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Is it over? Do you think there is hope for dawntrail?
content wise we'll be alright, all the fights are fun af
but sheesh, this msq. we're gonna need a writer replacement, its awful.
>inb4 im a doomposter/schizo/shitposter because I don't 100% love every single thing about an expansion
Why would it be over? The numbers are great
What the fuck is wrong with Americans? What could have been.....
The antagonist in tank role quests is pretty hot Elezen at least.
What's funny is people are mostly saying the actual content is better but still getting shit on if they admit the story was bad.
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Why? What have I done to deserve all this hate?
>Y'shtola annihilates chudcels the world over with just three words.
sorry, maybe id like you more if you were written better
or maybe your flaws and stupidity would be more forgivable if you were 12 years younger
Guys, what do you think looks better as a MNK, a midlander or a highlander? I kinda fear a highlander might be too bulky and kill the agile and flexible aesthetic, but by the same rule I fear a midlander might look too weak.
Midlander looks fine as MNK, also they have eyebrows.
This is Gulool Ja's expansion.
Total Kate + Poochie death.
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>During the fat bird quest cat puts everything into her attack only for double lizard to stop it with one hand effortlessly
>Get to solo trial
>Wuk somehow defeats double lizard and his entire goon squad alone

I admit I skipped a couple of cutscenes beforehand but what?
It feels so weird playing with JP voices but hey at least my ears aren't bleeding anymore.
elezen won so hard
Leave 2024 to me.
wukage d luffy learned 2nd gear off screen
The only raid gear they've actually recycled is WoD and Mhachi series, huh? What was up with the Allagan replicas anyways?
According to the double lizard himself she became confident in herself.
Yeah thats the actual answer.
they can fuck off with the Arthas baiting after what they did in shadowlands
now do that pose again without crying and shitting your pants
>writer replacement
Sorry anon. They only replace the good writers. There's a reason everyone but Oda gets promoted or moved to another project.
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>type "Dawntrail reviews" on a twitter search out of morbid curiosity
>Every single fucking post is blaming the transphobe boogieman to deflect the dogshit writing for Wuk
This is why people hate trannies, its physically impossible for them to stop being self-inflicted dipshit lightning rods of hate.
>Arthas baiting
No fucking way they're actually baiting to do stuff with Arthas at this fucking point.
Hrothgar because you will be doing sharp swipes and punch coeurls at enemies
They're not, they're just baiting nostalgia with a pose. They literally killed Arthas so hard in Shadowlands that he's ultra super mega hyper dead. Kinda like Hydaelyn
>Halo's Arbiter fight

Pretty fun.
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People are afraid to be critical of the game because they need to be seen supporting it due to political reasons. If they criticize it they’re criticizing the woke aspects of it, therefore they have to just smile and grimace through the writing because it’s the Right Side of History.
You understand Arthas didn't invent point with a sword just checking ok.
I liked the story in spite of Wuk Lamat. The final area was genuinely pretty great.
Ah. Ah, I see the pose now. Been so long since I played WoW that when I saw that trailer out of curiosity I somehow didn't recognize Arthas' sword point pose.
Typical shounenshit, just turn your brain off
Why are you posting this again?
That little nigger is probably my 3rd favorite character of the expansion.
There's only hope for XIV if they fire Kate and Hiroi. This is not a joke. The game WILL die if those two have continued involvement.
Because it needed to be said again.
Alright are they going to explain why there's two sisters named WAYAKKWE and Nostalgia
The next expansion will be the ShB-esque redemption to DT's SB-esque reception
I can actually see the parallels.
>Game went to shit after Arthas died
>Game went to shit after Venat died
>Arthas is giga dead, not even his soul remains
>Venat is giga dead, not even her soul remains
>Developers are trying to milk the franchise for all it's worth before pulling the plug
It's the literal exact same pose down to the camera angle. Deny it all you want but they're 100% nostalgia baiting lmao
>She’s not the protag take your meds
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I miss my best friend, bros...
They literally explain it in the scene you meet them. Don't skip and then bitch about missing shit.
I can't believe Wandering Mistrel fucking betrayed us like this.
It's not bait. He's Arthas's son at this point.
He's not wrong
Just sat through a cutscene with erenville talking to some viera fag from his hometown and he was voiced by a woman. What the fuck?
>Wuk Lamat and her lackey
I met them as unnamed background extras dipshit
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FFXIV story was never good
It’s not that woke what are you going on about.
That, I can't deny.
Cool do literally 1 more quest.
Part of Arthas is 100% in Anduin at this point. He will come out and admit to Anduin that he's his true father
>faggot pic with bad opinion
why is this always the case
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>ENG dub
point and laugh at this fucking retard
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>Thread Spammer is a /pol/ fag who follows that SEAmonkey Malaysian Ian Miles Cheong
I can't express enough how fucking funny that is
We job the exact same way to Zenos (and also Ran'jit but who cares about that guy) and overcome him later in much the same fashion. This phenonemon is nothing new to this game, it just stands out more for Wuk because she's a much worse character in other respects.
>Wuk Lamat and the old relic she allows to follow her
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I mean there is no real way to criticize the game's biggest flaw without coming across as transphobic. The tranny VA is incapable of vocal inflection to promote emotional tone while keeping up their fake, nasally trans voice. Once can't really attack this reality without basically accepting trans men do not sound like women and cannot properly vocalize varying degrees of emotion.. which is true. The current social agenda doesn't see "harmful" truths as truths.
it’s by-the-numbers politically correct. there has to be a term for this kind of writing that invokes the philosophy of Calarts
No but they need to support the trans VA and Kate, it’s what’s surrounding the game.
>People in shout talking about how much Wuk lamutt sucks
wew we really are SB 2
Yeah sorry, I played with the japanese dub. I'm immune to that political bullshit, and the character was still garbage.
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What the fucking fuck are they doing
You can, and people have, criticized the games writing because the writers are responsible for WL being shit. Not the VA
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>Same pics
>Same posts
>over and over
MMO players persist forever on the lowest of quality, it does not matter. All of you have spent hundreds of thousands of hours in a chat-room game.
I don't know...

The first half of the story was a bit poor. When I figured what they were going for with it, so I could maybe enjoy it for what it was, it was already near the end. And I kinda enjoyed the finale of it, with Bakool Ja Ja making a 180. Then the Texas filler part was really boring. I don't remember being so bored in XIV before.

The Sphene arc was pretty good. Sure, there were worse parts, but it's how the game is. For every cool stuff there's something bad like part two of Labirynthos or fixing the trolley. And yeah, it was somewhat rewritten Emet-Selch plot, but this time with a cute girl and not a fujo. I'm not complaining. Hope she'll be back somehow. Pic related?

The rest of the content is as we're used to it. Dungeons are pretty fun. Gearing is as always. Same with crafting and gathering. Role quests are as usual, a mixed bag, some are fun, some are boring. Cities are ok, I prefered EW one, they were more convenient with market board, aetherytes, etc. but it's not a major complain.

For the rest we'll have to wait for the patches. MSQ might get better. Raids, exploratory zone, beast tribes, relics, criterion/variant dungeons. I remain hopeful.

Graphical update for the most part looks like shit. Character models are nice, but gear does not. It's as pixelated as before, even new items.
You've already had your hero's journey, this is about helping somebody start their own. Only problem is Wuk Lamat is uh oh stinky
>different side of history
>this is the shit translations xiv has now
The language used is so fucking bad. It's so preachy and ties into modern politics way too much.
Any hope that Kate would be a faithful translator is gone. There was still a benefit of doubt in ShB and EW but it's no more.
Rookie numbers lmao
Good, if people don't like the character it means the character will be retired like Papalymo and Yda/ Lyse.
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Leave Dawntrail to us
>hypervelocity requires a target
The fuck

>has the worst explosion effect in the entire GNB move set
This keeps happening in this expansion, the new Shoha and Zanshin also feel super weak
>He doesn't read the lore buffs or checks the weather for more immersion
skill issue
I also have a problem with the va for wuk lamat not being hired based on qualifications. so I’m gonna keep bringing it up
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Don’t care
Post lalas
>it's gonna be ultimate slop
Don't care, will watch on youtube.
I warned you fags this was going to happen. You have to always treat leftoids as a cancer and remove them ASAP.
I sure would have been more interested in social commentary on iphones in my fiction if they got around to it 10 fucking years ago
If i had that meteor awooga pic id post it
>more soulless shit like TOP
I wonder why Yrel was liked in WoD but Wuk is hated
Kill yourself
You remember all the "kate is not a boogeyman" and "you're exaggerating, go back to /pol/"?
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Anon please I'm on no fap
looks hot + not a disgusting tranny
A good VA can make a badly written character come to life. wuk just happens to be written terrible and voiced by an amateur tranny trying to put on two different voices at once while failing at both.
WoWfags don't care about the story and the ones who do will eat literally any slop that's placed in front of them
Because Yrel is hot and light hitler. Wuk is ugly and a dunce.
see here
Where's your sword and shield culture Warrior?
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no, ded gaem
pls leave
CoP did pretty much everything here better 20 years ago while giving a bunch of character more development and screen time.
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I’ll only kill myself once the technology to bust a fat nut in Lala pussy arrives.
I am not sure why you were trying to say with that schizobabble.
It's me.
I'm him.
I'm the guy.
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What was the last game you liked?
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the writing is bad
the va is bad
and trans people are bad
it's that simple
>bitch gets herself kwabbed just to demonstrate what we already watched Zarool Ja do
Didn't the quest items lose all their little jokes in their descriptions too?
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you switch to JP and problem solved
I assure you, it's way way way better
Unironic tranny game.
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>let's go to the other side and try and convince the queen
>let's not take The Negotiator: Blue Alphinaud™ with us
>let's not poke a million million holes in the queen's KWAB plans, since it's all shit we've already seen before
The Day Before
im the second guy
last game that wasn't xiv I liked? probably BG3. I'll probably like wrath of the righteous too now that all the DLC is out, I was waiting for it to be a complete experience
bakool ja ja is a bit of a jackass innit
>Wuk Lamat
>Zarool Ja Ja
stupid fucking names
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Isn't this heckin' meme reference super funny?
>Thought Finishing Move was a proc thing off of either flourish or standard step
>It just makes the next standard step instant
Huh, how strange.
The 95 dungeon absolutely fucks too.
respek they cultcha
expert dungeons are great
Yrel had a character
Wuk is just Naruto
Chadool Chad Chad
>The day before
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it's that stupid comic
das RITE
>look this character up
>she's a cute draenei that I see in porn sometimes
Huh...... I wonder why.....
Give it to me straight, lads. I just finished the cooking bullshit and I can't do this anymore. What happens between now and when something of note actually starts happening? I need to cutscene skip until then.
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>vrtra shows up out of nowhere with a dragon army
>footfalls starts playing
first time this expansion made me laugh
It's been happening, maybe pay attention.
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I liked the story. Not the parts with the lion girl (which there are unfortunately a lot of) but everything else was still good. Living Memory was a fantastic zone and even Naruto couldn't drag it down.
why cant i jump ship to koana's group im just wondering
You're at the end of the streak of most egregiously boring bullshit although there's some more mixed in.
>Hate him
>Always dread scenes with him
>Still manages to be one of the highlights of DT
The game is almost 15 years old. They're not gonna keep actual talent on the team when they have big budget projects they want to succeed.
As soon as everyone started praising Ishikawa's writing, it was obvious she would be moving up in the company.
Cool it with the transphobia
>living memory was a fantastic zone
Boy, I should introduce you to its bigger brother then: the tempest.
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She's the avatar and you gotta deal with it
>tfw I was asked by koana and her if I wanted to stay in tural forever
A lot of the starter stuff feels like filler (because, really, it IS filler for the most part) but it's also setting up themes that will become relevant for the later half of MSQ where things actually happen. The Yok Tuy arc in particular is something you'll want to keep in mind.
>Wuk Lamat is a sheltered retard not fit to rule
>Sphene gets her kingdom taken over by an autistic lizard
>Mamool Ja women are forced to be just a two head breading factory
>Erenville and Krile's mothers serve no purpose but get killed for a sad story moment
Does Hiroi hate women?
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I think you only see two or so during the msq but I was amazed by how good both were looking
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You think you hate localizers a lot, but the truth is you don't hate them nearly enough.
Japan in general does.
You weren't actively pulling the life support on Amaurot. Even after long after SHB is done and dusted it's still there for the foreseeable future.
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what now big boy?
The time investment of a writer shouldn't preclude them from working on multiple games honestly. That Nojima fucker is fucking everywhere even now let alone in the late 90s.
>With eyebrows
>PC can't have eyebrows
I think he's already met the tempest if he's in Dawntrail anon
Holy SHIT what the fuck
>>let's not take The Negotiator: Blue Alphinaud™ with us
Good, we're not trying to start a war
WoW is not a story focused game. You can ignore it basically entirely and it hardly affects the experience. Yrel wasn't particularly present, on top of being a cute girl with cute VA.
In XIV the story basically is the game. Dawntrail has 20+ hours of cutscenes and dialogue. So it really hurts when the writing sucks.
>Lamatyi is no on screen
>Where is Lamatyi
The memes are real lmao
>you don't hate them nearly enough
It's funny how similar journos and localizers are
Lamat has a surprisingly resolute revenge murder boner
>hydaelyn is super dead
>every attractive woman gets written out of the plot except for yshtola
not any more than ishikawa
So is DT the Phantom Menace of XIV?
Do we hope to get a Revenge of the Sith equivalent down the line?
>In 6 years it's gonna be good bro
Oh boy
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clown job. even the sergeant judges you
Who's his mother? Sphene?
>>every attractive woman
hello? estinien.
you get an attack of the clones next
Im actually bummed out by how bad this MSQ is, just got the blue forest and cant wait for it to end.
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I know one of you fuckers have Sphene lewds already. Where are they?
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They couldn't give us a big Garlemald, they had to condense EW's story.
But the banana boat festival and goblin pottery, now that's important. Give Wuk another speech too, and talk to 3 citizens before and after.

Seriously, they should have cut the succession thing to 90-93. 90-95 is waaay too long. Then keep the sibling war, but make the queen a rival to us.
Don't listen to cultists. I'm nearly done with the MSQ.
You can skip absolutely everything until Zone 4. If you want a low stakes adventure, I highly recommend experiencing Zone 4, it's pretty fun. After that, watch the cutscene once you are done fixing the train, then rampantly skip everything until Zone 5. Then you can start watching cutscenes. Realistically you could probably keep skipping until Otis appears but there's some genuine actual set up in Zone 5 that's important for the climax of the zone as well as Zone 6.
Anyone who says "the early parts are SETUP" is an unironic retard who does in fact lack media literacy. The theme is 'understanding', and the way you understand is bullshit filler. Even in Zone 5/6 there's shitloads of meaningless fucking filler bullshit that isn't fun or interesting.
Sphene is a robot anon.
>the next patch that can "save the msq" is lalafell island
One: WoW has never put the player character at the center for cutscenes. WoW players are already conditioned to think their own presence is dubious canon and really this is someone else's story and they themselves will only be addressed in small window dialogues (at least as far as I played).
Two: Yrel was a slave who got freed and then rose up against the orcs devastating her lands and killing her people. That is a much, MUCH more compelling reason to support her than Wuk just casually asking us to make her queen because she just said so.
Three: I didn't directly play through it so I can't comment on exactly how present Yrel is through that expansion, at that point I was just keeping up out of casual curiosity, but I at the very least remember other characters doing stuff. Like, Thrall fucking killed Garrosh (and there was a huge shitstorm about it).
too much coding
prease wait until 8.0
No. The Hiroi has just spent so much time with Kate and Sweet Baby he just forgot how reproduction works.
And? Zajool had to have fucked something.
You can quite literally skip every single cutscene in the DT MSQ and miss nothing worth caring about.
Nothing could or should ever be compared to the phantom menance because that movie is it's own entire breed of awful. At the very least I had fun with the dungeons and trials in dawntrail. There's literally nothing good about the phantom menace that could be compared to that small amount of brevity.
born on the wrong side of the ocean, friendo. shouldn't have been born to eyebrow-shaving weirdos
>dawntrannies see the reviews for the expansion are worse than stormblood and immediately start dogpiling lyse
True Ala Mhigan PATRIOTS (not ilberd, fuck that nigger), now is our time to STAND BACK and STAND BY. We may lose battles, but we will WIN the war against WOKE LAMAT!
Yeah but if you don't mind what is functionally a Raid or Trial storyline I think the 5/6 MSQ is fine.
almost the entirety of zones 1-3 are pure filler
i'm not a cutscene skipper and never will, but that's the truth of the matter
Can we take a moment to appreciate the retardation of cowboys duelling with rubber bullets?
>except for yshtola
She was even less relevant than thancred and urianger this time
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You mean her?
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>wears clown gear
>clown job
You failed the vibe check
I consider myself a pretty liberal and tolerant person but a lot of the story had me go "wtf are you guys stupid?"
And her lines were recorded through a phone or something, lower quality and very quiet
Another trial storyline after the last helping of sewage we were served in EW? Anyone sane would politely decline. Hence: you can skip everything and miss nothing.
WoW story is like a small break from the gameplay, and usually happens during the gameplay, all the gay shit in the world isn't going to get in the way of slamming that dps combo
FFXIV's gameplay is a small break from the MSQ VN shit, that sucks now, so everyone hates Wuk for ruining it.
>I'm a neo nazi pretending to be progressive
My Ala Mhigan BROTHER...

...I am still not defending Lyse. She's retarded. Fuck that. "I don't like one side's actions so I support the other side that also has shitty actions" is some retarded bipartidist murrikan thinking.
rubber bullets follow by a brief siege that kills only 50 people somehow.
>shows up
>"that's one big hole baby"
Unfortunately, better than Cuck Lamat.
t. played beta
>not ilberd
Ilberdchads... get him.
Ilberd is literally the savior of the star
Fish chads, where are the new spearfishing spots?
Wuk is abysmal but Gulool Ja Ja's VA sucks too

Sounds borderline retarded
You called?
I don't know I played horde
weirdest fucking trailer i've ever seen
>here's our cripple nigger, we're marching her out like she's a zoo animal
>here's how she would use a shield
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she's cute in game and not annoying
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whens beastmaster
I was about to ask, l are there any positive stand out performances in eng?
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What kinda crap are they even going to put in the trial series? More FF9 remembirds?
Wow players are used to their pc not mattering while the big names take the credit and plot
>Will somehow be less insufferable than Wuk
Worst I even heard was that she refused a prosthetic arm out of some stubborn warrior pride
6.45 at the absolute earliest. Also Erenville will be the trainer. Lyon won't be acknowledged at all.
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Not really. Everything is pretty mid. I'm mildly annoyed at how the giants were handled too.
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My favorite character interaction was in the 99 trial when Alphinaud tells Stinny where to go.
Says a lot.
I can agree with this, Gulool Ja Ja's VA stood out to me even more than Wuk's did. That guy is absolutely awful at pulling off the mesoamerican accent that they forced onto everyone for the first half and that's saying something considering half the cast already struggle with it.

Otis was phenomenal. Sphene wasn't bad either. Really, anyone introduced from Shaolaani and onward was pretty good, with perhaps Cahciua being the sole exception.
You're blind if you think that's cute.
Danuser won
its because Cahciua is a nigger and speaks with a nigger accent.
read somewhere its a 7.5 thing
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He will save Dawntrail.
Kremmelememlem, brother cat, the old cat joke character, Otis, elf computer hottie, queen, baby yeed, and all the yeehaws were good
XIV is too hardcore for that inbred retard
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>Solution 9 inexplicably has a Rowena and a Gerolt
Creatively Bankrupt Unit 3
He won't play it.
>More FF9 remembirds?
yes pls
They'll be involved in the relic, either weapon or DoH/DoL or possibly both.
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Did this mom killer even get past stormblood?
someone post the ragnaros image
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Member when this game wasn't shit
I don't think that word means what you think it means.
where is dalamud...
i need my plogos..
Rowena can become more powerful than Graha now
IIRC he got to Kugane and quit.
If I just did the first trial I'm only on zone 2?
moving to dynamis was a mistake methinks
I think he quit mid Ruby Sea, but it was synched A4s that really broke him.
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bit on the nose innit
Yeah, but then ARR happened and ruined everything.
Yes anon. Good job counting to 2.
It’s zoraal ja. he only has one head
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Are those... cut marks on her legs...? What the fuck?
Member when we called them beast tribes
i can barely tell when we go to a new zone, it's all mexican slop
Nah, lighting bug. I've seen it happen multiple times
WackaWacka honors her spic parent while Nostalgia honors the other Alexandrian parent.
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They literally had the train autists a moment before to remind you about copies in other shards, my dude
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I still do
he wants to fuck zepla too much. he won't steal viewers.
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>that Disney song that plays at the coronation and the train montage
In case it wasn't clear I don't care for lore shit I just don't want to see that one-note asshole for another relic but I guess we just gotta have the same shit again
>it was synched A4s that really broke him
I think it was the way he was streaming.

>tweet about playing ffxiv that day
>bunch of people comes to watch
>4 hours of reacting to some bullshit on youtube
>1 hour of ffxiv
>people that came to watch ffxiv are mad
>people that hate ffxiv are mad
>chat is a shitshow
>he quits
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i don't understand how did this get on my hotbar if you can't put it on your hotbar
What was the funniest moment in the expansion for you?
For me it was at the train montage when they suddenly blasted the song, it was so sudden and weird to have that here i was so confused at the absurdity it made me lough out loud.
Coincidentally the least funny moment was from the moment wuk appeared when i was enjoying the final boss up until the credits when the song blasted again but this time i wasn’t laughing, i felt very neurotic during those 15 minutes and im still mad 2 days later
Sounds like you should be playing vpr instead of pct.
Read the last line
You've used the weapon motif skill
same anon, i dont care if its doomer shit but i was looking forward to this and seeing the state of the MSQ is depressing
How the fuck did you finish it that fast? Did you take a day off and play it nonstop all day?
Yeah it's horrible, I instinctively lowered my volume both times
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I will deadname everyone and everything
Anyone expecting anything after EW should've known better
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>just started 93 msq last night
>wake up
>did my roulettes
>fate grinding for a few hours
>close game
>no wuk lamat
this is it
I might level all my DoH/DoL classes to 90
I find it funny how Americans seem to associate soul with cheap Disney productions
>Completely irrelevant NPC gets to do DBZ shit in a cutscene
>My monk still has to stand slackjawed on the sidelines of every scene
I don't fucking care what excuse they have anymore this sucks
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>rename them to tribal quests because kate is upset
>renames them AGAIN because kate is still upset
She's gotta go.
I laughed every time.
>tfw they’re not all beasts but they are all tribes
Funniest thing to me was whenever Wuk Bruv or whatever his name was would show up and do his shtick. It was very, very japanese and repetitive, but I loved it. I agree about the trial though, my enjoyment of it plummeted as soon as Wuk Lumat showed up and made it all about her again.
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Stormblood was 10 times better than Dawntrail
Yes actually but it was 2 days where i live since it released in the morning.
Glad I quit this shit in 5.1 and never looked back
Dunno why you guys enjoy getting fucked in the ass so much by this dev team and their stupid decisions again and again

>Gameplay became shit
>Class design became shit
>Story became shit
>Graphics are still shit

That only leaves the music but that's hardly a reason to keep throwing money at a bunch of retards testing how much shit they can get away with until the retarded playerbase finally realizes.
Do you guys really have so much Stockholm syndrome for this game you're willing to keep getting ass fucked until EoS no matter how bad it gets?
americans are the worlds foremost authority on music, unironically
Member when beast tribes were not allowed in cities
Comparing SB and DT should be a textbook definition of soul and soulless
*a city, ul'dah
>nigger that didn't even do seat of sacrifice is talking
Don't whine if you're going to actively ignore details pertaining to what you're whining about
The middle of Stormblood was asscheeks the ending was just better
Yes, Dawntrail MSQ is shit. That doesn't make the Stormblood MSQ not shit.
damage control
How the fuck do you figure
What healer is the most fun in your opinion?
>mid Ruby Sea
huh, never knew he made it past the wall
all I saw him do after that was chocobo racing
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get ACKed
thoughts on Picto?
it's extra steps of long casts with 0pot just to be able to use your oGCD/CD. Which feels super bad.
it would be ok if the power was making up for it, like knowing you hit really fucking hard for making that sacrifice of doing nothing for a few seconds.
but i have 0 feedback or way of knowing that, since there's no DPS meter and they aren't allowed :) awesome
my brother in christ, the tooltip literally tells you the three hammer strikes are auto crits
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After this...no...Dawntrail is finished
>I'm incapable of doing basic math
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>People without flying crying about hunt trains being too fast
No, lmfao. People are finally realizing that FFXIV is stagnant content wise, and paying $15 a month to do a tranny socializing simulator with a poorly written YA VN attached is never worth it.

Go play VRChat, at least using a mic can let you kind of feel like you're learning social skills.
It sounds like something suggested by a sensitivity consultant.
How much ESG money they got for this
>authority on music
what does that even mean
stick to easier jobs
>Finally Ala mhigo after so long
>btw asianslop added
>okay lets return to ala mhigo just for the end
>O come ye wayward brothers,
>Bereft of hearth and home,
>Beneath yon burning star there lies
>A haven for the bold!
all SB had going for it was the actual fights
Gridania barely lets in people, no way they let the bird fucks walk around
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For your reference, the Wuk Lamat hanging image above is being spammed by either a poor troll or a completely genuine /pol/tard, traced back to "fragmentlayer09" on Twitter.
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>Got WHM to 100 without realizing i had forgotten about the new dash skill which wasn't automatically put on my bar
No bullshit dude, feeling the same. 10 years invested and this is where we end up at, I'm sick of this shit. Catering to a dumbass audience with overinflated egos that treat this game like Second Life.
It absolutely caters to the modern audience that is okay with bottom of the barrel updates and identity politic bullshit.

Normally I can be forgiving, but it has been 10 years and this is all they can do? At the very least, it sounds like the raids are cool, but I'm not giving Square more money to fund the stupid shit they keep doing and I can't be assed to deal with a shit MSQ. I already did that with Stormblood. I'm not doing that shit again.
>schizo post about your personal boogeyman
that's nice dear
nta but she's actually been a fun character that doesn't try to outshine the player.

Fucking weird times where xiv gets the shitty tranny and wow dodges a bullet with its token black character.
>average whm player
should have been ast that got the movement skill,
yeah that one feels good because the numbers pop up big, which is as much info as we're allowed
there aren't many jobs easier than Picto though, not sure what you mean by that.
You mean the city ran by jews who made up the term
sylphs are fine
moogles don't count as beastmen, apparently
birdniggers are anywhere near the forest because the elementals are too weak to pick them out
That' s a retcon
She supposedly engaged dynamis for a powerup.
Which is a load of horse shit, because if so then the divine two headed child would never have been able to rally the troops and invade the service because a hroth soldier defending his homeland from rape lizards would've ALSO felt strongly enough about defending his family and home to engage Dynamis
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She won.
Same but with GNB though i wish they hadn’t even bothered, this skill is a bit humiliating
Bros go check the cutscenes on your inn where mommy miounne shows up.
As a lala player
we know when it’s shit because we created many of the best genres of music
Gridania seemed fine with the beast tribe birds after they were shown to not be warmongering fuckheads and just wanted to build their airship in peace.
No idea who this is I'm not south american
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can we discuss the Monk situation
why did they give us two gcds we have to fit inside an extremely tight window?
yeah those guys are fine they ain't hurting anything
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owari da
Elezen master race
I don’t use twitter but I agree with trannies swinging from a noose.
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How do we get the tranny to 41% himself?
I think they genuinely did not know what they're doing at all for a lot of Endwalker changes and additions.
The buffs last longer than they used to. You have plenty time, you just have to do 2 double weaves.
The game literally shows you with the damage numbers that pop up (obviously) and by the enmity bar being basically a damage meter, highest damage DPS will be 2nd on aggro in light parties and 3rd in full parties if the other tank also has his stance on. With Black Mage in particular, you literally see your enmity shoot up every time you do a fire IV or xenoglossy
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Don't need to apologize, dragonflight is tied with legion for best WoW expansion (and easily best MMO during their runs), War Within looks like it's adding a lot of amazing shit... whereas FFXIV hasn't added any new mechanics in years...
what's the verdict on pct?
>XIV Thread
>Seething about WoW

but why
I heard they recorded all his voice lines up front because they weren’t sure if he would be around to record by 7.5
I fucking despised all the memes Koji put in, but this is worse.
I wish they'd hire actual like contract translators for the game
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gonna cry?
when WoW isn't being talked about, everybody should be saying, "where's WoW?"
>Even burst is so long you can't even do the whole thing on ex roulette pulls before the mobs start dying
I don't speak twitter retard, what does KWAB stand for
Because we get to crit dh hit for over 100K at the beginning of the expansion
Brotherhood lasts the same as RoF now it's not tight
I wonder why
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>This thing wants to be treated as a women
Nordic frog and swamp germ
That kid looks like he was made for being shoved in lockers for his lunch money
Unfortunately it's /pw/ speak but it's closely related to Twitter retard, it's "kek what a bitch" and it's /pw/'s only contribution to the meme-o-sphere
Even worse, this thing wants you to fully and wholeheartedly believe that it's a woman, anything less is transphobia
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Estinien in Zoraal Ja trust
>reality warps and everyone goes 'WTF IS HAPPENING???'
>meanwhile he goes full Kaiba saying 'Pf, cheap tricks'
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what the fuck is pw
i'm way more interested in that twitter account that's apparently been spamming the same shit both here and on twitter into sena bryer's replies
>random account saving everything posted here
okay and?
The professional wrestling board on 4channel
My cock inside Kryle's mouth.
Go back
Downloaded the image, changed the MD5 so I can spam it. Fuck off weirdo
That ain't everything.
there are hot women everywhere for those with the eyes to see them, I'm sorry you have a mid woman fetish
Also if I could bring Venat back to life I'd do it just to kill her again
Of course you are, faggot tranny. Get the fuck out of here.
why isn't it final solution 9 that has to go back? he's the one on twitter
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>it would be ok if the power was making up for it, like knowing you hit really fucking hard for making that sacrifice of doing nothing for a few seconds.
Only the RGB combo feels like crap. Also both AoEs for the CMY and RBG combos as well since you get so many holies and comets.
ywnbaw mr. bryer
i think cutting your dick off and replacing it with a shit-smelling axe wound is much worse than having a random twitter account, but that's just me
i dont like how they merged mekyo shisui and tsubame gaeshi
im also not looking forward to the slow recast of tendos
that image
why the absolute fuck did they choose him? has square lost their mind?
nepotism hire via kate
So is she not slowly dying by using magic to see or is that an ignored forgotten plot point from Heavansward.
Imagine jumping to the defense of Twitter mongoloids because you hate da frikkin' troons based gem style.
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Of course you would, you disgusting faggot. Seek mental help
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are they becoming a thing
I kind of want them to become a thing
He's so cool, I still want our goddamn buddy adventure that I was robbed of.
Use your Aether Current tab to check which zones you've unlocked
whose jumping to anyone's defense?
i dont care what retards do on twitter, I just think having a shit-stinking axe wound is a much bigger deal
At least my kot is cute
Nepotism hire, just like every other DEI role.
What part of slowly don't you get? It will never be relevant since the entire game has taken place over a few months.
You really think anyone is going to fall for that, loonytroon?
Post the tooltip
No I can't do it myself because I unsubbed
These are all extremely organic replies.
That was a mistranslation, it's literally nothing.
They don't, she goes back to her home planet at the end. He does get pretty struck and hopes he'll see her again at the end though.

Also she might be getting gaped by a 3 meters tall highlander in gigachad armor unbeknownst to him.
It gets worse, check the tranny's twitter account and he's YAS KWEENing the usual California anime VA suspects instead of the London cast. Kate localization interference right there

They're like Dancer's steps, you aren't losing any DPS from doing them as the damage from the canvas combos makes up for the downtime of drawing them.
Square lost their mind forever ago, its why we haven't had a good mainline FF game in 20 years
The game went downhill when they gutted job quests because they were too lazy
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Didn't read the story but I heard it's shit.
Most of the dungeons and trials were pretty kino.
I give it a 4/5.
competition is healthy
but it's still the paralympics
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More organic than your fake axe wound of a vagina will ever be. Seethe and Dilate
Man, the passage of time hit Napoleon Dynamite like a truck to the face.
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>we went from tomorrow and tomorrow to this
Holy fuck...
The average person thinks trannies are, at the absolute most generous, fucking weird, and tolerance for them is slipping with each passing day because they couldn't stay in their fucking lane, keep their fucking idpol garbage to themselves, and leave kids alone.
You are delusional if you think it's an uncommon take that troons are gross perverts that need to fuck off.
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this is kino
you've got shit taste
This can't be real
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lmao, revolutions was the last decent song we had with a female singer, shouldn't have cancelled Susan for being a terf
Kate needs to be fired.
I'm sorry.
>it would be ok if the power was making up for it, like knowing you hit really fucking hard for making that sacrifice of doing nothing for a few seconds.
Bigger potency number = bigger damage. Potency number found on skills when you hover over them with your mouse cursor.
Now you care about organic
I liked SOME parts of the story but I do think it has a few critical weaknesses.

The content has all been great though, which is also important to me.
>theme song of genociding people
Eh I can see them redeeming it in the patches, they talked about it setting up things more long-term like ARR did.
However they have to deliver.
As-is it's nowhere near as strong of an MSQ as the last few and it's also not as in-depth of a setting exploration as ARR it's more like Stormblood.
I know I shouldn't but I feel bad for these people
>Did 8 hours of S ranks non-stop on Dynamis, Saturday night + 2 SS Ranks

My brain was melted but worth it.
I don't understand this at all, they did remove the iai keybind or what
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some of them see the light and are cured, its still sad tho
(for context, this is a ftm who de-trooned)
No "shite"? and the Garleans had the nerve to call Eorzeans savages.
Sorry anon, it's you that's tonedeaf.
I feel the same way, there's something tragic about it
>content drought because of formulaic release schedule
>party finders already recruiting for not blind cheese strats only (lol)
>coomers and groomers
>infected by sweet baby
>3 years until class changes
>most people won’t raid without addons
>a large amount of people use scripts to bot content
>people won’t talk outside discord
is there literally a single reason to stay subbed to this game?
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they don't say shite in the new world
It's literally the exact same thing, the two at the bottom are just upgraded versions of midare, and the followup repeat midare. The only change is you can only do the followup repeat midare after using meikyo shisui.
Damn. The cancer really did kill Soken and now it's wearing his corpse.
Should have been obvious from the absolute dogshit ff16 ost.
Jesus Christ. Which Nighwish song are they trying to copy there?
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Level 92 weapons are beautiful. No clown colors, no bullshit. I keep looking at my RDM rapier like damn.
you should
They're lied to by their parents, by their "friends", by society, by scummy doctors
we should feel bad for them the same way we feel bad for people with chronic diseases
its linus tips!
I do too since instead of getting the help they need they only get fleeced by people who want them to become dependent on them for surgeries and medication.
Unironically just play in japanese. It's where all the VA effort goes anyway.
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A lot of 'transphobes' would love nothing more than for these people to get their shit together and go back to normal, its the same as watching a drug addict ruin themselves, its not funny, its depressing.
>hmm what's a group of humanoids aligned by race called?
>no..we musn't use that word..

I can't wait for the next aligned persons collective to come out.
Oh, it's fucking tragic. These people are being fed a lie by ideologues, being told that irreversible changes to their bodies is the key to happiness, and when they ask if this is really the right thing to do, there's zero pushback. And then once it's all said and done and you're suffering, nobody wants to touch you because acknowledging your suffering would be politically incorrect.
It's a group of people who are struggling to find a place and identity for themselves in a world that no longer makes sense and this is what they find, a big fat fucking lie held up by a cowardly society too afraid to tell them the truth.
>hating LA HEE
They get grifted by the fastest growing religion in the west.
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I unsubbed before DT came out. Looking at xivdiscussion, the official forums and even the main reddit sub, I'm so glad I didn't buy DT holy shit the anger is insane. Playing WoW SoD now. Actually having fun with playing the game, even if it is grindy as shit
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But Tsubame is still a button, why I would need meikyo for it? This is so comprehensible
its still there
tsubame is only accessible if you use mekyo
i forsee higenbana will drop for a sec or two because of the increase in recast timer in your loop
>Playing WoW SoD now.
Words said by no one ever
It's a story-focused game and the story fucking sucks right now. They also killed modding to do their graphics engine update and it'll be months before the modding scene is back to normal. Of course everyone is upset.
Meikyo gives you a buff that allows you to use Tsubame. Without this buff, you cannot use Tsubame. Holy fuck people who use those pictures really are braindead
I just did though so here's your you (not really) ;)
just eated my last chips ahoy
I understand that, but why change it from 120s to be linked with meikyo?
the West has fallen
I don't fucking know!!!! I don't work at square Enix alright????
this is wuk's fault
>people thought we could just get rid of christ with no repercussions
>what actually happened is we simply replaced it with the worship of identity politics liberalism
Repeat the holy mantras of "trust the experts," "listen to the science" and "so long as you're not hurting anyone, do whatever you want/whatever two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes is their own business."
I haven't played since Endwalker. Feel the feeling I had after Avengers Endgame where I'm kinda "full".

Top level the expansion for me.
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Least the femroes are still cute...
Oreos > Chips Ahoy
I think purple lights might be played out. Also how much of my life has been wasted on watching NPCs walk away at the end of FFXIV cutscenes Jesus.
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>rest exp finally ran out on at lvl 96 on my way to my 3rd 100
The last one is fine though. The problem is they're doing it on the fucking streets and have been for years.
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At least they'll never take them away from me.
Ermmmmm.... I think I see a pepperoni sized areola there anon.....
Outing yourself as a dubfaggot.
Gulool is superbly voice acted in JP. As is Wuk for that matter.
Because its a niche of a niche autism mode, everyone is either playing Remix Pandara or having last month Retail powertrips when they basically hand you max gear for free.
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i started imagining things...
It sounds harmless when spoken but it's functionally the same as "but how does this affect YOU personally?"
The lack of rules and the liberal attitude towards the nature of peoples relationships is in fact what leads to people doing it on the streets like you said.
Because they hate me
Even when Lamat puts on her serious voice in Japanese her stupid looking :3 face makes her still seem like a dork
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>"but how does this affect YOU personally?"
"Mind your fucking business" has its time and place and no amount of dumb soijaks will convince me otherwise.
>like trying to shove a bratwurst through a cheerio
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I think gays are bad and we should ungayify them
Every XIV writer does
Give me the rundown on this retard. I keep hearing he bankrupted his theatre or something?
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I wish they didn't have foggy eyes.
i hate these dumb cat characters like you wouldnt believe
wuk lamat
graha tia
nah i quit after analbasados for the same reasons too
I kek'd whenever she called out the queen's name
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In some universe exists a game where they keep around Ryne and Sphene instead of a gay ugly cat and a furry ugly cat
forget about the doomed timeline, where's the based timeline?
i often wonder how the game would play today if they hadn't thrown out 1.0's combat system
as it stands, the current battle system is just WoW's combat but worse in basically every way, and at its most basic level (ie, fighting trash mobs) it feels like fucking shit and isn't fun at all
the game only becomes fun when you're trying to juggle playing hop scotch with boss floor patterns while doing your rotation
Dawntrail has massive flaws and Wuk sucks BUT BOY AM I GLAD YOU AREN'T AT SQUENIX HOLY SHIT
>post-credits scene is Sphene's crown
She better be coming back.
>beat first dungeon
>end cutscene has alisaie and wuk lamat with voice acting
>like 5 second long scene at most
>next cutscene; zero voice acting
this has happened multiple times now, where a weirdly irrelevant cutscene has voice acting, but cutscenes that seem somewhat relevant/important get zero voice acting whatsoever

what the fuck was going on with the budget this time around???
Feeling pretty vindicated i didnt buy the expansion desu.
Fujo and lgbt game chuddie
it hurts even more when you consider that we're gonna be dealing with the wukage for the next 2 years

I appreciate that at least although I have no idea how they are going to pull it off
Umm.... PS1 limitations.
>Based timeline
WoL, Estinien, Thancred and Urianger go alone to the new world
they fuck shit up, kill gods, find eldorado and fuck brown bitches
HRTgars don't exist, period
kinda wish they'd pick a fucking lane
either fullvoice or no voice acting
just have every quest in the MSQ be voiced, that'd be well enough
but no, can't do that either
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Don't. The weak should be culled
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>Somehow, Sphene returned
I mean she's a human/machine lifeform. They've got plenty of leeway if they just get off their ass and write.
Something about this box makes me uncomfortable, but I think I'll be alright as long as I don't look directly at it.
Hopefully she goes to hang out with lyse, who posthumously is now a much better character.
Zoraal Ja is half-machine at this point as well. I can see them having a baby. I can imagine Sphene taking a huge lizard dick.
didn't she get completely deleted at the end? I know her crown functions like a regulator but is there anything left to restore her from?
You played Endwalker and Dawntrail and think they care?
Nothing wrong with having some compassion for your fellow man.
So um how are the crafting changes
Either she's coming back via the crown or someone is using the crown for their own gains and we have to stop him.
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sloppy BJs behind the arcadion
this was ok until the banshee started singing
already gave graha one on the gondola.
First time i muted an expansion ending.
Yeah, big boy about to get his pee hole twisted
>can no longer do trial roulette as a quick throwaway on my main jobs because I might get one of the new MSQ trials and be there forever
I was afraid of that, instead I got Nabriales.
why is the other thread such a dumpster fire holy shit
Enderman looking ass
>fucking chrysalis is a relief compared to DT trials
Holy shit, is it that bad?
>oh boy the motorcycle mount won't be lame with leaning
>has 4 wheels
>leans like 10 degrees
Do you think sphene will return? Her crown glowing again teaser. Not sure if shards share lifestream with the source but she died hundreds of years ago so she could have reincarnate again. I hate the scions btw
oh and the stationary animation has the left and right suspension move separately for it to lean over with both sides in contact with the ground but the moving lean animation doesn't so that's extra lame
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Why do people call them toons, are they mentally unwell?
ToonTown holdover behavior
sphene will be that thing that the wol always deals with undead program ghost or something that only wol can see so ghost sphene can drop lore and explain shit. those are the most kino moments the wol and invisible guardian guy doing exposition.
I wanna ram my dick down her throat
reminded me a lot of the teaser in Titanfall 2, so literal ghost in the machine
she'll be back for sure
That'd be good. The best bits with Sphene was her actually interacting with your character instead of Wuk.
It's way older than that, I remember people calling their avatars in Ultima Online and Everquest toons.
>emet selch smiles, as his last acct was directing the wol to two of the most insufferable storylines ever created in this game
he won in the end. well played emet, i will remember you
>Emet has his first and only belly laugh ever after returning to lifestream after telling the WoL all the worse possible places they could go to while dressing it up as "ADVENTURE".
Its amazing how much the quality shoots up whenever Wuk Lamat isn't on screen
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Uh oh, we can't have that.
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I fucking love these images so much, lmao.
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Aye, it's a tough job, being your greatest ally from the shadows
Sphene constantly saying Tuliyollal instead of Turial makes me think someone else wrote this part of the game

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