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They improved them

No it's not you fucking idiot.
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>joker before the zannies hit
Looks like the man jaw industrial complex got to her.
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RE engine, baby. Can't wait for the animations.
I prefer her new look. Those lips
frank looks like my Nana
built for shotas
Eh who cares about hispanic chicks
I used to jerk off to jessie all the time.
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Look at this and tell me why Capcom isn't the best AAA company nowadays.
They are it's just a shame alongside Atlus and many other companies that pump out top tier games they are filled with corporate jewry.
lmao this nigga gay af
>no tits
>17 costumes in the Deluxe Edition
>Lan Hikari
what the FUCK did they do to frank
because they relying on their shitty engine to cashgrab any other ip they own
Why did they cast Al Bundy?
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just why
poor frank
>49.99 plus tax plus tip
yeah, no thanks
You could do a lot worse than this, but the original is preferable in all regards based on what's been shown. I'm not sold on it.
Isabella looked like a werewolf in the original game so literally anything was bound to be an improvement
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>just realized we're getting a second round of jessica r34
there's always a silver lining bros
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>No TJ Rotolo reprising his role as Frank
Pass. Frank is not Frank without TJ Rotolo.
Because it's based on his DR2 look, who aged 10 years in just 5
you can get the OG game for 3 bucks on playasia right now lmao
>you get a bunch of new porn of X character but it's all based on a shitty new remake model
I am so sick of this monkey paw. FF7 gook Tifa, Resident evil nuJill, etc..
Can’t wait to mod out the time limit
Isabela is hotter than Jessica imotbhfamalamadingdong
billions of youtube comments mention how he "Looks like his 2005 beta version" which I've literally never seen before lol
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They raceswapped the chinese butcher

He's now the fat guy from Toy Story 2.
Because a youtuber made a bunch of videos about the betas, so now everyone knows about them
I hate modern graphics so much
to be fair he looks like an actual butcher in america now, it's less interesting though
he's obviously still chinese, I think they made him american chinese rather than fat yellow buddah from chinese restraunt logo
I didn't because I felt bad she died
I could forgive everything else about the remaster if they had simply given me this
they better keep Jessie's wide hips.
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Dont worry goyim err I mean dear customer, you can have the real frank back, for a small fee
Are you dumb or something? Some women have always had strong jaws and plenty of hot celebrities have them.
he looks like tarantino here
Did they even exist before and in good quality? I don't think good 3D stuff started showing up until the mid to late 2010s.
Jessie still has a nice pair
>already shilling another demake
no they didn't
Are they fucking for real? Why the fuck wouldn't you just buy the original then? What AT ALL does the remake do better than the original?

It's $10 on steam right now, with all the erotica still in it.
wow they look so much better. finally, a remaster worth playing.
'ay I'll take that there fer free, bucko.
blender exist for the sole purpose of altering said model you either do it yourself or wait for someone to do it.
Better controls, graphics and QoL. Modding will also be more active so you can make Jessie's tits as big as you want in 4K with jiggle physics
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Not bad.
Wish she looked closer to her OG render. god she's so attractive
>modders will fix it
>PC plus modders will do it
>capcom still mad about modders in general
dead on arrival
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Quentin Tarantino
Ehance it*
The remaster looks good, any modded stuff is gonna be extra
Do capcom shills really?
Stay mad ig
They gave him the face of Woody Harrelson and I do not like it
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Can you imagine how coom worthy a younger Hilde must have been?
you must love nintendo too
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>an auto-save feature
Fucking ruined
Not a fan
I disagree... and im right.
Wasnt the shoestore he worked in in a mall?
>Fix frank
>Everyone else is still fucked.
Good job not making money
Looks like shit.
>It's $10 on steam right now, with all the erotica still in it.
Not for long :^)
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you need to go even further beyond
Shut up furfag
Weird ass nigga
Don't niggafag his yuck, you stupid black-white knight golem.
people are saying yuck now but when people rip the models and make porn out of it with no alteration to the models themselves, you guys are going to coom all over it
In english, please.
I'm convinced this board is full of shills. There is nobody in this world who thinks this looks better than the original, which is usually the case for all remasters. Everytime a new remaster comes out there are countless THREADS about how the new game is better in everyway possible while the REPLIES are usually against it.
>highlighted the ugly ass dog from the original intro
ok thats pretty funny
what are you even talking about? every single post I've seen about this game is some faggot having a meltdown about imaginary issues that doesn't exist
i swear you whiny fucking trannies are more dramatic than my gf when she's on her monthly cycle
>There is nobody in this world who thinks this looks better than the original
i do and im not even buying it because i thought the original sucked. lol
Isabella looks fine. Jessica's main difference is larger eyes which will probably work in her favour because it gives her a cuter look.
I'm talking about facts while you are talking about trannies.
So you hate this one as well, good.
Remake has nice DSLs. I look forward to the wave of blender porn where she's sucking dick
>I've been doing a lot of thinking lately
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Surprised no one has given him Bejitas Scouter
LOL nice try shill. Somebody compare bodies to destroy this man.
>won't do it himself
Lazy faggot
>Step outside your house
>Hear this
What do you do
Wait for them to smack into a tree
>necklace doesn't reach her tits
>cleavage lessened
Weren't Frank and Brad in their 30s? Why do they look fucking 70?
are you implying she isn't EXTREMELY coomworthy the way she is? because she is
I'm asking how much more coomworthy.
Less coomworthy, actually.
What the hell is this they all look terrible and i thought the boss nu face was bad lmao
>no alteration
removing the dogshit RE engine lighting, texture problems and grainy artifacts is already a big step up as is evident by existing content.
Capcom for some reason always gives character lifeless, unfocused eyes.. yet random nobodies on the internet are able to fix it and do a better job.
I'm awaiting a remake of 2 to see what they do with my wife Bibi
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they ruined my cute hippie daughteru...
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old model conveys emotion, face looks like it has life. new model is soulless with empty eyes as is typical of modern hack developers.
as usual /v/ is oblivious and appears to mostly prefer the modern the shit.
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>what actually happened when frank saw zombie jessie
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>nerfed Jessie's tits

Once again, we are gonna have to rely on mods. Also AI mods for Frank West voice.
Jessie looks significantly older but at least she's still thicc as fuck.
I can't wait to see Brad breeding Jessica
I'm gonna need to see the uncensored version
But Anon Brad is married
>cutie pie to average las angeles la creatura
>cutie pie to age like milk white woman
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I feel like /v/ is literally making shit up to be upset most of these changes are literal 1 to 1 expect for a handful of SLIGHT changes
It's literally just nostalgiafagging
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/v/ just likes to be contrarian. It's bizarre though, this remake does have some genuine issues and yet they choose to focus on shit that's either nonexistent or not an issue
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Looking like a unlit unrendered Gmod Model
I hope you can save jessie in this new deluxe remaster
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>RE engine designed specifically for Resident Evil
>RE7 embraced the engine's weaknesses by making every character have matted, greasy hair and deformed faces.
>Now every Capcom use RE engine
>Nearly 2 decade old games have more appealing hair and faces
It's funny how they only showed Isabella's new model in the main trailer while everyone else got side by side comparisons.
>using in house engine means theyre cash grabbing

That would be the niggers who use Unreal like Rockstar did with the gta remasters
Isabella looks really bad ngl, I think they should fix her hair
>DeadRising suffers from another shitty release

>RE engine
>Looks like crap
It does it again!
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>dollar sign after
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>Autosave has Frank piss his pants
this game has no place in modern times
>erotic photo ops is sexual harassment
>making fun of mentally disturbed people
>making fun of fat people
>one of the villains is a lesbian rapist
how are they gonna censor all this?
They will all be rewritten as sympathetic heroes.
Unironically this. She's better in the face but they fucked that up
Good enough.
I just hope the weapon physics is the same or improved.
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Am I the only one who thinks they still look good? Kinda feel like I'm in bizarro world right now.
I think she looks great but they nerfed her cleavage which sucks
>modern game slurper
modern games can't look good since mid gen 7
anon no
you are asking for trouble saying things like that

just nod and pretend it looks bad

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