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What am I missing?
a soul
a brain?
a heart
the rose-colored glasses that trannies and faggotes wear
a dick
Freemason game, there is optical illusions hidden in the world
Nothing. You are complete and are able to recognize a shit product when you experience it.

>Does it get better?

It doesn't. Maybe some highlights few and far inbetween, mostly in the form of random encounters and places of interest.
The main quest is ass, and the UI, control scheme and 'press X to view unskippable cutscenes disguised as actions'-this game has will annoy you start to very finish.
Miyazaki said said RDR2 was goated. You lost.
>What am I missing?
White skin
Thankfully he makes far better games than those that he says he likes.
rdr2 is a movie game. if you go in expecting responsive controls or interesting game design you are going to be disappointment.
We’re off to see the wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz.
100IQ at a minimum
damn, white people have shit taste, no wonder they can't make good games either
I wish to know more. do you have a schizo tier youtube essay about this I could view?
And what sort of games interest you? Genshin Impact? Deadlocked? Switch Slop? This game is a masterpiece, and you know it was. YWNBAW btw.
I enjoyed it (apart from the gambling missions and challenges), but it is a slow-paced game, so don't try to rush through it.
The story is only really worth playing through once. I stayed in chapter 2 on my second playthrough.
You just outed yourself lmao
It's not RDR1 or GTAIV.
The best way to play the game is skip the story and just hunt animals
This game is the sole reason I don’t buy shit on release day any more. Way to completely fuck up literally everything we all loved from the first one. At least the horses’ balls shrink when it’s cold though!
Sounds too much like real life.
that might be true if the controls and gunplay weren't ass. the best way to play this is to watch the cutscenes on youtube
yeah, white people suck at making videogames, this appears to be true
you RDR2 fags can never discuss its flaws directly. It's always reaching and deflecting

you say YNBNWA but you post like a troon who can't face reality
I liked the gunplay, but I played on PC relatively recently, so I didn't get the input delay bug.
If you took away everything that could be criticized about this game, the mechanics that the devs created have objective artistic merit. BTW if you go into a body of water on your horse and go in circles and walk away, you actually create a lasting whirlpool.
Forget the story, the writing, the characters, and it's still impressive. Check out 'Strange Man" in jew-tube for pretty much unlimited interesting details in the game.
sandbox games that punishes you for trying to have fun fundamentally ruins the point of a sandbox
At the end and the da dood dies!!!
its a cheap move by devs to make retards forget how slogged up and shit the game was up until that point
the game is absolute dogshit, don't let the shills gaslight you
has its flaws.
its hard to "fuck around" in this game because the police is somehow from the year 2050 and teleporting in endlessly in under a minute
soullet detected
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hello bootlicker
Europe makes the best games, cope more pooskin.
it's not really a sandbox game, it's just an open world game. the purpose of the open world isn't the same as it is in gta. the open world is a part of the games commitment to immersion through realism. they can't let you have the same sort of wacky fun as in gta because it would break the immersion if it was too unrealistic.
name 5
I don't. You can find an optical illusion on one of the mountains, you can only see it from the road below. If you stand in a certain spot you can see the outline of a cracked egg with a path leading to it, if you follow that path it will lead you to a glyph.
You don't know good map design until you see it.
What youre not 41 and dont love just sittin by a digital fire in your make-beliebe world?

I astral project every night and I thought RDR2 was the most boring piece of shit game I've ever played.
plenty of things in RDR2 are unrealistic
These are valid. If I kept a notebook while playing the game, I'd have many of the same complaints and some more.

It's a Baby Inc. game in disguise. RDR1 in comparison was real and fun.
Talos Principle 1&2
The Age of Decadence
Baba is You
Songs of Syx
Manor Lords
Witcher 3
I played this on release in one almost continuous session over a week. I loved it then, but just tried replaying it recently and it sucked. I think it was more of a time and a place thing
yeah, but it's not game like over the top. it's going for a movie level of realism, like you are playing a woke john wayne movie.
constantly changing or unequipping weapons is what pissed me off most. can even remember that even though I haven't played in 2 years
>its too unrealistic
>lets hunt magical monster creatures with canons and shiiiet
It's probably the most immersive game I've ever played, both for it's world design and it's story and characters.
My first playthrough took around 250 hours and I was almost bummed that it's over. To this day I think RDR 2 is the best example of what a big budget AAA game can achieve when made be competent people aspiring to make art.
Yeah the gunplay is fine. The visual feedback is fuckin great especially with the euphoria mods and updated damage system mods. The movement is tough to get used to but at 100fps on pc it doesn’t feel THAT bad.

Main flaws for me are pacing and some iffy writing. Also had some decent writing too though for a game. Sometimes I wonder if the haters even enjoy westerns? Maybe it’s not for you
Yes. And being force-equipped trash gear after a cutscene, then walking back to the horse to pick my own stuff all the while I'm hearing ''HEY ARTHUR WHAT ARE YA DOING, COME ON BACK HURRY UP JUST HURRY OK, WE'RE IN A HURRY''.
This being rushed-shit wasn't limited to shopkeepers only like >>681433392 image describes, but it infected the entire game. It was Rockstar's gay little way of keeping as much control over you as they possible could.

Personally, my experience of RDR2's dumbest moment would be that during chores, Arthur needed to fill a bucket with water. So I walk to the shore of the lake and stand there with bucket in hand. Nothing happens. Then I notice an 'X' on the map on a different spot of the shoreline and force-walk over there where he does his 'fill the bucket with water'-animation. I just laughed at the absurdism and wished that the design team could have their balls stuck in a vice.
>missing: terminal shit taste
great job!
>iffy writing
you mean like the forced cutscene where Arthur the manly man Morgan goes into kissing distance with that dude so he can cough blood on him?
what a fucking retard lmao
>imagine being zoomer with ADHD

This game is for mature people only.
t. 16 year old
It's an objectively excellent game with a lot of things about it that are undeniably great, it's arguably the pinnacle of rockstars design even if it doesn't beat their classics, it's just not for everyone.
I personally found it to be one of the most beautiful, immersive, well crafted game worlds I've experienced.
I think this too.

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