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ITT webms of upcoming indie games
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is this another thread where you don't list the titles in the filename like an absolute faggot?
That IS indie game 1719870468518568 you fucking spastic.
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What game is that? Reminds me of CrossCode
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Mirage Feathers. It has a demo you can try
What a strange name, i cant even find the game when i search for it.
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>Displays the controls indefinitely
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What about indie mod projects?
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am i the only one that hates every game posted so far
>what if From software did Zelda
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Preeze undastan
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But what if they did dinosaurs?
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I was sold until
>botw stamina bar
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I'll contribute but I'm not gonna make them into a webm and you aren't gonna make me.
this looks really good
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post the clock tower looking one
Project Terra
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Well that's clearly BotW except for more anime
game? need some new H stuff to look out for
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nice that your actual webm doesn't have a fucking name.
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i need to do more webms, i only have this one i converted from twitter
What's that mean?
I don't like this one either, but i agree. everything feels poisoned by social media taste. Like the worst mix of twitter and discord.
That looks fun
What game?
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Sounds like your problem fag
these look fantastic. any names please?
this is sick
just realised the last one has it in filename lel my bad
>posts his own game
I'm so fucking sick of sliding everywhere vros
nta but thread is upcoming games
i don't mind shilling, it actually looks more promising compared to what you usually see on /agdg/ and gamedev threads on here
Project Terra, which is by the same dev team as CrossCode.

Part of me will miss the pixelart but the other part of me will be thankful to have actual depth perception.
>Like the worst mix of twitter and discord
Everyone's just blindly following trends in the hopes of getting exposure. It's why a lot of stuff ITT is "low poly" like an N64 game, it's what's "in" right now. I hope we get over this phase quickly though, early 3D looks like garbage and there's no reason to have a modern game look that bad on purpose AND have low frame rate animation. That stuff was done out of necessity, if developers could make games look better they would have.
What is this game, please?
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Name, please?
I sthis a hmoaf game?
lol op really badly wants to be the "pm me for info :)" guy on a fucking anonymous image board
Looks like absolute jank, I love it.
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what game?
what game?
what game?
what game?
what game?
what game?
what game?
what game?
what game?
what game?
what game?
what game?
what game?
what game?
what game?
what game?
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Thanks for asking Power of Golden Slammer (P.O.G.S.) is the project name playable build is releasing soon.
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noooo you have to write a note for each game saying "I like you do you like me check yes or no"!
I don't really care if this is your game or not because all I've been wanting for years is a proper Tribes styled single player game, but it also seems to be going for Lost Planet 2 sorta gameplay which I'm all for.
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The big catch tacklebox.
>break the targets minigame
you know the dev for this is a pedophile
Thank you!
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thanks anon!
I dunno why, but I read "you messed with the wrong bunna" like xavier in my head.
Webms name is
Game is in limbo currently but still being worked on
No no, thank YOU and feel free to watch some of the trailers with sound at
>how my grandparents commuted to school every morning
I was just talking to my sister about this a while ago but I'm kind surprised Pogs never made a comeback. Feels like a thing kids would be into these days.
This is either cavern of dreams or an upcoming sequel to it.
Is hyper light breaker going to be good
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Dev actually changed the name, this is his Twitter for any one interested
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Well the manufacturing apparatus is buried in the sands of time now kind of like the VHS industry. So pogs and videostores with VHS are relics now. Sacred relics though. I used to buy my pogs at the videostore so I recreated that.
>>>/wsg/5603614 historical footage of pog slammers being manufactured here. The guy standing at the machine reminds me of people standing at the money counters in Casino.
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>all these games posted without the name included in the filename
if you're gonna shill at least give people the source of your shit you retards

Or just include it in your post.

Source: Peripeteia
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godlike bait but everyone was so mad about no names that nobody bit
I reported this thread for advertising. You're obvious, buy an ad retard
How many of these games actually have release dates?
So neon white with darker colors and dark messiah kick into spikes?
I'd try it.
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>I reported this thread for advertising. You're obvious, buy an ad retard
>forced bait
Congratulations on your transition.
why does it look blurry, its pissing me off. I understand tv's used to suck ass and you can put a crt filter all you want, but dear god why is it fuzzy?
I used to have a tv like that and I hated it back then too.
Looks cool downloading
Next time name your webms after the games, faggot.
>yea how dare they make interesting bosses. in MY zelda game? [angry emoji]
thats how I see you
True I'd like interesting bosses too but it seems like they're doing FromSoft bosses instead
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>race mixing
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What do you mean "what if?" They already did it.
Took the words out of my mouth. How many times are we gonna see this same game?
I thought this looked like a Yames game, excited to see where it goes.
so its kenchi for furries? trash
More obra dinn slop?
did this ever come out or did it get shitcanned?
pretty certain it's just cavern of dreams, but it's been a while since i've played it.
>everyone posting webms without names therefore not shilling
a tiny demo came out around 2 weeks ago. it's confusing as shit
heartbreaker, looked pretty neat
>actually does the zoom onto the same map for battles
Why the fuck couldn't the FM remakes pull that off?
they made a full game from the smash bros bonus game?
the same amount of times every indie game tries to be dark souls with dodge rolls, a channeling heal, and recovering your money in the boss room because you barely die anywhere else
it's not even bad, just really weirdly designed
I'd rather have genuine shills (paid, free, dev, enthusiastic anon) instead of this retarded culture where being genuine is looked down upon. On a fucking anonymous imageboard to boot
All style no substance
The webm you replied to is from the demo of the game "Rise Of The Golden Idol" which is actually a sequel to "Case Of The Golden Idol"
They are both similar to Obra Dinn, somewhat. I enjoyed OD and these games so chances are you might too.
I'm genuinely not shilling. I have nowhere to sell my game right now.
>I am in fact shilling
hehe they'll never know!
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>Slide kick
>Apex shot
>All combo
>Split shot
>Grapple hit
>Blunt hit
>Throw bow
Troons are getting degrees for this shit.
Big if true.
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From the demo of that kunitsu-gami game.
The artstyle and character design seems wasted on it just being a tower defense game.
>>Split shot
this one is ok but punching the coin and combining it with piercing shots is where the actual coolness is at
Is that a good thing?
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I hate games that try to be darksouls. I am one of those people who just doesnt like fromsoft stuff.
I dont like casually rolling through attacks. I think it looks dumb as shit. and now Im rolling my eyes when I see bonfire mechanics in a somewhat easy game.
So forced gameplay is when a developer is adding things that look cool to demo but aren't really necessary?
It's what happens when you desperately try to make your game look so gamey it instead ends up looking like something you'd see a character in a movie or TV show playing on a screen.
Why would I need a large portrait of my character on the- Oh that's why..
Welp that's what gets the twitter likes which means wishlists which means not flopping at launch.
Shady knight
The demo is availabe, you can try it.
>Pic semi unrelated
The whole core concept of games like this is to literally force you to engage in gameplay through combo stats. There is no value in such games whatsoever besides a leaderboard.
there is no value in any of the games you play.
Whatever perceived value you had is made up in your own head.
>literally force you to engage in gameplay through combo stats
Oh like Tony Hawk Pro Skater!
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Yeah. Only one had a legacy and culture, the other..
seriously what game is this
This is by CAPCOM
not indie. read op.
>Start holding "bullet catching button" right before enemy shoots
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Why settle for a dogshit, silent webm of some FOTM Twitter “gamedev” game that will go nowhere when you can get a dope gameplay trailer for GOTY 2024 WITH SOUND!
I know, I know, I’m awesome, you can suck me off for saving gaming later:
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Still waiting on the names for these two.
Not him but is mostly the whole spastic movement. At this point is so oversaturated in vidya gets a little annoying nowdays still gotta give the OP big points for been able to throw the bow at the enemy.
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>snoy when the cutscene is less than 30 minutes long
the game in that video with the slides and the style bonuses feels like as if it was a ripoff of ultrakill
UK has high action/combos but it looks nowhere as spastic it doesnt have the super shaky camera. pretty much the whole game is as spastic as you want it to be, while in games like OP it feels like it always looks a bit retarded
games like in the OP just go for that superficial flashyness that makes the game seem more exciting than it is and also make it TOO EASY to do said flashy things (see: the slow-down effect when aiming) making them feel hollow.
forced indie graphics, too. this game cringe af
It's funny because when I was a kid, I used to think that video games would eventually get like that, that animations and capabilities would improve so much that it'd be closer to a playable action movie. Now I realize I didn't know how lame the result of that would be.
Kino as fuck, reminds me of ragnarok.
That's a cool way to put it holy fuck. I miss both games so much. I loved the character animations in lost planet and the mobility in tribes, a mix of the two would be my dream game.
I would buy this
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fucking kek
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Ultrakill is one of the most egregious examples of the trope. The whole thing was born outta the tryharding modders from Doom Wads then it bleed into retro shooters thanks to Dusk and how New Blood pomoted the game to the point watch any youtuber or twitch fucker and they say "boomers shooters always played like this! Lmao".
Then Doom 2016 and eternal made the whole adhd for shooters the norm.
This post could only ever exist on 4chan
>first, there must be a retarded OP to make a thread without listing the game titles
>multiple times
>then, there has to be anons who witness the thread more than one time
>any other website would have taken some moderator action and killed any chance at something funny happening
what game ?
game ?
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yeah mb you'd prefer this
It's clearly Ghostrunner with a bow.
Post that game with the girl with big tits.
soul, if that was an indie game you'd be diaper-grappling and parachuting everywhere with a gay furry dino
Just shitload of shovelware trash
how did you keep the sound? i have webm for retards and when i tick to keep the sound i still can't upload it here
Wait why isn't she sprinting? I know there's supposed to be a speed boost.
a lot of this post is backwards
>bleed into retro shooters like dusk
isnt dusk an insanely generic barebones shooter? what does it have to do with the topic
The only thing it did is get tasteless zoomers and people who dont value any of the actual cool things of og doom/quake/whatever into being posers for boomer shooters, but nothing like uk

>boomer shooters always played like this
nobody actually thinks UK has any real relation or comparison to OG doom
>2016 adhd shooter
2016 is straight up your typical generic derivative shooter of that generation #942309432 with absolutely nothing remarkable other than the doom title strapped to it
eternal is also frankly a different beast. Its built on retarded glowy lights, meme cutscenes mid-combat, green flash retardation, and all that shit. UK isnt made around that. and unlike the OP video it doesnt have a spastic shaky camera or meme slowmodes
and it would be better, yes
better for giant reddit faggots? yeah true
Why can't moonman make games that have a good story AND are fun? Why does he insist that everything he crafts must be gauntlet of tedium?
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turns out reddit has better tastes in gaming then huh? here, have some high quality AAA gameplay just for your 4chan taste anon
thanks fag, you can suck my cock while i play that game bet that makes you happy doesn't it
what was that? what did you say? you want me to move so you can watch your movie? sorry, with my cock in your mouth it's quite difficult to understand what you're saying. I'll cum fast so you can resume watching your kino video"game"
Immersion in a videogame is a thing which is totally alien to an indiefag
THANK YOU SAR, your next AI response is ready SAR
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congratulations raheed patel for your amazing contribution to this AAA game and its riveting gameplay
why play indies right? you have kino immersives setpieces like this
nta but you're wrong lol. troonalis is a good example of immersion done right in indie games
>no you
Didn't realise I'm talking to a 5 year old. That's ok, I don't dickscriminate, I'll pound that bussy, come here bitch boi.
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I'm not the fag wanting to fuck men kek
here, have some more epic atmospheric immersion "gameplay" just for you anon
it's gaming time
Eh, FOBS has more variety.
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victory heat rally
Some anon cooked up a greasyfork extension to play audio from the filename, here's the link with a tutorial. Sound threads were a big thing for a little bit.

This makes me sad honestly. I don't believe Dead Space was a one hit wonder, but it's a real shame he had such a huge opportunity for a comeback and everyone was rooting for it but the game simply ended up being so mediocre.
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swerve me with this gay shit
diaperfetish dreck endlessly shilled on this board by its mentally ill dev
It's fucking nothing
Saved by its art-style
Overinterpolated slop
Kino but it's been reposted for years and never progresses so it's vaporware
Neat minigame concept that's being made into a full title that will overstay its welcome.
Trying too hard to be ultrakill
>what if trash but with waifus
I think he was asking how to include sounds in webms not how to use hte extension since he already has it
sure you aren't, faggot. bet you give good head like a good lil queer
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nevermind I'm retarded
>Neat minigame concept that's being made into a full title that will overstay its welcome
it is gimmick for one or maybe few levels of the game,game is otherwise like hotline miami
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>this fucking thread again and STILL no one posts the names of the games they are posting
you fucking faggots deserve a place in the lowest depths of hell.
it's one guy doing it on purpose
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Alright then I'm back onboard.
game is Blue Odyssey
name? looks kino
>This project was successfully funded on Mar 19, 2015.
ah, so it's never coming out
You say it like it’s bait, but you’re right.
game is called epic hero game, no word on release as far as I can tell
taking away control is anti immersion
>what if trash but with waifus
This is how asian gamedevs make their money btw
impressive, im always jelly of the local indie game devs. wish i could make cool stuff like this
I don't really get the complaints against games like shady knight, ultrakill or doom eternal. They're basically trying to be FPS DMC where you have a lot of options at your disposal and naturally the webms for those games are going to be at the "highest level" or at least with a lot of action so that it's visually attractive to anyone not playing the game.
It's like claiming Quake is a bunny hopping 5 3 weapons per second spazfest based on the highest level of PvP or OSRS is all about tick autism based on the highest level of PvP or PvM, based on the demo of Shady Knight or how I've played most of Eternal or DMC3 you could probably just play the way you'd want to without needing to be too much of a spastic.
Oh hey it's Hoversteppers. No idea if it's any good, though. I still haven't played the demo yet
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>Subtle dick jiggling
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Guys did you hear that it's one person making these threads and not a team of people. That's crazy news guys. My mind is blown.
This but unironically lmao
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>initially thought this was bait
>then it clicks
I know exactly what the fuck you mean anon
I'd put a knife through your neck.
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Could anyone kindly deliver sauce for this video game?
The game is called Starlight city, But the game is apperently cancelled according to a patreon post by one of the devs.
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Nevermind. I found it on my own! Life with the tribe
Any source?
This game was disappointing. I bought it, played a single run where nothing in my strategy or playstyle changed over the ~30 minute run, then played a second run and nothing also changed so I refunded it.
>no pregnancy tag
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I understand
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You can get incubated and lay Noel Eggs
is there a belly bulge during incubation
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fuck me you're right
I don't think so
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picked back up once I heard there was oviposition, dropped when no belly bulge
I don't like racing games but it looks cool
Doom eternal does require a minimum of spasticness, much more than the others. Hence the gid gud deflection by the fans against all criticism of the game.
>It's why a lot of stuff ITT is "low poly" like an N64 game, it's what's "in" right now.
It's nostalgic and it's significantly faster to churn out than high fidelity assets. Games (the kind that you'd pay for) take a fuckton of time to make and people quickly forget about them after they're out, you don't want to sit on one thing for too long, so you take shortcuts.
>just like a low poly art style because it leaves stuff to the imagination and runs on literally any computer in my house, even the $170 shitbox I bought as a replacement for a roku
>has more artistic variety in design than stuff aggressively pursuing photorealism which all looks like samey stock unreal engine 4 and unity bullshit to me
>don't have to wait like 5-10 years to get a game after its announcement most of the time because the developers can create assets quicker
>doesn't require itself to gouge me with microtransactions to make up for the cost involved to ensure everything is FULLY MODELED FERNS
>but because it's popular to do this now for obvious reasons it's somehow bad
now this is a fuckin video game
The real garbage these days is small unknown companies churning out asset flipped UE shooters. They're all modern military themed extraction shooters with the same assets and gameplay from one to another all in the hopes that enough people buy their $30 early access so it pays for their rent
sure that looks good but how does it tie into gameplay at all? do you shoot while grappling? is it used as an evasive state? do you use the grapple to yank and stun them? right now it looks like you basically just do it for fun or something
artstyles cool but gameplay wise ive seen it all before. how many times do we need mario 64 with nothing else added? why would i play this over say, the big catch for example?
the visuals are 99% of whats appealing here. id suggest you add something unique to gameplay that makes this worth playing besides the dinosaur visual gimmick
peoples brains have been rotted by the admittedly funny "hardcore fps movement/weaponswitching/aiming" webms so now any fps that appears vibrant and hectic triggers memories of the earlier mentioned stuff in people's brains, and they think the gameplay feels contrived or something. these people would probably call HYPERDEMON "forced gameplay" if they'd never seen it before this thread, despite it being legitimately one of the best fps games ever made
it doesn't even look like real gameplay, it looks like someone animating a proof of concept pov of what they want it to eventually play like i.e. vaporware as fuck
Super hot but with arrows and cooler
Neat, do the big guys kill you in 1 hit like sinistar?
This webm does a better job promoting the game than Capcom's trailer
Why do indie devs even try? This shit all looks awful, they're just as bad as AAA studios for chasing trends,
"forced gameplay" is a really dumb way to communicate what the actual problem is here, which is really lack of expression and overly choreographed level designs. it seems so easily played in this order, that it feels like a near optimal solution. like each enemy was placed precisely to be dealt with in a very intended and specific way
i wouldnt say wasted at all, tower defense hack and slash seems like a very underpopulated genre, plus the "towers" in this game have a very organic representation and implementation, rather than being static buildings, they are animated humans that can moved and swapped and seem to engage with enemies in this loose range rather than bloons where they just turn on a switch and deal numbers so long as the enemy is within range. seems more like they actually "fight" what it is in range. i dunno it looks cool and unique to me. would you rather have the design and artstylejust be used for another soulslike slopfest?
I will take that over waiting 6-10 fucking years for a single new game in the modern dev cycle sludge (or worse, a never ending "live service").
no way is that a player controller than can move, jump, and swim?????? wow im totally willing to play this for 11 hours because the the low resolution and low polycount remind me of when i was a freakin kid
you really need juggling after the pull in. not sure if thats the plan but it cant just be a game about yanking people to you. If you had a slash that could be done to an airborne opponent, i assume you would have shown it at least once in this webm
you're on a site with boards that have dedicated round the clock loli threads, lets not throw stones in glass houses
no surprise, you have cum for brains
I actually specifically didn't buy Onirisim despite the game looking like it catered greatly to my Original Xbox nostalgia because that shit weirded me the fuck out.
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Bait so perfect you just have to appreciate it.
what trend is mirage feathers chasing
Most of these games took 5 years though
>90% of wishlist is in-development indies
The wait will never end.
what an absolute piece of shit
Complete troon
KING!!! Thanks anon
why is promoting your own indie game considered a bad thing?
He is popular in the west for a reason, westerners love shitty generic tedious games
shameless ftl ripoff but im ok with it since those devs are apparently never making another game.
As someone making one of those
>it’s the XTREMEiest
Type games it’s really disheartening how every game is doing this now. Like we’re headed for the saturation point all at once, and once every game is about rocket launcher backflips, no game is about rocket launcher backflips
Most of these games will die quietly in development hell and any one of them that reaches the finish line is a guaranteed success. You have no right to complain.
massively epic post (because you are right)
it's essentially bamham, where the game makes you feel like you're super cool as you do backflips and punch ten mooks repeatedly for five minutes in what amounts to a scripted sequence
then you realize you've just been mashing X for all that time and the gameplay is utter dogshit
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>things are made along temporary fashions and trends
Mario 64 has shit combat
I thought “forced gameplay” referred to slapping combo points and style meters on every action to try and trick you into thinking you were doing something more complex than jumping in the air and shooting a guy
it's kind of both
the game looks like it would be nothing more than walking from arena to arena, where each fight would be little more than doing exactly what the game tells you to do
but because this would get stale and tedious very quick, the game has to bombard you with worthless praise, combo meters, kill streaks, EPIC SCORE RATINGS, anything to prevent your brain from saying "wait a second this isn't fun"
It is fun though.
OP game is basically just EXACTLY this game but with a bow instead of a gun. And it’s fun. I dunno, for me the issue isn’t that it’s not fun, it’s that I’m starting to get fatigue from it. I’m looking at this game and going “don’t I already own that?” “Didn’t I already wishlist this 6 months ago under a different name?” Etc
It's literally just a style meter from DMC, only it actively shows you what's contributing to it. Stop inflating this retarded ball of autism that originated from a lazy bait post.
You wouldn't get it
Yeah because I'm not a fucking retard.
Yeah but when you’ve got 3+ years invested in it working in isolation and you look up one day and see “oh, everyone else is doing this too?” it’s just a bummer
This thread just reminds me that I rarely will try out something new, combination of not wanting to spend money on unknown games and not having enough time for them.
Imagine paying for games
Only high IQ dev ITT
Bump for interest.
>all these replies calling it amazing bait
I don't get it
Minor petpeeve. The alien looking big monster you grapple on and swing about feels really "light". If you are going to grapple around something that big, I'd rather it feel slower and heavier, so it really enhances how fast and maneuverable I feel in the game.
What's the name of this artstyle with thick outlines in 3D? Whatever name it is, it sucks, makes it look like cheap unreal models. Remove the outlines and do some proper texturing/contrast and then it will look decent. The gameplay look decent, that part is fine.
Thanks, wishlisted although I feel like it has a 99% chance of never releasing
It's genuinely insane how much vent crawling the first two thirds of Callisto have. Like every 5 minutes there's a crawling section and they're not short either.
I like this. I need to see more, but I like the details, the small effects on the run and jump, looking pretty sharp.
This is the best looking game I've seen in a long time, finally someone who knows how to use contrast
Name of the mod/project plz anon ?
this is great example of a game where the pixel filter is detrimental to the game
Cool Nausicaa hovercraft.
why is your character a 1:1 ripoff of malenia’s armor?
Finally a low poly game that looks good
forced gameplay
99% of indie games now are "ps1/n64" aesthetics trying to copy sm64 and failing miserably. And you thought indie games couldn't get worse.
The whole combo needs to go faster and the spinning attacks should go even faster. The slow speed removes some of the impact. Also, maybe the blood effects are unnecessary. I don't mind blood, but I think unless there's a cool mechanic or it stays on the ground long enough to make the stage look really bloody, it's basically just something to eat up processing.
kill yourself /tv/ dweller
thank you that's exactly what i meant
I'd love playing this game. I hate Accidental travel genre so much, but in the game form it'll actually be very fun to play
Is that... a character walking around a map? Holy shit.
I had that immersion playing mgs in the nineties and it was the worst part of the game. Vent crawling is not immersive in games, because it makes you aware the npcs won't ever detect you and aren't real people. In real life there would be nervousness at every step. What if I get stuck? What if they hear me crawling? What if there's rats and bugs and I can't swat them? What if I have to hide here for 3 days and shit myself? In games it's mostly ”i gotta move like a snail while nothing happens”. Mgs was still the smartest use of it as you could receive phone calls and see npcs and it was still boring
I like that horror games try to fuck with this perception of safety sometimes when you crawl in vents and shit. This needs to be done more often
That's the only thing that sells these days, if it can't make ecelebs soiface then don't even bother
If it's fun to play then yes, I don't care if it's a meme game. Same reason I bought Buckshot Roulette.
t. mentally ill shitposter who is still fucking going after being BTFO dozens of times
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I would like to do this but I'm not sure if I can do it justice. The n64 blurred out textures and lowpoly environments just have that something in them.
>Crosscode devs finally figuring out how to make easily recognisable z-levels
You love to see it
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can't decide if this is gay or based. it's like i flipped a coin and it landed on it's edge.
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Diaperfetish dev, I presume? Keep me out of your schizo headcanon. I haven't darkened your digital doorstep since you farted out your demo. More than one passerby can find you and your works repulsive.
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That's a pretty cool style. What is the game called?
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that troon will never reply because he enjoys pretending that knowing and gatekeeping niche indie games is a personality trait
anyone not posting source should be gassed
>It's all just bland clones
More like upcoming slop
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PS1 3D platformers are better than this crap
What a fucking faggot. What's the point of even posting any game in this thread if you're not gonna give out the name.
>lefty comic
imagine censoring your own bants
Can someone PLEASE make a game that copies KH menu combat.
did they change this fucking game again? What is this fucking style meter shit? Dont tell me its trying to be some speedrunning autism garbage now too? fucksake
This is fucking dumb. The idea is fine but the driver just clipping out the bottom of the car and calling it a “trick” is retarded. The IDEA of a car as just a big motorized skateboard is cool but make the tricks at least obey the rules of common sense, have the rider exit through the top of the car or the driver’s side window or whatever not just clip through the fucking chassis. It was funny the first time Arcane Kids did it but “haha so bad its good isn’t my jank soulful” is already a worn out design ethos
What's the issue with "speedrunning"
Good action games allow you to be stylish through optimization. Why play a fast paced action game then
Menu combat fucking sucks which is why KH has gradually moved more and more shit into hotbar/submenu stuff, and even before that point it was stuffing everything into context-sensitive prompts
are we watching the same webm? how are you going to optimize this game without following what the dev intended? all the enemies and obstacles are put in specific places so you have to follow the devs flowchart. its the opposite of good action games that let you freely do whatever the fuck you want. just another game gone down the shitter
KH's QTE's are fun, especially in 2, DDD and BBS. There weren't a lot in 1 but the options of quick menu for spells or items has literally always been there. So I'm not sure what you're talking about KH "moving more shit into hotbar" when that's always been what you do.
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No name yet, it's by @salgueiroAzul on twitter
Uh oh!
Bunny Bounce
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>Game was canceled because the “dev” wasn’t getting enough attention on Xitter
Thanks anon.
I find so many games interesting but rarely want to play one for more than an 1h. Guess it's over for me.
I don't want to be a party pooper, but is the manual zoom/aim necessary? Games like Phoenix Point tried to do that, but eventually it starts to become just busy work. Is there an option to just pick a part or just auto that? Or at least an option to use weapons that don't need aiming?
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Well, do I have a game for you!!!
>"forced-gameplay" post gets deleted for trolling
>on a board that is 99% off-topic argument bait
Why so much anti-soul gas
Sounds like you've ruined your attention span. Sadly it's all too common in current year. Cut out any tiktoks, youtube shorts and infinite scrolling apps/websites if you want any hope of recovery.

If you're a coomer restrict yourself to once a week.

It will take time but your burnt out dopamine circuits will slowly recover.
>high saturation
What is this
a clone of?
>no reply
Indie game discussions bring out the saltines everytime.
The wings paddling backwards looking fucking stupid, but otherwise the flight combat looks cool. My one gripe with these star fox looking games is they are afraid to let us have control over how fast the gun fires. SF64 felt like the lasers could go as fast as you could press the button which I really liked. Its hard to tell from the in store video if thats the case or not.
Fire weapon and aimed shot are two different actions, with aimed shot costing more AP.
Mortars, Missiles, Melee and shotguns don't have aiming at parts.
Ok. ok, fair enough. My interest is up again.
Valid reason. If you can't even sustain the Twitter audience, what makes you think people will actually want to give you money?
Hear hear. This man knows what's up. No preg content, no play.
Huh yknow I have been watching shorts and hanging round boards a lot, I'll try substituting that with reading instead and see how that goes.
Moonstone Island.

It's kind of shit.
The jiggling is fine and dandy, but what about the shooting animation?
All these random indie games and this game I dreamed of a few days ago is nowhere to be found
Since only sprites are shown, minish cap + mother 3. No one truly knows because some of these webms are literally just characters walking.
Make it.
Stop pretending there's nothing between Quadruple A billion dollar budget games and the dregs of the late 90s. The best looking PS1 game by a long shot was Symphony of the Night and it's because they took all the new hardware power and pumped it into a 2D game. Likewise at least pixel indie shit looked okay. Nothing was ever going to be on the same level as Chrono Trigger but you look at games like Noita or Stardew Valley and they're pleasant enough. Contrast this with intentionally low framerate low-poly 3D games and it just looks like a blurry, low res textured mess. And it doesn't have to be this way at all. Fairy Bloom Freesia came out in 2012, was made by a small circle of I believe 3 developers, and it looks good. It didn't take 10,000 years to release and it isn't demanding performance wise, it's just that the developers didn't intentionally kneecap their visual fidelity to fit the latest twitter trend of nostalgia pandering.

The retro low poly trend isn't something forced by time or budget constraints it's an intentional choice that's highly misguided like when AAA developers shove a bunch of post-processing filters in their game to make it more "cinematic" by remaking camera lens flaws like chromatic aberration and lens flare. Every photographer I know spends hundreds, even thousands of dollars to AVOID these flaws and games don't have them natively, but some developers stupidly add them in post, making their games look worse.
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The problem is I'm not entirely sure what it is about.
>Isometric view
>Sort of genesis version of a NES game in terms of graphics, think battletoads but slightly better
>Main character was pic related but a tiny sprite in a huge map with a grid layout, similar to battle network if you had a lot more resolution, movement was fixed to tiles
>Big rooms
>Supposedly a space station, some rooms had control panels where you could get info of some sort
>Killer robots here and there
>Animations reminded me of early european genesis or amiga games
>Could unlock secret areas on a higher level by finding balloons
You know what, if I had a bit more time I would get into it.
Also now that I'm thinking about it, from my experience with 3D modeling it'd probably be genuinely more difficult to create a humanoid character with an N64 poly budget than something with 1000x the fidelity. Mario from Mario 64 is probably around 150 triangles total and trying to do a half-decent body/animation rig with that would be a nightmare. But 15,000 triangles? That's suddenly a lot easier just because you have more room to fit common anatomical and facial landmarks. Low framerate animation has the same issue of being harder to do. If you have a 3D model, rigging a smooth animation cycle isn't easy, but rigging an intentionally choppy, 6-12 FPS cycle is harder just because it's not the default.

Seriously think about this for a moment. There are indie developers right now who are intentionally making their lives harder just to make their games look worse.
No one can argue against this so you'll just get trolling, because it's so self-evident people cannot accept that gaming tech progressed every year, while gaming is still a primitive art form in a society where only consooming matters, so you get all sorts of gross padding and ridiculous time wasters instead of tight gameplay, mind-blowing stories and meaningful experiences. Those things are not impossible, just not what matters to get the best sales/cost profile. The industry even learned that making good games is dangerous as people can always go back to play those.
This is called Jamphibians by the way, I dig the combat vids the dev has posted but like Genokids
I'm expecting not too much challenge in enemy count.
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Anyone have any 3D 'Brawler' or 'Beat em Ups' on their watchlist?
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Zelda indigo
>seems to be going for Lost Planet 2 sorta gameplay
How in the fuck does that webm look ANYTHING like the mechanics of Lost Planet 2?
These so called indie games look so fucking soulless. You people have no idea what made the games you played in the 90's good at all.
Looks good on my machiene
give me parkour games
this guy is ftw
Looks like the dev played neon white and ultrakill and aped them together
Enemy placement does not dictate flowchart, movesets and enemy damage requirements (if any) do.
the survival of the fittest
Nice starcraft vibes
Sorry for calling you a tranny. I thought you were the same OP from yesterday. Thanks for the sauce
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You love to see it
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i started working on a hybrid RTS/FPS a few months ago but gave up because i got filtered by multiplayer.
should i get back into it? would this concept work as singleplayer only?
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I hope the devs kill themselfs the game was supposed to come out long ago
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Good god. Don't remind me. Secret hunting in CrossCode was so awful.
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This game is looking real good but I do find it so strange that too many sonic fan games tend to make skipping platforming too easy.
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Was thinking bout posting this. Reloading revolvers makes my brain hurt. I can never remember which direction it turns.
Also fully funded let's fucking go.
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Vigilante 8 looks different than I remember..
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what does this mean? like the robot parrying a nuke thing?
The enemies have 1 move each and they all beeline straight for you while dying in 2 hits or less even. Enemy placement absolutely dictates the flowchart here as the levels not being arenas is the only thing that affects how you go about beating them.
Basically this, dont know what kind of shit the dev is smoking but it sure as hell isnt helping his game.
The fix for that is enemy pathing that's not binary and set. With a decent patrol path set for an enemy even in a game like Doom 1 could have room for different outcomes. Flying and grounded enemies together also could help as well.
When is this dude gonna release this. I've been seeing webms of this game in basic, untextured levels for fucking years.

Cel shading
I hope the low fps is a performance issue and not a stylistic one because christ.
clearly mother and every other indie pixelshit like it

Here are some random picks, you tell me how these are not soulless clones
straight up oot clone >>681502034
clone of pokemon and stardew valley >>681501126
vampire survivors and tony hawk >>681500637
tony hawk >>681500476
survival slop >>681470760
boomer shooter #10000 >>681470564
f0 >>681470306
ftl >>681458196

just saying you indiefags need more than pure clones
do you honestly think these devs are gonna do that? I am actually asking here. Because i am willing to be my left nut they arent
Everything is derivative, you just overlook the inspiration that lead to the things you like because you get off hating things. Romantic Originality is a farce.
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Amazing, I bet this will sell like pancakes
>superflight but it’s a straight line
Kind of interesting I guess
it's because they all forget to include air drag which is a key part of making sonic physics fun
>pots take more than one hit to break
No. I can see this being a good game but don't fucking do this shit. Environmental objects which exist purely to be destroyed for a chance at a dopamine hit should always break on the first strike. It's cathartic to plow through them. It's a chore when you have to stop and treat them like a standard enemy.
I'm gonna fart in your wheaties
Nah when you level up and get overpowered and can finally break low level pots in one hit, that's the good stuff
It was a public demo? Because I missed it.
It's overcorrection out of fear of replicating a modern Sonic game so their games end up being designed in a way that encourages skipping every platforming section which causes the other modern Sonic problem of being "hold forward" spectacles.
>Sonic can't work in 3 dimen-
This is just Devil Daggers with obnoxious distortion.
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>get curious where it's at
>still no release date
>still no updates
>come to /v/
>see vid of it
I scream but god doesn't hear me.
one of you please make a steamworld dig clone. tia.
I just see them as safety nets if you botch a high route, like how in Adventure 1 and 2 if you miss a homing attack chain you can go on the lower route or hit a bumper later on that said chain was hovering over.
People think conflating skips with not interacting with every minutia of a level is silly, not every bumper or floating platform needs to be touched.
Name the game.
Game name, please?
>This is just Devil Daggers
absolutely not.
The sexual tension is agonizing.
Looks funny
Name, please?
the scoring system is entirely different. In Hyper Demon, the score keep decreasing with time, so you HAVE to be fast to get a good score. And yes, it's important since IT IS a game about having the highest score. There is also the gems/lasers mechanics, differents ennemies, bonus, dash, real final boss, etc.
>People think conflating skips with not interacting with every minutia of a level is silly, not every bumper or floating platform needs to be touched.
Doesn't need to be all of them but a lot of Sonic-like indie games make the mistake of being afraid to promote platforming instead of 24/7 fast. If it's possible at all it should be due to mastery of the game's movement and the various paths of each individual level, not just "I rolled down this ramp and automatically have enough momentum to skip all those platforms ahead."
I can't speak for all of them, but Spark 2 and 3 do a good job of accounting for where spectacle segue pieces will shoot you, but things like the webm where this topic started came from a proof-of-concept tech demo area showing of physics and momentum, which will lead to level design later down the line.
looks interesting, but how the fuck do you know when and where to dodge
It looks like it might be decent unlike ghostrunner
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Haste Broken Worlds
>you tell me how these are not soulless clones
You can easily tell the way they aren't is because of the way how they are not.
A small-scope detailed sim with viva piniata mechanics would be awesome.
The Ultimate Orbiter.

It looks good though.
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What the fuck is all this fucking nigger garbage?
They average person is literally AI running on flesh hardware.
All they are capable of is remixing things they've already experienced with zero innovation.
Soulless abominations with no curiosity or ability to explore reality.
You know, anon might have listed interesting stuff I don't agree to be just "a clone" but this is a pathetic, bullshit excuse.
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Because it's true? You don't get a Duke Nukem without Doom, you don't get Doom without Wolfenstien and so on. Tech, coding, scripts, gaming conventions all mesh and evolves. At least tell me why it's bullshit.
game name? looks interesting
forced comf
Thank you!
Rise and Fall was a Midway RTS/Third Person Action slasher when you control heroes and had a SP story, you could check out that to see how it would work.
Thank you!
There's a difference between people skipping interactions with elements of a level because they know the level design and the physics being made in a way that just lets the player fly through the level while barely playing the game because there's no air drag

Sonic's level design in the classic games and adventure games works because they all reward the player's understanding of the level design and give them the opportunity to skip through them.
Classic has badnik bounce, and the ability to just maintain your fast speed the whole way through.
SA1 has the busted spindash which is still designed in a way that the player still has to play some parts of the level. SA2's nerfed spindash still allows the player to skip level elements but they can't skip the entire level

Sonic-likes like Freedom Planet, and Whitehead's games understand that and have gameplay and level design that's more faithful and evolves the formula but that black girl sonic-like and rolling rascal are examples of sonic-like that don't do that as the physics in these games having no air drag just lets the player build up a ton of speed and skip the majority of the level with zero effort so they barely have to engage with the level design which is why these levels barely have level design aside from engaging with some select setpieces. It's just like M-Speed from Boost but that's the entire game
Cute and unique.

This looks fun and makes me nostalgic for 2000s quirky.
This looks cute I like the environment breaking parts.
Its like a cute and silly tomb raider, I like it.
This looks interesting but can't really tell *how* interesting from the clip.
This reminds me of that one game that came with the computers encyclopedia in the 90s.
I have a pog with your face on it.
who is this goddess
thanks anon; wishlisting now. I've been on a '20th century conflict' kick in hopes of finding some inspiration for my game, too, even if it's styled like a classicvania and not metroidvania.
>im literally shaking right now
Anon I think the driver popping out of the bottom is supposed to be part of the trick like death defying. That you saw it as a technical glitch like clipping while using the term "design ethos" really rustles me.
The game name is king's maker
If there's a chance to shill, it's literally threads like this. Let them have it. The game has to actually look cool for the shilling to work anyways
There is a gap between Wolfenstein and Doom that isn't present between Doom and many games that use it as inspiration. The very reason these games are more popular is because no matter what they're inspired by, they're not just 90% of something else with additives, and a good number of indie projects in these last 15 years have been just that. They haven't caused any evolution so to speak. When you get hollow knight, you get 15 games that greatly resemble hollow knight 2 to 5 years later, but people go back to hollow knight. Why is that? Is hollow knight original? Everything but, it takes a lot from other games. But not enough to where the extra isn't worth bothering with.
This sort of criticism about clones and ripoffs is not new either. People love the 8/16/32 bit game eras and forget that there were quite a few games that were poorly rated because they were legitimately "just another fucking platformer, sports game or turn based jrpg". You and I can tell the difference, so did these people.
But Hollow Knight is just Super Metroid but worse
>I have a pog with your face on it.
Are you gonna slam it
>It's why a lot of stuff ITT is "low poly" like an N64 game, it's what's "in" right now
The reason is that low fidelity assets take significantly less manpower and money to make.
They all look like TRASH. What a life.
>it's what's "in" right now
Low poly has been a thing for over 10 years. It's not trending either compared to cel shading.
>still no good morrowind clone
>still no good arx fatalis clone
Hollow Knight is Megaman X3, but worse.
Whatever the case, a good number of people think otherwise, and it created more of an impact because it is not just "a sotn clone" or "a souls clone" and like I said, many games were not loosely, but heavily inspired by it.
There isn't much you can gather from webms in this thread in any case, so it's easy to mistake these games and think they're just the same shit. A lot of it is presentation and style.
haven't played FPSes lately, but this was cool
File: 1668052788445028.webm (2.82 MB, 960x540)
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what is this?
Fumes was simple but fun
It just doesn't feel the same without the europop blasting on the background
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Remarkable amount of car/weapon variety for a demo, not usually one for car games but I might buy it when it comes out.
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2.95 MB
2.95 MB WEBM
This shit is already out
This one is taking a while, been following for idk how long
what game was this? played it but forgot the name.
Hey man, I got five kids to feed
This is already out, it's called Dread Delusion.
it makes me feel old to see people dumping on games like shady knight for being too fast and spastic like people weren't fucking clamoring for games like this in the early 2010s where videogames were godawful
i'd be cool with games more directly like dark messiah where you have that freeform gameplay with a slower pace and more of a narrative focus but I think the faster all killer no filler gameplay focus probably works better for an indie dev's scope
can I fuck the goose
With that said its a too much on the meme side for the video but if the story is cool who knows
Wasn't someone also developing a fire-emblem type game with sword-wielding dinosaurs? IIRC it also had a human in it named Meteor
If I wanted to hear opinions from gay individuals I would ask your fathers why they decided to adopt a boy over a girl if they were going to turn out dickless anyway.
Nier Automata
Huh so they're actually adding in unique drivers after all.
I'm not sold on the art design of those tracks, but the handling itself looks like a lot of fun
didn't it have the super uncanny looking character portraits?
This looks like Little Nightmare gameplay if instead you were playing as a minish.
This probably sounded sharper in your head.
wut name
I think theres a few games like your idea although i only played one and it had multiplayer

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