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this femboy/aspiring rapist brainwashes his entire extended family to get with his brother who then rejects him so he sicks his HIV+ sister on Him

feel like I skipped some pages what the fuck
I here cast a spell that everyone who enter this thread shall have their hearts stolen by Miquella the Kind; then stomach he's not evil and thus accept his Age of Compassion.
Naw that's pretty much it.
The only bit left open to interpretation is if Malenia did it because Miquella asked her to or if she did it because she was charmed by Miquella as well or if she did it all of her own free will with no involvement from Miquella.
Don't care. Still burning the world.
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*breaks your charm spell*
Miquella is mine and mine alone
why are femboys so powerful?
if you think radahn rejected miquella you're coping
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a man by itself can be powerful, but a man that looks like a woman yet ports themselves above other men are truly the strongest among us
He stole my mimics tears heart p2
>Resistance is futile, you WILL fuck me
Miquella is insane
>all of these pre-established characters with their own motivations and ideals for the world?
>actually all of them were just brainwashed by this twink into (one of) his 300iq 4d chess plans :)
it'd be fun if your heart would also be stolen when the mimic tear had his, even though it wouldn't make much sense.
>you build up a character to brainwash people but he doesn't use it

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The only one we know as being brainwashed was Mohg, and people were already theorizing that way before the DLC.
I would die for every single Fromsoft femboy character
great design desu
look at this little slut he's so submissive and breedable the perfect boywife for gigachad Radahn
>The only one we know as being brainwashed was Mohg
Don't the NPCs you go into the lands of shadow with basically say "we all come from different groups but we're all together now because Miquella is just super duper awesome" until Miquella's great rune breaks?
Honestly it establishes Radahn as an even bigger chad. He fucking chose to take a scarlet rot nuke to the face instead of becoming miquellas bitch.
Between this shit and Gwyndolin in DS1 (the only other Souls game I've touched to date), I legitimately wonder about Miyazaki and the pedestal people put him on.
Mogh never was brainwashed he wanted to fuck Miqui. Miqui had the hobby of brainwashing people and that attracted the creature to kidnapping him and breed the New Dynasty from his asshole.
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I'd die for every femboy and cute lady in these lands. For both is a win beyond wins.
>All the fan art Miquella related before the DLC
>Ain't that nice
>All the fan art Miquella related after the DLC
>Utterly disgusting
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What's really funny to me is how Miquella is portrayed as a literal child ingame, and when you see his model you can see he's literally just a little boy with long hair. Not very feminine or anything like that, it's a little boy very clearly. Clearly like an 8 year old boy.
Yet there's porn everywhere. Really makes you think about the gay condition and what they're really attracted to, doesn't it?
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The japanese have been doing their own thing from thousands of years.
yeah there are totally not millions of rule34 pictures of lolis out there. the gays are such pervs!
It's the only thing that gives any context to why Malenia said what she said to Radahn before nuking Caelid. Besides, it makes sense that Radahn would reject Miquella because he's way too into his horse.
Yeah but those weren't pre-established, they all were introduced by the DLC.
Posts like this remind me of that guy saying anime is for pedophiles, yet turned out to be a pedo himself. Really makes you think.
>8 years old
>"thou shanth seekthed ze eldenth ringth, kneelth downth toth meth, Miquellath theth Kindth"
that ain't a child, that's a retard.
>n-no you
hit a nerve didn't it
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What does the boss charm effect even do?
>Mohg did nothing wrong
>In fact technically he was the one who got raped
I'm sorry my lord, I'll beat the fuck out of Miquella for you.
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he aint no Kuro but I still would
he grabs you once, you get a debuff; he grabs you twice, and it's an actual insta-death
If you get hit by the grab twice it's an instant kill, but instead of showing YOU DIED it shows Miquella fuckjng your character in the ass while Radahn fuvks his
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Kuro is for hugs, you animal
Miquella is for killing mercilessly
Consort Radahn's grab attack will give you a debuff that does nothing, but if he grabs you again with that debuff he will kill you instantly. You can remove the debuff if you use this thing during the fight.
Miquella? You mean the little 7 year old boy Mike?
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that's extremely cursed
he wasnt feminine enough
Lorelet please play the DLC I beg you, Ansbach explicitly says Mohg was enchanted by Miquella
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the r34 will be glorious and golden
>dude is that... is that... a 7 year old boy?
>oh my goddddd i gotta look up the porn asap
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Mike Walkings you motherfucker...
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>Somewhere, a Great Rune has broken
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>godwyn fight was scrapped for grrm signature incest plotline
I will never forgive taniggermura
>a 7 year old boy?
Only in his face, and just barely.
He's got freaky long arms too.
>why are femboys so powerful?

They represent the Rebis, the perfect androgynous. Femboys are literally the apex of human evolution.
I lost it everytime.
Coominary Mohg I'm sorry! I kne-heel, kne-heel, KNE-HEEEEL!
femboys are evil

muh sides
>if you think radahn rejected miquella you're coping

It's either that or they retconned it anyway because otherwise it would make no sense for Malenia to get all the way from the Halig Tree to attack Radahn.
Reminder GRRM only wrote the first draft of the mythology up to the shattering and everything else is on fromsoftware.
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stop spreading misinformation.
Seriously hasn’t he been through enough? He gives you the best weapon and best boss fight. It’s not his fault he’s cursed, he’s trying to make the best of it. Leave Mogh alone!
Malenia was absurdly full of herself and wholly obsessed with Miquella even without being charmed, and wanted to kill Radahn so she could have Miquella for herself.
Didnt he shed the eternal youth curse when we fight him at the end? He 100% looks grown up and not like a child anymore
honestly if a cute boy would tell me to do something I probably do it
>dude have you SEEN this 7 year old boy?
lmao you can't make this shit up
>Mogh never was brainwashed he wanted to fuck Miqui

That's base game. The DLC clearly states he was mindraped by Miquella. It feels like they retconned a lot of stuff to make it fit the DLC but ebcause From lore is so vague they can easily get away with it.
No, he just has freakish proportions because of Fromsoftware's fetish
He solved that problem by becoming a god
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Yep i think it's similar to Griffith and Guts where you can see Griffit lusting for Guts a couple of times in the manga whereas guts just sees him as a brother in arms.

Miquella brainwashed Malenia into nuking caelid and then brainwashed radahn as soon as he came back from the dead.
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>tumultuous and sordid incest story with brainwashing and cuckesheds
most likely. The model we see in the radahn fight is definitely older/taller than the boy we see praying in the final flashback.

His goodhood broke the curse.

(this was probably done to avoid pedo complaints)
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source ONLY after you accept him as your lord and savior
All on Miyazaki.
>Ansbach explicitly says Mohg was enchanted by Miquella
Miqui probably used the magic twig on him absolutely clueless and everything went wrong because he is a ten meter fucking omen with five hundred tons of raw sexual power.

What the fuck was the kid thinking. Was he retarded?
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I accept him as my lord and savior
Miyazaki berserking us once more, I see. I wonder where does that put us, the Tarnished, in the equation since Radahn is Guts. Are we Rickert?
He encourages suicide bombers.

He is definitely evil.
suicide bombing is religiously viable, miquelllah
If that's your actual interpretation of the events then you deserve to be an upset retard.
>whereas guts just sees him as a brother in arms
nigga you need to reread those books
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welcome to the team, the source will be revealed to you in your eternal dreams from which you shall never wake up from
ain't him the kindest of them all?
it's on gelbooru
hews hack
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or pixiv
>gel/danbooru: 370~ works
>pixiv: 2.1k
It's a grim sign that the cycles of humanity will keep repeating. We will turn into a civilization of deranged little boy fuckers with pride and a stronger manlier civilization will wipe us out.

It just keeps happening bro.
>Miquella brainwashed Malenia into nuking caelid and then brainwashed radahn as soon as he came back from the dead.
Order of events is likely
>Miquella and Radahn meet, Miquella and Radahn become friends
>Miquella asks him to be his consort, since Miquella is supposed to also be fuck-off strong besides the Charm ability
>Shattering happens, demigods descend into civil war
>Malenia uses it as an excuse to go after Radahn, who she knows Miquella loves, thinking she's hot shit and can body him
>Radahn beats the fuck out of her so hard she goes nuclear and nearly kills them both, with Malenia becoming more Rotten
>Miquella knows Malenia is fucked beyond repair at this point and that Radahn will need a new body
>He instigates his own kidnapping via Mohg, who's easy enough to Charm due to his dreams of the Mohgywn dynasty
>Mohg is just a front to get Miquella away from Malenia, and to also begin the process of transporting Miquella to the Land Of Shadows
>Due to their previous vow, Radahn's soul went to Miquella upon his death and Miquella's agents arranged for Mohg's corpse to be transferred to the Land of Shadows as well
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more than one character can be based on guts and the other influences of miyazaki.

What he does is he breaks down character to their elementary components and then recombine those elements in different ways.

One character may look like guts(blaidd),another may fight like him(Artorias) another can have similar motivations(Gael) or arc(the player character).

The player character in souls games seem to follow the "struggler" archtype that Miura adopted in Berserk.

Guts is a nobody,whom at first is just going through the motions tryng to survive and then things escalate outside of his control with war,gods,demons,etc... and the only thing he can do is march foward. Somehow this nobody will defeat the gods even if it results in a bad/bittersweet ending for himself.

The tarnished/undead/good hunter are guts not in visuals or skillset but in archtype
homosexuals really fantasize about 9 year old boys doing this to them
He still kidnapped him of his own free will.
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>literally casts aside the woman part of him
that fucking demon...
This is that actor who is way to happy his kid is trans right? Damn..
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Hypnosis doujins when.
It's the first of july, you know what that means.
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No it's totally destructive to your own ideology and guarantees the suffering of the people who allow it's practice.
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What the FUCK were they thinking??
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Damn, they got their hearts stolen by THIS?
anime visual flair
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I prefer the murderous sex goddess.
this nigga never seen chris redfield porn
ment to reply to >>681431642
>He thinks GRRM has anything to do with the incest shit in Elden Ring
Japan has been into incest long before GRRM was even born, their religion is them literally worshiping married gods who also happen to be brother and sister.
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MR. ELECTRIC, send this man to the torture chamber that makes you love femboys!
guess it makes sense, hadn't thought about it like that.
*kills your gay husband who is so unimportant he's an optional boss for becoming Elden Lord*
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so many children and the one that inherits her breedability is a boy
Why does the player character even go to the Land of Shadow anyway? And what reason does he have for killing Rellana, Messmer, Miquella etc.
Soulsborne games are murder hobo simulators.
You want to be the elden lord.
Miquella is missing and the last empyrean.
So finding and murdering him is the way to go, he's a threat.
It's a very kino case of meta story

>you want to go places and kill powerful shit to get stronger
>why do you want that?
>because it helps you kill the most powerful beings so you can become elden lord
>why do you want to be elden lord?
>because the player wants it
thats it
the player is the greater will
Yes, it's Liev Schrieber playing emperor Nero and his twink wife
He didn't.
Melina is the true successor of Marika
why is there 2 radhn now? so who was the radhn we fought in caleid?
Radahn had to die so that he could come back to life to kill you for killing him.
Radahn in Caelid is Radahn.
Radahn in DLC is Radahn's soul placed in Mohg's body.
>why is there 2 radhn now?
Miquella rebuild him by putting Radahn's soul into Mohg's dead body, don't ask how
>so who was the radhn we fought in caleid?
The same dude but demented from scarlet rot
I don't think there's one answer, just whatever reason makes sense for you like wanting to find out what happened to miq. As for rellana(not mandatory) romina, and messmer they're a casualty of the miquella simp brigades efforts to remove the sealing tree to meet miq and watch him ascend. Nominally you're part of the squad as soon as you enter in the DLC although you're not brainwashed so your original goal still stands
After we kill Radahn in Caelid, Miquella yoinks his soul and combines it with Mohg's dead body which is why he gets bloodflame attacks in the final fight.
this looks nothing like mohg though
Exactly we use our fingers to control our character.
Marika did nothing wrong
if anywhere else you heard the final boss is a reskin that gives you the same weapons but worse you wouldn't defend it
So this confirms Mohg had the bigger dick which is why Miquella wanted his body, right?
People don't defend it. Radahn is widely considered to be an extremely underwhelming final boss for a DLC filled with cool or interesting bosses.
miquella is taller than the player in every depiction of him, why do you people larp that he's a literal child when he just has a youthful appearance. its like saying golden age griffith is a 7 year old boy, especially since miquellas entire character is a copy of griffith anyway
Radahn 2 is a completely different boss from Radahn 1. He is a really shitty boss though and you're also right about giving you the same reskinned weapons. At least you can also get a FTH super incantation.
Mohg was the only one to fell for his charms and even when Miquella zombie'd Radahn back to life, he kept his appearance instead of Mohg's...
The Mohg/Radahn thing is going to end up being a "well with this setup Miquella has advisors for every "God"" thing.
lmao do you think fucking a baby is normal so long as the baby is 6 foot tall?
Radahn didn't have a body to put the soul back into, because Alexander went and ate it.
>so long as the baby is 6 foot tall?
anon, that's called... “An adult”
who is a baby here?
If he grabs me twice than its clearly my fault. Grab me once shame on you, grab me twice shame on me.
6 foot babies don't exist.
I dont think adults look anything like 6 foot tall babies my man but whatever makes you feel better for lusting after literal 7 year olds (no no you seei t doesn't count because someone scaled him to 1.3x)
The most disappointing lore revelation was that Malenia was either charmed by Miquella or all for the gay-shota-incest plot from the start. Either way I lost my respect for her.
Yes, and you did have breakfast this morning. The point is that if Elden Ring had a 6 foot tall baby do you think it would be normal and not weird to be attracted to it because it's taller than the player character? Because thats the defense here.
She tried to kill Radahn to keep Miquella for herself.
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Double grab canonically turns you into a homosexual and you propose to the twink on the spot. The rune purges it after the first grab.
you get raped
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That's how tall a newborn giraffe is. We already know from everyone else we fight in the game that not all humanoid species have remotely similar height.
I thought you were trolling, you know miquella is older than the player right? he's just cursed to be short for a god and hes feminine, what made your dumb brain think he's a literal child?
>the unironic 6000 year old vampire defense
I did not know people could lack so much self awareness
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>I thought you were trolling
how the hell aren't you certain after he misinterpreted the 6ft baby thing so egregiously?
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Miquella is literally fucking HUGE.
What are you talking about?
imagine letting your tarnished get raped by miquella
Yes. It would be perfectly normal like >>681435006 said. Obviously it wouldn't actually be a baby.
Seeing people freak out in the /vg/ general when they got surprise fagpilled was pretty funny.
it all makes sense now, incredible work Mister Mitochondrion-sama...
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does this look like a baby to you
That's why I have Thiollier's daterape drug on hand so I get graped by St. Trina instead.
No, she tried to (and failed) to kill Radahn so Miquella can snatch his soul in the Shadow realm and use him as a fuckbuddy puppet. She literally whispers to Radahn to get lubed up.
Oh cool. I knew about the gesture, but since it never actually happened to me I didn't know that your character actually performs it after the 2nd grab.
Is there anything in the DLC that elaborated on the Miquella and Torrent thing? Or did they just have that promo image and then never follow up on it?
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>miquela does the grab attack
>heart about to be stolen
>suddenly blue mist appears
Upon my name as Ranni the Witch.
Mine consorts heart shall not be disturbed by thee.

Foul hussy.
Send word far and wide.

Of the Princess of Caria, Ranni of the Dark Moon.
And the age of the starst she conjureth.
Killing Radahn was literally part of Miquella's plan, so she was either a dupe or a stooge.
>why is there 2 radhn now?
Because some B team hack thought super saiyan Radahn fanservice would be great as the dlc final boss instead of something like solo Miquella.
not him but that does look like a roughly 8 year old boy to me. I dont get how people are attracted to him but I guess I'm not a gay pedophile either.
If only...
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>Foul hussy.
I don't think ranni is this kind of woman
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Miquella looks like a 16 years old fenno-swede boy.
He looks like a teenager. 13-15 y.o. at least. I don't know why the FUCK you pedo fags are pushing the "8 y.o." narrative but I bet you all attend the same discord.
>Or did they just have that promo image and then never follow up on it?
Yup. Torrent doesn't get acknowledged at all.
There's evidently some major stuff that was planned for the DLC but got cut like the scene with Miquella unveiling the shadow lands. That was actually supposed to be in the game.
For strength to be granted
So the world might be mended
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Kuro is for Wolf only.
Miquella is for the world.
thanks for replying on his behalf to let everyone know you were retarded, keep me posted
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when you're about to die to phase 2, either:
>Ranni Ending: Ranni comes and fights with you, hurling magic at Miquella/Radahn, parrying a couple of attacks and protecting you from lasers
>Frenzied Flame ending: your head explodes into a beacon of frenzied flame like in the ending/Midra. Cannot be taken off, and it's a major buff to all frenzied flame spells
>Golden Order/Gold Mask ending: Elden Beast attacks start falling all around you, as if the Erdtree itself is fighting for you
>Dung Eater/Fia's ending: no special interaction
>that smug face
>that tummy
>that tiny penis
>that hair
>the delicate pale frame
>those thighs
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Total hussy death.
He will rape you instead
>From game has a whole mess of cut content
I guess thats why From gave him an adult body with extra long limbs.
if from made a 6 foot tall baby with long limbs would you get horny over it?
That's fine too
What did she say?
You are LITERALLY sent by Queen Marika your MOM to kill all of her incest children she birthed and now regrets so she wants you to perform an abortion at the 37th million trimester.

That or they were fighting over Miquella. Miquella has a nasty habit of abandoning the people that love and adore him.
if god made a 6 foot tall baby with long limbs and an adult face and an adult mind and an adult body with an adult age, would you?
he didn't have to go through all that trouble, I know he fucked mary at less
I wanted mogh prime
Fia has a eclipse happen and start shitting deathblight lightening everywhere, when deathblight procs during the fight, it heals you, and functions as a bleed when it pops on the boss.
Dung Eater has you do a fat Omen scream and you get temp Omen summons like the ones in the sewer. Peepee Poopoo man also comes out because no twink is making a age of compassion on his watch.
only if Miquella accepts my Age of CumPassion to his stomach through his colon, if you known what I mean
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>demanding logic from the retard
here I discard my sides.
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To collect the Great Runes and become Elden Lord. Its a bitch being Tarnished because it paints a huge target on your back and basically every single demigod and every single one of their followers will see you as competition, in a civil war that has lasted for decades. You don't NEED to collect all the runes to become Elden Lord, thats all a player decision to collect them all and kill your competitors to the throne.
It's hilarious how normalfags are in full cope mode about this character that has a literal child's body according to the lore.
hey, that's pretty nice, better than anything I thought of
>Dung eater ending -your attacks gain a poison property
>Fia's ending - Death branches form at the edge of the arena and slowly close in, instakilling Miquella and Radahn if they are allowed to grow long enough/you survive long enough
Elden Ring does a pretty bad job at telling you what your motivations are, and when you realize what they're supposed to be, they're not compelling at all. The other game said all soulsborne games are murder hobo sims, but it's really mostly this game. The other games are about dispelling curses, seeking independence, protecting the life of one you swore to defend, escaping a nightmare realm, etc. This game is just "i dunno nigga go kill dudes and become lord of da world". Probably one of the weakest elements of the game overall.
answer the question. Body of a baby, face of a baby, long limbs, 6-7 foot tall. Would you get horny?
A shota can absolutely be a femboy
>be Mohg
>get information of free empyrean bussy in the Halig Tree
>go to Halig Treevand claim said bussy for your own
Somehow now he dindu nuffin if he wants his own conduit for the th Formless Mother.
he created the haligtree which made made him an adult so he can replace her mother
>No 'Join Miquella' secret ending where you and Lena help usher in a new age
more like mismella… he fuckin STINKS!
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Fuck off twink.
the operator in the word "femboy" is "boy" that shit was always pedophilic. It's why the whole femboy shit goes hand in hand with puberty blockers, they don't like their gay partners post-pubescent.
You're already supposed to be Marika's consort (or Ranni's, or an incel and just want to burn everything). You can't be Miquella's consort cause he already chose Radahn.
That'd have been cool, maybe have it's own reward and skip the radahn boss fight, or you get it via being hit by the charm with certain items or questlines done.
that'd require the ending to not be so fucking rushed. It's like they put all work up until Messmer and forgot the end game...
Lmao at you faggots
>I'm going to be a god if we honor our part of the vow
That's all there is to it. The whole story is about this cause. Stop with the faggotry. Miquella is not gay.
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Why are they assuming less degeneracy from gods born from self-cest? Marika fucking herself and the result being an AIDS baby and a mega-incest is something that fits both the theme of greek/norse gods and european royalty bloodlines both.
The Fromsoft special
nobody who has a chad like Ansbach as follower can be bad
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Kiss Your Shota.
Not after I'm done with his ass and mouth he isn't.
not a deflection, its a refutation with a rhetorical question, already answered you
>pedophiles try to turn all things into femboy talk
>get humiliated left and right
I'd say they are getting gaped but they like that sort of thing
Consort means a husband or a wife of a monarch.
You did not infact answer it. That makes it the second time you dodged the question. I guess it makes sense for you to be very like a politician, they also like to fuck little kids.
I'll just wait for the epicnamebro lore video, thanks
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>finally playing sekiro for the first time
>obviously helping the cute shota for the first playthrough
>will probably do NG+ where i betray the shota so i can see how the story changes and fight the unique bosses
I can already tell me heart won't be able to handle it. I'm very taken.
it's not before in this context you numpty, you just precluded your gay sex implication
>Frenzied Flame ending: your head explodes into a beacon of frenzied flame like in the ending/Midra. Cannot be taken off, and it's a major buff to all frenzied flame spells.
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>equipping 4 more weapons for Ranni
Consort has the antiquated meaning of companion, comrade too. Considering the english used in elden ring as a whole I wouldn't just go by the modern definition by default.
No, it didn't. He still looks like a child up to the moment he becomes a god and gets 4 arms because fromsoft was probably reusing some model. Now don't get me wrong, i like shotas and lolis too, i just think it's funny that the people that usually call anime fans pedos go crazy for prepubescent boys all the time while calling them femboys to disguise their pedophilia.
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If you allow Miquella to grab you in the final fight 50 times while using Miquella's rune to negate the "heart stolen" message you can go to Viridian harbor and find the hidden Mohg underneath the truck by the SS Anne.
I'm disappointed there's no ending anticipating the player saving Melina without becoming the Frenzied Flame host in the end. It takes quite a bit of effort to finish the game while saving her life and not having her swear vengeance upon you. At LEAST they could let me impregnate her.
And if you beat him without taking any damage, you unlock Mohg as a playable character in NG+ playthroughs
>literally nothing from the dlc matters in the main game
A little disappointed.
>femboys are evil

t. troon
Can't believe Ranni is gonna blast his ass with four frost-infused scavenger's swords, jesus christ. That much blood flowing it might kickstart Mogh back to life.
femboys are troons
gotta try it, brb
>Give Ranni 4 Moonveils
Jesus Christ.
like you about lolicons
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But then Mohg refers the egg as a "bedchamber" and just floats inside Miquellas corpse. But nothing happened at all I'm sure, they were just platonic friends.
>you're not a gay pedophile? you must be a heterosexual pedophile
at some point you took something about yourself for granted and started thinking everyone thinks like you

From the little that is explained the tarnished was once a warrior of Marika graced by the greater will like Godfrey or the dung eater...the only diference is that he/she was a foot soldier with no name.

At some point in the story marika removes the grace from everybody,turning them into tarnished, and tells them to fuck off to other lands.

All tarnished eventually die one way or the other but then Marika/greater will calls them back by reviving them and giving grace back.

That is literally the begining of the game.
I did answer, I'm not explaining further why you're being silly because I'd just be repeating myself. Read former rhetorical to get why I chose to answer your dumb question with another question. Do the legwork yourself, I don't need to break it down further.
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>Rellana's magic beams, but it's a fucking waterfowl dance
my good God, it'd have been GOTY right then and there...
We aren't talking about Mohg here, it's straight up stated he "tried for an heir" with a captured empyrean. If someone captured you and kept cumming inside your asshole would it make YOU gay? Or would it make the other guy a pedophile rapist
troons are mentally ill freaks of nature.

femboys are just cute, girly boys.
Both hetero and gay pedos are actually just straight. If you are gay you are into men and a child is very far away from a man and closer to a girl which is closer to a woman.
No answer still. I accept your concession
Apologize for what? Mohg and Astel have always been my boys.
Mohg grew up in a sewer, probably something along the lines of "yes Mohg, you can make children by getting a big enough blood lake and then a divine stork will deliver them. Now get to it."
fuck off dollfuckers
Miquella is best waifu now
>was once a warrior of Marika graced by the greater will like Godfrey

Or one of their descendants. People like Fia or especially nobles like Roderika and Diallos clearly come from different backgrounds.
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at least Ranni has an ending
She's so small bros...
she's perfectly-sized for your armor's front pouch, meaning she can see all of your adventures
Miquella saw in his older brother the qualities of a king. And an Elden Lord is a coupling of a King and a God. He saw that his brother was kind and devoted and courageous. Miquella is a permanent kid/femboy because of his horrible demi-god curse power that makes him permanently young, but as a real kid he saw his big bro and said "Holy shit, he's the best. I want to marry you big bro!" and Radahn loved his siblings, because he WAS kind and loving and whatever the fuck else (even in death he took care of his fucking horse). He agreed in the same way a big bro might agree to a little sister who says she wants to marry her big bro when she gets older. Keep in mind that a ton of the gods and demi-gods have more than one person in them (their mom was also their dad), so Miquella was also St. Trina who was totally a girl. It's not that much of a stretch for Radahn to kind of see this shit and agree to be nice because it's effectively his little sister being too young to get it.

But as Miquella got older in terms of time, he got more into this idea and pushed it harder. This went hand in hand with him wanting to make sure the world was a perfect and peaceful place. But if Radahn was to be a lord, he'd have to become a God to make that shit work. Eventually, he realized the only way to make it happen, after his mom went full schizo, was to die and be resurrected on the other side where he could do a specific set of shit to resurrect himself as a God. Normally he would've just left the Shadow and returned to the other side, because demi-gods can't die normally. But there was a hitch. Radahn didn't want to be his husband anymore, I guess? Or was more interested in dealing with the other shit going on. So Miquella made his sister go out and slay Radahn (she didn't succeed). This also required him to die in such a way as to get him to the shadow instead, which required some kind of profane death.
kek jack with pickle is golden
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>nothing with Melina.
>nothing with the All Knowing.
>nothing from Ranni
>nothing in regards to Malenia
>no response from Midra, if you have the true flame of frenzy
>nor from you having the golden needle imbedded within you, to control it.
>A discarded aspect of Miquella doesn't even serve as your guide in the shadow lands, similar to Melina.

I'm just disappointed at the end.
The main quest feels like it could've been more kino and not so empty, if they just went the extra mile to include a few extra lines, or scenes with returnees acknowledging a few of things you may or might not have did.
wait, mohg dindu nuffin wrong?
>6 fingers on his left hand
There's a lot of lolicons fans, here on /v/. You can't deny it.
Read my post again. Miquella needs Radahn to become a god. He's not doing it for romantic or sexual desire.
You watched game of thrones right? And know that the queen fucked his brother and all the kids are her brothers kids
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me, my Lunar Queen wife and our cozy suburban house on the moon~
I think that lolicons and femboy/trap fags have the same reason for existing. People who are lonely start going for kids. That's it. Look at catholic priests who arent allowed to marry, they are also known to enjoy a "femboy" from time to time.
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>>Dung Eater/Fia's ending: no special interaction

>Dung Eater infects Miquella with the gay pox disease, and ruins his plans of a pure eternity forevermore.
>Fia's Rune summons a part of Godwyn, to your aid at the darkest hour.

I should be happy with what we got. But I can't help but think about what could have been.
yeah he beat the allegations, he's an uncancellable victim.
Miquella looks more like a teenager to me.
Femboyish for sure but definitely not 8 years old, lol.
So he enticed Mohg to kill him in a profane way so he'd go to the shadow side. Then had his sister try to kill Radahn in a profane way, so he'd also show up. In the mean while he was casting off his mortal being to become a god. Radahn didn't die, which fucked up everything, but you eventually showed up and killed him. So great job! And then you killed Mogh, which also became useful for Miquella because Radahn's body was too fucked up to be used in his reincarnation. So he put Radahn's soul and mind into a twisted version of Mohg's body that looked like Radahn's to make sure he was at 100%. He ascended to godhood, chose Radahn as his consort, and they were going to ascend to Elden Lord after that. But again, you can in and fucked it up.

Miquella is effectively a story about a kid saying "I wanna marry you, Big Bro!" and then seriously meaning it and working toward it for the rest of their life. Despite the fact that their big bro agreed to be kind toward their little sibling. The way a lot of the shit is phrased on items and in game makes me think Malenia might not have even been controlled. She was Miquella's twin and held his happiness above all. If anything she probably did this because she also thought Radahn was serious when he agreed and wanted to make her twin's dream happen. It's weird when you really look at this shit, but the ultimate breakdown is probably less weird when you remember Miquella was an eternal child, but might have really meant it when he said shit to Radahn who took it as cute little kid shit.
you can't get raped by a femboy bottom haha, I mean how would that even work lmao?
Like, imagine being coerced into fucking a feminine man h aha ha, it's absurd.
Why do people try to blame all the stupid shit that anyone does in the world on him? It's explicitly stated they turned to his because they were sad he was gone, it wasn't his idea.
If you don't fuck with them they all agree that Miquella is great even without the spell
He started a murder cult with a long term plan of handing the world over to a goddess of pain and misery, and kidnapped his own half brother to try to use as client god and host of this plan. The fact that he fell in love does not make any of his evil shit less bad, and in fact, had he NOT fallen in love, he'd be a way worse person than he is when we find him.
He did
>no new ending
>no new faction at all
>all the lore sucks
It's impressive that the expansion has something like 50 hours of excellent exploration and dungeon crawling totally unrelated to a terrible main questline that takes up maybe 10 hours total. To top it off the final boss is someone you've already fought too.
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well put.
Turns out Miquella Heard shit the cocoon
Unlike Gwyndolin and Miquella, Kuro is just young, he's not a faggot, he'll grow up to be a badass like Wolf.
That israeli jew has multiple little femboy kids.
>ranni gets a happy ending with her husband
>faggots get killed
Based miyazaki.
>into a twisted version of Mohg's body that looked like Radahn's
I feel like you just shoved that in there and glossed over it completely. How come it looked like Radahn's body? What
Cunt I said Mohg is my boy. I didn't say he wasn't evil, I just said lol as he drowned people in blood and pigeon shit.
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he never misses the mark
>Radahn didn't want to be his husband anymore, I guess? So Miquella made his sister go out and slay Radahn
Headcanon. If Miquella didn't care about whether Radahn was okay with or not, he could have forced the issue by beguiling him. Reincarnating Radahn is only required because Malenia ruined his body, something she did of her own initiative.
>So he enticed Mohg to kill him in a profane way so he'd go to the shadow side.
Miquella was already in the shadow lands at the time, that's why he was in a coma.
Miquella used some old hornsent ritual to reshape the body
genuinely good storytelling to not allow twisted degenerate shit like that
What the fuck is this new meme about calling children femboys? Homos are not even trying to disguise their pedophilia anymore.
Why did he need Mohgs in particular is the part I dont get? There's plenty of strong miquella aligned fellas he could've sacrificed
>How come it looked like Radahn's body?
Miquella used god magic or something. Mohg's fanboy says that Mohg's body is being repurposed for some purpose, and super radahn has omen horns and a bloodflame attack which confirmed it was to hold Radahn's soul. How Miquella reshaped that flesh is left unclear, but certainly wouldn't be that hard of a feat given how deep he was into the divination process.
>What the fuck is this new meme about calling children femboys?
because /v/ is mostly retarded "men"
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Yeah, it's so weird that in a game with magic shit coming out the ass and demigods at every corner that physical transformation is at all possible. Just wild, really breaks the immersion.
because he wants more armor dumbass
>goddess of pain and misery
says who
we dont know shit about her besides the fact that shes an extreme masochist
>Why did he need Mohgs in particular is the part I dont get?
He didn't. The people saying it had to be Mohg are trying to claim Miquella planned everything, including being kidnapped. He did not, he's working with what he has at hand, which includes Mohg's corpse. That said, there's actually not a ton of viable options if he wanted demigod meat. Morgott would work just as well, Godrick would be inferior but plausible. But again, Miquella didn't have access to that.
I do think Radahn should have come back missing an eye.
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>People think this is quality lore
>”h-he doesn’t look 8 he looks 13!”
You do realize that’s not much better, right?
All of her followers are obsessed with suffering and causing pain. The bloody fingers do basically nothing except go around murdering people. It was also implied and in the DLC confirmed that she's the source of the fucking omen curse.
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Miquella the Kind? Miquella the FOOL!
It's not even an accurate summation of the story.
It's high quality-enough to stem from the same source a multi-billion dollar television series.
How much money do your ideas generate?
>Malenia ruined his body, something she did of her own initiative
We now know what she said to him when she went full aids nuke on him. It was something to the extent of: "Miquella is waiting for you in the Shadow, go to him now." Everything was planned, they played us like fiddles.

Mohg is also a demi-god, so it was probably a better overall find for them than having to wait for another demi-god to die to be new Radahn. So I assume it was just convenience. I'm also really hesitant to say, but I wonder if whatever Miquella did was more akin to what grfting was meant to be. It feels like twisting a body, wiping a mind, and then putting a new spirit/mind into it might technically be grafting. Especially if there's actually some Radahn parts still in there.

Also, people don't talk enough about how Mohg is ALSO a brother of Miquella's. They're half brothers.
I think it's unfair how we don't have the choice to marry marika or miquella
Aren't you supposed to marry a god first before becoming elden lord?
he's millions of years old though.
>6 foot tall baby
where is this from?
reminds me of the catamite from Book of the New Sun.
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such problem is fairly solvable if you make the right call.
yeah and a lot of rannis followers love jerking off to feet but that doesn't make her a foot lover
she's evil
>Dung Eater
Actually considering the that shadow lands is the home of the hornsent there should definitely be something happening for him
there should have been a rykard ending where you get eaten by the snake
>woman side of him is his ability to love and feel compassion
>now is a compassionaless and ruthless manipulator
>literally every dude in power is a manipulative pos who either commit attrocities or enforce their rule by power and force
what did micheal's saki mean by this
>miniature ranni can't be used in a talisman pouch so she flails around when i roll
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Miquella's biggest mistake was to think that I will stop after killing Radahn. Marika demands blood and I'm here to provide. Total Demigod Death.
>We now know what she said to him when she went full aids nuke on him. It was something to the extent of: "Miquella is waiting for you in the Shadow, go to him now."
This does not prove that Miquella told Malenia to do this. More likely she got impatient with the haligtree plan, worried at the length of Miquella's absence, or even decided to use Miquella's absence as an opportunity to go kill Radahn out of jealousy, with the excuse being that it would send his soul to the shadow lands, where she knew Miquella currently was. It does not make sense that Miquella would order this, because it's completely unnecessary. If Radahn refused to be the consort willingly and Miquella did not care about his consent, he could simply beguile him, and that would be the end of it. He would not need to endorse nuking caelid to kill and reincarnate Radahn, let alone approve of such a plan (which is obviously out of his character).
>So I assume it was just convenience.
Most likely, not only was it at hand, there weren't a lot of other options, and apparently Miquella had not issue with suppressing whatever residual grasp the formless mother had over that flesh.
who isnt evil though
If he was just winging it, it sure was fortunate that he was kidnapped by a guy who just so happened to kill him a way that moved him to the place where he could throw everything off and become a God without anyone noticing. I'm just saying. This is one of those, "I believe in coincidences, but I don't trust them" moments, Anon. He might not have counted on needed a new body for Radahn or having Mohg's body, but that is a far more believable coincidence.
Ranni isn't evil, but she is a dumb ass, and her moon is evil
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>heh heh, I do exactly what the game tells me and is designed around, which makes me edgy somehow heh heh
what would have happened if miquella wasnt a dumb ass and labotomized himself into a psychopath

would it have been the best ending?
Dung eater would be that when Miquella goes in for the grab, not only does it not work, you explode with curse wraiths, doing damage and knocking Radahn down
father/mother roles, maybe, where the mother's purpose is to nurture and teach compassion and a father's is to teach the ruthless ways of the world, hard work and responsibility to defend what's yours.
there should have been a Mohg ending where you get to marry Slut Mask Varré
>hehehe I put words into people's mouths hehehe
Charm yourself twice by Miquella, cringelord.
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needs a fireball head
>it sure was fortunate that he was kidnapped by a guy who just so happened to kill him a way that moved him to the place
Miquella was already in the shadow lands when he went into a coma in the haligtree. Mohg had nothing to do with it. We know it wasn't planned because Malenia went back to the haligtree and stayed there, rather than going to where she would know Miquella was.
>He might not have counted on needed a new body for Radahn or having Mohg's body
That is the case. He wasn't planning on involving Radahn at all. Miquella was working on his haligtree when all this shit went down. Reincarnating Radahn was something he cobbled together with his last remaining resources at hand.
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>DLC not only expanded on Marika, but vindicated her
Marika is a woman and is pretty manipulative and ruthless.
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if only...
Her moon is just a moon anon
it's not evil, it's probably not even sapient, or even if it is it's entire desire is to just teach people magic and leave them otherwise the fuck alone
Marika wasn't really trying to end anything for the betterment of the world, though. She just wanted out. Being a god is a prison and Marika was sick of it, so she broke free and fucked the world over for her own sake. Then maybe woke you up to finish the deed, but that's just fan speculation.
well only with the hornsent really
i do not understand why ymir was a boss or why he directed me to his secret basement so i had to defend myself from big momma and got mad about it
It guided the nox to try to usurp creation with their own artificial life forms, which then destroyed their civilization and are now leaking throughout the lands between
she is, but mayhaps radagon is the culmination of her manipulation and leadership aspects personafied which is why she got crucified and beaten but radagon confronts you as the aggressor. Even why elden beast uses this form to attack you with, its all the malice held within marika personafied and then weaponized

i dont know the timeline for all of this so im just spit balling
We should have been allowed to summon a soul version of Mohg to fight Radahn and get revenge.
I didn't need this fetish
Revenge for what? We're the ones that fucking killed him. All Miquella did was give him some happiness for the first time in his entire life.
She is pretty ruthless even post Radagon. The DLC seems to make it out that Radagon has been around since the beginning (Miquella shedding his other self following in the steps of his mother/Heavy implication that Mesmer is the son of Radagon/Marika pre-Godfrey.)
A lot of potential questlines / resolutions feel undercooked and axed for the sake of bossfights. I don't understand why we can't strike covenants with demigods or straight up ignore the fight like with Priscilla anymore.
I interpreted a lot of his casting of shit aside to be temporary and he knew it. He still has his arms and legs at the end for instance. He just got new ones. And he still wanted his peaceful gentle world, he just didn't need Trina in him to be kind anymore. He cast aside everything so he could ascend and get new versions of all of it. But casting Trina aside also gave him some time where he could do shit unimpeded by his own kindness and morals.
Defiling his body and charming him against his will
>All Miquella did was use him to access the shadow realm and learn blood magic to transfigure his (Mohg's) body into a different brother that he actually wanted
I hope you aren't pointing at the snakes for that Radagon-Messmer connection, because Radagon didn't become a snake until way the fuck after Messmer would've been born.
Marika realized the world was fucked by too many Outer Gods sticking their fingers in it, almost literally. The only way to fix it was to break it and put the pieces back together one by one, cutting out the infestation as it went. The Tarnished are an army specifically designed to do away with that which pollutes the world, and a gamble that the one who comes out on top would restore Marika and the proper Golden Order.
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>Then maybe woke you up to finish the deed, but that's just fan speculation.
Leda comments on how your actions are guided by Erdtree aka by Marika herself. After all even when you kill every demigod your grace never fades.
terrible, but also, saved
??? Radagon didn't become a snake at all. You are thinking of Rykard.
Messmer is connected as the son of Radagon because of his red hair. All the red haired children are children of Radagon.
"I have endured more than anyone should ever have to."
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disgusting queer luciferian goyslop

everyones only talking about it because Jews made sure its the only "good" game (they control everything), so everyone's funneled into playing a game about trannies and discussing it

they're slowly chipping away at your morality
Fuck, my bad, sorry. I'm starting to get tripped up on names.
>you are now reminded the intro shows Mohg stealing fetus Miquella when he canonically stole a fuckhuge cocoon
the lore and the story are a fucking last-minute frankenstein for both the main game and the dlc
>everyones only talking about it because Jews made sure its the only "good" game
So you acknowledge that it's a good game, then? Enjoy playing bad games, I guess?
So is she Marika and Radagon's daughter?
>you're killing trannies and faggots
>it's not an option and you're encouraged to do so by fertile aryan goddess
I'd say kino
>Heavy implication that Mesmer is the son of Radagon/Marika pre-Godfrey
Nothing to really suggest that. Radagon was cursed with red hair as the fire giants were defeated, and Godfrey become Elden Lord after they were defeated. Messmer is also fairly young in nature compared to every one of his siblings except Melania/Miquella for obvious reasons.
He's dead. He ain't using his body anymore. And who's fault is that? Not fucking Miquella's.
>use him to access the shadow realm
is it possible to get to the DLC portion of the game without killing caleid Radhn then?
Most likely. The mystery surrounding her makes me think she is actually the first child of Marika.
Frenzybros tell me - does Melina appear in the ending even if she burns herself?
You can kill Mohg without killing Radahn, but if you do, Leda will not be there yet and you will not be able to access the DLC
No, her part is removed if you have her sacrifice herself then embrace frenzied flame afterwards
Miquella obviously sent his ragtag group of followers to Mohg's palace to kill him, but he was already dead because of (You).
Stop being so fucking gay /v/
*teleports to Farum Azula* heh... nothing personnel Melina...
Where is the land of shadow? Is it supposed to be another continent? Is it in another dimension? What's the deal?
Cum eyed queen is a myth...
That isn't true at all. He always had red hair. The item description read as "Perhaps it was a curse from their kind".
Messmer has to be the first or second child of Marika according to the timeline.
Radagon was 100% split during Marika's assent into godhood.
Cum eyed queen is Miquella when I'm done with him.
I don't know why but the 30fps in the top left corner sends me
probably a “Mirror dimension” or some shit.
my problem with soulsborne settings is that i can't picture what the fuck the average nigga does. like, did my tarnished had a family? a wagie job before coming here?
this setting feels like a playground for gods but i don't understand what in what context a normal human could survive in beyond birth.
It was once connected to The Lands Between but at some point soon after Marika becomes a god she had it essentially turned into a pocket dimension.
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Pic related.
Makes no sense for her to say her bro's waiting for him if they were fighting over him.
Central area of Lands Between which got separated into its own pocket dimension
Most common theory is that it's the middle section of the map that was cut out (in universe) out.
character classes do have back stories, like you can RP as a former Carian jailed for rock crimes as Prisoner or RP as another banished knight with Vagabond. it's also a Rune based economy like Souls so any average dude can make his nuts bigger in one way or another.
>Marika: Well, I'm mad, time to break the universe and conspire to get all my children killed.

Why did she do it, bros?
>Miquella obviously sent his ragtag group of followers to Mohg's palace to kill him,
Miquella didn't send them anywhere. He might not even know they have a group at all. They're just following him because they like him. Also one of them was Mohg's own subordinates, who never suggested any enmity towards his old lord, even while the beguiling spell is still active.
>He always had red hair
According to?
>according to the timeline
According to what timeline? A jewtuber timeline made from red string and 36 hours without sleep?
you're usually a foreign in the lands, so it's understandable and even desirable the feeling of not knowing or understanding what's happening around you; your past and such, making discovering things and getting attached to them easier
She was a wöman. A man of wöe.
Why ancient english sounds so fucking stupid?
lol the hornsent are literally Jews who shove nordic shamans into pots to meld them to others. They are fully depicting tikkun olam as a bizarre occult ritual. And Marina’s vengeance was reactionary due to their cruel practices of cultural genocide and imperialism.
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she was a poor fag once.
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You literally kill an evil femboy. Everything else is in the mind of the players.
The fingers were already conspiring to replace her with either her daughter, her son, or her niece daughter. The fingers factually stated the entire conflict.
am I having some kind of stomach seizure?
>Fails to kill him
>Does nothing about it
>nothing in her area or questline indicates such intent in the first place
I call this a retcon. Not even blooming sisters attempting to assist you in killing Radahn.
kys little homo pervert
Item description says he always hated his red hair. There is nothing about his hair being a different color in anything that exists in the game. (You are too attached to your head canon)
The timeline that is clear even just by the events of the DLC. It shows Marika becoming a god. The events of the DLC are all some of the earliest stuff to happen in the timeline (at least with the stuff revolving around Marika which is most essential especially with what we are talking about)
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the devil/lucifer is a tranny/queer. i'm not sure if he's actually gay, but i think angels are genderless or something. you can see lucifer portrayed in games as these various archetypal characters

the roman empire and pagan cultures associated with lucifer and sun worship always loved little boys, so its no surprise with this miquella crap in elden ring piece

have fun eating your goyslop retard
Hornsent have more in common with the Mongols and Islamic empires than the jews. Messmer is straight up just Vlad the Impaler.
Messmer is confused when he see's our player character because of our eyes.
He doesn't know anything about graceless tarnished.
Well you see, she didn't really conspire to get them all killed. The system was starting to turn against her and suddenly Ranni said "fuck the system" and killed Marika's only normal son. So she ragequit and hoped everyone would kill each other so she could pick up the pieces to start over with the return of Godfrey.
Truth is... the game was rigged from the start.
>Metyr creates fingers
>Gets signals from Greater Will
>At some point Greater Will just stops giving a shit and goes silent
>Metyr keeps sending previously acquired signals
>Refuses to elaborate further as there wrere no instructions on what to do if Marika just goes in full NEET mode inside of Erdtree
>Marika is uhinged due her trauma
>her reasoning to become a god was based on revenge
>the whole thing she did during her rule was to wage wars and trumple other nations
>Realizes that her life is empty and godhood was a mistake
>Fuck this!
Of course it's a retcon, but from the looks of it it seems the rot was intentional to leave his corpse as intact as possible. Malenia just fucked up and didn't expect Radahn to be so hearty.
I wouldn't say Godwyn was normal. The fact that he partook in Dragon Communion means whatever curse he had was probably just related to dragons. The Carian kids were the only ones that didn't have any curses on them.
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He knows what a tarnished is and what their purpose is. He was probably sent on crusade after the shattering but before things went truly to shit.
The fingers do nothing
Untrue, Ranni was the perfect waifu curse.
His crusade started before the shattering thought he and his men felt its effects according to the descriptions of Heal From Afar and Wrath From Afar incantations
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truest post in the thread
I think Godwyn was probably normal. I mean he was called Godwyn the Golden and him being this "golden child" makes it even more devastating for him to be killed.

He gives off Rheagar Targaryen vibes from GRRM writing.
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>Miquella grabs you
>I promise you a thousand year voyage
>arena turns dark
>as he finishes his line, you hear Ranni's voice
>guided by compassion/under the wisdom of the moon
>her spirit appears on your shoulders the same way Miquella is on Radahn
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>the radahn boss fight
I'm glad that it's over
We have specific confirmation from the DLC that the Fingers were conspiring and manipulating to keep themselves on top so they could continue trying to ping the Greater Will.
When the Two Fingers realize what Marika has actually done they go full panic mode and begin firing messages into open space trying to find the Will before Marika's betrayal come to fruition.
Why the fuck can't we marry him?
I think his crusade was VERY early. He has almost no connection to his other siblings or to anything in else in the lands between. Outside of just establishing order I think Messmer's crusade and the send off of the shadow lands was one of Marika's first major acts as a god.
Well they are technically her kids by the most extreme definition but still.
Radahn was strangely strong and under certain interpretation he was Loyal to the Golden Order or at least complicit with Miquella's plan to overthrow Marika.
Ranni hated Marika/Radagon/Order for turning her mother into an emotional wreck.
Rykard was already a licensed psychopath by the Golden Order to get rid of anyone they didn't like.
You don't even need the DLC. Miquella, Malenia, and Ranni being Empyreans is already proof that the fingers were conspiring to make a new god.
>Gets signals from Greater Will
>At some point Greater Will just stops giving a shit and goes silent
from what I got Ymir was saying it was worse than that, her connection was broken when she landed, so everything in the Lands Between never even got to commune with GW in the first place
why try to deflect?
are you implying two things can't be bad at the same time?
He knows the whole deal about tarnished coming around to become the new elden lord. One of his lines reads as "I will not suffer a lord devoid of light".
is there a good lore channel that doesn't LARP as a storyteller and instead just explains shit normally?
The fingers have no actual power. They can barely do anything. They aren't even a part of the current golden order, other than serving as consultants to tarnished, who are hunted by the golden order and not really part of it. They're frauds, but also basically irrelevant.
Oh, you're that goldmask larping faggot.
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>actually miquella is a manipulative evil sociopath just like griffith
I knew it was gonna happen I just wish I placed a bet on it so I'd have made some money
So why is Consort Radahn even attacking you?
Miquella is also mind controlling him?
no. lore channels by definition are made by faggots for faggots. sick of the pale dweeb loser brits who their accent is gods gift to man speaking in le epic ol english
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>boss music turns into a mix of the boss theme of the Great Rune you have equiped (if not, the menu theme) + Renalla's theme
If the Greater Will is so smart, then why didn't it just make a better space ship to avoid damaging Metyr?
I don't get it.
Why are Tarnished hunted by the Golden Order?
Aren't they literally empowered by the Erdtree/the system to ensure the Order goes on?
You are a dumb spic and you have not even read berserk
Because the tarnished is canonically an asshole and you're not allowed to just let Miquella succeed, for no particular reason
He only wants radahn
I think you're fabricating lore in your head to try and cope with the fact they invented a new child that had no implication of existing before the DLC.
Because you want to be elden lord.
Miquella wants Radahn to be elden lord.
Every character involved with Miquella except Mohg and his buddies have been made 200 percent more pathetic after this dlc
The Two Fingers are pretending to be messengers of the Greater Will, when in reality the Greater Will never even noticed them.
Metyr was the only one who ever got a message, and that was after receiving massive brain damage from falling out of the sky. Their 'power' is entirely hollow, which is likely meant to be part of why Marika turned on them.
I don't thinik Metyr was pulling shit out of "her" ass either, most likely she already had pre-established knowledge bestowed upon her by Greater Will. However, three fingers reading by Hyetta makes a point that Greater Will made a mistake in it's judgement... so maybe they had some connection at first and it just went silent shortly after as "god" was unamused by his own "creation".
Because you're a tarnished, your entire deal is following grace, steal everyone's runes and become elden lord to rule over the lands between. Miquella being the new god is incompatible with that, so he has to kill you.
OmenCHADS winning
You are a direct obstacle to Miquella as both of you seek lordship
>for no particular reason
That directly conflicts with me becoming Elden Lord.
They're not cursed, at least not by the same definitions that the game gives Marika's children.
Messmer was cursed by the snake and fire.
Morgott and Mogh are cursed as omens.
Miquella was cursed with eternal youth and could never grow.
Malenia was cursed by the rot.
And if you believe Melina is Messmer's sister, she was probably cursed with death and fire since she has the death bird mark.

Ranni's actions created a new curse and when combined with Godwyn's body created a new rune of death.
Rykard becomes cursed through the snake, but he did that willingly on his own.
Radahn maybe got cursed by the giants if you stretch it, but that would be tied to Radagon and nothing indicated that Radahn was actually cursed.
>Miquella wants Radahn to be elden lord.
Other way around, Miquella wants to become Lord and wants Radahn as his consort, similar to how Marika had Godfrey.
Interesting video I just found. Kind of brings up some good parallels between Marika and Miquella becoming gods.

Yes. Literally. That is literally how writing backwards works.
...anon Miquella wants to become god. The Elden Lord IS the consort.
>The Two Fingers are pretending to be messengers of the Greater Will, when in reality the Greater Will never even noticed them.
Obviously. So what? They can be and generally are simply ignored. Marika was never at their mercy. Her only real opposition was Radagon, her other self.
he must have been able to age after casting his cursed body away
Okay but what if I don't care and am willing to accept anything that fixes the lands between even if I don't get to be king?
Just got Leda's sword. God, fuck dual-light greatsword moveset is sexy. Can't wait for NG+ so I can run 2 milady's
>Other way around, Miquella wants to become Lord and wants Radahn as his consort, similar to how Marika had Godfrey.
Godfrey was the First Elden Lord you goober
I'm not watching a lore video let alone one with an AI thumbnail.
It's weird that only some of the kids were cursed, but even those who weren't sought out curses or became cursed with time. All except Godwyn who sort of just becomes a curse himself instead.
All children durectly from Marika (So none of Radahn's) were Empyreans who upon birth instantly got the attention of higher powers and outer gods attempting to break into the world. Godwyn and Miquella were the most 'normal' so the Erdtree claimed them. Messmer was cursed by the Base Serpent, Malenia by the God of Rot, and Mohg and Morgott were claimed by the Crucible like the Hornsent who themselves viewed Horns as a sign of divine favor.
Ranni, Radahn, and Rykard weren't born claimed/corrupted, but Ranni managed to contact the Moon God via Sorcery and who just sort of gave her more magic since it wasn't actively trying to enter the world.
Why pablo would know wether or not it does if pablo does not actually speak proper english to begin with, being that he is a shitskin spic?
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>Pick up Radahn's lord swords
>Moveset identical to his original swords just with different AOW
I mean, it's been theorized that Godwyn just had a curse on delay. The entire golden bloodline goes to shit and starts grafting later anyways and now we know grafting is from the saint jars and crucible.
Even the warrior jars in the land's between graft bodies onto the erdtree's roots and Godwyn's corpse is currently grafted onto the erdtree's roots spreading the deathblight.
Don't forget they also deal less damage with their standard attacks when compared to starscourge greatswords
What are you talking about? Only Malenia and Miquella were Empyreans from Marika's womb. In fact, Radagon is the only constant in Empyrean making. Ranni, Miquella, and Malenia were the only Empyreans.
Godfrey didn't produce any Empyreans.
This is shit from the base game.
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>Radahn could not escape Miquella even in death
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femboys are truly, truly evil.
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Folks act like acting like you're infatuated with nonsense, because some pretentious Youtuber has made sense of it through a series of shaky (and sometimes completely baseless) conjectures is some sort of litmus test on if you're cultured or not.

They absolutely phoned in everything in relation to Miquella, aside from letting us meet St. Trina.
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I gotta say, after all this shit with the golden order and fingers and shit, I'm definitely leaning more to Ranni now. Kill everything and bring in a whole new age because everyone and everything in this one is just fucked.
Frenzied Flame lost a ton of stock in the DLC. Firepunch was a loser cuck lmao
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You're still mad from that thread where you kept trying to ignore destined death huh? lmao loser
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Agreed they're all attentionwhores
Actually, now that I think about it, are any of the cursed demi-gods children from a union that wasn't Marika and Marika or Marika and Godfrey? Is this an issue with Marika's pussy, not her dick (Radagon)? Like, I'm sure this is something plenty of people have realized, but is the curse entirely Marika womb based?

That's fair. He just points out that Trina and Radagon might be really similar in that Miquella might've been doing the same shit Marika did to become a god. But instead of boning Trina, Miquella started boning his bro.
No way fag
Can it be said that all the kids with red hair caused problems in this world. only like femboy didn't do much and godwdead. Before you say bla bla I like to say that if you look at bussyboy he wants to help people in a fucked up way and godwdead helped people like dragons
I thought the death knights and the fact that deathblight had spread to the shadow realm were a teaser to some sort of inevitable showdown with Godwyn.
Shame this is the last ER content we're getting there's a battle unfinished there.
dung eater ending
>you ride dung eater
Fia ending
>a crab with gowdyns face rides you
Frenzied flame
>a merchant and his donkey ride you, playing the fiddle
>he balances perfectly on top of your head doing his t pose and asserting dominance
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Kind Miquella...
Wasn't me, and no idea what you're talking about.

Either way "Somehow, Godwyn returned" wouldn't be any more of an ass-pull than "In this, extremely TalesOf-coded way, Radahn returned"
>a merchant and his donkey ride you, playing the fiddle
>it's a fucking troubadour remix
kek, good one Anon, my fucking sides on that Gold Mask one
>he even managed to perfectly recreate armor and swords out of thin air
We do the same thing with remembrances, which we already know can be copied.
>Is this an issue with Marika's pussy
Possibly because she is the actual vessel of godhood and Radagon is just an extension of it. Isn't that one early game NPC that takes over Stormveil also Godfrey's kid or at least a descendent which implies his bloodline isn't totally fucked?
Weirdly all of them bar Ansbach are still pro-Miquella after the spell breaks, and Freyja and Leda actually know they're under mind control.
Yeah his bloodline's fine when youre not throwing divinity into the mix.
>Like, I'm sure this is something plenty of people have realized, but is the curse entirely Marika womb based?
Correct. Do not incubate children in the chernobyl disaster zone.
Folks act like it would've been cheap if they made us fight a memory of Godywn inside of Miquella's dream or something like that, yet they've been eating up the whole "Pontiff Sulyvahn came out of painting," "We gotta kill giants in their memories!" and "TiMe Is CoNvOlUtEd so we can have Anor Lond again!" shit for ages.

I can't believe the same folk will defend this shit, lol

I mean that one is very clearly a gameplay driven mechanic that's just made "lore friendly"

But even then, if I wanted to nitpick, I could say we're using remembrances not souls to activate the process
Manipulative femboys who had their own city, were reborn in an egg, lusted after big bara, etc
Its bullshit that it doesn't scale on faith but uses int again
It fits in the water between the 6 towers, was sealed away
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>Do not incubate children in the chernobyl disaster zone
I cannot resist it...
Godrick? Godrick is a descendant of Godfrey and Marika, yeah. But it's implied that his blood is super diluted. His curse was more that he got really into grafting for some fucking reason. Also, no one liked him, but that wasn't a curse. He was just a gigantic dick to everyone all the time because he was born a manlette with no powers.
>Do not incubate children in the chernobyl disaster zone.
Forgive me, Marika... but I must.
While not a curse exactly, radahns apprenticeship with the stone chaps seems to have turned his skin grey.
I'm disappointed there wasn't anything extra for people with the finger brand, but the abyssal woods and Midra were some of the best parts of the dlc. Granted I wanted there to at least be one spooky side dungeon or just SOMETHING else in the empty ass woods, but they've still got it when it comes to spooky atmosphere.
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>>he balances perfectly on top of your head doing his t pose and asserting dominance
No, I meant Nepheli.
But Godrick is like a distant descendent of unknown parentage. I mean that like, is he even Marika's kid? If yes then is Godwyn also his great grandfather or something? But desu what we see ingame is not everything. We only see the worst and/or survivors of the golden lineage+Renalla's kids. There are numerous dead demigods both in the lands between and the Shadow Realm.
>were reborn in an egg, lusted after big bara
Went to other "phantasmal" realm after conjuring a "tree" to create his own kingdom and ascend to godhood.
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>he doesn't want to impregnate this despite the consequences
are you part of Miquella's special fag club?
I saw a ton of American's being confused by the Sunflower stuff in the DLC (also in Bloodbourne). Sunflowers in Japan are a symbol of peace and hope, but can also be seen as a symbol of mankind dominating nature or good things filled with evil against their wills, because sunflowers absorb radiation. Post WWII Japan planted a fuck ton of sunflowers to try and mitigate fallout (it mostly worked, sort of). So the sunflower became a symbol of peace (no more war) and hope (no more radiation). But because they were nature being used to undo human evils by took those evils and that taint into themselves, they gained those other qualities as symbols. Shit is actually kind of weird. To American's, Miyazaki must just really like sunflowers, but to Japanese fans some of these FS bosses represent completely different shit.
Oh 100 percent. Afterall in the original draft of the game (and still in the game files) Miquellas spirit was still in the tree and gave his 'last drop of dew' to his sister to spur on the second phase.
This entire DLC was made up wholecloth other than perhaps the presence of Mesmer. There was no secret second Carian sister who found the moon, there was no second super powerful Albinauric general when the rest were all treated like shit.
They just wanted to give you an OH SHIT moment, hope ya rike it.
what a happy family
shame that bitch ranni had to ruin everything
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very cool if true, thanks for sharing
You'll be beheaded in the name of Miquellah!!!
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>hope ya rike it.
>Marika moments before realizing her "normal" twin children were infact going to be an eternally youthful fag with mind control powers and the other was going to start losing limbs to hypercancer if she resisted giving everyone else hypercancer
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>Best Wife is just Gowers Ring of Protection
Ya know what yeah I'm all for it.
I guess that was actually radahn not godwyn
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Radahn could've saved this family had he accepted bussy...
>Miyazaki made 2 bosses based off a gay DS2 ring
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>twink death
He specifically sees Godwyn as an ancestor, so I have to assume he's somehow related, yeah. He's scared shitless of Radahn, though. And specifically walls himself up in his castle to keep himself safe from specifically Radahn.
turns out miyazaki's been taking it literally for years
Up til his first death Radahn was the most successful of the family, he achieved both his life's goals
>beat the shit out of the stars
>ride a tiny horse
he also owns all of the cabbages and tomatoes in the lands between if you check out his party snacks before the festival
Shut up Leda *giant hunts u*
Marika is only good for fucking. Rennala has the better womb for baby making.
this looks gay
it's gay
i was hoping it was a small feisty tomboy but it's just gay
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>"Forgive me, dearest mother, Zanzibartte... Imma gonna fuck this twink."
It's incredibly gay.
>schizo kidnaps boy he thinks is a goddess
>turns out boy is a major masochist
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where the hell they growing these in caelid
being mohg is suffering
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it is just boku no pico all over again. manipulative blonde shota ruining lifes and enticing older men
Anon look at the state of those cabbages, they're mostly rotten. Likely from before the land got rot bombed.
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don't kick the goddamn baby
Sorry but my wife's brother WILL be free of the creepy homosexual that doesn't know the meaning of the word "no"
>Jerren makes everyone eat rotten food and get diarrhea as a celebration
wtf is his problem
Anon, death doesn't exist proper in the lands between until you unseal destined death. Those vegetables are still probably perfectly fine but dried out. On a similar note
>How does wooden construction exist if trees can't die because death isn't allowed?
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you're a good man for her, Anon.
That's like minor bruising, I've seen worse cabbages at the supermarket.
Anon they're all zombies I doubt they actually eat

Counterpoint: half of the lore of Elden Ring is poorly cobbled together dogshit so those cabbages are 100% rotten because that's what the designers had in mind
See that shoiting star, sister? I kicked it's ass. YEAH THATS RIGHT KEEP RUNNING BITCH.
True but I'm of the mind that there's no way any Redmanes left Caelid to go nab some veggies from fucking Mistwood or something and it's probably been a few years since Caelid got nuked so they're at best started to get funky.
well they are only set out for the festival guests
and most importantly poop is lore accurate
I feel bad for Radahn for a lot of reasons. But I think he was just trying to be a good big brother, man. His mom-dad married at least 3 guys and had kids with each of them (also some bastards outside those marriages). But there were 3 big sets of kids. He was from the second and Miquella and Malenia were from the third. They were kids while he was probably an adult. Their mom was crazy, their dad was also their mom, and none of the other kids really had a ton of positive interactions with them. So he stepped up and helped his half/step siblings as kids. And he more or less got sort of punished for it. Shit is sad. The only other kid from their mom who had a lot of interaction with Miquella was fucking Mohg.
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Nepheli is just Horoah Loux's distant sperm-thing, yeah, no Marika involved.
Although Marika's pussy isn't inherently cursed, Godwyn was fine until she had him murdered. And Godrick, while pretty irrelevant, was also fine until he started attaching random shit to himself, which Marika's pussy had no involvement with.

2/6 non-cursed children we know if with neither still being fine is a pretty bad track record, though.
Although Godrick is still considered one of only like 6 demigods who were ever relevant enough to Leyndell to have been considered to "betray" it in the first place, though, so you know, good for him.
Genuinely think if Radahn didn't get ROTTED he might have been on Ranni's side with some convincing unless he learned she was the reason why Godwyn got shivved.
>Take space aids away from Lands Between so shit like the Elden Beast can fuck off
>Let Radahn have his Golden Order in spirit, uses his gravity magic to keep any stray fallingstar beasts away just in case
>happy and not raped
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It really doesn't get said enough just how hard Marika fucked over Radahn's entire family with her bullshit
>Ranni ends up having to kill herself to get away with the horrors Marika helps keep around
>Rykard goes insane and turns into a snake
>His mom ends up getting mindbroken after his dad fucks off and fucks his female half
>Gets turned into a mindless beast after the big sister of the kid he probably jokingly agreed to be his consort because he thought he would outgrow it later fucking nukes him
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a man doing his best; punished as always.
Radahn was still heavily involved in the Shattering, and would have continued to wage pointless traitorous war if he didn't get AIDs. He wasn't a saint.
Reminder that the DLC is all your fault.
>Radahn is too manly and straight that he stayed in Caleid because he didn't want to be Miquella's consort
>Malenia fights him to bring him to Miquella to no avail
>She resorts to using rot to kill him, Miquella can just bring him back afterward
>The NWF energy is so strong in Radahn that he refuses to die
>You, chucklefuck tarnished that you are, bumble along and kill him, allowing Miquella to turn him gay
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Godrick was distantly related. He was a descendant of someone else, not a direct Marika baby.
I think this scene is Radahn turning against Morghott spercifically because he's an omen and staked his claim to lleyndel.
Shut up Morgott you're a faggot and your mom is A WHORE
Being Radahn is suffering. And we wind up killing or fucking his entire family.

We also stop Miquella at the end to be fair and kill the Radahn/Mohg horror that he's become.
Honestly we don't even specifically know if he's related to Marika, just that Godfrey as Elden Lord had his golden lineage, knowing ER's pantheon shenanigans he could be from whatever line of random women completely unrelated to Marika that got GOLDED.

But anyways Godwyn was super fine and not-cursed intrinsically until Marika decided to increase her cursed litter ratio manually.
>We also stop Miquella at the end to be fair and kill the Radahn/Mohg horror that he's become.
That doesn't ungay Radahn though.
well hes dead so he cant be gay anymore
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ah, the kino it might have been if, in the final fight, if you had chosen Age of Stars, Ranni would appear and negate all the damage from or stop entirely Radahn’s meteor…

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