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safe to assume a massive patch that nerfs all the DLC weapons around the corner?
So everyone who played before the patch didn't beat the game?
Backhanded blades will be hit and nothing else.
Haven't tried a new weapon in a long time what's some of the best in the dlc
Are the dlc weapons actually substantially better than base stuff?
I played through with my base game greathammer jump attack build and absolutely pooped on everything. Except radahn, he took some learning.
why are the beast claws so shit
rolling sparks lightning bottle and fiends blood arm. Both completely busted.
Are they that good?
nope, but the ashes of wars are
for PVP maybe, they are fine for PVE.
Great katana is 100% getting the nerf bat
>amazing range
>amazing poise damage
>great normal damage
>can be buffed and infused with any AOW you want
>has bleed on top of everything
they feel pretty balanced, desu. The base katana is ass compared to Rakasha and the dragon one is a shitty quality weapon with a niche weapon art
If it makes the Starlined Sword into a light greatsword instead of a fucking katana (doesn't even look like a katana), then it'll all be worth it.
the moveset is just not very practical.
Depends on what build. Pure strength basically got nothing aside from a claymore copypaste.
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for me it's the thrusting shield
>retards try to trade r1s or spam l2
>proceed to get poked to death
There's some really strong stuff, but besides the op pic and the perfume bug, there isn't anything as game breaking as hoarfrost stamp and sword of night and flame on release
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i trade with this. definitely going to get nerfed into ground next patch
They'll probably fix the throwing shield, too. Which is disappointing, because I liked using blackflame blade on it to chew up bosses. But of course PVPers have to ruin everything. wouldn't surprise me if they also nerfed it a bit because speaking as someone who used it this is the most cancerous shit imaginable to invade into
impentrable thorns is OP just from the top of my head
>Both completely busted.

Bloodfiend arm is just stupidly strong, rolling spark is pants on head retarded literally "three shot bosses" level of broken because From are a bunch of monkeys that don't understand how their own game works.
RoB, Eleonora's poleblade, and Moonveil are still busted after 2 and half years, so i'm not expecting anything aside from the perfume bottles
>Are the dlc weapons actually substantially better than base stuff?

The opposite. Most of the OP stuff is due to oversights and bugs which means it's going to be fixed/nerfed pretty soon. Overall the new weapons tend to be at best sidegrades to the base game stuff though there are a few exceptions.
Fire Knight Greatsword might get some for that R1 chain. It literally has a DS2 & 3 R1 chain where it's a true combo on the first two hits, with ER's damage numbers that's big.
Really it's just the ash of war thats OP, hopefully they don't nerf the bottles themselves
I wish there were more blood incantations
the only one the dlc fucking added is after beating the dlc and its bugged so the bleed doesnt even work
>Bloodfiend arm is just stupidly strong
uunga boonga 5k damage isnt stupidly strong, its overtuned
i wish there was a good fucking strength weapon. A pure, S scaling strength weapon. I'd even take a retarded giant branch, just anything.
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I think they understand it perfectly and everyone else imposing their own rulesets and play methodology on top of the existing game are the ones that are retarded.
It's a sandbox, they're just single player action wizardry, you're supposed to try and break it.
bro, have you played Dark Souls 3 or Elden Ring basegame? Fromsoft are notorious for no fun allowed patches
No, anon. The sparks are literally bugged. "All instances of damage in a wide cone focused on a singular point doing 30,000 damage in a single hit" tier. It's not intended.
>uunga boonga 5k damage isnt stupidly strong, its overtuned

you can do 15k with rolling sparks
bloodfiend arm needs a nerf, rolling sparks needs to be nuked from orbit
just change the R2 into a weapon art and the bloodfiend arm is fixed.
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Yes, I have played all of these games, have you? Have you played evergrace or kingsfield? Or wizardry?
The same mechanical DNA is in all of them.

If you can't see that these games are made to make your own fun I don't know what to tell you.

The lightning perfume does seem a bit like a mistake, the rest falls in line with what I would expect, honestly.
Rolling Sparks and Impenetrable Thorns are almost certainly going to get hit
Hear me out. It's be a hard truth to you.
They made broken weapons for broken bosses. So 6k damage per perfume cast is normal. Huge bleed stack with kfc wing is normal. So yes, you beat the game pre-patch? You beat game in easy (journalist) mode.
Of course!
It's why I pirate, so I can avoid that :-)

Not really
Some things, like the throwing weapons/pots are now included since the entire game requires ranged to beat regularly, hence the weapon arts being spergy as fuck

But it's more like we went from 'hey retard, use this!' to 'hey retard, you should use this to beat the game'
patch is tomorrow?
why do all the weapons in this look like a gnarly dried up turd
What does this have to do with anything you dumbass? Fromsoft loves nerfing strong meta shit to try and balance the game and they will do it again. If they wanted it to be OP they would leave it alone.
>rick and morty IQ reddit ahh post
They buffed the scadoodles in a previous patch, so it'll depend on which is more impactful.
Pic unrelated? It hits hard but it's also slow as fuck, so it's fair.

These are the biggest candidates for nerfs right now, maybe martial arts getting a slight damage nerf too.
I don't think they would nerf shit if you retards would see the game for what it is and stop crying like a bunch of faggots that people "didn't beat the game" because of some self-imposed rules about some shit that doesn't fuckin matter
I don't even know what this means.
The final buff is incredibly minor (5% increase). They just changed it from linear to a front heavy system, which was an incredibly good change imo for both the difficulty curve and making the dog shit skibidi scavenger hunt less mandatory.
>proc bleed on single r2 with bloodfiend arm
>proc bleed on single L1 or L2 with RoB / Eleonora's poleblade
whats the different? bloodfiend arm doesn't need a nerf; it's the overall bleed mechanic needs a nerf.
but from obviousy isn't going to do that
To understand how fucked strong arm/thorns are, you just need to see at specs. Not even using it. They never tested it? If so, they never tested bosses also.
because those weaponsa aren't colossal weapons with 700+ AR + two handed talisman which does thousands of damage in one uncharged heavy
Oh right, and Fire Knight Greatsword is also probably getting some hits to its hitstun. That feels more like a bug fix than a balance change to me though, the ez combo feels very unintentional.
There's an entire other half of the game that subhumans seem to enjoy that involves fighting other players for some godless reason, and I would argue it's probably not fun for anyone going into a duel and instantly losing because you're not using the exploit weapon or invading into three people using the exploit weapon. I feel like the people who do shit for PVE and PVP are separate but they really must unfortunately consider each other. The game probably has 800 weapons but if you balanced it the way you want it balanced you'd see maybe 10 total. Doesn't seem like a good use of dev time to make the other 790 weapons at that point.
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nobody cares about pvptranny nerfs
Yup and shields
>whats the different?

Bloodfiend is a colossal weapon with b scaling. Basically it has massive damage + stance breaking on top of the bleed.
>Getting hit by a colossal heavy attack
Skill issue
Too bad its a a dogshit shield with ni 100% physical reduction an 70 guardboost its dogshit
I can agree with this, but it's the same pitfall that basically every game in existence suffers from. Trying to balance pvp in anything with this many options is doomed to failure and also suck the fun directly out of it.
your just guard?
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Too late, I already used Milady's incredible charged heavy to kill NG+ Malenia on my second try.
colossal weapons are pretty fast
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>Really wanted to exercise my right to bear arms
>They hit like plastic hulk hands and never bleed or stagger anything even with the ash of war
I wish they weren't somber weapons, but I doubt it would have changed much.
I'm deliberately avoiding buying it until most of the balance is finished beta testing(Thanks for testing it for me)

The fact Fromsoft obsessively patches PvE to make it less fun is deranged nonsense and the exsct reason this is my last ever purchase from those no-talent hackfraud autistic retard losers that keep trippling down the worst multiplayer system in the industry.
They are very specifically not fast by definition.
>maybe martial arts getting a slight damage nerf too.

Why the fuck, I thought they were shit
not really, plus you get the advantage of hyper armor and trades
This is completely disproven by their obsession with nerfing gear in PvE that isn't even that broken but lets you have more fun and feel more powerful.

Having fun and feeling powerful are NOT allowed in Shitsoftware games. You're a newfag with a warped perception.
chrightt did an optimization video on beast claws recently, which might help
you're literally retarded, sorry you have to find out here
They are slow. That's why the get hyper armor.
>b-but I should win trades against the guy swinging a huge ass hammer!!!
Fromsoft has completely lost the plot since Dark Souls 1. They are up their own ass so far we will never seen cool design again. It's all epic difficulty and ugly art from here on out.
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feels like you can't use colossal weapons and are projection youre skill issue on me
What's the most busted weapons in the regular game? I'm a shitter, I'm just trying to get to Mogh so I can taste the DLC.
They will change PvE stats too. They always do because they hate fun and happiness, you oblivious retard.
>coop with a random host
>every time an invader comes along and has backhand blades it's just a complete write-off
>just spams that one ash of war and does 1/2 or more of your HP each time in the spam of anime AOE hits with zero way to counter it
I thought it was funny that some faith build tried to do the perfume bottle cheese on me and a host one time while we were fighting the 11th copy/pasta dragon and it only did like 250 damage max even eating a full burst.
You're a dumb newfag that will cry when his favorite weapon is nerfed into being useless like literally every other fromsoft game.
for me, raptor talons or any claw weapon with bleed and minimum requirements for bloodflame. the bleed buildup is almost instant
You're the one bitching about a colossal weapon being op.
What, are you going to cry about flails next?
You're not just wrong, you're proving how new you are.
no, i said the bloodfiend arm is OP
Right, which is indicative of a skill issue on your part.
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I'm definitely not new in any capacity.
I will definitely be annoyed if they nerf something I think is fun, is that not the normal reaction?
Are you excited for the things you enjoy to be made worse or something?
Explains a lot about this shithole.
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maybe pvpniggers should stop crying, because pve nerfs always come in pair from their whining about pvp.
the bloodfiend doing 5-8k per hit is skill issue on my half?
you zoomers are pure brain rot
I wanna use a cool two handed weapon with a good guard counter for deflection physick, is anyone doing this? I went from godslayer gs with this which was okay to rakshasa's great katana (havent tried on any bosses), might try fire knight gs next
>Are you excited for the things you enjoy to be made worse or something?
>Explains a lot about this shithole.
hey, fuck you
im excited for the arena to stop being cancer spam
>the bloodfiend doing 5-8k per hit is skill issue on my half?
That being an issue for you is, yes.
So you admit they nerf fun shit. Retard.
the bhb swift strike is pure cancer and its destroying my co-op experience.
the host constantly gets nuked by an invader spamming it and its even worse when gankers use it on invaders
Thanks anon, I'll give it a watch
>So yes, you beat the game pre-patch? You beat game in easy (journalist) mode.
Sounds like cope from latecoming losers for why them finishing the DLC after a month makes them just as good or better than people who cleared it week one.
Then why do they keep nerfing stuff in every game?
Maybe, is the patch also going to fix the NPC quests being broken as fuck?
>patch for the DLC was filled with nerfs
>durr they want you want to break it guise
Why did Fromsoft fucking nerf most of the base game weapons before the dlc?!
>maybe pvpniggers should stop crying

might as well ask for water to stop being so wet while you're at it
>all baseweapons are worse
>all DLC weapons are cracked
>more resaon to buy DLC
They just nerfed scrub crutches like troonveil and assphemous blade
because of audience reception, not because of a balance design document or anything, I would be skeptical if they did anything at all but put stuff in based on feel initially
they didnt nerf moonveil enough
Didn't they also nerf NIHIL?!
Blasphemous Blade barely got touched, it just doesn’t kill Malenia in less than a minute now
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Why though? Does it hit twice on R2, building up bleed on both hits? I noticed that it deals a slight amount of damage instead of just staggering when you miss. It also applied bloodflame somehow.
A lot of the DLC weapons actually suck.
Like for example, pretty much every remembrance weapon is worse than base game elden ring remembrance weapons.
A good example of Rellana's twin blades, which if you actually look at their stats and damage, are just an inferior version of the sword of night and flame.
It got hit heavily in pvp, losing the knock down is huge.
Imo Rellana's weapon art is better, at least on the fire side
The fuck, why?
Hand to hand is complete garbage other than the palm strike ash of war.
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Not the weapons themselves but their 2 exclusive ashes are busted. Swift slash will fucking ruin the pvp beyond any salvation in its current state.
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>Have been playing with an Arcane/Strenght build
>Apparently all the Arcane/Strenght weapons are op as fuck
Anons are gonna say I didn't beat the game
They might look at truly broken stuff like carian sovereignty/thorns/etc. but doubt they'll hit PvE very hard. I mean, shit, BB didn't get touched till DLC.
Probably, from'll probably nerf them into unusability while giving swift slash a light love tap and a 20% damage nerf.
I'm not even sure what they can reasonably do about shotgun sleep bolts, if you remove status build up from crossbows they'll just be actually unusably bad.
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This thread looks like a good place to ask, but I thought I saw a phantom walking around with a bigass lobster claw as a weapon anyone know anything? Or was I drunk?

I had one guy spammed that shit on me in PVP, barely any cooldown, huge hitbox, very high damage and even when you manage to dodge there's a huge damage zone trail behind the attack that can get you for the same damage than the front attack,

This is beyond crap, I want to see two retards using this against each other.
Anons don't matter.
I no longer relate to or care about 70-80% of the people on this site even though I used to view it as my culture and them as my people over a decade ago.
Anons are going to say you didn't beat the game if you didn't do it unarmed at sl1 by slapping a dance pad with your erect cock. So long as you feel like you accomplished something who cares?
Fallingstar Beast Jaw?
It scales it's natural bleed with arcane and gets a naturally large chunk of bleed due to being a colossal, then it also adds bleed build up due to its unique r2 on top of that.
All that said I think it's fairly inoffensive compared to the other dlc outliers at the moment, it's pretty strong and it should probably have a nerf of some kind, but I'd only call it 20% stronger than it probably should be.
Rolling sparks just 1 shots bosses, players, whatever, and swift slash absolutely breaks pvp, blind spot can be spammed on reaction and invalidates entire weapon classes, sleep shotgun crossbow leads to 1 shots and a complete lack of counterplay if it hits you.
Just a reminder that you lose your jellyfish shield buff every time you 2 hand your bloodhound fang, Kevin.
Hey, if from nerfs pve alongside pvp for something that's their own balance problem, they've split the pve and pvp balancing already so you may as well blame the actual culprits rather than the messenger of bad news.
>natural bleed
But it doesn't have any? It gets the highest buildup if blood-infused.
What issues have you found?
I've only noted that ansbach will not give you the letter to freya unless you reset, ruining her questline.
I'm glad I played through on arcane first and not strength, I'd be livid if I'd missed that.
Right, sorry you're correct.
The rest stands though.
The weapons weren’t even that good! What the hell are they gonna nerf besides swift strike which you can parry and guard counter.
I wish Elden Ring had a light looking armor but with heavy poise and defense. I want to make a barbarian character but it sucks ass playing with low armor and poise.
Have you not seen rolling sparks yet?
I got the champion head and chest to mix with the bull goat set for the first real poise breakpoint without bullgoat talisman if that's the level of poise you wanted. You can swap the gloves out if they look a little out of place or short for your arms, there are a few replacements that can do the job.
how should i distribute my stats between STR and ARC if i want to make a chicken wing pvp build?
I would assume 54 str for the two handed soft cap then whatever in arcane.

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