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Made in Abyss game by a COMPETENT studio fucking when
>fap + puta
what was tsukushi thinking?
>Popular anime
I need the piss meter, bros
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Hire this man
what's wrong with the last game?
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Vueko! Vueko!
huh? what?
i want degenerate jank all the way
pee meters and erection status effects, food that gives you stomach problems, npcs that glitch through the walls with their clothes missing
Made in Abyss vidya collaboriation when?
It wasn't an arena fighter like 99% of other anime based games
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I absolutely adore the ost of MiA.
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Name 10 licensed games based on Anime franchise that weren't dogshit.
Like, they were legitimately good games and didn't play like low-effort cheap shovelware.
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I actually really really like the Made in Abyss game we got.
It's such a perfect 7/10 jankfest.
The devs were clearly passionate and had a ton of love for the source material but they clearly didn't have a lot of budget and also Spike Chunsoft sucks ass.
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>It's just Death Stranding but with way more verticality
Could be fun if they shine up the combat.
i don't even like death stranding but applying its gameplay to something more guided and linear like a big fucking hole in the ground full of monsters sounds really cool
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Faputa WON
Nanachi tanked that
Dragonball Z Budokai 3
Sword of Berserk: Guts' Rage
Astro Boy: Omega Factor
Punch Mania 2: Hokuto no Ken (arcade)
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (1998)
Serial Experiments Lain (1998)
Digimon World 3
Bleach: Dark Souls
FotNS Ken's Rage
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Was it worth it?
would rape
>made in reddit
Imagine the stumpjob
damn it now I'm hoping for something that will never happen again
Tsukushi overdid himself with the nuggies
So what's the preference for a new MiAB game? Following the manga's story or playing as a custom raider doing your own thing and maybe coming across the aftermath of what happens in the manga?
Nanachi bunnis when?
I'd honestly prefer a game that just took place in the same setting, and didn't have any real interaction with the story of the manga besides maybe cameos etc. The way the official game handled characters like Ozen and Bondrewd kind of diminished them imo given that you can defeat them in boss fights.
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god the "play through the manga story" shit is so lame in all anime games. absolute waste of time and potential

you would think there'd be an insane market for "creating your own pirate crew in one piece" or "create your own super hero in MHA" kind of games, but it just doesn't happen

You're in luck anons, we finally got one.
I prefer an original story just to experience exploring the abyss without having to cheat like Riko.
Also, I already know the story, give me something new.
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insanely cute and lewd nugs
>six nipples
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She'd make a great melee themed arena wave style game with hordes of Abyss creatures as enemies.
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I love my wife Nanachi!
Lmao what the actual fuck?
For me, it's Mallets of Abyss

it would've been fine if it was their A or B team, instead we got the C team known for danganronpa and ZTD of all fucking things
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For me it is San-Ken, because the scene where it plays is gigakino.
It wouldn't be good unless they add the loli/shota piss meter back in
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Indeed it was.
Are you serious? It was shit from start to finish and only the climbing was okay.
>love for the source material
Yeah nothing says love for the source like a fresh orphan with their epic orphan friend YOLOing the abyss and becoming white whistles in about a month max.
Never mind the fact Riko would've died before even getting out of the first layer without reg. Speaking of which Reg couldn't defeat Ozen and they needed a team effort to defeat Bondrewd yet the little orphan that could kicked both their asses single handed.
Game fucking sucked
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fooper is devolving
He said COMPETENT anon. With caps. Emphasizing it, non ironically.
Just imagine the gameplay! Around every corner you could find some other horrible, disfiguring injury for your child characters!

And that's it. That's literally the one card Made in Abyss has to play, and it plays it constantly.

Fuck that show.
Filtered pleb.
God Reg is so lucky.
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Fooper is perfect in every form she takes
calm down she's 2000 years old
next time actually watch the show instead of reading tweets about it faggot
pedo thread
season 2 was shit
Yeah the game was horrible. No amount of love for manga and anime will make me install that abomination ever again. Such a shame that it's all we have.
Stop pretending the show has anything to offer besides gore and child porn for pedos like you.
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boo hoo nigga
The game that came out had the right idea, it just needed better gameplay and more focus on the original character experience.
For me it's the world itself, that stuff is just a bonus.

I want a Made in Abyss MMO
Where the fuck is the new chapter, did Tsukushi start playing splatoon again?
I do believe the concept was still decent, it just needed to be completely different mechanically. Maybe add multiplayer with randos. 200 player servers or something, with PvPvE. Steal relics, use them. Find genuinely rare shit and trade it with other players, add some survival and coop elements. I honestly believe a really good game could be made out of the core concept of the existing game.
I want to fuck this creature so badly
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Again, filtered pleb. The show has beautiful music and visuals, and a compelling story about friendship, love, sacrifice and adventure.

The dangers and pain the characters encounter and endure troughout the story aren't the sole focus of the narrative, and instead serve to both display the risks and stakes of the journey they are on, and also, more importantly, counterballance the moments of happiness, camaradery and relief of seeing Riko & her friends overcome the obstacles facing them.

The emotional catharsis of S1 was in seeing how Riko & Reg were able to survive the near death situation Riko was in, and in the process recruit Nanachi and help her finally end Mitty's suffering. Without the pain the characters had to go trough, there would not be such an emotional relief to the conclusion of that arc.
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which one?
God I love soundtrack 2 so much, every track is pure gold.
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Dawn of the Deep Soul is the peak of the anime. Both S1 and S2, while great on their own, still lie in the shadow of the K I N O that the movie is. Everything in it comes together perfectly, from the visuals, storybeats and music. You can basically see the movie in your head just by listening to the soundtrack.
Plus Bondrewd as a character completely steals the show.
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Bondrewd is literally me. He's me except anime.
for me it's the slower atmospheric tracks
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People who reject Made in Abyss out of some retarded kneejerk "muh pedo anime" retardation miss out on one of the most beautiful shows that have come out in the past 10 years.
Incredibly based takes, DotDS is such an emotional roller coaster from start to finish and the soundtrack plays into it perfectly.
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For me it's Lyza
I hope she's alive and not a disgusting mutated misery porn sad story device
Good choices.
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Made in Abyss is one of the few anime that has actually gotten me to tear up and outright cry, despite me being a grown ass man.

Stuff like Mitty's death scene is a given, but there are a lot of other moments in the show as well, be it small moments of tenderness between the characters as well as the more bigger emotional moments.
The stuff with Vueko and Irumyii in S2 got to me something fierce.
I just want the bun to be happy...

For me it was the part were Faputa finally meets Vueko only for her to die.
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Wasn't that roguelite game they made pretty good? I never played it but it seemed interesting for a licensed game.
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I delve. That's all.
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>the Collector is the MiA mangaka
Wait whut?
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>Faputa sniff's Reg's dick in order to recognize him.
Tsukushi is a genious when it comes to eroticism.
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The game was great though
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There's too many S-tier songs to pick from in MiA but gunna post pic related since no one else has yet.
Bondrewd themes in DotDS are all kino.
Fuck anon don't do me like that.
It should be a TRPG
>Just imagine the gameplay! Around every corner you could find some other horrible, disfiguring injury for your child characters!
I want this unironically
>make MiA game
>don't get penkin to do the soundtrack
dead on arrival
The problem is that jap publishers always send their IPs off to the lowest bidders. I honestly can't even think of a single game based off an anime that isn't teetering between just okay or absolute shite
How would that even work
I thought TRPG meant turn-based RPG
my bad :p
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Evens : Nanachi dies
Odds : Nanachi nugget
Imagine a risk of rain game, but a made in abyss type, relics are your powerups and you have to keep descending the abyss level by level as it gets harder due to abyss curses
Why is everybody obsessed with shota penis...
Why aren’t you?
how about an N-tier song
also did the game have any memorable songs?
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We currently don't have the tech to make Reg's nipples just right.
nyot really
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>comfy MiA thread
>it's just tourists, puritans and niggers (so both at the same time) complaining about muh pedo
eternal reminder.
I just want a Bondrewd costume/set that lets me spam SPARAGMOS and GANGWAY
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Never Ever sadly
We literally and I truly do mean literally know from the movie that Reg got an erection from Nanachi, which means either he’s gay or Nanachi is a girl
A robot can’t be gay, so there is only one conclusion.
he fucked faputa
He's obviously bi, retard. All robots are written in binary.
His body was remembering Faputa
The armpits would have had a stronger scent
That's actually a pretty good idea, you can even have the different characters too as White Whistles, hell even a decent mod could be made from RoR2 with Loader as Reg with the grapple arms.
cried this whole arc
initial d
i am 200% confident the setting would fit the best for a soulslike game
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riko my beloved
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I'm sick and tired of rollsloppa
Not every ARPG needs to be a Dark Souls clone
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reg was stolen from her so hard I almost feel bad
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It's already been released.
never fucking post this ever again.
I did not cry but had flashbacks to the time I had a schizophrenic episode. Captures the feeling of being in hell before you are dead.
Jesus Christ that's fucked
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don't worry, she'll come back like this
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How about this?
Riko would never do this
Riko COULD never do this
Sex with Riko
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I hate Riko, would still rape her though
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Shifted between 2 to 5 the entire day, now I'm in bed and gonna sleep like 7.
alternating between 4 and 6
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nanachi didn't make it....
thinly veiled pedobait thread
Dragon Ball FighterZ
DBZ Kakarot
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
Dragon Ball Z: Buu's Fury
Dragon Ball Kai: Ultimate Butouden
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II
Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2
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shrigma bnuuy
Could you tell me pls where are those dudes from?
I see them quite frequently here nowadays
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gamer bnuuy
If MHW didn't happen we would have probably had a MIA event.
no wetbacks allowed in MiA threads
I didnt know nanachi had a mega evolution
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why the fuck you need a competent made game when the manga is literal dogshit filled with the authors pedo fetishes? You faggot kiddy diddler will eat any shit and other people wont touch it.
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>Ugly bastard narehate
What did Tsukushi mean by this?
I mean, look at the old bastard that was UUOOHHing Vueko nonstop when she was a loli.
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why is he so ugly
Holy shit, it's the Metroid Prime 4 guy
You should post that on twitter
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>why the fuck you need a competent made game when the manga is literal dogshit filled with the authors pedo fetishes? You faggot kiddy diddler will eat any shit and other people wont touch it.
hopefully never you goddamn pedophile
Sell me on MiA. As far as I know it's just a mangaka's excuse to fuel his loli ryona fetish while normalfags act like it's sacrilege or other fags act really pretentious about how good it is.
why? just watch it, it doesn't take long to figure out if you'll like it or not. then read the manga if you like the anime, simple as

it's a series for adventurefags. the loli ryona is actually pretty oversold and it doesn't happen that much, the few times that it does are just there to sell the brutality of the setting. the Abyss is literally hell and does not discriminate
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why is it that everytime there's a MIA thread here it's always full of spoilers?
can't you guys crtl-s a little? I got the nanachi one before even touching the thing
it's not about the destination, it's about the journey

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not my problem
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They're from Nick & Lever. The quick summary would be gaijins in nipponland fucking around, would recommend
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I liked the game a lot and even though the manga campaign sucked cock and ball it was mercifully short and I enjoyed the contrast of how badly Riko cheated the third layer compared to how hell it is on the player campaign.
>I get accosted by birds on the wall for the 500th time
>I didn't pack enough food AGAIN
>Can't fucking fish because spiders keep spawning on my ass
Just wait for Clair Obscur: Expedition 33
The locations in the trailer give me major MiA vibes
the s1 came out 2017
s2 basically covers most of existing manga material and it came out like a year ago
I want Nanachi's pelt on my wall.
Made in Abyss is edgy retard shit.
A solid 7 today.
Tranny show.
are you actually mentally ill?
This is /v/, so they're either bots or retards
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