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8 hours and 30 minutes until Warframe dies.


>until Warframe dies
if that slop ain't dead yet, this chinkshit ain't gonna kill it neither
did they make everyone two times quicker and the grappling hook less slow and clunky
wait, was this that warframe clone with anime girls?
it's probably gonna be fun for the next few days not sure if it's gonna be for me
Meh. It's free and the sound design on the weapons is really good so I'll give it a try.
How's the anus and vagina? are they fully modeled?
>_________ killer
So this game will be dead in 2 months?
Sorry nexon employee, not falling for your marketing campaign.
This is literally shilling
>The First Descendant is a third-person looter shooter powered by Unreal Engine 5
instantly turned off holy moly
hopefully it encourages them to finish up Soulframe.
But of course. The only thing those "killer games" succeed at killing is themselves.
I played the beta of this a few months ago and it was utter dogshit.
I doubt they were able to improve much in such a short time
i have gotten bamboozled by you homos way too many times to fall for this shit again. just cause a game has pussy dont mean its good
How much will skins cost? asking for a friend...
Coomgook slop
I literally have zero interest in any other game but this.
I wish someone shilled it when it was in betas so I wouldn't miss unique backpack skin tho.
None of the abilities for any of the female characters really clicked with me think I might just stick with the basic ass ice bitch you get at the start .
so is it good?
By my memory of one of the betas, it's just a pretty average looter shooter.
Has character abilities and modding like Warframe. And a really boring grapple hook.
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played the ice girl first in the beta but im think im going with notNero because his gravity grenades look fun
also, bunny.
thatll be $15 sir
>unreal asset flip with panty shots
Fuck off chink.
all you need to know
I can smell the curry and communism through my screen
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thumbnail looks like a crab's face shot from below
>The Finals
>Dave the Diver

I see no problem with this
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i played the beta and it was honestly boring as hell, I'm reinstalling it though cause I liked staring at the fat asses in skin tight suits, it made my fat bbc hard while playing
Which way western man?
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Gonna goon and gun so much bwos
does it have the same sort of 'grind to get shit to grind more shit' cycle that has all the warframefags hooked or is it just meant to be killing warframe by having human puss instead of robot puss?
its a 1:1 Warframe clone
they even copied the "wait a day to build this Warframe/weapon or spend money to speed it up" thing
Is this like a gacha where I HAVE TO login every fucking day and do a bunch of chores? Or can I take my sweet ass time?
It's not, it felt like a much slower version of Warframe or like a shitty Destiny.
Are straight men really into this cutesy barbie doll shit?

Whats a gay man like you into then?
>they even copied the "wait a day to build this Warframe/weapon or spend money to speed it up" thing
yeah because im sure warframe was the first one EVER to do that
Certainly not Korean dress up
>Dead MMOs like Maplestory, Gacha pulls like literally everything else, and streamer bait titles like Dave the Diver
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I've actually never played a Nexon game because I don't really like multiplayer. What's the issue with them?
Has any "killer" game ever killed the game it was supposed to kill?
lol and fucking lmao
I understand that you are approximately 15 years old but a lot of us have been dealing with that cancer of a company for about two decades now. Everything they touch turns to absolute shit. There are no exceptions. You think the average western vidya company is jewish? They're the supergalatic gigajew.
Everything bad about the monetization of modern games happened with Nexon at least 10 years ago
Correct, I will never forgive them for raping gunbound
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the fucking plasticey gook face + the puffy eyes is so hideous it's unreal
they are one of the big reasons everyone associates Korean games with pay to win grind slop.
>____ killer
So you are admitting that the game is so bad you need to try killing other games (and failing) to succeed?
I never played Warframe.
that's terrible holy shit
destined to fail
Valby a cutey
But I REFUSE to play the game longer than 5 minutes to unlock her like the beta or pay to unlock her.
These f2p Asian games can fuck off with how they wall off content.
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1. all the guns feel samey
2. no melee weapons
3. movement consists of an extremely linear grappling hook with no momentum
4. characters have little visual identity
5. environments look like a UE5 asset rip
This is game is not "killing" Warframe, it's going to be a fun distraction for Warframe players.
>no melee weapons
wait really? all i did in warframe was play melee frames. fuck.
their monetization is ass
im not just talking about ridiculous amounts of cosmetics

they will RENT you inventory/bag space and then overcharge you qol features only to sell you premium passes so they can still sell the conveniences back to you only at a discount price
But... my boner!
there is a punch, and descendant abilities that are melee-ish, but i didn't find a single melee weapon in my time in the beta
I literally uninstalled gunbound when I realized the cosmetics were 7 day rentals
Korea is the Yellow Jew
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uhh gunbound isnt nexon last i checked

but some cosmetics in maple story are rentals only
Bunny is clearly a Hapa while Valby is white. Ascendant One has the actual gook face
Melee in WF was only ever good for coptering, and when it was removed the game was long past the point of becoming not worth playing. But the current playerbase is just drones, of course they won't go anywhere.
You are right, but they're a Korean company so I'm half right
nigga you can go faster than you ever could with coptering with parkour velocity shards/mods
Soulless, doubtful, and I absolutely do not give a shit. I'm not touching this trash ever again.
I actually have zero interest in TFD as well, so I have no idea why I'm in this thread.
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i see you oldfaggots still crying about coptering when they added shit that already makes you go faster than coptering
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what happened to that vindictus spinoff ?
Looks like coomsloppa and floppa
Waifu niggers will eat it up (always do)
Tranime addicts will play le heckin based Asian game (always do)
I will not
If you could read you'd realize that I wasn't even specifically complaining about it at all. I don't even know exactly when it was removed, because I had already uninstalled by then.
The only way to fix that clusterfuck of incompetence would be Warframe 2 by a different studio.
>they will RENT you inventory/bag space
desu ffxiv does this and no one seems to complain
ffxiv is a tranny game
theres already more melee weapons and a melee character that was datamined
shit games, great coombait outfits
still won't play
>warframe ""oldfag"" makes insincere post about a mechanic that was replaced for a better, smoother system
Why am I not surprised
I see singleplayer, but it seems like multiplayer to me. Is this going to be one of those that’s based around stressful co-op raids and stuff?
doesnt matter
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>stressful co-op raids
jesus fucking christ are you serious? coop raids stressful? let me guess you find talking with people stressful too fucking zoomers man
combatarmsbros are we playing this one?
is gookshit anon, get your slops right
You can play it solo but people can drop in at any time and help you. Everybody I came across was just as antisocial as me and ran off as soon as the mission was over.
I fucking hate end game shit like that. I want to relax I don’t want to join some gay club and coordinate roles
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why do you zoomerfags compare it to warframe. its nothing like it at all
its more along the lines of Defiance
Does it? Which cosmetics? I only played a bit, but everything purchaseable was permanent that I saw.

But also true MMORPGs do get some special treatment, just like how true simulator games get treated a bit differently for their absurd DLC amounts and prices.
Vindictus was a lot of fun in the first few years
referring to the extra retainers. i forget its like $3/mo for each one
Oh shit, I never got that far. That does suck, yeah.
Because you're one of the aforementioned drones and can't read.
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No pregnancy mechanics no buy
Valby exists because Stellar Blade exists?
At least shill something with substance.
I only liked Vindictus because I was a stupid-ass kid and thought the fact that it was a Source engine game meant that Valve made it. I also used to think 'source port' meant that it was ported to the Source engine.
Humanity wouldn't exist if not for coomers. All of human progress is driven by coomers.
I'm reading that "coptering" needs to be added to my filter of useless opinions, thanks bud
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Alright here is the deal.

Give me a loli character in lewd outfits, preferably with some thicc, and I will play your game. Do especially well and I might even be one of these "whales" ive heard of.

Your move Korea.
Case in point.
Game was kinda junk but it was fun getting together with my friend to watch the new episodes each week and play the game for a while.
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i literally want to fuck the bunny plush on her back more than her
Second most based poster in the thread.
>didn't play any of the betas
>no idea what's what, classes, characters, skills, etc.
>all I know is point & shoot
How do I cope with my need to know at least that base amount of info?
Is there a resource I can check to at least learn about the characters?
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I don't miss the old Warframe community at all. You idiots know less about what makes the game good than DE.
Speaking of, is the new content update fun? I was impressed by the new area but haven't played since. Heard they made netracells better and added a pregnancy mechanic.
One Warframe was pregnant, that's it. Not a mechanic. There's spoilers to it depending on how far in you are and if you even care.
Warframe has a story?
Does it have anything to do with Wally and/or Ballas because if not I don't care.

Yes and it's surprisingly good. The major story patches are the only reason I come back anymore.
>Lies of P flopped
>Stellar Blade flopped
People still think that Gooks can make something good that isn't cuck porn.
>cucked porn
lol. lmao even
Nothing will ever make the game good, and anyone who still plays it shouldn't be considered a person.
This seems like the kind of game that will be fun to play for a couple weeks then forget about until they announce EOS in a few years
Wow the first (Stellar) Blade-like game.
>Does it have anything to do with Wally and/or Ballas
couple fugged, which was forbidden because of caste bullshit. They both got warframe'd like Umbra as punishment. Turns out the pregnancy carried over to the warframe
i did the math last open beta and it will cost close to $1k to max out all the inventory space
enjoy :))
nexon's combat arms was fomo p2w MTX cancer more than a decade ago, which is fascinating given the game itself only released in 2008, which is 2 years after oblivions horse armor dlc

it was a visionary in bringing cancer into gaming
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>company that got caught lying about their roll rates on RNG boxes
lol, nah... I'm good
Just last year they got caught in a law suit regarding loot boxes in Maplestory. Some boxes that reroll stats on gear or something that were supposed to have 1% or some shit but were rigged to have 0%. They paid 9 million "apology bux" to the korean government or some shit and say "oh boohoo we won't do it again we promise!" .. typical large company shenanigans
>Stellar Blade invented pretty women with unobstructed low angle shots
That being said, I don't doubt that this is going to a be a selling point for games in the future
Wait, like 'zero' zero or just like <0.5% ?
it literally did tho
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>nexon title
>killing anything other than itself
Maybe Ballas because of how he's involved with Warframes, but there's no explicit tie in the quest or anything.
Even their inspiration, Nier Automata, had that my guy
let's agree to disagree
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There's already a game like that bwo. Sadly it's too late for you, the game will hit EOS in a couple months.
One thing that DD2 doesn’t get enough credit for is the exposed ass. Half the female armor is panties and boots, and the skirts are barely there, flapping in the wind. It’s basically as revealing as stellar blade
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All these years later and I'm still mad Nolan didn't get a happy end.
Vindictus, early MapleStory, and Dungeon Fighter Online were actually good. The First Descendant beta was actually incredibly good. Apparently Dave the Diver was surprisingly good but I haven't played that one despite all of my friends parroting it as being fantastic.
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>more along the lines of Defiance
My favorite part of Defiance was doing defense missions to collect parts and modules to break down into currency that is used to enhance modules that I have socketed into my weapon (preferrably in aligned sockets that half the cost of said module) though using the golden currency to reset my weapon to zero for the purpose of realigning a slot was a very interesting mechanic in Defiance.

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