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I love this boss. If he's giving you trouble you're in for a rough ride
I just hated the lightning, his big ass model, and him jumping around so I can't see said lightning.
He's the only good boss of the dlc though.
If he would briefly go back to his first form between elemental phases, it would have been great.
Once you take off 30% of his health, the fight becomes permanently obnoxious until you die or you win.
What move in particular are you having trouble with? I found as soon as i understood his delayed somersault he became a lot easier.
Or it at least gives you some breathing room.
At this point i've probably fought and beaten him about 35 times as a summon and twice solo, hes such a well made boss.
Its nice that fighting him properly really feels like a dance.
Anon this is one of the easier ones…
Camera sucks
Beat it with Moonveil and Mimic
lol wait until you fight the other one, he summons help
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tough game? killed it so fast i didn't even see its moveset
>60 vig
>5 scadu
just use a shield
skill issue
That sounds normal...
Please tell me you're fucking joking?
Literally impossible
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Might as well respec into fingerprint shield poke build right now. It's only gonna get tougher from here.
You're in for it with the second one lmfao
i beat the dlc before they nerfed it and dancing nigger is the hardest boss.
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We all need to git gud, bro
Don't give up
yeah i died once fighting with the summon and the mimic tear +10 on ng+3,i usually beat bosses on first try with my build
beat him second try with my mimic and the NPC bro, you must be fucking awful at games lol
Does jumping have i-frames? Those lightning bolt jump dodges look real close
Jumping removes your hitbox below the waist.
He's fine?
>manageable health
>huge openings

The worst parts about it are the FPS and camera, the fight itself has been on the more enjoyable side. Also one of the few fights with some actual presentation to it. I actually wish he had more health because I beat him 4th try
jumping confirmed tranny tactic
Jumping also gives you a momentary speed boost, so you can use it if you're trying to run out of a void zone, but think you might not make it by just running.
One day niggas will realize half the dancing beast is just ulcerated tree spirit animations but they can't see the fat fucking tail body so they don't realize they already have all the moves built into them.
The only moves from tree spirit he doesn't have are the arm swipes.
You aren't ready for the bullshit hitboxes of Commander Gaius.
Ans less stamina than a roll.
Also more retarded AOE spam. Playing the DLC without a shield is like pulling teeth, the bosses are all the worst parts of post-Mountaintops base game with more retarded shit slapped onto it like a Ubishit-tier collectible progression system.
I've beaten him 10 times solo an it feels like the jankiest fight so far. Kill it before it hits the semi-hidden "phase 3" where it combos different dances into each other.
I played through the DLC without the shield just fine. It's only Radahn, and only one of his attacks, really.
The only viable way to actually fight the bosses in the DLC are cheesing it with Bleed/Frost procs behind the Fingerprint shield since the hilariously bloated health and AOE spam makes rolling too risky to be viable now. Sure in the base game you could just get good outside of Malaketh with rolling once you finally got the hang of it but here? Fuck no, just lame it out since apparently someone at From had a stick up their ass.
I'm at 60 INT, should I invest on faith?
No it's not. I can beat the beast and all the new bosses just fine without status and with a 2-Handed weapon. What's really the problem is beating the beast hitless, which is busting my nuts harder than autism ever did. Each phase is almost like a different boss, which is fitting.
>I played through the DLC without the shield just fine
I mean sure, it's not as impossible as people made it out at launch but the DLC just makes me feel the same way I do about the late game bosses in the original game. They feel like they were designed with Bloodborne/Sekiro movement or defensive options which is hilarious since they put a fucking Sekiro option into the game basically with the bottle. Couple that with the completely dogshit bosses like the boar I just go into them with a mindset of "aw fuck this let's just use the path of least resistance and scrub it out" instead of trying to experiment and learn from the boss fights.
If you're 60 in you might as well pump it to 70 for the staff from Rennala since it's the best in the game.
Doesn't the crystal staff pull ahead thanks to its spell damage modifier?
Nope. Regal is a max of 373 while Crystal is 367. It depends on if you want to use crystal spells or spamming full moons to be honest, Scepter has better scaling too iirc but it's honestly not a huge difference
Dude this is just embarrassing.
I've been using the meteor staff for like 30 hours...
Sorry, I didn't mean Crystal crystal, I meant Lusat's. It goes up to 413.
They fucked up by making it non-upgradable. It's like the Drake Sword, but for sorcerers.
I'm not saying it's impossible. But it's just not fun this time around, I've done 2H STR builds nearly every single game except for ER since I just don't see the point in doing it this game. It's just less of a pain in the ass to cheese it and not have to deal with dogshit like Malaketh, Fire Giant, or half of the bosses in the DLC like that fucking nigger golden boar and the dogshit camera in his arena.
you really need all the scadutree fragments you can get or else it's going to be a nightmare
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The camera is giving me issues, and I'm really good at being knocked back against a wall where the camera becomes even worse. I may not be gud enough for the DLC bosses.
Meteorite is fine, I used it nearly the whole game. Great if you want to spam rocks on Dragon heads for easy knockdowns

Nah, Lustat's casting speed increase is negligible at best so the extra FP used actually ends up being wasted. It's definitely stronger though but with the added disadvantages I would say the Scepter is still better unless you go max out INT.
Do you want to feel sorry for you and share our struggles or you want an advice?

So advice is use threads as faith/spiral as int. Use new ash of war Lions claw as a str (to break him he have ~120 poise), dunno what to do with dex build, and as arc use bleed/frost
Also he is very rottable. And there is a huge opportunity in a phase change.
Get +5 scadutre
>casting speed increase
That's Azur's. Lusat's increases spell damage.
>dragon head
what spell?
There is a new talisman that max cast speed for the 15% or 30% more damage received
Fuk, got em mixed up. I still say it's not worth it with the FP use increase honestly.
Well, it's damage per cast vs damage per FP.
More useful to use another damage talisman honestly.
Rock Sling, anon. I wasn't talking about a spell that turns you into a dragon head if that's what you were getting from me.
Just wait until you see the second Dancing Lion!
>it's one of those 'bro just learn the exact range of his hitbox spam' bosses
Oh well. Only DLC boss so far that has felt pretty dumb.
Honestly i struggled with this guy more than any of the others besides radahn though messmer and midra were pretty damn close
Has anyone fought Elden Beast since the DLC came out? Aside from being able to use the horse now i swear hes using attacks i've never even seen before
It depends on a built and a boss. Remember always rotate your weapons/spells/tools. Don't be a slave and a madman of a single vision
Messmer and Midra are good and enjoyable fights though, unlike Radahn.
are you mid rolling?
you pretty much have to be light rolling (or using the crucible feather talisman) if you want to play this dlc without shield/sekiro physick
Can you use carian parry, golden shield, Tophs barrier or Blackhole against its attacks?
Did I beat him?
is it me or leyndell fucking suck ass during replays?
I do sometimes. In every souls game (except DeS and ER since ER had 2 bosses) one boss kills me for like an hour and it's usually a build thing. I was fighting Manus with the MLG and doing double digit damage with an R1, Fume Knight sucks with a halberd without proper stamina, and Rellana was fucking countering my flame stuff because it's raining + water in the middle + natural fire resistance. Got a basic claymore upgraded for Manus and upgraded a blacksteel katana for a side arm against Fume Knight, both of which got destroyed soon after. I have a lot of free time now so the only thing I did against Rellana was actually use scadu fragments since I got by the beast and some side dungeons without any.
>Level 120
Everything from Leyndell onwards sucks shit on replays.
I am a human being, capable of doing terrible things
I am a human being, capable of doing terrible things
I am a human being, capable of doing terrible things

there's lightning striking all over the world
there's lightning striking all over the world
there's lightning striking all over the world

I am a human being, capable of doing terrible things
I am a human being, capable of doing terrible things
I am a human being, capable of doing terrible things
The basilisks really caught me off guard, but thankfully the death blight never got me
how much will the DLC change that?
DLC has fun dungeons and some alternate ways to change the outcome of one fight near the end.
I legitimately never want to go back to the DLC after I beat it. I view it like the DS2 and 3 DLC.
You're going to love the final boss anon.
>3 dlc
>not wanting to go back
but 3's dlc is just better than the base game in every way.
I didn't enjoy 3 as a whole, honestly. I liked 2's retarded lightning spam for how hilariously busted it was and since it was my first exposure to lightning in DS (fuck grinding the medals to get lightning spear in 1 holy shit)
You're going to get absolutely fucking smoked when you meet the princess, buddy.
>Jump Attack: The Boss
>jitters frantically around you
Elden Ring bosses are too fast and unreadable.
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>dogshit bosses like the boar
Has anyone figured out what you're actually supposed to do when this big haram son of a bitch charges you?
The only way I could roll it was to equip the talisman that gives more i-frames when you roll. I'm convinced they fucked up his hitboxes.
Wrong boar but this boss sucks major cock too. Just get the Fingerprint shield and use DOT/Proc shit like Bleed until he dies.
You gotta watch the tusk, that's what will usually hit you early while you're focused on the head/body. Strafe to one side as he charges and then roll to that side. He also has an insta-charge counter if you try to attack him immediately after he does a gravity move I think, just gotta be ready for that one (or don't attack him)
>fighting dancing lion 2
>hear my mimic bro scream and die
>holy shit the lion summoned basilisks and deathblighted him
guess I'll be switching to tiche since she's immune to it
The opening charge is easy enough. Charges after... I just deflected, honestly.
My pride will not allow me to use such a tactic.
>I just deflected
Just looked it up because I assumed you meant parrying. 200 hours and I've just learned a basic mechanic. Fucking hell man.
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when the boar is charging, evade in upper right direction, i tried checking the best possible way to evade the charge and evading in upper rright direction is like 90% sure, but be aware i was light rolling when i was figthing him, never tried in medium roll.
Leyndell is great. What the fuck is wrong with you people? You can easily bolt straight to Morgott if you want to.
>Has anyone figured out what you're actually supposed to do when this big haram son of a bitch charges you?
uhh...get on your horse and run away? Jesus you retards are so fucking stupid
just throw on an ironjar aromatic and start blindly attacking. You'll win easily
If you actually played the game you would know that his boat is much faster than your horse.
if YOU actually played the game you would know that it's a boar, not a boat (dipshit) and you can in fact outrun it on your horse
the thrusting shields are perfect for this boss. You can pretty much sit right next to him at all times by abusing your guardpoints
>you can in fact outrun it on your horse
The boar is much faster than Torrent. You cannot outrun it.
>source: my ass
haven't actually tried out the thrusting shield. Can you get broken out of your guardpoints, or do they work like in MonHun?
lol just 2-hand you fucking sword and jump over shit. You get a 60 frame dodge that positions better and can chain into the jumping heavy attack.
If you're still getting hit, use Raptor of Mist and Bloodhound Step.
If you think you HAVE to use a greatshield, you're a retard.
you realize you're the one who made a sourceless claim in the first place you absolute fucking retard
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Love this nigga. Been trying to get better at doing the Sekiro parry-counter stuff with Dane's Footwork and this guy is one of the most fun bosses to play around with aside from Rellana.
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one of the best ER bosses by far
great ost too
don't believe them they are just memeing you
besides the last boss this lion was harder than everything else
most of the other bosse are absolute jokes
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>"There's no rewards for finding anything in this dlc!"
Oh yeah I kinda agree with that somewhat some areas do feel empty compared to base game.
>See Message in front of item: "Dung Ahead" or "Why is it always dung?"
>its a ancient smithing/somberstone or a great glovewart
Oh, people are retarded.
Glovewartz mean nothing to a lot of people which is why they always have those messages nearby
useless trash
>giving a shit about glovewarts when the only spirits worth leveling are Mimic and Tithe.
>giving a shit about stones when you already get more than enough to max out weapons you need and most of the DLC weapons are shit unless you're a DEXfag

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