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Are we excited?
I didn't watch tv
are the actors gonna spam roll too?
Haven't read the book, so why would I be?
sony finally getting a ps5 exclusive
Nope, ER has very intricate designs, I doubt the budget is enough
OohOohoOhoOoh and Zanzibart did stretch his bowels, doth heed thine yearning for mine focus of the stool forevermore.
It'll likely be animated. Either proper anime or the netflix knock-off kind.
Who do you cast as Zanzibart?
hooooly based
instead of finishing the books he's going to slap his name on more random garbage and pretend he did something
At this point he has to just be trolling the bookfags right?
I don’t think about it at all.
GoT is forever tarnished
finish the books fat fuck
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I know who to cast for Miquella and Radahn
>Fromsoft and Miyazaki are gonna make sure Ice & Fire never ends and is forgotten

Leaked footage from the new elden ring movie
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More leaked footage
Boggart cooking his prawns
lmao there is literally no lore or story, Hackyazaki yet again rewrote everything months before release

how are they going to make anything out of that? will it just be the most california looking blacks cast as half of the characters and spouting modern political takes?
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This will spur another wave of troonish suicides so I'm pretty stoked.
They'll probably just use the kino story from the game. It has lore for days so we could get like 15 seasons out of it. Maybe more since the lore is so comprehensive.
Winds of Winter is never coming out, is it...
Thought the headline was that his heart finally ate him
Northfags don't know how kino this is. Don't (you) me.
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why is this fat retard the one teasing it? he barely had any impunt into the entire game, just wrote the basics for lore fucking years ago? why is he suddenly clout chasing the IP?
weak bait but i respect the attempt
I'm sure seafood boils are delicious when they're made well. This just looks like it has an ungodly amount of sodium and powdered flavorings.
Why do celebrities get hired to advertise shoes or insurance? Because the market is retarded.
Oh and as a bonus, you can hear a smoke alarm chirping in some of this guy's (chefjayvoo's) videos.
We use crabs instead of crawfish around my way but same thing. Literally a life changing meal, it will make you believe God exists and is good.
Based DixieGODS
Im 2000% sure if I ask this niga who Queen Marika is he is gona be like "HUH?"
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Europeans dont know how comfy this feel
Sunset found Melina squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water.
Lmao larp. The south is legitimately it's own country. It'll be sad when it catches up and starts to look like the zombie movies that are cities in the northern and western US (coincidentally, the only states that Europeans ever see).

>but niggers

Are everywhere on the planet--low population density means that it's pretty easy to live away from them. Unless you're poor.
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hopefully its on netflix and the lead is a female
Has he finished ASOIAF?

oooof dawg
Yes, because we might actually get a proper plot.
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Soulsborne games would work perfectly as a stop motion action film with minimal dialogue
im tired of this youtube/twitter style thumbnail shit.
>only MY neck of the woods is unique and good!
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No they’re just gonna grimace at the camera and have gay sex
Why do gamedevs suddenly have the need to make movies or cartoons about their videogame now? I know it's just for more money from millennials who don't play videogames but i find it a bit weird.
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>Why do gamedevs suddenly have the need to make movies or cartoons
There's no suddenly about this; from the late 1980s, Japan entered what scholars called the Media Mix period. No one creates an original IP on one platform, the IP gets novels, games, comics, animations, live-action movies, toys, and so on associated with it. The animation industry was heavily tied to the toy industry after the Japanese government and westerners stopped footing the bill for the creation of their works.
Please don’t. Elden Ring is unironically a work of art. But it’s in the media format that it was made for. A show or movie would ruin it. Hollywood and streaming services wouldn’t portray the atmosphere and themes correctly.
What will be the TV equivalent of timed rolling? Pausing the video?
>Are we excited?
nope, Game of thrones was magic in a bottle and is long gone and over and he needs to finish the books
villainfags should neck themselves
Dany was always the main antagonist ever since her introduction but they didnt want to accept it
A life spent glorifying worthless criminal scum
Why is this fat fag so obsessed with Hollywood? is it because he's a pedo?
>It'll likely be animated.
That is a million times worse. The animation budget would have to be astronomical.

He's just delusional. So delusional he's convinced himself. Books will never get completed.
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Here's your queen Marika bro
I think I should write a fanfic about Darkstar destroying the setting with a dark blade of oblivion. See who finishes first.
Going to be a straining job for the actors that will have to roll around all day
dude no one understood this film except for me because I am a schizophrenic that probably didn't actually understand the film but merely super imposed my schizophrenic knowledge about alchemy into it... exactly like I do with elden ring
this was actually fucking kino
the worst thing to happen to asoiaf novels was, ironically, the hbo show
grrm hot his money, he has no need or to finish the books
for grrm it was never about writing, it was always about money
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>american paella
Use your brain for a second and you'll have the answer. Game of thrones was a massive success, HBO is still chasing that success to this day. Elden ring is a game that's sold 25 million copies and has GRRM's name attached, so for a tv/movie studio all they see is dollar signs in their eyes at something that could be the next game of thrones
seriously who like that kind of shit?
It's like making a movie about black people and calling it kino peak. Wtf is wrong with people?
This I don't trust this being produced by americans please make it in a japanese studio, I'll just read the subtitles.
>episode 1
>59 minutes of dude in armor rolling around on the ground like a retard
>1 minute of monster muttering zanzibart forgive me
Didn't is past tense do are you presently watching or are you an esl?
They will ruin it. People who at best never played the game, and at worst have disdain for vidya will be in charge. It will be poorly casted and will have terrible looking cgi and armor. It will be terrible. I live the game and will be really depressed and angry if they do this and will never watch it.
We can only be so lucky. She'll be obese black and trans and lesbian. And you better like it chud.
Sounds like an improvement to the game though
How? Elden Ring is unironically a work of art. But it’s meant to be experienced as a game.
Finish your fucking book.
They could easily milk the IP in to a several season show if they really tried
>Season 1
Marika's village is massacred by the Hornsent. She vows revenge and goes on a quest to reach the Gate of Divinity
>Season 2
Now a God, Marika establishes the beginning of her empire with her consort Godfrey - Giant Crusade, Dragon war. Season ends with Godwyn making peace with the Dragons and Marika casting out Morgott and Mogh
>Season 3
Marika's revenge on the Hornsent/Messmers Crusade + Liurnian War
>Season 4
Godfrey and the tarnished banished, Marika + Radagon, Miquella and Radahn's vow, Night of Black Knives
>Season 5
Events of Elden Ring until Mountain Tops
>Season 6
Events of SoTE
>Season 7
Ending of Elden Ring
Excited to learn Marika's tax policy
get good and produce yourselves, oh wait you can't
The game has awful graphics, copy pasted assets, painfully cringe voice acting and truly awful writing. There is pretty much no where to but up. Removing the dogshit game play by having it in show format is already a massive improvement
The player character is obviously a brown girl who's gay.
>can't finish his book
Oh I forgot the Gloam Eyed Queen stuff. There should be some episodes devoted to the peak Age of Abundance I guess
the guy has more completed TV series than he has completed chapters of Winds KEK
Art design is more important than graphics, and Elden Ring’s is top notch. With a couple of exceptions, most of the voice acting is great. I don’t see how it would even work without gameplay.
If I had to take a game and make it into television From Software games would be at the very bottom of the list. They don't have coherent storytelling, or even a story structure.
>logical flow
lmao never gonna happen
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>Has adapted George R.R. Martin.
>Has adapted "unadaptable" videogames.
Basically, he would make an Elden Ring adaptation in the style of Apocalypse Now.
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How many niggers and pajeets can they force into obvious Indo European fantasy setting I wonder.
>That is a million times worse
It is absolutely not. There is nothing more awful than the idea of a low-budget live action adaption of a video game. That would be obvious even if that awful Witcher show didn't exist.
they already have nony. the final final boss of the game is a roided jeet. the hardest area in the game is a place called una diyala.
doest he not like vidya?
Black Malenia here we come
is a souls tv adaptation had a one off gag like this it might actually be good
You must be fucking stupid. Wars, revenge, plots, action. All these are in your plans but a tv show is about character drama for women

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