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2 is just as good
bad game
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My dictator daughter wife is so cute!
>he used powers
>he killed anyone
>he got detected
You didn’t beat the game.
No u
2 is one of the worst sequels ever. It ruined the whole setting.
no one fucking cares that you can wait for people to look the other way. ghosting is B O R I N G.

inb4 you call me a zoomer for exposing the fatal flaw of stealth games
I killed everyone in the game I was allowed to kill
ADHD brainlet
Hate how money are like a thousand tiny objects instead of a handful of expensive objects. Picking up 10 individual coins isnt enjoyable.
thats a scary mask
>enemy walks back and forth
>the extent of the gameplay is waiting for them to walk away from where you need to be
>inb4 you trivialize FPS games by saying you 'just click on people' knowing full well you do literally just sit and wait for people to walk away 99% of the time in stealth games
It’s fun quickly collecting a bunch of stuff in a row
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>Picking up 10 individual coins isnt enjoyable.
its fun when youre doin it in hitman for the chievos
No one has ever been able to convince me that the high chaos ending is a punishment.
Didn’t read but I’m glad you’re brave enough to come out as trans
I want to steal a painting or a jewelry box. Not wrangle some loose change from between the couch pillows. Nor do i want to take a copper wire spool or a tiny whale oil flask worth 5 bucks
nobody forcing you
>makes dumb retard statement
>gets btfo'd on the quality of stealth gameplay
the pinnacle of being assblasted that your boring gameplay loop is called out.
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>more rats
>emily turns into a psycho
>boat guy gets butthurt
>get told youre just as bad as the people youre displacing
It's shit in every way besides gameplay.
Those things are in the game though every level has some unique treasures
You really are a real woman
level design is fun. karnaca is the sexiest city in the world of dishonored
Way too bright.
During the nighttime it’s better but it still lacks the atmosphere of Dunwall.
We just have a different genomic hunting strat.
*obvious jew joke*
>>Way too bright.
are you one ofthose guys that got a seizure when he saw CP77?
everyone seems to love the jindosh level, but I hated it.
of course its brighter, its near the equator
That game also looked worse during the daytime. Your point?
is this game good or just nostalgia trash that aged like milk like half life?
Is good
I want emily to pin me down with her leg and stab me
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never played as em, that is HOT
Why doesn't anyone talk about the extra challenges? Like how bullshit it is for one mission to get a perfect score, you have to murk the first dude you run across or simply don't get top marks. Other levels were fine except shooting whale oil canisters, that makes me angry but that's because I can't aim
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they also have differently designed guns and crossbows. They're pretty cool.
its pretty good. fun exploration and combat plus lots of goofy magic abilities.
The gameplay is shit though
There is no issue that could be described as poorly aged, the graphics are fine as they have not tremendously improved since then, the game is smooth and fast and not clunky at all. You may find it to be a bit easy, even on the hard difficulty, but the fun is had in going for stealth playthroughs, either low chaos or stealth high chaos (killing nobody or literally everybody without getting caught which btw will change the levels going forward to be less or increasingly dystopic and affect the ending) or enjoying the full range of abilities and gadgets as you cleave through.
Slow and clunky combat to add artificial difficulty compared to the first game
Recently got the plat
Including the DLC trophies which were kind of a pain
Less fun than you remember but still enjoyable, Daud DLCs are 10/10.
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>look, we added female guards! we're inclusive!
>makes emily's weapons look feminine because she's a woman
sexist game
skill issues. you want me to link you one of those epic dishonored killing montages from that brazilian gaymer?
I am aware of stealthgamerbr, that doesn’t change the fact that dishonored 2 combat is slow and clunky to add artificial difficulty compared to the first.
It was a shit level. Oh wow there's a path up top to cheese it level redeemed. I will never understand why people like it either.
Decent but way overrated.
What other stealth games should I look at if I enjoyed this?
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>Zoomers think games that came out 10 years ago have "aged"

nope, youre wrong
Dishonored 2 is literally unplayable.
Won't even boot up, and I've tried everything.
Not like it's really worth playing anyway.
First one's kino.

Who cares about the opinion of a worthless old boatman?
I rescued the empress and restored order.
All he did was make reddit quips and drive a steampunk boat.
He's lucky I didn't shoot him in the head after he said that weepy shit.
>Corvo, the people you've killed
>Get outta my heckin boat!
He can swim in a lake for all I care.
holy reddit post
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How to not get "bad" ending
>Don't kill absolutely everyone dumbass, a high body count is fine just not more than 60%
>Don't get detected too often, dumbass
>don't do uneeded hyper chaos options like killing civilians or doing chaos side missions
>Don't kill the badie
You can do any of these but don't do more than 2, it's a way of keeping the game interesting, I've killed half of the targets so far and killed more than 25 NPC's (at least) in almost every level and still gotten low chaos on almost every single level with the sole exception of dunwall tower
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This is a map of the entire world the Dishonored games take place in according to the devs. You see those teeny tiny 4 little itty bitty islands in the upper right hand? The ones so small they had to magnify them 200x just so they were visible? Yeah that's where all the gameplay over the entirety of all 3 games and all the DLC take place. Scratch that- they only take place in fucking TWO of them.

You see that massively huge gigantic continent that takes up the majority of the image? The one with all the in-game lore surrounding it about how it's filled with magical creatures the likes of which that defy all human imagination? That one? Yeah you never even come close to going anywhere near it.

OH THEY TALK ABOUT. They talk about it a fuck ton. In every 3rd book you come across there's some teasing bit of lore suggesting how interesting and wild this massive untamed land is so much so that no man has ever dared set a foot upon it and lived to tell the tale. Sounds pretty fucking cool, huh? Like it might be a pretty exciting setting for a video game about a guy with all kinds of cool super natural powers to explore and have an adventure. Well tough shit kid, you're never gonna see it, now go kick rocks.
Ehh, it's OK.
>Game is pretty much dark messiah X thief
>dark messiah is better as an action game because enemies are threats
>thief is better as a stealth game because stealth isn't just vision cones
>the world you explore is just a tiny fraction of a major fantasy world
holy BASED. SOVL really is the kryptonite for normalfags
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>he can't appreciate a good mystery
Indeed. The more time goes by the better it fucking ages, it's incredible.

God no.
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Prove pic related wrong
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>get corrupted by power just like the people you're displacing
>"wtf why does the game tell me I've fallen as low as the people I'm displacing"
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Funny because Corvo has the exact same animation for Breanna
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I like the Chaos system and I'm still not reading allat
but he isnt a woman, so its less hot
Only if you also take pic related into account instead of putting your fingers in your ears and going LALALALALA ??
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>game BAD because...
>*checks notes*
>...its world building is so fucking good it makes you wish you could also explore the rest of the world instead of not giving a shit like 99% of games out there
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now this is autism
>lemme find this youtube section comment to tell you what my opinion is
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>"you want me to link you one of those epic dishonored killing montages from that brazilian gaymer?"
yeah cuz you keep yapping about its clunky and artificial. now lets elaborate it with YOUR OWN words by all means, parrot
I still like it, all these years later. it's a 6/10 though, let's be real.
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>you keep yapping
That screencap and video link was literally my first post on the issue. Are you alright, anon?
African American detected
and how the fuck am i supposed to know that when everybody is Anonymous here you gaslighter nigger
no argument, volound stangirlie? sad
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>how the fuck am i supposed to know
By not assuming things to start with?
>Prove pic related wrong
You sound like a fag and type flowery like a girl.
I'll accept the concession
I see you ain't trying to add nothing to the convo. anyhow, I read that whole verbiage wall of text of chuddie malding and I still have no clue what his problem is. looks like hes mad cuz that favelado made a far more succesfull montage than him. it would be so lovely to know what your opinion is but then again you seem to be a tortanic fag parrot
You'll accept cock. In your ass.
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>looks like hes mad cuz that favelado made a far more succesfull montage than him
A-Anon... it's like you're not even trying... also next time try to post even more buzzwords. With only "chuddie", "malding", "favelado" and "tortanic fag" it almost made it seem like you wanted actual discussion and everything.
does it play better with keyboard + mouse?
i tried with controller and it just felt co clunky, idk
combat felt weird too, like nothing had weight and i was just pressing 1 button all the time
>calls others faggots
>wants to put cocks up other dudes' asses
idk sounds kinda fucking gay, I'll pass

Absolutely. Instead of four D-Pad slots you get all the numbers in the keyboard as hotkeys, and the mouse aiming makes not only shooting but just looking around with Blink/turning/countering in combat that much faster
aww so cute and so naive...do you think you're adept at navigating interpersonal relationships, or do you fall somewhere on the spectrum? and I'm still waiting for your own opinion. not the hivemind, not the epic youtuber i-tell-you-wassup-dude. yours.
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A shame they never made any other games set in the Dishonored universe after this one. Oh well at least it ended on a good note.
>Absolutely. Instead of four D-Pad slots you get all the numbers in the keyboard as hotkeys, and the mouse aiming makes not only shooting but just looking around with Blink/turning/countering in combat that much faster
i need to give it another shot
thanks anon
So just like the first game then.
Someone post the falling gif
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>A shame they never made any other games set in the Dishonored universe after this one.
Uh, you wanna try that one again, chief?
Weird, you posted a blank image. Anyway!
Blank? He just reposted OP's pic.
Those are bad things anon.
>Who cares about the opinion of a worthless old boatman?
I actually liked the character. It legitimately sucks that the game has him turn on you if you care to try and have fun. Even attempting to argue that I'm supposed to think he's an annoying shit instead is kind of shooting yourself in the foot since you're arguing the game you're trying to defend has written an annoying shit.
The game is fine. Fun even. You are being childish.
You know, it's a good thing this franchise crashed and burned. At least they can't ruin Pandyssia
>playing a game with black people in it
I always end up with high chaos.
You know there are black characters in the Dishonored games too, right?
you would have loved it if mc would look like Ryan gosling
skull issue
dishonored fucking SUUUUUUUUCKS
play THIEF you fucking HACKS
nu thief sucks and the old ones aged like milk
You aged like milk.

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