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uncanny valley effect, the rest of the game look good doe
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What have they done to my poor wife?
Dude what the fuck did they do to her!?
newcoomers alike will be able to enjoy
I could swear she reminds me of someone so much, wonder who's the face scan. Capcom still getting the hottest bitches.
Updated for modern audiences tm
Cute nose, full lips, nice eyes, almost looks identical.
>But the fucking jawww, the jawww
It's not even that different from before.
God you guys suck
Finally. They made this fat bitch attractive.
>those lips
Sweet jesus.
its the same fucking thing. i think youre just secretly gay.
She looks like Gabby Gabby from Toy Story 4
she looks exactly the same retards, the lighting looks off because re engine
Her eyes look like she's wearing bad blue contacts
>RE Engine
Jessie nude mod incoming?
probably will happen within a week of release
>added autosave
braindead faggot bros we cant stop winning
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>inb4 crashing corrupt bug
this will happen 100%
I am excited as fuck bros, played both DR1 and 2 as a teen but found the games too tense and challenging, this looks like a near perfect remaster. Hell they even made the bitches hotter.
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nice hairline dude
Shut the fuck up face blind faggot
you are the one that is face blind dumbass, she looks exactly the same
I like the new design, old one she looks like a turbonerd, new one she looks more kinder and motherly, but also hot as FUCK
oh and somehow in that picture she doesnt have a wide looking jaw? if anything, her jaw is wider than franks yet youre implying its fine.
fucking lol face blind faggot
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You know its a sign of autism you should get that checked out.
Who care jus move on dude
>holding hands
Now when will someone make a mod for this in Skyrim?
reminder if you buy this wokeshit, you're endorsing the death of the industry. There's nothing wrong with the original game and you can buy it on 3 modern platforms.
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lets figure out the costumes
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>her tits get slightly bigger every time
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Think the lightning must be fucked because it looks like makeup vs without makeup
>muh woke
go back
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I like her new hair, looks like she immediately got back to work after giving her coworker a messy blowjob
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That Rikuo outfit.
it's an objectively more modest dress so they don't have to render nearly as much boob and cleavage
Lol silly marketer-kun. This game is going to
Left to Right, top to bottom.
What, Dante? Prolly not.
...Really? Nemesis
X from Megaman
Quercus Alba?
Tron Bonne
What, Red Harlow?
Ken, I mean come on, look at that centre part in his hair.

That's bout it.
okay bud, what's woke now?
You guys just call everything that comes out woke now and expect us to just intuite what the fuck your problem is.
Tell me what you found to be woke right fucking now and it better be more than just one random fucking detail.
Someone scan all the footage and look for the erotica zombie, I want to know how much they changed her.
what the fuck
Capcom made red dead revolver?
>X from Megaman
no its megaman.exe. the arms and boots style are a dead giveaway.
I won't buy it because it looks like shit, will probably run like shit - re engine can't even handle dragon's dogma cities how tf can it do justice to willamette mall? -, and because they replaced TJ.
No I don't think the doc can give you meds to cure autism.
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Was Larry offensive or something? He seems to be the only one who got drastically changed
They're all on the website if you check the details for the deluxe edition.
>cooking with jack
they were the original publisher for it before rockstar revived and bought the ip/dev https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIrXrbbGDXc
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the original one alway seemed wierd
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Fuck, I was about to post her. Those eyes do not look right
>uncanny valley
Stop saying things you don't know the meaning of.
>Well howdy, pardner! How bout I wrangle us the finest meat this side of Willamette! Giddy up!
i see no issue
its funny how they had to change this in risks of looking offensive because of the typical chinese fatman stereotype looking person, yet its perfectly fine to have characters white stereotype people like hillbillys and rednecks.
>Game tells player story that due to American greed they had to make zombie cows, which slipped and made human zombies
>Game drops "And yet he complain'd that his belly wasn't full." at the end tieing it to greed
>OG uses an Asian person who's obsessed with meat
But now
>DRDR uses Hank Hill with jelly rolls.
Self-censorship or correction for tone, who knows.
Always baffled me the lack of porn of Jessie.
he still looks a bit asian, just not overly caricaturized like the original
Yea. People just use words they've heard a few times anymore.
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>RE Engine
Ok I hate it already
Go occupy yourself here if that's all you can muster up.
nah fuck off she look like someone used AI to update the texture into 4k without making her cute
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it tells you bro
He's clearly still chinese-american, anyone saying he's "just a white guy now" needs to get their eyes checked.
This is acceptable IMO.

What I want to know is how stacked Jessie is and how wide her hips are and tight her skirt is.
NOW THIS is important info.
looks perfectly fine to me i dont know what you /v/irgins are mad about
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>Ashley Graham
Well now I NEED to get it.
That's funny as fuck.
I think they just respond to stimuli at this point.
A thread says a woman looks bad in a game and everyone just starts acting like it's true regardless of the reality.
I really don't see it.
I want to know how big her boobs and hips are damn it.
Severely nerfed her per Larry Fink’s demands.
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They're all butterfaces besides Sheva on the left page. Ignoring the butch women on the lower panels, almost all of them look lust-inducing on the right, even if that's an unflattering Claire pic.
RE engine fucking sucks. they also fucked her eyes, skin and hair.
you literal shit eating retard. i'm getting tired of how absolutely fucking stupid the average poster on this website is. It's not so much that you have low standards and accept shit quality. rather you can in no way tell the difference. like trying to explain color to a blind person you can't even comprehend the problem.
where are you reading this I want to see the rest
you are mentally ill
look pal, I can see she's different but she's not exactly been turned into a goblin like the narrative usually is, the OP literally says she's "uncanney valley"
so you're the retard
This happens with every shitcom release, shills flood out of the woodwork to tell you how good it looks and how its totally not censored. Also happens with ubishit games near release as well.
the issue is that she looks like this >>681442272. made by soulless hacks with no sense of composition who couldn't work emotion into their work if their life depended on it. enjoy your shitty outsourced remake
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be glad it's censored, they are the faces of hideous trannies in sony
Everyone's eyes look truly bizarre in these screenshots, they look like snapped serial killers
>Everyone's eyes look truly bizarre in these screenshots, they look like snapped serial killers
>they are the faces of hideous trannies in sony
impressive she looks more fake, plastic and lifeless than a model from over 18 years ago.
Hope we can save her this time
If it's possible then I'll buy it
I hope Trump wins ( spoiler he will ) to crush the woke lgtbq agenda.
Trump works for the kikes injecting said agenda into media

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