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I know we often joke about Wuk Lamat, but when I got to the latter half of the story, I started thinking differently. Initially, she was just a tour guide, but now she's saying things no other character can. Other characters didn't get this screen time, so I think of Wuk as an internal voice of the Warrior of Light (note: the Warrior of Light is not you in real life).

Otherwise, in most scenes with character interactions, it's just nodding or picking a dialogue line. When I see it this way, maybe it's okay to have Wuk here. We're a blank character, so we don't really have moments of talking to the big bad guy. When we hung out with Emet-Selch, we only listened to him speak. We didn't tell him, "Hey, your plan sucks," or "Hey, this doesn't work." Sure, others tried, but they were too busy saving the world. I can't see something like Sphene and Wuk Lamat's short-lived friendship with any of the Scions.

Review: 8/10

Great trials and dungeons. I'm sure savage will be good. They're heading in the right direction with encounter design.
Great music for most of it.
Characters in the latter half were better.
The graphics are good, and the new areas are beautiful.
Wuk Lamat was annoying at first, but consider what I said previously.
Too many quests/padding for MSQ; they should try to make it shorter.
Overall, it did better than Shadowbringers and had better moments than most of Endwalker. Zones 5 and 6 will live on as some of the best moments in FFXIV, and it's only a matter of time until others realize this.
You're a tranny. Just 41% yourself now.
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humiliation ritual
Remember anyone who talks negatively about Dawntrail is just one seething /pol/fag who hates trans women succeeding in life.
You're probably gonna see a bunch of seething replies to this post, just so y'all know that's just him samefagging. he's even infiltrated 5chan trying to get the japanese folk to hate the game

case in point
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What is it about moogles that makes you so unfathomably horny?
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What terms are you muting?
>Dawntranny is still coping that everyone who doesn't like waifu Wuk Lamatt's expansion is one person.
The pompom
Mablu is the saving grace of this expansion.
The fact you have to put trans in front of the word women says it all.

>finally get to sub Wuk out of my Trust party
Jesus fucking Christ thank you
>Y'Shtola calls poochie on her linkshell to tell her to meet up
>The same Y'Shtola who didn't exchange 1 sentence with poochie so far
>She didn't call us
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To paraphrase a nip: When they said vacation, did they mean including to other games?
have you guys ever heard of indeed.com its really good for finding employment :)
what the fuck does poochie mean
I was so confused by that.
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Just catching up with my fellow doomchuds
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lets fucking goooooooooooooo
Heyyy.. do you like maleras?
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handblock and cockblocked by cute malblu, and fucking Tobli...
Old Simpsons episode; where the creators of Itchy and Scratchy decide to add a new character to appeal to kids, they go full retard with the dog trying to 'act cool and quirky' and the kids absolutely hated it, they cheer when hes killed off screen later.
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it's from this old cartoon boomers used to watch... i don't get it either...
what's with the watermelon?
ffxivs overarching story has never been good but what it used to excel at was building up to god tier moments that made the 50 hours of terrible filler worth it
DT has no such moment of payoff but now when people complain about the filler shit eating corporate shills can just point to the other expansions and say "uhh well those had filler too!"
>get yourself reported to the police for hate crime in most of the civilized world
I see that you're trying to bait me and that faggot already blocked me when I messaged him saying "Hey, Brandon...", did I forgot to mention he really doesn't like it when you call him Brandon?
Retarded Bolivian.
>sphene in credits
So long as we get a chance to save her in the patches i'll be happy.
Really not a big fan of the "look at all the people who you like and want to save you now have to kill them" stuff. (also I unironically like Alexandria more than Tural)
Not your private army you stupid nigger.
It's a free palestine thing
I think we can add a third clause to the Poochie clauses:
3 - Every character must know and prioritize Poochie even if they've never spoken before.
....and what does some 1/4 latino white guy living in kentucky have to do with palestine?
Brandon has always blocked half of the English speaking world.
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>Tornado kills 2 dolphins - LMAO
>Delicious Recipes for fake poop
>Why book clubs are basically ISIS
>Counsellor took me to a dance concert and now I'm homosexual
>Muslim imans say we don't need trees anymore
>nips starting to call dawntrail 返金のレガシィ
kek it's over
just your typical virtue signalling
you don't want to let her know how much you adore her character voice? must be transphobic! cis scum btfo again!
A whole lot considering Israel lives off of american money.

That does look about as braindead as /v/ does on a normal day but the episode that's from is specifically modeling it after cripplechan iirc
Shit like that annoys me
>It's a vacation!
Bro what kind of vacation involves babysitting the mentally deficient for 30 hours
>It's low stakes!
The stakes are so low for two-thirds of the story that the kobolds will be fucking digging them out of the ground in about 20 years time and then they skyrocket into ShB tier for the last third
sorry chuds, the japanese folk actually love the expansion and love how diverse and inclusive tural is
titanmen using google translate isn't gonna make trans women go away, my dudes.
these people will troon out solely because their parents named them brandon
>start fishing
>role quests are about hanging out with a BLUbro
>levequests are about the mythology of the natives
>fishing holes are pretty cool especially the diving areas
At least this expansion has one saving grace.
I miss old cripplechan /v/, it didn't even have Smash rosterfag threads on it
It had Mark which is debatably worse since he was also a Smash rosternigger. As much as I hated Smash Ultimate threads here I do not want to imagine what 8/v/ would have been like during that, had Mark been able to keep his spaghetti in his pockets for long enough to not set the board on fire and not lose his job there
I don't see it on 5ch or matome blogs.
5ch is just complaining about shit tanks, talking about equipment and have just a few posts complaining about cutscenes and mocking antis with player numbers from steam.
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We can never go back, and the secret chan got infested too, despite the gatekeeping.
Oh, so this is the angle you're going for now, huh?
nobody cares about your secret clubs take it to s4s
>actually reading japanese sites instead of taking me at my word when I make up some bullshit? AIEEEE
How can you stomach acting like such a humongous faggot.
-chans are doomed to fail as a platform due to how all it takes is one determined nigger with 9000 proxies on a VPN to shit up a thread, or entire board for extended periods of time. 4chan has it the worst because gookmoot just gave up entirely and theres a local schizo for every single possible topic now, and altchans just get CP raided every other day
well tbf when someone actually posts proof from the 5chan threads the schizo gets triggered and starts spamming
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>damn this trial is kinda cool
>suddenly wuk lamat to ruin the entire thing
jesus fucking christ are you serious? you couldnt let us have one fucking thing without her
im actually offended at how bad that was
i don't care man, pulling out azems crystal will always be cool
they should honestly just rework that one and cut her butting in entirely
What should we call this new XIV Barry that has spawned from the ashes of this shitshow expansion?
they cant, they'd have to rework the entire cutscene after too
at least Hades did it AFTER the fight and literally everyone showed up
have the Extreme version just fire a laser and vaporize Wuk at the part she would have dived in
stop falling asleep in queue you shitty dps
What's odd is when other characters showed up before they were pretty weak.
Lamat can just solo it at that point and puts out more damage than the entire group.
He's trans-black too
Is there trust support for the last trial?
hell no
>Wuk comes in
>The music gets worse
why did they do it
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this, I was enjoying myself until that completely ruined it. I never wanna go in there again.
Uhh its her story, chuds. Not yours.
>later, virgins
>Titan Maximum is the boss of the level 95 dungeon
kek nice
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I thought wuk's va was a Filipino woman
It being a tranny didn't change much, as I don't let trannies live in my head rent free.
Pvp is one of the few things I still enjoy from this game.
>wukkie appears and starts howling
What would make you think that when it sounds like a guy from the midwest trying to do a Monty Python voice with a bad accent?
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If Aymeric fought alongside us against King Thordan, everyone would have loved it
Aymeric is likable.
>I totally thought it was a woman guys
Anon, it sounded like a man trying to sound like a woman and failing.
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Is this the fight she apparently has a really high parse and solos it?
Yes, because Aymeric is a good character.
And fighting alongside doesn't mean come in to steal the show.
Yes. People like characters that are not annoying.
Filipino women sound like a man having his balls crushed?
>Comes in with easily the worst line reads the entire expansion
How to kill an otherwise excellent fight, god what a fucking piss in the mouth.
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Bokurano did the expac ending better
do we ever get to see his penis in MSQ?
Aymeric barely do anything with us in HW, that would have been great
linda belcher sounds like a man having his balls crushed?
why are you voluntarily listening to the axe wound
the JP va is actually decent
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behead trannies
What a lovely name
Well yeah, Aymeric didn't completely overtake the whole damn expansion and made it completely about himself and his girthy PLD cock, he had a fair presence and was key to the plot but not to the point of being Poochie, and Thordan was his father and much of the moving motivation for him. It'd have been cool to have him there.
Same as I still wish it had been Thancred who got to end Ran'jit, same as I think Lyse should have captured Fordola, same as I'm still hoping someday Y'shtola will get to seal her business with Travanchet for good.

Honestly, give me a fucking reason why it was Wuk Lamat and not Krile that ended Sphene.
the JP VA is a painfully generic typecasting choice
im not at dawntrail yet. does anyone have clips/examples of wuk's voice? is the tranny voice super apparent?
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The entirety of Xak Tural is fucking filler so far. Seriously why the fuck did I even go here? And why is Erenville (and only Erenville) accompanying me? This character has done literally fucking nothing in this entire expansion. He can't even fight ffs. He is quite literally the most useless character in the game and yet he's following me around this entire zone.
Regular slacktivism
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un huh
Dios mio.... quien is the hermoso bonita on the right side....? Truly la flor de Mexicano...
They wanted to do the "I will protect my people!" parallel and Krile doesn't have that.
fuck right off you disingenuous shill
>Honestly, give me a fucking reason why it was Wuk Lamat and not Krile that ended Sphene.
Because Sphene is supposed to be a reflection of Wuk Lamat.
They both do what they do to protect their people (Although Sphene doesn't have much choice in the matter), and one's supremacy would mean the destruction of the other.
>92 wow..kinda refreshing but also a very boring msq, I bet it gets better at like 94 or something
>94 ...why should I care about these faggot beast tribe niggers again? Ah who cares, it gets better at 96 for sure!
>...zzz zzz oh! yes yes..wuk lamat uhh what do we have to do next? Oh talk with some brownskins again? Okay!

I can't wait for the next 4 levels boys!
Who thought having the main character being named Clamato was a good idea?
someone post this sperg's xitter again
Nothing wrong with typecasting. No matter how many times Ayaneru voices a bratty kouhai it will still make my dick hard
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i don't share the same enthusiasm for hearing the same voice come out of 25 people for a character archetype
Her name actually means Seventh Dawn and I'm not kidding.
ok why do people say wuk steals the kill from you in the last trial, literally all she does is stand there and auto attacks while you and your azemites do the last 30%
Turn in your wondrous tails.
they think her involvement in anything is an unforgivable sin
She limit breaks her tho, why lie resetera-kun?
>ok why do people say wuk steals the kill
extreme, seething bias
Imagine the shitstorm you could stir if you try to ask DEV for an option to individually change character's VA
All my brain can hear is you clamato the way they pronounce it which is kind of funny.
>get to lv85 zone
>voice acting becomes noticeably worse across the board
What fucking happened this time
EW had the excuse of covid and sharing half their team with XVI. What excuse are they going to use with DT?
>She limit breaks her tho
she doesn't? my dragoon limit broke during the trial and i did not see any warrior rocks appear
Why would you waste all that exp retard? You're supposed to save them until 89 for max value.
>mentally ill axewounds itt right now defending the mentally ill axewound voice actor

>she doesn't?
She does
>and i did not see any warrior rocks appear
Well not only does she have a special snowflake WAR limit to save you, she uses a dps limit break too.
Steals the whole show, despite being teleported away before the fight started, its just pure hatred at that point
>has a personal stake against Thordan because he is his bastard son
>never butted in during the rest of the msq to steal his thunder, WoL was handling most everything else

>You are now imagining a scene where Aymeric tries to distract and fight King Thordan to a standstill while WoL fights the knights of the round
>While fighting the knights you can hear the two bantering in the background and getting some of that emotional drama out for the players
>Upon completing the fight with the round, Aymeric gets blown away and crumples in the corner, telling WoL its all up to him now before losing consciousness before King Thordan reveals his final form
Missed opportunity for pure kino desu
they finally started hiring cheap americans instead of cheap brits
she never did that big ass special shield she does during the trial
I'm tired of pretending this game is fun
It ruined Final Fantasy as a series costing the company tons of money to change it to an ok playable state.
But all it is , is a story which peaked in ShB. Endwalker was cool but this expansion is just ARR 2.0 nobody wants to fucking deal with this shit again. I'm tired of estinien and the invincible plot armor scions.
Like seriously the game is not fun, what do you do in it?
In WoW you can Mythic+, Heroic or mythic raid, Rated battleground or arena.
In 14 you just get a few raids, everything else is just 'let's get it over with i guess...' like dungeons are just something you do for tomestones.
I don't know, it simply isn't fun and it killed the brand of FF. A zoomer tries this game and hits the brick walls of text and says oh this series is gay and boring with no content in it. You can't even party together for Crystaline conflict LMAO.. an mmo refuses to let you play with friends. GG bro I can't do it anymore, it's just fucking boring we're gonna get 12 raids and that's it. For anyone who doesn't like to raid anymore: Go fuck yourself.
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>guy whose extremely original and funny name is "final solution 9" on twitter complains about people defending axewounds with their lives
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>Gets to cowboy zone
>Unable to handle hearing authentic COWBOY accent
remember when haurchefaunt protected us from the heavens ward?
Wuk has a special limit break, secondary-kun. Play the game.

genki tomboy voice for the genki tomboy
works for me
Post Extreme Clear or fuck off.
She has multiple special lbs.
Could have easily been another fight where the Off-tank actually gets to tank instead of being blue DPS if all the knights come at you at once
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She does a dps/tank combo limit break that knocks off like 10% of Queen Bean's health and gives you a defensive buff.
They actually bring up in the story that Aymeric wasn't around to kill his own father.
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>Joined April 2024
>237 posts
>Post copied from 4chan
>Xak Tural
it's filter alright but god damn is it soul
If the English voice is what unique gets me than I'll take generic any day.
unless i'm literally blind can you link a video of her doing it during the trial i'm in the credits
I had no idea Wuk Lamat was voiced by a trans person until after i beat the expansion, even the gay and lesbian people in my fc don't like her. You can go ahead and deflect that we're all right wing incels or something for criticizing her, but the fact is that Wuk Lamat is is simply a shittily written one note character played by someone with an extremely annoying voice and zero range. That combo creates contempt for a protagonist where there needs to be likeability, or at least interest.

The story itself is poorly written garbage too. It's like they hired thirteen year old fanfic writers, or people afraid to make risks. The only stakes that exist are for characters that no one gives a shit about. Older, more fleshed out characters are wasted for half the expansion, standing around doing nothing half the time. They have no character arcs and are worthless. Either make them a significant part of the story or leave them out altogether. The new characters are so unbelievably cliched that I almost can't believe Emet Selch, you know, one of the greatest ff villains of all time, exists in the same game. The only nuanced, interesting characters and plot points in the entire msq comes after the level 97 quests. Even stormblood got interesting way before that. I am actually baffled at how bad the story for this expansion is, I knew things were going downhill during endwalker but I didn't think it'd get this bad this quick. SE needs to replace the lead writer or writers asap, holy shit
>XIVBarry is going to call everyone the twitterchud boogieman now
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Does anyone find it comical how many times Wuk clenches her first toward the second half of the MSQ? I literally screamed "fucking really?" when in the last zone she did it twice back to back. I fucking hate the new writers and scene directors
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I'm guessing I should be leveling my DoH/DoLs with collectables/leves/deliveries as per usual.
A woman voicing a woman is typecasting now?
>or mad at this "Sweet Baby" thing I keep seeing
You literally go from trained stage actors to American "voice actors" (not to be confused with American actors).
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Yes, she clenchmogged Lyse
She limit breaks for a huge chunk at the end of the scripted dialogue.
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Imagine Ayemric wanted to surpass his father and in order to do so he teamed up with Master Sari AI in Azys Lla in order to become a cyborg so he could then massacre Ishgardians all for the sake of surpassing Archbishop Thordan.
Did DT change monk much or is it basically the same?
i am being completely serious with you right now
i do not laud you for "not accepting shit" and then running into the comforting and familiar arms of typecasting
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Me when I read really good.
Someone must have really liked that Arthur meme a decade ago.

Luckily Aymeric wasn't a mentally ill retard lizard.
>more players than ever
>game is making more money than ever
>devs cut corners everywhere anyway
never trust (((corporations)))
the funniest part is Sphene is front and center while WoL and party are in the cuck shed watching her have her anime moment
Everyone expected Wuk to have yet another emote she abuses at emotional moments, nobody expected she was literally just going to repeat Lyse's fist clenching.
>ruin one of the best trials ever conceived of in the games replayability by adding a shitty fucking cutscene
very cool squenix, very cool
Whatever you say bro. Mediocre > Shit any day.
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>Queen Bean
damn it
I'm gonna stick with typecasting if the alternative is some guy doing a really bad generic South American accent.
>get rid of the writers
Its the same team from 6.x. We are stuck with them for, at minimum, 7.x and 8.0.
I love pipelines!!!
what a fucking loser holy shit..
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ayo solution 9s bgm is straight fire
It's especially shitty because the intro to the fight is WoL remembering that Sphene asked (You) to save her. But it's Wuk Lamat's voice that does it
extremely brave opinion
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Don't forget parts like Palestine vs Israel in the 3rd zone, HUNDREDS of years of conflict, solved in one evening because of a delicious dinner!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or the first trial unleashing an apocalyptic disaster that would destroy his own race and the continent, but he was a good boy and dindu nuffin -- feel bad for him! Also he kidnapped an elector and nothing happened to him but hes a good boy!!!!!!!! Or the numerous moments that show Wuk is a fucking idiot and shouldn't be a leader but somehow gets the role because she's nice and naive :)

Second half is LITERALLY fanfic.
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14 humor
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>linking OF and plebbit now
>linking plebbit

off yourself
You're gonna stick with typecasting because you want to get in good with high society minds like... uh... "Final Solution 9"
>Review: 8/10
shoulda spent this budget on the game not marketing, yosh.
I was dooming over Solution 9 and only excited for the cool tribal exploration stuff but Solution 9 stuff ended up being the only bits I liked.
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I think fragmentlayer09 might be for real, the threads started getting really spammy after that Twitter was found.
totally natural posts
ff14 is literally one of the most generic cliche written stories for every single one of it's expansion, it's shounen trope after shounen trope endlessly.
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Why is that a bad thing?
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Coming back to the last zone... lol
Yes! Love this!
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Shut the fuck up tranny. Sena Bryer will never be a woman and neither will (you)

>What happened to the Yoshida who immediately killed Moenbryda? Please kill Wuk Lamat I'm begging you

>Finally thought we could put down our heavy baggage and adventure to our heart's content but we're stuck babysitting this cat

>Emet Selch came to this no fun place. Is he an idiot?

>It's like they're hiding the lack of substance by dragging out the length of the cutscenes

>Wuk is seriously empty headed. Why are we forced to support someone this inexperienced with no concrete policies?

>Aren't there too many fetch quests? It's been 4 hours and no ID (instance dungeon), when can I start fighting

>I want to play the "game part" already but the cutscenes to get there are too long

>Yoshida's turtle shirt referred to this, huh?

>Even when I skip the cutscenes I can correctly guess the gist of what they said, there's seriously no point in watching them

>Wuk Lamat is a stereotypical idealized character it's hard to relate to her, like she's the protagonist of a manga aimed at elementary schoolers

>From start to finish it's just problems caused by low IQ lizards, maybe slaughtering all the savages wasn't such a bad idea

>Unlike japan, even the foreigners who usually give positive reviews when they are somewhat unsatisfied have 40% disapproval on Steam, isn't this bad?

>The story skippers won so hard

>It would've been better to go on a vacation with the Scions all wearing swimsuits

>Stop forcing me to watch an unskippable cutscene where literally nothing happens, I'll kill you

>When they said vacation, did they mean including to other games

Based japs.
go back
Is it true that one of the head writers is a theatre kid that had one of his theatre business ventures fail?
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Bring it back bring it back bring it back bringitback
>cat ears helmet
wowah, havent seen that since sb
Do you really think one guy is the only one hating it when every site talking about it is doing so across thousands of different accounts and IPs Brandon?
do this retard know how hated he is?
You should see the regular subreddit r/ffxiv, they are literally coping about this and saying its the best expac ever!!!!!!!!!!
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why are all your posts the fucking same
she cute
Wuk's VA is a japanese woman.
American dubs are just for pleb losers who can't deal with hearing other languages even if theirs is significantly lower quality.
>it hasn’t even been 3 hours and some random twitter account has mindbroken anons so hard that they mention it every 5 posts and accuse everyone who didn’t like some part of the expansion of being him
Just like when EW came out, they lie and when people start to get to the story beats they are talking about it fall falls apart. I expect the threads to be talking about DT for real in 2 or 3 more days
Luckily it's almost completely devoid of life so they can't shove a beast tribe into this place to force me to go there besides for hunts.
Kinda amazing that they would design an entire pretty zone just to make you destroy it.
It really got the point across
>Stop forcing me to watch an unskippable cutscene where literally nothing happens, I'll kill you

>From start to finish it's just problems caused by low IQ lizards, maybe slaughtering all the savages wasn't such a bad idea

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>all the problems were caused by lizards we should have killed all the savages
If threads are going super fast, its always the same dozen retards yelling at each other with the same posts over and over again
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Holy shit this thread started going into fucking turbo-drive on the repeat posts, what happened? Normally it takes a while for this sheer level of acceleration on some guy crying their fucking eyes out about Everybody One Person and hating trannies.
The three posts in a direct reply chain? Why do you think Brandon?
It's a sign of dark times in the woke faggot localization team over at Square Enix.
>Hire tranny Voice Actor for Wuk Lamat
>Voice Actor kills himself at a 41% rate
Unfortunately a reacast wont save it. Even in Japanese it's a shitty character.
>2 more weeks bros
Trans rights are men's rights. Why wouldn't we want to see men succeed and take over roasty spaces.
Who else here has a short c@ tail?
The other thread that was up hit bump limit.
Keep your Wuks and Lameos and whatnot.

I'll have a good time with my good pal, Cornservant.
I've been a Zenos hater forever and I can't believe I'm saying this, but I miss that nigga.
We have to surpass the other threads, that why we killed this thread's quality! WE NEED MORE SHITPOSTS!
Naoki Yoshida had diarrhea, but he had to go through the school, pick up five papers that had fallen in the school building, find five anxious teachers among the 20 teachers, and after looking relieved with a relieved look on his face, he was asked to return the papers that had fallen. And in the toilet, he had to have diarrhea while avoiding the sports day.
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love that corny little nigga
No that didn't happen there's another thread up that also hasn't hit bump limit. SOMETHING happened, this thread was suddenly inundated with Endwalker, Sena Bryer and off-site OF/Reddit spam
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Even rabbits get ear holes this time
>1st phase had kino music and mechanics
>2nd phase had dogshit music that they're trying to invoke nostalgia/hopeful feels/whatever like Zeromus and shitty victory lap mechanics AND the tranny shouting cliched anime lines with his cracked voice
Its a shame, 1st phase made the trial a 10/10 and now its just a 7/10. Why didnt they just fucking made it a cutscene after the trial ended or something,
Wowtroons are to this day seething about the reception of Shadowlands so they really want to force this into a similar situation.
Add on some drama over english va (lol not playing JP games in JP) being a troon, like most american VA, and you've got most of the reason. You can tell very few of them are actually playing the game, because their complaints aren't like the complaints of legit players and they keep posting dialogue bits they don't understand the context of.
>Jesters of the moon plays.
>Carnival theme.
>Reach final boss.
>Clown Hades reskin.
If they're gonna steal from IX then at least do more than just take music and do name drops that don't matter.
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Degenerates like you belong on a cross.
so what are the complaints of the legit players and how are they different from the complaints of “wowtroons”?
The tranny single handedly made me unsub from the game for the first time since HW, I went from attached to this game to completely uninterested in the franchise over night. Not even because the VA is trans but the character and voice acting is so FUCKING bad and the writing this expansion is DOGSHIT. It's worse than the worst FF games like FF13, it's so FUCKING bad its unbelievable. Of course Redditors are slopping it up though! Trust the plan! 8.0 will fix it!
they sound pretty fucking jarring compared to the rest of the game I kinda loved the zone though
only set I want to grind for
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I feel like last bit on the last trial would be much better if Krile and G'raha were also freed instead of just Wuk.
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Here is all of the DT music
Which one of you is bluedragonda3rd on Twitter
What in the goddamn...?
XIV threads are quite literally the only reason to still use /v/, they are the only video games threads left
Fucking kill yourselves you are the only mentions of WoW in this whole thread
after this expansion not anymore
What about my horns? Huh? Fucking racists
There are no legit complaints because the game is perfect and we stan Wuk Lamat
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It really is great, and if you do helmet off it gives you the lines. Normally it’s the triangle
not bad lmao
I'm actually dropping this expansion. The writing is idiotic, they're not trying.
>Hire a bunch of mexican/brazillian ESLs
>They're acting their hearts out and putting out great performances
>Hire a bunch of amerimutts
>Half-assed mumbling that sounds like it was recorded from across the room
fucking shame only fending/maiming is worth it
Well hey, just started getting level 96 quests so I'm officially over halfway through this shit
Y'shtola's voice was fucked too, what happened?
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>scouting is the gay jacket from pvp
She was phone
Fuck, it works so well.
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Im never buying yawntrail
and your attitude just make it more certain

I try to not be homophobic, but heck you guys make it hard not to.
Wouldn't you like to know.
They don't allow terfs in the recording studio.
Poorly-planned dev cycle because YoshiP expected XVI to finally get him out of MMO jail and didn't plan to still be managing this shit.
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Poochies do not last long.
Writing is dogshit. I can give you a basic overview.
There's a shitload of filler in almost every zone, even more egregious then the worst parts of Shadowbringers or Endwalker. On average, each zone has at minimum one trolley building sequence or Labryinthos 2. Sometimes they have two to four.
I am nearly done with the expansion. I am on the final parts of the last zone.
This expansion's writing is genuinely the worst it's ever been. Anyone who says Stormblood is worse is coping, because Stormblood at least had Doma and Azim Steppe and those were really fun, especially with the finale assault on Ala Mhigo. That was cinema. The expansion falls flat if you like Wuk Lamat, and fails miserably if you dislike her.
Even if you do like the character, the antagonists are underdeveloped rehashes of previous ones executed poorly with flimsy motivations as they lack screentime and presence. The unironic only hope is that the writers are fired and we get an entirely different staff to try to unfuck the story in 7.x.
I do not think the game can survive 3 years of writing on this level. It is akin to the worst dregs of Korean MMO writing.
Literally every other thread of this shit has had shilling for wow's upcoming expansion.
>Living Memory, shut down the soul stealing
>the buildings will slowly fade in time like Amaurot, the people die "naturally"
>get to keep the kino scenery instead of turning into Chernobyl

Why didn't they do this?
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Dungeon 5 music is fucking great https://ffxiv.tylian.net/ex5/BGM_EX5_Dan_D05.mp3
>check image md5
>constantly used as rebirth shilling/defense posts
Dragons are second class
because loss hits you like a motherfucker
except if you are part of a blue quest lmao
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monk is broken again
<86 Tornado Kick is dps loss and Leaping Opo into Dragon Kick breaks combo
I like the fox masks from the mages set
>Autistic enough to check file's hash to detect where a rando schizo poster is memeing because you're upset
>Stormblood at least had Doma and Azim Steppe and those were really fun

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Why were there so many single pulls in Origenics
There is literally a section with 2 gunners and that's it
>Ala Mhigo
Nah, that's about the same quality as the final zone of this.
Doma/Azim were stronger zones though.
I almost think this writing is internal sabotage to get back at Enix suits for not letting CBU3 do a new MMO or something.
unsubbed already until new bozja, but if the japs hate dawntroon much then yoshitpiss should just fire kate and tranny bryer already
>Noo only I’m allowed to do that!
His Twitter was found, please be patient.
hearing her swear was hot
>Zoomer voice actors that can only enjoy things unironically struggles to go full ham.
>50-60 year old clasically trained British bloke fucking loves Uriangers Shakespearean bullshit and went full ham as Metal Face in Xenoblade.
literally no one wants to make a new mmo in todays age what the fuck are you talking about, it would instantly fail, even riot and their infinite money printers back peddled on it
Reminder that that faggot Magnai is still squatting on MY throne
well, I got my "this reflection is heavily cyberpunk" out of this expansion
I was gonna say "one of the reflections needs to be very medieval fantasy" but I guess that was the 13th
Y'shtola lost
Alisaie lost
Minfilia lost
Venat lost
Krile lost
Tataru lost
Momodi lost
Mother Miounne lost
Lyse lost
M'naago lost
Kurenai lost
Brayflox lost
Feo Ul lost
Zhloe lost
Khloe lost
Vidolfnir lost
Ryne lost
Gaia lost
Sadu lost
Cirina lost
Fordola lost
Ysayle lost
Garuda lost
Scathach lost
Giott lost
Cylva lost
Cloud of Darkness lost
Lakshmi lost
Barbariccia lost
Meteion lost

Wuk Lamat though... She FUARKING won!
Stormblood is much better than this.
I don't know if people realise, but the entire Steppes story is Dawntrail essentially, contained in a single zone.
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>Wuk defenders now attempting to post 4chan harassment falseflags and starting MD5 witch hunts
You are NOT allowed to criticize Poochie.
>old good new bad
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Anons are always
>wtf, why are you accusing me of being a doomer and not playing the game?
Literally what the actual doomers want. And its working. Its gotten to the point I doubt most criticism unless someone posts a pic with their character.
Everyone pointing the finger saying each other has an agenda
Fucking awful
XIV /v/ threads are beyond saving
Bye bye
>but if the japs hate dawntroon much
They don't. Going through the 5ch thread there's far, far more talking about the game than there are complaints about it.
That said I think there's slightly more complaints than usual, maybe two-three posts per thread, mostly about Wuk and how they don't see it live up to the PR of it being a vacation.
One of the masterminds behind the Poochie criticisms is a flamingly retarded /pol/ turd
Unless it's deliberate, I don't believe that the writing can be this poor. You can't go from Heavensward to this, it's awful.
>if you criticize Poochie you're /pol/
Not gonna work bub
I liked Shadowbringers more than Heavensward, which is the expansion I started in.
Square Enix should write better.
cya tomorrow
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I like her even tho she has flaws
If 5chan isn't complaining about it then the japs love it. 5chan is full of fucking retards that are even more pedantic than here. Japanese Twitter is probably more realistic look of the average player.
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Apologize for calling me shit
Sorry, I didn’t hear you, maybe you should spam about it 50 more times just so we all know.
>why aren't you all avatarfagging like me?!!?!
bye stay gone
OK shadowbabby
>Playing the game with the english dub
You faggot americans deserve everything coming to you. Can't wait for your dogshit country to be dismantled in three years time so the relentless burgerposting stops

Try playing the game in the language its meant to be played, fatty. Go turn on Fox News if you want people barking english
you don't know what avatarposting is
>Korean mmo writing.
Call it for what it is. It's Toei filler/movie writing.
>All flash and no substance.
>Annoying characters no one likes shoved in to consolidate a plot.
>The main characters are pushed to the side so the movie/filler character can be the star and move the plot forward.
>Always features a crying child because it's the fastest way to write "care for this thing".
>Villains are bombastic but ultimately don't matter because it's filler/a movie.
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>masterminds behind the Poochie criticisms
Listen to yourself.
She single handedly made me trans.
I liked her until I realized I still have 7 levels to go
Now imagine that you'll see that every time you replay this trial. Every time. Unskippable.
Bye tranny
for the people defending DT because "its ARR" so its allowed to be bad, you dont actually expect the next 10 years of ffxiv story telling to be centered around tural do you?
hell id be surprised if the fucking 7.X patches are even about tural
it's spam when somebody finds a source of dank ACK reposts and heckin' genuine when somebody is bitching about trannies like a teenaged girl bitches about her parents
so when do we get to 41% woke lemutt
As soon as you switch language from ameritroon to JP.
It's 43% now
nobody cares about your new forced boogeyman
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What cutscenes can I skip in the 6th zone without memeing the main story? I'm getting really bored at the filler endless NPC shit like collecting this faggot's ring
I apologize. I genuinely, sincerely, get down on one knee and apologize. Like fuck, at least Zero managed to become likable in the end and have a nice pay off and somehow wasn't as much of a Poochie as Wuk was.
I'm confused about this supposed code I have to get in my email. I've been playing the game for the past 3 days with that preoder code I used, the one that gave me the wind up zidane etc and let me play the game early.

Supposedly there's a SECOND code I get emailed that I also have to register?
what? I'm confused
I really want to replay the first part again but yeah, thinking of that makes my stomach churn. Holy fuck I can only pray the EX has no Wuk.
again it's spam when somebody finds a dangerously retarded twitter account but it's heckin' genuine when somebody is bitching about trannies
Same writer. Same exact
>Plot is now about my character and not the WoL, you're along for their ride.
>What cutscenes can I skip
None, where are you massive retards creeping out from.
Can't believe I went on Lodestone for this shit.
Just don't skip the volcano zone. Everything else is filler.
God you are so fucking stupid
You redeemed the pre order reward code which includes a 3 day early access
The new code you got is for the actual expansion. How about you read what you buy shithead
everything until the volcano
He's going to say you found a random person's lodestone. You can not win with this retard. No amount of proof is enough.
Wuk's not all that bad in JP.
The bad part is how little the NPCs interact with the WoL.
It's mostly just the Scions and Sphene with the rare "oh you must be very strong [keeps talking to Erenville/Wuk/Koana]".
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nah, if ex has wuk ill just wait to unsync it while muted and watching youtube

kek shitting on mr. bryer is the most fun xiv has been in years
Imagine if Bakool Ja Ja wasn't written to be comically incompetent and evil for no good reason until his turn.
get out of my lodestone
That'd be shit.
He's hilarious in JP talking like a stereotypical villain all the time.
I knew I made a mistake buying Dawntrail when Alisaie said this is Wuk Lamats story.
Nothing makes adults enjoy stories more than having crying children put into prominent positions and then having to deal with them being kids.
Sorry I didn’t get it the first time, can you spam some more about how dangerous this 1 follower Twitter account so we all get the picture?
Wuk trancer discord in shambles
Best ERP alley in solution 9?
releasing the bird was really fucking dumb even for him
if it wasn't for that he'd be the best character in the expansion
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>From start to finish it's just problems caused by low IQ lizards, maybe slaughtering all the savages wasn't such a bad idea
Holy based
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Zero and Wuk are both shit fuck you
I will apologize to Lyse however
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>lived experience
I cringed. Kate is definitely trying to cram in as much woketard terminology as possible.
"imagine if bakool ja ja was a completely different character and he brought out his big girthy hemepenis for me to suck one and then the other and then try to suck both at the same time"
>>Stop forcing me to watch an unskippable cutscene where literally nothing happens, I'll kill you
Lol these must've been the comments that Yoship was crying about and talking about how mean they were
This got me hard. Go on.
Imagine loosing the throne because you can't cook...
it's really dumb how cities get bigger but the game can't display more than 50 players at once or so
makes them feel really empty
How is the state of crafting?
It's the exact same as EW and ShB crafting.
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what the fug
did they make leveling crafts easy as fuck now or something? i was prepping shit for leves only to realize i blasted through a whole ass level and a half just crafting like 20 items

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ok i finished the story, it's like a light 6 (closer to a 5) story wise, it just plays out like a very generic succession story anime into generic jrpg story, with everything played completely straight. on the battle content side of things i immensely enjoyed every single trial and dungeon they were genuinely really good. that last trial was amazing and that first phase song got me pumped up. can't wait for savage as it really seems like they took the endwalker complaints to heart.
wuk & crew cheated
You probably think the 4th zone shouldn't be skipped either, shut the fuck up retard
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>Absolute Authority
Correct. Skippers are subhuman.
How many role quests have you done?
You should slurp Yoshi's cock harder
Everyone saying dungeons are great.

But, what they really mean is,
>This mid-boss mechanic where the birds become frozen is difficult
Dungeons are still hallways with Shadowbringer mobs spread throughout.
The one to unlock them
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House bracken and House blackwood should have just gotten together in a feast and made peace dont you think?
I didn't like it.
>literal friendship dynamis power up
I am done.
>Pete was caught kicking cans around so we banished him to the shadow dimension.
>Bakool you have threatened the life of every participant of this succession race and also you've unleashed a living nuke but your family situation sucks so we understand.
Most of the way through tank, started healer and caster
final role quest should come in 7.1 right?
There's an empty Soul Station shop you can visit, alternatively there's an apartment you can use on the upper floor of the right Radii if you don't mind the two NPCs on the couch
Kate posts here?
fucking retard
no one likes retarded pathways that ultimately had no depth to them, not even in 2004 wow did this matter where even people in brd just bee lined it to what they wanted and instantly left the instance because it was a pain in the ass.
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>rehashed SB allagan armors for the level 98 sets
>dyes like shit
>AND the weapons are undyeable
Fucking amazing how FUCKING lazy they are.
>>This mid-boss mechanic where the birds become frozen is difficult
Never had difficulty with it, it's pretty obvious what happens. That Cactuar midboss from the expert dungeon is way more dangerous.
Anyone saying they enjoyed this story is lying.
Most of this thread not counting as spam but the Twitter account of a funny idiot counting is a weird position to take
pretty sure there's a completely empty apartment as well
>everyone says the story gets better after lvl 95 quests
>no one is talking about it

I guess nothings happens
what Twitter account? Sorry I’m out of the loop maybe you should post about him again, just so we’re all clear here.
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Patch notes says
>Additional quests unlocked upon completing the entirety of the main scenario and all five role quest series will be added in a future update.
Live Letter said 7.1 or later
oh and i guess i should also mention i played in japanese and the voice acting was fine
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>All future criticism against Yawntrail will be people complaining about a single twitter person
Are the pre-order bonuses worth it?
I'm at shadowbringers quest-wise and am considering pre-ordering DT last chance.
Is the bonus 30% xp that noticeable?
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>amarot dungeon with current graphics
Fuck off you snake, this is the same level of faggotry deflection as calling anyone who doesn't like a particular Nintendo game a "Snoy"
At least TRY something. Make one dungeon an escape room, make one an on-rails shooter section, make one a huge open field with animals charging across it.

Fucking do something! It's just a hallways with roadblocks and a mob of 2-3 dudes.
I think the succession stuff would've made for a nice singleplayer jrpg
and the stuff afterwards is just nier
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why are you asking, you can't preorder anymore

it's over, you took too long
they did try something, it's variant dungeons
It's especially funny since the images were all upload by that account after already being posted here.
They think they can isolate and personalize a random shitposting account.
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We are talking about it. It's just as retarded but more excitingly so.
Ackshually trooncat is twitter's spirit animal
why does /v/ like talking negatively about games they don't play?
it matters more for other jobs but main job not really
They haven't spoken to Wuk Lamat enough.
i played this shit for years and i hate what it has become, dumbfuck
>put out this banger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riOrSqKzqgM
>the in game bgm is completely different https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80J83qTa2K0
these faggots should be sued for false advertisement. literally chink-tier stunt
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I don't think it's /v/ doing most of it.
>pixie tribe got unique dialogue
didn't expect that
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underrated post, autist-kun
Why do shiteaters compulsively defend everything about the game yet have no actual defense except to accuse people of not having played it?
>encouraging avatarfaggotry
Against site rules
They did? About what?
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brb, can ya'll watch them while I go smoke
want a tissue for your issue?
>The new code you got is for the actual expansion.
not that anon but I haven't gotten shit, when do you get it
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Somebody got caught and the threads started spamming really hard afterwards. This isn't rocket science.
it slaps doe
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>huge cybertroon city
>it's completely fucking empty
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This photo mindbreaks /v/ sissy brains
It’s that’s good, I been posting parts of it in the thread
that track is gonna be used somewhere down the line for sure
I think the Arcadion stuff sounded like Persona 5 stuff so it won't be there
because you're terminally online
>2 groups of mobs
>2 groups of mobs
>1st boss
>2 groups of mobs
>2 groups of mobs
>2nd boss
>2 groups of mobs
>2 groups of mobs
>final boss

This time they sometimes separate those 2 groups of mobs with another wall or make the second group spawn only when you kill the first one.
because they're the perfect audience to sell their shit product to. case in point, this shit eating goblin: >>681449651
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I am still big mad about sidereal whale
>miqote whm with tranny hair color

video not opened
opinion discarded
last zone, lemme try grab a screenshot
bro, those are just the same shit with extreme bosses instead of normal dungeon bosses.
who got caught? can you talk about it again i missed it
stop samefagging
thats criterion you retarded larper
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i love the hustle and bustle of the city :) so many people :) so much energy and liveliness :)
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He's running the Arcadion and I can't unthink it.
The best dungeon in the entire game is the time that did that Halloween event in the manor.

They have 0 trust in the playerbase with this stuff.




ah yes because variant actions change so fucking much you god damn nigger.
Any other twitter buzzwords for me? How's my media literacy?
Wuk sucks both in game and likely the english VA in real life
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I could never hate her
bussin on god
So, what are the bets?
>Wuk Lamat is just left behind in Tural to rule and we awkwardly pretend none of that happened.
>Wuk Lamat dies in the next few patches in a heroic sacrifice to get her out of the way.
>Writers pretend everyone loved Wuk Lamat and have her stick around from now on.
i genuinely don't think you have any idea what youre talking about, i don't even think you play this game.
One Piece actually has good writing and characterization at times, don't drag them into this.
quit plugging your ears and pretending that there isn't valid criticism for a multimillion dollar mmo that is incapable of producing good writing and meaningful updates to its gameplay or pacing

this rapist still streams?
We are witnessing the birth of a new Barry, this time for 14
>Quest need us to update situation with Koana
>They keep moving away while talking the same topic
10/10 gameplay experience.
well they're worth it if you're planning on leveling multiple jobs
>No one cosplays Lamat next fanfest
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Im not looking forward to playing this game this week from all the news of having to suffer Wuk. Probably first FF14 expansion since that I didnt do early access for.
ur a faget
He dindu nuffin
She'll be sidelined like Lyse or Ryne.
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If hiroi keeps writing, option 1
If maehiro becomes the new writer, option 2
keep crying bitch nigga
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I'm gonna say it. FF9 got robbed.
it's either 1 or 2
troo resource intensive prs understadu gaijin
>a multimillion dollar mmo that is incapable of producing good writing
Just arrived in Texasland. Now this is a proper looking desert setting.
>two-three posts per thread
Why are you lying? Let's go through the current active kansou thread in order until I hit character limit, no cherry picking.















ヒカセンの画面占有率を1とすると ウは4くらい出てる気がする

あれをかわいいキャラでやられても結果は同じだわ replying to someone saying Wuk should've been a cute girl



ヴ refers to viper probably








a nip saying 90% of the feedback is negative even if it's not one of the anti threads



replying to someone reading reviews before completing




in the first 150 posts
>option 3 is going to result in Yoshi getting KyoAni'd
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I like Dawntrail.
So did a CEO or some expensive consultancy firm create Poochie Lamat as their OC and force the writers to add them into ever scene?

I swear it's like no writer considered giving other characters more screen time or they'd get fired for daring to say anything.
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The first one would be the best outcome but we'll always worry about seeing them again in future scenes (like the Ilsabard contingent in EW bringing in older characters for example). Second would avoid that but watching the WoL and company cry about it would be lame. Third is obviously the worst so it's what I expect, I hope I'm wrong though.
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Why didn't they make FF13 the Yawntrail rep? Maybe then all this dumb modernslop would at least fit.
And it's still better than the western voices lmfao
Feels like someone drew the design first, when they asked for a generic beast race warrior (female) then the actual writing team went full retard with it later
Truly. Never forgiving Yoshi for signing off on this diarrhea.
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>Woke Lemutt is perfectly fine
>Poochie literally brainfrieds people

How did the nickname break so many people?
Eh, I can live with her showing up in an Islabard COntingency 2.0 scene, since that would undoubtedly be many years from now and limited to maximum one zone storyline.
yoshida would literally have a seizure if he acknowledged a FF that came out after FF9
I did too but I agree with a lot of the criticisms. I guess the fact that I played through it in a state of sleep deprived delirium softened my brain enough to tolerate it.
FF13 would involve fighting gods again, and that'd piss off the "muh low stakes" fags who wished this shitshow into reality
oh wow, you're mad
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Oh cool.

You know... G'raha talks about it as if he has personal experience. Wouldn't that be a fun reveal, that of those 100 years he spent on the first a full dozen or so were him losing himself on Lyhe Mheg?
There’s a theory that wuk was at first written like a normal expansion character whose just another member of the team but then kate’s “consulting” said it would be a white savior trope if the Scions were the main characters solving tural’s problems so wuk had to become the main character to avoid controversy
I like the zones and the music
maybe I'll like some of the side quests but the real meat is still out
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She's boring.

A character saying "friendship is strength, I love peace." is so boooooooooring. I am falling ASLEEP.
If we see Poochie in the 7.1 trailer then it's all fucking over.
hasnt this fucking game ALREADY done a ghost cyber city story??????
Remember Gabu
Don't get mad at the low stakes fags. When we thought about a low stakes expansion we thought it would be like the beginning of 4.1 or 6.1. Not Stormblood from Hell.
if they really want it to be lively, make it so fcs or players can rent out the clubs/bars to host their rp shit
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but that's illegal
She will obviously be there, like, even if she was barely in it she's still gonna be there for the very start since it's where we left off.
go back to your twitter or discord bubble and deepthroat the game there
how else do you think he met feo ul
graha is crazy about that pixussy
I think dawntrail might have the best zones of all the expansions
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>Wuk is killed off
>We spend the next 3 expansions having flashbacks Haurchefant style
Hey HEY, don't imply G'raha hit up my snae ling loveliest branch.
He can have some other pixies, that one is MINE.
Still pissed I can't just use FC because the term is too short
Agreed but that is an extraordinarily low bar.
DT really needed to double down on the themes of the last two expansions FOR SOME REASON
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blame cb3 for baiting people with this and then burying the premise under void shit
yeah they're super comfy
>Another troon with 0 femininity
Horoi is gay
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i think most people would have liked dawntrail if wuk lamat was not in the picture or was a tertiary character like the city state leaders
learn to read japanese
visually yeah but at the end of the day there's still zilch to do in them
great vibes though
2 would be based so its not happening, so most likely 1
they wont be able to course correct until MAYBE .2 at the earliest
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But without Wuk how would we have the mandatory cringe scenes??????
This and have the expansion be about adventuring instead of cultural exchanges.
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>expansion hasn't even been out for a week and people already talking like they finished it
One can be dismissed as culture war buzzword retardation, the other is dangerously accurate.
The episode has aged perfectly, when we are flooded with "poochies" created by completely out of touch writers trying to appeal to 'quirky younger audiences' and falling flat with annoying bullshit.
I could tolerate her for maybe 1 or 2 levels, thats all, should have never been part of the S9 arc
this is 100% true, doing hunts and maps will at least be comfy
i have done all the sidequests and have never done that before
He's literally right.
>complaint is that most dungeons are two pack boss two pack boss
>'but variant'
>its two pack boss two pack boss two pack boss but you can pick which hallway you wan to go dowwn
the main story still blows and is insanely derivative for the "next chapter" even if you take Wuk out
>muh tacos
>stupid train bullshit
Well for the first time in several years, I am out of rested EXP. Feels fuckin weird man.
Even the zones in DT are mediocre. That giant village is just grey bricks, the alpaca place is just a field, the big mountain is cool, Solution is just Destiny 2 Lightfall + Fortnite I don't know what that's about.

And it's all muted because of the physically based shading changes, all the colors are dulled out and the GLobal Illumination isn't in the pipeline yet so all the areas look extra flat.
I actually found the zones pretty dull in general. Just very straightforward. No difficulties in collecting aethercurrents either, it was strange how simple it was.
she should've taken a backseat after becoming dawnservant
that brief part in wild west zone was so fucking refreshing
yes, best zones actually pretty to look at and to be in
well there should be someone in her place, because if it's just us and the scions the story changes to being CIA spooks overthrowing a government because they feel like it
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I can't tell if I like Viper or not
>people finish ShB within 3 days tops from no lifing it to avoid spoilers, this is fine
>people finish EW within 3 days top from no lifing it to avoid spoilers, this is fine
>suddenly people finishing DW, that had far less going on, within 3 days, is now a problem
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unfortunately, i'm tired of the same old enter dungeon, run down hallway(s), pull 2 groups of mobs, boss, rinse repeat.

and the combat itself may have been fine in ARR, but it's not fun in current year. adding or removing skills won't make the combat any better, and you can only do so much with raids that are just a series of rotations. it's been a decade.
You don't. It's shit.
erenville is right there
they hate Wuk
this girl was good for one thing and it's these funny close ups
erenville sucks too.
kys, i finished ShB in two days
The stakes aren't even low. Everything after 96 is absurdly high stakes, and remains very stupid.
i think erenville is quite nice actually, especially during the second half
>i think most people would have liked dawntrail if wuk lamat was not in the picture
Her absence would improve the story tenfold.
it's fucking crazy how they hit the brakes and we crash through the windshield right into Endwalker 2.0
oh. i've just got done with the first half so maybe my opinion will change.
I didn't care for him and mostly ignored him up until now, but he was alright in the latter half. I'm surprised I warmed up to him
>Krile talking to her parents talking about her friends
>one close friend, a temp hire from mor dhona who died for four years and stalks your friend and a retarded cat you literally just met
they didn't think this through very much did they
Is Wuks hair usable? Been using the one from bozja since it's release.
Who the fuck did Zooral fuck.
Actually Krile knew G'raha before you met him, she mentions how sad she is about him sleeping in the tower if Ejika "dies" in Eureka.
I'm totally willing to believe the kid is just a younger clone of him but they really didn't tell us shit
It's really funny because it feels completely unearned, too. Endwalker had Shadowbringers building up to it (I think retards who say its TEN YEARS of buildup are delusional) and the Final Days execution is genuinely a lot better than this. There's actual tension and you feel the need to go forward to stop it.
In DT, someone tries to start the apocalypse and Wuk immediately says QUICK WE HAVE TO TALK TO EVERYONE IN TOWN BEFORE WE GENOCIDE THEM
Krile and G'raha are childhood friends. (It's pure fucking coincidence that you happened to meet both at separate for different reasons)
>keep the kino scenery
what kino scenery? Literally what? The only good part of zone 6 was the gardens
it feels really sudden, about as sudden as pulling the plug on coma patients LMAOOOOOOO
I saw "Woke Lemutt" called unfunny here a lot after the character was introduced they're right it's just mashing together shitty /int/ memes
>Sit in queue for 30 mins
>Copperbell mines.
I would have still liked dawntrail if it was just the scions having a beach episode and then I had to go on an adventure to find ice cream sundays for everyone.
Wuk's bullshit quest to become next Hokage was a waste of time and then just when I thought I was finally free of her for one fucking second the purple nation attacked and everyone was back to being shitty cheerleaders again. I didn't consent to this shit. Why the fuck am I even here? Why the fuck is she even here? You're the ruler, just fuck the fuck off back to the palace and take care of your dumb ass people you won't shut up about. Leave me the hell alone. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to duct tape scrappy doo to me and have him voiced by a tranny.
u wot
she's cute, can't wait for the porn
Krile calls G'raha Raha. Only close friends and family can omit the clan-letter. Alisaie says Raha but at the same time Y'shtola. Y'shtola's sister however calls her Shtola. M'naago is called by her parents Naago.

So yeah, Krile and G'raha are close friends.
that's what we did basically
turn off the power and kill em all
>Y'shtola's sister however calls her Shtola
Matoya too.
Genuinely why dont you just watch the entire expansion on youtube if the fucking cutscenes are the most important part for you?

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