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Which Way, Western Man?
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I had more fun with NV.
west coast, obviously
back to 2
I'm thinking of replaying 3 for the first time in 10 years but New Vegas is the better game without even the slightest shadow of a doubt, in fact it's not even really close
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Left is soulless slop that can be decent sometimes.
Right is an actually good game but flawed in few places.
New Vegas doesn't feel post apocalyptic because it's set in a desert. If you nuke a desert, you know what you get? A desert.
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I don't like TTW. I don't see how you could choose to travel to oonga-boonga retardville and then back to proper civillization in New Vegas.
New Vegas (and Fallout 1/2)
glass actually
New Vegas because at least the calibers are mostly right.
New Vegas wasn't completely nuked because of Mr. House's defense grid.
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>better map
>better atmosphere
>better sidequests
>retard writing

>better gameplay elements
>better rpg elements
>better factions
>reddit writing

answer: >>681435218
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>reddit writing
go back
you don't like hunting rifles chambered in .32 ACP, anon?
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>go back
Ok, where?
weaker than 9mm lmao
dog your character has lines about fucking cans of spam. it's pretty reddit
3 is far superior
>Gray/Green metro 2033 tunnels vs brown/yellow deserts
>The desert cant be post apocalyptic by itself
That's a retarded take. Watch better post apocalyptic movies.
if you enjoy eating dog shit
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Why don't you go back to the Enclave...in a body bag.
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Both are great depictions of hell
I do because it means I don't have to spend half the game gathering ammo before I can use it
The one with the best guns, so vegas wins.
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>brown tranny Emil is here
>about to start playing
>realize that Powder Gangers should have access to security helmets
>mod that into the game
>realize that Eyebot helmets should be a thing around the robot factory
>mod that into the game

I... can't stop. One day I'll make the "perfect" New vegas experience.
and then it will crash after 10 minutes
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This man wrote fallout 3, 4 and 76.
That explains Tranquility Lane.
Don't you already do that with Lonesome Road and Honest Hearts
>you take a sip from your trusty vault 13 canteen and remember that FONV is a mod of FO3
>NVtroons cried to janny
he's right
>You abstain from drinking your retard juice for just a moment and realize that bethesda games are only popular in the first place because of their massive potential for modding
>nobody thinks vanilla fallout 3 or 4 or good, they only play them modded until they're unrecognizable
Holy embarrassment...
>play troon Vegas unmodded
>nothing works and it crashes constantly
Wow amazing!
>typing all of that cope makes you thirsty so take a sip from your trusty vault 13 canteen and remember that FONV is a mod of FO3
It's not cope, nothing bethesda has made is good vanilla. Only mods make it playable.
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Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel

Fallout 3 is Oblivion with guns.
playing fonv on ps3 is one of the worst gaming experiences I've ever had
Meanwhile Obsidian games need massive fan "patches" to even be playable
Release the Fallout 3 remaster already
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Fallout 4 unironically
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i used to like 3 more but something happened. It was during my third time playing that i noticed that the game always plays the same way no matter what character you pick. For example if you create a weak smart character he is going to solve the quests in the exact same way as a strong violent character but the only difference will be in the efficiency of killing things or maybe hacking a computer here and there
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This. I want to laugh at Bethesda and F3 pajeets EVEN HARDER
like fonv
yeah it was great and exactly what everyone wanted in 2008
New Vegas coming out completely invalidated any reason to ever touch 3 again. If you play 3 again, it's for the nostalgia of experiencing it again, not because it's better than New Vegas in any way.
fallout 4 is good. Just wish they hadn't raped the dialogue trees and perk system. The story is dog shit too but I expect that from a Bethesda game.
FO3's map and level design are vastly superior to new vegas, vastly superior
Right and it's not even close.
I wish they didn't recycle the fallout 3 soundtrack, among many other things.
>map is vastly superior
it's a huge brown wasteland with non-existent normal maps

dc is inexplicably still 90% intact despite everything across the river being reduced to a mad max desert

metro tunnel loading screens for days
>loading screens for days
You play on console.
You try finding a mastubatory aid once civilization ends.
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Ok I have an actual problem I need suggestions for in Fallout 3. For the quest 'Rescue from Paradise' you need to talk to some kid slave Sammy at Paradise Falls to progress the quest. He only gets new dialogue after this other slave Carter dies in a scripted event. My problem is that the event didn't trigger properly and Carter is still alive, thus Sammy doesn't have the correct dialogue options. I had gone to Paradise Falls way earlier in the game and didn't notice the event didn't trigger properly so I can't just reload a save. So I have to somehow kill this Carter guy, BUT killing him aggros everyone in Paradise Falls permanently, which I do not want to do. Sneak killing doesn't work since that still aggros everyone. I used console commands to kill him but that didn't give Sammy the correct dialogue either, and resurrecting him didn't retrigger the event or anything. I read about being able to kill NPCs with objects without it being considered you killing them, and I did manage that, but once again it didn't work since Sammy didn't get the correct dialogue options. So am I just shit out of luck? Any suggestions on what I should try next?
Unironically Bethesda's dungeons in Fo3 are much better designed and more polished than Obsidian's in NV.
try this in console then check if anything changed:
>setstage MQ07 10
>setstage MQ07 15
>setstage MQ07 20
>setstage MQ07 30
and so on
maybe it'll work

quest stages are all here btw
>it's a huge brown wasteland with non-existent normal maps
no clue what this means
>dc is inexplicably still 90% intact
it's not but what would be the point of setting a game in DC if it was an irradiated parking lot. DC was fun to see and interesting to explore, you neo vaginas troons don't know good game design
>reddit spacing
just like I always say, soiyerboys are all redditors
One fun thing to do in 3 is the slave mission where you have to escort them to the Lincoln Memorial. But don't fast travel and see how far they make it, they have to make it through scorpions, robots, Enclaves, Deathclaws, bears it's always a total mess and that's before they even reach D.C
yeah i wasn't trolling, Bethesda knows good level design. the vault in fonv with the plant men is a nightmare to navigate, it's a total slog and something you would never see from golden age Bethesda
Yeah that vault is ass
>no clue what this means
nothing but endless brown

"normal maps" give texture depth and make them look bumpier, f3 has basically no normal maps anywhere and the whole overworld looks like one flat brown texture
I wonder if you can travel with the slavers to the slave hideout?
NV does has a couple of missions I hate, like the Gomorrah one where you have to go around a casino through different floors trying to find people it just makes me fidgety and it's boring
you're still reddit spacing bro
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FO3 has FBI, FONV has the sink.
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>muh reddit spacing

been typing that way before I even knew reddit existed
repcon (the space ghouls) is a horribly designed quest, back and forth to this place and that for no reason
Even if New Vegas is kinda the troon game these days, I still prefer it.
Neither have satisfying encounters or levels, though, shit that matters in a game. You just kinda sleep through shit inbetween talking to randos.
ah I see, you're a mod beast proto redditor
>combat shutgun
god I luve that fucker
>being this new
Why not both? But if I had to choose, 3. I like the map and companions better.
NVfags shit on 3 but have not actually played it in at least 10 years. They lack basic knowledge of the game due to ignorance then attribute it to the game being bad.
>reddit contractions
your not any better bucko
Literally no one wants to replay 3, it's dogshit.
it's less reddit and more just a product of its time, people forget that kind of wAcKY humour was what was popular in the 2000s/early 2010s
most normal people have moved on to 4 which is only 10 years old or even 76 which is actually a current and relevant game.
I was a mod on r/fallout for 7 years, I'm looking at your accounts as I type this
3 does have really nice armour.
The only decent set NV has is from 3, the basic combat armour, the rest either looks like Second Life user-store trash or is wearing fucking skinny jeans for some goddamn reason.
no you aren't
my favorite new vegas armor is orion moreno' leather jacket which is also a straight asset rip from 3
Fallout 3 was one of the worst games i played.

I didn't play New Vegas.
I was but that was several years ago, should I screencap some of your reddit posts?
Yeah go for it.
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here ya go

go back
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.32 is bigger than .308
I wish Joshua told me more about Mormon Jesus and how we all came from space
are you implying Inlike nv because I hate that shit also
>reddit screencap
go back
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Fallout was millennialslop
Fallout is millennialslop
Fallout will be millennialslop
and there is nothing you can do to change that
you forgot your reddit spacing bro
>reddit replying
>play FO3 unmodded
>because nobody cared enough to make mods for it
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People who prefer Fallout 3 and 4 simply aren't Fallout fans. They're Bethesda fans.
I can play both
>you take a sip from your trusty vault 13 canteen and remember that FONV is a mod of FO3
The problem genuinely is Emil. There are plenty of neat little details in Fo3, but the big picture shit like the main quest is absolute dogshit.
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Fallout hipsters like to pretend their franchise is so intellectually superior yet the original creators did and chose things just for fun and because they were cool
Soiyer pseuds talk about fonv's writing like it's a McCarthy novel, they're ridiculous
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that gun is vidya kino, consider yourself filtered
308 is only an uncommon drop in nv, its available from stores around level 8
All of the Vaults are boring.
I played 3 recently. It's fine if you consider it a retarded spinoff, turn your brain off, and headcanon that the Lone Wanderer is suicidal.
You're lying I can smell it.
Both of these games are shit.
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The most kino handgun in the game-even cooler than the sequioa
He's 19
Who among us was not suicidal at that age?
All I want is a classic Fallout mod set in Oklahoma/Arkansas. That's it.
call the mod Texarkana and have tons more A Canticle for Leibowitz references.
It'll always be new vegas. Doesn't mean 3 is awful (though a lot of the writing is), it's really good and honestly I think it's one of the best open world sandboxes out there, as I don't think any Bethesda game since or before it really has that same sense of reward for exploring every nook and cranny that FO3 does, especially given it's the last Bethesda game with meaningful loot / rare items (Skyrim for the most part making loot rather generic and FO4 doubling that with it often hard to even tell if a legendary effect weapon is unique or rng)
But New Vegas is just more thought out in so many ways, where weapon choice, armor choice, skills, special all feel incredibly important, and some of the best side quests in rpgs ever.
Is there a quest to haul a beer shipment to Atlanta?
Does Oklahoma even have a local culture that can add to Fallout like California and Nevada? No, getting bombed in 1995 does not count.
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I go wayward!
Killing eden this way was underdone but really wasn't a bad idea. It makes about as much sense as talking down the master in fallout 1. They should have linked it to a higher science skill (90-100) or let you find an item that would allow the dialogue.
I do really want a Midwest Fallout set in Chicago / Minneapolis / Detroit.
It's Diet Texas. Most noteworthy things about it are tornados and people who snuck into the territory to snatch land before it was legal.
One of the worst things the producers of every Fallout post-2 have done is to make the Enclave too likable. They were more interesting and endearing than your smelly tribal family. They were more endearing than the New KEK Republic. They were more endearing than Lyons' BOS.
>It's Diet Texas. Most noteworthy things about it are tornados
Didn't Cassidy say its nothing but tornadoes there? How would people even live there?
Vaults and other subterranean structures, presumably.
Fuck are you on about, anon? What's endearing about the Enclave in 3 or New Vegas? Not to mention, they only show up in 4 in like three camps to justify manuals for Enclave-style settlement objects.
>What's endearing about the Enclave in 3
You didn't like how they had propaganda music and their dumbass robot present? Even how they all dropped their forks into the floor openings of their mess hall had more character than the BOS.
>or New Vegas?
You didn't like Cannibal Johnson and the Remnants?
The Enclave are the descendants of the US government leadership, glowies, and the Atomic Energy Commission (because they need somebody to maintain the reactor). Only people like the Fiends and the Khans are less likeable.
>the underground vault cities of Oklahoma
Absolutely awesome. I'm sure they'd still have OKC and the surrounding area plus the Severe Storms Laboratory.
Only old world blues is reddit
The Remnants are a handful of squaddies who hung up the colors a long time ago, they're no more Enclave now than Sergeant Granite and his boys.
How the hell hasn't a Fallout game gotten exotica music yet? That genre along with bossanova was popular during the 50s and 60s.
OWB is on giant reference to 50s horror b movies how is that reddit?
The Vault Dweller would not exist without the Enclave, they commissioned the vaults after all
References are reddit, Avellone is reddit incarnation, just look at his room.
Anon, breathing air is reddit. You should stop.
I'm surprised he managed to pull his head out of his ass long enough to make something like Old World Blues, considering he famously hates a lot of the weirder, sillier stuff in the series. Of course, he stuck it right back in deeper than ever to make Lonesome Road.
Yes, but breathpilled airmaxxing is 4chan.
They've got a lot to draw from with the genres they've used already - jazz, rhythm and blues, period pop, swing and big band, early rock and roll, country - think the newest licensed song they've used is Take Me Home, Country Roads for 76, but they didn't even use the original, they used a cover.
I hate every single gun from Fallout 3. They are all ugly.
You don't like the Gauss Rifle?
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The original Gauss Rifle looked better.
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>mfw using the m72 gauss rifle from the classic weapons mod
Anywhere that isn't Bethesda.
Fallout 4 didn't do APA justice.
Left sir
50s horror b movies didn't have so many penis/masturbation jokes, or I assume they don't. I've only ever seen Teenagers from Outer Space
>point lookout, the pitt, far harbour and about 90% of 4 is amazing compared to homosex wall of text reddit NV
It is clearly a modified AK, the crank looks better
That's nice. Where's the art from?
I love that mod
The crank wasn't even functional. Typical Bethesda weapon design
It was an image collection.
For me its AK-112, so smooth.
New Vegas is just Fallout 3 but yellow. They're both shit.
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T51 Power Armor looked so goofy in the first Fallout because of the bent legs.
The Combat Armour actually looks pretty good in 4
To a point
Both are pretty ass.
Best version of the armor you mean
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All they had to do was take the Reinforced Combat Armor and make it look nicer.
I look like this and say this
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it only got worse
Shame the courier's "bullet-in-the-headitis" kicks in when he enters the capital wasteland.
I've got good news, for both of you.
Bad mod that only highlights how bad 3 is.
>you take a sip from your trusty vault 13 canteen and remember you will never be a real woman
Yeah? That's why I made a male courier.
APA and IPA are both trash beers
I just realized all the companions from FO2 were male... and the one unofficial companion was your shotgun wedding whore wife.
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Don't lie to me you little fucking monkey
Who wants anything to do with women? Confirmed Bachelor supremacy.
But I'm not, playing as a female makes me self conscious about my man tits.
I only drink 200 year old irradiated vodka I found in a toilet next to a skeleton
Yes, and?
Based legionbro
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How would F1 legion look like?
which ever one attracts less troons
That means women are not main character material.
Same as metal armor probably given they scavenge whatever they can find and take from kills. Hell, they even go after BOS.
Is Tenpenny Tower a good quest or not? I genuinely can't decide.
Probably fairly similar, but all the details would be exaggerated a bit more to stand out on such a tiny sprite.
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By definition, they are companions, not main characters.
If you argue semantics again, I will use your head as paperweight you dumb whore.
It's better than repcon that's for sure
Eh maybe. The fact that a "good guy" player is going to end up getting blueballed is either a good thing or a bad thing, depending on how you look at it
Just say white.
I'm so tired of euphemisms and soft language. Troon instead of tranny. Western instead of white or European. Woke instead of pozzed. Go back to twitter faggot
i like both
also the genre of youtube video where a faggot with a microphone stands up in front of a green screen and paces back and forth needs to be eradicated
forgot my important picture of said genre of youtuber
>>better map
>>better atmosphere
>>better sidequests
Fallout 76 flopped hard and the series didn’t recover until the Amazon show was released, whereupon every fallout game got a bump in player count. 76’s bump was the second smallest, just ahead of 3’s.
>someone modded Troonout 3 to make a vastly superior game
God bless.
And yet they're still vastly superior to bethestroon stuff. It's funny because not even mods can salvage bethestroon gaymes anymore lmao.
>the same copypasted buildings with the same copypasted loot and enemies
LMAO you don't even know what a "good level design" is dumb shitskin.
What is this projection?
>discord bot is broken
>it's really good and honestly I think it's one of the best open world sandboxes out there,
It really isn't anon. 3 is the game that does nothing right.
>Woke instead of pozzed
what did he mean by this?
Peace! Peace upon mankind forever, forever!
hey sharty what's crackin?
Sharty shills objectively bad games, like Troonout 3 or Troon Souls 2.
sharty is troonmentarii elite
>Troon Souls
heh i was working the Elden Ring threads when the dlc dropped. i was calling it Swallow of The Turdpee, really proud of that one
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>bethesda NPCs are more lifelike than you think
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4's gameplay
Quippy millenial humor needs to be executed on sight. no more absurd critiques of genres
Troony toon paki faggot.
>ammo drum disconnected from chamber
>center of mass towards end of gun
FO3 is absolute fucking garbage, the only good part about it is The Pitt.

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