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SMTV Vengeance discussion.
What are you brewing, /v/?
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Which one, lads?
First choice, I'm loyal to my waifu.
Anon idum Is married...
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She then said, I would understand with time or someshit, thanks anon
I had her as my healer for my Demi-Fiend fight and her innate saved my ass from a chaotic will. Would eat her out.
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My waifu is not Idun though?

>hag seething
You made the correct choice.
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My edgy/dom wife
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>Demon waifu
Welp, I hope you guys enjoy "Na-young" anus.
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I wish this webm was unmodded...
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gross. dont post here ever again.
She questions, but she doesn't think. The flying onahole points out that it's dumb that roads go into the air, and she just agrees, saying that she was conditioned by society to think it was normal. This vapid cunt just plays the contrarian to look insightful.
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Based webm and hot Mermaid.

I hate lolicons as much as I hate gays.
Fuck both of you.
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>ruined mermaid
Why do people do this, half of her appeal is being flat, if I want huge tits, Cleopatra is right there
>Using mitamas in hard mode to prep for super bosses doesn't feel like cheating
>Get to godborne
>It feels like cheating again but I already did it

This sucks man
I pirated the switch version, is vengeance worth getting? Is the story any better?
You fucking retard, do you think that Mermaid is a oppai loli despite the huge tits? Her other proportions didn't change, you're just n idiot who's been conditionned to cry "p-pedo" at the sight of a flat chest.
>Girls without giant titties are lolis.
or they can just be slender women??
anon godborne is the bullshitting mode,is either (You) bullshiting the ai or it will do it to you.
is going to be my first time playing the vengeance route. any tips and tricks? what miracles, abilities, stats, demons should i focus on lvling up and acquiring first?
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>its not a child anymore if i put huge tits on her
you're telling me this is an adult?
>switch version
I mean base SMTV back when the NSP dropped a day or two before it released
She will be when I'm done with her.
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>that completely broken model when she stretches her legs
what the fuck, cant unsee now
how did they fuck up my wife so hard
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She just found me a gospel, hell yeah
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i love hags!!
shit weighting
Mermaid is really good for the first major boss. As is siding with Apsaras instead of Leanan Sidhe. Demon stock is always good, prioritize skill slots since you have to unlock skill slots in this game (thanks smt4). If you haven't played it yet, play SMT3 either before or after Fivengeance, 5 is a direct sequel to its events and there are a fuckload of references to it.
That guy's a fucking retard, but why do you have that picture
eevee kid with huge breasts is pretty common for some reason
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The invisible walls are kinda silly sometimes
Whatever you do, don't save it for when you're a higher level to go straight to 99. The anon in the last thread made it very clear that this is cheating and you have to use every one immediately.
did you pog when you got here in V?
Pounding Bino bussy in his room
that's it, I'm making a mod that turns every loli demon into pailolis
>You also fight the 3 archangels in the center
I want VV gameplay, QoLs and animations in IV setting
No. Thought it was neat, but I don't tend to clap at semi-continuity nods.
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that was cool
this but Yoko bullying his zakochinpo
So this is why the Creator Most High forbade the existence of the Nahobino.
i dont remember going there
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Are Mastema and Satan both in service of the Great Will/Axiom?
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And I want Strange Journey but with Press Turn and less Forma crafting bullshit, and without Alex in it. Or another I and II remake that at most adds Press Turn and further development for the nameable characters (Gimmel especially had this bad). I probably can't have either of those but a man can dream of another sci-fi Armageddon mainline title but one that takes IV:A's and VV's mechanics improvements like affinity potentials and innate skills, can't he?
It's this part of Taito.
What's the best way to build magic Nahobino?
I feel like I need to have a spell of every element to exploit weaknesses, but then I don't have much room left for other skills.
Heads up guys the remaster of Nocturn is only 26$ right now on amazon,no idea what the DLC will bring it up to an extra 12$ maybe?
Why is Eisheth so fucking ugly.
That's a good deal. I bought it full price, no regrets.
i really wished that mastesma would have much harder,becuase compare to the boss in the law route he is a joke,meaby should have give him reactive Ai like shiva
For most of the game I just had restore (eventually high restore) and all of the single target affinity spells. You really only need to worry about having a more optimized loadout once you're fighting Shiva and super bosses (or for an extenuating circumstance like some battles in area 3 making me equip the all-hitting variant of hamaon instead)
Very heavily implied.
It's the hair. Give her hair to any of the others and they'd be ugly as sin too.

He's in SMT III,I vaguely remember Mara being a hidden superboss in the original release?

Does manuel skill inheritance really make a huge difference?
I wouldn't be surprised if they at least do a 1 remake eventually, now that P3R has opened the door to full scale remakes.
Tehom's theme and general boss battle vibe are so much cooler than his
No, you dumb fuck. It's her entire face that's ugly as sin. I want to know why; who at ATLUS thought this was a good design.
I bet they'll do a remake of I and II before they do VI, and maybe somewhere in between they'll release P6
delet this
It's because she's supposed to look black and black women are ugly
>shive fight on hard

holy fuck the epic 23k mediarama
>Does manuel skill inheritance really make a huge difference?
If you've played a game with random skill inheritance you already know the answer.
I have a feeling that if anybody is, Tao is a direct servant of the Great Will, as it is the Panagia's purpose. Any others like Mastema may be unwitting pawns.
Kill Ananta asap and that should never happen. It doesn't have a ton of hp.
skill issue,i was getting ass raped by that until i fuse rafael and make him exclusively to kill the snake bitch
yes this is great advice after the fact anon, the awesome part was I killed parvati to prevent something like this happening, fuck me I guess
which is the best game to start SMT?
SMT4 and SMT5 are the most casual friendly ones, so I guess those.
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This might be the best OST of any Megaten, legitimately; was already a big fan of V's OST and the additions here are absolutely killer, specifically the boss themes (even if many are locked behind DLC)

3 is where I got my start, I think it's a good intro.
Can someone post a webm of Surt's Ragnarok? I accidentally pressed a button to skip the animation during the fight and saw he doesn't get that move as a party member.
The Qadishtu battle theme is my current brainworm
after having fun w persona 4 i played nocturne, very good introduction to megaten
She's ugly, but I think it's a cool design.
Not all female demons have to be pretty, imo.
and is variant as fuck too
That's pretty much how I been doing it. It's just that my Yoshitsune does almost twice the damage I do, so I felt like I should optimize more.
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Yeah I can see something like that being in the cards. Question is, would a theoretical double remake have Press Turn? MAG? 6 niggas in 2 rows? I could see MAG being cut or at least retooled so it's only a cost on summoning from stock like how it works in games like Raidou instead of a cost per step. Press Turn and 6 niggas in 2 rows probably can't coexist though.
My bino was always hitting harder than even my demons equipped with the same tier spell and a corresponding pleroma/high pleroma. You have been pumping his potencies, right?
Same, but I played Personal 5 Royal before that. If you are going to play both: I would start at SMT3 because all the conveniences in SMTV is going to make SMT3 annoying. If you aren't sure you will like the game, I would do SMTV:V vengeance route.
how much skill rebalance did they do

like what is best demon for physicial damage? who has the best unique move odin, yoshitsune fionn
>best game to start
I'd say play release order, otherwise SMT3 if you're allergic to very old games.
SMT5 is the easier one to get into, but starting with it means going back to the previous games will be a bit awkward.
The entire design philosphy behind the Qadistu was mixing beauty with ugliness. In Eisheth's case she has a ghoulish face with a great body, Agrat has a cute face and skeletal limbs, etc.
I'm thinking of leaving masakado for a third playthrough. Building shit for this guy sucks.
Mac an Luin is still fucking dogshit. Dunno why it wasn't buffed.
It's not a unique attack, if that's what you're wondering about. It's one of those endgame "medium damage 2-5x" spells. It's going to be on a few demons.
>like what is best demon for physicial damage
Arioch with Figment Slash with a nearly full stock of dead demons thanks to his innate passive. Best unique phys skill is Red Rider's Terrorblade in an Omagatoki Dance + Pandeminc Feast team. Hayataro's Carnage Fang is even stronger than Akasha Arts when critting.
Odin has the much better unique between those three thanks to Pierce. Yoshitsune's damage output isn't that great as he's really just for guaranteed crits outside of niche strats with his innate. Fionn just isn't that good and has too stiff a competition once you get him. For physical damage, your best bet is actually going to be something like Arioch or Gogmagog because of their innates turning them into crit damage monsters.
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how do you go about building your preferred demons up? a bunch of re-fusion autism or can you just feed them tons of incenses and essences? i want to have a team of semen demons after i fill out the compendium
Are there any good songs I'm missing out on by only playing CoV?
>legit got to final area of the game with level 80+ Bino because I did 90 or 91 quests
>use all Gospel to level to 99
>beat lv 99 Lucifer after few tries
>try Demifiend and Satan, L O L
>out of ideas
>download Safety "difficulty" and beat them both and goth both trophies in a span of 4-5 mins
>feel dirty
>didn't even save after it
IDGAF about trophies, nobody does anyway, but it would be wrong to use essences that I didn't even earn. Especially after that Lucifer fight.
For the most part, you can get away with Fierce Roar Girimekhala that you give a Makarakarn to, and have him defend every turn so he doesn't get Freikugeled to death. The real shit comes in when he gets low thanks to how he'll start opening every turn with Recalcitrant Execution.
no need for refusion when you have essences. but yes just feed them essences and incenses.
Who is bigger autist? You, who completed compendium, or I, who didn't recruit in fights? :)
Later in the game you have the option (miracle) to give additional stats to demons at level up. So you can basically fuse them from beginning, level up with grimoires, and give them additional stats.
Use essence fusion to give them skills.
Haven't beaten Vengeance yet, but beat CoC. Didn't think that V's OST was nearly as good as IV's.
Does CoV improve the OST that much?
Depends on who you ask. The only issue i had with vanilla V's music was that some of the battle themes were halfbaked but Vengeance added like 20 new battle themes that largely feel like complete songs so that fixed my one issue with V
I didn't think V beat out IV's OST either, but with the new tracks in Vengeance I think there's a legitimate conversation now
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Cute Mermaid !
What level would you recommend for the final few bosses?
They'd probably bring it more in line with the modern games, so MAG would get cut and no 6 character lineup. I imagine they would still use Press Turn since it's still their go to considering even Metaphor is using it.
Which ones? Like the normal final bosses or the optional super bosses? For the normal ones in CoV mid-80s is more than sufficient on Hard.
going to be hard to top the best overworld/map music
Dunno about Vengeance, but I'd say Creation calls for at least 85 if you don't use any balms or incenses. You need some unga to get through the stars that Lucy summons or he nukes you.
I think I was around 83 when I did the CoV bosses
Been cruising at mid 70s, but think I'll go bulk up a bit. Mostly want a bit more health on my demons cause a few bad hits could've done it.
Can I get a demon’s essence immediately after fusing them by savescumming with a Grimoire?
sometimes you get them just for fusing when they level up so I assume so
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>be a smug little bitch
>also get her own theme
How does she do it
Yes, and Lucifer’s attempt to subvert the Mandala system has, thus far, failed and/or been subverted after consuming YHWH’s knowledge.
Yes, and Satan was specifically summoned to kill you
>They made the Miyazu sidequest part of the main plot
fucking awesome. I like Khonsu.
>miyazu is introduced extremely early on
>disappears from the plot
>her brother forgets she exists
>she is revealed to have canceraids
>she dies offscreen after a sidequest where she chooses to die offscreen
Canon of Creation did her NO favors, that’s for sure.
OP (fag) never play original
Yeah, there's way more interaction with the humans in Vengeance. I'm grateful for that, the developments feel far more natural now.
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Ohno. how terrifying.
Part of it. The other half is optional still, but I think the changes it gets are a lot more interesting. VV has a lot of side content that is basically main story really. Feels more natural than when V did it though. Instead of this should be part of the main plot you can instead go see what happened with this person or get some insight by doing a side quest.
How does Arahabaki's skill work? I thought it would duplicate all buffs but nothing seems to spread. Not even casting Inflaming Divinity
Unfortunately the conclusion and Khonsu Ra is still sidequest content.
Y’all use the same demons the whole game instead of constantly swapping in and out while fusing/recruiting?
Does Cleopatra get any interactions with the Egypt gang if you bring them to her fight or vice versa?
Generally, can you ever Talk to any bosses for unique dialogue? Just realized I never tried.
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Why the fuck didn't the devs realize Strategize + Arahabaki can break the game
I've come 180 on her. Her expressions are cute, I love her. If she let her hair down she'd be the prettiest of the four.
I usually stick to a team for an entire sector of the Da'at, but I haven't felt inclined to swap out my bros Yoshi, Black and Xiezhai for whatever comes in the story after Arioch desu.
No, but I did when you went to the Shinjuku medical center
Always pick the zany option. Also a lot of the female demons in this game are ungrateful bitches.
wait was that where you fight asura and mithra
Oh, I've been thinking about that sorta stuff too.
I remember it was advertised that Demifiend can join your party.
Does he have any special dialogues with Lucy?
I just hit level 50 while using the same Mermaid I’ve had since the start of the game
Everyone else has mostly been fused up, but for demons I particularly like I at least try to save them for a thematically appropriate demon I plan to keep using, like Lilim -> Alice
It gives any buffs that Arahabaki has active to to allies when you summon them, which include stat buffs and charges like Impaler's Animus. It can lead to hilarious results.
Loa is the best ailment dude in the game and 2x's any instakill chances so you can keep him forever. Phys enhancer is useful in some team setups and before you can farm phys sutras and you only get another demon with it waaaaaay later. Yoshit isn't actually the best dude, he's just the most braindead and there's better options for people willing to play with gauge and innate skill synergy. Matador is level 24 and he's objectively the best mitama and random mob clearer if you summon Loa with him and give yatsuwhatever shot (hit all, crit, pierce)
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>SMTfags are just waifufags now

Stop badmouthing her, she has the best body and her crazy face makes it hotter.
>when the original OVA and book is waifufagging and sex
They intended it. RPGs are most fun when there are strategies to utterly break the game and a competent player discovers them.
Giten Megami Tensei is a minor h-game with dating elements such as affinity for two girls determining your ending, with graphic sex scenes. Also, graphic guro
Dazai felt a bit more natural in Creation. Him being so gung ho with the angels felt strange in Vengeance.
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>appears in her masked goddes form
>acts all threatheningly and says to Tao that the yoko she once knew is long dead.
>notices that the nahobino Tao is with is V-kun
>*instantantly reverts to her more human looking form.
>Omg beano is that you I missed you much....

Why did they make her so cute bros?
He's always had a very naive sense of justice and of right and wrong. In CoC he was just following around Abdiel and admiring how confident she was. I think it's fine he gets a little less focus in CoV. The entire third area was following him in CoC.
Dazai's "awakening" feels more natural in Creation but everything else about him is better in Vengeance. I think this is just a consequence of Vengeance kinda assuming you've played Creation already so they don't want to retread some stuff. Dazai's awakening and Abdiel's fall both suffer from that.
They should have expended more on the part where Mastema unsalts him, I really don't know why CoV skipped over that part.
Did you think Alice's extreme popularity only existed within the past decade?
Guys help
My Tokyo overworld Icon is spinning counterclockwise even though I've been simping for Tao in the story
its depend,in wicha rea are you?,also have you been picking the up opcion always?
Did you do the law-aligned subquests? For the mutually exclusive ones
I really appreciate that the game naturally gives you enough grimoires to keep a few shitter demons you like up to par
Wait the sidequests also counted?

I may have been a little bit too pro demon-human integration, then....
well depending in wich area you are you can still reverse,i was full chaos at the end of the area 3 but in the area 4 i did enough quest to turn it into neutral.
Well obviously, you even have Tao and Yoko commenting on them depending on your choice.
Have to cover up the autism somehow.
Tao was NOT happy with me helping Andramelech. That was definitely the angriest I've ever seen her. Still got the law ending kek
i did the chaos ending but i can still summon yoko and tao?,what?
Did magic Bino get any cool new toys or is he still just pigeonholed into using Impaler Animus + Thallasic calamity to match the universal usefulness of phys almighty?
I hate this mechanic because there is no way to properly deduce what they want to hear, some female demons are extremely needy and will immediately give in if you flatter them a llttle, some are psycho bitches and like to be abused and told that they're an ugly whore and some abuse your niceness to attack you, there's no real pattern to discern or puzzle to solve, it's just trial and error until you find out what this specific species of demon likes.
Yeah that was funny, I meant to try and do that quest after Yoko joins me to see if she had any funny dialogue but haven't done it yet.
Yoko going "well, it's actually a good thing that the vampire was killing humans to sell their blood" when you help Kudlak was hilarious too
nevermind,i still can she is just in the compemdiun -_-
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so just like irl womans?
I do agree. I think his arc is better in Creation, although I like him hamming it up in Vengeance
Moonlight frost is AOE severe pierce and you get it at the end of area 3. Heavenly Ikuyumi is single target almighty medium to severe based on how many debuffs the target has, and I've seen people melt Demi-Fiend with it.
He got Moonlight Frost, AoE sever piercing ice skill
Some people are saying heavenly ikuyumi is maybe the best skill in the game seeing as you already want max debuffs when attacking anyways.
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out of 10
thats the ass retard
fucking ruined
nobody tell him that it's just 100% random
How much power does it have against max debuffs?
We need more games like nocturne and less games like smtv

Honestly smtv is a embarrassment
That is a man
Reminder that if you emulated a game, you didn't actually play it, SEAmonkey. So you've played 0 games in the franchise. :^)
Not sure if there are official numbers yet, but it seems that it's agreed to be significantly stronger than murakumo even with the murakumo crit base damage boost.
It’s not. The soundtrack is all over the place. V ost was more solid with a few song breaking the tone like the demifiend battle

You just have shit taste , it’s pretty bad
>budget shitposter appears
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NTA, but you're literally retarded. Seek help and/or seethe.
We actually confirmed yesterday that even counting emulation he hasn't beaten a single Megaten. Literally an autistic obsession with a franchise he's never played - kind of unreal.
niche series; we can't afford a real shitposter like Barry or ACfag. Please understand.
An algorithm made this game, pure AI slop . It wasn’t tested
>Literally an autistic obsession with a franchise he's never played
I dunno, that sounds like nu/v/ to the core to me
based god's car
Isn't she already taken? Tit' is just teasing the 'Beano
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Out of 10!
Many female demons you fuse together were men at some point and vice versa due to game mechanics. But I know Amaterasu specifically was once a male god, but Amaterasu was later reinterpreted as female in the honor of Empress Jito in the 600s. This resulted in the male Amaterasu you might see in a game like Nocturne vs. the female Amaterasu you'd see in II and many, many other Japanese works. This is neat. Asura into Asherah though I'm convinced is just wordplay shenanigans.
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>Barry somehow finally makes his Dmons game and starts going after monster collector genres
the best these threads can do is a person who pretends to have played 3?
At least last year Italianon, that stupid brown shitposting pastanigger, was playing the game in question while shitposting
I should add that a crit murakumo is still stronger than a non-crit ikuyumi. There are innates that allow your magic to crit though, so a crit ikuyumi is stronger than a crit murakumo.
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>he hasn't beaten a single Megaten
>still feels the need to police the franchise
I guess the P5 obsession makes sense. P5fags are notorious for not playing the game at all.

Speaking of dogshit V: Vengeance. Why did they decided to ruin V Ost? the first game had a solid theme, the new one is just all over the place, it's horrible.


Not only has this guy not beaten Nocturne (the game he's constantly wanking), he presumably never even made it to Matador seeing as he had no idea Nozuchi was a demon in the game.
Everyone is so pretty and elegant in nocturne
the model is broken dumbfuck. your upper leg doesnt disappear when you stretch
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Not entirely true, we had ACfag complaining about Capitulate to Pleasure being a "cutscene" (and containing a woman, his kryptonite) in the pre-release days. A "cutscene" that you can skip either actively or just remove entirely in the options. He's still obsessed with Xenoblade of all things though, which shouldn't have drawn him in in the first place.
At least this isn't /vp/, which has a vore schizo spammer across the entire board who actually stalked and harassed a girl at his college IRL.
SMT3 be like
Fear God and give glory to him
For the hour of his
Judgement has come to you!

SMT V/V be like


Man the best SMTVV songs are the SMT V songs, that's crazy, what a dogshit game. You are supposed to make things better not worse with AI? I guess team is too lazy to make a good game. SMTV was already BORDERLINE dogshit but Vengeance is pure garbage

Not Chiaki though, as she's just a fashion disaster.
Fire Emblem threads have a dude who posts at a Canadian public library and several local McDonalds all day the same 20 shitty photo shopped gore pictures. He appears at the same time every day as if it's his job.
you know I just realized the SMT soundtracks were actually kind of trash before Kozuka.

4, 4A and 5's OSTs mog the fuck out of anything in SMT1-SJ/DDS/Persona
she bends her leg retard faggot
anon, do you know how anatomy works?

the muscle/tendonds that connect your pelvis to your thigh don't disappear when you bend the leg lol.
He's the most mysterious schizo on the board to me. He never types any message and just seemingly replies to people with his weird images at random. I can't even venture a guess as to what his motives are.
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Damn i can't argue with that
Debatable. Classic SMT/Persona had very recognizable themes and music, the hardware fucking sucked but you can tell a lot of passion went into them and SJ is a prime example of the hardware getting in the way (DS LOL)

Then you have fucking abominations like Persona Metaphor and Persona Vengeance music and Persona 5 and Persona Reloaded and Vengeance, pure and absolute GARBAGE of a OST.


>Patrick Bateman enters the thread

>its 6am-8am in asia

my man working since the morning,god bless you monkey shitposter.
It's not entirely random; alignment definitely plays apart. The game even says as much but I can understand that being lost in the jargon. Demons have proclivities to certain responses, sometimes they'll break the norm and that's where the randomness comes in. But more often than not you cab use the same responses and get good results.
thats how its animated its not gonna be like real life retard
Vacations nigger, i don't have to make any dolls today.

Why did they killed SMT V ost with Vengance anyways? Vanilla V had a very distinctive otherworldly / hard rock female Buddhist thing going on. I bet they just turned on the AI for Vengeance cause it really is all over the place.

If you didn't play those games, you didn't listen to those tracks.
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Compare to the absolute nonsense of Vengeance SOICORE, i can feel a troon AI is behind those.



Like bro no why, they even RAPED the original Da'at battle theme.


Raping the IP for persona dimes
Can't imagine a better use of my vacation than seething for 16 hours straight about a series I've never played. You should see if you can make some friends or something.
post underrated SMT music

Who would ever jump out of a ship and drown for a flatty?
You can't be underrated if you are the best.
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>he makes DOLLS for a living
I assume you at least FINISH them if it's a career.
I read that as a fatty. Yeah why would anyone drown for a fucking cow? No one

But every man on a ship would drown for a beautiful hebe and we both know this is true. Whales are meant to be hunted
i make the entire thing from start to finish
Shame you'll never actually hear those tracks in game, since you never played any of them.
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Trying to my bro. Should I just go all in with Phy Pleroma's, drains and one really strong physical move?
Damn you should put that same effort of finishing gay ass dolls into finishing
>Devil Survivor
>Strange Journey
>Soul Hackers
>Persona 3
and all the other games you didn't play. Or getting a "Cotsco" membership, even.
Do any of you guys remember where the Aogami Type-C essence is?
Somehow there's still no YT video or page with the locations, and while I have 1 copy of it I'd like to keep its location in mind so I can farm it for Phys Pleroma.
I think the Onis are supposed to be used together to make charge stronger so maybe charge+2 onis+healer with (maintain charge) passive and charge+hell thrust?
I don't think stacking drains is particularly worth it if it isn't covering a weakness (or you need to for a particular boss for whatever reason).
i never typed cotsco that was some other guy, same thing with the ball/elephant pokemon being a different person, I don't even know what's the deal with that and i don't want to know.


SMTVV is ass.
>Vacations nigger
You spend your vacation days NOT playing your favorite game DDS? Is it too hard for you?
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Nvm, I just remember I've been screencapping them and found it very quickly.
Dropping my pic in case it can be helpful to any of you.
That's neat. A pro-tip is to use all the aogami essences and recollect them since one of the achievements is collecting 20 husks but it does not count if you're full or carry over progress on NG+
Does this game ever stop being just a dessert? I'm only 12 hours in but I'm feeling very uninspired and unmotivated to continue if I'm being honest.
So there's no reason not to immediately put Demi-fiend's resistances on my bino, right?
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Why did they rearrange some of these locations from vanilla anyway? I can understand that they had to add in all the A, B, C, and D types, but they put at least some of them in the places where you'd find some of the original types, which they moved to new locations entirely.
it changes color to red and blue
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The desert is only the first area. Second area is full of shipping containers, warehouses, a forest, a river, mountains, etc. Third is largely valleys and lakes, and fourth is mostly ruined highways and snow.
holy based. imagine trying to talk to some stinky demon
Speaking of SMT games nobody ever beat, here's one for all of us
Yeah but you might want to get it again for his skills in case you want Chaotic Will (very handy against even superbosses) and/or Gaea Rage. If you feel up to beating him again anyway.
>that samael fight.
I can't do it bros is there a limit to how much he can summon qadistus?
Between him summoning the qadistus and healing them he just keeps wearing me down.
>partial translation
no way bro
Is this as janky as the SMT II patch or
>Status: Unfinished
Man. At least I have something to look forward to I guess.
So if I do the fight again I can just get another of his essence? No new save file needed?
It does let you get a second one since it's a drop and not the sidequest reward. Just make sure you use it for whatever you need first before you attempt fighting him again.
Don’t use his essence for resistances it makes him go apeshit and everything actually hard is almighty anyway
Is it bad for Satan? I was worried it might trigger almighty spam but I don't really care if it's good for demi-fiend or not because I don't really want to do that again anyways.
doesn't seem to make him go anymore apeshit than he goes anyway. Megido Ark doesn't give an absolute fuck about anything. Demifiend deliberately seems to get angry at resists once he realizes you're nulling/reflecting/draining
Lucifer's plans further the Great Will's seeming long-term goal of enforced Monotheism. Even if he isn't a fragment of Merkabah like IV Luci, he's still unwittingly following God's plan.

On the other hand, the Mandala System might or might not be in Willy's plans, given that it is eternal recurrence when G-W wants an eventual end state of a perfect Millennium Kingdom.
It could just be a tool resetting the universe/es under Their control until a desired end state is found.
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This is not a SMT general. We are here to talk about Vengeance. Just go to /vg/ if you want shit fling this hard.
I think I'm gonna just use his essense for resistances then because it seems useful for the satan fight. I can just have him use chaotic will anyways.
Satan has smart AI once he knows your resistances he just does what will do the most damage always
Sorry kid but vengeance dropped the ball and there is nothing to talk about, empty world, dogshit gameplay and garbage story
In my experience Satan doesn't seem to like using his Phys or Fire skills if there's a possibility of being nulled or something, so he seems to try those when he gets Impaler's Animus (and he'll still try them when he gets hit with Dekajaon). Even if you use the Demi-fiend's Essence as your affinities, he'll be compelled to try Megidolaon if you use the command dodge skill from Tsukuyomi, which is much more manageable. But Chaotic Will is probably the way to go if you can manage to kill all his adds every turn he summons them, since he'll only have one Press Turn and will resummon without fail. This is going to be hard without the damage output of Masakado and some MP restoration support though.
Weird. I'm playing right now and it seems to be the best mainline smt game ever released but that might be me.
Yeah I'm on a fresh NG CoV Hard save so no masakado. Figured my only option is relying on bino dodge spam with demi-fiend using chaotic will
You shouldn’t kill his adds you should intentionally let him absorb shit skills
For example if he absorbs the Haunt type demon he does Twilight wave and you can just steal his entire turn with a phys dampener lol
That sounds awesome, I might actually commit to a magic build this time.
>but that might be me.
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Finnegan is so goddamn cool. Real shame MC couldn't do physical techniques like he could.
Also weird. I'm playing right now and it seems to be the best mainline smt game ever released as well but that might also just be me like that other anon.
It's not as good as 4A but it's damn good still and I'm having fun. SEAmonkeys should remove themselves and wait for the new DBZ game or find a dog to BBQ or whatever the fuck you do for fun.
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>You shouldn't kill his adds
Look if they die from collateral damage from Recalcitrant Execution then they die from collateral damage, and no way was I going to deal with him on Hard or Godborn Hard without some dumb DPS strat. It just worked out best that way where killing all of them and using Chaotic Will forces him to resummon and nothing else. As long as I kept up that rhythm, he was done.
I also got mad enough to come up with this mass murder strat specifically because he deleted my wife with Megido Ark turn 0.
>the hardware fucking sucked but you can tell a lot of passion went into them
Skill issue
it's your first one so your opinion doesn't really matter
Been playing since Strange Journey, Vengeance has superior gameplay just about everything. Only really missing IV:A's fusion options.
I Traport to the Terminal.
at least he has a first one, unlike your retarded ass who got filtered by 3 Matador and quit
Even so he's played more SMT games than you have, which still remains 0. :^)
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I always try to fuse Ishtar because I became her consort in Catherine.
Turbo Granny bros...
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Is this a decent loadout for the dodge-bino Satan build? I'm guessing I should up my healing potency for more MP?
Is Elusive the one where Bean counters if he dodges? It didn't seem to work if I used Luminescent Mirage.
Yeah it's that one. I guess I'll test right now and see.
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>go to talk to french wolf for ishtar fusion fodder
>Magsjdgsjdfsk interrupts me and starts talking to him
>They have a full ass fucking conversation and he leaves after
I didn't even know that could happen, they talked about suffering and inner beauty
Is Yoko supposed to be dumb or something? Because I find myself agreeing with all of her points.
My strategy was to have Bino taunt and then do chaotic will>lumi mirage with evergreen on free turns
I've got bad news for you anon
Not bad at all, but you might want to fit in Revival Chant (Aogami Type-9) and Lunation Flux (Tsukuyomi Medium) in there. I don't know about Elusive Eclipse being worth it especially since you don't have any Phys potential at all AND he's naturally resistant to Phys. He also absorbs Light naturally so Paraselene Blur's not going to do you much good unless you stick an Impaler's Animus in there or otherwise only hit him when he makes himself vulnerable to Light.
I just tested and it activated fine.
just started smt vegengance for the new route what are the stat lvl up priorities? all in on strength or magic or split in between both?
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nah, she's the smartest character in the game
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I finished my first playthrough in CoC. My sides went into orbit when pick related had his euphoric moment.
I think it's funny, but it can be frustrating occasionally
Huh. Guess it was just a bug then.
all in AGI
they can't even touch you
Lunation Flux is pretty bad, get something else like Fierce Roar instead so you can guarantee Paraselene next turn.

>Satan build
Oh then you're fucked since he absorbs light, so if you plan on being a DPS you have to use something else.
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You might want to invest in a fedora if you IRL agree with legitimately everything she says.
God? Whos that? YHVH ? Who's that?

Nah dude we have to use bethel, i mean the story is already dogshit. BETHEL LAW
Real titty lovers love flat to mega milk, I've nut to both
Anon you might actually be retarded
He is handled so much better in CoC but yeah THAT part is such a meme lmao
haha the SEAtard didn't even play V. What a fucking retard
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Based chavs bvll, don't mind the lawcucks
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He's fucking great. He becomes more euphoric in CoV, so you're in for a treat.
Revival chant seems like a good point and yeah I don't feel like farming glory for phys pot so that makes sense to swap. Not sure what to swap for impaler's so I'll try to see how it feels to just let it be resisted.
He resists, not absorbs. Also I'm not worried about it not procing because he always AOEs
He's even cooler in COV
You’re all lead poisoned if you think cars are a net benefit rather than metal death coffins. Maybe it was a mistake to switch from something that has a sense of self-preservation?
Magic to start is pretty nice. Then you might want to lean into Strength halfway through the game. Then start leaning hard into Vitality. You can earn a very limited amount of stat respec items, but you'll probably be fine if you just go all in on Strength or Magic the whole way until you start doing really challenging superboss stuff, then you'd lean into Vitality.
I lost my mom in a car accident but I still think cars are good and I know why roads are built up off the ground
> he absorbs light
He swaps resistances based on the demon he absorbs
Kaiwan and Macabre are both weak to light and their magatsuhi skills aren't run enders
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Dude that's totally SMT!!!!

BREHS that totally SMT, the gameplay SMT!!!
You're smart then
He changes the affinities with his Plunder skill, but by default he absorbs light, dark and fire while resisting phys
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He really is YHVH's strongest edgelord. The funniest part of CoC Ichiro is that he essentially brainwashed himself because Abdiel was NICE to him. And then he starts teleporting, because of teleporting rabbis are a thing according to the Talmud or something.
gotcha. im new and do things in a roadmap fashion. what number should I lvl magic and then the rest
He may be my favorite SMT character idk but Walter was good too
Oh, I see. I thought his default state was just res. Guess I'll have to let him plunder someone light weak if I want to keep my other skills...
He got brainwashed by the Abdieussy
one of the first demons he summons has Light WEAK so you could try to keep that on him
just watch out for the Arks
The characters from this SMT are a complete and utter embarrassment , i don't even want to use my fedora for this game, everything is so childish and melodramatic like persona

I guess it was made like that so stupid people like you could understand the point
Makes more sense than his development in CoV desu.
>Mastema makes a suspicious face when we leave them both alone
>next thing we see is him killing Yuzuru
>then the next encounter is him teleporting all over the place with a fallen Abdiel by his side
I know it was for the shock value but it still felt like they skipped over a scene or two with him. Him seeing a BTFO Abdiel in the god summit and slowly becoming lawtarded made more sense.
Playing through CoC and just beat Lahmu at the school. How far am I?
Honestly not sure about the mixed stat advice he's giving you. You can just go full mag or full str and the game gives you 4 respecs over the course of the game if you want to change it later. In either case you should just be leveling your main attacking stat most of the time, vitality often, and a few points in agility every now and then.
Did Vengeance change the relationship? He seems to call the shots to an extent. He asks questions like he's looking for her approval, but she follows up and frames it like he's the head honcho.
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>now the SEAtard has given up any pretense of having played any of these games
He gets radicalized earlier due to a certain trustworthy crow and becomes racist against beanos
Spess Muhreen is my favorite but I do wish we could go back to those 1 & 2 suits.
I can't believe racism gives you superpowers.
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>drinks the kool-aid
>turns into Zayin
Muh Persona tho.
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I wonder, did Kaneko ever draw for ATLUS what the demons were supposed to look like from the back, or do they just make those details up as needed?
I ask because Debisama Cherub’s got this eagle head in the back now. It makes sense, given the mythology, but it was never visible in his 2D art. Was it always supposed to be there, or did they just add that detail for this game?
>Maybe it was a mistake to switch from something that has a sense of self-preservation?
Horses are physiological time bombs. If a horse's nose is plugged up, it will not breathe through its mouth as it will instead just suffocate and die. They can't vomit either. If it's about to vomit, it will die. If a mare is pregnant with twins, it's almost guaranteed to die. Injury like even a laceration to the legs? Huge nightmare to close the wound. Broken leg? Has to be euthanized since thousands of pounds are placed on the middle toes of each of their legs, and they cannot put all their weight on only three legs instead. If your horse gets laminitis, the toe bone can outright fall through the bottom of the hoof.
~20% of the way through the game
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>He thinks he's part of the gang lmao
I thought SEA monkeys only cared about gacha anyways. Don't know why he's even here.
Question, if I liked base V, is VV worth it? Is it just more of the same? (All gameplay and basically no story)
This dude is such a massive retard he kills his friends over the first girl to be nice to him (is actually just manipulating him)
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How do i get this fucking mimam?
>They can't vomit either. If it's about to vomit, it will die.
That can't be true.
can't wait to see what kind of retarded bullshit the obligatory Nahobino fight is gonna be
inb4 weird tagteam fight with Demifiend + Bino doing a split party like 4A
yes because I had mixed feelings about V but feel like Atlus has redeemed the title (insert jeet joke here)
I mean, /v/ would do the same thing
Follow the road northeast, there's a tunnel on the side that leads back to the miman.
It is definitely worth it. The story deal is kind of the same but the gameplay got improved to kino heights.
>shock value
>clearly set up
bino is no longer useful to abdiel because mastema gave dazai the power to solo the remainder of lucifer's army. it makes sense that they would kill yuzuru over tsukuyomi because japan still needs a pm to keep order.
There's a really annoying to spot tunnel on the side of the bridge you're on that lets you get underneath.
if you liked base then VV is definitely worth it, the story is slightly better quality now and the gameplay mechanics added for both Canons make the game better.
How powerful is YOUR favorite demon in canon /v/?
Nahobino and Vengeance story is an embarrassment to the SMT legacy in the same way Persona 5 killed the Persona Franchise SMT will soon follow

A game for retarded zoomers and troglodytes who can't see any soul beyond menus
it's always some retarded cityfag who has never seen a horse in his life that says shit like he did. There is a reason every farmer and rancher drives a pickup truck instead of his fucking horse to pick up a carton of milk
>t. grew up in a place with hitching posts outside of stores
Mastema has a certain proficiency with radicalizing impressionable and vulnerable characters. I knew exactly what was going to happen the instant Mastema had his eye on Ichiro. It makes more sense than Ichiro radicalizing himself, but still.
Please never play an SMT and see what human characters are like starting with and including Nocturne, thanks.
I didn't ask for your response, SEAtard. You didn't play any of these games. You're as worthless as the country and whore mother that birthed you.
By shock I mostly meant the second point, if you in the game blind, or having played CoC first, having Aogami dying + Dazai killing Yuzuru is pretty shocking, especially since CoV tries to make everyone friendlier towards each other.
What a sad way to live
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Thanks bros
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>Look at that young man, you fucked up Aogami's life and now you're fucking up mine
Actually he's the one who radicalizes her in CoC. Abdiel never once used him, just treated him well since he carries her Knowledge. She never had any intention of fusing with him.
Baal was strong enough to be YWVH’s rival for the throne in the ancient past and is regularly depicted as an endgame demon. Even his degraded parts, like Beezlebub or Bael, play important roles in the games they appear in all the way back to SMT1.
Alright nice, should I just bumrush through base game and then do the new story? Or just jump into the new one. I haven’t played V since release so I forgot basically all of the story besides it being almost nonexistent.
You never played a single game with YHVH in it. You never played vanilla V either, else you would know that YHVH is specifically dead from the first fucking boss.
around a quarter of the way through
I went new route. It's the same minus a few tiny things until the second area, and now things are pretty different.
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Dungeon crawlers? Yeah not my kind of game BUT I LOVE VENGEANCE
If you plan on playing the game multiple times, go CoC -> CoV, if you want to play it only once, 100% go CoV
That's just my opinion of course, but I think seeing the "original" story and what changed (a fuckton, and mostly for the better) is pretty neat, meanwhile going the other way would suck a lot
Speaking of, I wonder if some of the other "higher" demons will come into play. Shiva knows Brahma can recreate the world even without the throne, and Khonsu calls on Ra-Horakhty to give him the power of a creator deity. Unless they popped up in I and II, in which case fuck me.
Give it to me straight lads, does this run well on 'eck?
Thinking of grabbing one during the sale
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>SEAtard is a sharteen
you're free to do either
I did CoC first just to get it out of the way and the Demon Haunts + new mechanics changed it up enough to be a pleasant playthrough.

a CoC clear will give you access to Satan at the end of your CoV route and CoC is how you unlock Masakado. You can only get the True Masakado fight if you get a sword in CoV. Eventually you're gonna wanna do both at least once. You have to do all 6 routes to get 100% since the VR challenges are locked behind all the routes.
I don't know for sure but it runs on fucking Switch without catching on fire so I would imagine so
To be honest I'm not even sure he's Filipino. They have a completely different membership store chain than Costco. He might be from an even worse shithole. He just insists he has a Costco membership just as he insists he's played any game in the series.

Bruh Dungeon Crawlers? Yeah nah
Just do Vengeance. You will remember the events as you progress through the new story. Also remember you can port your save from switch to steam and ps4 in case your console is cracked.
I can't wait until we're out of the Sentaifag phase.
>SEAmonkey LARPing about going to Smart N Final or Costco, things that don't exist in their mud hut typhoonbait villages
that's funny
>there's a reason
yeah, it's almost as if car roads aren't meant for horses...
>b-but there's a reason why we have cars!
there's a reason why 5 year olds are social media addicts
but 1 and 2 came out a long time ago?
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Yeah, more than likely.
dirt roads aren't "car roads" you retarded faggot
>you can import your save from switch
I emulated base game, so I doubt I can do that
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>Now to their digestive system. Oh boy. First of all, they can't vomit. There's an incredibly tight sphincter in between the stomach and esophagus that simply won't open up. If a horse is vomiting it's literally about to die. In many cases their stomach will rupture before they vomit. When treating colic you need to reflux the horse, which means shoving a tube into their stomach and pumping out any material to decompress the stomach and proximal GI tract. Their small intestines are 70+ feet long (which is expected for a big herbivore) and can get strangulated, which is fatal without surgery.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink, else it will probably explode.
yeah nah you definitely belong on Chaos route lmao
1 and 2 aren't Sentai. They're just an 80's nerd idea of cool.
buy a dirt bicycle then
Is there no way to get your save files from an emulator? One would think this to be trivial.
It really isn't your kind of game since you haven't played any and don't even deny it.
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There definitely is, though I had a harddrive failure and lost everything including that
If I'm going for all achievements, what exactly needs to be done on my first CoV run?
The exact moment Tao lost my heart

Bruh Dungeon Crawlers? Yeah nah

Bro i need every skill
Bro i need every demon
Bruh i need dogshit melodramatic story and humans

Sorry carfags, she's BBC only (Big bicyclist cock)
YHVH isn't a distinct individual, but a title for a given universe's God of Law. The Last Bible games' YHVH is actually the protagonist of MT1 after ascending.
The fact He's depicted as the giant floating Wizard of Oz head is not a coincidence.
I always felt like the vast majority of demons are meant to fall in a similar range of power
Hydra definitely isn't literally level 12 Bino tier when it was rampaging around the area and slaughtering angels for a good while
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If we do, I hope that we don't go back to capeshit action figures and luxury cars or something.
I mean, Melchizedek being a Mercedes and also an X-Men action figure is kinda funny, but Kaneko definitely had plenty of really dumb pop culture jokes at times. It's like if an American made a Susano-o design and designed him like a white woman named Susan.
Many such cases
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While I know it'd probably be pointless since the SEAfag would ban evade anyway, it's sad that mods haven't slapped this wojak spammer for his incessant shitposting. I never even see any of his posts deleted.

All 200 mimans (they don't carry over to NG+ so you would have to restart from scratch)
All periapts + talismans (some are CoC exclusive but iirc the achievements are doable in each route)
400 relics (vending machines), I had to grind a bit for this since I think it doesn't carry over to NG+ either
Defeat two of Agrat's projections, that's pretty hard to miss as opposed of the equivalent CoC cheevo
Every subquest you see (Fionn and Shiva have unique achievements)
Other than that just explore everything (all abscesses, amalgams) and you're fine
>but Kaneko definitely had plenty of really dumb pop culture jokes at times
Seraph being Bohemian Rhapaody is maybe my favorite of that bunch. It was subtle enough to not take away from the design.
what is this retarded faggot crying about now? It's not like he played 1, 2, or Strange Journey. Also funny he is now crying about 'muh dungeon crawlers' when 3, the one he pretends to also have played and dickride, is the one that ended that.
being an annoying faggot isn't against the rules.
Yeah I get that he's more a concept than anything. V still makes it clear from the Hydra fight that the God of that world is explicitly dead. And the SEAmonkey admittedly has not played a single SMT game so I'm still right on that.
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>gets namedropped
>doesn't show up
also hardest boss I've ever fought in any smt game.
They can hit you with the low quality posting rule and a 3 day unappealable for anything they really want to
spamming this shit used to be
but mods are too busy ERPing as pretend women
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Bruh Dungeon Crawlers? Yeah nah

Bro i need every skill
Bro i need every demon
Bruh i need dogshit melodramatic story and humans

I was able to comfortably beat Shiva again with my team (Bino, Beelzebub, Ongyo-ki, Demeter), and I cheesed Demi-fiend back in the original game. How tough is Satan?
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>I need every demon
>I need every skill
Also Yes.
But this is:
harder than Demifiend mainly because he has more stats and HP
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I played Persona 5R before starting Vengeance and I feel like it has actively made me worse these kinds of games because of how easy it was.
Kill yourself normalnigger faggot
I still feel like I can't make much headway against satan and I have Demi-fiend in my party after beating him lol
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Man that samael fight was s bitch and a half.
Had to blow through half of my resources
I actually think Purse Owner has enough of the same mechanical ideas and fusion mechanics that someone who has played those has more of an edge than a complete newcomer.
This isn't my first SMT is the thing.
>play SMT3 either before or after Fivengeance, 5 is a direct sequel to its events and there are a fuckload of references to it
Ooh so close yet so wrong.
Isn't that kind of antithetical to most chaos characters, usually it's "bring on a world of suffering so the strong may rise above the weak!"
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Hirohiko Araki probably had an influence on him honestly, and starting from around mid-90s onwards he was definitely leaning heavier into pop culture and especially high fashion. Like, Super Famicom era designs generally played it pretty straight, aside from its own pop culture references like Baphomet's designs coming from a movie. He even gave Rama a Kamen Rider belt so he's not immune to toku influences either.
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How many chaos reps actually call for a world of suffering?
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Arthur is such a 10/10 Neutral Rep, its unbelievable.
Did you not fight the superbosses in that very game? They're stupid nasty and awful. Shekinah didn't give me too much trouble, but I can understand the issues since you have to rely on Demon Co-Op to do anything.
Played 60h on my oled, sometimes reaches 80-90 fps but it was 60 fps for the most part, good experience
I think they nailed everything about the writing in Strange Journey except for alex. It really was an incredible example of what SMT should be all about imo.
both are complete dogshit
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They don't have to explicitly say it but any world of absolute freedom where the strong can do as they please is a world of suffering and almost all chaos reps use those talking points. It's never a happy time
Chaos Hero, Chiaki, Walter, Jimenez
why does the SEAtard overuse the word 'dogshit' so much?
Nobody asked about his dinner.
Been playing CoC for a while and I'm not really feeling the open zone thing, is it one of those games where it gets better as it goes on?
Thanks you kind anon.

>Defeat two of Agrat's projections
Owari da for me. I'll have to do another CoV run for the other ending so this isn't too big of a deal right?
>perfect, piles of rotting corpses all over my altars, just the way I like it
Chaos is retarded a lot of the times in these games. It's kind of funny that Devil Survivor has a goddamn near perfect Chaos route without the retardation of all games
SJ is so kino

Kinda crazy how we are never getting another SMT thanks to V
Dahn is such a retarded chaos faggot, its retarded. He got too greedy and lost everything while making life a living hell in tokyo.
Unfortunate. Anyway the zones get better designed and more intricate as the game progresses, peaking with the 4th Da'at and CoV's third Da'at but I don't know if they'll convince you in the open zone design.
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>beat the mean girls squad
>get all their essences
>Naamah resist everything, is immune to dark and it's only weak to Phys
>It's also immue to confusion and charm, the two most goddamn annoying ailments
>Pass those inheritances to the Nahobino
>Add Resist Phys
>my heckin Nahobino is already resistant to almost everything and it's barely the beginning of Taito
>best selling SMT title to date
>fastest selling
>first one with a huge PC presence
oh oh, SEAretard STINKY!
>laughs in auto evade tank arahabaki essence to buff GODmagog
any SMT released on modern platforms in a post 7th gen market is going to be the best selling and fastest selling game in the franchise anon.

Gaming got a huge audience & ease of access increase since the 3DS/PS2 era.
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Yeah it's not very hard. The CoC equivalent is killing Ishtar without weakening her which isn't hard at all but if you don't know about it you can easily miss it.
>except for alex
Makes sense considering she was never meant to be in SJ to begin with. I know Atlus has a fetish for rerelease girls but SJ was probably the one game they should've restrained themselves.
in what?
Pascal the dog is h- WOAH!
I dunno, I still think Jimenez going full hypocrite didn't sit well with me. If there's anything Alex did right, it's saying to him what was at the back of my mind for the original release. You can't bring up with him the importance of the bond with Bugaboo and how that meant he should still forge alliances instead of going full "only look out for #1". He outright regressed to a flanderized version of himself from the start of the Schwarzwelt mission with that, where he was fully self-centered, after getting character development of having something to care for. But I guess that's also the point since the thing he cared for ended up becoming a literal part of himself. Mixed feelings about him.
You can make whatever qualifier excuses you like, but it still shows the series is healthier than ever, and not 'dying'
Never said it was dying.
Shame you didn't see this or any ending too.
they retard I was mocking did though and maybe you shouldn't answer for his retarded ass then?
I liked the 4A girls.
>1 ties in with 2
>3 ties in with 5
So, can I expect some IV kino in SMT VI?
IV already got its sequel
I'll reply to whatever post I god damn well please, NIGGER.

If your schizo ass is talking to someone then maybe quote them in your reply, DUMBFUCK.

everything before V is fantastic
since SJ is the real 4, 6 will be a sequel to it. 4-2 is SMT 7.
If anything its part of IVs canon, still not a new mainline game
>answer a retard
>other retarded FAGGOT steps in "WELL ACKSHULLY"
>mock him too
lol you're just as bad as him, bet you're from some shithole country too
IV was already going back to I and II in some ways down to having Stephen, though it was not a direct tie-in. Maybe we'll get a post-Schwarzwelt title or something.
Wow, a dumbfuck defending a dumbfuck is also a dumbfuck. Shocker.
Meant for >>681451794
No that's just the SEAmonkey to begin with. His reddit spacing and overuse of calling people niggers despite being even worse than one is immediately recognizable.
4 exists, so no.
So the guy saying seamonkey and the guy shitting on the game is the same autist samefagging right?

What drives people to be this way
You mean 1 & 2-3. It's unreal how much 4 borrows from the SNES games and I don't like the idea of the franchise becoming a neverending nostalgia wankfest given there's not that much to wank over so it's just repeating itself.
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Nah 3 is kinda shit
Retard question, but is the rest of the world still "normal"? It's only been Tokyo that's been wiped off the map, right?
>same spacing and ESL typing as

Kek, good try you SEAmonkey retard
3 was literally the first time the series actually had good gameplay
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Hey can you post your Costco membership card? You like to brag about it and I will kneel if you do in fact have one.
SJ is overrated garbage for westoids, redditors only like it because of the black characters
nocturne is V but with worse gameplay
Should be, since only Tokyo was wiped out.
Everything else fucking sucked though.
If and Nine are pretty garbage while IV, Apocalypse, and V are flawed gems at best.
Please seek help.
There was an NPC that talked about moving from a different part of Japan so I took it as
>Tokyo vanished
>God's miracle recreated Tokyo and put all the people back
>the 'real' Tokyo is in Da'at
>the 'fake' one is just as corporeal and real as the old one
>3 of the onis to maximize four oni skill
>grimoire their stats up with primary focus on strength and secondary focus on vit. Every other stat is wasted
>phys boost and crit damage up passive if you can
>Critical Aura MP version (gauge one sucks)
>spend first turn using critical aura
>next turn use the unique charge+4 tarukaja gauge skill
>hit them with figment slash, hell thrust, rampage, or whatever your strongest phys move is
>redo the crit with their extra turn
>repeat as much as needed
I think the whole damn world got fucked though. There's not even really a sky anymore just cubes and orbs.
Does Soul Hackers 2 ring ANY bells? I don't think even ATLUS West's strongest Nocturnebabs think this. They've put out doodoo feces plenty of times.
>literal SEAtime zone
SEAnigger, kill yourself, thank you
Yoko has dialogue in the Demon Haunt where she wonders what the state of the rest of the world is. But then says they're probably all dead or something.
idk what to go all in magic or strenght. tough choice cuz i like both
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I saw a tesla truck out in the wild today. ugliest thing I've ever seen.
The Flynn that appears in the Diamond Realm DLC is from SMT IV's universe. This is outright stated that he's not the same Flynn as the one Nanashi knew. IV:A is just a very similar universe up to the point where Krishna shows up or doesn't show up.
Bro said God made me Filipino so I'm bought to make it everyone's problem
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The only timezone this could possibly be is the Newfoundland Standard Timezone.
Yeah, that's how I interpreted it
implied they're not the only place absolutely blasted. Tokyo might've been the most fucked out of everywhere however since the apex of the conflict took place there like it always does
Nah the rest of the world is dead. We saw everyone vanish in the very beginning of Nocturne. They're gone. Only the point of origin of the conception was restored and even the people in Tokyo have been feeling sloggish, God's miracle is wearing off.
I love Soul Hackers 2 unironically.
It just a standard JRPG.
I get the Soul Hackers crybabies being mad about the name being used but other than that it's literally your fucking standard SMT game. Grow up, faggots.
yeah, the dividing point for 4 and 4A is Nanashi either dies or takes Dagda's help shortly after 4's Neutral route begins
HAHA you're even worse off than the SEAtard is, fucking Canadian scum
why is it called newfoundland when it was found 300 years ago
It's bad even as a stand-alone game. The skill tree upgrade is a fucking dungeon you have to run through every single time to get upgrades, very pitiful upgrades at that. And switching demons around on every character constantly is a pain in the ass. And the attack animations never change the entire game, so what you see at the beginning is what you see for the rest of the damn game.
The four main characters were good, but as a videogame it was god awful. And they reused the second dungeon immediately after it.
Please seek help. You can get attention by being a normal human you don't have to be a faggot.
cause it was new when they found it duh
otherwise it was Oldlostsea
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>I get the Soul Hackers crybabies being mad about the name being used but other than that it's literally your fucking standard SMT game. Grow up, faggots.
liking soul lackers 2 isn't a personality.
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The reason I love Shin Megami Tensei so much is because in Newfoundland I grew up hearing stories about how fairies will fucking kill you if you don't leave bread out for them at night and my older family all believed it like it was real.
What level is good to take on Cleopatra? I want the booba.
I always thought this dude got done so dirty by the end of ZZ.
she's lvl 61 so I'd say 55 depending on your stats and party
Suggested levels are in your quest menu. I think I was late 50s. Sometimes I try to take on quests earlier, like I got Mephisto at level 70 not 80
>He even gave Rama a Kamen Rider belt so he's not immune to toku influences either.

Holy shit I never noticed this or rhe Bohemian Rhapsody Seraph before. I think I love stupid pop culture references a lot though. Terminator's terminator guns might be my favourite.
It's the best ending in almost all the games.
>SMT2 it's the only ending where you both kill the corrupt center fags that tried to nuke humanity to go live in paradise while Lucifer aids you since he was the one who uplifted Humanity and wants to see the cast-outs free from living in the irradiated underground. Neutral kills him for no reason but to appease the lawfags.
>SMT3 TDE is the good ending to the entire franchise since you destroy the cycle of abuse and take the fight to the real asshole in charge
>SMT4 went backwards to SMT1's choice of making anything but neutral a bad ending for some reason
>SJ Chaos is the only ending that doesn't turn humanity into prayer slaves and doesn't lead to a reetending like Neutral., where the events of the game will just happen again but this time without the OP protag. The entire middle act of the game is showing you how fucking stupid the humans are. They try to kill you and the whole event of the game is explicitly said to be caused by humans being pieces of shit. Speedreaders ignore this because funny black guy in suit. Chaos is the most "honest" ending. Redux endings make everything a good ending so idc.
Becoming the well-intentioned demon king is the absolute best scenario considering the circumstances. You control the forces of chaos without becoming a lawcuck who sells out humanity to a bunch of prettier demons. Neutral is once again the dumbest ending.
You destroy the corrupt system to put something honest in its place instead of being a retard reformist. Cities are recreated to be walkable and trillions of lives are saved from vehicular genocide.

It's not just "haha funny genocide." Law endings fit the lawful description of genocide much more. Neutral is sometimes good but most of the time it's a reset ending and those are bad endings. The same shit will happen again.
Nah I can actually hold a conversation about the gameplay of whatever title I claim to play and not post easily searchable maps or music, and our typing styles are not anywhere similar. Nor do I use Gen Z slang or whatever. On that note, whoever told me a few days ago to not play Raidou 1 was right since it feels like ass to play, from the Loyalty mechanics to the general combat to having progress blocked by investigation skills, et cetera et cetera. But I refuse to surrender to dumb mechanics from a 6th gen console game if I could deal with the dumb game design decisions that went into making SMT II on the Super Famicom. I will simply deal with the bullshit to appreciate Raidou 2 all the more.
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Not real fans, zoomers that started with dogshit V
weirdo but honest
SH has Ringo , Vengeance has no Ringo.
I mean, he kinda deserved it knowing his wife was still forever lusting after Space Autist Dick. The other stuff with his family and his kids and the way he died though, yeah.
Tough shit. Imagine dying for Judeau.
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Is this your mind on apple juice (Ringo piss)?
>SJ Chaos is the only ending that doesn't turn humanity into prayer slaves and doesn't lead to a reetending like Neutral., where the events of the game will just happen again but this time without the OP protag. The entire middle act of the game is showing you how fucking stupid the humans are. They try to kill you and the whole event of the game is explicitly said to be caused by humans being pieces of shit. Speedreaders ignore this because funny black guy in suit. Chaos is the most "honest" ending. Redux endings make everything a good ending so idc.
SJ chaos will literally lead to a world where demons kill off humanity, you must be real self-hating if you think >>681450924 is the ideal.
fuck off SEAnigger
you have played zero (0) nada sero of these games
Avoid him. He is extremely delusional.
>it's another "highly visible glory you can only reach by finding a Magrail and jumping down" episode
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i've played all of them doe except NINE

Vengeance is one of the worst SMTs
I think people just mostly miss the porcelain doll Kaneko style from the PSX era onward, and the complaints about Doi's designs involving pop culture references like Ultraman just don't see what Kaneko referenced in his own designs. The complaints about Doi's style though are not unfounded because they can be questionable at times.
You were already exposed, though. You didn't know things about 3 that anyone who played it would know, you don't know what happened to YHWH in 5, you don't know the most basic things about any of these games.
Also you're a wojak posting shit eater, so please just die. Thanks!
>beano hesitates to grab aogami's hand when they first meet
>beano hesitates to grab aogami's hand when he has to let go of him in true neutral ending
It's not pop culture, dude loves his power rangers slop.

Kaneko characters were elegant, Doi has a tendency to make shitty sentai garbage designs. Neither of them are particularly good when they have full control of the designs but Kaneko is better
your fanart is a proof that V is the superior game, kaneko shit art can't give us that
SJ's Chaos ending has everyone essentially succumb to a mind virus, virtually incapable of forging any kind of bond, and immediately at each other's throats. It's literally just /b/ but with less CP, or /trash/ but with less ERP.
>its not pop culture its pop culture

Are your fucking chromosomes ok
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>Kaneko characters were elegant
Maybe the ones used in modern games, but many that were left behind obviously didn't land.
Post the Costco card.
How do I get Amanozako? I already beat her and I am level 72. Why cant I fuse her?
do i need to beat demi fiend and masakado before passing the door for the true neutral ending?
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Yeah I love the SMT3 era style the most but I don't dislike Doi's artstyle or anything. Some of them are pretty great. I even like shit people seem to hate like Zeus but SMT3 was just so fucking good.
Because kaneko is a real artist and it's hard to slop his shit up
You have to talk to a tengu across the bridge to the southwest of Taito, who'll task you with bringing Amanozako to the Tokyo Tower. You only did the step that gets you her Essence.
It's a quest from the Tengus in Taito after you get all the keys
>Naked man why did you boughted SMTV knowing that it's shit and it will kill the IP we all love
>lol lmao replied the naked man
there's one last quest that won't be available until right before you enter the Temple of Empyrean. A Kurama Tengu will be after the bridge
The SNES designs are better too so the fanboyism never made sense to me besides trying to pretend you're more hardcore than other fans.
No. IIRC it's just having completed Shiva's, Amanozako's, Fionn's, and Khonsu's respective quest lines.
no, but I do recommend tackling Masakado to get him unlocked for Fusion. He's a fucking powerhouse and will make the Demifiend fight better by being there
No argument, lawcuck. Keep reading tvtrope pages instead of paying attention to game lore. SJ beats you over the head with humanity bad!!! and maybe 1% of people bringing that game up actually acknowledge that. Fake fans.
Is that guy wearing spandex or is he just buck ass naked riding a frog with his cat
>he doesn't ride his frog naked through the forest with his cat
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It's just Bael. Which is weird because he looked fine in I.
I think if you spoke Tagalog it would make more sense than whatever the hell you just said.
>humanity bad
>lol just make it ten billion times worse because mommy said so
Strange Journey's universe is just fucked no matter what you do.

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