out of existence entirely.
Well i mean maybe, but
>Get kicked in
>Get kicked out
Seems very, very boring.
Just don’t make any waves, and you’ll be fine. Make too many and you might wake up the Godhead because of your shenanigans.
That's not what happened to the Dwemer.
They struck a tone that bound them to the Numidium. The Tonal Architect believed he was ascending them, but he was just binding them. Arneil Gane repeats the process, and with lesser tools, copies it, accidentally binding himself to the divine dragon soul of the Dragonborn.
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>You can't just think "reality is a dream!!" And disappear anymore than you can in real life
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d****r deserve it tho.
What kind of retard would *want* to get involved in the clusterfuck of divine shenanigans of the TES universe when they can just fuck off to a comfy province of the empire with an argonian wife literally hand-made by the hist for me?
bethdrone opinion
btw what era am i waking up in?
Time to find out which one is better, smoking snorting or drinking Skooma.
join the blackhorse courier and hand out newspapers, talk shit to the thalmor then get imprisoned, raped and killed
Probably during the events of Morrowind, so necromancy wouldn't be outlawed in the Empire yet
awesome. time to chill in a direnni castle then.
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>implying I won't just mantle my PC: Lord Bitchfister XVII and become the end boss of the universe when I rape alduin outside of time and space after I creep hermaeus mora out of his realm
shit would be pretty cash actually
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>she helped stop Fagoth Ur which was a threat to all of Tamriel
no she didn't, Fargoth got away with everything
Necromancy was outlawed in the late third era. It's only by the time of Skyrim that they relax the laws around it a bit since one of the Mages Guild offshoots is fine with It.
Stupid god! You make me look bad!
philiphopical necromancy isnt outlawed in the empire. i can raise corpses anytime i want as long as they are criminals.
Didn't some NPCs in Morrowind say that necromancy say that necromancy was legal in larger parts of the Empire, but illegal in Morrowind?
Or do I misremember something
kill yourself
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I thought there was a dispensation for the tombs, that or they just ignore it
Using your ancestors to guard tombs is all fair game, but anything else is probably illegal in Morrowind
it was legal at TES III time, but in TES IV the mages guild outlawed it because Arch-Mage Traven got the ick
I go to Tel Mora and try to become the only male resident
I start collecting as much ash yams, bloat, and netch leather as I can.
I will now eat the bugs.
That's not how it works
Why wouldn't it? The moment you go to TES, you're going to literally know by fact that
1. This is a dream
2. You are a real person who got transported into a dream
Ergo, CHIM
Most of Morrowind seems to be cold and temperate, being right next to Skyrim, it would only be hot around lava and shit, the only exception would be the jungles along the border with Black Marsh
>be necromancer
>slap some bear bones unto a human spine and skull
>slap abunch of iron plates unto it
what is stoping me from killing an entire town?
4th era Morrowind sucks ass.
>Learn healing magic
>Never get sick again, maybe
>Probably isn't enough
>Sell out to Hermaeus Mora for a copy of "how2heal 4dummies".
Huge bandit population is due to the crisis happening in each game and technical limitations. A gameplay feature. Not lore accurate.
It's not very well explained but surely in TES not every retard can learn spells? Like you have to study and such, or have innate talent. Else why doesn't every bandit throw fireballs at you?
And why don't everyone just learn some restoration magic? Even as a sword and board fighter it doesn't hurt to learn how to heal yourself
You need to be intelligent and have talent yes. Magic is literally just the STEM of TES, it's even mentioned in Morrowind that you somehow need to do calculations to cast or create spells, it's not something the average retard can do
explain retarded orcs being wizards
you would be amazed by the scope of variety of people that are anons
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Because you need to be a special kind of ultrabottom to learn support magic when fireballs are option.
Yeah, I assume it is hard as fuck to learn, like trying to learn a foreign language but significantly more tedious. It's still worth trying. You could make a decent living as a healer I imagine.
TES Orcs are just as intelligent as other races, that's literally their entire gimmick, they're arguably less retarded than Nords and Redguards, since only the males had a reduced intelligent stat in Morrowind and Oblivion while Nords and Redguards of both sexes were dumb.

So in conclusion, male orcs are about as likely to be wizards as Nords and Redguards (of which there are examples of), whilst the females are about on the same tier as Imperials, Khajiit and male Argonians.
First I try to make some fat stacks, then I pay a cute dunmer girl to let me deepthroat her ears.
After getting over my initial pointy ear lust that I start abusing my meta-knowledge of how the world works and what it actually is to get some significant but ultimately modest degree of wealth, so that I can hire several cute dunmer girls to provide me regular earjobs (while calling me a filthy n'wah and scowling at me) and long-lived progeny while I ascend into lower nobility.
I would teach those long-lived progeny all meta-knowledge I have of the world and make them write it all down, repeatedly, over and over again, and have them seek to ascend into the high nobility and maybe in a few generations become demi-gods or just straight-up gods.
Even if I passed onto them 5% of player knowledge, they would still be the most knowledgeable beings in existence.
>Magic is literally just the STEM of TES
it cant be that hard.....
You are so fucking reductive and stupid. Clueless .
I bet you read wiki articles and watch lore essays.
How many here would try to romance a khajiit woman?
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Find the nearest town and crouch then walk into a wall near a crowd for several hours until I can openly steal from anyone, and then break into every guild stealing anything not bolted down and become a God
What about those two absolutely brain dead orcs in/by caldera who have you pass notes back and forth between them, and the guy outside rewards you with a ‘rock’ that’s actually a diamond.
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Yeah let me know when you see an Orc wizard bro
Yeah TES orcs are technically elves. It's one of the standard fantasy conventions the series defies. They lean towards martial skills because of their culture but they're not stupid and they're not unskilled in magic.
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Literally one of the first main quests in Morrowind is doing some errands for a female Orc wizard who's characterized as a wise and skilled necromancer
I would try and romance an argonian man, but good luck to the anons going for a pretty kitty
If you were actually going to use your meta knowledge why go through all that instead of becoming a god directly yourself?
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Mage's Guild member
I tried to be somewhat realistic about the fact that I am a huge fucking coomer and would just end up pleasuring myself with dunmer women if given some semblance of power and wealth
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I think my favourite part about being in a fantasy world is that almost all the women would be quite hairy down there. There's no jewish pedo shaving culture so all women would rock a nice beautiful bush. What races would have the biggest bushes do you think? I think Nords would be up there. There are also khajiits
No they all use magic to shave
Even the Khajiit?
>English as First Language
>marks half the commonwealth
Even the places that do have English as their first language, they do not speak the King's English, let alone American English.
pubic hair is only present in humans
furred animals tend to be less hairy near their crotches
any kind of beast race would have zero or even negative bush
Even the women?
Well yeah ok not them, but who wants to have sex with a cat?
Pubes growing on top of fur wouldn't make much sense, but then again they somehow have regular head hair and facial hair on top of the fur already. Unless the realism twist is that its an extension of the fur.
my dog says otherwise
>He wouldn't fuck a cat
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How many people could actually resist the urge to use the Scrolls Of Icarian Flight?
>It's one of the standard fantasy conventions the series defies.
Tolkien Orcs were elves too. Probably no Orcs before him ever existed.
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>You wake up in Morrowind
No, people saying this are logical.
But the most likely outcome is that either nothing happens or something bad happens.

The fact that you actually are a true existent being, that exists apart from the Godhead, would have to have some kind of profound effect, because you would be ONLY being like it in the universe, because any other being that became separate from the Godhead truly achieved Amaranth and self-actualized outside of the dream. It most likely would shock the Godhead awake for you to interact with anything in the dream.
Tolkien Orcs were maybe elves too. He had a lot of trouble with that later on, he really wanted them to have been humans but he struggled to work it out
>use scroll of icarian flight
>cast almsivi intervention before impact
do i die?
>he really wanted them to have been humans but he struggled to work it out
Those are the urukhai saruman created, they're referred to as half man/half orc.
>mfw lorelets are pretending 80% of Orcs don't live in hostile primitive tribes and were considered a beast race for much of their existence. A couple of Orcs working in libraries and shamans doesn't mean they aren't the brainlet savage race
Not even talking about the strong holds. Most orcs live like Goblins, living in raider tribes and basically being bandits
If they wanna live in mudhuts, let them live in mudhuts.
You would not be like it, nor would you possess power over it, because you're just a mortal human.
Entities in its dream aren't actually non-entities, and there already were entities outside. They don't Amaranth or anything — its dream is just that, a dream.
You being an invader means you likely cannot actually reach CHIM because you're not it, whereas chimneys are just losing themselves in a fashion, exploiting intrinsic connection.
A tragedy is what caused the godhead to hide in a star, which is either an allegory for a psy-op, or an actual entity retreating it.
It's all a psy-op.
No, since the PGE1 it has been said that the archetypical Orc lives in mountain strongholds, tending to shaggy centipede beasts as livestock. Even in Daggerfall, it was said that Orcs were secretly just as civilized as everybody else, their culture just encourages some of them to go around raiding other races, which is the reason why you find some orc warbands in Skyrim and Morrowind, they're not "primitive tribes", just stronghold Orcs who are out raiding. And them being considered beast races had nothing to do with how civilized they were either, it's literally just a result of the fact that them being elves isn't common knowledge in-universe.
That dude looks like Eggsy from Kingsman lmao
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The eternal question
It has the same limit of infinity in any stat, but there's simply more stats to manipulate, and enchantment/alchemical effects you can apply for various shenanigans
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Bethesda did not feel like making custom flat torso sprites/models in Daggerfall, Oblivion and Skyrim, that's It. They actually lack tits entirely in Morrowind, the one game in which beast races had a bit more effort put into them.
Ok, but what will come out of them if I suck on them?
Nothing, you won't even have anything to suck on as Argonians canonically have no nipples at all as of ESO, thus making their breast-like growths even more mysterious
Either nothing or Hist sap.
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Yellow waifu!
ESO has nudity?
But how are you lucid dreaming if you are awake and a separate entity beyond the Godhead inside of its own dream?
only for females
Yes if you are using female model, male one has to keep undies on no matter what.
First thing I do is find some way of earning money, I'll need money to survive or to travel.
Second thing I do is find out what era it is, this is really important in terms of what continent would be safest/best to live in (since that tends to change over time).
Next, as soon as I can afford it I am leaving Morrowind, what continent is safest will depend on the era but it sure as fuck isn't Morrowind in any era.
Finally, I would try my hardest to learn magic and alchemy to defend myself and make money in the long term.
How many eras would it take until Tamriel catches up to the modern day in terms of technological advances
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>prioritizing survival over locating blue demon-goddess and jizzing all over her blue feet.
I need to find food, clean drinking water, and shelter. Maybe I'll be lucky to find someone non-hostile that'll help. I don't know if roads are safer than the wilderness because of bandits.
Never because they don't have right kinds of rocks to make microchips, and would thus be permanently stuck to vacuum tube era (dw*mer) at best.
How about innovative magic instead of tech.
dwemer ruins have ac
In the library in the Winterhold Mages College. There’s also one in the Mages Guild in Oblivion. They’re rare, but they happen.
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What makes Azura so special?
I...I guess not?
is this fanart of
>>681446290 ?
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She's a strong independent black woman
my good friend Ahnassi’s place
I kill that cliff racer and tickle that Dunmer until she pees herself
Then I wander into the nearest cave and die because I have a 3% chance for my fist to hit enemies instead of phasing through them
You don't appear to understand vacuum tube potential, it seems.
Also dwemer were more advanced than us in a fashion.
>intervention kills the local instance of player and loads identical one to new location
In meta sense yes, but in-universe it's debatable since we don't know how teleportation is "supposed" to work
They have magic, it has let the TES world be technologically stagnate for four thousand years so far and it will be stuck at the medieval sword swinging age for thousands of years still. Even the Dwemer magic—their version of it being tonal architecture—in their steam powered tech.
It's Shikki from Ijiranaide Nagatoro San as an orc
I probably get enslaved and then killed for fucking my master's daughter.
Magic doesn't stagnate technology, it would enhance its development.
Technological stagnation is just a byproduct of, well, not necessarily bad writing, but thoughtless writing. It's not necessarily bad to want a specific aesthetic for your fantasy universe anyway, or every fantasy setting would just be Star Wars.
Children in TES are always the race of their mother right? Does that mean I can breed ridiculous amounts of snow elven women to bring their population back?
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What is this expression trying to convey?
No, it's a product of stagnation. That's about it.
Bad writing only applies where it applies.
One is not obligated to progress or regress.
do they have the printing press?
Damn that's based
For the most part, but they will sometimes have mutted properties.
It wouldn't be enough to breed them yourself. You would need to have Gelebor impregnate your daughters. Doing it with an Altmer would just yellow them. Same-species mixes are much more mutty than cross-species mixes.
Who needs printing press when you can have mating press
>"Before we went into the Planes of Oblivion, the Flame Atronarch let all the Daedra know that we are just here for sex"
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What did she mean by this?
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>Achieve CHIM instantly, as I am a being from the outside completely aware of this world's fictitious nature, thus transforming into the Nameless God, the outsider from the plane of /v/.
>Delete Aldmeri Dominion in the future with a thought and subject all those disfigured faggots to a thousand years of suffering.
>Get myself a humble farm and spend my life creating the most exquisite of cabbages and sweet rolls.
>Occasionally travel through the continent to find fun shit to do, bless or troll mortals, fuck with Daedra Princes. Transform Azura into Redditpombo version and marry her.
>Make more cabbages.
That's how it'd go, honestly.
Technological progress is not linear or teleological, it’s culturally contingent. there is no “ladder of development” with predetermined steps.
Tamriel would never develop “modern technology”
You get to be a Prisoner.
>You see the walls of the prison that is reality, and can see outside of that prison
>Knowing the walls exist means you can find the door, and you can willingly leave or enter as you please
You get to do and be whatever you want, with fate and destiny being quest markers rather than mandatory paths.
It's the best position to be in from a metaphysical standpoint, but "can become strong" doesn't mean "starts strong" and you're still starting as a basic-ass human.
No CHIM, either, since you're not part of the Dream.
I don't think so. The Black Horse Courier office doesn't even have one, and things have only declined since the oblivion crisis. It can't be too hard to replicate its effects with enchantments though, they've got to have some way of keeping up with mass pamphlet distribution.
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I think a better question is how many eras will it take for other races to catch up to the dwemer's collective autism in engineering and enchantments. They're still trying to study and figure out these ancient factories and their automated custodians that still persist through the many centuries.
>replicate its effects with enchantments though
wouldnt even need magic, its just a bunch of metal that presses ink dipped letters to form words on paper
So you're just changing the rules because you don't like how people who actually know the lore answered, got it.
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>You get to do and be whatever you want, with fate and destiny being quest markers rather than mandatory paths.
Within limits. All prisoners are prisoners.
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She just is
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Doom-driven heroes break all limits of their respective journeys, so it'd be safe to assume that you can become a powerful figure with potential to go overboard.
I'm useless neet who didn't achieve anything in life. I would just die there or become a slave.
At least give me some buff.
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Sure, but it's the sort of thing that could plausibly already exist for mass-producing magic scrolls, so then some enterprising group of "journalists"(a new concept?) could re-apply the tech to informing the populace. Why re-invent the magical wheel?
>didn't achieve anything in life
Woah, there's ghosts posting on /v/ now? Man, this place can't get any crazier
What was his fucking problem?
Just for you, you get to pick a starting class and get trained in your major and minor skills.
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But not the limits of being heroes stuck doing it.
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Looks like that doctor Strange thingy.
Hermaeus mora would instantly push the elf and the cliff racer that was mid dropping down to attack to inquire me about who the fukc am i and what the fuck I am doing here. then I would probably get sent to the gay baby lore jail for trying to chim in front of him.
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Futas with cocks so cartoonishly large that they have no choice but to bottom are the best.
immediately run to whiterun and find ayla the huntress and piss her off to the point she tries to kill me, then hatefuck her into oblivion as retaliation. or get killed by her which is fine either way. maybe she'll sit on my face at some point, or smother me with her tits.
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>Morrowind thread with Azura simping
Ah finally, I can post this.

Who is the knight meant to be?
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Best girl!
But why?
likely didn't know how to draw proper horsecock and didn't want to look up reference.
>* didn't want to show that knew how to draw horsecock to hide power level
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I can fix her
>paying for drawn smut
Laugh at this nigger.
Try the food.
>AI sar, use the AI sar, very good vagene draw bastards dead soon!
no, Tolkien literally were in the process of rewriting orcs to be former humans before his death. Christopher had no choice but to include the elvish origin in the Silmarillion because it was the most complete version Tolkien had left behind.
Nah I'd win
She's into it?
Technically all daedra can do that...
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>Oh no!
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>nobody posted the second part
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>Azura is upsetti
Quick, how do you calm her down?

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>faggot is spamming his shitty art again
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Buy an ad
I posted a link to your patreon shit on a piracy site, are you dense?
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This guys art sucks. Who'd ever pay for it?
Pure unfiltered kino
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It's likely she usually makes hers a lot more reasonably sized

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Why is she like this?
Same reason people pay for Baalbuddie's, the memes.
I join the fighters guilde/thieves guild because i dont remember which one gives the quest to kill the female orc smuggler living in Balmora and claim her house as my own and live there
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Oh yeah, that's it....
That's the fighters guild
i fucko the gattos
shrimple as
I join the fighters guild and do what I said.
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Boe a cute!
I don't remember Azura having this kind of personality in the games
Any universe where your immortal souls has no real protection against demons and the like is horrifying, even death is no escape
Are item locations in the same place? If so, I could safely and easily become incredibly wealthy, move to the mainland and start a plantation or some shit.
Vile art
Its a shame no one else draws as much dumner art.
>rush to caldera and buy the stupidly cheap but strong starter items like a free fire and thunder spell ring, and one or two soulgems
>dont be retarded and immediately try to soulgem fucking ghosts
>buy soul trap from the mage's guild, go to ebonhart and soul trap and kill bvll netches with the fireball rings
>sell soul gems and repeat
>take a oneway trip to imperial lands cuz fuck this cesspit
>buy a comfy house in a city and buy a bed warmer
>spend days enjoying life and eating fresh meat stew
its that easy
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Worship blue feet!
I'm not a footfag, but....
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Looks cute though.
You're a footfag
i need to figure out wtf sujamma, shein, flin and cirodillic brandy taste like
Beer, beer, beer, brandy (beer).
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>sujamma, shein, flin

>cirodillic brandy
normal brandy
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>dat Boe
this should not be making me this horny
>redditbuddy's retarded south american cousin
so /v/ what classic IP are we going to pornify next for twitter likes and patreonbux?
When will that crazy godhead wake up already?
Nirn deserves better.
>can take any form she likes
>is still flat
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what a fucking loser
When was the last time you checked its mods? It's been a go-to porn game for years!
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TES is not one game, do you even know what this thread is about?
But there was lewd content for 3, 4, Skyrim, I'm reasonably sure even 2 had some mod somewhere, there were and perhaps still are porn threads for Oblivion and Skyrim, there's a russian TES board with porn threads, a dead booru, and fucking loverslab with futa and pregnancy mods.
You also have a literal pantheon dedicated towards hedonism, misery and other things.
It's been pornified since the start.
>do you even know what this thread is about?
Look at the OP and make the connection you autistic cunt
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>What do you do?

Find me some dommy mommies to worship
daedra are so bad that being an atheist is actually the best choice
>Grope tits in the Imperial city
>Gets Thrown in jail
>They take you from the Imperial city prison
>First by carriage and then by boat
>to the east
>to fucking Morrowind
safe horny memes aside who the fuck are the two on the right supposed to be anyway ?
Boethia and Mephala, obviously
Herm deceiver and Namira.
Brrr, Mephala, that one got it right. Always mix em up. I hate daedra too much.
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Walt Jr is already in Morrowind
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I'm sure they hate you too.
either way, bratty women, need rape correction
Bratty is underselling it, and women is stretching it.
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Would you date a gamer?
This franchise has been taken over by shitty spic memes
And that's a good thing. You want to go down the Fallout path? You'll have troons and indians in your threads instead.
Nonsense. It's too big. Once the new game comes back, it'll be bigger!
One may hope, at least.
Surely you joke? I thought those are just baits.
You've been salty all thread faggot, leave
I don't joke and don't call me Shirley
>Become apap asap
>Harem get
>Settle down in some abandoned watch tower or fortress
>build pure mage
>going ok, spells fail a lot though
>get murdered by a redguard in a cave
>build a blade user with light armor and restoration
>kill redguard easily
>get 1 hit bonked by a breton(?) using a hammer in a different cave
Sure thing, Frank.
does anyone have that one pic of the dunmer girl in 4th era having fantasies of marrying the emperor crying in bed
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Bros, what went wrong?
The Chimer fucked up, they killed her champion and turned to the worship of false gods-it was punishment
What about gamer daughter?
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>some daedra and aedra are actually delusional and simply don't comprehend good
Now that you post this pic, that's a horrifying theory to contemplate.
No it wouldn't bitch
The godhead is a literal god, it's dream manifests as a physical reality, you can barely even call it a dream, it's termed as such only for shorthand convenience
Simply thinking 'woah man I'm in a dream' wouldn't do anything more than thinking 'woah man I'm in a simulation or something " would IRL
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Try some of the local cuisine
hey lorefags, tell me of good TES isekai fanfics. im bored and wanna read something
>I'm sorry it's the cliff racers there's just so many, I can actually hear one right now
The Godhead isn't a literal god. The Godhead is the sleeper. The Godhead is the dreamer. The dream is the universe in which the setting takes place. The dream is governed by laws which dictate how things work. Gross, and particularly blunt, violations of those laws result in the dream itself being compromised.
That said, if an outside entity were to act with reckless disregard or with the intent to disrupt the dream while engaging in a direct act of what could be called oneiromancy, the consequences could potentially be dire. Because if you are slipping through a hole into the dreaming mind of another, you are subject to all the rules on the table. Absent some countermeasure or protocol to establish yourself in a position superior to the order, you could easily be rendered a drooling imbecile or simply nonexistent by the backlash of your attempt at sewing discord.
Really, thinking about this gives me appreciation for the daedra. Because if you were to place yourself within a universe, anchoring yourself with regard to raw PRESENCE to a hard tangible would tender you highly resistant to attempts to purge or counter-act your influence. While your external efforts may be countered and you may momentarily suffer banishment, so long as you remain anchored to some fundamental thing you remain present and conceivably capable so long as you remain grounded.
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The Toddhead
>cliff racers
>in skyrim
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in shotn there's flying stingrays
You are a regular human not some divine interloper, your presence would literally not do shit despite being from elsewhere, you'd be a peasant working some field just like the other normal peasant humans , you would not be le ebin esoteric reality metaman
>ruin the dream and awaken the Godhead
>kill everyone
This seems like the most prudent course of action to me.
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Why is Azura so sexo?
You misunderstand. There is no category of a "divine interloper". If you are present, then you simply are. Thus, the Godhead would either be superior to your reality, or you would have by some means slipped sideways into its sphere of influence. A man is not a man and a god is not a god. As I think therefore I am, so I am as I am. I am my perception. I am my influence. I am the seeds I sew. I am the wind of my wings. I am the force of my effort and through such the counterforce exerted against my effort. I am cause and effect. I am as I am. I am I.
you wake up as yourself? probably gonna die before you get anywhere
You can say whatever you want, you're not getting divine power.
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Since when have governments ever been efficient
Your opposition is appreciated.
People talk about 40k a lot but I think the average human in WFB has it significantly worse. Sure, your life in a manufactorum is hellish beyond any chinaman's wildest dreams, but for the most part, you'll just toil, maybe produce a few kids and then die and your soul dissipates into the warp (the vast majority of souls do this, most are too weak to even last nonetheless be tortured or anything). You're just one of quadrillions of sapient life-forms in the galaxy.
In WFB not only are your living conditions just as bad if not worse, but you are significantly more likely to get killed by skaven, chaos or your own government. If you aren't conscripted (statistically much more likely in WFB than 40k) you'll just live a miserable, medieval existence except the plagues are made by demons. For 40k even if you end up conscripted you'll probably just get shot in the head or instantly reduced to nothing by an explosion larger than your former hab block.
don't forget that daggerfall had literal nudity in it and was supposed to have prostitution (that the player could have participated in as a prostitute mind you), always like to bring that up whenever someone complains about coomers in TES, cooming is canon
It's not actually a god, it's a being, a flawed and broken being a that, or an illusion of a being, or a deliberately broken entity to set initial cosmological conditions to what will be Aurbis.
It's only a god to its own dream denizens, partly, depending on interpretation, or perhaps it's a parasite, so it runs on borrowed power.
All et'Ada are actual deities by function with more direct claim.
>you are subject to all the rules on the table
Skill issue, Sweetling.
Taste and see.
>by some means
If you will melt into it, you're gone being yourself. Whether you retain yourself or not does not matter.
Why is such a good character locked behind such a shitty game
What about AoS? Pretty much the same?
Isekai me to a Song of Ice and Fire
I will either die or I'll do something cool.
You can bend the rules and you can enact intricate circumventions using the stations and loopholes in play, but direct violation brings dragon breaks. Dragon breaks are messy. The results of dragon breaks are stitches along torn flesh, designed to unravel when they're no longer needed. Thus, it is a fool's effort to use such as if it were a means to grant a wish. Their marble will turn to sand beneath them.
by joining in on the fun.
Very basically and in a partial restatement, the game has rules. Playing by those rules cleverly brings power. Stepping aside of those rules grants freedom, yet no power. Breaking those rules brings danger and consequence.
There's no freedom and no power in the Elder Scrolls realm. It's all a lie.
>"I pranked her therfore I am smart"
>turns their entire people in Numidium's Skin

Why was she so pity
It may be a lie, but things within aren't necessarily bound there. If they can find the right eye to crawl behind, they can get out.
>isekai into Martin books
Why, Anonymous?
Maybe Nerevarine exists IRL and she wants him back so she pulls strings of artists to make them make cutesy and seductive art of her?
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this is the waifu
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She's absolutely serving cunt in this picture
Aren't those ears too long?
What's the red flower referring to, it's a book ingame right, but I can't remember what one
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I've already got a plan
I’m just saying all the richest merchants in Tamriel just happen to be mud crabs weird right?
A scholar summoned Asura in front of his students to prove that the gods weren't all-powerful, put a red flower in a box, had her tell him what was in the box, and then used sleight of hand to remove the flower making it seem like she was wrong. Asura got pissed off and left. He then died in his sleep that night with a smile on his face.
Azura. Pardon. If he summoned Asura it would've been a very different experience.
It's in a book ingame though right or did I just read it on the wiki, cause I have a vague recollection of it
become a god with basic alchemy then fly to the Imperial City and live a comfy life in one of the rich districts
It's an in-game book.
A very different experience.
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Thank you friend I really appreciate you telling me the name of the book so I could confirm it myself, very kind of you
Kill myself before I get raepd in the oblivion crisis.hkpj
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Average AoS human is a Chaos worshiper living in a weird spin on Conan the Barbarian and often never meets anyone who isn't devoted to Chaos in some way
the only way to truly beat chaos is to mind control everyone into being emotionless followers of Order and Light.
Well, fuck.
I'm just gonna wait tables in sneeda neen. Take it reeeeeal easy.
I want to sexually fuck a Brazilian Azura

But Anon, Order IS Chaos!
Thanks, that's the only titty picture I had so I can't reward you properly
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Realistically speaking, what would you do in this situation?

Bitch you smell like burnt ash yams combined with a skooma addict's toilet dumpster.
Cute and funny erotic....
lucky for me I'm smart enough to know how to game the TES system but too dumb to understand CHIM. I'm gonna impregnate half of Tamriel then die and chill in Sovengarde having ghost sex with sexy nord babes.
Redguard are from Starfield's universe, that's why there's so many blacks
Learn alchemy or spellmaking
Invent a dick size increasing spell or portion
Become filthy rich
Kill every fucking Altmer by funding armies and a new Numidium but secretly keep some as sex slaves
extinct the Altmer by increasing the dick size of their women (but keep a dick removing spell on hand for leverage)
Making an extra sex would increase their population.
who said anything about making an extra sex?
How do you think "dicks on their women" will be used, huh?
A lady with a penis is no longer a lady, you buffoon
not to increase the Altmer population, that's for sure. mother's race and all that.
that's the whole point
She's a laddette.
I wish a cute dunmer girl would "enslave" me.
Willpower spells

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