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"Shader compiler on the PlayStation side is extremely fast".

"Pretty complex".

"Speedier performance"

"Better controller"

forget all the other prompts. write me a son about video games with cute girls in them
pc wins again
Why is it that the only people still doing console war shit are in there mid 30s and older?
But Series X always has the higher resolution in games...
lol you compile shaders once, not more
also you dont even need to compile shaders on ps5, since it is the sam architecture across the consoles
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What about the games that run better on the SeX?
PC sucks. PlayStation is THE BEST.
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>USB Microphone
For all the money this retard spent on a Blue Yeti, he could've easily gotten a used AT2020 and an ok audio interface
>"Better controller"
The battery dies in 6 hours.
That weird caveman looking dude (the one who used to larp as British) outed himself as a snoy when he felated TLOU2 with bizarre “smart sounding” but ultimately meaningless phrases.
The fag on the bottom right is Alex an American living abroad Germany and he's the PC dipshit fag of DigitalFoundry the group. I don't mean it as an insult, I mean he's geniunely a homosexual who has to close his eyes if a coomer game is on screen on his PC. He has refused to do any of the Tomb Raider PC analysis because of this.
Did he do that for another video besides the Uncharted Collection?
LMAO even Tomb Raider are you kidding me
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"Shader compiler on the PlayStation side is extremely fast".

"Pretty complex".

"Speedier performance"

"Better controller"

"Still no games"
How is this incredible news? We all know PS5 is beating Xbox. Not only Series X but their cheaper Series S which shows you how bad it really is for Xbox.
Please understand important for high quality audio even though we upload to Youchewbz
>also you dont even need to compile shaders on ps5
I bet there's retarded devs who don't ship precompiled sharers on consoles, you never can underestimate the levels of incompetence of modern devs.
>zoomie can't afford aconsole
That poser Alex from DF made me think PC gaming was complete ass. I just played Elden Ring yesterday on my RTX 4070 Ti Super, at 4K with max RTX on, and only a spoiled asshole would call that "unplayable".

I get a few stutters OCCASIONALLY, but it's nowhere near the wavering mess that any of the console versions were, and I beat it on the XSX on Graphics Mode before. It's literally just 60fps with a tiny stutter every odd minute.
PS5's architecture is custom compared to the Xbox Series and PS engineers are definitely a lot better than what they have at Xbox, but the difference isn't tiny it's quite large, I doubt that PS5 is actually that much better, it has to be devs just caring more about Playstation because that's where their games actually sell.
Sooo... the reason the PS5 performs better than people expect compared with the Series X is because... all the reason Cerny explained at Road to PS5?

There's not news in this, there was any doubt or controversy, just people refusing to believe simply reality even with all of Cerny's warnings about not blindly relying on "Flops".
What is the point of such analysis at this point when both consoles are at the end of their life cycle and both flopped?
There is literally nothing going on in the industry to talk about until Nintendo reveals the new Switch. Gaming is fucked.
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Digital Foundry is biased as fuck. They outright lied about the raytracing on the PS5 being better than the Xbox when you could see in their own video that the raytracing on the PS5 was fucked up.
On twitter/youtube the console wars are alive and well, just gets them more views I think.
In fairness I met a great friend through console wars so hey I'm fine with them
If he is genuinely homosexual I like him more. I get the feeling he's just a poser, he makes John (who's on the spectrum for sure) uncomfortable by being silently judgmental and elitist, and he waves the pride-flag besides being a third reich white supremacist on the inside.

I don't like him. He's not based and sincere like the other ones, and he's taken out the PC-analysis section from the rest of the group by claiming it too hard, and always makes tiny issues out to be "unplayable", and never fails to dunk on the console market in all of their podcasts.
>schizo ESL PC warrior babble
Sir /r/RedditPCMasterRace is not 4chan /v/. Please consider not indulging this console vs PC warrior in your head in real life.
just a little stuttering, 2000$ very well spent
Go there, ESL-kun. Don't reply to me PC warrior retard.
pc gaming is for tranny redditors like you
Lol what?
>Make a bunch back to back PC Reddit Warrior posts in an unrelated console thread
This is why Stellar Blade, Unicorn Overlord, Bloodborne will never be on PC.
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>incredible news
These shitboxes are 5 years old already, who gives a shit?
Zoomers are playing mobile games. They also get a PC because they're wannabe streamers and it ends up being their main gaming platform.
>What is the point of such analysis at this point when both consoles are at the end of their life cycle and both flopped?
Grand Theft Auto 6 will release exclusively next year on Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X. It will not be playable on PC. Like Bloodborne. Such is the cope for PC Master Reddit Race true believers in fanboy wars.
don't care, will upgrade my gpu
>Unix based OS faster and better preforming compared to microsofts jeetified version of windows fo consoles

How utterly shocking who would have known
Devs will be able to leverage their knowledge for amazing grafix AND framerate for the next generation
It'll happen this time, surely
>don't use DX12U features
>WTF PS5 faster?
GTA6 is not playable on the PC, it is only on the PS5 and Xbox Series consoles that /v/ PC fanboys have declared dead. Lots of mental psychosis and meds to run that through your head but it takes a stunning brave PC fanboy to say it outloud.
as someone that has owned every generation of xbox, I ask: is this really a fucking surprise? anyone who has owned an Xbox know how often the operating system crashes or the wifi controller on the motherboard will simply stop working. they have hired way too many indians at Microsoft and the quality of their software and firmware reflect this
What I don't like about Digital Faggotry is that they keep putting static images in areas of games where nothing is happening to show how amazing ray tracing is, disregarding all the artifacts that make action games even difficult to play. If you don't understand this, I suggest you try Serious Sam TFE with the ray tracing implementation (which by the way had a DF video talking about it, all praise as always), the game is literally unplayable on the highest difficulty because especially inside the tombs where the lighting is lower, the AI starts to make things literally disappear. When a Kleer jumps at you at his insane speed, he turns into a ghost and it's difficult to maintain eye contact and know exactly where he is. The whole game starts to become a visual mess and is the best example of how modern Ray Tracing implementations are terrible for anyone who really wants to play video games instead of staring at puddles of water in some walking simulator.
>DF playing anything on hard
That's not what eye contact means
>arguing over relative performance
Just get a PC
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They said the two consoles are the closest they’ve ever been in terms of performance (despite the Series X objectively being stronger) but a few games run better on PS5 because the GPU is easier to develop for, their example was Elden Ring. But they also said they prefer a game like Elden Ring on Series X because PS5 only has limited support for variable refresh rate.
Yes, I used the wrong expression because I'm not an English speaker, but I only realized it after I'd already posted it.
Basically. But it is fun to see the doomposting.
Based mediate Tsukasaposter
But that's Kagami
yea its over for xboxers
like ?
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Oh yeah
>p..c.. w..in..s aga...n!!!
that's your shader compilation speaking
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Who cares what these lying, coping, paid off shills and hacks at digitalfoundry have to say about graphics?
The ONLY reason they were ever relevant was because of the fact that they count pixels and show console/PC framerates in games that have either no issues or major issues. Beyond that, some of their takes are fucking horrendous
>they are TAA apologists/shills
>they love motion blur to smooth out 30fps
>they are fans of v-sync (added input lag)
>they are fans of shitty down/upsampling
>they are shills for RTX/ray tracing when it's a wet fart compared to traditional lighting techniques from a decade ago
Games these days just look flat out worse than they used to. I'm so glad Unreal engine 5 is going to be the most used game engine moving forward; we upgrade our TVs and monitors to higher refresh rates and OLED panels just for every game to FORCE temporal AA/res scaling outside of native which introduces ugly fucking ghosting artifacts.
To make matters worse
>they are shills for cloud streaming too
That should tell you everything you need to know about these guys. They aren't interested in actually even playing these shit games they analyze.
>"Shader compiler on the PlayStation side is extremely fast".
>"Pretty complex".
what the fuck is that supposed to mean?
>"Speedier performance"
not really both pretty slow compared to a comparable pc that doesn't have garbage proprietary software.
>"Better controller"
this opinion is staight wrong, the playstation controller is...fine but the 360 is far better designed if you don't need gimmicks.
That's your games.
says the all-digital tard
He appears in all the social grifting threads on Resetera under the handle "Dictator" and circlejerks with the rest of them. He's brainwashed.
Reminder that you can get a better pc for the same price with cheaper games and no need to pay for subscription that gives you access to internet that you already had.
they're literally snoys
But Rich is a Xbox
Ps5 ALWAYS wins
Except for MS and Blizzard vs Sony case where it was proven in court that PC+switch is the best value for it's money.

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