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I don't feel like the target audience for videogames anymore.
yea, they don't make video games for faggots
Who's the new target demographic? Layoff enthusiasts?
Yeah because the audience is me lmao. I love all these recent games and I am even more glad that you don't get to enjoy them
Grifter thread
I haven't felt like the target audience since the ps3/360 era.
That's exclusively who they make games for now
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I don't feel like the target audience for /v/ anymore.
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Gaming is better now
name a modern game you like
reminder that the grey people represent straight white men
>fun is just a buzzword
this will forever piss me off because people took it totally out of context and the guy actually had a point, he was arguing with some other faggot who got replying "it's fun"
The cognitive dissonance is astonishing.
I'd argue something just being fun to play is a genuine indicator of quality.
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Play better games.
Tekken 8
Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth
Street Fighter 6
Unicorn Overlord
SMT 5 Vengeance
Elden Ring SotE
Helldivers 2
Lies of P
Pikmin 4
Baldur's Gate 3
Armored Core 6
Chants of Sennaar
CP2077 Phantom Liberty
Remnant 2
Hi-Fi Rush
Void Stranger
Neon White
Fear and Hunger 2
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you have to have bad taste to be able to eat shit
Let me get this straight, this game just shows a few boobies and that's enough for the SJW morality police to get it banned? Is there more to this?
>half of those games declared financial failures because suits decided they didn't like them
kek, gaming isn't for anybody but executives and journalists anymore
The girls in the game lied about their age when they made it so the game is technically CP.
Isn't the onus on the lair and not the viewer?
Name a hobby that gay people had that straight white men sublimated.
It's on the production studio for not verifying.
How do you verify a fake ID? If it met 2257 standards can they revoke it afterwards?
They used fake IDs and the production company had no way of knowing that they were lying.
But rather than their parents getting sued for the huge costs the company had to go through, the girls were labeled victims.
One of the characters in the game is 17 years and 11 months old so it's cp.
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the taste of someone who lets marketing decide his opinion
Don't worry. The collapse will happen. You can throw most your money on the furnace. But even the people who print the money aren't allowed to throw ALL the money on the furnace. Greed and all that.
>man this game looks fun
>but first I will look at the creator's tweeter page to see if all his political opinions align with mine
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Bunny Garden
Those predate the modern culture of homosexuality by millennia, they just didn't have stupid names or become a widely held fetish until the gays started doing it right before the AIDS epidemic started.
You should be able to dig further into why it's fun to argue something is quality, just saying something is fun is kind of a non statement
I guess 1st edition of DnD was filled with faggots and trannies
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>gatekeeping is okay when we do it
why do leftists always seem to turn on their principles on a whim?
Unironically yes. Leftists have time and time again said it themselves that they are in this industry to further their political agenda. You made the bed and now you lie in it.
What deluded faggots.
Sexuality has never been a cornerstone of D&D, and especially not homosexuality.
i know this is bait but does anyone actually believe this?
That's inevitable the older you get the less your targeted for products and the more the younger generation is targeted.
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It's not really fair, but that's the law.
Ideally they should get an ID and verify it through the state identification program, get a birth certificate/passport, and so on.

It's pretty reasonable and cheap to do, I think it'd be ridiculous for a normal joe to be charged, but a production company hypothetically has to have them on payroll so they should be doing these checks to verify stolen identity and so on as well.
It was when video games were for white guys exclusively and just casual enough that we had large multiplayer lobbies
Only people privileged enough to not be lumped with the straight pale male fail.
I don't think you even played a third of those games let alone enjoyed them more than a title from before 2014
Also, those aren't hobbies, they're fetishes degenerate bug chasers do because they see their life being so worthless that they're either willing to risk catching a terminal disease or actively aiming to catch one just to get their rocks off.
we live in a society that coddles women so they are always the victims.
But doesn't the law require 2257 verification before publishing? If the government makes a mistake why is that on the publisher?
For that matter, boobies, heck, full nudity, doesn't count as 'porn'. It requires penetration, which I'm pretty positive this game wouldn't have or I would have heard about it by now.
(Then again this is the first I heard about any underage controversy.)
Oh boy, another thread where someone mistakes their depression and low self esteem for a lack of enjoying modern games, when they probably never really liked videogames to begin with.
the audience for those games were casuals/normalfags
It's not fair that they get to have that as their hobby but our hobby has to be masturbation cause the girls never show up for the cruising orgies.
Oh boy another projecting faggot.
>This is literally what Liberals are doing to Conservatives who have started freaking out about it
I hope when the pendulum swings back we don't forget what happened and who was responsible for ruining gaming with idpol garbage.
we speak english here
And we've lowered the bar even further to include literal elementary schoolers, niggers, women, etc. Remember when they made games for kids? Or games for girls? Hell, games for black people, a-la 50 Cent Blood on the Sand? The industry is just monolithic now and tries to appeal to one market all at the same time, and it just results in everything being shit.
>girls never show up for the cruising orgies.
Because attractive girls can get fucked by whoever they want at a whim, while unattractive women still get fucked whenever they want, just not by whoever they want.
I dont think you understand what projecting is.
Then you should be able to read my post without any difficulty.
>the far left are fascist prudes that want to segregate and control everyone's sexuality
>the far right are fascist prudes that want to segregate and control everyone's sexuality

what if I hate everyone equally based on my own self-admitted degeneracy
I don't think you understand what projecting is.
It's not fair, why do I have to play the game on Nightmare mode with no respawning or even any heals?
dunno, I'm not a lawyer but typically with government stuff they give a disclaimer that the company should have verified and isn't lying.
They don't check until they have a valid reason to.

Maybe it's different here though, but I don't know marketing laws.
The only thing funnier than implying "The Guy Game" was a staple among gamers is idea that the people who made "The Guy Game" were the ones "running shit".
The political horseshoe has become a full circle. Time to arm up and join the radical centrists and fight for our right to grill (or fap).
>gaming is le dead
>i am..... an outsider.....
>they aren't making games for me anymore... i am a dying breed.... a man with no home, no party
nobody cares, blogposting whiny faggot
in fact any recognized language is better than gibberish here. stop being troubled
I agree with that but not all autists are INT autists.
this thread sure upset some people
Kill yourself
they WANT fags and trannies, but they dont really get them, and that market is too small. so they alienate the market that they actually need to survive - normal people.
Also I'm pretty porn doesn't require penetration. It has to have express purpose of getting you off.
>Pornography is sex-related material (photographs, films, drawings, etc.) designed to sexually arouse the viewer.

so like even if you sold a video of kids licking ice cream, depending on how overtly sexual you make it it could still count as "porn".
this game, was almost certainly designed to tickle the players.
go back to your discord fag
The 'funniest' part is that the post claims that these guys run video games in response to a post talking about how these guys are being hunted down, kicked out, and arrested by the people who actually run things.
>Time to arm up and join the radical centrists
I'd actually be down for a more radical centrist party.
Obviously for any fbi out there, not violently. But the extremists on both end need to get checked hard.
You need a new hobby, hopefully it's being based and /pol/pilled
They aren't even hiding the fact that they control the industry now. No wonder AAA gaming is dying.
Centrists are only violent in self-defense. It's our last resort, not our first, unlike the direction brained fascists.
Rent free
The issue is it needs to be proactive at this point.

Party lines have become caricatures and needs someone to actively step in. It was one of the big appeals of trump's first election (that he proceeded to do nothing about)
>right wing incels

daily reminder that there is literal peer-reviewed scientific studies showing that people who indemnify as more right-leaning fuck more and leftoids get no pussy. never let them speak to you like this.
Whatever incel lol.
This is era of mask off politics. Everyone is basically just saying the most egregious and outrageous stuff about themselves, about each other all the time now.

Honestly don't know why people from anywhere listen to either side's clowns.
>uh actually right wingers get more sex
not even a left winger, but this means nothing.
are YOU getting sex?

the reason conservatives, actual conservatives that is, get sex is because they don't sit on 4chan all day. they do their blue collar job, go to a bar, and get laid. they proactively go after women.
they're outside extroverts being chill dudes.

online "conservatives" are not the same as real life conservatives.
its funny how leftists will be like "ummm i was here first and also i like gatekeeping now" even though leftists are a recent development, you were influenced by breadtube grifters in the late 2010s, so its impossible for you to be anything but the invader
those fags don't enjoy a single thing other than getting mad
I haven't felt like the target audience since the PS Vita. All those sexy anime games coming out on a monthly basis...
Most people that are talking about the current issues of gaming are almost always married people meanwhile people on the opposite sides all have furry profile pics.
I look like a fat ugly bastard and just by being progressive I've been to a sex dungeon with (some) hot people just because we share the same fetishes.
From the corpo side, you're not. Sony and Microsoft are targeting absolute cancerous lefties and Nintendo is targeting giga casual children and women. The only place left for straight men in this industry are indies.
furfag polycules have infinitely more sex than dry conservative marriages where the man doesn't even know what a clit is
I don't think it's really politics, people just ascribe politics to social problems that have just gotten more extreme in recent years.

For example, this would be called "left wing" here, but no mention of politics was done at all.
Just yesterday I was reading a reddit thread of about a girl having a spergout meltdown because men told her to smile more.
While she was dancing fucking salsa.

Like this entire thread was just people going complete tumblr cope about why its terrible to tell girls to smile more while doing pair dancing. Complete with girls doing the whole
>why do I care if my partner has a good time and wants to dance again?
>I'm neuro divergent so people must go out of their way for my imaginary issues!
>It's just soooo offensive to be told to look happier

As someone that loves dance, it's fucking ridiculous. One of the first things drilled into me as a lead was ALWAYS smile, always make sure the girl feels like you're having a good time even if it's bad.
And in real life, 99% of girls are fantastic.
But god damn reddit pisses me off.

Anyways my point is this had nothing to do with politics but if posted here people would immediately make it political. When in reality its just spoiled bitches.
Furries get more pussy and dick than you'll ever see in your life incel.
>are almost always married people
sure thing
post your left hand.
you aren't the target audience because your tastes have grown beyond what the market is aiming for, if you narrow your focus on what you really like you will become someone's target audience
>are YOU getting sex?
yes, though im not married, nor would i be considered conservative, which is relevant because actually the reason they get more sex is because they are more likely to marry and despite what media would have you believe, people report having way more sex when they are married. also the data shows right-wing women are happier in general with their sex lives.

which makes sense really when looking at other data, the average woman is left-leaning and the average woman is fucking miserable.

you have a view of conservatives from like 40 years ago. conservatives know how to use a computer, dumbass.
Not an argument.
Good morning I hate women.
Hiding behind statistics is a firmly beta male tactic.

Or is that only if your boogeyman does it?
not with anyone old though
I can understand that point of view. I've seen talk about musicians who never smile during performances and the like. My opinion of it is a person can decide for their selves whether to smile or not. Happiness can be felt but it doesn't need to be performative happiness.
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>half the thread replies to this defending furries and claiming they get tons of pussy

they just outed themselves, people. these are the people calling you incel
Even in online spaces I get more attention than lefties. It’s sad that you follow that they follow that ideology at all when it boils down to some arbitrary “doing the right thing” as they sell off their future to illegals and trannies. Leftism is the ultimate shit test from women.
Tons of my friends are conservatives, and while yes they use computers and like video games. Their idea of a vacation is going camping or taking their kids paintballing.

Most of them don't have the time to shitpost all day because their lives are also eaten up by kids.
Because conservatives are also more likely to have kids, and thus less free time. So when they have free time it's spent with their hobbies and not talking shit on social media.
>moving goalposts
>say something blatantly wrong
>corrected by many people because of how blatantly incorrect you are
>hmm this is evidence that I'm right
>Happiness can be felt but it doesn't need to be performative happiness.
The thing is pair dancing is largely about the connection you have with the other person. You're doing it to have fun, and the person leading is working their ass off trying to make it so you're having a good time.

If you're not giving a smile or otherwise showing that you're having a good time, it directly affects the person you're dancing with. It's not a solo sport, and it's not supposed to be about you.

While it might be somewhat performative it's just the bare minimum courtesy expected to be given toward your partner when you're both trying to have fun.

That said, other dances have different emotions that are meant to be conveyed and might not need a smile. But when dancing socially to upbeat songs, if you're not smiling it means you're having a bad time. And as the guy in charge of making you have a good time, it means I've fucked up, so there better be a damn good reason for it, and it sure as hell isn't because I'm not a good dancer.
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Now Trump and crew actually have a big plan for generational change. Which is why the Dems and the Neolib/Left alliance will stop at nothing to keep him from office. If Trump wins, expect Jan 6 times a million, and expect the media to suddenly justify it, the same way they told us anti-lockdown protests were dangerous but BLM protests were for our own good.
>>corrected by many people because of how blatantly incorrect you are
>all the seething tranny replies
>this time he'll change it for real
I gave him 4 years and he just showed that he's a giant retard.
no 2nd chances.

I am 100% happier throwing my vote away on a random independent.
WTF? I get told to smile all the time, by relatives and perfect strangers, was I supposed to get offended instead of grateful that I got a scrap off attention?
When I go contra dancing I make a point of smiling so my partner knows I'm having a good time and not to get anxious. Don't they realize that the people they're dancing with are also socially awkward neurodivergent people?
That's fine, at this rate I'm voting for RFK Jr too, and I never thought I would ever want to vote for a $#@& Kennedy.
right there, anon, can't you see?
3 furry retards replying pretending that they get pussy because they count diddling their little sister doesnt impress me that much
No. Also stop fucking animals you disgusting freak.

Why are degenerates incapable of thinking about anything but sex? Is there just not enough room in their tiny, stunted brains for anything else?
>he didnt do anything so im voting for someone that will definitely not do anything
You'd understand if you had sex, anon
I'm explicitly throwing it away in hopes that both parties will look and go
>b-but why didn't all these guys vote for us. THIS would have tipped the scales!
when they lose.
Most people who have sex don't feel the need to bring it up every other second.
>have sex
>immediately think down on all these desperate losers
>girlfriend breaks up
>months go by without sex
>get more and more pent up and frustrated with dealing with women
>talk shit on 4chan
>eventually a random girl asks me out
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I've been an unironic degenerate my whole life and never been invited to sex dungeons. What kind of people do you have to know?
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if that's true you can tell by the content of this thread who the incels are
>has sex
>starts thinking about men

Grifter thread
>I don't feel like the target audience for videogames anymore.
none of us are, I only buy games and systems from before 2014. I don't think the games companies even like games or their customers at all. I have stacks of old laptops, pcs and xbox 360s, ps1s, ps2s peripherals and over 1000 games. Forget shit from the last ten years its bad for so many valid reasons.
discordbot malfunctioning i see
fags and trannies like vidya because kids play vidya and the only reason fags > tranny is to b8 and blackmail underage boys via the Internets. The more the product is child focused the more of them are into it, shit like mario, nintendo, zelda
are you retarded?
It used not be and again it was largely something played by adolescent boys so naturally pedos, trannies and homosexuals developed an acute interest in it.
you never were, american companies always aimed at the normalfaggiest normalfags.
there's still plenty of good games being made, if you can't find one that you like playing that's a (you) problem. you got indies, japanese games, doubleA and failing that thousands of old games.

all you have to do is stop caring about products made for normalfag npcs, orherwise you're just a normalfag browsing a mongolian basket weaving forum thinking it makes you based
Games have been mainstream since the early 80s. I'm ancient and in the early 80s every kid at school was swapping and copying tapes with games for 8 bit computers. The idea that its some fucking secret to be gatekeeped is retarded, Were you all patroling arcades in 1982 to make sure the normies did not play space invaders? Fucking reatrds. As retards this place? It was never special it used be a pedo board and other chans like 711 chan etc were were shit like chanology etc happened. Why do you think so many boards on this site with activities that were loved by kids are run by active homosexual/trannies kid stalkers etc shit like vidya and D&D? They fucking love this pace because they can swap cartoon child porn but this site was a no go for the first four or five years of its life because it was fucking covered in child porn
>teenage boys aren't interested in sex
anon i...
Well you see the problem there is I was an kid once and played &D and Call of Cthulhu with my pals and I did not want to discuss sex with them or have it in the game at ALL. You're different to me, your a fucking pedo or a fag or something.
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Why is porn covered up but nigga isn't?
I know that in middle school me and my friends were talking about the boobs of all the girls we knew and jokes about how much we wanted to suck on their titties.
>its a delusional OP doesn't realize he was a greynigger all along
Am I retarded? How are you supposed to read this shit?
>yes goy just let us do as we wish
you will never be a woman. everyone will call you by your birthname. you have no friends and all support you receive is feigned out of politeness.
I don't think you understand the meme
leftists claim gatekeeping is bad when they're not in control. the moment they get their hands on the helm is when they declare "uhhhhh get out of here you hateful incels there's no place for you, get out!"
it's uncanny how they manage to hold to completely contradictory beliefs without so much as flinching
>Games have been mainstream since the early 80s. I'm ancient and in the early 80s every kid at school was swapping and copying tapes with games for 8 bit computers. The idea that its some fucking secret to be gatekeeped is retarded, Were you all patroling arcades in 1982 to make sure the normies did not play space invaders?

I don't know if I hate women for never taking responsibility, or men for enabling their shitty behavior.
Funny how similar leftist sjw and conservative puritans are.
Games don't need women in them at all
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Leftists are ruining everything on the planet.
you retards parrot shit like
>nooooooo reeeeeeeeeeee games are only for us the heccin wholesome big chungus frienderinos! get out stupid hateful gamers, games are no longer for you REEEEEEEEEEEE
ergo, you're mentally insane.
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Leftists are ontologically evil
They will never change.
Something must be done.
Gatekeeping works so well that lying about it not working is even more effective.
>Games have been mainstream since the early 80s
Completely false statement.
>nooooo gatekeeping is not real
rich coming from a double-faced hugbox-loving troglodyte who bans anyone and everyone who disagrees with him in his "safe-spaces" on a whim
>Games have been mainstream since the early 80s.
No they haven't.
>every kid at school was swapping and copying tapes with games for 8 bit computers.
No they weren't.
>it's uncanny how they manage to hold to completely contradictory beliefs without so much as flinching
they have a phrase for it
>the paradox of intolerance
which basically comes down to
>it's fine to be intolerant if they don't agree exactly with what I say
of course they dress it up with flowery words like
>well it's fine to discriminate against Christians because they're anti-trans and that means THEY WANT ME TO LITERALLY GET MURDERED
There is no paradox.
One side is objectivelly evil.
Leftists are the ones pushing for children to be faggots.
Leftists are the ones pushing for more taxation that hurts every human
They are demonic.
There's nothing wrong with being gay, incel. You'd probably be a much happier and better person if you came out of the closet.
it's based on the fact that the grey people in the comic said "you do not fit in". but the crazy thing is, they're right and the rest of the comic still makes perfect sense with them as protagonists.
>immoral people try to run away from objective morality
>it seeks them out wherever they hide
Lethal Company
it's the only game i can get my 3 faggot friends to play with me
>Am I retarded?
start at "start here"
read the text along the line with the arrow
pick which of the options applies, then repeat with new box
Companies don't have target audiences anymore because every product has to make a gorillion dollars and appeal to everybody on the planet. Thanks, businessfags!
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gatekeeping is good and could've saved 4chan
That's doesn't work. If it was about morality then their complaint wouldn't be about being socially excluded.
>amy hennig claims she never had problems with sexism while working in the industry
>gets silence by insane leftards
how do we get rid of these absolutely evil scumbags
>I don't feel like the target audience for videogames anymore.
Because you allowed 4chan to poison your mind
Been on this site since 2006 and it's completely unrecognizable at this point. Once upon a time ago people would be shamed into oblivion for mentioning youtube videos, now it's common for people to treat them like kings. All this forced political bullshit has killed any interest I had interacting here.
>amy hennig claims she never had problems with sexism while working in the industry
Maybe because Amy Hennig is an industry OG with actual skill, and not a pink-haired retard with no skills that wants to be in video games because that's where the pink-haired retards hadn't infested the industry yet.

Fuck off
Kek, I can't tell if this image is an elaborate troll if the tranny who made it is that delusional.
4chan and reddit have always been sister sites since 2003.
Hey look at that. Gay bashing.
I stopped buying games. I might buy one or two a year if I'm lucky. Most modern AAA games just aren't worth playing.
Why would people be shamed for mentioning Youtube when Youtube back in 2006 was essentially a piracy website where you can watch practically anything and everything?
reddit didn't exist in 2003
Because they don't believe in mortality so they don't care about hypocrisy: to them, the ends justify the means. And they ar promised an Utopia as long as they do as they are told.
reddit was all around us at that point. just waiting for a chance to manifest.
Friend enemy distinction. You don't treat your friends and enemies the same.
meanwhile their response to this is mumbling something about "THIS IS ABOUT SURVIVAL!!" lol
Casuals/ specfags/ plottards have become the lowest common denominator comsumer
The trendy thing these days is to have specs the system can't even utilize unless sacrificing other features, or spend so much of the production budget on 10s of hours of fucking dialogue, face/ motion capture, and uglifying face captures
The worst part is it will only get worse
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>show up at a place that's for 18+ girls for shooting sexual scenes and lie about your age to join them despite being underage yourself
>somehow this is the producers' fault
That's fucking retarded
The US law system is a joke
That's how it really happens all the time.
An immoral group will complain about not being accepted, then claim it just wants to be left alone.

I dont know, theres something exploitable there.
>The US law system is a joke
Yes. Yes it is. That's what happens when people don't take the responsibility to kick their republic in the nuts when its needed.
I mean as opposed to what?
>be australian
>have a flat chest
>boyfriend arrested for pedophilia
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Can women just ever shut the fuck up?
Grifter thread
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you're literally not, the retard market became much larger and easier to please. we've had no real advancements in 15 years because you can make a billion by using cheap artists to make skins without innovating at all. le hardcore OG gamers were much harder to impress and if you were going to sell a ton of copies, your game had to be awesome. Plus with the industry being smaller the only people making games at all were enthusiasts and tech nerds who wanted to make cool shit...
Like seriously to make engines like source, havok, naturalmotion(RAGE) took very hard to find and unique talents. thats why the teams who made them were all bought up, save valve ofc. why go trough all that trouble in 2024? where's the drive to innovate? T2/Rockstar owns RAGE and only makes like 2 games every 15 years. MS bought Havok and let it become abandonware. Valve never does anything. todds still using the engine built in 1995. shit is just stagnant and there's no monetary incentive to change it
Why do you fags constantly complain about games not being for you instead of playing the games that are?
This is how I feel about /v/
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I still think we could have won
Deus Ex released over 24 years ago. It's been a while.
>Games don't need women in them
You don't actually like games. You're just a retarded nostalgiafag.
...can I come live in your world, anon?
As opposed to the girls were mature enough to appear to be legal, they became legal in a year or so but looked relatively the same, so the game didn't need to be pulled as long as they were adults giving consent to use footage taken when they were younger.
see >>681435409
no such thing. off yourself tranny
>damn fascists, amirite fellow centrist?
You never played the game, faggot.
i played it recently with the free graphics overhaul mod
It's a good game. I want to get my Pentium 3 / Voodoo 3 system hooked back up and play through it again.
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4chan stopped being a website for autists who wanted to sperg out about whatever niche interest they had. they are here specifically to complain about politics the board names are just themes to them
Besides CP and Remnant, based diverse taste enjoyer
Getting sick of assholes complaining about no vidyagaems when we had multiple years with either filler or plain garbage between big game releases in the past
Can't say this is something new because between jaded fags or ragin vtards this board as a whole barely plays any games and they just like to complain
Honestly the real killer is the death of good moderators and the ability to raid. Moot fucking recruited off site for Mod positions in REDDIT of all places.
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You aren't. Nobody is. The "modern audience" games are made for is an entirely fictional entity that corporations are making games for.
>another incel mad upon realizing games are not for him anymore
cry more
bro, league of legends?
its funny because zoe quinn was truly in the wrong. also games journalists lost, they will always be laughed at in the medium
the "wider audiences" thing is a lie, it just means games made for myself and my clique. look at dustborn, the only group it caters to is queer women
What demographic are they for, then?
>inb4 "everyone"
>I've played so many good games lately
>Okay which ones?
>*Posts a list of the most recent IGN reviewer slop*
It's literally always this. Fucking normalfag cancer.
>noooo those don't count
Why can't you just accept the fact that you were never an enthusiast and move on with your life?
who is moral is not objective
You're trying too hard kid
>ummm those games are good
those games are massively inferior to their predecessors
SMT VV is the best in the series. Saying otherwise is just being contrarian.
>japanese games
this is about western games
So why does people playing games instead of jerking off about how everything sucks make you seethe?
It doesn't occur to you that those spergs became political?
>mcdonalds defense force
Kill yourself faggot go play Battle Garegga
Oh, you're American. I need to speak your language. Hamburger cope cope seethe slop cope nigger slop cope seethe
It’s funny how this mentality doesn’t apply to BG3 for some reason.
yeah im sure the increase in traffic is just a coincidence
My response would be that if I let a nazi in my bar, in a week it'll become a nazi bar.
I don't hate you for your right wing beliefs, it just makes me think you are either a rich person looking to get richer by tricking uneducated people into voting against their own interests, or you are an uneducated person being tricked. Either way its just a flavor of being misguided
>also games journalists lost,
More like everyone lost, Gamergate is an incident that has accelerated the collapse of western society. If you live in or used to benefit from western society, then you lost.
Rich people who come in all colors and from all nationalities, especially multiple passport holding nationalities.
>straight virgins would never buy D&D
What did he mean by this?
I miss when incels were called virgins or wizards.
The internet has created a retarded language.
>What is your opinion on JK Rowling's Transphobia
>>Are you sure?
Fallout 4 dialogue tree.
>Games have been mainstream since the early 80s.
I remember news stories having scares for video games destroying the mental faculties of children and causing them harm... all the way into the 2010s. And then they changed. Video games started being good for your mental health. As if the old guard... retired.
One of the many reasons I cannot trust the news.
I 'member. I miss it.
i think i've heard them say something like it's "tasteful sexualization" and "not forced" or some bullshit
all it sounds like to me is rules for thee, but not for me.
The Great Ace Attorney
Lies of P
Friday Night Funkin
Elden Ring
Ender Lilies
Baba Is You
Rusted Moss
Astral Chain
Return Of The Obra Dinn
Neon White
Last Command
Case Of The Golden Idol
Hollow Knight
or maybe some people arent self loathing and dont hate their own people, their own skin color, their own sexuality or gender, their own country, their own society, etc like rebellious, guilty revolutionaries like to do.
>My response would be that if I let a nazi in my bar, in a week it'll become a nazi bar.
anti nazi = communists think they are invited, and the same thing happens but in the other direction
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"Fun" as a concept is hard to describe. The idea of what makes a game fun is almost gestalt in nature.
Each individual part of what makes a game "Fun" can be viewed in isolation, but the harmony of all of it connected into one symphony is what brings forth the idea of it being simply "Fun".
It's like listening to each stem of a song separately and expecting to understand the whole composition.
Astral Chain was so good, shame it got stuck at 30 fps and doesn't have a normal jump button, but I really liked that game. a lot of good stuff on this list
Yeah but nazism is a position based on genocide, communism is an economic model that doesn't inherently include killing as a moral imperative. Isn't that the whole picture? What does a nazi want other than eugenics?
It's a mediocre action game at best.
I sometimes wonder if people here aren't pretending.
Do you genuinely believe that all of the world is a binary of Nazi and commie?
>Rich people who come in all colors and from all nationalities, especially multiple passport holding nationalities.
So layoff enthusiasts.
Honestly, at this point I'll take rioting in the streets over the same geriatric fags in office every four years. Even if it ultimately leads to nothing, making the jewslaves more afraid to be in public will be a net positive.
>>>>>>>>>>>>communism is an economic model that doesn't inherently include killing as a moral imperative.
anon its literally about destroying people who are more successful than you
Sounds based to me.
look at the internet
I do. Being vocal doesn't mean it's representative of everyone.
See what I mean, you're misguided.
Also you're equating literal killing with removing ill gotten money, in a system that already promises you what you need to survive.
Something like that.
They seem to be perpetually "between jobs", even when they're the ones writing for the games.
See i think this perception is a huge part of the issue, you look at the internet and see the world when reality is so much larger
Good thing I'm not American.
i am pretty sure national socialism was a little bit more than just eugenics
>What does a nazi want other than eugenics?
control you stupid dumb nigger same as the communists. Why? Because in order to implement both systems you need complete control over the people. Having a dissenting opinion is a good way to get yourself disappeared because the commissar or the gestapo at the door won't reimburse you when they say your property now belongs to somebody else.
But you don't mention any, because no one cares about those parts. Hitlerism's main point is racial purity.
You also aren't decrying that part of it either, you are perfectly okay with genocide for whatever supposed benefits you're thinking of.
So both are bad but one also includes racial genocide, so the choice still seems obvious to me.
yeah they're made for children. are you a child? don't answer, I don't want to know how man people are half my age on this board
>Alyssa Merchant
hmm but you didnt decry the genocide part of communism, therefore you are fully supportive of genocide and probably love it
monster hunter world
monster hunter rice
What part of communism is genocide? Like what part of the economic model says also kill black people. Cause racial purity is literally a pillar of nazism
>What part of communism is genocide?
the part where they kill capitalists pigs and their collaborators?
>brings up black people for no reason
whats happening with you?
Im not even joking here
>pirate game
>play and finish it
>move to the next one
>if I dont like it I drop it

Modern games are better than ever, maybe you should find another hobby.
Racial purity includes or could include the idea of exterminating black people. I didn't think you'd need such specific education sorry.
You're talking about an issue of corruption within the system, not a legal intended part. Also not genocide for its qualifying factor, replace capitalist pig with white collar crime lord and the answer becomes clear.
>Racial purity includes or could include the idea of exterminating black people. I didn't think you'd need such specific education sorry.
you were equating the kill black people part with communism, as if thats what genocide means
>replace capitalist pig with white collar crime lord and the answer becomes clear.
just like the original revolutionaries that stalin murdered?
>"noooooooo you can't make games for everyone it has to be for hateful chudcels like meeeeeeeeee!"
cope. gamers are over. time for the era of slayer queer queens
ironic that you people try so hard to force yourselves (invade) into a space that doesn't like you simply because you are awful people. strip away the identity and the politics, and it truly comes down to how aggressively unlikable and dishonest you are. keep pretending to be a 'good person'.
videogames was never your safe space, you are the one who wants to exclude others because you deluded yourself into believing a medium that was always popular was your sekret club
Just say you hate White people and go, incel.
you're just mad cuz you lost. cope
How do you figure im equating kill black people to communism? I was making a comparison, saying that if communism randomly included some form of racial purity then I'd consider as shitty an idea as nazism (one that does irrevocably include genocide).

Genocide as in deliberate killing of a national or ethnic group. With the goal of destroying that group. What does it mean to you?

No not like that, again it is evidence of corruption similar to any method to legal killing. This is different because it's not intended or agreed upon by the random individual communist, but is desired by the random individual nazi.

We simply can't agree that genocide is bad, you won't say it and I will.
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nice attempt at darvo tranny.
i'm thriving. japan and korea have been making great games. people opening their eyes up here in the states has been nice too.
just lol
>unobjectified women with realistic body proportions
>non-binary and genderqueer gender options in video games
>toned down sexuality and violence
>slurs and ableist lingo expunged
>toxicity policing
>lgbtq+ content thriving more than ever
>minority representation everywhere
>every company pledges to promote inclusion and tolerance and eradicate hatred
you lost chuddie. treasure what little precious because the lgbtq+ tsunami is coming. either repent and join the right side of history or treasure what little precious moments you have before you get swept away by the current
>Fascism is when money

Do incels really.
you said what part of [communism] equals kill black people
>Genocide as in deliberate killing of a national or ethnic group. With the goal of destroying that group. What does it mean to you?
like the ukrainians?
>every company pledges to promote inclusion and tolerance and eradicate hatred
you almost had me convinced up until this point. that's actually funny. thanks for the laugh. good night
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that's the only people they make games for now, retard
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why does /v/ worship this grifter
she's a literal whore
the only people worshipping her are literal retards who don't know any better or people who are sipping the koolaid. she's not genuine at all, as evident by her consistent misconstruing of truth. anyone taking her word should be ignored.
did you just copy and paste this from a list of highly rated recent games?
people from a leftist discord and twitter arent /v/
saw sega announce the new crazy taxi was gonna be a live service open world and most people defended it by saying you can play a remake of the first game if you dont like this.
The correct way to say is that I asked that. Because it's not a part of communism, it's called rhetorical questions because you are supposed to realize that communism doesn't include killing black people as an inherent doctrine.
No that's not genocide because the Russia Ukraine War is just that war, their goal is land and resources not exterminating Ukraine's people. Evidenced by Russia's plea's for a surrender, its the fastest way to what they want: resources.
how does that even relate to what i said you retarded bot
nice reddit cap you faggot, doesn't change the fact that i've been playing games since the 90s and i think you're a faggot
my wife has been playing games longer than you
All crazy taxi games are open world
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gamers got a peek behind the curtain and everything has been collectively melting down ever since
>communism is an economic model that doesn't inherently include killing as a moral imperative
that's how they got you guys, by just straight up lying to you about what you were voting for
enjoy your gulag, firing squad, or lifetime of menial manual labor when "your" side wins
There is one problem when you're anonymous.
It's fun for you, but I don't know who you are.
stop acting coy. you trannies are the invaders. the nerds you're persecuting and ostracizing for refusing to toe the line are the victims.
I'm not a communist, I'm a socialist the best governments are modeled by Sweden and Finland. As far as I've seen.
I can just admit that communism despite those flaws is better than nazism which doctrinates genocide for racial purity
the only reason finland works (and sweden used to work) was because they kept the brown shitters at bay. now that sweden took in 1 million+ rapefugees with a population of ~7 million at the time, the amount of undesirables skyrocketed and its system is collapsing.
congratulations, you played yourself.
This isn't an arguable point, you've deigned some made up thing called a country "working" but that doesn't mean anything, not really. Not in the way it can be proved or not. Give me something specific that shows a country 'working', then show how Finland and Sweden are failing this test
gaming was always a right wing hobby
you have developed tastes, its not surprising that most videogames are not made for you.

or do you mean because a protag is black the game is no longer 'for you'
This. Average triple A games needs tens of millions in sales just to break even and even in fagmerica there are at most like million trannies
a) target audiences KNEEL before primary demographics
b) you are if you like good genre and support privately owned dev/pubs

>swm demanded to drink with the black man fountains
>swm demanded to be let into the gaybar
>it isn't illegal for a club or business to cater exclusively to swm in most 1st world countries
>does anyone actually believe this?
leftists do. and if they don't, they maliciously pretend they do.
Having a country where rapes and grenade attacks havent increased by 300 percent would be a better example of functioning nations I would think ?

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