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>RE7/Rev1 director confirmed for RE9

Based, it might actually be good
I actually have hope for RE9 now.
considering how horror was the talk about the reveal i can expect none of those bullshit rumors about Leon and Jill being the protags.
feels good.
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>Been working on it since RE7
>Doesn't even mention RE8 (rumor that Village started as a spin-off game seems legit)
>He's confident in it, says it feels "substantial"

Koshi has been cooking bros
Unfortunately it won't erase Village out of existence
Rev1 fucking sucked though
It was neat but obviousiy held back due to being made for the 3DS
revelation 1 was actually fucking amazing and the most fun Ive had with resident evil since OG re4 and I'm tired of pretending that its bad because of its low budget
>revelation 1 was actually fucking amazing
No, it's an annoying repetitive low-budget shooter with a retarded story and no horror. Praising it is pure memethink, born out of people trying to get reddit upvotes by having a slightly novel opinion. The game is shit, and in the bottom tier of the franchise. Rev2 was vastly superior and the real best RE game since 4.
it has much better horror than the emo demakes have
I'm so glad Nakanishi is directing. I loved how RE7 felt like it was spirtually trying to be a modern RE1, I feel that he's one of the few guys at Capcom who understands that Resident Evil isn't a classic series because of the characters and lore, but rather because the games were fucking good, and the love for the characters and lore was just an extention of that.
It was course correction for the series as far as horror was concerned and was made for a portable console, I thought it was fine for what it was desu.
I only played the second. And that sucked.
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Ready for his return?
No. This time Rose goes mainline.
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>Made RE1/RE7
What is with this fucking guy and boats?
God I hope not, Koshi seems too smart for lorewank. Just focus on making a great game first and foremost
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Lmao look at this "honorable white" man
t. retard who got filtered by the partner mechanic
That would kind of suck if he hated Village since you know? Village is a direct sequel to 7
rev2 is pure trash with the flashlight gimmick, the shooting is more stiff than rev1 and the enemies are coded like potatoes, rev 1 boss actually fought you intensely, rev2 they just waste time because of the swap character gimmick and its just a worst version of last of us tehy even copied enemy from last of us like the fat guy with his cauldron being exactly like the fat guy who throws spores in last of us
Expect another boat section.
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>RE7/Rev1 director confirmed for RE9

So the games going to be kino for the first half than fall of a fucking cliff by the second half is what you are telling me?
Wow, you're so stupid you can't even write properly, no wonder you got filtered by Rev2
So what confirmed him exactly?
boats are isolated it is the perfect setting for a horror story....second best is a space ship, third is an isolated mansion, fourth are place in which you should feel safe but can't in example a mall or a police station
>here barry shoot....no not their!
absolute garbage game 0/10
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So we had Redneck B-movie horror for 7 and Gothic classic movie monster styled horror for 8
What will the theme of 9 be?
Played it coop and it was too boring.
Wouldn't surprise me if he wasn't a fan of RE8. Village went against a lot of what RE7 tried to do. Stuff like Ethan's face being hidden doesn't even make any sense anymore because they changed him from a blank self insert into being very important to the lore and talking a lot. 7 was trying to course correct and 8 felt like it sort of regressed into old habits
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I am praying he'll do the same magic he did with 7 and give us a fresh take on RE we've not seen before again. I just trust his face he's got kino in his veins.
Asian horror if rumors are to be believed
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Woah just like all RE games?

Cmon faggot...Tell me what RE have a superior second half?
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RE Village
Same, I don't care if RE9 is first or third person, or if its a returning or new protag. I just want to be excited and love a NEW Resident Evil. Not another RE that's just
>Oh hey man remember how good this franchise used to be? Remember "Waddaya buying"? Remember when Chris punched that boulder? Haha yeah those were some good games
RE7 wasn't a perfect game but I respect it a lot for not trying to rely on fan-service to be liked
I just hope we don't get RE7's equivalent of the ship.
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There's a single thing I remember from Revelations
>Factory and Moreau

Also Miranda is indeed best girl but she is in her peak in beginning...When she was larping as Mia
The guy is exceptional.
I always thought Jill was a boobs type chick till I played Revelations and realised she was all ass the entire time.
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only if you're gay
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Really good character models for a 3DS game
Ponytail Jill is kinda shit though
Oh no the main enemies will be blob monsters again!
both revelations games have some of the most bullshit bosses in the series both are irredeemable shit
US setting confirmed?
get gud fags
Compared to RE6 that released the same year? Nah. It's not the best game in the series but it had hints of not being fucking shit.
i think in the context of it being a 3ds game it was pretty good
Yeah, I feel the context of Rev1 is kind of lost these days. He made a Survival Horror RE back when Capcom was 100% in on RE being this huge action blockbuster series. In a way he predicted RE6's failure before it was even out
It's probably one of the best resident evil games. Swimming in the ocean of blood was kino and so was the divine comedy allegory going on
>Rev 1 had Dante
>Rev 2 had Kafka
What classic author would Rev 3 be filled with allusions to?
Poe would be an obvious choice with lots of stuff to pull from

The rumors about it being open world are true, aren't they?
I feel RE7s boat section would be so much better if the Mia tape was optional like the rest of the tapes in the game. It just makes it overly long on replays.
I really liked Resident Evil 7, what do diehard fans think about it?
Its the only RE I really liked since 4, then again I was the hipster saying remakes are fucking boring before it was cool.
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Most RE fans think it's a really good return to form but others hate it cause it's not fixed camera like the classic games. I think as time goes on the more fondly people think of 7
RE7 feels like the only modern RE that understands that the location really is the true protagonist of this series. I really hope RE9 delivers on a great setting. The village part of VILLAGE was one of the most disappointing aspects of that game.
>shit company that hasn't done a good game in 20 years might do a good game
sure shill it will
its shit
>hide and avoid enemies
>shit trash enemies
>most bosses are shit
>shit story
>its not even a resident evil
I thought it was alright. I respect that it brought the series back into a slower paced horror direction. There seemed to be passion in the disgusting grindhouse trash aesthetic of the game though I didn't find that particurally compelling. its director touting another game absolutely does not get me excited.
So will we finally find out what the fuck is up with Blue Umbrella or is Capcom just gonna pretend that doesnt exist
Theyre not gonna do the grindhouse shit again because japs found it too scary and disgusting.
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On normal I thought it was enjoyable. But on madhouse I thought it was fantastic. I hope the next RE leans hard into the survival aspects like RE7 and its DLCs did on the high difficulties. I thought Not a Hero was a lot more fun on Professional as well, to me I think that it's proof that the old protags can still work in survival horror RE.
I wont go for that bro...Considering Koshi tried to push clone Chris not once but twice.I can see he pull some Clone Ethan out of nowhere kek.
Swept under the carpet same as Neo Umbrella and the corrupt BSAA.
>low-budget shooter
Considering it was a 3DS game, it looked and played amazing.

>Rev2 was vastly superior
LOL okay, you're trolling. Legit the worst RE game after 6. Which I'm sure your contrarian ass defends as well.
>"survival horror RE"
Shut the fuck up you utter retard
I liked it but the final boss was kind of geh.

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